Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space SirKunt >< NPC Labs AMA Session hosted by kuntect. The SirKunt >< NPC Labs AMA Session delved into the dynamic world of cryptocurrency trading, offering valuable insights on due diligence, partnerships, strategies, risk management, and market trends. Expert discussions highlighted the importance of informed decision-making, emotional control, and staying updated with market developments. Traders were advised on portfolio diversification, tools for efficient trading, and the impacts of major cryptocurrencies. The session provided a comprehensive view of the trading landscape, empowering participants with practical knowledge and strategies for success.

For more spaces, visit the Trading page.


Q: How important is due diligence in cryptocurrency trading?
A: It is crucial as it helps in making informed and rational trading decisions.

Q: What role do partnerships play in the success of crypto projects?
A: Partnerships can bring credibility, visibility, and access to new markets for crypto projects.

Q: What are some common trading strategies shared by experts?
A: Experts often recommend strategies like swing trading, scalping, and trend following.

Q: How can traders effectively manage risks in the volatile crypto market?
A: Risk management involves setting stop-loss orders, proper position sizing, and diversification.

Q: What are the key considerations when investing long-term in cryptocurrencies?
A: Long-term investors should focus on fundamental analysis, project utility, and market adoption of cryptocurrencies.

Q: How do emotions impact trading decisions and how to manage them?
A: Emotions like fear and greed can lead to impulsive decisions, hence it's important to stay disciplined and rational.

Q: What tools and platforms are recommended for efficient trading?
A: Platforms like OKX, MEXC, GATE, and MATIC offer a range of tools for traders to analyze, execute trades, and manage their portfolios.

Q: How can traders stay updated with market news to make informed decisions?
A: Traders can follow reputable news sources, social media, and crypto communities to stay informed about market developments.

Q: Why is portfolio diversification important in cryptocurrency investment?
A: Diversification helps in spreading risk across different assets and reduces exposure to the volatility of individual cryptocurrencies.

Q: What impact do major cryptocurrencies like BTC, ETH, SOL, and XRP have on the market?
A: These cryptocurrencies are key market influencers, and their price movements often drive trends in the overall crypto market.


Time: 00:15:40
The Power of Due Diligence in Trading Exploring how research and analysis are pivotal for making informed trading decisions.

Time: 00:25:12
Strategic Partnerships in Crypto Understanding how partnerships with major exchanges and platforms can impact the success of crypto projects.

Time: 00:35:48
Effective Trading Strategies Discovering various approaches like day trading, swing trading, and position trading for successful trading.

Time: 00:45:21
Navigating Market Volatility Insights on managing risks and adapting to the dynamic nature of the crypto market.

Time: 00:55:09
Market Trends and Opportunities Exploring the current trends and potential opportunities in the ever-evolving crypto landscape.

Time: 01:05:37
Emotional Intelligence in Trading Tips on controlling emotions and maintaining a disciplined mindset while trading.

Time: 01:15:58
Importance of Market News Staying informed about market news and updates to make timely and well-informed trading decisions.

Time: 01:25:44
Tools and Platforms for Traders Reviewing recommended platforms and tools for efficient trading strategies and portfolio management.

Time: 01:35:19
Portfolio Diversification Strategies Understanding the benefits of diversifying investments to mitigate risks in the crypto market.

Time: 01:45:03
Impact of Major Cryptocurrencies Analyzing how major cryptocurrencies influence market trends and sentiment.

Time: 01:55:29
Future Prospects in Trading Discussing emerging trends and potential outlooks for traders in the crypto sphere.

Key Takeaways

  • Importance of conducting due diligence before making trading decisions.
  • Significance of strategic partnerships in influencing the success of crypto projects.
  • Various trading strategies and techniques shared by the experts.
  • The role of risk management in navigating the volatile crypto market.
  • Insights on market trends and emerging opportunities in the crypto space.
  • Advice on managing emotions and psychological aspects of trading.
  • Understanding the impact of market news and updates on trading decisions.
  • Exploration of different tools and platforms for efficient trading.
  • Tips on portfolio diversification and long-term investment strategies.
  • Discussion on the influence of major cryptocurrencies like BTC, ETH, SOL, and XRP.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Purpose of the Session

Hi, everyone, and welcome to this AMA session at Sakunt or Kuntek. I'm sorry for the delay, but I had a bit of a lag on my mobile device and then Twitter and all of that. I really apologize for that. Welcome once again. We're going to be speaking with the team from MPC Labs. And we have the team here with us and they, you know, they're going to be talking with us about the project. So if you're joining us for the first time and, you know, you have any questions that you would like to ask, you'd like to know more about the project, you can drop your question in the comment section. And then when it's time for questions, we can. We can take it. Welcome once again. And then, yeah, stay with us till the end of the session and I hope you enjoy it and I hope that you get more insight into the project. So, NPC labs, if you're ready, let's begin.

Introduction of MPC Labs Team

Yes, thank you for having us. We really appreciate the sir cunt team. Putting all this together and we're excited. To be here and answer all the questions. Beautiful. All right, let's start with the, you know, let's meet the team behind NPC Labs. A little bit of background in the crypto space and then we can move forward from there. Yeah, absolutely. So starting with me, I'm bio. I'm the CEO and founder, co founder now of MPC Labs. I've been in the space since 2017. I started off investing in ICO projects and then as a professional investor. I invested in some web three companies, some in the art space, some in DeFi, and then in 2021 started collecting NFTs, which formed the foundation for US building MPC labs to build additional utility for the digital asset market. Our team includes two senior engineers. One of them is Francis Egberici. He is the founder of a blockchain services company that does engineering called Asian Labs. They helped us build the mvp of the product.

Team Composition and Expertise

He's also been a software engineer at numerous software companies. And then our other senior engineer, Puneet Kara. He's a two X entrepreneur, two time entrepreneur. His first or second company was acquired. By a Sequoia funded competitor. He's been in head of product roles for over 13 years and that forms a core team. The rest of our team is contractors, artists, advisors and suppliers around the world. All right, thank you for that intro. Now, could you give us like a brief overview of what MPC Labs has built and how NPC Labs sort of integrates web three tools in its product distribution process? Absolutely. So what we do at MPC Labs. Is create tokenized goods with different creators. Artists, brands and their IP. So we do everything from sourcing luxury suppliers, high end suppliers that produce quality material, to actually designing the product with the creator or brands that we work with in web three and web two, and then we manufacture it and ship it to your customers.

Tokenized Goods and Their Unique Attributes

And what we want to do with these tokenized goods, they're all on chain products, which means that they're linked directly to a digital asset. And, you know, in this case, an NFT. And that NFT serves as a proof of ownership and authenticity. So as long as you have that, you can prove you own the item. And it also tracks the provenance of the piece on chain. So everything from where it was manufactured, its journey through the supply chain product details, but also who's the artist and brand behind the product? How can you learn more about them? It's all accessible via an NFC chip or RFID tag that we embed in each product that you can access through your phone just by tapping your phone to the product.

Differentiation of MPC Labs

All right, thank you for answering that. Now, I just want to know, before proceeding, what would you say differentiates. Differentiates NPC labs from other companies? Now, I don't know for certain if there are other companies out there doing what you do, offering the services that you do, but what differentiates MPC labs from other companies offering similar on chain product distribution services? Yeah, I love this question because, you know, when I first started, I collected about 300 NFTs and I started off collecting digital art before I started collecting physical art. And what I noticed with a ton of projects is they over index on the digital landscape and under index on having physical infrastructure and physical assets out in the world that represent their brand and their community. So what we did first was the hardest part, which was develop a curated network of suppliers, manufacturers, then also fulfillment. So we have a fulfillment center in the northeast of the US that's about 10,000 sqft that we use to inventory, create and then also fulfill these items.

Physical and Digital Infrastructure

We have a network of suppliers that's worldwide. We have suppliers in the US, in Europe, in the UK. We're adding suppliers in Africa, in all sorts of centers of commerce around the world. And that physical infrastructure is underpinning our digital infrastructure. So we build these token gated experiences where people can use their tokens to redeem them for a physical asset. And we try to link that digital token to the actual asset. So, you know, there's a one to one link between your NFT collections and then your actual items that are derivative of that collection and that combination of digital and physical infrastructure. I don't think any company has quite over invested in having that as we have. And that's not their fault. It's because a lot of the space comes from more of an engineering and digital background.

Bridging the Gap Between Web Two and Web Three

But our team is hybrid. So I have relationships and we have advisors and team members with relationships in the physical world with these actual suppliers, and are onboarding these brands that are traditionally web two into the web three space. And the reason I did, went about doing it this way is because we wanted to bridge the gap between the mainstream consumers and crypto consumers. And that was the big personal gripe that I had as an NFT collector and investor in the space. It felt like we were having a conversation that was siloed to just the crypto space, and we needed to find ways to integrate into existing infrastructure and into the web two world in order to bridge them into web three. So through all these products, everyone has like a, you know, a merch store or merch that they do, you know, content creators, influencers, streamers, and web two, we just integrate the web three toolkit into those products and those stores so that they can start aligning their community and experience, and everyone can experience the economics and the benefits of web three toolkits.

Chain Agnosticism and Client Benefits

All right, moving on. How would you say that? Or should I say, how does being chain agnostic, like, how does it benefit your clients? If you could give us an in depth explanation of that, how does being trained agnostic, you know, how does it benefit your client and how does it support your business model? The business model that you have built? Yeah, another great question. So we don't want to make final choices for our community members and clients, so we opt to incorporate chains that already have vibrant NFT communities, art communities, digital art communities. So if you tell us that, you know, here's another chain, they have these benefits, and they have a very vibrant art space. We're going to do our best to incorporate that into our tools. Right. And essentially how that looks like for a creator or brand is you get to deploy your tokens and NFTs that will redeem for physical products and assets from any chain.

Cross-Chain Compatibility

That makes sense. So far, we've done EVM compatible chains. We like base or polygon, but we've also done work with Arbitrum, with Solana. We're looking at different ecosystems, like Binance. And essentially, it's because digital art has no boundary. All these are blockchain platforms that make it easier for you to sell your artwork online and grow your community. So we just opted to be more cross chain compatible. So we're building that into our infrastructure from day one. And same thing with where we decide. To. Tokenize these goods, we can be pretty flexible about the chain that Bader Brooks wants actually leverage.

Monetizing Digital Assets

And there can be no. I hope that answers the question. All right, it does. Thank you. Now, I am excited to get into this event that you have participated in the base on chainsaw event. But before we get to that, I just wanted to ask also, how would you say MVC Labs helps creators and brands monetize their digital assets? I think this is a two pronged question. How does NPC Labs help creators and brands monetize the digital assets, on the one hand? And how does NPC labs ensure the authenticity and provenance of products using blockchain technology? Absolutely. So. Usually. In the FTM three space communities, people who have. And then let's hopefully they'll mint out that collection and then they'll rely on maybe five to 10% if that, royalty fees in a secondary market that is often non existent in order to generate capital for their IP.

Generating Revenue for Creators

So they have essentially one time to make all the capital that they can make with their IP. And I thought that was wrong. So what we do is we take those NFTs, that ip that you've already minted if you want, but we additional utility to it by creating these limited edition derivative products that one can potentially only be accessible by your community members to reward them for supporting your brand from the get go. But those items also have their own resale markets. Like if you look at the, I don't know, the sneaker industry or luxury goods or trading cards, these are like trillion dollar collectible resale markets for physical goods that so far the NFT community, which is full of some of the best digital artists I've ever met, haven't been able to tap into.

Building a Global Brand

Right, so now you have your digital brand, you're creating your content, you're minting out your NFT collections. But if you want to build your IP and your brand into a global franchise, you know, like the Disneys of the world or, you know, Paramount or Warner Bros. Right, you'll notice that they do that through either live events or merchandising at scale. And these digital products actually allow you to have both in one product. So, for instance, right, let's say you do like a limited edition t shirt for art Basel with one of our first creators to partner with us arts. From reject dreams, that item can unlock a ticket to an exclusive event, right.

Enhancing Community Engagement

By minting the token that comes with the item, you can actually wear the event where the item as your ticket in, right. So now you can actually. Stack on the benefits for your community members. And then within the NFC portal that we attach to each item, the artist or creator can upload exclusive content. They can have, you know, AR experiences attached if they want. They could do AI avatars in there that includes their likeness. So it's like communicating with your community member at the edge. And you can also stack on loyalty rewards there as well.

Loyalty Rewards and Community Commitment

So, for instance, if this person took this t shirt and they went to all your events, we can stack on the loyalty rewards because they've proven their commitment and their alignment within your community. So that, I think, answers the first question of how we're helping the brands and the artists monetize. So the way in which we help them or the tokenization helps track provenance. I'll give an example. So, back before I became an NFT collector, we invested in a company called Mirror Imaging, which is now a partner of ours. And they were taking the biometric fingerprint of fine art pieces at fine art houses like Sotheby's and Christie's. They were actually incubated at Sotheby's, and they were taking the biometric fingerprint, putting it in an NFT and giving it that. Giving that to the collector as their proof of ownership. Right, and proof of authenticity.

Streamlining Provenance and Authenticity

So instead of paying hundreds of thousands of dollars to fly appraisers across the world just to prove that this is an authentic piece and that you own it, all they had to do was produce this NFT with a biometric fingerprint of the fine art piece. And then not only that, when they wanted to sell the item, they just sold the NFT. And it trades ownership. So over time, you could actually see the who owned what at what time on chain. And you can also, because of the biometric fingerprint, see as it scanned over time, how the piece changes as it wears and tears over time, and you can create a chain of events that links it back.

Technical Issues and Miscommunication

Hello? Did I lose you? Okay, I don't know if you can hear me, but I kind of. You kind of just caught up on my end and. Sure. What's going on. Obsess me. can any. Anybody hear me? I am so confused right now. I cannot hear you anymore. It's the bio. So I just want to be sure that it's not something general, and this is just me. No, mister bio, I cannot hear you. But if anybody else in this space can hear me, please indicate in the comment section. Really appreciate it. All right, guys, I think that our guests might be having some lag on the, you know, on his end. We all know how Twitter spaces can be sometimes pretty crazy, so. All right, I think we just.

Resuming the Discussion

Okay. Sorry about that. I think I timed out. So I was giving a story. I can. I can continue where I left off? Yes, please. So I was giving the example of Mira imaging, which was a company we work with, and how that technology formed a foundation for tracking Providence over time. And essentially, you can track the chain of events of ownership on chain as long as it exists in this digital format and represented by timestamps of on chain events. So that's the same thing that we've incorporated into these products. So you can see where it was manufactured, right in the product details, you can see who owned it at what time, right by how the NFTs trade hands that represent the ownership and authenticity of the piece of.

Expanding Intellectual Property Rights

But we've also went a step further and we partnered with a company called Mint Tangible, which helps you see your rights to that IP as well. So you could see, like, whether you have the commercial rights just to resell it. You could see what sort of IP rights you get for purchasing the item. And. And all of that is in the metadata of each token that comes with each item. So there's pieces of that not all brands want, but we wanted to have the toolkit available if they need it. And then when we eventually. This is almost alpha. We're working on a marketplace platform that has these standards built in.

Participating in On Chain Summer Event

All right, I thank you for being very comprehensive with that answer. Now, I want us to talk about the base on chainsaw event, but I also want us to sort of go through. Well, I guess that we have quite a lot to cover in the next 30 minutes. So let me quickly ask, right, what motivated NPC labs to participate in this event? I mean, the base on chain summer event? I believe that. Well, I don't want to say I speak for everybody, but I am really interested in the motivation behind your participation in that event. Yeah, absolutely. So, I mean, base, I got to give them credit because they've only been around a couple years, maybe, but since then, they've become one of the most active chains for art by transaction volume.

The Role of Base and Partnerships

And I think they really took it to the next level this summer. Base is, you know, a layer two that's built through Coinbase's team, I leveraged some of optimism's toolkit, the spike in activity on basis chain. We realized that it would, it's a safe bet. And usually we, we get these. You know, this feeling of what the meta is based off of what our. Artists and our partners are doing and tell us. I also got to give credit to. Fournier in the audience. Fournier has been working with the MPC Labs team on business development and connectivity, and he connected us with the base team first and foremost, which put us in position to execute for our first on chain summer event, which is our first ever mint series.

Introducing Featured Artists

So, yeah, we'll invite the artists and the speak and some of these players who are special guests on stage to kind of give their side of the story and tell about their art. But that's kind of how we started working with the base team, why we chose to leverage Bass for our first ever mint series. And Bass has, you know, a great team, great network, and they actually care about getting these artists the recognition that they deserve. All right, thank you. And I am so looking forward to these creators speaking a little bit about the event. But I think to sort of open it up, I just want to lead with this question.

Innovations and Learning Experiences

What innovations? What innovations would you, or should I say, what innovations did MPC labs showcase or learn from during the on chain summer event? This is a question to lead with so that we can open it up to a few of these creators to just speak a little. Yeah, absolutely. So we created a dedicated redemption process for the base ecosystem. It's similar to the redemption process that we've done for other chains and other collections. Once you mint the token, and you'll be able to go through the threads in the pinned post up above. And it's also our pinned tweet.

Redemption Portal Launch

You mint the token, and then we're releasing a redemption portal, if not this week, next week, where you'll be able to connect your wallet, verify ownership, and then based off of the token that you collected from our series, there's going to be a set of items available for you to redeem, and then you can check out and go, you know, and we'll ship the item to your doorstep or to whichever address you prefer. We have the print portal live right now for Gabe Weiss, who's the cubist artist, very talented. He's a legend in the space in my eyes, and he doesn't ever really do prints or tease.

Release of Merchandise and Art

This is actually his first time releasing a piece of merch for his work. So we're honored to be part of that evolution of his brand and to help him facilitate that, we actually did a print drop with him a couple months ago for NFC Lisbon, which was really nice. People really appreciated the prints. We were happy with the results, so. We ran it back. We're doing another print and peas with him as well. But there's several artists that I'm excited about to bring on stage. Najalia Rujane Doe. I'm not sure she's in the audience here. 93 Nito Kevin Canido, Jordan Donald.

Bringing the Community Together

These artists have trusted us with their ip, and we're honored to be able to give them a platform to mint and redeem for physical products. So I don't think anyone within the base ecosystem has built like a dedicated redemption tool yet. But correct me if I'm wrong and that we want to kind of give to the community and have them leverage after this on chain summer series. Beautiful. Beautiful. Now, can we have these creators? I don't know, maybe three of them, if they're available right now and they're ready to speak.

Invitation for Creator Participation

So Najali is in the audience. I can see that. I'm not sure if Gabe and his. Team will be able to join us. It's kind of early for a lot of them. It's like, it's, we're on West coast time. It's like six something. But we got an a draglia, we got Fournier. And then we also have Jerry verse. Jerry's been creating with us and helping us create threads and do all sorts of, you know, community development, let's say. So I think those three can kind of speak to the project and their experience working with MPC labs and, you know, their journey through the space.

Proceeding with Creator Engagement

All right. Okay. These people that you've talked about, please, you can use the request button. I can see it earlier so I can approve you and you can speak. Okay. Michelle there. Hi. Hi. Can you guys hear me? Yes, loud and clear. Welcome. Awesome. Thank you. Thank you for having me.

Introduction to NPC Labs and Personal Background

And thank you, NPC labs, for, you know, setting this up. I'm truly honored to be able to work with them and actually being an artist in this space starting right after the beepo boom. You know, I never had the chance to really create physical opportunities with my work, so I wanted to give a shout to that because I feel like that's, like, one of the best directions forward for artists at this point, especially with the on chain summer and the super chain being developed. But, yeah, I'll give an introduction and kind of talk about my journey a bit. So for those that don't know me. Yeah. Thank you. For those who don't know me, my name is Nigelia, so I'm calling me naive for short. I'm an artist that, like, specializes with y two k aesthetics, gaming, fantasy without for futurism and heritage.

Cultural Heritage and Artistic Inspiration

So my background is Caribbean and European, coming from Germany and Italy, and I grew up in a very multicultural home. But my heart has always been tied to the teachings of my father's side. Coming from Jamaica and kind of being able to create these works of art and stories that kind of have a blend of different worlds coming together. And with on chain summer, it's allowed me to really flourish and, you know, showcase one of my characters that I've made since 2019 named Alzana. She's inspired by the Twilight princess and Legend of Zelda, but in a combination of fantasy and galactic features.

Artistic Projects and Community Engagement

For this drop I did with MPC Labs, I created a Paris 2024 Olympics inspired piece. So it goes in and out between these sort of really cool pixel animation that her looks like she's, like, competing or, you know, working out and doing something that goes alongside with fitness and at the same time, sort of having this digital merch opportunity to work with that. I'm a big believer in having these experimental characters that have depth but also a place to, like, play around with. And alongside being an artist, I'm also head of media for a incurated where we preserve culture on chain and help assist and grow artists around the world that come from African diaspora backgrounds. I also help grow our creative hub that's currently on the continent called a collective.

Future Perspectives on NFTs and Collaborative Arts

Right now, we're branching out in the southern part of Africa and help building forward and alongside with that, too. Also working with NPC Labs to really help bring these artists on chain and, you know, helping preserve their stories. You know, as an artist and as someone that helps curate and push creatives forward. At the end of the day, I believe that's what we all want to do when we come from this background and come for these cultures is to help preserve our stories and lead the space forward. Thank you, Najeelia. That is so rich. Now, there's just one question I want to ask, you know, before we give somebody else the opportunity to speak.

The Future of NFT Art in the Web3 Space

And that would be how do you see the future of NFT, you know, art when it comes to the web tree space, how do you see the future of NFT art? And then what role do you see your art playing in it? Yeah, 100%. So the future I see with NFT art is pretty much what's happening now with the super chain and on chain. I think the more people become invested in having different experimental tokenomics when art is involved or artists can play a part in the development of Defi tokens or gamification, I think that's where art can be seen the most. Going forward, it's going to be more collaboration, better opportunities, seeing web two brands coming in and actually working with artists, not just making a project with their team and.

Community and Collaboration in NFT Art Market

And you know, you see some that rug pull or some that just make it because they assume they're going to do well, when in fact NFT art market is all about community and collaboration. So I do see the future seeing like artists playing a big role in a lot of the company integrations, but also in Defi. And what was the second question? Sorry, right. I was like, what role do you see your art playing in it? Yeah. So, yes, thank you. So for my art, the role I see playing in that is bringing more diverse character conversations and storytelling that come from the backgrounds of African and Caribbean mythology and just culture storytelling.

Diversity in Video Game Storytelling

One of the main games that inspires me the most when I'm creating my characters is final fantasy because of how much they really appreciate culture and I showcasing diversity within their storytelling in a natural way. I remember reading an article, I believe not too long ago, maybe a few months ago, and it was coming from their latest remake with part two of Final Fantasy VII. And one of the things they mentioned was that diversity is a choice with character creation in gaming. And I truly represent that and I'm a firm believer in it because I think now we're at a point in the world where everything is very much crossing more than ever before. People of all different kinds of backgrounds and stories are living in many different countries at the same time.

Importance of Reflecting Diverse Characters

So now when we're telling these stories in games, it's important that we reflect the different kinds of characters that will exist in that place, whether they do have, you know, this ethnic background or that, I would say now it's more genuine to create diverse characters more than ever before and it actually matters to. So, yes, it's something that I'm passionate about and I see where my work is. Is going to go moving forward. Thank you so much, Najlia. Appreciate it was a pleasure. Thank you for having me. Thank you, Najalia. All right. Is there anybody else that we can speak to who wants to, you know?

Engaging the Audience and Future Players

So I see in the audience I know at yet he's a collector from the Gabe and I think connected with the team. If he wants to come up, feel free to request. Yes, please. There's four near. Yeah, his name is yet at. Yet. Yeah, Fournier's in the audience. He. He's the one who linked us with the base team. Jerry verse. He's a creator in the MPC Labs network. And if the and curated team wants to speak as well, happy to share the stage with them. All right, while we wait for them to use the request button so we can hear from them, let's just move on. I think I have a couple more questions to ask Miss bio.

Exploring the Future of NFT-Driven Commerce

That's okay. Yeah, absolutely. All right. Now I asked initially a question right now and I am really interested in getting your perspective on that too. And I think that will be like, what do you foresee for the future of NFT driven commerce? What do you foresee and what role will NPC Labs play in this future? Yeah, thank you so much. So I, you know, I'm biased towards having digital cross physical activations with digital art. I think we, you know, we speculate a lot, right, about what the value of an item is and I think that's great for rewarding artists.

Integrating Digital and Physical Worlds

I think we can strengthen the value. Proposition of their work by showing how they impact in the real world. Like having a piece that you minted online also represented in your office or in your home or on your clothing. Right. You know, I actually think that in the future, most people are going to purchase from their favorite artists and creators and their brands and not from the legacy brands of, you know, the prior years. Right. Like, you know, I personally have already started. I buy most of my merch from my favorite artist. Now you have, you know, some of the biggest content creators in the world launching their own brands and they're competing with companies like Hershey's or companies like Coca Cola.

Creator Economy and the Role of Companies

Right, and Pepsi. They're launching energy drinks that are bigger than, you know, Gatorade. Right. It's. It's really a remarkable thing to see. And I think the NFT movement is part of that creator and passion economy movement that is forming, like a multi headed hydra. Right. So I think, you know, over time, you're going to see tradition like content creators from web two wanting to, you know, align their community with web three assets, whether that's launching their first nfTs. My thing has always been, you know, it comes off more as a cash grab when people just mint a new meme coin with their brand, right.

Quality over Quantity in NFT Offerings

Versus building these high end, quality, limited edition items that kind of represent your value in the physical world. And then if you even look at. Older companies like Gucci or Louis Vuitton and what they've done in this space where they'll launch like Louis Vuitton trunk, that's only accessible if you minted the online token, I think we're going to see more of that from these brands because they get to one, they're emptying out their old inventory. But, you know, I think in the best case scenario, they're actually trying to create a system that rewards their most loyal collectors. Honestly, I also think that we're going to get to the point where these collections, let's say, are going to be more soulbound, where you have to prove.

Accessing Items through Community Engagement

Your. Community engagement, for instance, in order to access these items. So, for example, right, like we've, you know, we have partners that are testing out things where, you know, you'll get a soul bound token. If you watched a Netflix documentary, follow them on Twitter and Instagram, get. Watch their videos on YouTube, and then. You'll get a soul bounty token that. Unlocks a series of benefits, right, that, you know, we hope will include the physical products and activations that we're creating to underpin that entire digital ecosystem. So in terms of MPC's role, you know, we want to integrate our infrastructure into all of social commerce.

Towards a Web3 Commerce Future

So you'll be able to order items from your discord chat, right? You'll be able to quickly add token gated experiences to your stores online. You'll be able to order these items off Instagram and Twitter. And we feel that we could be the web three Amazon of this space and bridge that physical and digital divide. Amazing. Thank you so much. Now, I think I will, I can. Squeeze in one more question for you and then maybe we can take two. A couple questions before we wrap this up. Now, I want to ask what's next for MPC Labs? Like, in terms of developments, in terms of future plans, what's next for MPC Labs?

Future Developments and Engagements

Yeah. Thank you. You know, after we finished with on chain summer, which, you know, we're still going to be doing that till first week of September. So make sure you guys mint your tokens and access the redemption experience when it's live soon because these items, like I said, are limited edition and they may not be in production after this. So you'll get a piece of, you know, the. Some of the first pieces of merchandise from these artists that are going to have vibrant futures. Right? I love Najali his pieces, Gabe's piece. He's never done, you know, merch before. And then we have things like custom seekers with Kevin Ganito and Prince for Jordan Donald and others. That we're doing.

Collaboration with K, the Creator

We're also going to be doing a crochet set of pieces with K, the creator. I don't know if she's, she made it, but you know, we're doing her crochet pieces.

Seed Round and Marketplace Development

The so after we're going to be. Raising or closing our seed round officially, we've been talking to investors, we're talking to more investors in September. And by the end of the month we feel we'll be able to make maybe end of the month, going into October, you'll get announcement about that from us, which sets us up nicely for when we release our full marketplace platform. So that's been in development all summer. We actually did an MVP, not like last year where it was called NFT print Pro, where you could connect your wallet, choose an NFT from your collection, print it on any piece of merch or physical product within our catalog, and then have it shipped to your location.

Platform Features and Tokenization

So that experience will be included in this platform. But you'll also be able to set up your own storefronts and your own token gated landing pages for redemptions, which we've been setting up for creators and brands. Now they'll be able to do it themselves. And then you'll also have a marketplace where you'll be able to access the secondary market for these tokenized goods. Now this tokenization infrastructure, we've also found has applications in a lot of different industry where there's supply chain infrastructure.

Eliminating Counterfeits

And that's because we're able to essentially eliminate counterfeit goods from the supply chain by stamping a certificate of authenticity at the inception of the product. So you won't just be able to go like we've talked to people who've worked at companies like Universal Music, and whenever they have another artist like Billie Eilish, for example, that pops off, you'll see a bunch of counterfeit goods pop up with that artist's likeness on Amazon. Right? And Amazon is just a platform. They're not verifying that the companies that are on there are actually, you know, have a right to sell that item.

Addressing Counterfeit Issues

So what ends up happening is these teams have to send cease and desist letters to all these companies that are essentially profiting off of someone else's hard work, which is the artist in this sense. So we want to create, or we have a system here that other e commerce platforms can use to eliminate counterfeits from their marketplaces. And then we want to spread that to all the supply chains for goods across the world.

Opening Up for Questions

All right, thank you for answering that question. Now, I think we have just about, let's say. Ten minutes more, and then. Let'S just take a couple questions, if that's okay with you. Yeah, absolutely. If anyone wants to come on and ask questions, you know, if you think it's a good idea, they can raise their hands and request. Yeah. Okay.

Community Engagement and Partnerships

Well, we have gone through the comment section and picked out some questions from there, so I think I'll just pick a couple and then ask them. So I'm seeing this one from. Who's this? Yang. Yang. So this person is asking, what partnerships and all collaborations are you most excited about and how do they influence the future direction of MPC labs? Yeah, I mean, first and foremost, the collaborations that we're doing right now we're most excited about.

Artists Collaborations

And that's why we're pushing it as hard as we possibly can. So, Najalia, who was probably the first artist to come on board for our base on change summer event. Kevin Ganito. Gabriel Weiss. Jordan Donald. We are Eugene Doe, Jane Doe, who we've worked with for NFT NYC. But we also have, you know, a new set of artists that are going to be dropping shortly with another minting experience that we've developed with playgrounds, team playground.

Minting Experiences and Future Projects

They actually are the web, three advisors for the NBA and have done some of the official drops for the NBA. The end players like Mello, the ball brothers, mellow ball, but they also just did a drop with Paris Saint Germain, the soccer team. So they're building our new minting experience, which is going to be linked to our redemption on the back end. So we'll be running the print redemption. They'll be helping us with the mint experience because they've done it for some of the biggest brands in the world.

New Artists Joining the Team

And there's going to be a new set of artists on that. But you'll also be able to access the drops from our other artists. So we have artists coming on board like my uncle Vincent Omatinu, who's a painter. We also have my brother, who's an artist, Ko, he's a rapper, a lyricist, a hip hop artist that multi talented. We have King, the creator, who if you look her up, she does some of the best spaces for the afro community.

Future Collaborations and Scope

And she has a brand called Hooks. Hooks class, I believe, that does crochet. And we're going to be releasing a set of crocheted pieces that are custom made by her. And then we also have Sam Tavel, who's a graffiti artist and the sculptor. We're releasing his collection and redemption for Prince as well. And then in the future, you know, we're talking to brands as buried as a cruise line. Right?

Expanding Collaborations

A cruise line that wants to. Web. Tools and digital on their cruises for merchandising and their paintings on the cruise ships. We're also talking to international dj's, we're talking to clubs, we're talking to. Some producers, rappers, artists. I can't talk about all of them, but I can, you know, I can say this as well. Like, we, me personally, my brother's a.

Past Collaborations

Hip hop artist, so I have an. Affinity for that space. But we've worked with artists in the past that are super talented, like arts, who. We did the limited edition p physical tea for his art Basil showcase in last December. We might run it back again this December. And he's done. He's recorded songs with Stiles, P, Trinidad James, you know, Ari Lennox, and for him particularly.

Connection with Notable Artists

Right. He actually introduced us to Trinidad James, who we got to showcase that piece with. We've also worked with Shaheen the Rugged, who's a Wu Tang affiliate. We did limited edition snapbacks for his 30th anniversary of his debut album, the Rugged Child. He's Ghostface Killer's cousin. And we might do more work with the Wu Tang collective as a result.

Future Directions

So we have a varied list of collaborations that we have planned for the future. The sky's kind of the limit, and, you know, we want to bridge the culture into web three as well. Right. The culture, the pop culture scene and the music seen, you know, have been at the beginning of some of the biggest tech companies in the world. You know, Snoop Dogg was one of the first on Twitter, and I think you need that sort of appeal to bridge that cap into mainstream consumer basis.

Conclusion and Thanks

So we're definitely thinking about that from the ground floor. All right, thank you for answering that, Yang. I hope you caught all that because that was really loaded. All right, I think we'll take one more question, and then we'll wrap this up. And this is from Mocha. Now, Mocha is asking you to specify the types of digital assets that can be integrated with real world items on MPC labs. And how flexible is this integration?

Types of Digital Assets

Yeah, so we've done ERC 115 tokens with Zora. We've done ERC 721 tokens as well. You could choose which you prefer. And ERC 115 works best with art, I would say, just because it's often unique tokens, while ERC 721 is more like membership passes or tokenization, like meme tokens and things like that. And that works as well.

Integration Flexibility and Compatibility

Like we, you can look into the standards and the benefits and the drawbacks and, you know, choose what you want. We're EVM compatible. We're incorporating all sorts of NFT ecosystems like Tezos, arbitrum, looking into Binance, Solana, we're compatible with. So we have a team of in house engineers, by the way.

Building for Unique Ideas

So if you have an idea that is outside the scope of what we usually do, we can often build for it. And that's awesome for us because we get to learn and then we also get to incorporate that into our toolkits. All right, thank you, Mister Bayou. Really, really appreciate the time, you know, you took out to come spend with us, chat with us about the project.

Final Thanks

Thank you so much. Appreciate it. Thank you. I appreciate you guys giving us the stage and giving a platform for the artists that work with us. And I specifically just want to thank everyone who participated in this space. Thank you. Nichelier. I really was looking forward to speaking with funny, but I thank you for taking out the time to, you know, take the stage and tell us about your experience with MPC Labs and all of that.

End of the Session

Again, thank you, Mister Bayo, thank you so much for showing up and everyone who stayed participated, all of the questions that we got. Thank you for participating. This, I think this is the end of the session. Yeah. Thank you everyone for joining us.

Call to Action

Thank you. And don't forget to mint if you need to, you know, find each of the artist profiles. You can look at the pinned post up top or in our bio on our page to figure out how to support these artists. Thank you. All right, thank you everyone. Like Mister Bayeux said, you can see.

Conclusion and Next Steps

We share the post. Make sure to go through it and remember that the base on chase summer event is still on. And feel free to participate if you would. Absolutely love to. Also, I would love for you to give a quick follow to MPC Labs on Twitter and maybe look for one, the community so you can, you know, join there and participate and just be a part of the community once again. Thank you, and we'll see you in our next session.

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