Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter space under the niche of Art had a lively and inclusive ambiance with no specific central theme dominating the conversation. Participants contributed to a variety of spontaneous discussions, creating a positive and welcoming atmosphere for engaging in friendly interactions. The space also incorporated elements of <ul>trading, neuroscience, discipline, skills, attention, and project</ul> discussions, catering to a diverse range of interests and topics within the art community. This dynamic environment allowed for a holistic and engaging experience for participants with a wide array of interests.


Q: What was the overall tone of the conversation?
A: Casual and informal.

Q: Were the topics technical or light-hearted?
A: Light-hearted and not deeply technical.

Q: How did participants engage with each other?
A: Through friendly exchanges and greetings.


Time: 00:11:01
Unique Value Proposition of Alpha Surfers, Explaining the integration of stock market, crypto, forex, and liquidity pool investing.

Time: 00:27:37
Importance of Focus and Discipline, Emphasizing the need for structure and discipline in trading.

Time: 00:39:21
Insights into Team Dynamics, Discussing the team composition and leadership values.

Time: 00:48:44
Community Support and Collaboration, Highlighting the importance of community support and collaboration.

Time: 01:01:21
Advice on Risk Management, Providing guidance on risk management and leveraging acquired skills.

Time: 01:04:35
Long-term Investment Approach, Encouragement for a marathon-like approach to investment and community growth.

Key Takeaways

  • The space had a casual and informal tone throughout the conversation.
  • Topics discussed were light-hearted and not deeply technical in nature.
  • Participants engaged in friendly exchanges and greetings
  • fostering a positive atmosphere.
  • A mixture of different chat topics and interactions contributed to the inclusive vibe.
  • The overall atmosphere of the space was positive and welcoming.

Behind the Mic

don't we jump on the phone call for like five minutes and we'll see if this makes sense. And we jumped on, and then 6 hours later we're like, hey, did we just become best friends? Like, want to be a team member? And, you know, he was a fantastic person, so it was wonderful. And, you know, fast forward. We brought on Kyer for community management. We brought on Mister Ferraro for community management as well. Both of those guys are good, they know what they're doing. And that kind of gave us a solid foundation. And then after that, during 2023, we didn't really have to market because we grew by slow word of mouth. And all of our mints were OG whitelist. Like, there were no public during 2023. So that was done for a reason because sir loss and I had a lot of conversations. I really felt like I wanted to not do anything hike related. He also agreed. And through that we developed a strategy where we would do OG whitelist only mitts during 2023, 2024 or maybe December 2023, we did our first real marketing. And now we've gone on different spaces and YouTube channels and we have a few things in the works in the future. And then we brought on a few others. The most recent additions were Spintron, who's actually in the room, and raunchy Spatula, who's also in the room. We brought in those two for marketing because I'm not a good marketer, I'll be the first person to tell you that, you know, sur Los is more like a back end planning strategist. So neither one of us really wanted to do marketing. So bringing those two in has really been great. I can dedicate my time to what I should be doing, which is trading and then they can go out and focus on marketing and bring some ideas. You know, we can talk a little bit. So, you know, it's been really fantastic. So I appreciate both of you. I know you're in the room, so thank you. But, yeah, that's basically our core group. It's been fantastic. I don't know about anybody else that's listening, but I really feel lifted by the engagement we're having with Matt. And if anybody knows me, they know that I'm very passionate about mental health and doing that personal development work, and that's a lot of the engagement that we have. And so, Matt, appreciate you, bro. And I'm very thankful for you. Appreciate you. I'm grateful as well. I would, I think, either. Matter will finish off, and I would love to just rock, a song. Go ahead fect, I am just going to finish this out, Just recap everything and then hit him with a mental breakdown. Yeah, I'd love to hit you guys with a piece of wisdom and kind of blow your flex your minds maybe to a different perspective. So I was very grateful, Matt, fect, everyone joining the conversation. This thing was two hours. I'm very passionate about it, so I kind of lost track of time, but the one thing I would tell people to leave about tonight is when you are done with this, when you're done, this interaction, write about it. Put your thoughts what you got out of this conversation and let it cement because what Matt just said, like one thing I learned about this journey is what you're hearing right now. This doesn't exist online. Read it, feel it and let it sink. I don't know if that makes sense, but take from it what you will. And do the work and let it happen, that's really all I got to say. It's been incredible connecting with you guys and appreciate you. Yeah, 100% Bro, I love the written, written form for everything so much so that my chapter that I'm writing now a book that I started about three years ago. It's just now getting to the point where I feel like my mind mapping stage is done, and now I'm going into actually putting it down in a more professional way on a.j tablet, and it was just been grueling. So I've got around 30 hours into this thing. The last, the last 3 hours have been, I've just flown through it. There's the right tools that everything like that. But please, if you're willing, you don't have to. And you're not going to be guilted about it, but just Blow up that space with, with crypto dragons den because we're giving away a one one nft that will have the utility of the virtuous swan network. Please feel free to check out. Please get into alpha surface discord if the time and your ability permits, as well as the smart discord. And we would love to have you in virtuous swan. Something that really reinforced what we're doing in the virtuous Swan network is not building on hype, and I'm thankful for that. The right people to build with us and we believe if we're bringing quality, then it's going to show down the road. It's a marathon and not a sprint. Yeah, that's what I got to say before we rock this song. And my son Valor is in the crowd. And son, you already know effects, I already know that you banged some gangster rap. So I just wanted to let you know that I love you and I love to see you growing. And so we're going to, we're going to smash this out right now. Anyone else? I bust a move, bro. All right. All right, here we go. Hopefully you all can hear it. You're never going to make it. Possible. Too many options. You got to stop it, though. You got to take this, though. You can't be your pro, no wish, you die no more straight. No, they don't give it what I'm saying. I'm not too many of us and you're not that great, man. Stop what you're saying. Stop what you're making. Everybody here knows that you just. Anymore. I don't want to hear it anymore. I'm about to shut the motherfucking toe on all you poor. Speak down. This is about the head. There's no way that you make it. Maybe you could fake it but you never gotta make it but you just gotta take that. Make them take it all day. Don't tell me. Just gonna take that fucking bite back, Sadeena.

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