Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter space centered on the Metaverse niche delved into the development tools and strategies within the Metagraph realm. Discussions highlighted the criteria for project success, aiming for a significant number of projects to achieve integration net readiness. Emphasis was placed on attracting and educating a larger pool of developers, with grants from Stardustheendeh supporting projects on the integration net. Participants expressed excitement for future activities like hackathons, underlining the dynamic and forward-thinking nature of the Metaverse space.


Q: What are the primary tools being developed?
A: Tools for metagraph development, usability extensions, and block explorers.

Q: What’s the target for new project onboarding?
A: Around 50 to 100 new projects.

Q: How are new developers being supported?
A: Through educational programs and mentorship.

Q: What kind of projects are being prioritized?
A: Projects that are near integration net ready.

Q: What entities are offering grant programs?
A: Entities like Stardustheendeh.

Q: What’s the community’s role in this ecosystem?
A: Providing feedback and participating in events.

Q: How are hackathons contributing to this ecosystem?
A: By fostering collaboration and innovation.

Q: What’s the expectation for developer interest?
A: Varying estimates from conservative to aggressive interest.

Q: What’s the impact of Stargazer usability?
A: Extending its usability is a key development focus.

Q: What’s the current state of the development community?
A: A smaller, active group with ongoing grant-supported projects.

Q: What tools were discussed for Metaverse development?
A: Participants discussed tools for Metagraph development and enhancing the usability of Stargazer.

Q: How many projects are targeted for integration net readiness?
A: The focus is on targeting 50 to 100 projects for future integration net readiness.

Q: What is the focus regarding developers' education and readiness?
A: There is an emphasis on attracting a larger influx of developers and providing education for project readiness.

Q: Who is providing grants to support projects on the integration net?
A: Grants are provided by Stardustheendeh to support projects on the integration net.

Q: What activities are participants excited about in the Metaverse space?
A: Participants are excited about upcoming activities like a hackathon in the Metaverse space.


Time: 01:35:55
Tooling for Metagraph Development: Emphasizing robust tools for metagraphs.

Time: 01:36:05
Expanding Stargazer Usability: Extending current tools' usability.

Time: 01:36:14
Target Integration Net Readiness: Prioritizing projects ready for integration.

Time: 01:36:30
Developer Onboarding Goals: Objective to onboard 50 to 100 new projects.

Time: 01:36:45
Educating Developers: Initiatives to get developers up to speed.

Time: 01:37:06
Ongoing Support Through Grants: Current grant programs supporting development.

Time: 01:49:45
Hackathon Excitement: Enthusiasm about upcoming hackathons and community events.

Time: 01:50:00
Community Contributions: Acknowledging community feedback and involvement.

Time: 01:50:17
Developer Mobility: Logistical aspects of community contribution.

Time: 01:50:29
Wrapping Up: Final thoughts and goodbyes from participants.

Key Takeaways

  • Participants discussed tools for Metagraph development and enhancing the usability of Stargazer.
  • Focus on bringing projects to a state near integration readiness for success.
  • Targeting 50 to 100 projects for future integration net readiness.
  • Importance of attracting a larger influx of developers and providing education.
  • Grants from Stardustheendeh to support projects on the integration net.
  • Emphasis on fueling the fire of project readiness for a successful release.
  • Excitement and anticipation for upcoming activities like a hackathon in the Metaverse space.

Behind the Mic

That's how we roll here. Started off early. Gonna tweet out the space. Boom. Barry in the house. I will. That co host invite. I am going to start listening. Oh, we got to mute that. All right. And then I'm going to send. Hi. Hello, Dagnum. Yo, yo. It's popping, everybody. How are we doing? What is up? I am here. Let's rock. Yeah. I'm ready to kick this thing off whenever you all are. It's 4% uploaded twitter guys really but by David quote in the house what's up buddy? I don't know man this is crazy what was going on here with Twitter recently super Subaraw here, so I'm pretty excited about today's space we have the DFINITY foundation, some folks from the DFINITY foundation coming in to talk about the Supernova hackathon. We sent out a tweet to prepare some questions for interested in the hackathon and if you're interested in submitting a project. We're also going to be talking about some other developer resources. Barry Todd if you want to chime in and and talk about anything specific you're working on with DFINITY we can get this started. I see Alexander Santos down there. I just invited him to speak, so hopefully we can get started soon. I was just going to say guys don't forget to follow the constellation network. If you haven't followed already, be sure to check out the bio in the Twitter page and also follow us on telegram. We got a lot of amazing things coming. I should have said that earlier, but definitely follow us if you're interested in our. We maxed out the number of links we could have in the space today for speakers, but there's a link at the top you can click to for a lot more information. I think we should be getting somebody on here momentarily. Alex, are you with us? He should be I'm texting him now. He should be able to join in just one look that we just did recently on Twitter spaces and on Telegram was talking about the prizes offered by their super cool no hackathon and we got a lot of amazing speakers coming in many people we know and we're thinking about joining and yeah we it looks like it's it's gonna be getting started really soon. We got Alex Santos, guys. Okay, yo, you made it. Hey can you hear me now? Yep okay it's going great. OK, cool, cool. All right. Good. Good. Yeah, happy to happy to be here. Just just got here. Perfect timing, I guess. You didn't miss anything. Perfect OK. I was just giving guys a quick rundown. I believe it's the hackathon, some of the developer resources that we're seeing and then Barry's going to chime in as well. I'll just start with question 1. So yeah, we have our hackathon coming up for disinformation. It's called Supernova, and we're also going to go through some of the developer resources that we have available for builders that are participating. We also got some pretty good examples of projects that have shipped and raised recently. Some of them may have been involved in some of our previous hackathons, so if you're all looking for ideas and you want to see what has worked in the past, definitely check those out. So what we'd like to talk about is specifically giving a rundown of what the foundation has in terms of support. So we have our docs on our website. We also have some tutorials and code examples on our medium page. In addition to that, we are really excited to share some new developer challenges that we have on our website as well. So if you're looking for specific project ideas and looking for things to match up with the challenge categories within the hackathon, check those out. Some of the ones that we are really interested in supporting are going to be any project that can push the limits of what's being done on chain in terms of social and gaming. So going beyond things like asset models, looking at persistent worlds, looking at how jet and it interacts with different social primitives, those are going to be really cool projects to check out and to spin up in the upcoming months. Yeah, we compiled some of the information regarding the hackathon. I'll post it here as well in our community chat room later today. So feel free to ping us and we're here to help you in case you. That's much self help as they can, because one one help doesn't really scale to that number of folks coming in. The other thing we're going to be doing is a webinar series. So we'll be doing some video content with developers from the core team, some other kind of related content also around the hackathon. So showing people how do we get set up with Euclid, how do we build a metagraph? We'll probably look at the open source metagraphs that we do have break down exactly what's going on with the door metagraph, alpaca. So some really good concepts in Alpaca, specifically around data fetchers. How are we integrating with third party APIs and then doing something that's ultimately simple, which is minting tokens for free into wallets. But those things that are somewhat simple to do on a metagraph can be really powerful. And so that's why we want to have some of this explainer content out there. So it's going to be, I think, a super busy summer for us. I don't think I said the hackathon runs for eight weeks, so it'll start July 15, it'll end in mid September. I think we'll be announcing the winners at the end of September and then potentially some sort of events afterwards that will be featuring those winners. And so it's just, I think this is exactly what we need to be doing. I'm really excited that we're able to put this together and we're just going to have a big pool of projects to kind of push forward and funnel into the grant program, find ways to get them online and just kind of create this bigger ecosystem of metagraph developers that's going to help everybody out. So. Yeah, and for those interested, at the top of the space, I got pinned more information about the prize and what it takes to submit your metagraph idea. So check it out. It's going to be good. Like you said, $100,000 up for grabs, plus a bunch of other prizes, token events. What the world wants to know is, are you going to participate in the hackathon? No. Is that a bad answer? So to tie in some of these. I guess what I should say is realistically a really good interesting conversation was around data identify….you know, it's it's it's. Been changing the name of the game you should. Yo same here, I wanted to thank Barry for organizing and yeah I'm super pumped I can't wait to see some of these amazing projects coming out of the hackathon especially because we will be in touch yo and that you know, if people want so we're going to be tying out, some of the hackathon theme with data identity did solutions so some there a little bit of how to how someone truly own their own data, how it's going to be slashing and that's some very interesting research going in with with some partners how people do privacy with their data privacy security identity i mean it's it's. Privacy and identity based chains are in the next goal, atleast for constellation. Constellation is definitely the front runners in this space and the hackathon definitely we should share it around but for now we just open it up go ahead and open it up and check it out some amazing prizes. Yeah, that's funny you mentioned that there's actually there's a hackathon coming up in two weeks before the hackathon I want to talk about but you mentioned there's an event Alex in in July was it? Love the questions guys keep them coming keep them rolling in the hackathons going to be amazing yeah just hit me up same thing anything go to the website if y'all haven't signed up go ahead do it now. We also have a really high number of people interested and what we can do to attract more users to the ecosystem. Apart from the hackathon, something we want to kind of push out early is just generally creator content. You know, people want to learn how to build or use our infrastructure really iteratively, so we're going to be pushing out a lot of quick start guides, FAQs. We have new Docs and they're not. As outdated, but we're making them a lot more accessible and kind of like taking them to the next level. Another thing that we're working on is setting up a gitter channel s for any developers looking for like developer specific questions rooms for specific problems they're interested in so we can kind of bring you all into the fold a little more. I don't want to go into too much detail on those because we're going to be pushing those out later in the hackathon. What are some of the biggest challenges that you envision for builders in hackathon? So one of the biggest things we want to push out is actually documentation around things that are specifically difficult to build today. So I think examining the space where you've seen a lot of articles recently in the last 12 to 18 months around and the conversation keeps going is around block stores and next iteration of DAG's. That's something really interesting, because when you talk about DAG's, you talk about some of the things the traditional blockchain would do. But you enhance it with DAG's. The possibilities are endless, you take traditional product and you bring it over to next evolution of DAG. One consideration we have and a lot of people are thinking about is off-chain data fetching and tokenization. So people like developers can be focused on putting code contracts on chain do things off chain that rarerly become possible because cost is very high on chain and puts tremendous stress on the ledger. Dagtum, I know you're focusing on the cycle time before the start of the hackathon. Are there any exciting new announcement you can share about this hackathon? Yeah I mean, funny enough, there's 5 Hackathons running, and then folks are talking about New York was kind of a really big event for hacker community in general across spaces data fetching tokenization and API integration is next level Alex, I know your team is also focused on certain fields. I mean yes, loving all this. Can't wait to announce the winner after hackathon gets done, when is hackathon starting? We'll probably look to announce, as I mentioned third week of July should probably be 7/24 it's going to be out of this world! I'm very interested to help out. Definitely interested in some music projects. There will be prizes, all kinds giveaways exactly my dude feelfree to check all updates on discord and Twitter page. Come join participate. Super stoked! Interestingly enough even Alex, Barry and pretty much the whole space same OP. Even our devs are buzzing. It's time project wins! Open devs, do the job, organizing a space wide delta with developer contracts getting massive participation going. Loving the support for constellations, the hackathon will be super cool. We have a lot of cool prizes and giveaways, join in and participate, data challenge initiatives will blow your mind. Let's do this folks! Alright, alright, let us pause perhaps some questions in the coming minutes and we might also take some public questions from listeners. Loving the energy Dagtum and team for putting this, job superb I love every bit of the hackathon spirit can I have a few concerns answered? Sure, shoot ahead. Speaker 1 Somebody already listening? Thank you for the reponses. My question is regarding the developer guides and challenges. I have seen those perhaps more examples should be included for better comprehension. Speaker 2 Thank you for the question. It is noted and we are working around more examples to be included. Speaker 3 Exactly as you mentioned, more examples definitely make sense. Now adding more documentation surely gonna enhance overall experience. Speaker 4 Hackathon is going to be amazing! It is just a small waiting and can't wait for the roll out! Speaker 5 Yeah, very excited can't wait for all the projects and the ideas. Speaker 6 Thanks for this amazing initiative come join hands build the next big ecosystem! Thanks everyone. It was great connecting. Absolutely pleasure joining this space, thanks constellation, thanks Alexander Santos and Barry. Until next time signing off. Daniel from ICP Legends. All this has been a lot of fun. Can't wait for the hackathon. I mean, yeah, it's gonna get crazy. I just can't wait. Excuse me. That sushi is hitting me again. But much love, guys. Hope everyone has a great night and all the best. Take care, guys. Oh, man, with that outro, I don't think I could carry on. Yeah, I also got to get popping here. I got a actually, I'm about to drive from New York to Philadelphia, so I got a. I gotta pack up and get ready to go, but, yeah. Thank you guys. Same thing here, the same energy. Thank you guys for having me on the space. I love you all. A lot of you guys have seen before. I'm super happy to stay connected with the constellation ecosystem. You guys are amazing. Would not love to work with anybody more. So hopefully we all stay in contact. I will be doing some DM's here as soon as I land in my destination, I'll be very happy to start some conversations and I will love to get some stuff moving and get some synergies cooking up on the stove. So thank you guys all for your time. Thank you also, Dagnum, seriously frickin legend, man. Love what you do for all the spaces, all the ecosystems. And thank you for being here in the industry. We really appreciate you. Definitely, guys, I will catch you guys on the next one, so have a great. All right, man. Yeah, looking forward to anything that dfinity participates in this hackathon. It would be amazing to have just this, you know, multi chain approach. Hackathon. Alex, again, legend in the space. Can't thank you enough for your time. You know, time, to me, is the most precious thing here. Alex, same to you. I know you're recently a dad, and so, again, your time is extremely valuable to us all. And love the initiative that you've been taking with us. Looking forward to the hackathon, which is like two weeks away, and there's going to be. Between today and the hackathon, there's plenty of stuff coming up, so remember, notifications on. And until next time, take it easy, everybody. Thanks for joining.

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