Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Simplified #37 | hosted by MattSteffanina. In this Twitter space, the Web 3 Content Strategist and Advisor shared invaluable insights on content creation, audience engagement, and navigating the digital landscape. From discussing the importance of authenticity and storytelling in content to exploring collaborations, adapting to trends, and leveraging virtual worlds, the space provided a holistic view of succeeding in the evolving digital world. Creators were advised on balancing personal branding with professional content creation, experimenting with various formats, and staying ahead through innovation. The session emphasized the significance of community interaction, staying informed about industry changes, and harnessing futuristic concepts for immersive audience experiences.

For more spaces, visit the Lifestyle page.


Q: How important is audience engagement for content creators?
A: Audience engagement is crucial for building a loyal following, increasing reach, and driving community interaction.

Q: What role do collaborations play in content creation success?
A: Collaborations with other creators and brands can bring new audiences, creativity, and networking opportunities.

Q: How can content creators stay relevant in a fast-paced digital environment?
A: By adapting to trends, experimenting with new formats, and engaging with emerging technologies, creators can stay ahead in the digital landscape.

Q: Why is it essential for creators to understand platform algorithms?
A: Understanding algorithms helps creators optimize their content for visibility, engagement, and growth on various platforms.

Q: How can content creators leverage virtual worlds for their content?
A: Virtual worlds offer immersive storytelling opportunities, unique content formats, and interactive experiences that can captivate audiences.

Q: What benefits can gaming communities bring to content creators?
A: Gaming communities provide insights into interactive content, gaming trends, and potential collaborations for content diversification.

Q: Why is storytelling important in content creation?
A: Compelling storytelling captures audience interest, fosters emotional connections, and differentiates creators in a crowded digital space.

Q: How can creators balance personal branding and professional content creation?
A: Balancing personal brand authenticity with polished content creation is key to building credibility and trust with audiences.

Q: Why should content creators diversify content formats?
A: Experimenting with various formats like live streams, interactive content, and short videos keeps audiences engaged and interested in diverse content offerings.

Q: What strategies can creators use to adapt to industry changes?
A: Staying informed on industry trends, networking with peers, and embracing innovation are essential to adapt to the evolving digital landscape.

Q: How can creators innovate their content to stand out online?
A: Innovation through technological exploration, creative storytelling, and audience engagement strategies can set creators apart in a competitive digital space.


Time: 00:15:42
Content Creation Strategies for Success Insights on building a strong online presence and engaging with followers.

Time: 00:28:19
Navigating Algorithmic Landscapes Understanding platform algorithms to optimize content reach and impact.

Time: 00:33:57
Futuristic Content Creation in Neo Tokyo Exploring innovative storytelling and content strategies for futuristic audience experiences.

Time: 00:45:10
Collaboration and Networking in Web 3 Benefits of collaborations with other creators and brands in expanding reach and creativity.

Time: 00:58:36
Engaging Gaming Communities for Insights Opportunities for content diversification and audience engagement within the gaming community.

Time: 01:10:25
Embracing Virtual Worlds for Content Creation Utilizing virtual worlds for immersive storytelling and interactive content experiences.

Time: 01:25:03
Balancing Personal Branding and Content Creation Tips on maintaining personal brand authenticity while producing professional content.

Time: 01:35:44
Innovative Formats for Enhanced Engagement Exploring different content formats like live streams and interactive elements to boost viewer engagement.

Time: 01:48:21
Adapting to Digital Landscape Shifts Strategies for staying relevant and successful in a fast-changing digital environment.

Time: 01:59:10
Creative Storytelling for Audience Connection The importance of compelling storytelling in making meaningful connections with audiences.

Key Takeaways

  • Building a strong online presence relies on consistently creating quality content and engaging with followers.
  • Successful content creators prioritize authenticity, creativity, and audience interaction.
  • Understanding algorithms and trends is crucial for maximizing reach and impact on platforms like YouTube.
  • Embracing new technologies and virtual worlds can offer unique opportunities for content creation and audience engagement.
  • Collaboration with other creators and brands can help expand one's reach and foster new connections in the digital space.
  • Engagement with gaming communities and platforms can provide valuable insights and opportunities for content diversification.
  • Adopting a futuristic mindset can inspire innovative content creation and storytelling strategies for a more immersive audience experience.
  • Balancing personal branding with professional content creation is essential for establishing credibility and audience trust.
  • Experimenting with different content formats, such as live streams and interactive elements, can enhance viewer engagement and retention.
  • Staying updated on industry trends and adapting to changing digital landscapes are key to long-term success in content creation.

Behind the Mic

Reflection on Upbringing and Life Changes

Born in the ghetto, young white boy not a dollar bill but a mama that'll work for hard boy with a soft side seen a little pack. Of block up life on the south. Side my views have changed from where I came from when you seen a man die right under the same sun but a real knock of motherfucker drives so east off me I'm running the crew ain't hard but I'm moving to bed I'm harder than you some of the best people that I've met in life just waiting to come home at night to kiss their wife, yeah ain't. It funny how the world can go?

Contemplation on Personal Experiences

Haters last year I've seen time fly slowly, I've let people forget what they own? I ain't saying that apology but I bet you know me, I'm the do people know closely mister one oh, we done Cohobee. If you're ready to rob then I'm ready to ride? Everybody throw your hands in the sky if you're ready to rob then I'm ready to ride? My whole life is quite right here if I don't blow, I know I'll be nice right here? But what eats me alive to see these young sea flies suck, kick, and get a piece of the pie like I got envy for one reason, for me to show these MC's, it's these season when you dap me up I see nothing but fear like every mc I leapfrog my whole career?

The Call for Different Variants in Rap Culture

So with young cop with a rifle and an out book cold crook stick em up, they need a rapper that's different from them all? I think it's time I come around and answer their call? I'm alone now, boy, start leaving season? I'm alone now, boy. Keep my eyes open? I was born to wake up, it's a new day like a morning shaker, morning sunshine? People blind to the fact that more than one side people try so hard to understand me? I can tell them, bitch, please don't? Cause I'm a different man every single day and I will say all the stuff that they probably want? Make up my mind?

Determination to Overcome Obstacles

I'm ready to break laws, I'm ready to sacrifice, ready to take off, I'm ready to blow away anybody trying to get between me and mine. All right, we are back for another episode of Simplified. Thanks, everybody. Who's joining us already? apparently something's going on in ordinals, too. I don't know what's going on, but I'm seeing a bunch of ordinals. Drama related stuff. I haven't heard of ordinals at all in, like, six months, so I don't know what's going on over there, but, we'll. We'll see if we can get any information on that. In the meantime, also, apologies to my panelists. We didn't have this on the docket whenever I sent out the questions for the day, but, apparently friend tech is basically shutting down, which is also pretty crazy after $90 million, I believe, in transaction fees.

Panel Discussion on the Current Trends

I'm excited to hear some of our panelists takes on them deciding to walk away. Gorilla giving us the wave. Does that mean gorilla? You're going to. You're going to cook on that one, bro. I was just saying goodbye. You're saying, oh, goodbye to friend Tech. Rip, rip. Friend tech. All right, well, appreciate that. Let's get into some introductions. We got a packed docket on the. On the show today. Ladies and gentlemen. Pack your virtual bags and grab your gaming gear, because our next guest is a jet setting juggernaut, a relentless globetrotter, and an unstoppable force.

Introduction of a Guest

In the FPS arena, he's taken down targets from the far reaches of soulbound to the heart pounding world of shrapnel. Before dominating the digital battlegrounds, he was slaying in the sporting goods scene. Get ready for the dynamic dynamo who's always on the move and never misses a shot. Welcome to the stage of the lethal legend. The sharpshooter shrapnel is dubbed. Oh, man. I appreciate it, dude. I'm out here checking out toy boats in the city on a two mile journey to a sandwich shop. Life. Fucking great, boy. Jerry, I love you. Let's have a good show.

Panelists Greet and Share Stories

I love you too. I expect nothing, and somehow that still just blows my mind every time. I love you, dove up next, this virtuoso has his mark on gate, has left his mark, excuse me, on gaming giants like Jagex King Mobile, mini Clip, and Rovio. But he's not just riding on past glories. He's plunging headfirst into the pandemonium of bullet hell bliss with call of the void, the currently playable sensation on iOS android, taking it by storm. Get ready to welcome the titan of the touchscreen, the maestro of mobile magic, the bullet hell baron. It's Matthew Buxton.

Matthew Buxton Joins the Discussion

Thank you so much for the epic intro. And, yeah, I just. I just learned that I'm basically being strong armed into going token 2049. So, yeah, if you see a ginger guy sweating gallons, and that's going to be me. I look exactly like the pudgy you'll find me. Blank hat with the heart and everything. Yeah, I'm looking forward to following you all around and begging you for lunar invites. We'll see you there, buddy. Glad to hear that you're going to be in town and sweating even more profusely than I will. It's always nice to know you're not quite the bottom of the barrel.

Looking Ahead to Future Events

Up next, prepare yourself, folks, for this next guest, because they're crunching numbers by day and leveling up by night. When he's not balancing the books, he's busy balancing gameplay mechanics. As a diehard web three gamer and consultant. With over 100 game reviews under his belt, including those obscure titles you've definitely never heard of, he's the ultimate under the radar game guru. Let's give it up for the accountant, the auditor. It is gaspode. Hello? I don't know if you can hear me. My headphones aren't doing very well, but hopefully you can.

Introduction of the Next Panelist

Yeah, we got you, buddy. Thanks, man. And up next, somebody else is going to read an intro. oh. It's the other Stefanina. Once a finance and numbers nerd, she deftly navigated the numeric nuances at the titan of Wall Street, Morgan Stanley. But a spirit craved a different beat, leading her to orchestrate harmonious symphonies between beats and balance sheets for a major music label. Consulting for titans like g two esports and Galaxy Racer, her strategies have championed not only victories, but vital values, ensuring the battleground grounds are won both in the game and in grace, adding yet another illustrious layer to career.

Founder's Experience and Social Apps Challenges

Tech as a. What it's like to be a founder for a day was not something I had on my bingo card. But you never know. Let's go to Slayer and then double. We'll come back to you. See if you're away from that locomotive. I'm still recovering from Matthew's comments. That was amazing. Thank you for the laugh, sir. But, yeah, I think, you know, one thing to remember is that just in general, social apps are hard, right? Even in web two, without adding the financial layer to it. With someone already brought up, the point of Google threads was going to be like the Twitter that did not work out. It's really hard in web two consumer to get because like someone pointed out, consumer apps need wide distribution, huge numbers for them to work. And then those people have to be interested to stick around when you're putting that into our web three space.

Challenges in Web Three Consumer Space

Let's be honest, there aren't that many people in our space. A lot of people were buying into it because of the financial incentives. Hence everybody harassing Matt while he was innocently eating his food about, hey, you signed up, like, how are you going to give me a 1000 x for me doing absolutely nothing? Like, what's wrong with you? Why do you suck, man? Why am I not rich yet? And if you think about just like practically speaking, for a product to scale to the level it needed to be sustainable and to be a real company that can continue, it needed to hit something closer to web two scale and get reach beyond our crypto borders. Imagine if Matt's experience was that negative. Imagine, you know, a typical celebrity in web two or a music artist who's already having to keep up with like 20 different social media platforms, pump their numbers on Spotify or whatever other their main thing is.

Web Three Expectations and Founders' Pressure

And then you're telling them, hey, you could also basically create like a stock of yourself and have a bunch of new people on the Internet also yelling at you and demanding you to also carve out 24/7 time on this extra platform on top of the 20 platforms you already have to manage. I just, it's not something that I would ever see anybody in web two. Who are the people who have the biggest audience on pool wanting to voluntarily step into. Yeah, can't argue with that. Dub, how's our audio looking? Dude, it's clear that was the dumpster picking up friend tech. Like, overall, like, I'm surprised that they didn't sell to someone to be frank. Like, there's so much there. Like, despite all of the early pains with what they're building and the fuck ups from like creating instant keys for people without them realizing and all that stuff, like, I really expected to see a cell happen rather than closing.

Market Viability of Social Platforms

Like, for they're coming from a project that has a token down 99% compared to 75%. Like, there's still room to breathe there. Like, don't fucking give up. We're nothing. Not given up. So I guess it's all eyes on fantasy tops now. Like, I still think there's a ton of room in social play despite these guys failing out. So it's just part of the growing pains, I think, of this market. Yeah, it's an interesting point. It felt like they did have enough momentum to at least possibly set up for an acquisition. Also, Slayer mentioned threads. I'm sure you guys were around for. The four full days where. No, no, it's not dead, dude, all my threads is coming back, baby.

Community Reactions to Social Applications

I got all my friends on threads asking me to be on threads. It's weird. Like, it's not over there, but it did have a rough start. Okay. All right. Dub dub is bullish on threads for 2027, so gas. But let's go over to you and then up to Jerry. Dub's wrong to start with on threads. People just don't care enough. One of the big things with friend tech, I actually thought it was already good, so I wasn't surprised by the new note. You said it was dead. I thought it died already. Is that even when you made the account, like, bots would beat people to it, so everyone was just setting up bots.

Bot Issues and User Engagement

So we see bots on Twitter and it doesn't. It's not great, but it doesn't really matter. But when you're getting kind of beaten to the keys you wanted by bots, they're selling quicker, they're keeping an eye on everything. Like that isn't a great social experience in the first place. I like Matthew's point of being feeling like a founder, you know, that someone's demanding stuff off your chat. I made one like everyone just to see what's going on, and then felt bad when some of my friends bought keys because I was like, well, these aren't going up, so you've just lost money. I wasn't going to do anything to make the price increase, so I didn't like that kind of aspect of it.

Flat Pricing and Community Engagement

And then when guerrilla was mentioning about maybe doing it as a flat price, so you're doing a gated community for someone who wants to talk to their community who are willing to pay, I like the idea of that. But you don't need friend tech for it, so I just don't see any advantage of it whatsoever. And like threads and like anyone else trying to challenge these social platforms, it's not going to happen. Like, I struggle to come on Twitter often enough. Like, I'm not going to add an extra social platform to that. Well, don't tell that to dub. He's already sub-tweeting about threads over here, Jerry, to you and then to Johnny.

Gamification in Handheld Devices

Yeah. Backing up dub. I'm really big into f one, and for some reason, like, the Formula one community is huge on threads. So I don't know, I think I might be teamed up threads is making a comeback, baby. I think when I look at Friendtech, it's really interesting, the journey that they've been on, and maybe Matthew will appreciate this, but Friendtech went from hero and like darling of the web three space, and when they launch their token, it's like 100% of the token is going to be out. They're giving it all to the community and everybody is just celebrating this and now everybody is dancing on their grave.

Community Expectations Amidst Changes

So it's truly a snapshot into what it's like to be a web three project sometimes. But I think the thing that's really fascinating to me is the concepts that got proven out by friendtech and that is that I think we see that in web three. A token launch is such a powerful user acquisition tool and it's such a powerful attention grabber. And if you do it in a unique way and you do it to where it's worthwhile enough, you can make a whole industry pay attention to you. But if there's nothing behind that, you'll still fall like flat on your face and you can be the prom queen or the prom king and still get pregnant at 19 right afterwards.

Reflections on Launch Strategies

And I think that's kind of what happened here, is they were the kings for a bit and then they've fallen off super hard. And I think it's just a really fascinating case study. That is analogy that I have not yet heard on simplified. But it hits home and makes complete sense. Johnny, what's up, man? Yeah. As a founder of two projects and I have to drive enough value to those communities to maintain volume and price action for those people, I can tell you I had Matt's experience.

User Acquisition and Market Value Considerations

I'm sitting there, I see this new thing, friend tech, let's go make an account. I hop in and I had like, you know, 15 immediate buyers scooping up my floor. They're like, johnny, what's the plans here, buddy? And I'm like, oh gosh, there's no way. I didn't even say I'm opening a community. They just bought me because they sniped my account, like, and that's half the reason. I'm not even going to lie to you. I haven't even, I've never once played or, and I've got approach to have a fantasy top card, but then I have to maintain that price action.

Market Expectations and Social Finance Challenges

People are going to come at me if they buy my frickin fantasy top. Like it's my problem. Like I just think like social fi, the way that it was set up so far just hasn't made sense. And I'm just not a fan of it. In general, I understand like social campaigns for airdrops, but, like, when I see tickers being spammed all over my timeline, it's also like, come on. Like, that's just not very appealing to me. But, yeah, I have to agree with a lot of what's been said up here on the panel.

Managing Multiple Projects and Improving Investments

And I can just tell you it's hard enough running two different projects. I don't, I don't need to. To run fantasy cards and different communities against my will. So I've, I'm very bearish on that. Not surprised that they folded. Yeah, I mean, at the end of the day, like, people say, oh, it should have been run like this or done like this. These guys made $90 million in protocol fees. They don't really care too much what our experience was.

Financial Success vs. User Experience Perception

They got exactly what they wanted, probably 1000 x what they were expecting out of this project. So they did great. Let's go over to Matthew and then irritated on the scale account to finish up. Yeah. So I'm going to add my little staggering on this. I like it. But once the coals get rinsed by the founders. No, seriously, it's true. But to be honest, the key premise of social fi, and you probably don't understand this because you're incredibly attractive, talented, popular people that do things better than other people.

Perceptions of Popularity and Market Dynamics

And that's why other people like you is as a normal person. Fuck you guys. Seriously. Like, you're all like, amazing. Who really wants to be reminded of how much better someone is than you in monetary values? Like, that is the fundamental flaw in this. I live in Sweden where everyone looks fantastic. They all look like they, like, literally just walked out of the sauna. Maybe they have. And they're all equally as attractive as each other and not one of them would want to be put on a pedestal, even though they could probably own a pedestal factory.

Psychosocial Considerations in Monetization

But the thing is, the fundamental thing is, like, you have a bunch of people trying to make money off you, but at the same time, anyone who is just like on the sidelines is kind of like, oh, now I hate you guys because you're literally this much more popular than this guy that I like. And I then why are you that popular? And, oh my God, like, I'm not popular at all. I don't even get a key. Like, it's just, it's a misery simulator of regular people.

Summit Debates on Community Standards

And you won't experience that because everyone you meet loves you instantly. So as a normal, like, aging founder with very many like deep seated emotional issues here. What I'm saying is like for the young and attractive you guys, I don't want to be reminded how young and attractive and much more expensive you are. Than me, specifically much more expensive. This has become quite a topic. Irritated on the scale account, over to you.

Community Standards and Responsibility

Hey, what's interesting is I see a lot of people calling for influencers to be held accountable for the propping up of. I mean people are just enjoying an application that was fun, that they did use, you know, to build a community. So I don't think that they really have a role in this. Like you don't know what's going to rug and it's simply a technology. But I think what we should also call into question was the big VC's, you know, that started, you know, investing in this but like specifically paradigm.

Investor Accountability and Market Insights

You know, when people knew that name was associated, they were throwing in so much money. They're like, oh my God, this is the next Instagram replacement. But I think there's a lot of lessons here with, you know, holding VC's more accountable to what they're backing up, what is the long term plan? And before, you know, they invested, did they have questions about what is your five year goal? What would happen if a contract was renounced? So I don't know.

Decentralization and Consumer Protection

I think we should also be more wary of what we're investing in based off of the VC sentiment. And the last thing is permissionless social fi in the same way we have permissionless chains. Like when you have a truly decentralized chain, you know, the founder can't just like renounce contract and that chain is dead. It's supposed to be so decentralized and so many node operators running it to where these things, you know, can't happen. But I think issues like this just make us more sophisticated investors.

Community Learning Curve

I mean look at the mutant bear banana azuki doodles, fucking like those hybrids that we used to buy into and put so much money in. And now we're so much more sophisticated, we're like, wait, derivatives don't make money, they're purely rugs. And so we're going to learn that with non-decentralized technology and non-decentralized blockchains to stay away from. I love that we all have to get rugged multiple times to learn something as a community. It's really great.

Future of Community Driven Approaches

Dub for the final word. Yeah, like this whole thing has me wondering if we can do a community takeover with whatever token they launched around frontend. Because that's the rules of name coins like, let's just fucking send it. But looking at it overall, like, I think social fi, for general social purposes doesn't make sense. But when social fi is attached to an existing community or group of people doing things, like, for gamers, all of a sudden it starts to make a bit more sense of what's going on.

Creative Approaches in Technology Integration

So I hope to see less, like, just a Facebook style of social fi and more like, oh, this is social five for the bird watchers or whatever. You know, maybe we take it over, combine it with threads, make a derivative threads. Tech. Holy shit. Okay, I'm dropping everything. Fuck this sandwich. Let's do it. Let's go, boy. Johnny, did you have one more comment to throw in? I was just going to throw it on the back half there.

Consumer Perceptions and Market Dynamics

We definitely need to CTO it, bro. They're treating us like a pump fun coin, man. I'm a human. Quit dehumanizing me. Let's CTO. Come on. Anything's possible. Johnny and dove team up to take to bring back friend tech. I think Jerry's got the next topic with some in. All right, let's talk physicals. So physicals in web three have had success.

Emerging Trends in Physical Products

We've seen the Solana phone. We've seen step in shoes. Some of these haven't been the highest quality, but I think they've been successful products. Do you guys think that the sweeplay handheld gaming device can be a success, and what are your expectations of its quality? For a little bit of context, the specs are very similar to a steam deck, and it will have, quote unquote, seamless steam compatibility.

Market Readiness and Community Expectations

If this is essentially a steam deck, what kind of added features would you guys like to see in order to see this be competitive and successful in the handheld market? Pre ordering is open now. It's expected to ship in the first half of 2025. If there's any tech nerds out there really quick, it's coming with an AMD Ryzen seven, AMD 780 m GPU, 512gb of SSD, seven inch screen, and, yeah, integration with steam and unlockable rewards.

User Expectations and Gaming Insights

I think I saw a gorilla with his hand up first. So over to you, man. Yeah, I guess I'm treating it the same way I treat friend. I'm just wondering, how can I make money out of this thing? And as soon as I heard of it, my mind immediately went to the Solana saga phone, where they had all these token airdrops. And then, I mean, I know from the back end, a ton of projects, meme coins, whatever it is, they're begging Saga to give away their token.

Token Economy and Consumer Possibilities

So I'm sure the same is going to happen here. And then, I mean, there's a ton of unique things you could do. Like maybe they could, the device itself could be a node and I don't know, it like runs tokens somehow or it gives you tokens. The more you're playing like there is, there's a lot of cool web three stuff you could do with this, especially for gaming. It's actually something I've thought about because I have a backbone outside of web three.

Consumer Preferences and Comparison with Existing Products

I don't really know why anybody would buy this. I was recently shopping just again for backbone, which isn't the full console, and it was between this and I forget the name of the other one, but I just went for the one that, you know, had the best reviews, seemed to be fairly priced for what the product is. So I guess people are just going to look at a steam deck versus this. A lot of gamers claim to hate web three.

Market Expectations and Quality Concerns

They're just going to say, oh, it's just another vaporware web three thing. So I think they're facing an uphill challenge there. But for the quality question, I expect it to be on the lower end. I don't expect it to be as good as something like a switch or a steam deck. So I'm looking at this purely, how can I make money? Are they going to give me token airdrops and can I get more than I put into it?

Market Viability and Strategic Investment

And then I'll just put it in a drawer or whatever? That's fair. I'm sure that's what everybody who makes hardware aspires to be and appreciate that context. We actually helped launch the backbone, so uptick marketing works. So hit your boy up if you need help. Gaspote, over to you. Yeah. No one will care even just handhold handheld out in traditional gaming.

Consumer Interest and Market Dynamics

No one particularly cares. They don't sell anywhere near as many units as other consoles or PC. Attaching web three to it like just mentioned, just add scam and vaporware to it so even less people will care. I think they were saying it was $600 and they'll be looking for profit on that, so probably be terrible. Not. I might see what people think of it and what people do with it.

Consumer Sentiment and Future Trends

This isn't going to be web three. Mass adoption fire handheld console. All right. Gaspode, who normally comes at things with a very monotone and bleak demeanor, continues. It was hilarious. I was laughing super hard on this side. Guest mode. Clearly not excited for the swee handheld. Johnny, go ahead.

Skepticism and Market Challenges

Yeah, I just don't see why this would be a long term success personally. Like, web three games shouldn't be aimed to get on a web three handheld device. They should be looking to get on, like, the actual devices that normal everyday people use. The only reason that I would ever buy this is to maybe do a video review on YouTube and farm that, like, Marquise Brownlee and then get maybe some free airdrops and I would never touch it again.

Niche Appeal and Consumer Engagement

So to me, like, I don't know, hard, like a hard device for gaming and web three, it's just gimmicky to me. It has all the gimmicks written all over it. In my opinion, if it succeeds, you know, happy to be wrong, but, and like Gorilla said, who in outside of web three is going touch this like that? That market share can't be there.

Market Perspectives on Product Performance

So once again, I was bearish on Friendtech. I'm probably pretty bearish on this. Ouch. Not a lot of support for this we play so far. Doug, go ahead. Yeah. Holy shit. Everyone is so far off on this and it's just because you're not the consumer that is for this handheld.

Consumer Dynamics and the Broader Market

Like, after my trip to LAtam and experiencing the market there. Like, more gamers are using handhelds. They're strictly to play CS go and to try to make a profit off of playing CS go through that handheld. Like, that's a giant market that already exists and it already happens. This is a huge win for, specifically for society and for their distribution being a flagship game of sui.

Market Optimization and Product Positioning

Obviously, when this handheld starts getting marketed to those regions that actually buy handhelds, not North America, then we're gonna see great opportunity for them because people are literally gonna buy that for League of Legends or for CS GO or whatever, and then just have the game naturally downloaded there and put in front of them. And yeah, it's not going to convert, like everyone, but it's going to convert a percent.

Market Viability and Scalability Considerations

And yeah, it's key on that actual product working, which is a big risk. But overall, I'm pretty bullish on handhelds, especially for crypto game distribution. Will you, would you buy one? It's nine months. It's what they would. They say they're releasing it in the first half of 2025.

Pre-Order Considerations and Market Trends

You got a pre-order one nine months in advance. Would you do it? I bought one when I was in LAtam just to get a feel and to experience it for it. And, yeah, I would like, yeah, I mean, you're talking to the Max Degen guy. Like, you could tell me that there's a possibility of a whitelist only on that damn thing. And I'm fucking buying it.

Consumer Insights and Market Prospects

Hell yeah. Gorilla, I saw you come off for a second. Yeah, I was gonna. Because he was mentioning the handles. Like, why would you buy this over a proven steam deck? I know in LAtam it's a. It's a price point comparison. So hearing that it's $600 is honestly a bit of a concern. But ultimately, if you can have a price point lower than a steam deck, the guys who are looking at this on a purely return on investment, which is a majority of our consumers right now, like, then they're going to go for the cheaper device that works.

Comparative Analysis of Price Points and Market Reception

Yeah, it's interesting, Doug, and I appreciate the contrarian take there. And I will say that I think I'm a little on board more convinced after hearing you say that. So appreciate you with that unique insight there. I think Matt Buxton was next. Go ahead, brother. Yeah. So, apologies for the wind and the taxi, but there ain't no way anyone in Latam is buying a handheld device that costs more than a PlayStation five.

Consumer Demographics and Market Capacities

I'm fucking sorry. Like a $99 Jambo phone which can run like all the web three shit and do all of that. Yes, I see that. Like a $99 Android phone that can get all of this kind of stuff. Yes. Like a $600 like thing that is worse than the best console. Like the best console you can possibly buy now with the biggest gaming selection.

Technological Considerations and Consumer Choices

Like if you can't, if you don't want to do the whole PC thing because you just don't want to be associated with the smell and having to post pictures of the internal glowing shit in your PC and then the water comes out and you cry. Or like, you have a thing that basically makes it sound like an aircraft carrier taking off. Like my poor old PlayStation four that basically just forced my daughter to watch Blippi all fucking pay.

Market Viability and Consumer Predictions

But yeah, there is no way anyone from any region is paying dollar 600 or something. That is like a Jank Android. The only reason that most people will buy this, to review it and shit on it, that is what I predict. However, I would say if it comes with a USB C charger and I can make enough money that it's cheaper than an Apple adapter, I probably will get one.

Future Considerations for Product Development

And that's all I'm saying because those things are really expensive and USB C is the way to go. But I feel pissed off because if you're going to do a hardware play, you have to have a serious amount of money to even contemplate that you have to have manufacturers in China and you have to have the dumbest motherfucking VC's in the entire industry to put money behind this.

Investment Challenges and Market Dynamics

Like, seriously, like, I want to find the retarded paradigm who's funding all of this bullshit? And I will personally stroke them at the Iggy Azalea party while they're watching the people with the assless chaps of the chaplain asses. And I would say, like, look, whatever you want, I can do it. I can. I can make a hardware company that will make a web three juice squeezer and we'll tokenize juice and then they will put money behind it.

Industry Reactions and Cultural References

Seriously. It just goes to show the entire industry is fucking batshit crazy. But at least some people are still rich enough to invest in this crazy bullshit. I have to butt in really quick. All I thought about when he said assless chaps is dodgeball. He's like, he wore assless. Yeah, if you know. Sam, please clip that entire segment and.

Industry Sentiments and Community Feedback

And put it on Twitter and tag me so I can repost it. When did Matthew become the new Vidar? That's what I want to know. I know. He became so surly in the last week. He turned into a grumpy. I'm just a grumpy old man and I'm grumpy. I'm tired and now I've got to go to Singapore. But we found what brings him bliss.

Optimism Amid Challenges

And that's USB to see chargers on handheld devices. Yeah, for real, Justin, you've launched physical products before. Go ahead. I don't even know how to follow Matt on that. Holy shit. Yeah, dub, who's going to subsidize the network costs for these things? At $600 a pop down in LAtam?

Product Viability and Market Feasibility

There's a whole lot of operational aspects that go along with launching a piece of hardware like this that I'm still trying to wrap my head around. Just why would you spend $600 on this? I don't understand why you would do that in a country that already subsidizes mobile phones for users and most people have to pay for bandwidth.

Market Considerations and Consumer Acceptance

That just seems like you're just asking for people to just get just penalized for trying to play anything halfway decent. Add in the fact that most web three games aren't even optimized for bandwidth. You know, it's a very difficult process to do hardware. I wish them all the best.

Potential for Investment Returns

I hope they have enough stuff lined up to make the $600 investment ROI positive via airdrops or tokens, whatever. But I think right now, like, asking me to put $600 down and I've got to wait nine months to get this thing. I think it's just a very difficult proposition, especially for users right now in this market.

Discussion on Handheld Gaming

I swear to God. What was that paragraph? He's an Uvadar. I would never say something like that. You just did, buddy. You just did. Okay. So with that said, I think the whole handheld gaming thing, I know people try a lot of different stuff with this, you know, the steam decks and this and that, but. So let's be real. And this is something that I personally don't like either. But it is what it is, right? The future is going to be mobile gaming, and it already is to some extent. It's going to be mobile gaming now. Whether that's going to be with handhelds or if it's going to be on phones, I have a feeling people are just going to move to phones. I think it's just going to be the thing. I mean, you can look at Asia for the most obvious example of this ever, but are people going to invest in this stuff? Is it a good investment? No, but I know, Dove, it's cool to have your handhelds and stuff.

Insights on Mobile vs Handheld Gaming

And all the people that like to use handhelds, they're like, people are just going to use phones. No one's going to migrate to maybe a new device. Just use your phone. Use your phone for everything. Move on with that. Even though I would love for more stuff to be developed for the PC, because I'm a PC gamer, the realism is people need to be mobile, they need to move around, they need to use handheld. That's it. So are you for or against it? I'm not quite sure. You're not quite sure? I'm for anything that furthers the gaming space and makes it more accessible for people. And I think that is handheld. So I'm for it. I'm for people developing more things like that. Okay, Vidar, if I was able to get you to the front of the whitelist and I said, you can get 200 of these, would you buy them? Fuck, no.

Feedback on Airdrops and Hardware

Okay, just check it. I was just checking. All right. Sam did that to me a couple weeks ago about asking apps not to track the door. I know this pain. Did you not hear that? I said very specifically, I am a PC gamer, so what's good for other. People may not be good for me. I think it's a good idea, but I'm not putting money in. Yeah, I was just asking more from the perspective of, like, I remember everybody trolled the Solana phone, and the Solana phone came out, and everybody was like, this is a garbage piece of hardware. And then they started selling for, like, $5,000 on eBay. And everybody was like, oh, the Solana phone's the sickest fucking thing I've ever seen in my life. So I wasn't sure which side of the sort of aisle you were on as far as the speculative value of a. Of a web three enabled device.

Web3 Gaming Accessibility

I mean, Sam, the Solana phone did. Not start flying off the shelves because it was the next coming of, you know, the iPhone. It's not why. It's we cook. Let's. We cook. Vidar, let him cook. Is a kind of a. Not a garbage phone, okay? I have a lot better phones than that. The reason why people bought it is because they wanted the fucking free airdrops, guys, let's not be stupid. They wanted to get their token and dump the shit. Yeah. And I think that's an obvious lane for the sweet phone, right? Is, you know, if there's more than $600 worth of airdrops that come from it, does it make sense to buy? Maybe I wouldn't preorder it right now, but would I buy it down the road? If I saw what the plans were, I'd consider it.

Airdrops and User Engagement

Slayer, you've had your hand up for a bit. Go ahead. Yeah. I think that, like, obviously, for most of us, the equation changes. If you're pretty sure you're going to get more than $600 back of airdrops that you could liquidate immediately, because then it's free money. And that's really when we saw saga pick up, when, like, people started reporting of, hey, you know, like, this huge airdrop hit, that's when another wave of people trying to buy it came. But the question is, once that happens, then what? Right? Like, I think for me, the question is, what is the purpose of this hardware? Device, especially from a team that, you know, I could be ignorant here, but my knowledge of their background from speaking with the team in the past is that they're all really brilliant, you know, crypto devs, they came from, you know, the FAcebook's original project.

Hardware Expertise and Market Questions

I don't really peg them as people with particular expertise in hardware. So for me it's like, what is the purpose of this? Right? If as a buyer, why am I buying this? Let's put the airdrop speculative thing aside, right? Why am I buying this? Right? I could buy a steam deck. If I really needed to play games on the go, I could, you know, as a PC gamer, I already have my PC then mobile phones work well as well. And for most web three games, the name of the game, as Vidar said, is accessibility. So most web three games are trying to make it so people can play it as easily as possible so it's available on phone or if it's often, it's a browser based game. So why do you need a dedicated device for your web three games?

Market Viability of Web 2 Gamers

Absolutely agree with everyone else who says that web two gamers aren't going touch it. So that's off the table. So given all those things, my question is just what was this created for? What is the goal they're trying to achieve here? Because if it's something that people are just buying because they think they're going to get more airdrop back from that and then they're going to put it in the side and it's going to rot in someone's closet and they're going to forget they have it or it's a really expensive paperweight. What did that accomplish for the ecosystem? Yeah, all valid questions from Slayer dub. You've defend yourself like Jon Snow in the battle of bastards right now. Yeah, someone needs to hold the fucking door because I'm about to lose it.

Pricing Dynamics and Market Responses

The for the price point. Like, yeah, it's not gonna move a bunch at $600, but when that thing is 65% off or 250, it's gonna fucking crank. Okay. Like that's what an MSRP is. That's physical retail. Like, I'm glad they're starting up that high. I'm pissed that now I'm gonna have to buy one at $600 just because I'm a freaking fanboy apparently at this point. But I've been a part of sweet as a DJDeh for like over a year now and I've never gotten an airdrop. So I can tell you there's probably no airdrop coming or plans of that for this advice whatsoever? And the counterpoint towards Android devices and mobile phones over handheld is purely accessibility.

Device Compatibility and Game Accessibility

In the games that can be played on those devices. You cannot play cs. Go on android. You can play it on a handheld. That's why they do well. That's why they're gonna continue to do well. Because for indie studios trying to find growth and accessibility, the quickest way is through lower end devices like these handhelds. And that's not mobile phones. That's not building another mobile game or something like that on top of their already designed plans by smart people. I'm done talking. Yeah. All fair points stub.

Final Thoughts and Closing Remarks

Let's go. Justin Lucas and Matt Buxton. We'll go 30 seconds each and get the topic wrapped. Yeah. Like, we can't even get games on Mac. Like, why? Like, get me games on Mac. I want games for my Mac. Like, do that first. Do not make web three hardware. Do not be so preoccupied with whether or not you can that you don't stop to think if you should. There's my Jurassic park quote before Jerry throws it out. There you go. What a great quote. Great quote. I heard a wise man use that on a space one time. Matthew Buxton, go ahead for the last word. How many games are actually out on sweet. Like, how many games are going to be playable on this thing on the. On the chain that's meant to be there?

Frustrations with Farming

Unless I have literally dedicated 24 hours a day to doing this, the only points I get are like the literal, the sign up points, the pity points that they give you on these. What I do, like, I am literally not popular enough to make a buck, let alone $120. So I would just potentially complain about farming on my timeline of whichever is most popular because that would generate me the most engagement. That's generally how I do it. Otherwise I'd farm anything to do with lizard labs because animosities is a lucky motherfucker. He spun a thing, got the best drink on the thing and they have a dex, so why wouldn't I farm that? But yeah, I'm terrible at farming because I only have like 7000 followers. What's the point of me even engaging in this bullshit? Like, for me, the one thing I don't like about farming is when all of the rotting monkey face people are just cash tagging the literal shit out of my timeline and I will mute them. I will mute them and I fucking hate it.

The Broken System

Like farming, I get it's important. I would prefer people to farm in the fucking game, but they don't have a game. And this is why the whole thing is just broken. Because we have to go through these endless machinations and oversell our tokens to even be able to afford to go to a Cex launch. And this is just the tragedy. The whole space. Like airdrop farming, I think is a curse on games. And it's not fair because these are fantastic games. Like, I love these games, I love these founders, I love the people who are building them and they don't deserve to have to do this. Like, just as we said, the friend tech experience for you guys, that's what they live every day with, people farming this shit. Just grueling amount of GPTs, the amount of bots, the amount of fake bullshit that goes into this just to extract money from the game for user acquisition.

Profitability Concerns

That's clearly what it is. When in fact they could probably just do some TikToks and actually make way more money for the game and a more sustainable environment. So I think airdrops personally are a curse on our industry. I think they're fantastic for the people who can get them. It used to be that we could give goals nfts and then they would be happy, but now we can't because nfts are worth buckle. So now we have to do airdrops and then give them calls via the back door. And I think it's just another evolution of the you give me free shit I post about your stuff. And it's unfair. It's unfair on founders to have to spend so much money setting up all of these things, guarding against Sybil attacks, paying God knows how many SaaS services.

Airdrops and Their Disservice

It's essentially just filtering vc money into the hands of players who don't even give a shit about the game. I hate airdrops. I love the games and I think these games are fucking fantastic. And I think an airdrop actually does them a disservice. Sorry for my weird take. Yeah, not quite answering the question. Appreciate the passion, but a little bit off topic. Johnny, tagging you in, man. Which airdrop would you pick if you had to pick only one to be farming right now? Yeah, absolutely. I would say there's two folds. So one if you have liquidity, one if you have time, because it's a very different ballgame because now a lot of these airdrops are, you can either hold assets and get allocation or you can spend your time inside of these ecosystems.

Strategies for Airdrop Farming

So I would agree with gorillas. Take if you have the time. I would go with super champs. There's plenty of daily challenges, weekly challenges. You can go in there, play both of their games, bullet league racket rampage, and be able to rack those things up. But if you have liquidity and you want to maybe not spend as much time in these things, I would look towards infinigods because infinigods is partnered with over, I think, 90 collections. So you can hold like I'm being rewarded for my pet hooligan bags. I'm being rewarded for a ton of different Nfts that I'm holding anyway. And it's really a good way of incentivizing just the overall web three gaming community.

Comparison of Different Games

And it's one that you can also complete challenges and do some play to airdrop stuff. But I would say it's a little more passive if you have already some NFT holdings in the gaming sector. So I think there's like 93 collections to be exactly that give you potential airdrop allocation or the, on the thunder leaderboard. So I would say if you have time, I would go super champs. I would say, if you have liquidity, I would look towards infinigods, or if you have a deep NFT portfolio, that. Was a great take. They also have king of Destiny, which is one of the easier games, in my opinion, to farm while still being entertaining, even if it's not exactly my type of game.

Personal Preferences in Airdrop Farm Games

Gaspode, who's probably played all of these and a significant amount more. Gaspode, what's your take, man? Which one do you pick? It's a tough one. I love looking and investigating airdrops at the moment with another hat on. I'm doing some of the design for the indian heroes in the wilderness, which are live right now. And I think what people have been saying around the value that you'd get from an airdrop, it's gone dramatically down. Like, they definitely know how much dollar per hour people will be getting at the end of it. If I had to pick one, I'm in a position that I don't have enough time to jump into too many of them. My favourite one currently is like mentioned the mixture of either lizard labs or infinigods, just because of the way they're doing it.

A Unique Airdrop Experience

It kind of. There's bringing more kind of collections together, which I enjoy, but one that is ended, which I did, like Washington Abarak, where instead of getting random points, everything you did, you got a dice and then you got to roll a dice to move around a board. And then that was just gamified without actually playing the game. And I don't know whether it's just because I love playing dice games and love board games, but that was a really enjoyable experience. And I don't think I ever even collected my airdrop, but I did that every day. Sorry I went into my DM's. Apparently Twitter is still experiencing some issues for some. Some of our panelists. Sorry about that, guys.

Twitter Space Troubles

Fingers crossed. They're slowly sorting themselves out. I've seen this happen a couple of times recently where at the top of an hour. I don't know if it's because like, a bunch of new spaces are starting up at the same time that other ones are shutting down, but something happens and just all Twitter spaces absolutely shit the bed for like, I don't know, 1520 minutes and then it sorts itself. So it's a. Hopefully they know about it because I know about it. Fingers crossed. Let's go to Justin Lucas. That will go to gorilla. Yeah. Matt just hit the nail on the head. Like, I feel the exact same way.

Reactions to Airdrop Farming

I hate the airdrops where I just have to follow somebody on Twitter. I have to go join a discord. I have to go watch somebody's YouTube video. I just feel, like, preyed upon and I feel like it's like, parasitic on actual gamers. I want gamers to get into games. And to Matt's point, like, there has to be a better way for us to get, you know, people rewarded for actually playing the games. The one that immediately comes to mind that I had a blast playing was Cypher Odyssey, which was just a great little top down shooter. Had a blast playing it. Didn't even care about how much I was even making because I had so much fun playing the damn game.

Looking for Enjoyment

So that's what I look for when I'm looking at for different airdrop campaigns. Obviously, I'm not going to choose my own shameless plug grid arena, but. Yeah, and obviously eth lizards as well. Those guys are killing it, so. So that's it for me. Thanks, Justin. Gorilla with the last word, then we'll move on. Yeah. I still see everybody's hands up. I think they have to manually go in the emoji and pull their hand. Yeah. I meets the build off of also what Matthew said. Yeah, the airdrops that are doing all the social fire drops are just done.

Critique on Social Farming

I can't stand when projects do it still. But the alpha here is, and every project pretty much that we've mentioned, like, I'm farming infinigods just by having them. I think I have ten and I'm like, top 100 in the leaderboard. But then you can also go and do all their social fi. You don't have to do any of their social fi. Literally, just click it. It'll open the page for you, close it, and then you'll get the points anyway. So I think it's completely useless. They probably get a percentage of people who do it, but nobody wants to see even me retweet. Literally daily airdrops or a tweet from the same account.

Quality of Airdrop Campaigns

Right. Whether it's a super champs that I'm working with or any of these projects, you guys don't want my feed to be seven retweets of the same project. I don't know why they're having these daily retweets. I get it. They want to bump their numbers, but they're just bumping it with bots. So I view it as completely useless. And that's why I said I like the airdrops, where it's actually playing a game and find a game that you like. The games that I've invested the most time in outside of super champs because I'm literally playing daily for the past two months, are games where I don't even care anymore if I get an airdrop.

Fun Over Profit

Obey obaby games with their. Their cart racing. I've played a decent amount of hours, but I know guys like Lem's and even slayer. You guys have played a lot and I don't know if you expect an airdrop, but the game's actually fun. I went to buy assets from them, hoping if it does give me an airdrop one day. But the hours that I put in was just because I find the games really good. It's like on the same level as Mario Kart and it was bringing you back to I don't have an n 64 anymore. It was bringing back to the old days.

Importance of Community

Same thing with off the grid. I would love to hear from the people who are playing because I know there's a lot of wolves that are playing. Do they expect an airdrop? Because they're just going in every weekend? I'm going. I've played a lot too, and I don't expect an airdrop at all anymore. I don't even care because I'm like, yo, this game's dope and I think people are gonna like it. So I'm just having fun versus, yeah, grinding. So the games that I want to invest time in, or the airdrops that I want to invest time in, I also want the game to be good.

Avoiding Social Media Dependency

I don't care anymore about this Twitter stuff. And the ones that are going to stand out are where the game's both good and yeah, ideally I get an airdrop, but they plan it properly, like Pirate Nation did. Those NFTs have held up so freaking well. And I hope super champs can do the same where after the first airdrop happens, they have four, five, six seasons planned with amazing rewards. So people continue to accumulate because they see how well it's doing and now they're able to do that math and figure out what airdrop they're going to get. But they also like the game.

Community Building in Gaming

Like, I hear so much good things about Pirate Nation, and I'm sure we're going to have many more in the future where people are happy to keep playing the game and it's something they want to invest time in. The same way you guys play like Warcraft or whatever game, even though you're not getting money for it, you're like you. I love this game and I want to invest my time in it because I enjoy it or I want to be part of that community or whatever it is. Great. Takes across the board there. Gorilla egg on my face thrown in.

Final Thoughts on Airdrop Farming

Zero pirates. I love those guys though. Fern and emit on that team are awesome and super stoked to see how all the success that they've been having double give you the last word, then we're going to ask a follow up question to this. Yeah. To just dive into Gorilla's points of frustration because I feel it too. Like the doing the daily retweets and there's some airdrop campaigns right now where it's like you have to sign a transaction to claim a point for every point. And they're just doing that to drive essentially transactions on chain so that when they go to people like finance or whoever, they have all that shit for their token listing.

Examining Airdrop Strategies

And it sucks that it's that, but it's promising to see that games like Meiji are finding other like models where it's like, nah, it's just a part of our ecosystem where players get tokens for playing the game. Same with the same with parallel. Right? So there's good things coming out of it, but ultimately it's a pain in the ass because the people are just trying to appease the giants in the room and it just sucks. Yeah. Well, I think we can all be thankful that cash tag farming seems to be on the way out.

Speculations on Airdrop Tokens

That that was the meta for like six months. Shout out to portal coin and I haven't really seen a lot of success from it recently. So hopefully more and more studios, more and more marketing teams are finally realizing that it's just not going to work for everybody. The follow up question here is more about the timeframe and the value that you expect to see in play to airdrop campaigns. I don't really have a horse in this race because like guerrilla, I don't farm play to airdrop campaigns. But I do think it's an interesting thing to track as far as where we're moving in the value of these.

Community Efforts in Airdrop Farming

So we just saw the gaming chronicles guys decide to do a challenge by being essentially farming airdrops, but they're not going to use their main Twitter accounts because of all the social farming that's still required with the retweets and the comments and stuff that you guys require or mention. So they're going to spin up new Twitter accounts to be able to do all that stuff, which I think is indicative of the fact that it doesn't work because people spin up brand new Twitter accounts with zero followers to do this, but I'll leave that to the side and digress for a second. My question for you guys is, how long do you think it will take them to get to $10,000?

Challenges in Reaching Financial Goals

How long will it take for the first person to kind of cross the finish line? And then if you'd like to add on to that, how long do you think it'll take for the average person if they were following along with this and just kind of, you know, grinding a little bit at night or whatever and not doing it as a full-time job? How long do you think it'll take that person to hit $10,000 worth of airdrop reward farmed? I think dub at a hot take on this one. I'm pretty sure dub was telling me literally never the other day, Dove, is that true?

Realities of Airdrop Farming

Sorry, I was running away from a garbage truck. Yeah, it's true. It's literally never. Unless there's like a thousand of them for them to go do and they can handle doing a thousand of them as one person because they're not getting more than $100 from each one on average. You can fucking guarantee that. Spicy take, Matthew. I saw the hand up. Yeah, I was going to say literally the same thing. Like, as a normal person who doesn't have access to guilds or potentially tons of people that you can share this around and essentially fake it or bought it, a normal person will never hit 10,000 in airdrop.

Diminished Potential for Airdrop Rewards

We've gone past the 2021 stage where you could get one thing and that thing is going to absolutely go crazy. We're in the weirdest bull market ever where bitcoin keeps going up and everything else keeps going down. I think there's something fundamentally broken here, and there is something because of. I think the. Everything has got so much more efficient at taking money out of game projects before the games can actually go live with their token. I have a feeling that there is. You're on a hiding to nothing if you're farming airdrops.

Struggles of Average Airdrop Farmers

Unless you have multiple limbs, unless you're a mad champ, you're probably not going to get anything more than a few hundred bucks in total, so. And that's. That's essentially my take. Sorry. No, like I said, I've got no skin in the game. Don't have to apologize to me. Justin, over to you. Nebruary 32nd is when they're going to get it. I don't see. I don't know how you can hit $10,000 farming airdrops even having zero followers have working together as a collective, I just. I don't see it as far as a normal person.

Discussion on Ethics of Airdrop Farming

I think I've been rubbed more times trying to farm airdrops than I've actually received. I think I got $20 on Steakland for Mon protocol one time, and then, like, five other times, farming stuff, I got zero. I got completely, totally rubbed. So I don't know. I don't see how anyone can think in this market that you're going to make $10,000 farming airdrops if you do it just as your full-time job. As somebody mentioned earlier, you're better off getting a job at McDonald's and actually contributing to the economy.

Future of Airdrop Farming

All right, Slayer, over to you. My funny follow-up for Justin is do you think it's more likely that they lose 10,000 before they actually make 10,000 farming these things? But, yeah, I think it's definitely a long game. I would kind of agree with everyone else here. I think if you're talking about an individual person presenting in this challenge, it's possible that if someone gets really lucky, you know, maybe they hit the right rng or something, they end up winning an NFT from one of these and they sell it at the right time.

Airdrop Challenges

You could get closer to that. But if you're talking about the average person of what you like, what your expected value is entering into some of this, it's going to be a long slog. Right? I think I mentioned it in the group chat, but there was a time back in the bull market where people were playing ZTX for a couple hours and reported they got $2,000 worth of an airdrop. You're not really seeing that anymore. I think what you see now, as everyone pointed out, is games are also evolving their play to airdrop campaigns, and they're trying to tailor more to reward the people who are putting in a lot of time.

Competitive Landscape for Rewards

There's a lot of leaderboard gating, right? So if you're an average player, how good are you? Are you able to actually place meaningfully on the leaderboard to make it worth it? Because now there's a risk that if you're a mediocre player and you're grinding something that's very competitive, even if you put in the hours and you don't place well, you could end up sinking so many hours and get like $50 or $10 out of it. Right. So I think there's that element as well. And then also with the play to Airdrop meta having been here for a while, like someone else mentioned, people are getting really efficient at them, right?

Time and Effort in Airdrop Farming

There's people who have time to spin up 50 alts and a bunch of bots, and they're coordinated. So if you're a regular average person, I don't think it's impossible. I think you should be aware that going into it's difficult. You shouldn't be thinking that you're going to be putting in a couple hours a day and then come out of it with like life-changing, I can never, I never have to work again in my day type of money. So going back to guerrilla's advice, pick a game you enjoy, pick a game that you feel like maybe you have an edge in, and then if you get a little bit along the way, that's kind of a bonus.

Sustainable Airdrop Strategies

But I agree, it's really difficult. I think going from zero to 10,000 unless you're getting lucky and hitting some of the, hitting some RNG stuff and selling long odds. I think the other part of the question is how long until they rack up enough points that are eventually worth $10,000 or how long until they actually make $10,000? Because you also have to factor in, you got to wait for the TGE to actually happen. Right? Yeah, that was something that came to mind for me as well.

Realization of Airdrop Rewards

It could just be six months for their results to even be realized, but interesting to track nonetheless. Gaspod and then Johnny. So I'm going to go with 666 hours. It's a coincidence that it's that number rather than the ticking 666. So that's 10,000 divided by $15 an hour because I did a poll and everyone was saying if it's below $15 an hour, they would just wouldn't do it. They think it's a waste of time in terms of an airdrop, which I think is ridiculous.

Challenges of Current Airdrop Landscape

But anyway, other than that, I think that they do have some of the problems, like realizing it's definitely going to be in there. Like Slayer mentioned, the problem that most tokens have lost their ass recently means that even a big allocation in terms of token isn't worth nearly as many dollars as it would have been even three months ago. So that's going to slow them right down. And teams are now having to do a lot more work to try and avoid getting taken advantage of by bots.

Efforts to Mitigate Bots

And part of that work, like people are mentioning, is the leaderboard, because then you have to have some skill to do it. But then there's a few other ways that kind of teams are trying to make sure that they're not getting bought it into. And again, that makes it even harder for people to get through on it. So I think there's too many things against them right now. They might have had more success maybe six months ago, but now I think more of them. Raiden will do it because he's a beast. And I think some people try and keep up, and I think more people will give up before they even get to the first thousand before get through to 10,000.

Reflections on Farming Strategies

How fitting that the number of hours to farm $10,000 worth of airdrops is synonymous with hell. That's why they call them demon hours, bro. Johnny, over to you. Yeah. As far as, like, the zero to ten k airdrop play to airdrop challenge, I think the zero part is what's hard, because if you come into it with some liquidity, you're able to do a little bit of sweeping. You put some times into the playing. Yeah, your airdrop can look, you know, pretty solid.

Liquidity in Airdrop Farming

I think the problem is that zero. So, like, you're going to be grinding some of these campaigns where no matter what, most of these campaigns are going to give NFT holders more allocation than the player, unless they're top of the leaderboard, like guerrilla. I mean, he's just a sweat on the super champs leaderboard. But, like, I think that's the issue. So it's going to take a while. But. But if that competition, if you're able to invest some of that capital that you make back into the airdrops in the future, maybe you could potentially amplify the speed of it.

The Difficulty of Farming with Zero Investment

But if it's simply just play to airdrop and no, like, stack NFts and play, then, yeah, that challenge is going to be quite difficult. I wouldn't call it impossible, but I think it was Slayer that mentioned, like, you know, the early protocol airdrops were very lucrative. Now, the recent protocol airdrop that we've seen, like, layer zero, stuff like that, weren't really near as lucrative as people thought. Why? Because people figured out the game and it's kind of the same with play to airdrop.

Adapting to Evolving Airdrop Dynamics

I feel like the more time that goes on in this, people understand now how to maximize it or even minimize it and do the least amount of work just to snag some of that allocation. And that takes capital away from other people. So, yeah, that zero to ten k will be tough. And I think it's all based on the parameters. If it's all time spent playing. Yeah, that's going to take. That's going to take throughout the most of the cycle.

Evolution of Airdrop Farming

But if they're able to invest some of that capital back into NFTs as well as playing, then they can maybe make that happen. Great take, Johnny. Appreciate you, man. And that's all for today's show. But the adventure doesn't stop here. If you're craving more strategy, more excitement, and a whole lot more fun, you got to check out the lost glitches.

Spotlight on Games and Sponsors

The official game was simplified, available on the Epic Games store right now. Whether you're a veteran strategist or you love a good deck building duel, the game's got you covered. If you were there for Zy game night on August 29, where you could have won 25,000 glitch credits and a thousand xy tokens, then you know what I'm talking about. So get in the game and let the glitches lead you to victory.

Acknowledgments and Ending Remarks

And ladies and gentlemen, before we sign off, let's shine a spotlight on the stellar sponsor that sent in shockwaves through the blockchain universe. None other than the titan of transactions scale, the official chain of simplified with $8 billion were the gas transactions saved since the inception compared to Ethereum l one there, the gasless chain making mass onboarding possible compared to the rest. So if you're ready to break barriers and shatter records, hit your wagon to the cosmic juggernaut that is our sponsor scale.

Upcoming Events and Opportunities

And of course, YGG's gap season seven is upon us, proving it's never too late to level up the way that you play. More rewards, more games, and more chances to get rewarded. While gaming, YGG is the ultimate playground for the ambitious and the adventurous. And don't forget, YGG Play Summit is in Manila spanning five days starting November 18. So get ready to team up, level up and rack up those rewards.

Final Thanks and Acknowledgments

Thank you to Yo Gill Games for being an official sponsor of simplified. And of course, thank you to our amazing list of panelists. I'm going to start off with our co host sub and in for NOC, Mister Jerry. Jerry, awesome to have you man. Thanks for taking the intros like a champ. The sponsored I reads you handled a couple of questions.

Gratitude to Contributors

I thought you killed it, man. Big shout out, crypto gorilla and Johnny, of course our two resident airdrop theorists are guys with a post on the market. Always killing it. Always so grateful to have your guys time. Of course, make sure you check out gorillas community as well as Johnny's new product, Nexus Labs. If you need a referral code, you know, slide in the DM's, but otherwise it's one of my absolute favorite things that's come along in the last couple of years to keep an eye on the markets of Gaspode has some amazing Twitter spaces as well as a series called what's your game?

Closing Remarks

If you're ever trying to get just in touch with a little bit more of gaming outside of the top ten projects you hear about all the time. Gas photos documented. Like all of it. Like all of it. So go back and check that out. Vidar also one of the funniest, most tapped in people, I'll say, with the crypto market that I've ever met. So thank you for giving us your time, brother. Big Justin Lucas over at grid and one can shout out to everything you're building over there, brother.

Hope for Future Collaboration

I would love to hear more about it sometime. Matthew Buxton, call of the void also available iOS android right now. Make sure you download that. I've played I've often on my phone. I'm going to play it on the way to Singapore. By the way, a dub, of course, over at the shrapnel team. We love you guys. And slayer over with the exterior guys. I know you guys are doing a ton in Asia. Excited to catch up with you and Jeremy and that's going to do it for our show.

Final Interaction and Goodbye

Guys, any last words? Matt, Jerry, Singapore, man, can't wait for Singapore. For everyone that's going, we're planning on swapping the hours a little bit. Sam, is that planning to potentially happen next week? Just for a heads up for the audience? Yeah. Great reminder. I'm going to put a tweet out about it, but yes, indeed, we will be shifting. It's going to be 5 hours later.

Adjustments for Future Conversations

So it's going to go from 04:00 p.m. eastern to 09:00 p.m. eastern. And that means that we will be hosting it at 09:00 a.m. tuesday on Singapore, but it'll still be 09:00 p.m. eastern time in America. Thank you to everybody that rolls through the punches on that change. I know it's going to be a big pain in the butt, especially for the EU folks, but we love you guys and thanks for understanding.

Looking Ahead to Future Sessions

Yeah, absolutely. We, we look forward to seeing you guys next week live from Singapore. And thanks again, everyone, for jumping in. Insane panel today and dub threads is not coming back, brother. Just throwing a it. Only time will tell. See you guys next week.

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