Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space SNPIT Russian AMA! ️ hosted by snpit_global. Join the groundbreaking world of SNPIT, the first Snap-to-Earn GameFi platform reshaping the gaming landscape. Discover how $SNPT creates unique opportunities for trading and earning within SNPIT's vast photo database protocol. Innovations like camera NFTs and gameplay monetization redefine the GameFi experience, offering gamers exciting ways to engage and profit. Explore battles, rewards, and the world's largest photo database in SNPIT, where gaming meets innovation.

For more spaces, visit the Gaming page.


Q: What sets SNPIT apart from traditional GameFi platforms?
A: SNPIT introduces the unique Snap-to-Earn concept, allowing players to earn rewards through camera NFTs.

Q: How does SNPIT leverage camera NFTs in gameplay?
A: Players can battle and earn within SNPIT by utilizing camera NFTs, enhancing gaming experiences.

Q: What advantages does $SNPT offer within the SNPIT ecosystem?
A: $SNPT serves as a valuable asset for trading and earning rewards in the SNPIT GameFi platform.

Q: Why is SNPIT's photo database protocol significant for gamers?
A: The world's largest photo database within SNPIT enhances gaming experiences, offering a unique edge for players.

Q: How can gamers monetize their experiences in SNPIT?
A: Participating in SNPIT allows gamers to earn rewards and trade through engaging in battles using camera NFTs.


Time: 00:15:12
Introduction of Snap-to-Earn Concept in GameFi Exploring how SNPIT revolutionizes gaming by integrating Snap-to-Earn mechanisms.

Time: 00:24:45
Largest Photo Database Protocol in SNPIT Understanding the significance of SNPIT's extensive photo database for gamers.

Time: 00:33:20
Monetization Opportunities with $SNPT Discovering how $SNPT enables players to trade and earn rewards within SNPIT.

Time: 00:41:08
Gameplay with Camera NFTs Engaging in battles and earning rewards through camera NFTs within the SNPIT ecosystem.

Key Takeaways

  • SNPIT introduces a pioneering Snap-to-Earn concept in the GameFi realm.
  • Players can engage in battles and earn rewards using camera NFTs within SNPIT.
  • The platform boasts the world's largest photo database protocol, offering unique gaming experiences.
  • $SNPT emerges as a valuable asset for trading and earning within SNPIT's ecosystem.
  • Innovative concepts like Snap-to-Earn and camera NFTs are reshaping the GameFi landscape.
  • Participating in SNPIT opens up opportunities for gamers to monetize their gaming experiences.

Behind the Mic

Introduction to the Roundtable

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back. It's another Mario Knothol roundtable x spaces. And you are here once again, early and live today on a Friday, at least for me, live. If you're listening to the recording, maybe not. And it's game day Friday. We're going to do some gamefi talk today. If you look at the title, it says wire gaming tokens up, question mark. And what we are gonna do for you is assemble a panel of people to talk about gaming, Gamefi, and what's going on in game culture today on a Friday as we head into the weekend. Now, I said, I'm pulse digital. Hello. I'm co hosting the roundtable today, so you get to hang out with me, and I'll have some other people up here as part of the panel. But as we assemble that panel, I need your help.

Engaging the Audience

Honestly, I need your help. While you're here, you can request to be a part of that panel. That's the first thing you can do. It's the coolest thing you can do. If you've ever had an opportunity to speak one of Mario shows. As you know, it's a great panel. It's a great conversation. If you cannot speak, if you are somewhere where you cannot get to the microphone, the comments section is where I need you. Then you can comment down there. You can let me know what you think about the conversation. You can tag people when you have questions. We will go through there occasionally and pull those questions out for the people that are on the panel. We'll check on them. That helps us a lot. You can also share the spaces. If you know somebody that's into gaming or has a game or should be here, the share button works.

Utilizing Social Features

You can test it yourself. You can send people a DM, let them know that we're live. Super cool. When you do that, they'll usually pull up. And then last is emojis. As a speaker, as a host, we rely on you guys to use the emojis from time to time. It helps us know that you're hearing things, that you're enjoying the show, laughing, crying, you know, going along with the whole thing. So thanks for pulling up to another roundtable show. Last bit of house cleaning before I say hi to some of the guests is pay attention to the pins. As we go through the show, things will get thrown up top. There are things up there already, such as news about what's going on Mario's main account. You already know about the political shows that we do over there.

Announcements and Opportunities

Big stuff on the main account, and there's also a post about the fact that we are hiring. It never hurts to mention that if you consider yourself good at the news, or if you're someone who maintains a news presence on x or in politics or somewhere else, we're always looking for people. You know, Mario's account is constantly posting news that news has to be sourced from all around the world. And we want to be the source for breaking news. So we need your help, or we need someone's help if you know someone. So check out that post if you want to be a part of the roundtables news team. So hanging out up here with everybody, I see a lot of familiar faces that have rolled up. I see game on is here. We're going to be diving in with him.

Continuing the Discussion

Game on has been here a number of times, so that's why we're talking about gaming today, because they're here for everything gaming related. So that's why we asked you guys to pull up. So in no particular order, I'm just going to say hi to everybody because I see a lot of familiar faces this time around. Defi zoo racers here, for instance. How are you, bud? I'm doing good. Doing good? Yeah. I'm curious why gaming tokens are up too. You know, I have some speculations. You know, I think there's a ton of projects that are, you know, at in person events. There's a ton of like, partnerships kind of being developed and hopefully some more polished and refined, you know, more full gameplay experiences.

Speculations on the Market

Coming here in the near future would be my short take on that. We brought you in for your speculation, so stick around because we're going to give you a chance to dive further into that because that's why we bring everybody up here. 2%, for instance, pulling up on game day Friday, man, how are you, bullish? This is a very cool topic. I was just at a recent crypto conference in Vegas and this was a topic of conversation, so I'm glad to be here. I can't think of anything more gaming centered than Vegas. I mean, games are games. Whether you're playing slot machines or fallout, games are games. So Vegas is going to be the place for things like that. I actually follow a lot of gaming outside of web three.

The Impact of E3 and Conferences

And the one bullish sign that I'm waiting for is the return of e three. I really took that as a massive blow. I mean, Covid had a major impact years ago on like the whole in-person conference thing. The e three in particular took a massive hit. When I think of in game in person conferences for gaming, I can't think of anything much bigger than that. Game on, you're next on the list as I'm going in order of who's on my speakers list. How are you doing on a Friday here in Europe? It's windy, it seems like it's going to be a stormy day, so not that bad. And defezurice, I don't think you yet know the one behind the profile.

Introduction of New Guests

So it's Zinti behind the profile trophy. It's a pleasure to speak alongside with you, David legends. And thank you very much for inviting us for the special day. You bet. But David snuck up in the co host spot on me, man. Good to see you. How are you? Hey, what's up, pulse? What's up, everybody? Are gaming tokens up today? Honestly, look, I mean, I feel a little guilty right now. I'm paying attention to the meme coins and everything happening over there. Like how much are we up? Like, I'm not even paying attention to my gaming tokens that I'm holding. I'm, you know, I just, I felt bad selling them.

Market Observations

What's up today? No, well, that's what we're going to check on with everybody here. We're kind of asking them what's been going on. Cause I'm just calling a game day Friday. I feel like if anything, we always talk about people play games and maybe that's just what's going on. People got bored, people aren't interested maybe in what's going on. They're done with their pump fun stuff. Tron cooled off like super quick in like two days. You know where games there where games that I'm seeing where all the action is for games right now, it's all in Telegram.

Telegram's Role in Gaming

Like the Telegram miniapps, some of the big games that have all the vc funding, they're making miniats because it's so it's easier to build up a million players on Telegram than it is to bring them into a big call of Duty Fortnite style game. And so, you know, you're not going to get that million players to all go play the game. But I, that's what a lot of the companies that I'm talking to are really looking at. Well, I can think of two reasons, and you're more of an expert on the Ton network than I am. But I also know that Telegram just recently did their update where they really overhauled the stars system for content creator rewards.

Monetizing Platforms

And that's something that I was paying attention to. Because the telegram, I feel like Telegram, I'm not utilizing it as best as I could. And with their upgrade to the stars system, you can now directly monetize your posts on Telegram. So not only are the games hot, but just. I think Telegram right now is on the heels because if there is a bull run and crypto goes nuts, telegram benefits just as much. Right? Because just like Discord did with NFTs, I don't think Discord saw anything growth wise since, you know, gaming first came around.

The Connection Between Platforms

Like NFTs drove discord. So telegram and telegram related games. You're absolutely right, man. I agree with that. We had still not heard from trophy to say hello to you. Trophy, game day Friday. What's up? Yo, yo. What's good? Gm, GM, everyone. Glad to be on this space. My name is Trophy. I'm a content creator. I got invited here by Zinti and we'll be talking about Gamefi. So I'm really glad to contribute to the discussion. You know, I think Gamefi is like the main deal.

Trophy's Insights on Gamefi

I don't know if you guys heard of the grid. I think it's a new game that just launched on PS four and evacs blockchain. I think they had about 30,000 players and 400,000 transaction. I think that's the first blockchain game that is launching on PS five. I think you guys should check it out. So. Yeah, thank you so much, bro. Said PS five and Avax. It's like we're living in an alternate timeline. That's awesome because we've talked about the importance of those brands like that. I wonder how angry Steam is watching PlayStation adopt this type of stuff while they sit on the sidelines.

Critique of Steam

I've never taken an opportunity to miss a swing at Steam for their attitude on gaming. I won't stop here. Kinsa. Haven't heard from you, man. Happy game day Friday. How are you doing? Hey, happy game day Friday to you, sir. I'm doing pretty well. Really enjoyed our gamefi conversation a few days ago. Excited to be on here again. You know, we're on our end. We're building infrastructure, gaming infrastructure on Solana and already have like ten plus games launching with us. So happy to share some insights and learn from everyone speaking here.

Infrastructure and Development

Do you think David's right about Telegram gaming? Are you doing anything over focused strictly on Telegram, yet only on Solana. But I'm extremely bullish on Telegram gaming. The community is already there. I use telegram half the day and if anyone can tap into that user base I think there will be a great opportunity and success. And look, pulse, it's not only the games, it's the entire mini app ecosystem. And that's what I think is being overlooked right now.

Evolution of Mini-Apps

I mean, you've got stickers, you've got a lot of the different areas of the entire telegram ton, you know, ecosystem that appeals to the DJ's that is interesting to people in web three and the mini apps, that's the utility for everybody else and even the DJ's, too. Where all the trading bots, where are some of these other cool websites that they're starting to make simple telegram miniat versions of? I mean, I think that's the untapped part that we're gonna see some innovation on. And look, that's cool. Like put some AI in my meme coin sniping box and make some gaming stuff in there with it.

Potential and Accessibility

I mean, I think there's huge potential there. And telegrams on every phone. You got telegram on Apple phones, you got telegram on Android phones, Winch, why. Don't you speak on it? We haven't heard from you yet. Game day Friday. Telegram is going to blow up. Is that the thing? Gm, GM. Everyone absolutely bullish about the telegram chain itself. And actually, you know, I have this vision as like Telegram tries to make something similar to the WeChat, like create the super app inside of one app, you can just fulfill all your needs.

Onboarding Web2 to Web3

And basically that's the question, how we can onboard web two audience to the web three. That's one of the, let's say, challenges for web three guys just to understand what to do in order to make people from web two area understand that crypto is simple. So telegram tries to make it. And let's see. So I have to bring this up. I feel like I'm on repeat when I do this, but maybe someone hears this for the first time. If Telegram is making it simple, they're following the same footsteps as Reddit because Reddit snuck Crypto into over a million people's hands by calling them something other than Wallets and NFTs, right.

Creative Approaches to Adoption

If you guys followed what Reddit did with their avatar System instead of calling them NFTs and they called them vaults instead of wallets, it's literally what you're saying. Telegram the stars, you're sending a form of digital currency back and forth through their app. It's so subtle. And the way they're doing it with ton Network and stuff like that, it is the normal people. I don't want to say, I'm not trying to be diminutive when I say that, but because it either makes us not normal or them normal. Those people who aren't using this stuff yet aren't necessarily interested in hearing any of these words.

Challenges and Future Implications

They're burned out. They're jargon, you know, they have negative connotations. Only those of us that are here are willing to suffer it. So I do think it's going to be a big deal. Zoo Ricer's got his hands up, and then we're going touch if nobody else throws the hands on some of the other people that we haven't heard from yet. Go ahead, zoo racer. Sorry to cut somebody off there. I just wanted to throw in. He said something about WeChat making the everything app. I'm waiting for Twitter games to come.

The Future of Interactive Experiences

That's all I had to add. I'm waiting for the Twitter everything app. Well, it's x now, but when are we playing games while we're in spaces here, like PvP wrecking each other? I think that'd be awesome. You know how into gaming Elon is. And with him doing the streaming and stuff like that in his spare time, that's honestly not a stretch in my imagination. I'm sure there's probably been conversations on the campus I can't speak to. You know, I'm tinfoil hat here, but that wouldn't blow my mind because he's definitely pushing the streaming, the biggest account on the whole platform.

YouTube's Gaming Shift

Cause you just pointed this out as I'm staring at my monitors. Cause I'm running the David 69 monitor setup. YouTube slid games on there without telling anybody. Have you guys seen the games that come up? Now, when you're scrolling through YouTube or they're on your mobile, sometimes they've got literal games, like on YouTube. You're like, hey, do you wanna play a game instead of literally doing the thing you came here for? Because we're a video site. Well, play a game instead. So they're sneaking them in everywhere. Everybody wants a piece of the piece. And that's why it's so important to have conversations like this, because everybody wants your attention. David, we just talked about this yesterday. You only have 24 hours a day, man. So whether it's Justin's son trying to get your attention on his thing, or it's these games trying to get your attention over there, everybody's pulling at you. It's just crazy to see where we end up. And why are the tokens up in gaming? We're going to cover more of that. Who else haven't I heard from yet?

Introduction to Gaming Day

UMGD is someone I haven't spoke to yet. Happy game day Friday. How are you doing? Good, fam. Thanks for having me up. Just got in here, heard the discussion, talking. Gaming, integrated gaming into these social media platforms. I'm not bullish on Metaverse and gaming and NFTs, but I do like what DeFi said, bringing some type of games onto X so we can all interact and, you know, have fun, make something, make connections, networking, you know, maybe prizes. Facebook does this. A lot of other platforms, they make a killing off it. It'd be good revenue for Elon or maybe, you know, adopt a dogecoin as some type of payment to pay for apps and services, etcetera. Just not bullish on gaming in NFTs and Metaverse, but definitely the social media platforms. I see it as a win in.

Social Games on X

Your mind when you think of the kind of games that would be on X. I'll give you one example, and then if anybody else can come up with something else, I would picture a game like Pictionary as a great spaces game. That's a great example. I think of something because maybe the host or the co hosts have the ability to draw something and it would be like a shared screen draw, and then you guys would be able to guess and it could be some form of a game show style game like that. They'd have to be some sort of interactive game. And if anybody else can come up with an example, I think that's a great way to think of it as a social game or like a game show, because there's the host, you've got the co hosts, you've got speakers, which would be like players, and then you've got the unlimited size of the audience. That's also a huge part of it.

Trivia Games and Engagement

Another good one is trivia. David, there was a game, I can't remember the name of this. That was like, for a while, it was a massively popular mobile game where every night at 07:00 p.m. or whatever, some dude went live and you could all log in at the same time and play this 2% I know you know this. Do you remember the name this? If anybody else remembers the name, it was a trivia game and it was played like nationwide. And it was like somebody got trivia crack. Trivia crack? Is that what it was like? A one tribute trivia crack was the one that I remember. Yeah, something like that. Like a once a night live show on X where everyone could log in all at once and play some sort of a massive PvP, you know, from a million to one winner type of game. Yeah, there's a whole world of this out there.

Ideas and Innovation

I like where you guys are going. I hope X is listening to this somewhere in there in the backlog, because they're taking notes from all of you guys and they're going to steal this and you won't see a dime. By the way, defy zoo racer. Go ahead. Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to raise my hand. Oh, that's cool. No worries. Brianna. Brittany, I'm sorry, we haven't heard from you yet. What's up? Hey, guys. Good afternoon. It's Brittany here. Well, actually, my name is Chase. I'm currently here in Gamescom in Cologne. There's so many things happening, but I think the game you're referring to was HQ Trivia, which was quite a hit over a couple of years ago. But I've been seeing a lot of trivia games happening, even on TikTok where it's actually live.

Competition for Attention

So I don't see it as a stretch to be happening on X or Twitter as well. So I definitely think that could potentially happen. As for Telegram being a super app, I think it's getting there. I think that a lot of platforms in general are competing for attention and the best way for them to keep, I mean, users in place is to actually add more conveniences into the app so that nobody leaves. And if gaming is, they can do it for that, they'll do it. So I'm guessing with Telegram, given that, I've also spoken to a couple of people in the ecosystem in telegram as well. It's not just telegrams doing it. They're partnering up with a couple of folks, including a couple of people that I know of, are sort of like onboarding people on the telegram specifically for the purpose of games.

Onboarding Game Development

Like, even us, for example, are working on a couple of SDKs that will make it easy for our hyper casual. Casual games to get in Telegram really quickly. So I'm pretty bullish about it. I do think those ecosystems, and hyper casual is the right word for that. I think that'll be a big part of it because, like David and me and these people that I know that are online sometimes, you know, throughout the day, checking on these apps, sometimes casual gaming is the only option we have first and then trophy another good one. I feel like that could be added would be some type of like, strategy game. Kind of like clash of clans where, you know, there's a timer.

Strategic Game Concepts

You know, you could join other guilds. Maybe something could be done with, like we could connect our NFT into some kind of like, sandbox build, you know, troops, houses, buildings, stuff like that. I think this would be a win. That seems to be really popular right now. Yeah, some type of strategy game. What was it on Facebook that blew up? Was it the farming? Farming game on Facebook? Even the simplest strategy games, right? Yeah, yeah. That one blew up Farmville. Was it? Yeah, yeah.

Creating Clans and Tribalism

So something like that. And I like what you're talking about too, is being able to create clans and stuff like that. Boy, you'd see tribalism on this app like you've never seen it before. If all of a sudden your affiliate badges actually meant that you were like, in some sort of other faction against each other, that'd be a whole other level, man. That'd be cool. But the app, like you said, is supposed to be the everything app. So we'll see what the guy has the ideas at the top trophy. Go ahead.

GameFi and User Engagement

Yeah. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you so much for your input. I just wanted to add to, you know, what everybody was saying. I think one of the ways we can actually make Gamefi go mainstream is making games that are really easy to play, just like a strategy game. I think there are a few games in web three who are trying to make games are really easy to play and fun to play because once the games are very easy, once it's really nice, they have good UI, it works really well. I think that is a great way to onboard lots of users. You can take example of, we have two games like subway, sort of, candy Crush, all those type of games.

Sustaining Popular Games

I mean, for like five to seven years now, we still have a huge number of players, you know, playing this game. And I don't know if you guys have heard of Fable born. Fable Born is a. Is a game that launched on. I mean, they're using evac blockchain, but Pixon is the one who created the game. So I think the game is really cool. It's really nice, easy for everyone to play the game. So you guys can, you know, can also check it out. So if you like it, definitely.

Discussion about Fable Born

You said Fable born. F a b E l. Fable, right? Yeah, yeah, fable born. I mean, I could pin it up here if you like, but yeah, Fable bond. That's good. I think we got it. There. But thank you, though. I'll have to check it out. 2%. And then if we don't get another hand, I have another question that'll take us a different direction. Well, all I wanted to mention was that the news in the last 24 hours about Sony launching its own Ethereum l two called Sonium.

Impact of Sony's Announcement

I think that might have played a little bit and just pump in blockchain games, people. Sony's affiliated with PlayStation, and there's been so much talk about a future grand theft auto token that might be encouraging people to get exposure to other gaming projects. That's a good point. I hadn't touched on the Sony thing because I have a whole rant that I could go in on that. But it is true. Just to hear the name associated with blockchain at all, might be a big deal. What do you think, brittany.

Discussion about Sonyum

Somnium? They just came out. I mean, I think I'm pretty bullish on Sonyum. I did sign a couple of NDAs, so I would say it's pretty bullish, but other than that, nothing else I can say on that. However, I think on the conversation of embedding games into social medias like Twitter, I think you guys should also check out forecaster as one of those like, things that, you know, games could thrive at the very least.

Embedding Games in Social Media

We're working on a couple of forecaster bots wherein you can embed at least like 13 kb or below games within the timeline of forecaster. It's still in the works. They've, you know, it's pretty early in the days, but I do think that if Twitter is also going to go into that kind of trajectory, at some point in the future, you'll be able to find casual, hyper casual games as you scroll along Twitter feed and just play it there? The only problem is file size for now. But I think that's surmountable at some point in the future, right?

The Importance of User Retention

Nobody wants you to leave their app. So essentially, if you have to leave the app, they won't want you to click it at all. So it'll have to wait until it can fit right there in the in browser window that pops up. That's a good point. So here's my question, and it's a similar subject, but in a different direction, because game on acts as kind of an incubator, and small brands that might be building the games that we're all talking about that we want right now could be listening, or maybe we're inspiring the person.

Challenges of Game Development

How do we get them to the point that they can do that because this is not free. Like time is not free. Knowledge is hard to acquire, how to build games and stuff like that. So what does it take then to take these ideas? Because we seem to all be great at ideas, but none of us have built these games. So how do we get these incubated? How do we find the people to connect with the right people to build this? I'll ask you at game on first, because I'll probably get some hands after your answer.

Building Connections and Teams

But the hardest part then is not ideation. It's easy to come up with these ideas. How do you find a builder? How does a builder connect with someone who can incubate something like this? So normally I think last spaces we had also I was not really telling people who I was and all these things and how long I've been in web three. So let me take that cover and try to, because I've been criticized a lot by people that, okay, how long you have been in crypto and all these things.

Personal Background in Web3

But anyway, the people who doesn't know who I am, I basically started my personal career in the. In the web two, it's different, definitely been doxed. But below there's a profile called Zinti. In web three, I started with CD five. They're basically back in 2021 before CDFI started with their token launch. I've been with them for almost two years as a business development manager, onboarding games and all these things.

Achieving Success in Game Development

So the biggest thing, when the narrative started with web three gaming and all these things, were starting to talk about a narrative where the web three being the biggest and the best solution for the biggest challenge. People in the world who are creating games and pushing boundaries in the game. In traditional world, I'm talking about entertainment, indie game studios. But later the narrative shifted very quickly from focusing on indie game studios and solving their problem of having access to the funding and pushing the boundaries of bringing entertainment to the next level.

Funding Challenges in Game Development

We moved the focus to web three. Basically triple as and public. Basically they must do and all in web two. But nothing against those things. But since then, 2021 till now, how much millions and millions of dollars have been raised. And still the people who are playing games, I'm sure that Britain last time were talking about, we had the same spaces. And I know that personally you are coming from the indie side and all these things.

Indie Game Studios and the Shift to Web3

So indie game studios, we are talking not about the indie game studios who are coming on crypto, Twitter and saying that they are indie studios. We are speaking about indie game studio who have like for example, they have 50,000, 60,000 players who are already playing in their discord and all these things. And Steam is basically unable to let them go forward and all this stuff. So this kind of indie game studios are the game studios we are talking about and bringing those game studios to web three and allowing to solve the problem of their fundraising and all these things.

Profit-Sharing Models

But most importantly, not having their own token, but launching the game in our own game launcher by doing the web two kind of deals like royalties and equities and the profit sharing model. Because this is the best way to bring the mass adoption because on the PC games and when it comes to web two, so basically the mobile optimized games, the best thing is we can do is like profit mentioned earlier and we've covered this two times. Also is to allow web two traditional gamers to play the game without having them to know about, okay, if the game is having NFT or blockchain all these things, of course they know about digital assets.

Understanding Game Economics

Web two gamers, traditional gamers are not unaware of the assets and buying multiple tokens and coins and all these things. If you go to every single game that exists from. From the early days and then 2002 when the online game started in 2005, every single game have more than three different kind of tokens and multiple different assets. Gamers were never complicated and confused about it. But the problem was happening is we are unaware of like in web three, we are too much getting completely complicated and confused about tokenomics and all these things.

Rewarding Active Participants

And we are not sure how many people we are going to do rewards and all these things and how much funding we are going to raise. And for this kind of things we are basically bringing solution to reward the users who actually are involved in the game, the users who are building and playing the game and adding value to the gaming. But also having our own game launcher is basically to ensure there is a higher retention in the PC game world.

Challenges in User Acquisition

Because in web three, currently the PC game user acquisition stays between ten to $25. Not defy Zuracea. You are involved very in depth in the. In the PC gaming of battery because you are streaming and all these things. So you are very well aware of the user acquisition, all these things. But we did the case study, we saw user acquisition for mobile games with our streamers when did it was twenty cents. And for PC games it's basically $1.30 and in average in the according to last question is from the net east and Tencent both the user for mobile games should be less than $0.10 for sure.

Market Dynamics in Game Development

And then for the PC games it should be in USA, $2.30 and $1.80 for Southeast Asia. So when we are talking about the numbers, not only incubation, we are talking about pulse. We are talking also about the solution of bringing gamers because having something solid, having some big technology and all these things. But if we don't have that consumer set, we will get into the same spiral of having a dead product. It doesn't matter how good the product we are having or how fast the product runs.

The Importance of Applications in Ethereum

For example, Ethereum, if we don't have tens and thousands of applications, basically some of the applications are successful, some of the applications are not successful. But if these applications are not built on Ethereum will not be getting those transaction piece that actually gets converted into business. We call it revenue that actually is needed to run a business. So that's the biggest solution we are providing basically when it comes to incubation or acceleration into factory. And also there's the assurance of having retention on higher retention on PC games and all these things.

Measuring Retention in Gaming

So when you talk about retention, I'd be curious then how do you measure whether or not someone has been retained? Let's say a gamer finds a mobile game or a PC game. What are you looking for to consider that a successful retention? Is it multiple returns in sequential days? Is it time spent in a single day? Is it like, there's got to be a metric when you're saying, okay, this is a one time player, this is a casual second return or a third return. Is it like five games in two weeks? How do you measure it?

Current Trends in the Web Three Ecosystem

So currently in the web three ecosystem, what we see is when a game is launched as a mobile optimized games, we all know what's happening. There's a reward pool of 10,000, 20,000, $30,000. The user have to go do it, but they need to go download the game, play the game. There is no recommend for asking the user to play to a certain level, achieve certain things within the game and all these things. But the most important for goes on to Twitter. Follow Twitter. Like this, this the same thing we mentioned about. Talk about the telegram. If you go to Telegram, every single application, I'm very critical on Telegram side because there are certain games I really love on Telegram, but there are certain games that does not ask for attention.

The Process of User Engagement in Gaming

Because in marketing, the most important thing is that five to 15 seconds you ask from the human being for the attention. That's the way you actually can convert that user to a long term high retaining users? Yes, that's a very good question. When you ask what is the, what is considered when it comes to retention? For example, it was something that in web three, we talked a lot about how that we break the retention of web two compared to web two. We have broken that of the seven days track of the retention. But let's be realistic.

Behavior of Gamers in Web Three

In web three, when we broke it, I personally have 16 wallets. And if I was playing a game in web three, I would be playing with multiple wallets. And if you remember anybody is here, remember in the Twitter timeline, those days, Twitter to the X timeline, you feel you will see multiple strategies. How to play XZ Infinity. Sorry, nothing against exe Infinity, guys, but the, this is really the truth. How to play XZ Infinity and how to earn the most. Have ten wallets login with this. Ten wallets do this. And then basically we broke the seven day retention at the higher numbers.

Retention Testing Strategies

That's how exactly we did it in web three and without sugar coating is the same. So what we are trying to do is our course platform will be creating an SDK and API, asking the user to go from point a, which is the quest platform, to go to point b, to do certain things like achieving certain points, leveling up and collecting certain items. And then when they come back to the point a, they are getting a reward. So now there is something that they have to do on a daily basis. If they are going on daily basis to the quest platform, they are not supposed to only go and like and retweet and attend the Twitter, but also to the game and go and try to achieve certain levels in Twitter.

Incentives for Participation in Gaming

If they're supposed to do a certain level, like level 15, then only they will be able to participate in the reward pool of, let's say 10,000 or $20,000 pool of pretest. And this ensures that higher retention in the game. And we actually are trying to do the testing for SDK. The quest platform is right now live. APK and API and SDK will be live in the first week of September. And we will be doing this testing with some of the mobile games that are available. And that's basically we are doing what we are doing with retention.

Creating a Stable Ecosystem for Users

When we are doing it and when we start finishing the whole thing, then we will know if the retention will be breaking or not. Because we are also creating a layer of, I would say, some kind of centralization which is allowing traditional users that when they connected, connect the wallets when they can create a user in the ecosystem with their profile, which is Facebook and email. Because of these two, the user now will not be able to create a second profile within the ecosystem. So whatever the user do he have to have again another two more social media accounts to create an account.

Addressing Duplicate Accounts for Better Gaming Experience

And every single account have to have two fs on this just to avoid a users creating duplicate accounts and all these things and start writing strategies how to earn more by playing this game. So when we know those things, then we will see, okay, what we are talking about. Higher retention. If we can break the retention strain of the web two compared to web three and all these things. So those days they come. I will definitely be more than happy to answer that exact number. I appreciate that.

Observations on User Motivation in Gaming

Winch. I saw you had your hand up. You're free to go for it if you want to. And then we'll throw a reset around. Basically, I just agree with these statements which were shared earlier. But at the same time, I'd like to add here that traffic here. I mean, users and players for web three games specifically, they are highly motivated in terms of airdrops and play to earn or play to airdrop mechanics. So that's why we have higher motivated traffic compared to the regular gamers.

Comparing Regular Gamers with Web Three Players

Because regular gamers, they are focused more like on gameplay lore and maybe achievements. So some projects, some games try to build their project based on the lore, based on the gameplay. And if this project actually gives this solution to the gamer to make it fun, like a fun and entertaining type of game, in this case, retention will be more organic rather than comparing the cases when we are speaking about the address. So we need to take into account when we speak about retention in web three gaming comparing with web two.

Incentives and Engagement in Gaming

And at the same time, as I mentioned earlier, we have this achievement systems. So we are speaking here about daily or weekly login streaks. So they also have this trigger for people to stay with the game. And of course, when we speak about mini apps, specifically about Telegram, so we have high, let's say competition between different mini apps at the same time. So main part of those quests are quite similar. We are speaking about like, let's say ordinary stuff like social networks, like subscribe to the Telegram channel or to the Twitter.

The Role of Gameplay and Lore in User Retention

And then we get into the gameplay. So if there is some difference in the gameplay in the lore, okay, there is a chance for a project to outstand the competitors. Otherwise, we have to take into account these matters in order to, let's say, classify how well this or how organic this retention is. All good points, and I appreciate that. Brittany, before we do the reset, you want to jump in?

Considerations for Measuring Retention

Oh, yeah. I was just about to say, in terms of, like, retention, at least, at the very least, we have to consider what set of retention are we measuring here and what sort of motivation are we trying to. To encourage? Right. Like, a lot of times, like when you talk about web two gaming, for example, a big chunk of, like, how we do and measure retention is kind of like, what kind of game is it?

Types of Games and Their Impact on Retention Metrics

Like, is it a casual game? Is it a hyper casual game? Is it a mid core game? Or is it a hardcore game? Because, like, this would have, like, different benchmarks in terms of retention with all the basis of data that we've had collected for the last, you know, decade or so. Right. Let's say, for example, for hyper casual games, it's usually about 50% to 70%. Day two is a good benchmark, but for a hardcore mid core game, for example, it's like you're lucky if you get at least about 30% to 20% day two retention and so on and so forth.

Tracking User Cohorts in Retention Analysis

So you do day two, day 14, day 30. So you track your cohorts of users over a period of time. And I think one of the things that we're missing right now in web three in terms of measurement, is kind of like a measurement platform. If you've heard of platforms like adjust or apps, flyer, or any of these measurement platforms, that basically tracks each and every single cohort of your users and see where they're at the journey of your game.

Understanding User Experience and Game Engagement

So you're tracking either their experience in the game and how the core loop of the game is, or you're tracking them based on how amazing your incentives are. They keep on coming back to your game over and over again because of that motivation of incentive. So I do think that we kind of had to divide it into two. Like, the main core loop is, you know, a very important measure of retention, but also kind of like, how you're.

Balancing Incentives with Core Gameplay

You're incentivizing them is also a good measure of retention as well. But one or the other is kind of hard to exist just because if it's just purely incentives, at some point you're going to run out of incentives and, you know, players will not play the game anymore because it's just that the. The main loop of the game is not as attracted to as it was once. So I think we.

Returning to Fundamental Gaming Principles

I guess we have to go back to the fundamentals when it comes to retention. Because no matter how amazing our incentives are in the game, if the game core loop is not amazing, you're still going to lose your players. So many great points. So many great points that I can't even go back and reference any one of them. But I do think about lore versus rewards as a thing because that never used to be a problem for me.

The Shift in Gaming Motivation

When I used to play other games, the reward was playing the game. And now I have this weird part of my brain where it's like you could be earning money right now. So I have to fight that all the time. I appreciate the input. So we're going to do a quick reset and then I have one more news story I want touch on because I cannot do a spaces with this account today and not touch on this one story.

Housekeeping and Engagement Instructions

I promise it's relevant. But before we do that, I have to do the housekeeping and ask you guys for more comments in the bottom right, if you're on the speaker panel, it's cool, you can speak and stuff, but everyone else, if you've got something to add to this conversation, questions, comments, concerns, bottom right. Please tag people. Tag whoever you're talking to.

Networking Opportunities in the Gaming Community

We're going to check it out before we get into our conversation with game. If you're somebody that's looking for help with your game, you should probably contact game on. If you're in the network and you need help, or if you heard anybody up here that's speaking, that sounds like someone who could probably help you out. This is a great opportunity to network.

The Influence of Speaker Panels

These spaces are custom built for that because you just got basically a resume from all the people on the speaker panel and you get that all the time on the roundtable and Mario shows. So make sure you guys take advantage of stuff like that too. And make sure you keep your eyes on the pin posts as we go. Now, David, I have to talk about this.

Discussion on CZ's Release from Jail

I don't know if you talked about this on the mixy morning show earlier because I know you were doing ton, but Mandev CZ's got a date for getting out of jail. And I have to mention it because I came up doing some b and b gaming. Gaming was a thing on b and B chain, and I know that there were a lot of games over there, too. So are we looking at binance chain to be something that you and I are going to be covering a lot more in the next two weeks?

Market Response to CZ's Potential Release

I don't know. But one thing I do know is that everybody's saying when CZ gets out of jail, that is the official start of the bull run. That's what I'm waiting for. But I mean, there's. Look, as soon as all the attention went over to tron the day after people were talking about BNB, I'm not really too familiar with either ecosystem, aside from a few meme coins and seeing a little bit about what's going on, because I made sure to keep track of, you know, the majority of opportunity, opportunities out here.

Predictions and Expectations from CZ’s Return

But pulse, I think CZ is going to get out and I think he's going to do something. And even if he's not going to do something, expect a few tapper games on Telegram. Expect a few things happening with CZ. Even if it's not CZ, I think we're going to get a CZ. Cz come home meme coin. Cz, fresh out of jail meme coin. Like there's going to be some action that day.

Market Sentiments Around CZ’s Return

Guaranteed CZ season in full effect, baby. It's like pumpkin spice with more flair. That's a good one. One. Anybody that uses it, make sure you tag me, because it's. That's our stuff. Anything that happens on the roundtable is roundtable property. So game on. What do you think?

Reflections on the BNB Chain

Bnb chain and I go way back with BnB chain a minute. So what about you? To be honest, I'm. I personally like BNB chain because for me, a chain is more like a commodity than launching games and solutions for the gamers and all these things.

The Role of EVM Chains in Gaming Solutions

But also there are a mother change that actually zero fees that the protocol can take over the fees on behalf of the gaming and all gamers and other things. But for us, we are focusing on EVM. Nothing against Solana. I heard some one of the members, I'm sorry, but Uncle Elon is not showing me all the members who are speaking.

Strategies for User Fees in Gaming

I see defensive also as a listener. But anyway, for me we are doing the it we EVM chains. And when we are doing the EVM, even if the fees are on it. For example, when on our quest platform, if the user is winning some things on the ETH, what we do is we take the fees on behalf of the users and we pay for the fees.

CZ's Educational Initiatives in the Gaming Space

But when it comes to BnB and Cz, I don't know if you guys remember, but before he went into that cage, he actually was working on an educational platform for the users where users, there was no token integrated or anything, but it was something like similar to a mini application where the users would be able to learn about crypto and all these things.

Future Prospects for the BNB Ecosystem

It's a gamified platform. I don't know if you are following it up, David per se, but definitely I think he will come back and when he come back, he will start pushing it forward again for the member, for the BnB chain and definitely for the users in the web three and web two, as well as an educational. Platform, I think it has a downstream effect, for all the reasons that you just said.

Expectations for CZ's Return and Market Influence

Because I think he's going to want to come out and make good on what his perceived wrongs will be. So he's going to do this amnesty tour where he's trying to like donate and plant trees and make educational content or whatever it is you got to do to make up for things these days. But I also think for people like David, who are meme coin traders and enthusiasts and stuff, there's a whole new flock of people that are going to look, they're going to transfer what's left of their tron liquidity over to BNB and get wrecked by the ogs over there like they did last week, too.

The Future of Meme Coin Culture

But they're going to have fun doing it. And there's, maybe there's going to be a whole host of new players platforms. And I think CZ coming back, not because I'm a cult of personality kind of guy, but I just think that crypto X, what used to be crypto Twitter, just loved the guy so much because he was so memeable. He was like a more personable Vitalik, I think. So it'll be cool to see him come back.

Anticipation for CZ's Return

And if anybody else here is as excited about that, you have any thoughts about CZ coming back, I'll give you a couple of seconds to raise a hand. Otherwise, we do have coming up with game on Forge an entire AMA. And like I've said, they've been here with us before and we've talked to them a little bit, but we reset and pretend like you haven't been in the room and they're going to describe to us from the floor up what it is they're working on.

Final Opportunities for Engagement

So in case anybody here needs that work with them, they're going to do that, too. So since nobody else threw their hand up, I do see through the listeners, a lot of people. I appreciate you guys pulling up. Remember, comments down below. If we say anything that sparks your interest, you can still raise your hand. We will cycle through.

Involvement and Feedback for Game on

So if you have a question for game on, you need to either tag us or if you even have to, dm one of us to get into the spot. We'll get you up here, but game on. I see you got your hand up ahead. Yeah. So throwing, instead of throwing like people, I see, I hear a lot of times, time and time we see in crypto, Twitter, we hear people throw in, the people who are talking about memes under the bus.

The Cultural Significance of Gaming Memes

But the reality is, if we see the gamers, for example, if we see the mass adoption of gamers coming into web three, I personally don't know how it will be, but as a gamer, I have seen back in the days, and if we go back to the histories, traditional gamers are the biggest dj's when it comes to memes. How many memes they were talking, they created, there was, back in the day, there was the call of duty.

The Evolution of Meme Culture in Gaming

I think they started with the f, the keyword f, how crazy it was. And even people created their own, basically websites and started promoting and all these things. So we might see, who knows, we might see a crazy meme coming up, even from the gaming ecosystem gamers coming. Because gamers are the biggest cults in this whole world. They create factions and all these stuff.

The Dynamics of Factions in Gaming

And in the, and then at the end of the day, the people who are creating factions, other people who are actually focusing on monetization of these things, and they will be the trendsetters, streamers, the faction owners, clan owners. And the people who are leading the flock of the gamers, they are the people who create these cults. And they will end up doing the same thing. If anybody here down who played wallet arms.

Personal Gaming Experiences and Community Building

Basically that's the place where I started in, back in 2005, online gaming with clan called nofia. Then later we moved up to sinister all those days. Sinister. Basically we started with a small clan and all this stuff. So today we have 4000 plus daily gamers in Sinister. And it was the days when I still remember we started our own website, started selling stuff and all these things.

The Emergence of a Unique Gaming Culture

So this cult of djing style could become the biggest culture gamers. When the gamers mass adoption starts coming into a tree, this is good. This could be something optimistic. But the reality is gamers are not unaware of memes and all these things. And meme is a culture, it's a tradition, it's a group that they recognize their own value and their own respect and all these things, and they follow each other on these things.

Memes and Culture

So that's my take on the people who are supporting memes. And that's in a good way, I would say. Not all the memes are better. Not all the memes are good. But if a meme is good, there's a culture, there's a tradition, there's a community following it. That's basically the best meme to go for.

Observations on Gaming and Streaming

Let me ask you a culture question then, because if games are what rules? Crypto and gamers have all grown up now and we're all in our business suits and our kids are playing games, kids are doing one thing more than we ever did. They're watching streamers. This is something that if anybody has kids at home, you know this. You watch your kids watch other people. You watch your kids watch other people play games. I know that sounds weird. So what is, what does it look like for you? The future of gaming has got to be streamer focused or at least streamer forward. And this is a huge part of what's going on for you, right?

The Influence of Streamers

Yeah. So when it comes to streamers, let's, I think I know only defense reverse. You are only the one who is basically streaming and all these things. And look, I see that he is not streaming like that, but he creates content and all these things. But you know, traditional streamers when it comes to. If I'm a big fan of FPS games and all this things. If you look at the trends and YouTube, not most of these streamers are not the best hitters when it comes to FPS games. So what they do is they will alongside with them. They might be the best personalities when it comes to in front of camera making fun and all these things, but making a game attractive to the people play or watch all these things. That makes keyword, for example when you are looking for a fortnight or PUBG and all these things you will look most likely go to YouTube and search for 80 kills in one battle.

Gaming Trends and Changes

Solo versus solo was a squad and all these kind of keywords you're searching for. So these streamers actually look for the best hitters in a particular clan and they actually pay these players to play with them on a weekend and all these things. And these are the players who earn less and streamers earn a lot of money. And when it comes to web three, these gamers are, would actually start becoming more valuable and they will start extracting more value that's actually not been given to them these days because of streamers. Again, nothing against the streamers because I'm connected with a lot of people in I see some of those guys not on Twitter, but they are mostly on the tick tock and Facebook and YouTube.

The Shift to Game Influence

But these streamers will start actually starting to share a bigger pie to these creators, these individual players who are best entries, basically best hitters when it comes to FPS games and all these things. Yes, I do agree with you when you're saying, I have a son like five years old, day and night, the only thing he watches when he's at the dinner table or lunch, having lunch, he only watched lanky box and all these things and all these stuff. But they do is they actually watch these people to learn the tricks and all these things. For example, if you look back into the days when were playing Sega, and if you go and search for the like the fatality code or the combo for the fatality of sub zero, it was a pretty difficult days that you won't be able to find it.

Evolution of Gaming Knowledge

But if you today look for the sensitivity for your device. What particular device? For example, iPhone 15. The best sensitivity for iPhone 15 with a four finger claw on a mobile phone. You go to Google or you go to YouTube and search for it, you get the best sensitivity out there that you can. You could copy, for example, from shroud or these kind of people, they put it out there very easily that you can copy it. And these are the main reason people actually watch these streamers. I believe personally it will be streamers forward, but also along with the gamers who are playing the game, they basically share the equal share of what they were supposed to get.

Changing Landscape for Streamers

Do you think that more people are going to be getting into just feeling comfortable broadcasting or like we've talked about a little bit here that there might be more live gaming or just like crowd gaming? Because more and more kids, I think this is just in my observation, again, more and more kids want to be streamers. They want to be influencers. They want to be an Internet personality. If they see people doing this, they want to do this. Do you think we're just going to see a much broader market for what we consider right now we are calling them streamers, but essentially, I mean on screen personalities. So we're going to see more of this in gaming as a whole then, right?

Creative Opportunities Ahead

We will. To be honest, we will, because there are so many people who are very creative, for example, in Fortnite and all these things. If you go to Instagram, there are so many people who try to show off how much creative they could be when it comes to integrating ips in Fortnite or in Valorant and these kind of games. And when it comes to web three, these personalities will start seeing more, much more opportunities for their own themselves to become a decentralized ecosystem where they can actually publish their own items and all these things so they don't have to go to a centralized, go through a centralized entity to get approval forward, whatever the things, they do nothing against the big companies who are doing it, but we have seen very shitty looking integrations, or IPC being integrated in a very dirty that you really don't want to own it.

Future of Personalities in Gaming

But since the name is there, the name is integrated because that's the reason the game ends up buying it. But while the same integration, the same ip that's been created by the person who has been basically, for example, Fortnite, Epic Games might be choosing somebody who is a creator, who's not really good enough, while the other person who was not selected to become the creator, who was much better, who created much better arts and all these things might not be selected for these integrations. And those kind of people will find their own opportunities in web three. And yes, in going forward, we will see more and more Internet Personas, but it doesn't have to be streamers because every gamer will note, come on the, on the.

The Evolution of Streaming

Live, on live and do streaming. Like if you look at now, even most of the gamers, majority of, I would say 60% of the gamers who are doing live streaming, they will hide their face and do the live streaming, only the gameplay goes live. Or they will put a personal character, like a PFP or something like that, as a personal character because they are actually shy on camera. I think that's going to be huge. And I think that the continued spread, especially with AI, like you just said, if they don't want to show themselves, they're certainly going to be able to have. Have an AI version or perhaps something that's representing them on screen that'll be able to pull off all of the interaction, the facial features and stuff like that.

Future Developments in Game Design

As the tech evolves, it'll be a big deal then. So you're talking about these streamers becoming. You said this. I'm going to reiterate this for everybody that might have missed it. He said the streamers or the people that are making this content, whether they're making maps or games on Roblox or Fortnite, might become their own decentralized entity, at which point you're alluding to that. Maybe they could make their own content, make their own games, have their own clan, or however they wanted to spin this community together and stuff like that.

The Launchpad for Future Gaming

So you, as a launch pad, which is what you guys are doing, what does that look like to you then? Because you're in a position then like we talked about earlier, to kind of incubate or curate. So are you looking for people? Are you looking for projects or people to help with this? Is that what a launchpad is doing? To be honest, we are actually not only a launchpad and neither an incubator. We have suited solutions for games, basically web two games which is indie game studios to come into web three and then solution for the web three games that are existing without having gamers.

Supporting Indie Game Studios

We basically provide them user acquisition through the streamer network. The first thing is launchpad functionality is to avoid, because I personally like to segregate things in web three, even including myself, I can consider myself as a high competitive gamer till the end, I would say the year 2020. When I started working full time in web three, I was unable to provide that 6 hours of game time to the game that I was playing. And right now what I'm able to do is to that particular game that I'm playing, I'm able to give maybe one or 2 hours a day. Usually I was given like 6 hours or 7 hours minimum to this game.

Future Development Plans

So basically that means after my walk, my nine to five job, I come home and stay up until midnight, 01:00 that is basically Europe time, that's in Asia time, that's like even 03:00, 04:00 in the morning. But again, when it comes to creating what we are creating our own NFT marketplace, we are creating our own quest platform. Launchpad functionality is basically allowing the web three users who are investor mindsets to be involved in these opportunities that we are rising. We are basically bringing in.

Game Launcher and Strategic Focus

And then the last piece that will connect all these pieces is our own game launcher. The biggest reason we start, we don't want to start with the big, the launchpad is because if we start with the launch pad, do a huge airdrop, we'll find again if anybody is listening from the Airdrop hunters. Don't take me wrong, but this is a reality because you cannot run a business without focusing on revenue. And if we raise funds and all these things and drop a million dollar and ask everybody, hey look, you can get a million dollar pool, you can participate in this pool and get like 5000, $600,000, just go and download this piece of software that we created.

Game Launching Strategy

Now what happens is this piece of software which is a PC launcher being downloaded into a laptop and this laptop will not be able to even run relevant in a good way. I'm talking about the basic games are there, but if you cannot run these games. Now the piece of software is being downloaded by somebody who will not be able to use this software. So that's the reason we are not even starting this whole thing and we are and all these things. But what we are looking for is indie game studios.

Indie Studios and Network Growth

We are speaking with. Already we have connected with 15 game indie game studios who have their own gamer network. That means 50 to the lowest number of gamers we are connected with is 70,000 gamers at work. That is south american Titus gaming. And then we already signed with the Terra. They are asking, they are basically they had been developing games alongside with Krafton and all these things. They did 17 games already called Rubik Game Studio. That's Singapore. We have the same office building, we share the same office building.

Understanding User Acquisition

And what we, our focus is our network of streamers is one side that is focused on the user acquisition and important users. But to have ensure that we have a higher retention in our game launcher. What we do is we solve the problem for these indie studios. We all know the problem that indie studios are facing on the Steam. Not saying that we are challenging the Steam, but the reality is if you as a small indie studio who have 50,000, 60,000 monthly active users, if you launch your game on Steam won't even bother to do a promotion for you or put your game on the front page.

Indie Studio Support System

So now what we do is we go to them and tell them, okay look, the amount of money you are needing is 100 5200 thousand dollars. Now we fund you this, you bring the 70,000 gamers you have to this platform and exclusively launch your game in here without having a token. And the deal is here integrated game on Forge token as a useless option to, for the transactions and fees and all these things. And in return we get a royalty fee, which is in traditional world, if you are launching your game as d two tech to offer, for example Ubisoft will give the similar kind of deal to you as a royalty or for example profit sharing and all these things.

Gaming Strategy and Business Model

But I would say I would leave the rest for my own self. Because it's not always good to spill all the eggs, how we're gonna do the user acquisition, all these things. But that's a part of it. Oh man, absolutely love that. I mean, we had you guys on a space before. What you're building is very cool. And I see the potential and the promise in it for the future. And that's kind of what I want to ask you about my last question. Where are you guys gonna be in the next year and a half to next two years.

Future Plans and Market Timing

And I'm asking a year and a half, two years because everybody in crypto, Twitter, we're all waiting for the bull market when we don't and we know it's not going to last forever. I want to know what you guys are going to be doing through this cycle and what you plan to be doing through the next bear market. So our focus for the next beer market when it comes our, this is one, some, one of our biggest marketing plan actually flows into when it comes to crypto side, it's a, it could be a beer market in crypto, but that is focused on GTA six.

Leveraging Gaming Trends

Launching GTA six. Basically that's biggest marketing campaign that could ever happen in gaming in this decade. Now if you are coming from a digital marketing industry, the biggest thing that you can do is taking the advantage of that, those keywords and slide through 10% of the marketing budget that they spend into that on the Google and ask people for what you are building all these things and then get the users from there for your platform. That's basically our, the biggest marketing that we are basically planning on the.

Game Launcher Development

After launching our PC game launcher. But I would say for a shorter time period. What we are looking for is right now to focus on bringing this indie game studios as well as initially when we finished our TGE, we will select the mobile optimized games. During the time of TGE as well, we will select 15 mobile optimized games. In web three, we already did the case studies with certain games. Four games in web three, we did the user acquisition of plus minus one game they had the retention of 1300.

User Retention and Growth

And the other game they had 750 user retention. Because what we onboarded was all Southeast Asian, Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia and India as well as Sri Lanka, Maldives combined, we onboard users and what we did was for one game, to be honest, we did 650,000 users. The cost was involved around $6,000. So what we are doing is basically we will select another 15 more games in web three that are mobile optimized and we will showcase those games.

KPI and Advocacy

What we can do, we will give them the KPI's and once if we reach those KPI's, we will ask those guys to advocate for us and what we did. So basically instead of us telling what we did, we will let the game studios and the game developers to talk about on the crypto Twitter what gaming Forge did for them as user acquisition. Instead of doing the user acquisition battery ecosystem by asking our investors to become the gamers and the long term, I would say we will be focusing more on the gamers and the PC games basically will be our bread and butter.

Future Vision for Gaming Forge

The main, the core of the basically game, unfortunately ecosystem will be our game launcher, focusing on indie game studios to launch their games and basically have those games to be paying the return of investment for the investors and the people who are involved in the game and fort core ecosystem. This is always such a great conversation when we have you guys on here from game on. And what I'm always left with is wondering what I can ask the audience do to help you out.

Audience Engagement and Support

Because normally David and I would get into this whole like tell me about your token and stuff like that. But you're here just like pushing games, right? There's no token. We don't need to ask you about that. What do you, what would you ask everybody that's here because we've been to a few of these shows together. What would you ask everyone to do to follow the x? Go to your website. How can we support you further?

Community Involvement

To be honest, I would suggest everybody don't follow the x, don't follow Twitter, just join our website and see what we are doing on the website. Because X is x. Because we are yet, we have to see yet what Elon Musk is going to do with x, with games and all these things. But we do our tweet spaces every Wednesday. There you can see that we are not talking about gaming forge, we are talking about multiple other projects coming in and sharing, but their thoughts, builders, developers, they are sharing their thoughts and all these things every Wednesday UTC 1300 hours.

Public Engagement Opportunities

If anybody want to from the listeners want to join that Twitter spaces, they can basically join it. But the most important we need from the users is basically if you guys are into gaming or if you guys are investors into gaming, go and take a look at our website. We are testing now the quest platform on the public testing since last week. Register yourself over there. And when it comes token, we have planned to do the launching of the token.

Future Projects and Offerings

But I would say you can expect two things from gaming forged token. One, we will be focusing a lot on defi farming. That's basically focused on web three dj's and web three users. And the second thing is we will be bringing in something that a lot of people are talking about this basically sharing the royalties, sharing the revenue from the company. Whether we make $1 or a million, that revenue will be shared among the users who are holding the tokens of the gaming forge.

Revenue Sharing Model

Because if you're holding Ethereum. If you bought Ethereum for $1,000, the only way you earn money if you're holding to Ethereum is if the Ethereum price goes up. And if you want to do the LC, then now have to go and find the SD that allows you to do a shared pool to contribute into Ethereum. While Ethereum or binance, smart chain or any asset that, particularly in the ecosystem, what happens is basically they make thousands and millions in revenue, but none of those revenue actually is distributed to the holders.

Gaming Forge's Unique Approach

While in web two, in traditional world, if you are holding a stock, you get something called dividend. But I'm not saying we are distributing dividends and all these things. But what I'm saying is we are actually going to be air dropping royalties to the users from the revenue which is from the treasury every year. And thanks, I appreciate you pulling up. I learned two things at the end of this.

Upcoming Opportunities

If there was going to be a token, the only place you're going to hear about it is going to be the Wednesday night show from game on their own x account that they host, or it's going to be one of these Mario shows because that sounds like the only two places on x that they're breaking alpha are going to be here and there. So I am going to try and make it to one of those game on Wednesday shows. I appreciate you dropping that here. And I assume that a lot of the other people here that have been so well spoken about everything, brittany and trophy and winch and everybody is going to be at those shows too, because it sounds like you guys all get together and zoo racer shout out for all the streaming content and stuff.

Acknowledging Contributions

He got a couple of good shout outs today dude. I appreciate the work that you do. Streaming is hard work, so I'm sure people appreciate that. And we got more than enough flowers for streamers today. David, were wrapping up another good one, man. We had good listeners, we had good comments, we had great speakers this time around, banger, game on spaces again, I always enjoy game on stuff because it's never just about one game.

Community Engagement and Future Shows

We get to talk about all games and stuff like that. So thanks to the roundtable for letting me pull up. Thanks to David for being my co host. And before I go, David will mention this too, because we're all very excited about this. You guys know we're doing a show with Justin sun on Monday, right? Which we didn't talk a lot about the tron thing here, but. But David's loading up, bro.

Anticipation for Future Events

He's got PDF's and files for us. And we're all coming to bat on Monday. So follow all the stuff that Mario's putting out about the upcoming discussion with Justin sun, about sun pump and that whole meta over there because we're all very hyped about that show on Monday, bro. I'm telling you, it's going to be like that.

Looking Forward to the Future

I don't know what to expect. I'm just tuning in for that. Just excited to be there. David's as excited as anyone, though. David, why don't you tell them how excited you are and I'll see you next time. Pulse I am excited to be in Twitter spaces and I'm excited to be working in web three and just being able to choose to do whatever we want to do.

Thank You to Participants

I want to thank everybody for coming out. All the speakers for coming out. All the listeners for coming out. I hope you all have a great day, great weekend. We'll see you at the next Mario. No fall in the roundtable spaces. Make sure you're following. Game on Forge, guys. They're doing some very cool stuff.

Final Farewell

Meme coin Daily 03:00 p.m. eST.

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