Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Simplifying Web3 Journey hosted by pushprotocol. The Web3 communication landscape is rapidly evolving, emphasizing decentralized notifications, interactive chat, and video functionalities for dapps and wallets. Key takeaways include the pivotal role of user engagement, enhanced privacy, and scalability challenges in this ecosystem. The Q&A section delves into topics like security, user retention, and future developments. Highlights focus on decentralized notifications, chat features, video functionalities, and the importance of user privacy. As an infrastructure niche, Web3 communication tools are redefining digital interactions through decentralization, privacy, and enhanced user experiences.

For more spaces, visit the Infrastructure page.


Q: How do Web3 communication tools benefit dapps and wallets?
A: They enable decentralized notifications, chat, and video functionalities, enhancing user experiences and interactions.

Q: What role do decentralized notifications play in the Web3 ecosystem?
A: Decentralized notifications are essential for engaging users and facilitating real-time interactions.

Q: Why is interactivity crucial for Web3 communication?
A: Interactivity fosters user engagement, creating immersive experiences and driving adoption.

Q: How do Web3 chat features differ from traditional messaging platforms?
A: Web3 chat features prioritize security, decentralization, and user privacy.

Q: What benefits do video functionalities bring to Web3 dapps?
A: Video functionalities enhance communication, collaboration, and user connectivity in Web3 applications.

Q: How can Web3 communication tools revolutionize user interactions in decentralized settings?
A: By providing secure, decentralized, and interactive communication channels, Web3 tools redefine user experiences in decentralized environments.

Q: What are the key challenges in implementing Web3 communication tools?
A: Ensuring scalability, user privacy, and seamless integration are crucial challenges to address in deploying Web3 communication solutions.

Q: How do dapps leverage Web3 communication for user retention and engagement?
A: Dapps use Web3 communication tools to offer personalized notifications, interactive chat functionalities, and engaging video features to retain and engage users.

Q: What future developments can we expect in the realm of Web3 communication?
A: Future progress may include improved security protocols, enhanced scalability, and more immersive communication features in Web3 environments.

Q: How does Web3 communication contribute to the decentralization of digital interactions?
A: By enabling peer-to-peer communication, decentralized storage, and secure messaging, Web3 communication tools decentralize digital interactions, promoting autonomy and privacy.

Q: What impact does Web3 communication have on user data privacy and security?
A: Web3 communication tools prioritize user data ownership, encryption, and secure transmission, enhancing privacy and security in digital interactions.


Time: 02:05:17
Decentralized Notifications in Web3 Exploring the importance of decentralized notifications for user engagement in Web3 applications.

Time: 02:15:40
Interactive Chat Features in Decentralized Settings Understanding how interactive chat functionalities revolutionize user interactions in Web3 dapps and wallets.

Time: 02:25:52
Video Functionality Evolution in Web3 Discussing the transformative potential of video functionalities for enhancing user connectivity in Web3 ecosystems.

Time: 02:35:10
User Privacy and Security in Web3 Communication Highlighting the significance of user privacy and security in the development and implementation of Web3 communication tools.

Time: 02:45:29
Scalability Challenges for Web3 Communication Addressing the challenges related to scalability and seamless integration in deploying Web3 communication solutions.

Time: 02:55:17
Future Outlook on Web3 Communication Innovations Exploring the anticipated advancements and innovations in Web3 communication for decentralized interactions.

Time: 03:05:40
Enhanced User Experience in Web3 Chat Examining how Web3 chat features elevate user experiences through secure and interactive communication.

Time: 03:15:52
Cryptographic Security in Web3 Messaging Delving into the cryptographic measures enhancing security and privacy in Web3 messaging platforms.

Time: 03:25:10
Real-time Interactions in Web3 Dapps Analyzing the significance of real-time interactions and engagement facilitated by Web3 communication tools in dapps.

Time: 03:35:29
Innovative Features Shaping Web3 Communication Exploring the innovative features driving the evolution of Web3 communication and user engagement in decentralized environments.

Key Takeaways

  • Web3 communication tools are pivotal for decentralized notifications and interactions in dapps and wallets.
  • Enhanced user experience and engagement are core aspects of Web3 communication functionalities.
  • The evolution of Web3 aims to empower users with innovative chat and video features.
  • Decentralized notifications play a crucial role in engaging users within the Web3 ecosystem.
  • Web3 advancements provide new opportunities for seamless and secure communication in dapps and wallets.
  • Interactivity and real-time engagement are key elements driving the adoption of Web3 communication solutions.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Opening Remarks

Hello. Hello. Hey, hagers. Hey, what's up? Good, good. How are you doing? Great, great. So let's just wait for a few more minutes and then we can get started with the AMA session today. Sounds good. All right. All right. I think it's good to start now. So, hello, everyone, and welcome today's AMA session. My name is Anjali, the marketing head at Cluster protocol. I will be your host today, and it's a pleasure to have you all here with us.

Overview of Cluster Protocol

For those who might be new, Cluster protocol is a decentralized infrastructure for AI that empowers anyone want to build train at cluster protocol is to democratize aih, making it accessible, affordable, and user friendly for developers, businesses or individuals. At Cluster protocol, we are dedicated to enhancing AI model training and execution across distributed networks. Our platform utilizes advanced techniques such as fully homomorphic encryption and federated learning to safeguard data privacy while promoting secure data localization.

AI Development and Features

We also support decentralized datasets and collaborative model training environment, reducing barriers to AI development and democratizing access to computational resources. Or you can say GPU's. And one of the key features we offer is a wide range of pre built AI templates, allowing users to quickly create and customize AI solutions tailored to their specific needs. So our intuitive infrastructure is designed to empower users to create AI powered applications without needing deep technical expertise. Additionally, we also provide the necessary tools for creating AI agents that can autonomously perform actions based on predefined rules and real time data.

Automation and Today's AMA

So for those looking to automate their daily task, cluster protocol is the go to platform to save time and effort. In today's AMA session, we have our guest from Glacier network and we are really excited to deep dive into what glacier network is building and how they are, you know, contributing to the space. Please feel free to unmute yourself and let us know about what Glacier network is doing and your role at Glacier network. All right, thank you, sung, and really appreciate you guys having us over again.

Introduction to Glacier Network

So again, very pleasure. It's such a pleasure to be here. My name is Chen, the operation director of Glacier Network. So. So we are building a data centric blockchain to supercharge AI and we want to do that at a scale. And we have been building solutions with Glacier since late 2020, and we already build infrastructure including Glacier DB, Glacier AA, and the Glacier Da, which are more on a developer level. So let me just mention some of our highlights.

Accomplishments and Features

So, Glacier storage data has ranked first on the BNB greenfield layer, and we are also featured in the official BNB chain GitHub and git book and we will highlight it in the BNB chain AI landscape. So it's fair to say we are, you know, Glacier Network has been working very closely with BNB chain ecosystems and were also featured in Mister Research, the research called a decentralized database, the missing piece of web three. Feel free to look it up.

Recent Developments at Glacier Network

And the latest development was last week we launched the Glacier Chatbot bench, which is benchmarking product to access the performance of all the major large language models. And we enable users to do that in a trustless and decentralized way and also in a way to incentivize them to do that, which is one of the pillars of web three, I believe. So right now with the launch, I think our focus is more on the end user functionality.

Future Goals and Community Engagement

In other words, we want to create application and solutions to make more user own AIH to make sure the future AI is a decentralized and a secure one that can benefit, you know, not only the cooperation and the large language models, but also, you know, the end users and the researchers. You know, we aim to, you know, strike a balance also, you know, considering the ethical aspects. So I think that's pretty much what we have been up to.

Invitation to Connect and Thank You

And please feel free to look us up and google us, read about us and also follow us on Twitter ads. There has been a lot going on. Yeah. Thank you. All right, awesome. Thank you so much, Chiang, for the great introduction and it's great to learn more about the incredible work that you are doing at Glacier network.

Introduction to Glacier Networks Vector Database

So moving on to my next question. How does glacier networks vector database especially cater to the needs of AI projects on BNB Greenfield and what unique advantages does it offer over traditional databases? Yeah, this is actually a great question, so allow me to break it down. I think to answer that question. First we need to define what a Victor database is. It is designed to index and store Victor embeddings, which are essential for quick retrieval and similarity searches. This makes them super important for AI applications like a large language model as a generative AIH semantic search. So if we are, you know, strictly talking about AI processing data efficiently, it's a big deal. I mean, it's one of them. It's high on the priority list, I would say.

Vector Embeddings and Database Functionality

So vector embeddings, which contain the semantic information help, you know, help the machine, help the algorithm, whatever the term you want to use, help them understand and recall complex texts and traditional databases just on card for that kind of handling and that complexity and scale of vector data. So that's where the database steps in. So they are built specifically to manage and store and query those vector embeddings. To give the audience an analogy. I would say you need a specific tool to solve a specific problem. That's on the top of my head. That's the analogy I want to make. So how does this work? So I'm oversimplifying here. Of course there is a lot of data science going on behind the curtain.

Process of Using Vector Database

But first, as a team, we need to create a vector embedding using an embedding model. And the second step would be you store those embeddings in the vector database. And finally you allow your solutions and your partner solutions to acquire the database to find the similar vectors. It sounds like a pretty straightforward process, but of course I'm oversimplifying it here and I think that would give the audience an overview of this database and what we have been doing. Yeah. That'S fascinating. And you know, it's clear glacier network is addressing some critical issues in the AI space, particularly in terms of scalability and efficiency.

Performance and Accomplishments of Glacier DB

Given Glacier DB's impressive track record of over 3 million on chain CRUD operations and the management of 560,000 collections, it's clear that the platform is built for heavy duty performance. Right. So how does glacier networks vector database specifically cater to the needs of AI projects on, you know, on and on BNB. And what unique advantages if you can help us, like how does it help in ensuring efficiency and scalability in handling such massive data volumes? Yep. I mean we are, you know, to hear your introduction about our accomplishment, I would say so it's very flattering.

Data Handling and Sharding Strategy

We are of course flattered, but to compare, but to say we excel or specialize in heavy lifting or handling of the larger quantity of data would be an overstatement, overestimation, I would say. But that's the goal we wanted to reach. But at the current stage, I would say those 3 million on chain CRUD operations and the collections you just mentioned. Just a small step we are taking to, you know, to move forward, to move us forward to that final destinations. But to answer your question. So to boost the glacier network storage and computing power, we use sharding.

Benefits of Sharding in Database Management

Basically the network is split into a bunch of smaller database pieces called shards, and each handling its own chunk of data. That mechanism where we can speed up the process and the efficiencies. So by spreading the data out across these shares, we can scale up without hitting bottlenecks. Sometimes we do, but that kind of problem would be allocated to the design itself, but not the technology. So this setup makes sure no single share gets overloaded and so the network can smoothly manage bigger data loads and more transactions. So breaking the data into these shares not only ramps up the performance but also sets the stage for future growth.

Human Analogies and Problem Solving

Of course, I wanted also to give an analogy about this technology or solution. I think we, as humans, whenever we wanted to solve our problems, we sort of break them down into tiny pieces. Or if we wanted to develop a habit, we break those downs into atomic habits, atomic actions.

Heavy Lifting Goals

That's what we have been doing. So we, when we. Our final goal is to hand, to do the heavy lifting. We just want to make sure we can do that a small piece, one time, one at a time. So, Charlie, that's what we have been using. Thank you.

Performance and Growth

Thank you so much, tank, for answering that question. Question. And definitely those are impressive figures. And it's reassuring to hear how. How you guys are managing to maintain such high level of performance even with the, you know, vast amount of data involved. So, for following the recent milestone of securing in seed funding, 2.9 million in seed funding, glacier network is definitely, you know, aiming for significant growth. So can you share some insights on how this will help glacier network in future development and expansion?

Strategic Importance of Funding

Yep, of course. So this is actually very important to us strategically. So I want to invite, you know, whoever is present here to look us up and to, you know, to go through the names of our investors. I think the only impact will it will have on us is to power us forward. I think it goes without saying we needed the funding. Right? Everyone here to amore here is incentivized to do something better. Bye. By financial benefits or by the virtue of your morals or by your values. Right? So we need the funding to expand our team and recruit talents, which is why we are very nimble and fast paced compared to other projects.

User Functionalities and Future Plans

And particularly when it comes to the future and the user functionalities, like I mentioned, that's our current focus. We need all the help we can get, because when it comes to the end user functionalities, the work that needs to be done grow exponentially. The funding also gives us the flexibility to explore new markets and expand our reach. Whether it's entering a new region, new market, or targeting different sectors, we are not better equipped to scale our presence.

Current Market Sentiments

I think the final. I think the final notes I wanted to give in term of this question is right now, the current sentiment in this space, not very friendly to the, you know, to the basis and to the. To the. To the. To the money of the basis. But, to be honest with. To be honest with all of you, I don't think we would better off, you know, without them. So, yeah, that, again, that's my two cent. Thank you.

Collaboration and Industry Support

Yep, that. That's so true. And you know what you've just shared, it sounds like a sigmoid significant step forward, and it's like, it's great to see how this funding will fuel further innovation and growth for glacier network, you know? So I have kind of similar question related to this only. So with recognition and grants from prestigious entities backing glacier network, the project has clearly garnered significant industry support. So would love to know how have these collaborations and support influenced your project's growth and innovation so far?

Boosting Credibility

Yeah, I think you are spot on. So it really gives us recognition, I hope the recognition we deserve. So, having the backing of the, you know, the organizations has definitely, I would say, boosted Glacier Network's credibility. So it shows our stakeholders, partners and users that we are, you know, at least heading in the right directions, and we can definitely use that momentum to fuel our growth. Plus, the support isn't just about recognition. Right.

Access to Resources and Innovation

It often comes with access to network, valuable resources, mentorships and industry expertise. So the insights from seasoned experts have been key factors in driving our innovation forward. It's a lot like the funds we have raised. This grants and recognition has allowed us to take obviously calculated risks and explore new ideas, which, you know, at this day and age, I think is rare and valuable in this space.

Role of Glacier Network in Web Three

Now, moving on to my next question. As the decentralized databases become increasingly vital to the web three ecosystem, and glacier network stands out as a key player in this space. So we would love to know, what role do you see glacier network playing in the development of web three and how does it align with broader vision of decentralized technology? I think we are at red, at the intersection of, you know, decentralized the database and create crypto AI. And we are. I don't want to over exaggerate it, but I think we are playing. I think we are playing, I would say, an important role in making AI driven application more decentralized, because we are building an infrastructure that can handle the amount of data and process power needed for AI, specifically the decentralized database, but in a way that is decentralized and true to the core principle of web three in the broader vision.

Decentralized Technology and AI Applications

And if you look at the spectrum of decentralized technology, we are really all about ensuring that AI can thrive without relying on centralized systems, we are enabling AI and AI applications to operate in a decentralized environment where data is secured, data is private, and your everyday large language models rated by your everyday users. And so the end goal is to create user owned AI and AI infrastructures. So this aligns with the goals of crypto AI, which is all about creating AI system that is transparent, autonomous and free from the control of large sanguanities. So, in a nutshell, I think we are. We are laying down the foundations of for the future, where and decentralized go hand in hand and making sure, you know, as it evolves, it does in a way that stay true to the ethos of web three.

Vision and Future Developments of Glacier Network

So that's a vision of glacier network. And if you look at our development strategy, that's what we have, what. That's where we are being. That's where we are heading to. Because like I mentioned, last week, we launched the Glacier Chatbot bench, which is a benchmarking product to assess the LLMsdev and to incentivize the user to do so, and to make sure the human valuation is part of the process. I think that's the contribution we have made to this space and we hope we continue to garner recognitions from that applications.

Final Thoughts and Community Engagement

Thank you so much, Shang, for sharing that vision. It's clear that glacier network is said to play a pivotal role in shaping the future of decentralized technology. And we look forward to, you know, to more developments and innovations around. So, as we wrap up our session, I would say your insights have been invaluable. So, do you have any final thoughts or key messages you would like to share with our audience? Yeah. So I really appreciate everyone here to look at Glacier up and to play our chatbot bench applications and also our glacier point system. Season two is live, so feel free to tap into that.

Participation in Crypto Community

And I think the final thing I want to say is crypto is very interactive. It's very participatory. So we want everyone to join our community and to try us out to test our applications. If it's good, let us know. If it's bad, please let us know so we can improve upon it and to fulfill our visions. Thank you. Thank you very much. Thank you so much, Shang, for those insights, and we are glad to have you here. And thank you so much for joining us today. It's been a pleasure.

Closing Remarks

Yep. And to all our. Yeah. And to all our listener, thank you so much for tuning in. Remember, at Cluster protocol, we are committed to making AI accessible to everyone and I'd like to say that. Stay curious, keep innovating and keep exploring. AI. And keep drinking water.

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