Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Social Media Shortcuts with Madalyn Sklar hosted by MadalynSklar. Explore the world of social media shortcuts with Madalyn Sklar, a renowned figure in the marketing agency niche. From authentic engagement to the power of video content, this Twitter space delved into valuable strategies for optimizing social media presence. Discover how automation tools, collaboration, and analytics play crucial roles in enhancing social media performance. With insights on user-generated content, Twitter chats, and brand loyalty, Madalyn Sklar shared actionable tips for driving growth and community engagement. Stay ahead of trends, prioritize consistency, and network effectively in the dynamic landscape of social media.

For more spaces, visit the Marketing Agency page.


Q: How can authenticity benefit social media engagement?
A: Authenticity builds trust with your audience, leading to stronger connections and brand loyalty.

Q: Why are Twitter lists valuable for social media management?
A: Twitter lists help organize followers, monitor specific groups, and engage with targeted audiences.

Q: What role do automation tools play in social media strategies?
A: Automation tools streamline tasks, schedule content, and free up time for more strategic activities.

Q: Why is collaboration important in social media marketing?
A: Collaboration expands reach, introduces new audiences, and enhances credibility within your industry.

Q: How can video content enhance social media engagement?
A: Video content is more engaging, personal, and helps create stronger connections with your audience.

Q: What are the benefits of hosting Twitter chats?
A: Twitter chats increase visibility, foster community engagement, and facilitate networking with like-minded individuals.

Q: How can user-generated content impact brand loyalty?
A: User-generated content showcases community involvement, increases trust, and encourages loyalty towards your brand.

Q: Why is monitoring analytics crucial for social media success?
A: Analytics provide insights into audience behavior, content performance, and guide strategic decision-making for optimal results.

Q: Why is staying updated on social media trends essential?
A: Adapting to trends and algorithm changes ensures that your social media strategy remains relevant and effective.

Q: How can consistency drive social media growth?
A: Consistent posting and engagement establish brand presence, attract followers, and foster audience trust over time.


Time: 00:14:27
Building Trust Through Authentic Engagement Madalyn emphasizes the importance of authenticity in social media interactions.

Time: 00:25:40
Optimizing Social Media with Twitter Lists Learn how Twitter lists can help you effectively manage and engage with your audience.

Time: 00:35:52
Streamlining Tasks with Automation Tools Discover how automation tools can save time and enhance the efficiency of your social media efforts.

Time: 00:45:18
The Power of Video Content in Social Media Explore the benefits of incorporating video content to boost engagement and connect with your followers.

Time: 00:55:30
Enhancing Community Engagement through Twitter Chats Find out how hosting Twitter chats can elevate community engagement and interaction.

Time: 01:05:42
Fostering Brand Loyalty with User-Generated Content Discover how user-generated content can strengthen brand loyalty and trust among your audience.

Time: 01:15:55
Measuring Success: Analyzing Social Media Metrics Learn the significance of monitoring analytics to refine and improve your social media strategy.

Time: 01:25:10
Adapting to Trend Changes in Social Media Stay informed on current trends and adapt your social media approach for optimal performance.

Time: 01:35:22
The Role of Consistency in Social Media Growth Consistency is key to building a strong online presence and fostering audience engagement.

Time: 01:45:37
Networking and Collaboration in Social Media Explore the benefits of collaborating with others to expand your social media reach and influence.

Key Takeaways

  • Engage authentically on social media to build trust and connections.
  • Use Twitter lists effectively for organizing and engaging with your audience.
  • Utilize automation tools to streamline social media tasks and save time.
  • Consistency is key in maintaining an active and engaging social media presence.
  • Collaborate with others in your industry to expand your reach and grow your community.
  • Embrace video content to increase engagement and connect on a more personal level with your audience.
  • Engagement through Twitter chats can boost visibility and build meaningful relationships.
  • Leverage user-generated content to showcase community involvement and foster loyalty.
  • Monitor analytics and insights to track performance and optimize your social media strategy.
  • Stay updated on social media trends and algorithm changes to adapt your approach accordingly.

Behind the Mic

Introduction to Social Media Shortcuts

Hello, everybody. Welcome to social media shortcuts. I'm your host, Madeline Scllard. This weekly space is more than just a discussion. We're coming together to be a community. It's also a shortcut to mastering social media and digital marketing. I love that we are utilizing spaces to come together like we used to in the Twitter smarter days and help each other out with some time-saving strategies, insider tips, and actionable steps that we can start using today in our marketing. You know, the result of all of this is that we can get more done in less time. You know, that's why I like to bring people together so we can all help each other. Because, let's face it, there's just not enough hours in the day. Y'all know how it is.

The Challenge of Learning

There are not enough hours in the day to stay on top of all this stuff. There's so much to know with social media and digital marketing. So I'm so glad you all are here so we can just keep having these awesome conversations. Y'all feel free to request the mic and welcome to anybody listening to the replay if anybody is new tuning into this. This used to start off as a Thursday Twitter chat. Twitter smarter, old school Twitter chat. We started doing that nine years ago. But as you all know, lots of changes have happened here at X. And so I decided to rebrand this as social media shortcuts so we can just go more broader in our discussions, not be limited to just talking about x. So welcome, everybody. If you all can chat with us, request the mic.

Open Discussion and Previous Topics

It's always an open discussion to talk about different things that we're doing in social media and in our digital marketing that can help others. And if you have questions that we can all collectively help with. If you were not here last week, we had an awesome discussion talking about YouTube. Like, really, it just. It became the conversation about utilizing the power of YouTube. It was an amazing discussion, and I. Yeah, I'm sure we'll have another awesome discussion today. And again, because this is no longer the Twitter smarter chat, we're going more broader. Instead of just coming together to talk about Twitter marketing now x marketing strategies, I do enjoy talking about the other platforms. I'm always learning things, and in learning things, I want to help others.

Technical Challenges During Discussion

And I know many of you are able to come and we lost you, Madeline. We can't hear you. Oh. You don't hear me at all now we do. I think you probably accidentally muted yourself. No, I did not mute myself. Did the music play at the beginning? The background music yeah, the music played. Was, yeah, the music played and. But maybe everybody could hear you. Maybe it was just me. You just never know. I don't know. I, you know, lately the background music doesn't play, so I was hoping it was going to be playing today because I, you know, as a host, I hear it and, yeah, my audio seems to be fine on my end and I did not press mute.

Reflections on Last Week's Discussion

But Deborah, who's here, when she was here last week speaking, hers, did the opposite. When she showed muted, she was unmuted and when she wanted to be muted, she had to unmute. It was. Remember how crazy that was? Oh, it was. It was actually, I could hear you speaking, so. Okay, maybe it was just me. I was like, oh, she didn't, maybe she muted herself. But I think you're okay. If she could hear you. Okay, good. That's good. You said something. Well, I'm just not ever surprised anymore when we do have issues because it's just, it happens. And last week when Deb was sitting there trying to talk to us, and it was Deb that was so challenging for you because it was doing complete opposite just for you with the mute button.

The Early Days of Twitter Chats for Indie Musicians

Yeah, it was, like, the only Twitter chat for indie musicians, and it was pretty cool. It was still kind of a newer thing. I had to get musicians to get on it. They didn't have Twitter accounts, so, like, they would actually go sign up for a Twitter account just so they could participate in the chat. But we quickly could see how revolutionary an old school Twitter chat was at the time. I mean, what an amazing way were all able to connect with each other.

Transitioning from Twitter to LinkedIn

And now we have Twitter spaces. And so one thing I want to throw out there is that Twitter spaces is the new best thing on Twitter, and LinkedIn is the most important platform. Since Twitter made all their changes, people are spending a lot more time on LinkedIn. LinkedIn's made a bunch of changes and there's a lot of visibility there. Yeah. And I have not really done a lot on LinkedIn over the years. I really focus more on x, as you all know. I was so excited when they added the audio feature, but they just didn't do much with it. You couldn't record them, you couldn't really promote them? Well, you know, not like spaces. And so I just really did not get into it.

Current Status of Audio Features on LinkedIn

How, how is that audio, live audio doing now? Is it still a thing? It's still the same product as when it was beta. Oh, my God. Are you serious? Yeah, it's horrible. But the thing is that the audience is there, so, you know, we. Hey, it's free, so what can we say? Right, so. But you made a great point, Bez. The audience is there. Yeah. And so, you know, working with what you got, I'm just surprised they just didn't go all in on audio there because I think it could have been huge.

LinkedIn's Investment Strategy

I think so, too. But if you look at the trend of what LinkedIn invest in, they invest in their core products, which is anything around careers, jobs, career seekers, recruiters or lead gen, because they have a sales navigator. So those, anything around those products, they'll put money into. And then the other stuff, they, you know, they just sort of mess around with it. And, you know, that's just been their trend forever. Yeah. Buggy at all. I found that LinkedIn was even buggier than x as far as not working and not being. But if you have some, like a restream available, that's a kind of a quicker, not quick, but quicker way to fix it.

Challenges with LinkedIn's Live Features

If you have to, you know, you can record and then restream the live and then you have a recording of it. Now, LinkedIn video is better than LinkedIn audio. Oh, yeah. The video part is pretty stable and works with like streamyard and other things like that. But the audio part. You can't figure out where to comment. You can't participate. It's not easy to get in and out like it is. It's gotten better, though. I did recently. Didn't we just get. Do an audio there? And it worked. So it is getting better. It'll work.

User Experience with LinkedIn Live

But it's the same product. It hasn't, you know, I mean, you. You can't bring people up. You actually. They have to request, and it's. You have to tell people where to hit the button. It's really interesting. But here's the thing, Madeline. In the United States, LinkedIn has about a billion users worldwide. 25% are in the United States. And so that's around 250 million. Out of that group, 54% make a household per capita income of over 75,000. So that's, you know, if you're doing marketing to the b to c, that's pretty good, actually.

Understanding LinkedIn's B2B Potential

So, you know, that's why. And when it comes to b, two b, I've seen, because of LinkedIn, five figure, six figure, and seven figure deals being cut off the LinkedIn platform. You know, they, of course, they started there, then they take it offline. But that's a great place to start. And it's for b, two b. It's a whole different ballgame. People are serious about doing business.

Strategies for Leveraging LinkedIn Effectively

Y'all are all definitely using LinkedIn more than I am. What? Just going around the room here. What I would love to hear from each of you all that are utilizing LinkedIn more regularly, however you're using it, and just tell us, like, what's been your strategy and how is it working out for you? Bez, why don't we start with you? Okay. I utilize every week they give you a thousand invites if you use the LinkedIn events platform. So it doesn't have to be just audio. I thought it was just audio, but live, or even if you do a Zoom call or you. Maybe you even did a Twitter space.

Innovative Uses of LinkedIn Events

If you did the event through the LinkedIn events platform, they give you a thousand invites a week. That means you can send a thousand invites that will pop into their inbox to people you choose, and that can help get people to your show. So that's how I use it, my little strategy. That's interesting. Okay. I need to, like, get more on top of this stuff, because I have not been paying attention. I've been bad. Gail, how are you utilizing LinkedIn?

Sharing Tips on LinkedIn Engagement

All right, somebody gave me this tip that I didn't know before. When you follow someone on LinkedIn say that there's people in your space that are very high profile and you want to contribute to whatever they post. You can follow them and then a bell appears and you can click on the bell just like YouTube and say you want to see everything because the default is you're going to see whatever LinkedIn feels like showing you, right? So you can follow someone and then view everything they do.

Engaging with High-Profile Connections

And then every day go and look at your feed and like, choose some people that are high profile. Like, I don't know why I'm not an SEO, but I know all these SEO people. So like Lily Ray and Darren and Mike Blumenthal, those kind of people, I follow them, they post something interesting, I share it again and comment on it, or I just make a comment in there and your comments are super visible in there. Now that's one way, and then the other way is to have these collaborative articles where an AI proposes a topic and there's this little blurb about it, and then there's six sections and you can contribute to those.

Contributing to Collaborative Articles

And so I very selectively picked two categories related to writing. One is content, one is writing. And I'll pick out something and I will put in some good, like showing what I know how to do writing wise, because that's how I make most of my money, is writing, optimizing content, using surfer, SEO, that kind of thing. And so I will contribute to some of those. And then if one of those I end up in the top three, like, you can be at the top three. They feature three people.

Maximizing Visibility with LinkedIn Articles

If I end up featured, then I will take that link and I will share it onto my own profile so that more people will see it. That's interesting. Wow. These are like some great tips. Any of our other speakers here have any good tips of how you're utilizing LinkedIn? If you're using it, definitely love to hear. And one thing is, if you reply, like, what she was saying to three articles, they'll get. You'll get a top voice. It's really easy to get a top voice if you.

Achieving Top Voice Status on LinkedIn

So you just need to, like, do that with three high-profile, no, three. Three of those collaborative articles and you'll get top voice. It's really easy. It really. Well, depends. It's kind of competitive on some of them, but you have to pick the right category and there are a zillion categories. You have to decide what do you really want to be visible for? Find the very best category for that, and then stick in that one lane so that you get some kind of credit, you know, credibility or influence in that one lane.

Navigating LinkedIn's Competitive Landscape

Right. Because there's so many of them that you could like if you just randomly answer, oh, and the other big tip is save the URL, because good luck ever finding it again. I don't know. I don't know how people see this stuff. I don't know where it shows up. All I know is if you pick the right questions and you end up featured in the top three and then you share it yourself, the people you want to see it will see it. Cool.

Jim's LinkedIn List Feature Experience

Thank you for sharing that, Jim. I see your hands raised. Plus, I saw your comment and the notifications I put into the nest. You actually have a video on how to create a LinkedIn list similar to our old Twitter list feature. Yeah, I learned from this guy, Craig Dean, and he got introduced to me by Peter Lasaki, who I work with at relatable. You actually go in, if you'll see this video, you create a search criteria, and so you can create different lists.

Utilizing Bookmarks for Enhanced Engagement

Like, I have one. It's veterans that I follow. And so you save it as a bookmark in your browser. And so whenever you go to that bookmark and you basically refresh it shows you their most current whatever they've, you know, posted so you can engage with specific people. Because what I found was happening was even though I had the double bell, which means you want everything that people post, I wasn't getting the notifications.

Taking Control of Your LinkedIn Experience

So, you know, instead of me relying on LinkedIn to serve up the people that I say I want to follow and see their stuff, I figured out a way to control it. So you could basically just create different book, you know, search criteria, rename your bookmark. Like, it could be like influencers, it could be AI experts, whatever, and then just save those bookmarks in your browser and you can go back and look at them whenever you want to catch up.

Focusing on Key Relationships

And that kind of goes back to the Judy Fox philosophy of, you know, you can't keep up with all your contacts, so focus on, you know, maybe those 20 people that you want to build a relationship with or something along those lines. And so I think that's been very helpful for me. And also video direct messaging after you're connected with someone. I use relatable for that because, you know, in the video, I can, you know, kind of give them calls to action and have ways for them to connect with me right out of the video.

Exploring LinkedIn Live Options

And it works well with LinkedIn. That's awesome. Are you utilizing the LinkedIn live audio or video? Are you, like, doing the live stream, live audio. I've been on a couple Suan. Balboa. I always mess her name up. She's been hosting a weekly series, but she actually is thinking about coming back over to space as she messaged me, because as people had mentioned, LinkedIn audio has been a little, can be a little wonky at times.

Addressing Challenges in LinkedIn's Audio Features

But I have thought about using it for some of the veteran stuff that I do that, you know, we can have. Like, it's almost like you have a Pop up town hall. Because I think the challenges that, with what's happened with X, and I would say if anybody saw what was talked about after this debate and, you know, Elon's comment to Taylor Swift, it's got even more people jumping ship off of this platform. So I think that's going to be an interesting way to see how people actually want to have these audio conversations in the Future.

Reflections on Social Media Use

Right? Exactly. I mean, look, I don't like the stuff Elon says, but the platform still works for me. I connect with so many amazing people like you all, I just have to filter out all the noise. It is what it is. But I know there are a lot of people that will not come here ever again. We lost a lot of our Twitter smarter community in this Thursday time slot to threads that they will, they're great, awesome friends and colleagues, but TheY will not come back.

Community Dynamics in Social Media

They don't care that I'm doing this. They're not going to come here like, they're so dead settled. Not, it's just a reminder that, like, you can't have necessarily one place where everybody's going to congregate, even if they love you to death. Because I can't get some people to come back over here to come hang out, even though we always have a great conversation. So it's worth exploring other platforms and just having options and know where's the best place to be.

Engaging with Active Listeners

Gayle, I see your hands raised. Yeah. I just had a quick question for Jim. Can you make the lists at LinkedIn public as you can on Twitter, or are they for you only? Well, considering it's a bookmark, you know, it's basically a URL in your browser, I would think. I don't know if the challenge would because I think you know, when you're adding people to your list, you know, you're doing a search. I hadn't, I hadn't thought of that.

Assessing LinkedIn's Public URL Capability

But, you know, I could try to share that with someone, see if it works for them, because I guess it gets a little bit of it's like, you know, I'm following some first level connections, but I would think you could do a second and third level when you do search criteria when you're looking for people. So I would think so. I mean, it's a public URL, I think with the search criteria. That's a good question. I'll have to check that out.

Acknowledging the LinkedIn Community

Yeah. Thanks for sharing that. Also, I was doing a shout out to all of our listeners here. We've got so many awesome. I see so many friendly faces, so many awesome people that have been part of the Twitter smarter community for years with me here. And I'm so glad to be back to utilizing this, our time that, you know, we've done here for nine years and just rebranding it to social media shortcuts.

Celebrating Community Growth and Learning

I'm loving this conversation. I'm picking up all kinds of tips from you all. Bez, I see your hands raised. Yeah, real quick. I don't know if you guys saw that they shut down Twitter in Brazil and last I saw, and it's probably more 2 million people jumped over to blue sky. So I don't know. So there's even less. So, you know, if you're looking at from an advertiser standpoint, you know, they may be less inclined to advertise.

Shifts in Social Media User Dynamics

And I don't know if you see in your feed that if you spend. I did not know that. I mean, I knew about Brazil, but I didn't know that many people signed up. Well, you don't think of blue sky. I tried to like it when it first came out, but I haven't been back in quite a while. Is anybody using it? Well, I did the same thing, but they actually have a. It's out of beta already.

Exploring Alternatives to Twitter

It's a spaces, but I just recently went back there to check it out and there's a bunch of new people there. You know, when that influx of Brazilians went over, you know, they speak Portuguese, so that, you know, it's hard for me to even understand speaking Spanish. But, yeah, there's, you know, I don't know, I might check it out a little bit more, but just thought I'd share that.

Continuing Social Media Conversations

Yeah. Well, thank you. Appreciate it. Anna's here. Hey, Anna, how are you? I'm good. I was actually coming up to say what people were going to say about LinkedIn, and so, honestly, I'm just like you, listening primarily. LinkedIn is. We're using it mostly for the housing company to just make awareness about the brand.

Current Use of LinkedIn for Brand Awareness

At this point, I do want to go back and listen to this space, because for the USA biz party, I want to expand into LinkedIn and see how that will. How that can grow the community. So I've not explored other platforms. I just don't have the bandwidth to look at blue sky or threads or anything else. I just trust people like you and Jim and Bez and Gail and Deb to tell me what's going on so that I can make an informed decision.

The Importance of Collective Knowledge

That's exactly why we come together here to help with these shortcuts, because, as I was saying, at the top of the hour, there's just not enough hours in the day for all of us to stay on top of all the things happening in social media and digital marketing. I think we all just kind of pick up things here and there, and it's so nice to come here and collectively share the things we're learning, because it can help others.

Reflections on Previous Discussions

Just like last week when we had that great conversation about YouTube, that was so awesome. And I definitely picked up some new things. I think everybody did. So interesting how, you know, I had no idea. We're gonna talk about LinkedIn today, but that's also part of this, is have an open discussion, like, what things are you guys wanting to learn about? What things are working well for you? It just makes for such a great conversation.

Engaging in Open Discussions

Deb, are you using LinkedIn at all? Not lately. I was using it more towards the beginning of the year when I was helping Ann smarty. I was basically her producer on that, and that's where I found that it was a little bit buggy. We were doing the video, and we'd have everything set up correctly, and then sometimes it worked perfectly, and sometimes it didn't, even though we did exactly the same thing.

Technical Challenges on LinkedIn

So that's where I always had to be prepared to do the restream. And I had the. We used riverside, and it wasn't on the riverside. I was able to, you know, reverse engineer that. It's always on the LinkedIn side, but we recorded the show so that we could go back and restream it on LinkedIn, the same link. So we handled that way. But it just, you know, you get all prepared to have that.

User Experiences in Live Streaming

That live time, and then it would just be funky. Thanks for sharing. I have not been doing anything on LinkedIn in a long time, so I don't even know, like, what I'd want to do. Who has, like, a for. I mean, y'all know me. So, like, if I wanted to kind of get back into a LinkedIn strategy, what I used to do was just take my weekly blog posts, put it on there, comment on other people's stuff.

Rediscovering LinkedIn Strategies

I mean, what would be a good strategy if I want to utilize LinkedIn to, you know, get more people to come hang out in the chat and to watch YouTube videos, like, you know, things that I do elsewhere? You know what I would do? What I just said about the restream. Like, if I was still helping Ann smarty, I would actually suggest that she just always do restream.

Implementing Restreaming for Better Engagement

So you do it. You do it live, but you run the restream, and then you converse with people live. So when people show up for the live stream, you're still live there, conversing with them in the chat, in the conversation. But it's a restream that's showing. And be honest with people. Tell them, hey, I recorded this earlier, and this is a restream of what I recorded. And you're conversing with them live.

Creating a Seamless Viewer Experience

That's how I'd handle it. Because then you're not having any technical glitches or showing or slowing down or anything like that. You're there every week, you're having a show, you're. You're gathering. Because she was gaining momentum at that point, and that would be a way to build your audience. So.

Discussion on Restream

You're using restream, and are you using restream or are you just using the term restream? I'm using the terminal. It sounds like you're using it as, like you're taking a stream and reusing it. Yeah, I use one stream is what I use, but it's the restream concept. So that's why I always say restream, because no one's ever. No one seems to have heard of the other, but it's the same thing. As restream is very old school. I mean, that's a third party tool. Like when you, for those of y'all like me, that use streamyard, if you go look at restream, which came out way before streamyard, it's basically the same exact thing. It's almost like they copied the whole thing, everything, but it used. Don't hear about restream as much as a third party tool.

Personal Experience with One Stream

I signed up one stream a long time ago, so I don't have to pay anything anymore. I don't even know what it costs right now, but so I have access to stream anything again, restream it, if you will. But it's one stream. Live is what I use. Well, and, you know, I'm sure this is something that's going to be coming up in our upcoming conversations because streamyard has new owners, which if nobody's heard about that yet. It happened several months back, and apparently they're going way up in price. Everybody's really up in arms. I do the annual plan, and mine actually just renewed, I think, last month. So I don't think I'm affected by it at the moment. But I know a lot of people are really upset and say that it's way more expensive now to have an account with them for your live streaming.

Streaming Service Pricing Concerns

Third party live streaming. And I guess it's really affecting more the people that are doing the monthly because it's just immediately going up. But I just got through doing the annual and it was the same amount I paid in the last couple of years. So I don't know. Gail and Jim, I see y'all's hands are raised. Are any of y'all using streamyard, by the way? I mean, does anybody have any insights on this? Just new pricing because I haven't seen exactly how much it's gone up to. Yeah, I'm still using it, but I've been, you know, sponsored by them for a long time. But I'm wondering, because the people that I was working with that, you know, when I was this being sponsored, I don't know.

Concerns Over Platform Changes

Some of them are no longer there. So I don't know when my sponsorship thing runs out. But I want to say that the lowest plan is going to $44 a month. I think they're doing away with the free plan completely. So I think people are, you know. Cause, and I think that's what Evernote did when they took. Cause this is the same company that took overnight. Yeah, they bought Evernote years ago and they did. Right. Cause I used to use Evernote and I remember, you know, they went from a free and a paid plan to all of a sudden this really expensive paid plan. And there have been some people that have been having some glitches lately. Like they're. They say they're going live.

Live Streaming Issues

A few weeks ago, I was scheduled to go live. It did not work. I resorted to contacting them in multiple ways. They did not respond, which I'm not happy about. As a paid customer, I could not go live. They claim an outage that only affected like 10%, which was not true. There were so many people in x complaint at the same time. It happened to me, and it took them like 24 hours to respond to me. And by then it was too late. And I did go get answer to the question about the link. I actually emailed my. I copy and pasted the browser link of one of my lists to my wife. I ran upstairs and she opened her LinkedIn, clicked it, and she was able to see my exact list that I had created without any issues.

Sharing Links and Tools

So the only thing I would probably say is, if I'm going to send it out, I may have to put it into, you know, like a pretty link or a bitly link because it's got all this, you know, all your search parameters are basically what's saved in that bookmark. So that would be one thing. If you're going to create a list and share it, that can do. But yeah, I've created a link, too, on this, a company I don't know if people have heard of bennable. It's. It's kind of a new experiment I learned about, actually, when I was on Sue Ann's thing from. I think it. Maybe it might have been Gail that. That shared that with me, but I created a list of, like, software that I like to use.

Exploring New Tools

And I've been looking at Evmux. If you're looking for browser based, you know, ecamm is. Is a good product, but it's. It's a challenge for people that are trying to keep things simple. I haven't really gone back and looked at restream, the streaming software. And then Riverside has started to do allow for live streaming. But once again, you're going to pay a little bit more to have that feature. But they have a lot of really robust features. But yeah, I know my friend Chris Stone, that I co host deal casters with, is. Is looking at potentially switching over to something other than streamyard because he's got clients and he's.

Client Work and Platform Reliability

And as you saw, Madeline with a couple weeks ago. You can't afford to have it not work, especially if you're doing client work. And I think that's a shame, you know, and, but that's why in some cases, we've never been beholden to just one platform because things change. I mean, just like, you know, gosh knows how much time, years and energy you spent on this platform and now you're having to like kind of rethink things. I guess that kind of goes back to the whole rented land philosophy, you know, Facebook with what it's done with groups and live streaming has made it a challenge for people as well. So anyway, that I'll give some other folks a chance.

Engaging with Live Streams

Well, thanks for sharing all that. And by the way, if anybody's not paying attention to the chat part, if you're on mobile at the bottom right, the little purple bubble, or if you're watching listening on the, on a browser, you can just go into the purple card where I started this chat and you'll see the discussion in there. But doctor Martin Pratt's here and he said with Streamyard, they took away the $19 a month. It's only 44 and 199. So yeah, if you were on that 19 a month plan, which is what I've been on for years, is just that. I changed it to annual a few years ago, but I was able to renew at the same price, which would be the 19 a month but at the annual level without a problem.

Reflections on Pricing and Alternatives

So I guess I lucked out because, man, that's a huge jump. I mean, I have not been contacted saying that I got to pay more to have the same service I've had and pay double. But I have been looking at others. But streamyard is so easy to use. And Jim, I'm with you. Ecamm is great. Ecamm is just too complicated because I was seriously looking into using that years ago when I was earlier into my live stream journey and it was such a great tool. I've always loved ecamm. For those of us old school podcasters, you may remember ecamm call recorder, how we used to do podcasts over Skype.

Nostalgia and Streaming Evolution

I'm sure Deb remembers that. I don't know who else here is an old school podcaster, but yeah, you use this amazing tool called ecamm call recorder. And back in the day, this is before Zoom, this was before live stream, this is before everything. Old podcasts. Back then when you heard those interviews, everybody used that software and you did it over Skype. I mean, looking back, Dev, oh my God, Skype. We recorded audio over Skype. I missed that. That was terrible. That was before local recording. That was before everything.

The Challenges of Early Streaming

But, you know, at the time, we're like, oh, my God, this is amazing. But then it would glitch up. Like, how many times you listen to a podcast back then and you hear those little Internet glitches because, well, we're doing it over Skype, so. Yeah. Yeah, it was. Looking back, though, it was fun back in the day. Gail, did you have anything to add to? I know you had your hand raised when I. Jim did, too. I just want to make sure we didn't skip you.

Thoughts on Streaming Tools

I do have a few things. So, one, I think streamyard probably works better than Riverside. Although maybe I'll change my mind based on what you guys just said. I want to encourage people that use those types of tools. I really enjoy it when I go to see somebody doing a video live on LinkedIn, and I put a comment in the. In the comments, and they feature my comment on the screen, and then they ask me questions, and then I can answer it. And that is very interactive, even though I'm not on the video and I don't care.

Engagement Strategies on LinkedIn

I don't want to be on the video. I really like that. And I think you'll get a lot more engagement if you do that. I want to say that on LinkedIn especially, you will notice that people that are really doing well there do not ever share links. They tell you how to find, like, they talk about whatever and they tell you how to find it on their website. Now, some of them, I'll put the link in a comment, and. But I noticed Darren doesn't even put do that. He says, go search for this on Google to get there.

LinkedIn Engagement Tactics

Right? Because LinkedIn really wants to slap you if you try to send people off their platform. And then the last thing I want to do is I want to ask Bez. I think it was Bez that talked about that 1000 invitations event thing. I'm guessing that's some kind of premium service, and we need to know some more about that. Like, who has. That is a part of LinkedIn regular uplift or is it some special thing? Yeah, tell us about that, Bez.

Clarity on LinkedIn Features

Great question. Because I was curious. Okay. You know what? I was hearing a girl say that, and then I didn't hear her. So I don't know. I'm having glitchy problems today. So if I'm. I'm not asynchronous or if I am asynchronous anyways, no, that is not a premium feature. That's a free feature. And so you can, that 1000 invites, it resets every Sunday, right? So if you, let's say you do a couple events and then like I said, it doesn't have to be LinkedIn events.

Invitations and Events on LinkedIn

It could be a Twitter space. It could be, you're using the LinkedIn events platform, right? And you just put the URL wherever you want to take people and they'll send you a thousand invites. Now, though, the invites that you send out actually have to be to connections, not followers. So those thousand invites, and you can filter them. You can filter them by country, by locale, region, and even profession. So there's some things you can do and you can honed down, but these are your connections.

Learning Through Shared Knowledge

Now if, here's something I learned the other day, by being in a space like this, you learn things. This guy named Dave, Hurricane Dave, he's here in Atlanta. He's a radio guy. He said that if you have a premium, because I don't have premium LinkedIn, because the free version of it, I get plenty of mileage out of it. If I do get and buy in a premium product, it's a sales navigator. But he said if you have a, if you are currently paying for LinkedIn and you have a premium account, you can go to perplexity AI and you can get free year of the pro or premium version of perplexity if you're a premium member of LinkedIn.

Opportunities with Premium LinkedIn

So that's something that a few in the room who had premium didn't know. They went immediately and they said it worked. I didn't have to put my credit card information. They just accepted it because I'm a premium member. So just wanted to share that for people who want to pay less for all the AI's unless you use Magi, right? Yeah. I love Magi. I don't know if you saw earlier, Dustin was here. He didn't come up and speak, but I saw him as a listener.

Magi and Other AI Tools

Both his account and the Magi account, I have that as my pinned post on my x profile here. If anybody did not see that. It's an amazing tool. I use it every single day. It's Magi. And basically what they, it's brilliant. Dustin, who I've gone with years, gone back years with who I met through social media marketing world and that whole thing years ago, builds tools.

The Evolution of AI Tools

And he actually had one of the most popular WordPress tools. So you know when, back in the day when we're all into blogging, more than we are now. You know, the little share icons for your different social media. You know how there were tools that you, like add as a WordPress plugin to do that? He had one of the most popular ones called social warfare. So if you may not realize, like, oh, that's, that was him.

Personal Experience with Magi

Like, that was a tool I had for years and years. It was a great tool to make it just easier for people to take your blog post and easily share it to other social media platforms, back when you had to have a plugin do it. Anyway, he came up with Magi last, early last year when chat GPT was first getting going. I don't know about you all, but, you know, I jumped into the whole chat GPT when it was brand new last year, and I was like, this is cool, I'm liking this.

User Experience with AI Interfaces

I just did not like the interface. I thought that screen was ugly. I couldn't organize my stuff. I couldn't find past chats that I did. It would be so hard to scroll through and go find the old ones. It was incredibly frustrating. So then Dustin comes along with this new tool he created called Magi, where it takes Chad GPT, but just makes a really nice interface he built. So you're still using Chad GPT, but you're doing it through Magi.

Exploration of Features in Magi

And, you know, he had, you know, first, you know, he had a free version and he had the paid version. So, you know, I did the, I did like the free trial. I'm like, well, let me give this a try and see. I instantly fell in love. I'm like, oh, my gosh, this is what I needed. I can organize this stuff. You can create folders. I have two separate, you know, ways. I run my businesses and like, two different brands, actually.

Organizational Benefits of Magi

So I can easily go back and forth because I want to do separate things within the two brands. I can easily just one click and go back and forth between the two. And then within each one, I can set up all these folders. You can even set up personalize a Persona. Like, you can create. He has all these pre-made Personas of, like, you know, was already prompted to be like, you are this, and talk, you know, like, you can make one of you, like, it's amazing.

The Flexibility of Using Magi

And he has like, a whole blog post. Step by step, I did all that. It's amazing. I instantly fell in love with it. So I've been a paid customer since early last year, and not only did I fall in love with it to be, you know, paying every month, I very quickly was like, oh, this is something I'm going to just switch to annual, you know, usually annual plans. You save a few bucks with pretty much any tool now is like, oh, I know, I will use this for a year.

Commitment to AI Tool Usage

I'll probably use it for years. So it's like, I am a hardcore customer because I use this tool every single day. And what Dustin has done is he keeps adding to it. So once it was just Chachi BT. Now he has a total of like 25 different AI apps all in one. You've got, you know, Chachi BT, you got Claude for the text ones, Claude, you got Gemini Pro, which I have fallen in love with. I actually use Gemini pro all the.

Integration of Multiple AI Tools

I don't even use chat GPT anymore. I didn't even know a whole lot about Gemini Pro. I mean, I know it's Google, but in this tool, it's also easy to do. He just makes it too easy. And I'm paying the same price as if I was just doing chatptptpt Pro. But I get chat chapute pro plus all these others. It's amazing. So if anybody wants to check it out, I'll put the post back into the nest here.

Recommendations for Magi

But it's also my pin tween if anybody wants to go see it, I definitely recommend checking it out. It has been a game changer for me. Bez, I see your hands raised. Okay, so I'm going to answer your original question from last time. You said, what strategy? Then I do have a question on Magi for you. One of the things, if you want, you know, it's. It's all about time.

Concerns Around Time Management

You know, Madeline, you know, you have all these platforms and you're like, well, should I spend time on LinkedIn? Should I? And what motivates me if it's low lift, if it's not, like, where, you know, I gotta make a whole post or I gotta do this or that. You know, that. That's heavy lift, right? So if. If you are on LinkedIn and you see a post that you like, a low lift thing to do is to who?

Engagement Tactics on LinkedIn

And Judy Fox teaches this, is to comment on that. But there's a right way to comment. If you're commenting, don't put, hey, great. That does nothing. Put like one or two sentences. And you do it like this. You go, you tag the person, even if you're not connected to them, you go at. And their name will pop up at the top and you just tag them and you say something about the post or a thought or comment on their post, and then you leave a little, you know, three to five hashtags if you want, at the end, and there you go.

Leveraging LinkedIn Notifications

And the person will get a notification who? The author of the post. And a lot of times they come back and if they're smart, they'll comment on, they'll like and comment on your post. And what that helps is in the first 60 to 90 minutes, LinkedIn decides if they want to give this post more traction, right? So the 60 to 90 minutes is that golden hour. And then you might have a post that goes viral. Viral can be big.

Maximizing LinkedIn Engagement

And the only, the other thing that people also miss on, they'll talk about something. They'll reference YouTube. They'll reference an AI tool. And, you know, if you're referencing, seeing in an article or a post YouTube, then why don't you tag them, pull at you? I mean, they've got so many followers on LinkedIn. And if you, if there's a tool, they're probably on LinkedIn and you tag them. Right? And a lot of times, just like Twitter, they'll come, they'll follow you back.

Building Connections on LinkedIn

They'll make a comment. You'll get a brand deal out of it. You'll, you'll get a message that, hey, we want to talk. We want to do a collaboration.

Collaborations and Engagement Strategies

And those collaborations turn into money. And so that's a low lift strategy. And then from there, Madeline, you figure out, well, how do you want to engage using LinkedIn? Because once you sort of start participating, then you'll, you'll end up figuring out, well, I want to use LinkedIn live or I want to use LinkedIn audio or I want to make an article or I want to make a, a post or whatever, and then you'll find something that works with everything else you're doing. And so that would be my low lift strategy.

Transitioning to the Magi Question

Wow, that's really helpful. Thank you for sharing that. Let's get to your Magi question, because we are at the top of the hour. I do need to wrap up. Okay, one question. Does Magi let you do custom GPTs? Like, like, what do you mean by custom GPTs? So where. So it not only so you can create your own GPT, so, like, it becomes your template where you structure it. It's like you're sort of. Yeah, like you're making your own. I don't think. Does anybody know? I don't think so. I think you need, like, I don't know. That's a good question. Yeah, because a lot of people are kind of creating their own kind of GPT. That is a thing that's been going. Deb, do you know super techie or Gail?

A Custom GPT Inquiry

I do. One that's at least kind of a pseudo custom. I set one up so it kind of semi automated. I'm not sure if I've done it the correct way, but I do have one that would be known as a custom version in the normal chat GPT. So I would say at least a half yes to that's. I would recommend reaching out to Dustin at Magi. I would just go to the Magi X account, go to their DM's and Ash and say, I mean, he was here earlier. He saw it. Just say, hey, were talking about this question. He's always good about answering. It's a good question, but I don't know. I don't know for sure.

Reflection on Blab and Streaming

Thank you. And by your, by the way, your name came up in a space last night called Keith Keller was talking about black. Oh, man. How it was an awesome platform for. It was like parachute pants. No, it didn't last long. Lab was. So who here used blab? Deb, you used blab, didn't you? Or Gail, I'm sure. I loved it. I loved it. We used to kind of joke and say it was like Brady Bunch style. That was back. That was kind of like a new concept with live streaming, how you had the four boxes. So it's kind of like Brady Bunch. We're all in a little box and we can all like look up and see each other and. Yeah, that's like old school light. Well, I was actually live streaming before that came along, but back in the google hangout days.

Early Live Streaming Experiences

I know, Deb, you were part of that with me back through the music community. But Blab was so unique and so different. And I think that was really the spark at the time to get people into taking live streaming seriously. Even though. Even though the quality wasn't super great yet, it was getting there. Unlike, you know, when I'm live streaming back in 2010 at my music shows, it was fun to do and I love doing it, but the quality was terrible because it just. The times have not caught up to the technology yet. But I blab was incredible. I miss it so much. I still remember the very first one I did. And I mean, I got some of the biggest names in digital marketing to show up.

Community Building and the Future of Platforms

I did. I think two or 3 hours. It was incredible. And it just. I miss having that so much. So. So there's another community that they're claiming to that I was on last night. I've been hanging out at this company called Go Brunch. I've been hearing about it. Yep. The people are claiming that's the Blab 2.0. I don't know. I don't know. I've been hearing about it. To me it feels more like, what was that 1 second? What? What was that called with the second? Oh, what was that? Well, you're talking second live. It kind of get, no, that's the vibe I got when I looked at it. I'm like, kind of reminds me of second life, which was way ahead of its time, you know?

Discussion on Emerging Platforms

Yeah, well, a lot of people designed their rooms using mid journey or dolly, and so maybe that's why you saw. I don't know, I just, yeah, I don't know, I don't, I just think, I think techie. I think techie people like stuff like that. I'm a techie person that doesn't really like that, but I think mainstream. I just don't know. It's like, whatever happened with the metaverse, what happened to kind of like doing that a few years ago and getting everybody to use the metaverse? It just didn't really, I never really saw it take off. Mainstream. Like, it took off, but not, I don't know. Anybody have any thoughts on that real quick as we wrap up?

Cup and Community Conversations

Well, just, this is good if you. Have a. Oh yeah, definitely. Yeah. So this is, well, right now there are so many things out there that are good if you have a community, you know, this is great, spaces are great, but you can also just build a community by utilizing spaces and being here. One of the things that I'm building that's going to be an extension of this for my community is utilizing the school platform. If people are not familiar with school sk ol, it is something that we have been lacking all this time when it comes to having like this, like a mastermind type environment, community collective and training and teachings, but on a platform that can handle it all.

Building Online Communities

What people have been doing for years is they use teachable or they used thinkific, but there was no community built into it. And then they would try to build a community. These platforms would try and they never succeeded. And so what school has done is they've come along and it's basically a way to have online trainings, to have community, and to do it in a way that I think is going to be the future of what we see for communities as a whole, where we're not so reliant on social media. Social media is great. Like, we're always going to have discussions like this come together on social media. But also right now, the algorithm is keeping some people from realizing we're here right now.

Challenges with Social Media Algorithms

And people that would love to be here, but they didn't put in their calendar, and the algorithm is not showing them this, and they're not going to know till after the fact, if at all. And, you know, with a community like school and some of the others that are similar, there's no algorithm dictating, there's also no censorship. There's not all of these things where x controls x, makes all the rules, and we just have to abide by them if we want to use x. Facebook does the same thing. Instagram, TikTok, they all do this stuff. I mean, don't even get me started on TikTok with my other community, with the plant medicine stuff, because, oh, my God, I get censored over there all the time.

Censorship and Community Building

Just sharing my own personal experience with the plant. That doesn't get you high, but gives me pain relief. They don't like it. And that was one of the reasons why I started building a community over in school for that particular community late last year, because I am tired of the algorithm deciding and censorship keeping me from talking. And it's not right. But we just have to remind ourselves this is, as we all, a lot of us say in marketing, this is rented land. We don't get to make the rules here. We just utilize the services they give us. And spaces is a great tool for us to have community like this.

Future Discussions and Platform Evolutions

I mean, this has been a great conversation today, thanks to x, you know, but. But where do we go from here? And that's where I think something like school can be a great extension for people that want to keep growing and building their community and have other ways of keeping the people together. Like, I feel like with x here, I cast the wide net. Hey, everybody. Coming out with me for an hour today, social media shortcuts. We're going to hang out, we're going to help each other, we're going to share. And this has been an amazing conversation today. Right? But this is really, like the best we can do with this.

Reflections on Community Building

Before this, it was Twitter chats, our old school Twitter chats with a hashtag. But what's that next thing, people start a course or they try to start a Facebook group. Well, Facebook group, you're still going to run into to your algorithm issues. You're gonna run to all kinds of issues still. Because the platform decides everything. So these other platforms, it's gonna be really interesting to see how this starts. You know, if people are gonna start really embracing more of this approach to having control of your own community. Now, they're not, these platforms, not free. You gotta pay for it, but you can also turn around and charge a membership fee.

Monetization and Community Control

You know, you have a free membership or a paid membership. So it's going to be really interesting and these will be some of the things I'm going to want to be talking about as I build this community aspect over on school for this. And hopefully it'll give other people ideas like what works with this? What doesn't, what all am I doing? And because I'm at the beginning of this process, it'll be something that we can always talk about here to help others with their community building. We need to wrap up, but Doctor Martin Pratt just joined us real quick.

Engaging with New Perspectives

Thanks doctor, for like all your comments in the notifications here in the chat, it's been really great. Absolutely. This is a great conversation. I just wanted to ask you a question about something I've been observing when it comes to community building and you choosing schools. So I'm in about six different schools and they kind of irritate me the way in which the platform is kind of thought out as far as gamification. And I love that you're doing the plant based I gotta find your community over TikTok because I'm really supportive of that type of stuff.

Thoughts on Alternative Platforms

My mother would feed us stuff from back to Eatin. I don't know if you ever heard of back to eatin the book from the seventies, but it's a great book that a lot of hippies would use for homo medicine. But anyway, so I was curious, had you looked at any other platforms and what your thoughts? So I've been looking at Circle, which I'm not also a fan of. Mighty networks is sort of where I'm landing at, but there's a new, a lot of discords, and a lot of the TikTok affiliate guys use something called WAP whop. And then there's another one that I was really curious to see if you had heard of called heartbeat chat.

Heartbeat Chat and Community Spaces

It's an app similar to circle and a little bit of clubhouse and Twitter spaces. It's very community feeling. Like you really feel like this is a really true, this is my space, my own community space where everybody can just go live, or they can just jump on the stage, or they can just do different things. Lastly, the other one I look at that is pin site. So I didn't know if you had really dived deep into the community's platforms before you chose school or not. I have.

Cross-Platform Experience

And, you know, these ones that you're, I'm not familiar with pensite and wap, but heartbeat mighty network circle, I've been paying very close attention. I'm in, I've been in communities and groups with all of them. And I'll tell you this, when I first, you know, signed up for somebody's school and you know this, with all these communities, you also right now are getting flooded with so many people that want to be experts and they're making all this money because people are buying into their hype.

Gamification and User Engagement

There's a lot of that going on at school. The one I started with school last year, my first reaction, and Deb knows which one I'm talking about. The gamification part I did not like at first. And I'm like, what? This is kind of a cool platform for a community, but I don't, I'm not digging the gamification. And this influencers program I had joined, she loved it. Like, that was a big deciding factor for her. And she had talked about trying all the others, and I've been on all the others I want to, like all the others, but I kept, but here was the thing, because I was in school, in somebody's paid program, and I've been in it since last year.

Changing Perspectives on Community Engagement

Over time, the gamification part started growing on me. I think it was just, I was initially looking at it like, this is like, for people that are younger, for people that like, I just was gamifying a community. I just, but then I just started watching how other people were using it. For those that don't know, basically you can set it up so that the more somebody contributes to the conversation with, you know, talking, getting likes, getting comments, all the things that it will boost them up a bit and does a leaderboard.

Engagement Metrics and Community Growth

And as the owner of the site, you can say, okay, when people get to this benchmark, I'm going to offer this so you can have perks. So when I was first in this, I'm like, I don't know about this. But then over time and watching how they're using this, like, oh, you get to this level. You get on the free zoom call with me, we're going to do a group zoom for all the people that got to this level. And it's really just that small percent that are the super active in any community. So it grew it. I totally understand what you're saying.

Community Growth and Personal Insight

It just grueled me over time because I was in it all the time and I was watching it very carefully. But, you know, each of these sites have their pros and cons. When I heard about heartbeat, when that was a little bit newer, I'm like, oh, you know, I'm always, like, looking at it because it's like, okay, which is the best one? But it's it. More of these are coming out now, which makes it a little harder to figure out.

Choosing School for Community Building

But I think the key for me was that I was in groups that were on my unetworks. I was in groups in circle. I was in groups with school. I think that's what helped me decide, because being in other people's programs on those platforms and actually using it, I was like, I'm seeing all the ins and outs. So because I've been in school and I, you know, been in somebody's paid program since last year, then I went ahead and launched, you know, my own for the plant medicine stuff.

Continuing the Community Conversation

And, and it's, you know, I pay for it, but I offer it free for the community. And it's just been a slow build because it's just a little side project I do. But I knew that in this whole process, all these months, that I'm like, it's helping me figure out how I want to use it for this community because I always knew that, like, at some point I was going to kind of reboot what Twitter smarter was into what we're doing now, and then at some point add school into the mix so that it's that continuous continuation of our conversations with more deep dives for all the people that, you know, want to go there because there's only so much we can do in this time slot.

Looking Ahead

Plus, we're already over time and I gotta go in a few minutes. But I. So that my answer is, I'm settled in school. It just took a little time to see the value of the gamification part. But I love all the features. I wish they had audio built in. I wish, like, I, with X DM's, I could do an audio DM. I wish, like, with slack, I can do audio. I wish. I've asked them. I even reached out to Sam oven direct because you can reach them on the DM's in there.

Feature Suggestions for Improvement

And I asked them, like, can y'all add this? Like, this is the main feature I think y'all are lacking. Like, to be able to easily do an audio or video in there if you want to do video, you got to go put it up on YouTube or loom or wisteria, I think are the ones. Or Vimeo. Vimeo. And then link it. So they don't allow you to upload a video. They don't allow you to just do an audio right in the app. I think it'd be an even bigger game changer if they would implement those, but so far they haven't.

Future Enhancements in Community Platforms

But they keep adding features. They just added annual. So if you're charging a monthly fee, you can now have annual in addition. And everybody's really excited about that one, so hope that helps. Gail, I see you have your hand raised and we really need it. Yeah. I just want to say another one people should look at is with me, and I put the information about it in the nest. Okay. I haven't. I don't think I'm familiar with that one.

Exploring New Options

Well, I think it's pretty new and it's for content monetization. Right. And I. Oh, yeah, I see it in the thread with me coaching and. I'm thinking you can sell courses there. But we're going to see more of these because we're seeing how popular, I mean, school is just, it's exploded since I've been in there last year. It is so much bigger now. And I'm seeing that, like, this is becoming the thing that more people are embracing.

Emerging Community Models

Like, instead of just create an online course, it's do it in school. Because not only can I have an online course, but everybody can talk to each other and get to know each other and converse with each other separately. You couldn't really do that the way they had that on teachable and thinkific and all those others. So it'll be interesting to see what other tools come. But I haven't heard of withme. I'll check that out.

Closing Thoughts on Community Engagement

Well, doctor Martin Pratt, thank you for joining us today. I really appreciate you coming in at the end here to. To talk with us, and it's been a great chat. Thanks for having me. Yeah. One, two things we didn't forget, we forgot to mention is, of course, discord and Facebook groups. Right. But I think we're just going to see more of a shift. Facebook groups and Discord are huge. They're going to stay huge. People are getting frustrated with Facebook groups.

Challenges with Mainstream Platforms

They have been for a while. People complain they don't see notifications. They just miss out a lot. People don't get on Facebook as much as they used to. I think that's why we're starting to see the popularity of some of these other tools. I think a lot of people are just looking for something different too, as a way to connect with like minded people. But it'll definitely be something we'll be discussing in our coming weeks because I definitely find this interesting and there's just so many things cropping up and I'm always wanting to learn more about it.

Thank You and Looking Forward

And that's what makes this discussion great because we all learn and help each other here, and y'all have shared so much stuff today. I'm just like, wow. So thank you all so much. I picked up a lot of new things. I appreciate y'all spending some time with me. We'll do it again next Thursday. Y'all feel free to come back again and we'll just keep this awesome discussion going. So y'all have a great rest of your day, and I'll see y'all soon.

Continued Engagement

And feel free to reach out if anybody has any questions or any other additional thoughts. Just throw it into the thread. We'll keep it going. Bye, y'all. Bye.

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