Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space delves into the intricacies of transitioning from Web2 to Web3 in gaming, addressing traditional gamers' apprehensions towards Web3. Simplifying payment processes to resemble familiar transactions is pivotal. Influencers and community leaders play key roles in demystifying Web3 concepts and promoting engagement. Strategies focus on user-friendly onboarding and creating 'sticky' products. Future plans include launch pools to attract new users to Web3 gaming.


Q: What are the main challenges of transitioning from Web2 to Web3 gaming?
A: Misconceptions about Web3 and overly complex payment processes are significant hurdles.

Q: How can payment processes be improved in Web3 gaming?
A: Payment systems should be simplified to resemble familiar Web2 transactions.

Q: What role do influencers play in this transition?
A: Influencers help by demystifying Web3 concepts and encouraging users to experience Web3 firsthand.

Q: Why is it hard to change people's perceptions about Web3?
A: Many people are initially skeptical or confused about Web3, associating it with scams.

Q: What is being done to make Web3 payments more user-friendly?
A: Integrating features that make payments straightforward, such as displaying direct costs without additional steps.

Q: How are communities targeted in onboarding strategies?
A: By engaging influencers and streamers who can attract their followers into the Web3 ecosystem.

Q: What are launch pools and launch parts?
A: Initiatives aimed at converting social media users and community members into active Web3 gamers.

Q: Why is user retention important in Web3 gaming?
A: Ensuring products are engaging can prevent users from leaving after their initial interactions.

Q: How are new users onboarded from Web2 to Web3?
A: By creating user experiences that are similar to Web2, making the transition feel seamless.

Q: What are the plans for the future of Web3 gaming?
A: The focus is on enhancing user engagement, improving payment systems, and expanding community outreach.


Time: 00:35:56
Addressing fears of Web3 among traditional gamers

Time: 00:36:11
Strategies to make Web3 more appealing to gamers

Time: 00:36:31
Adjusting payment systems for user-friendliness

Time: 00:37:06
Simplifying payments to mimic traditional transactions

Time: 00:37:17
Optional features in payment systems

Time: 00:37:23
Relating Web2 payment experiences with Web3

Time: 00:37:28
Importance of clear payment processes in Web3

Time: 00:50:20
Prioritizing user-friendly onboarding

Time: 00:50:36
Focusing on encouraging Web2 users to explore Web3

Time: 00:50:43
Role of creators and streamers in community building

Time: 00:50:56
Initiatives to enhance user engagement and onboarding

Key Takeaways

  • Transitioning from Web2 to Web3 gaming presents challenges due to existing misconceptions.
  • Simplifying payment processes is crucial for accessibility and user-friendliness in Web3 gaming.
  • Influencers play a key role in familiarizing users with Web3 concepts and encouraging adoption.
  • First-hand user experience is crucial for overcoming reluctance in transitioning to Web3 gaming.
  • Onboarding strategies must bridge the gap between Web2 and Web3
  • focusing on ease of use.
  • Payment systems should resemble familiar Web2 transactions to enhance user comfort.
  • Innovative payment processes and community outreach aid in a smoother transition to Web3.
  • Engaging different communities and adapting marketing strategies is imperative.
  • Aligning Web3 interfaces with Web2 experiences can improve user retention.
  • Future plans include launch pools and parts to attract users to Web3 gaming and enhance product stickiness.
  • Ongoing evolution in Web3 gaming aims to create 'sticky' products for enhanced user retention.

Behind the Mic

I think it'd be really interesting to share sort of your opinion on what are some of the big hurdles to bringing web two users into the web three ecosystem. Well, I think in this topic is, I think the most difficult things is most of the web two gamers, they are scared about web three. It's a scam. Yeah, that's really true in the beginning and we have to let them start trying out and we have to telling them many times, you know, have a try something and after a couple times later and we start realized, no, we cannot change people's thinkings. And so we just change the other way and make, you know, like some of the, we change the payment systems, make the payment system more like a traditional way to pay the money because generally in the web three part the people pay the money is like, you know, in web three part people pay the money adding the gas fee there and also wallet adjust everything and that will make people feel like, okay, that's just a web three payment process and we make more like web two friendly. And to make sure the payment process can be cut really short and also really clearly to make people to understand you pay like $20 directly and that's all. And if you wish to open the button there, you can do, but you don't need have to do. And so that will make a lot of sense to the Webton gamers. They want to think about, oh, I just make a payment to the influencers directly and also so that's why in the beginning we spend many of the hours to the online site to chat to the people and we just want to have find out more time to trying and we make more contents, streaming contents. And so basically, you know, and to try to engineer in the very gentle way to boarding the people from cricket into the web three ecosystems. And that is what we spend most of time to do at this moment. And I think in the future when the entire industry becoming more mature there will be some more and more, you know, solution to solve this problem. And yeah, this is what I thought about this point. Yeah, definitely love that idea of kind of flipping the narrative a bit. I know there have been so many kind of rug pulls and bad interactions that a lot of traditional gamers have kind of been burned. But yeah, in reality it's kind of shifting that narrative a bit. Appreciate that's a cool way to view it. Just want to say a huge thank you for coming on today. I think that was kind of the bulk of our prepared questions. So certainly if there's anything you think we left out or anything in your mind you want to share, feel free to do so. But otherwise we can wrap it up in the near future. Well, I think, you know, only one point we missed though I just, from my curious is from one reader side, from our mind is we really think outside kick and really try to understand in the first question the typical web two users. They cannot answer that without previous two or three years. And we get thinking from that time and go into the future and think about more how to draft better user experience and but also trying to invent something new that bring into the next generations like software development tools and also trying to make a more general business tools to fit into the real users needs. And so that's what we need to think about for the industry and that will be the first topic and that will be the first of the first point and that's the first priority. So that's why inside kick right now. So we are more focused on how we can track more people from the web two to the web three. We have different creators, streamers. They found different communities and trying to evolve into the different communities and boarding them from the web two to the web three. And in the future were trying to start a launch pool or launch part and to make sure this number of the people or users from the social side, from different communities and into the industry, they can have something to play and yeah, I think yeah, that's all. Yeah, I think that makes a lot of sense and I think it'll be exciting to see as the next influx of players comes in. And I know we had a lot of attention way back in 2021 in the last bull market, so hopefully this time we can retain a lot more users and the products are a lot more sticky. So definitely appreciate everything you guys are doing to help make that happen. But yeah, I just want to express my gratitude for you coming on to the AMA today, sharing everything that you have and spending some of your valuable time with us. So I just want to say thank you very much to you guys. It.

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