Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Shill Space | mpDAO Grants 7 ?

This space is hosted by meta_pool

Space Summary

This space served as an initiative to explore emotions through a blend of music and poetry, creating a captivating narrative. Artists shared personal experiences, fostering a deep emotional connection with the audience. Collaborative performances and heartfelt expressions made the space a sanctuary for introspection and shared reflection. Key themes of nostalgia, love, and loss were expertly woven into the performances, evoking powerful responses and cultivating a sense of unity. The artistic synergy and emotional depth of the space had a lasting impact, resonating with participants long after the performances concluded.


Q: How did the artists convey their emotions through music and poetry?
A: The artists conveyed their emotions through heartfelt performances and creative storytelling, blending music and poetry to evoke deep feelings.

Q: What themes and emotions were prominent during the performance?
A: Prominent themes included love, loss, nostalgia, and personal reflections, evoking a range of emotions among the audience.

Q: Were there any collaborative performances that stood out?
A: Collaborative performances between artists stood out for creating emotional narratives that resonated with the audience.

Q: How did the audience respond to the emotional narratives presented?
A: The audience responded by connecting deeply with the emotional narratives, immersing themselves in the shared experiences presented by the artists.

Q: What was the significance of intertwining melodies and verses?
A: Intertwining melodies and verses helped convey raw emotions effectively, enhancing the overall emotional impact of the performances.

Q: Did the performances evoke specific memories or feelings for the listeners?
A: Yes, the performances evoked specific memories and feelings among listeners, fostering a sense of introspection and emotional connection.

Q: How did the artists engage with each other's creative expressions?
A: The artists engaged by collaborating and supporting each other's creative expressions, creating a harmonious experience for the audience.

Q: Were there any standout moments that left a lasting impact on the audience?
A: Several standout moments, like heartfelt performances and emotionally charged storytelling, left a lasting impact on the audience, resonating long after the event.

Q: What role did nostalgia play…
A: Nostalgia played a significant role in creating a deep emotional connection, triggering reflective and contemplative responses from the participants.


Time: 00:05:34
Importance of Sharing Invitations, Discussion on the significance of sharing and inviting others to join the spaces.

Time: 00:11:49
Official Start of Tutorial Space, The beginning of the tutorial space session with the introduction of participants.

Time: 00:16:45
Explanation of Initiative Targets, Clarification of the target audience and goals set for the educational initiatives.

Time: 00:18:01
AMA Event with Middle, Highlight of the AMA event conducted with Middle's founder to increase awareness and promote initiatives.

Time: 00:22:53
Encouragement for More Voices, Motivation for additional participants to join and share their proposals.

Time: 00:29:48
Discussion on DAO Tokyo Proposal, Conversation about the proposal focusing on recording contributions and sponsorships for DAO Tokyo.

Time: 00:38:08
Historical Significance Mention, Recognition of the historical importance of the current round in terms of rewards and voter turnout.

Time: 00:46:36
Closing Remarks and Final Thoughts, Summary of closing statements from participants, emphasizing key points discussed and outlining future steps.

Key Takeaways

  • Emotive storytelling through music and poetry.
  • A deep dive into personal reflections and experiences.
  • Creative expression of feelings and memories.
  • Exploring themes of love and loss.
  • Collaboration between artists to create emotional narratives.
  • Captivating the audience with heartfelt performances.
  • Intertwining melodies and verses to convey raw emotions.
  • Immersing listeners in a journey of introspection.
  • Evoking nostalgia and contemplation through each piece.
  • Creating a shared emotional experience through art.

Behind the Mic

will be know well about metapool there. By attending in the set events with this proposal, we can invert more people. To. Join the meta pool. And then, yeah, we can tell them what is Metapool or what is the biggest thing that Metapl provide for in liquid stacking. And that is the first one. The second one is from three. The community manager of Explore cryptopredia. This proposal will be teaching about metapool and liquid stacking protocol onto the student in Surabaya. This proposal will be done in two milestones. The first one and the second one is teaching about metapol in different universities. I think this is my proposal from Indonesia. Thank you, Alan. Awesome. Cool. Matt, thank you for sharing all this information about the proposals on Indonesia. Always interesting. And Matzan also has been like. He has been also presenting proposals in the past. Can you tell us a bit about your past proposals? How this, how does this went which are like the milestone that you achieved by using these grants? Yeah, sure. I want the last grants embedded grant six. My proposal is bringing metapool to the untouched community by crypto space. Like project driver crap driver. And then another community I on both them to join us in these grants. I mean, this event I'm teaching about metapool and how to make money with metapool. That is positive vibes there. I think this is the great one I can provide from the meta programs. Thank you, Alan. This my report from this the last screens. Thank you, Matt. Also we have here Yudai. Yudai Suzuki. Welcome. Do you want to tell us more about the Tokyo shilling? A bit about what you're proposing to this impedo rounds or how we can know more about you? Okay, sure. Yeah. Thank you for inviting me to this space. Yeah. I'm Yudai from microfractombenches, which is our incubator and also behind of the Dao Tokyo. And our proposal is that our sponsoring for Dao Tokyo 2024. Dao Tokyo is only one Dao focusing event in Japan. And we have been hosting this event from last year. I'm really controlling this event. We are also building this community and this community we really find and select the best out of projects and the Dao tooling and introduce them to the entire world. So, they can have more chances and exposures through our event. In Ja. Bring up something more general, Alice. I think it's a very, very good opportunity for Metapool to participate in these events as a speaker or as a supporter of the Dao. There is a very big trend in the Dao Tokyo community that many people interested about stacking. And it's not very clear how the Meta pool and the other liquid stacking protocol works. So this will be a very good opportunity to explain how this liquid stacking system is working. In Japan, this is a good step. So, by going through this sponsorship, we would like to see you see metapool more small projects. So that will be good chance. thank you. I think that's that's the fast ones and I also would like to get any. Jack was also hosting the Meta Talks yesterday. We are really interested seeing metapool to be more being seen also in Jakarta of Festival. Opportunities involve the local community there. Right. Yeah. Thank you. Yeah. Great. Thank you all. Thanks for all the comments. I think there is a questions from the from the audience. By the way, firstly, thanks for creating this proposal. I saw some of the proposal in the forum and I really liked the fact that you are helping the community to learn about metapool. So, I was just curious like what is what is goals and the milestones that you have that is going and what other major community events that you have kind of set for and arranging from your side? So, maybe you can start. The deadlines for one proposal is about to come orange. So I like the ones that Jade developing with. Also with this space. That is a good question that you just did. Actually, we are trying to create onboarding proposals like grantslike to Minecraft on Ventures, as you see, there is a proposal to. To have more events in Japan, Korea for the metapool communities, and in the mailable. Mostly already already told us the this first events that will be happening now in Surabaya for example. So, how is student there if they join the program. So I think that is possible, really detailed all the steps and we would like to have all this to be done in the next few quarters. That would be really interesting. When we have these roles to explain to the whole community, we also have a chance to create a bigger awareness inside of our communities for all this we have been seen in Colombia, we also been seeing besides going to the metalle community this year. Something that I wanted to just talk about that before we continue with any questions, because today when we have the ambassador in gathering, the ambassadors can actually support the all these initiatives. I really like this awareness campaigns. Soon we are having our fifth ambassador program. Just detailed, I would like to provide you certain information, for example. In Colombia, we have a very strong ambassador coming from Cartagena. We have seen great great initiatives over there with the order to be filled. It's also related with that is why it's always good to look in advance. So. Maybe word of mouth. If you have like experience with the tooling chip provided inside of the community, I would be really interested to know all this experience. I see there Jerry with Statistics has been gathering all these, soon with the ambassador program we can make it more detailed about the impact that mets were going global. I saw him presenting certain I think it has surpassed a bit of the funding proposal that it was quite well detailed. I see that we have a very detailed documentation. There is like step by step the way we can get within old and new ambassador programs. In these spaces, we are presenting some of them, for example, Alvitar. He did a very good job in Bolivia. I'd like to see these examples that how the ambassador program codes provide certain guidelines. Involvement programs always take care to also use create guidelines for your role. There is many other also interesting that came up with like tooling for new means that it was encouraged to be used to support potential proposers. So there is a lot of content created that we can be bringing these spaces. We have like a. It is very promising, I think it's interesting to get the feedback of all of you. And also, Alan, I see that our counterparts are starting to allocate their votes. Maybe if you can provide some like experience of your own proposal. How it shook general growth in the community. Sure, I think. Always interesting to work with. In this allocation of votes, we I've been able to provide like some more focus on shilling events, Echo and all these events that were happening geore. In they have arrived, I have to say that participation has been great. Also, there is experience of all locations of votes that sometimes people are wondering, Oh, OK, what happened? But so far, so good, to be honest, with this last experience, we have a historic participation from our delegators. And we are very happy with that. It's actually growing really fast. Really good challenge for all of us to participate in this latest allocation. Surely, it's always a good experience. I think you can see stats coming from all our social media channels where we have been covered, where we have been like not only presenting in different events that always also allow me to thanks our media partners that are covering. Our different stat. I think that this allocation of the NMP that we are seeing, it is bringing good notes. I mean there is a very awesome moment with the allocation of these $100,000 and just verifying how transparent this process has been with all of the proposal programs. We have been able to also, I think, take a good consideration for the Redis. Also, I saw the some of the information that was provided on some of the new trevorays there is stat again, importance of using media coverage for us. This will just supplement all the efforts that are being done with the awareness campaigns. I think can be also used back to the latest question that we had from the auditing so this is the great one. Sure. Also related to tooling. Yes. tooling is is our priority as part of this proposals. There is great effort that we are always using to create these guidelines like providing divisional programs. Know, it's good to have also the Maria approach updated as it was presented last time. We knew allocation of $100,000 and how transparent is. Sure. We are always keen to propose new ways to disbursment and with this meta improvement program really coming up with strong. Once that we see the tooling can be improved. So, I'm sure that we can ask about the tooling, by the time that we have the proposals. Presented in these spaces. I'm happy to address this the moment for any inquiries, suggestions. With the announcement one of the latest improvements happen with one of the proposers do. Zack. Yeah. We had some atomic showcases on features provided. Always looking to have better tooling for the ZMP program. I also know that you are checking some of the old proposals. Any maybe uplifting can be done from the guidance. Thank you. I see there is guns them, and I have received a couple messages from the Hadoop ones. So this is something that we are working for soon with scheduling a very with latest meta tooling proposes, everything can be distributed during this month. For the new proposals and existing tooling changes. So, that's a good question to address here. Thank you for that. OK, so do you have something else you suggest? Know, this would just, I think it's a very good proposals, all that you are presenting with. Now, it's good to have these kind of priorities covered in tooling. I'm really happy to to say that the ambassador program when brought positive vibes. Good ones about the ordering for our proposals like. There is something also in our community that soon we are all gathering proposals from the ambassador program. So, this is an important one because we see them there is different category of proposals. Tooling is one of them If I may interrupt now, I see Jim here. He has been proposing in the past, has received multiple grains proposals. So that will be interested to see if he has comments about any other tooling that can be provided for the allocation vote because that is very important. Jim would you like to add up something? Yeah. Thank you. First thing before starting. I would like to thanks all the organizing team. I think we have been doing efforts to bringing all these metapool tooling. I see that these latest statistics provided by my counterpart beyond. I have no proposal starting. Just would like to know more about, if the reallocation of funds can be updated something from more. Just presenting to multiple uses of the tooling in Meta. Know about the meta improvements. You can get aware of some of the latest feedback, latest onboarding. Yeah, thank you. First thing it's really good to be sharing where we have been gathering all these of major set for tools of the SMP proposals, this is awesome, the progr sessões that we are providing soon with all the call. There is a chance for inclusion and there is a lot more interaction about the supporting programs in micro infractions there is something that we have in place. So taking this more aware. Thank you, Jim. I will be just resuming some of the feedback that we have seen being applied and collected since I'm also like monitoring is very very promising the, the validation of these proposals. Allocation for example. You do allocation, which one of the ratios that we have also have here some of them. I see that communities like by the way if you somebody here that joining see how's Allocation of votes is just really simple. You can go to the pin section see the meta improvement for tooling proposal. There you have the details. Vote for your favorite one allocation of votes. It is really really great experience when you are receiving the feedback and then you can review the step by step. This speaker allocation tooling. Yeah. I see there is something that can be improved always tooling support. Then eye see their menchie always is their proposals very well structured. Also some migration of services like I Matt. There is something that we have seen with them on the last. They have been quite well updated. So I see that there is one proposal here. That is related. So talking about the tools used for allocation votes I saw some documentation responder. And as Alan was mentioning also awareness campaigns. We have a chance to see everything on the pin section. The same examples as the previous votes. They can be see there. It's very simple. It's very transparent. What I see now it's also that Alan and me we are active in votes community. Thank you for joining the previous spaces with us. Always good to share. So as we are coming to the conclusion, I would like to remember all. The voting for your favorite proposals. It's a good opportunity attending these rounds? Yeah. So we are also having more segments where apart of this tooling allocation. Really good solutions. See that Sophia is here as well. I really like, we have Sophia as the next steps. So I think there is like always room for improvement. With this, we are very happy to supporting the meta community with all the steps that we have provide here. Chatting with all, it's really good opportunity to. To listen from you. So, Sophia, would like to step up and provide some comments. Yeah, I'm just hearing the end of the segments. I'm really happy that you're supporting all the tooling improvement for your meta. There's one of the proposals that we have here that participating in the and all the previous votes. And in this for Eduardo cleaned the tooling. There's allocation also. Are providing here ongoing segments. So we really really like to do the support that we are gathering here. And on the proposal you can see it's actually very good ones that bringing steps very clear. For. So yeah, so this is good. I'm happy to be part of the tooling as you have seen, I have been also presenting in the previous segments. Really happy. Good to see. Gathering positive vibes. I would like to thanks Alan by the way to bringing this chance for new proposers so you are participating for example. Yeah in a tooling allocation. Be very active. And joining from all the members experiences and feedbacks. This great chance to have summarized the latest statistics. Very awesome. All your comments for you looking forward partner together on this tooling allocation and all the other proposals coming. Thank you again Sophia. Really good. So for everybody that join us. We are always providing a system step by step you have the pin. Section checking. Always supporting program. So thanks for joining. You can reach out. Providing all comments on these spaces look forward to this next steps. He's some allocations here. I'm very happy. To get all the support for experiences and as always is is really good opportunity to to highlight these tooling I see that there is some up approaches and anything that you need. Thank you again for joining. We'll be reaching about to answer all questions. Looking forward for next time as always staying tune. I think they allow more chance to present you any other comment or suggestion thank you again for the times you're taking the past spaces as I'm always remembering. It's just in great interaction. Learning from you. So good appreciate all the chances you can see top presenters and soon with all the next ones very really appreciate. Thank you. Keeping you seeing all this in the future times again goodbye for now With this also thanking you for these very good moments previous minutes that we have been taking and well I'll see you soon. Bye for now.

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