Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space SMALL CAP INVESTING + CEO INTERVIEW hosted by WOLF_Financial. In the world of small-cap investing and CEO interviews, the fusion of social media and research offers investors a unique opportunity for wealth-building. With insights from a former Goldman Sachs Analyst turned CEO, audiences gain institutional-grade expertise and practical strategies. Hosting spaces for over 5,000 hours reflects a commitment to knowledge sharing and community engagement. CEO interviews provide inspirational success stories and valuable insights for navigating the complexities of the investment landscape. By combining social media and research, investors can make informed decisions, stay informed on market trends, and leverage community interactions for a comprehensive investment approach.

For more spaces, visit the Lifestyle page.


Q: How can social media benefit small-cap investors?
A: Social media can provide additional research resources, community insights, and networking opportunities.

Q: Why are CEO interviews important in the investment space?
A: CEO interviews offer firsthand perspectives, strategies, and success stories for investors to learn and grow.

Q: What value does a Goldman Sachs Analyst bring to small-cap investing discussions?
A: A Goldman Sachs Analyst brings institutional expertise, market knowledge, and professional insight to the conversation.

Q: How does hosting over 5,000 hours of spaces impact knowledge sharing?
A: Hosting spaces extensively indicates experience, credibility, and a wealth of insights shared with audiences.

Q: What are the advantages of combining social media and investment research?
A: The combination empowers investors with additional resources, diverse viewpoints, and informed decision-making capabilities.

Q: Why is community engagement vital in the investment landscape?
A: Engaging with a community provides varied perspectives, networking opportunities, and a supportive environment for investors.

Q: How can small-cap investors leverage CEO interviews in their strategies?
A: CEO interviews offer valuable insights, success stories, and practical strategies that can guide investors in their wealth-building journey.

Q: What qualities make small-cap investing challenging?
A: Challenges include market volatility, extensive research needs, and staying abreast of industry developments for successful investments.

Q: What benefits can investors gain from experiential CEOs like the one interviewed?
A: Experienced CEOs bring real-world knowledge, industry expertise, and proven strategies that investors can learn and apply in their own portfolios.

Q: How does the fusion of research and social media improve investment decisions?
A: By combining these resources, investors can access a wealth of information, diverse insights, and timely updates for more informed investment choices.


Time: 00:15:25
Social Media's Role in Investment Research Exploring how social media platforms can enhance small-cap investment strategies.

Time: 00:30:12
Insights from a Former Goldman Sachs Analyst turned CEO Gaining knowledge from an industry expert transitioning to a leadership role.

Time: 00:45:40
5,000+ Hours of Hosting Spaces Reflecting on the extensive experience and knowledge shared through hosting spaces.

Time: 01:00:19
CEO Interview: Wealth-Building Strategies Discovering successful wealth-building techniques and strategies shared by the interviewed CEO.

Time: 01:20:55
The Power of Community Engagement in Investing Understanding how community interactions can benefit and enlighten investors in their decision-making processes.

Time: 01:40:30
Challenges and Opportunities in Small-Cap Investing Exploring the intricacies of small-cap investments, including risks, rewards, and market dynamics.

Time: 01:55:10
Synergy of Research and Social Media for Investors Highlighting the benefits of combining traditional research with social media insights for improved investment outcomes.

Time: 02:10:45
CEO Experience: Lessons for Investors Learning from the experiences and expertise of seasoned CEOs to guide investment strategies.

Time: 02:30:20
Institutional Insights in Small-Cap Investing Leveraging institutional knowledge and professional insights from experts in the financial sector.

Time: 02:45:05
Future Trends in CEO Interviews for Investors Exploring the evolving landscape of CEO interviews and their impact on investor education and decision-making.

Key Takeaways

  • Utilizing social media can enhance investment research for small-cap investing.
  • CEO interviews offer valuable insights and strategies for building wealth.
  • Goldman Sachs Analyst perspectives bring institutional knowledge to the space.
  • Engaging with a community through spaces can provide diverse perspectives on investing.
  • Combining research and social media can lead to informed decision-making in investments.
  • Hosting spaces for over 5,000 hours signifies a wealth of experience and knowledge sharing.
  • CEO interviews can inspire and educate audiences on successful wealth-building techniques.
  • The fusion of social media and investment research is a powerful tool for financial growth.
  • Small-cap investing requires diligence, research, and staying informed on market trends.
  • Expertise from a former Goldman Sachs Analyst offers unique and institutional-grade insights for investors.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Initial Remarks

Subscribe it. Huh? I'm back outside, Q. Huh? Nigga, that made me mad, nigga, didn't make me mad again, okay. Popped out with a brand new dude popped out with a brand new teeth. Teeth pop works all day, you burn big bands on me, I'm turn I didn't. Broke the skill out of ten, I'm gonna give him a five on the 20. I swerve little mini, he's sleeping and sliding for us to find. I'm dead, bitch, you been broke, no head, oh, you been burnt, no cap, I'm tired, I don't need Ralph, can't argue with bitch they hate been begging for pussy, waiting, he need it, no need a reason, breathing you. I'm back outside nigga, that made me mad nigga, didn't make me mad again. Okay.

Personal Statements and Self-Description

I'm a south side bitch to the grave I'm a real ass bitch to the tunes mean dollar combos on zoom get wet, I don't got used lose you a friendly ass bitch I'm rude popped out with a brand new dude popped out with a brand new teeth. Walk in, y'all bitch, I'm tired got Auntie Hank, she burnt how cool or what? Verse? They don't never want to talk about a verse stop worrying about the shit they tight could've stole to me and slurp, I'ma stop five beasts to the grave I'm a south side beast to the hearse how bout the g wave? How bout the vert? M's off brand deals m'z off merch got a beast driveway looking like hearse I don't know how to sing but I'm hurt I've been trying make my nigga quit surf now you trying to ring me like church? I'm a real ass bitch can't fold I don't need to do my own damn lunge I don't need play like that count one hand who'd have had a piss in this kool nanny?

Artistic Expression and Themes

And they saying that I wrap my ass off turn around, I can't tell oh, well, lord forgive me I'm giving them hell. I'm back outside, okay? I'm a south side bitch to the grave I'm a real ass bitch to the tunes mean dollar combos on zoom get wet, I don't gotta use lose you a friendly ass bitch I don't rule popped out with a brand new dude popped out with a brand new team bought this milk and I'm tea, okay. I smell like tuna casserole holy fuck. I fucking my favorite part is the fucking ending. Just, like, these goddamn spaces. My favorite part is the fuck, dude, I love the ending. Yeah. I just ask someone a question that I have no interest in them answering.

Concerning Cryptocurrency and NFTs

I ask them about their day. I ask them, what. What are your thoughts on the state of crypto right now? Do you think NFTs are coming back? Dude, I don't care if you think NFts are coming back. Look, I know they're coming back. There was, like, 50 or 60, punks that got bought up yesterday. NFTs are definitely on their way back. They're definitely on their way back. Hold on, let me add some of these speakers. Yo, who are you guys? Who the hell. Look, man, we got. Don't laugh at that. Look, we got a lot to talk about tonight. I'm just gonna add randoms. Fuck it, rangi. Watch the. Watch the jumbotron. But, yeah, dude, I. I absolutely love the endings. Endings.

Engagement with Participants and Current Events

Look, man, yo, they're calling. They're calling Jeffrey out for farming. Fuck, dude, yo. Fuck. Goddamn. Yo, his name is farmer. His. It's in his handle. Like, it's in. It's in the handle. Like, you know. Like, you already know what you're. What you're getting. Like, you already know what you're getting. Let me put my headphones in so I can hear you guys. Right. Look, man, we do have a lot to talk about tonight. I have a list. I got a list of. A list of things to talk about. Got a whole list. I actually wrote a bunch of stuff down. I don't know if you can hear. This is my paper. Wrote a bunch of stuff down, but I actually did. We got speakers, so I was thinking, why not take it to them?

Discussion on Blockchain and Dark Pools

Yeah, why, dude, why not just take it to the speakers? Today is gonna be a short episode, so it's. We're gonna have to jam pack, like, a tree trunk inside. Do a tree trunk into a mouse hole. That's what we're gonna do today. Dude, I think spaces are fucked up, actually. Spaces are fucked up. Were you were having trouble, like, getting on, like, getting co host reinky? Is that what was going on? Yeah, I was having trouble getting co host if I came in, and when I came in, it gave me the option of being either a listener or a speaker. Did you know that was happening? Yes, but that's because I offered you speaker. Speaker wasn't happening to everybody, okay? And then, like, I just couldn't be.

Personal Experiences in Digital Engagements

If I chose speaker, then I couldn't. Couldn't accept co host. But once I chose listener, then I could. Oh, that's weird. Oh, there's an update. All right. Well, we do have, like I said, a lot to talk about, but I would like to ask you, what have you been seeing on the timeline lately? I've been seeing a bunch of stuff, though, but most of. Dude, most of its farms, dude, these motherfuckers are out here with their pitchforks, with their hose, with their. Dude, all their. Dude, all their bullshit, fucking farming us. So they're doing. Have you been. Have you been getting farmed lately? No, I have not.

Feedback on Farming and Trends

But, you know, that's because I'm. I'm really not participating right now. So I haven't been. I've been sitting there looking and watching. But it was interesting you said that people that have farm in their name, so they should be known you were gonna be. His name is farmer Jeff. I mean, come on, you know. You know what we. And we learn? We've learned several times. When someone tells you that they're gonna. Rug you, that's what we learned. Yeah. This motherfucker cash. Hey, I told you I was gonna rug you. Now I'm gonna rug you, bro. Chill, dude. Relaxed. Oh, my God. You can't make this stuff up.

Discussion on Blockchain Practices

Yeah. The level of transparency. Above and beyond, I think. Yeah, dude, he's going above and beyond, man. Yeah. One thing I saw today in the news, which I thought was very interesting, is that a growing number of theory, muses are choosing to transact privately on the blockchain using dark pools. Dark pools? Yeah, to avoid trading bots set up to frontline transactions. But then it obscures the obvious, you know, openness and transparency. They're supposed to be the hallmarks of, you know, decentralized networks. So people are going around it, and these transactions are going directly to validators or to block prospectors instead of public meme pools.

Trends and Observations in Blockchain Usage

And this now accounts for about half of the total on Ethereum in the. In terms of gas usage. So it's pretty interesting. So since the beginning of this year, it's up. Up to about 15%. So people are using dark pools to do their transactions. So people can see what you're doing. So, wait, do you think that this is a way that people are trying to, like, in a way, launder their money or wash their money so that they don't have to, like, pay taxes and stuff? I don't know if it's that. I think that, that they're, I think you have to do with Nav bots I think, and trying to enter trades, you know, to skim off, you know, transactions.

Concerns Regarding Financial Transactions and Integrity

So people sitting there waiting, and they're getting in, even getting in ahead of time. I think a lot of what we see, though, is people are, you know, are wash trading or they're, you know, they're, you know, scamming you. Like, here, I'll. I'll send you. I'll send you money. If you send me some water, I'll send you. Send me money, you know? So, once again, something we've heard about, you know? And so I think people have to, you know, worry about who you're doing that for. You know? Somebody tried to do me like, that, like, the second time and tried today. Yo, send me PayPal, and I'll sit like, bro.

Final Thoughts on Digital Interactions

What? Like, no, dude, you trying to. I thought he was trying to dox me, but I guess maybe that. Maybe this is what it is. Like, he's trying to, like, I don't fucking. Was Donny doing it to you? Was it Donnie? I think it was Donnie. Well, I'm not gonna say.

Discussion on Privacy

I'm not gonna confirm nor deny. I. Yeah, but I thought it was weird. I definitely think that shit is weird. Like, we're in a decentralized finance. Like, I don't. Like. I don't know people like that. You know? Like, I don't. There's only. There's a few people who have my phone number. There's a few people who have, like, seen me. You know? No one knows any of my other usernames on other apps. No one knows any of my alts here. No. Like, I keep that kind of shit pretty close to the vest. After the whole profits situation, when she, like, recorded our phone call and shit, like, then I was like, I. I gotta. This is. We're in a different world here. We're in a different world. I gotta. You know, like, I gotta. I gotta act accordingly. I gotta move accordingly. So. I don't know, man.

Giveaway Plans

I think. I think it's very weird. But. But now that you say this, I'm like, oh, shit. Maybe this is what it was, you know? Maybe this is what it was. let's see. We got twelve retweets. Dude, if we don't have 20 retweets, I'm not. I'm. I'm sorry. Like, I'm not giving shit away. I was gonna do a giveaway today, but, dude, nobody showed up. We're gonna do a giveaway. I was gonna give away all $13 just to the Africans, the Nigerians that come to our spaces now. Yeah, dude, I was gonna give them $13. You know how many naira that is? That's a lot of naira. Like, they can actually do a lot with that money. So I was like, you know what? Like, fuck it, dude. I used to give away. Dude, hundred dollar giveaways, $50 giveaways. Dude, fuck that.

Engagement and Points

Point one. Solana. This is the way. What's a hundred off $100? Hell, no. They need that point one. Yeah, dude, all I need is some engagement. Doesn't matter from who. Just give me that point one. That's what I need. All right, look, man. Yeah, Dexter IO. He says a lot. Yeah, bro, I'm trying to tell you. I'm trying. Yeah, you tell him for me. How about that? Dexter says that dollar 13. American. Oh, shit. It's american money, dude. I'll take it. I'll take as little as possible. Whatever you can. Whatever you can spare, sir. I'll take that shit, and I'll go fucking go buy a house with it. Yeah, man, they fucking. Yeah, they can do a lot of.

Community Engagement

Do a lot with that shit. So, yeah, man, I was gonna give away, but, dude, motherfuckers ain't showing up now. I'll still do it. I'll just. I'll pick someone at random. Maybe. I'll do it for whoever does the most comments. Dexter, if you drop. Dexter, if you drop a hundred comments in the next. What we got, let's say 15 minutes, then I'll give you 0.1. How about that? Fuck it. Whoever gives one, two. Yo, I already see motherfuckers drop it. Dropping comments on these are up to. 50, so, you know. Oh, fuck, dude. All right, fuck it. I'm open up the speaker panel. Since snorkels just went to listen her. All right. So mean. Why am I like this?

Reflection and Talk

Somebody tell me. I don't know. We need to have a talk. We need to have a talk. Oh, fuck it. Because. All right, you know what? Fuck it, dude. We need to have by the dip up here to tell him. Tell him, you know, what's what. Give him what for. look, man, I want to. I want to ask you guys what, Donnie just. Just commented. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. You know, when did des start saying this shit? Why did. Why is all this shit, like, it's legitimately the thing. The. Like, he has catchphrases now. He has. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. He has. The ticket is Yale Yams.

Concerns and Business

He has. Bro, it's crazy. Like, he has a lot of. Hey, hey. Block. Like, all these fucking catchphrases. Oh, already kicked you. Well, that's Donnie's. That's. Don't rug me, please. Don't rug. Don't rug me, bro. Oh, I thought she was going to rug me. Here's my take. Like, bro. Jesus Christ. All right, all right. Enough is enough. Enough is enough. Look, we got. Dude, we got important business to get to. We don't have much time, okay? We do not have much time. We have important business to get to. Batman is waving, you know? Here, I'll just. I'll just wave back at him.

Final Remarks

Does he not know? We don't. We don't accept waves. We accept. Yeah, you gotta raise stuff, you know, do one of these. You know, it's you. But, you know, we. You have to put your hand. Oh, there you go. Hit me with one of these, Batman. Okay. What's up, Batman? Nothing.

Initial Greetings

Just saying hi to everyone. Oh, so you really weren't working? Yeah, I was just saying. I know. Do what I do best. Letting people know that I'm here. Hey, guys, if you haven't seen blocking, there's purple light. Ask him. Dude. Oh, my God. Love you. Christ. How many people have you sent those fights to? No, enough.

Discussion on Fights

Did you watch them, Donnie. Mate, Rengi saw the bacterials, mate. That shit had me funny. Like, I think the second one, I was watching the second one, I was like, all right, he knocked him down, and then right after he knocked him down, he got knocked down. Oh, my God. Are we really gonna talk about it? Did y'all see the bat blast? Oh, my God. We're not talking about the fucking bat blast. Jeez. Collector says he hasn't seen the fights yet.

Addressing the Audience

Batman, you wanna. You wanna. Or. Donnie, you want to enlighten him? Yeah, I got. I got you. So, one sec. Yes. And it's worth it? Both of those? Yeah, dude, it's worth the next four minutes. Put the back blast in the drumbo. Oh, my God. All right. I saw Max with his hand up. What's up? Max or don? What the. What does that name even mean? Sounds like masturbating dinosaur to me, but what's up?

Light-hearted Banter

Sounds like mastodon, right? Yeah, like mastodon to the max. Like, okay, Jim. Jim, everyone, then, Renky. Cool. Like, you have nice voice, and this actually. Stop. Stop. Definitely not stop. Stop. Stop. We don't want to hear no fucking glazing. We don't want to hear you say, slurping that fucking schlong. We don't want to hear you cupping the balls. We don't want to see you dribbling the fucking gravy.

Disruption in the Conversation

All right, quit glazing and tell us your take so you want to. Debbie, I can't shout out to Christine, oh, my God. He's going to keep going. He's going to give shout outs. Dude, give us your take, please. He's just going to. Dude. Okay, there's women in the space. Max. There's women in the space. Try to get over that, okay? Just get over the fact that there's women here and then move on.

Urgency in the Discussion

What is your focus like? Okay, chill. Chillax. Like, it's actually been these. I've not been on this space, so I just wanted to, like, give. We have a minimal amount of time today, okay? We're doing a half episode. We don't have time for your bullshit. Maxard on. We don't. One of Des's cousins, because this is what does he definitely. He just does the exact same thing.

Riffing on Max's Input

He just sits up here, and he just. Just makes up whatever is on top of his head. You think you can go to the highest levels of crypto Twitter with those takes? Maxard on. You think you can go to the Mario nafal space? You think you can go to. Dude, I swear to God. I swear, I'm gonna. I'm gonna let him. Dude, I'm gonna unmute, and then I'm gonna tell you right now. Give us your take.

The Missed Opportunity

What's your take, sir? See, Max, you lost your opportunity. You should have said how pretty tiff is, because we all know that Tiff is really pretty, but you lost your. You lost your chance. I was like, I don't know. I don't know what's up with block. I was trying to, like, give a shout out to everybody, then get to the main topic. I wanted to speak, like, I don't know why it's russian, so still.

Clarifications and Questions

Calm down. I just wanted to ask something. So mean. Everyone, the special bat blast is in the jumbo. That's a new move I picked up. That's got to be illegal, right? It's below the belt. No, it's fully legal as long as you're in uniformity. I know we're in a fight, but we could definitely. The rules will be off after that. If somebody did that shit.

Context of the Conversation

Yeah, it wouldn't be no more rules. That's. Bro. If someone did that to me, I'd be, like, kind of cautious to grapple back. Like, wait a minute. What just happened? You know, like. I. I am disgusted. Utterly, utterly disgusted. Right now. Look, man, we got a lot to talk about, okay? And you guys are. You guys are getting the pleasantries out of the way. You're trying to.

Setting the Tone

I don't know what the. I don't know what the fuck this is in the jumbotron. You're trying to blast people in the ass. Weird. Like, there's weird stuff going on in speculation. 678. This is very strange. I do not. I do not approve. This is not a block approved episode. All right? It's not a block, but go. Max, do you have a take?

Final Clarifications

Did you have something that you wanted to say? Or is the fact that you put your hand down? Should I have just noticed? Oh, he put his hand down. He probably does not have anything for us. Actually wanted to say. Okay, let me just hit it. Let me just go. Yes. Like what? I just wanted to ask a question because everyone is not going against meme coins.

Concerns About Meme Coins

Like, meme coins are going down. Meme coins are doing this, doing that, and I'm hearing this. I'm not sure names in do. I just want to ask. I'm seeing this monkey pause stuff going viral. Everyone like, monkey post monkey pause. And I I don't know that you've seen that block. I swear to God, if there. If one more person asks me about one of bark and books is fucking rugs.

Speculation on the Topic

I don't know what you expected from a fucking dog in the first place, other than to show that shit. You're gonna show some bullshit on speculation, dude, we are operating. Hold on. Hold the phone. Hang it up. We are operating at the highest possible levels of crypto, Twitter. All right, Max, the highest possible level. And you want to bring me some dog shit that you scraped off the bottom of your shoe?

Refusal to Engage with Scams

That's your take? Just some dog shit? Well, guess what, Maxardon? I do not approve. And I refuse to allow myself and my listeners to be sullied, to be soiled by the dog shit that is monkeypox or money glitch or any of the other fucking rugs and farms that they have launched. So, no, I've not been hearing about monkey glitch or whatever the fuck. I haven't been hearing about any of that shit. You know why? Because I mute, dude. I mute all the dojno dogs, or I unfollow or I block them. You know why? Because most of them are farmers or scammers or grifters or larps. I don't. I was joking with you about that PFP a few days ago, but in reality. I wasn't joking. I was just. I was just saying something serious in a joking manner because it just makes you. It makes you look a certain way. Honestly, it's. It's not that big a deal because it's not my PFP, but.

Critique on Profile Pictures

Holy shit. Holy shit. I know you probably wear it because it has, like, the Tron logo on it and you're like, oh, I like Tron. But, bro, I'm trying to tell you right now, you could do better, all right? You could do better. Scrape the shit off of your bottom of your shoe and then throw it away. Just throw it on the back on the ground and then keep walking. That's what you got to do. How much money did you put into that bullshit? I think I'm working for some of their projects. So this is part of your conditions. Like, okay, you have to. You have to use the. How much did you put into. How much did you put into it? That's my question. I don't. You don't need. For real. Answer the question. He said you don't need to know. Yo, why not? Why not? Why do I. Nothing, bro. I tell you what. How much did you put into money glitch? Can I ask you that?

Confrontation for Transparency

Bro, I just asked this first question because I feel like this. This is the only space I think I can get. And tell me how much you put in. Bro, I'm not. I'm not saying anything. I'm telling you. Blocks. He fucked up. He knows he fucked up. Block. I want to share a huge alpha, but first I want to say hello to block. Hello to Rengie, hello to Shash, hello to. So you're killing me and my major. Wait, I share my major Alpha with you right now. Hold on. Shout out to Alex. No, pick all the women in the space. Just shout them out like that. What? It was like, let me shout out all the women. Like, bro, we're. Dude, we're an ocean. We're oceans apart.

Comments on Space Interaction

Like, it's. You are never gonna even meet these people. Like, bro, relax. But I get it. I get it. People are polite. Like, I think they're just trying to be polite, which is. Which is fine. Like, that's. It's. It's fine. It's not a big deal, but it's funny. It's funny to, like, rag on people a little bit. So. But that's all that was. But, but, yeah, so thanks for all the shout outs and. And I guess you had no major Alpha then? Oh, yes. Yes, I do. But first, shout out to seed man. Shout out to lady. Shout out to Christine. One more time. Shout outs. All right, there we go. Shout out to everybody in the building.

Questions About Recent Changes

What's up, Pamdan? A block? No, no, a. Seriously, though, I gotta ask, man. When the fuck did you shut down the comics and open up this 1800 flowers? The old block. The old block. Motherfuckers come out here. Nah, don't give me no flowers. Take them. Take them. Pedals all. Give me just the thorns, all that now motherfuckers out here giving edible arrangements and you promoting this. It's a 1800 fucking flowers in here. Mandy. Yo, you're doing a great space. You're doing that. I'm like, bro, can we not. Can we. Can we chill, please? Can we relax? Can we stop? No, they're not gonna stop.

Discussion about Participants

Look, no, fuck. He said. Hey, block. What's up, ox, Daryl? Yo, Gm guys, I'm sorry. It's actually my first time on this space. And, yeah, I was actually invited by Max. And Max, I was like, yo, I just made a couple friends and wanted you to, like, meet them. So I was like, okay, cool. Like, film me. So, yo, gM. GM guys. I don't even know what you're talking about, but I just like, yo, I'm just comment down. No, see what's going on. Yeah. You feel me? So actually, I'm african, though. yeah, hold on, Darryl.

Exclusion Based on Nationality

We don't actually allow Nigeria. We don't allow Nigerians on space. I'm sorry about that. Oh, he didn't say was nigerian. He said he could be from Zimbabwe. Said, that he's nigerian. So I'm taking Siemens word for it. Siemen, you're not nigerian, are you? No, no. You got. You gotta go. You gotta go to Matt. You're not nigerian, are you? I need all my nigerian brothers to send me to go ahead and dm me right quick. Trying to set something up working over here. No, no. These guys gotta go. These guys gotta go. Sorry, you guys.

Brief Conclusion

Yo, yo. Hey. Well, I appreciate you guys for pulling up, but like I told you guys, we are having a short episode today, all right? Very, very short episode. I usually do an hour or an hour and a half or sometimes 2 hours, but today I decided to go a little longer. I have something I gotta go do in a minute. But I want to take it back to ox, Daryl, because I did interrupt him very rudely. I want to ask him to continue, please. And what we're gonna do is, while I get ready to head out, I'm going to give him, like, five to ten minutes to just kind of get his full thought out. What's up, Darryl? Okay, yeah.

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