Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Shill Me The Next 100x hosted by JakeGagain. Join 'Shill Me The Next 100x' to delve into the world of high-growth investments with industry experts and investors sharing strategies, insights, and opportunities to identify projects with the potential for significant returns. Discover the importance of due diligence, risk management, community engagement, and technology in maximizing investment success. Stay informed 24/7 for unbiased news and cutting-edge discussions on X, shaping your path towards discovering the next big investment opportunity.

For more spaces, visit the Trading page.


Q: How can one differentiate between a speculative hype and a strong investment opportunity?
A: Identifying factors like team experience, project utility, and community support can help distinguish sustainable investments from mere hype.

Q: What role does due diligence play in identifying potential 100x projects?
A: Thorough due diligence involving project audits, team background checks, and market analysis is essential to assess the viability of high-growth projects.

Q: How important is community engagement in scouting potential high-return investments?
A: Engaging with a community of investors and industry experts can offer valuable insights, early project updates, and collaboration opportunities that can lead to discovering the next 100x project.

Q: Why is risk management crucial when exploring high-growth investment opportunities?
A: Effective risk management strategies help in protecting capital, reducing potential losses, and ensuring a more sustainable investment approach in volatile markets.

Q: In what ways can technology and data analytics support investment decision-making processes?
A: Utilizing data analytics tools for market research, trend analysis, and risk assessment can provide investors with informed insights for making strategic investment decisions.

Q: How does patience contribute to achieving substantial returns in investments?
A: Patience allows investors to ride out market fluctuations, benefit from long-term growth trends, and capitalize on the full potential of high-return investment opportunities.


Time: 09:15:42
Risk Management Strategies for High-Growth Investments Experts discuss the importance of risk assessment and mitigation techniques in pursuing 100x returns.

Time: 10:25:19
Community Building for Investment Success Insights on the role of community engagement in discovering lucrative investment opportunities.

Time: 11:35:55
Technological Tools for Investment Analysis Exploring how technology and data analytics revolutionize investment decision-making processes.

Key Takeaways

  • Identifying early-stage projects with potential for 100x returns requires thorough research and analysis.
  • The importance of diversification in investment portfolios to mitigate risks and maximize returns.
  • Staying updated on market trends and listening to experts can help in identifying promising investment opportunities.
  • Risk management strategies and due diligence are crucial when exploring high-growth investment options.
  • Building a community of like-minded individuals can provide valuable insights and opportunities for growth in the investment space.
  • Understanding the difference between hype and sustainable growth is essential for long-term investment success.
  • The significance of patience and long-term vision when aiming for significant returns in investments.
  • Leveraging technology and data analytics can enhance decision-making processes when evaluating investment options.
  • Tailoring investment strategies based on personal risk tolerance and financial goals is key for individual success.
  • Researching and understanding the underlying technology and fundamentals of projects is fundamental before making investment decisions.

Behind the Mic

Introduction of Participants

Sadeena. Sadeena. Yes, indeed. What is up, you guys? Good morning, good evening, good afternoon. Wherever in the world you are. You know what we're gonna do, guys? We're gonna fill up the room, so I need your help. Retweet out the space, guys. Hit the bubble in the bottom, right? Let's retweet out the space. I'm gonna drop a track for a couple of minutes. We're gonna let the room fill up, and then we're gonna get into it. Let's go.

Musical Interlude

My face above the water, my feet can't touch the ground. Touch the ground and it feels like I can see the sands on the horizon. At tiny town, you are not around. Slowly drifting away. Wave afterwards wave. Wave after wave. Welcome into the space, guys. If you are just joining us, retweet out the place. Tag some friends. Let's get as many chads in here as possible. Wave after waiting. My face above water. My feet can't touch the ground.

Market Sentiment

Good morning, good afternoon, and good evening, wherever in the world you are. And welcome to this end of week, Friday the 9 August, searching for the next big meme coin space. What a time it is to be alive. Guys, the market is looking hot, hot right about now. A far cry away from that feeling. At the start of this week, as always in the space, guys, we're going to discuss the current wider crypto market, dive into some of the day's news, and then in the latter part of the space, we are going to get into some of these meme coin shills.

Engagement and Interaction

Remember, guys, if you are here representing a project and you do want a chance to come up and shill on stage, then join, and join the conversation early on in the space. Get yourself up on stage. You know, we'd love to hear your. Thoughts on marking a little bit. Oh, am I rugging? Oh, my goodness, you're rugging a little bit. Yep, we hear you loud and clear. Perfect, perfect. You know, get yourself up on stage, guys. If you do want to represent a community, we'd love to hear your thoughts on the market.

Introduction of Co-Host

And who knows, you might just get an early chance to shill. We always love hearing from old friends, right? And new ones, too. So don't be shy, guys. Hit the bubble in the bottom left and join us up here on the panel. So while we do get some friends up here on the stage. I see we do have the crypto queen up here in the co host spot. So nice to have you alongside me here, queen. Good morning to you. How are you feeling today, JSP? I am absolutely thrilled to be friend, because you bring the energy.

Positive Vibes and Predictions

Every single time I hear you, I get excited. You could be talking about cheese on toast, and I'm getting excited. I need to go and make some cheese on toast right now. I don't care what it is. You bring the energy. I love it. I'm so privileged to be here on this speaker panel with you, and I'm looking forward to it. I got a feeling that you and I might be getting into a little bit of trouble over these coming weeks. I'm here for it. Love to see everyone showing up as well.

Discussion of Market Trends

Loving seeing all these hearts, and good to have everyone here. Let's have a great show, guys. Let's go, guys. I'm here for it, too. And who doesn't love a bit of cheese on toast? I think that's about all I can cook. If you put JSP in the kitchen, that's probably the best you're gonna get out of him, to be quite honest. A bit of cheese on toast, you can't really go wrong, can you, guys? But amazing to have you next to me here in the coast for crypto, very british dish.

Breakfast Talk

It's a traditional british dish in from the pub and making cheese. You might get a bit of baked beans if you're lucky, but we only have to stick those in the microwave. Right, so that's not too difficult. Yeah, guys, that's enough breakfast talk. Great to have all of you up here. We're gonna start spinning people up onto the stage. I see we've got a number of projects that are in here, guys. You are all requested. We're gonna get some old friends and some new friends up on stage right about now.

Shifting to Market Discussion

It's gonna be great to hear from all of you. So let's dive into the market a little bit, guys. And if you are just joining us as well, we do want to fill up this room. So please do your part by retweeting out the space. It does more for us than you know, so please retweet out the space, guys. And Tagore, some friends. Let's fill this room up. So, guys, taking a look at the crypto markets. What an exciting time to be alive. I mean, BTC has reclaimed $60,000.

Cryptocurrency Highlights

Amazing. Currently trading at time of writing, to be precise, up nearly 6% in the last 24 hours. Ethereum trading over $2,600 again, up nearly seven and a half percent in the last 24 hours. And an increase in the overall total global crypto market cap of nearly 5% in the last 24 hours, with overall trading volume sitting for the entire market at nearly $95 billion. We've got lots of volume in the markets. Things are looking green and bullish. We have BTC trading close to all time highs. We have the overreaction of Monday sell off, a recovering.

Market Optimism

I mean, what's not to be excited about right now? We've got the bitcoin. We've had the bitcoin halving this year. We've got BTC and Ethereum ETF's. We have the presidential elections in November with candidates vocally pro crypto. We have celebrities coming into the space. A list is at that, right? We have the Coinbase smart wallet making it easy for normies to buy cross chain. I mean, who thinks that this bull run is over? I mean, who in here thinks this bull run is over? I personally think we're just getting started.

Panelist Engagement

I mean, let's get some thoughts from the panel. Over to you first, crypto queen. What a time to be alive, right? I am so super bullish. And I think you mentioned it in your retweet of this space today. Like, you think about the roller coaster ride, right, that we've all been on and we're all still going on, like, but literally from Monday, you think about the sentiment that it was all over the timeline. People were panicking. People, like, running around, oh, my God, what's going on? The world's kind of ending.

Market Recovery

And the change. I mean, the thing is, we know how quickly this market moves, and in crypto, everything can change in an instant. Right? But, you know, it just definitely feels like people are feeling a little bit more confident. People are, you know, the sentiment is definitely shifting, and obviously we're seeing that in the charts. I love waking up to green. So, yeah, I am feeling super bullish. I mean, I have not felt bullish this whole time. I'm just like, you know, I'm a true believer.

Investment Strategies

So just find the projects that you believe in and just work for your bags, guys. Hell, yeah. It becomes a lot easier when you are a true believer, right. Because when people get scared, you see opportunity. And that's exactly how I was feeling on Monday. Space. And the whole panel, the sentiment on the panel really was like, you know, this is a great opportunity for anybody who's just, you know, anybody who's in hire to DCA and average out their entries into some of these projects and some of these cryptocurrencies.

Market Dynamics

And, you know, a lot of people were fearful and might have sold their bags at a loss during that time. But here we are very nicely recovering in the markets, but the sentiment is back. So much is happening and, yeah, I just feel like we are just getting started. We have got so many friends up on stage as well. Let's pass the mic over to them, say good morning, and also hear a little bit about how they're feeling on the markets right about now. Ducky. Duck. Welcome, brother.

Day-to-Day Market Updates

How's it going, man? Quack, quack, baby. Fucking great day, actually, right? I mean, we talked about that on many spaces now. And I was again, right, guys? I mean, I told you, I think that's like the biggest flush out which is going to happen for this year. Of course, we don't know if you're going to go back down to make a little retest, but actually, with the bullish news that Vladimir Putin just signed the legislation that the officially crypto mining is allowed in Russia, I think.

Changing International Regulations

I think the bull cycle is now really in place and starting, guys, also, it's quite nice to see that the whole market is more in, like, a neutral position. There's no fear, no greed, which is actually the indication, number one, that we are just, right now, starting too soon, going to see new all time highs and most of all, currency pairs. Right. It's amazing. Yeah, I mean, super interesting. You mentioned some huge news there.

International Relations and Impact

Vladimir Putin has now legalized bitcoin mining. Do you see China and some of these other countries now following suit? I hope so. Actually. That's what we're all hoping, right? I mean, that means we've got the whole world. I think it also comes down to the fact that these countries don't want to get left behind. Right? They can see the USA pushing for crypto. They can see how vocal the potential presidential candidates are being right about now.

Geopolitical Considerations

And, you know, they don't want. They don't want America to be holding 5% reserves of bitcoin supply and them to be sort of sitting around twiddling their thumbs with absolutely zero bitcoin supply. Yeah. I mean, China and Russia just bought massive amounts of gold, right? So they're preparing for something else as well. But, I mean, I think it's on Monday, actually, right, where Trump and Elon Musk gonna announce something crazy.

Speculation on Market Events

And I heard that Trump is actually really launching a coin. Guys, what the fuck? I mean, what? What's happening? Actually, it's just really insane. I was actually going to mention a little bit about that a little bit later on in the space, but now might be a good time before we continue passing the mic around. So one topic that actually made the headlines was the new Trump token that was launched on Solana recently, RTR, which actually, I don't know if you guys saw this, it wasn't.

Token Launch Details

So when it launched, it was rumored to be the official token of Trump. It hit heights of $155 million in an incredibly short space of time before selling off to lose 90% in its value after Donald Trump's son tweeted that the family had no affiliation to RTR. So Trump's son did actually tease the market with a tweet saying that he'd fallen in love with crypto earlier in the week. So you can understand why the market flocked to this token with the small chance that it had of affiliation with the Trumps, right?

Future Prospects

So can you imagine when the true affiliated token launches? I mean, this is definitely something we need to be keeping an eye on, guys, as it could be one of the biggest runners of this cycle. I certainly am going to be keeping my eyes open and making sure I do the proper due diligence before buying. But be sure to keep tuned into our spaces every day, Monday to Friday. As soon as that real token launches, we will certainly be discussing it in full with its potential.

Community Engagement

And keep an eye on Jake's timeline as well. I know he's going to be very on top of when that token does actually launch. So you will get the news here first, guys, but very exciting. We have an official Trump token. It sounds like coming into the market very soon. We've got dougie with JSP. Can I? Yeah, sure. Can I just jump in? Sorry. To do a real quick show on Mondays, Socadata is hosting a space with Jake.

Upcoming Events

It's every Monday and it's at twelve noon EST, and it is a dedicated politifi space. So if anybody is listening and they are interested in that, then keep an eye on the timeline, keep an eye on Jake's profile, because that is a really useful space for anybody that is in a token. Sorry to interrupt you. Not at all. Awesome. Again, the politify meta for me is going to be absolutely huge with the presidential cycle this year.

Feedback and Information Sharing

So definitely a space you guys want to tune into. Get up to date with the latest politifier, the biggest politifier tokens in the space, right? And learn what they have going on in terms of their development. So definitely check that out. That soca and Jake, did you say that was 12:00 p.m. est? I think crypto queen said, yeah, that. Is 12:00 p.m. eST on a Monday. Perfect.

Closing Remarks

Yeah, of course. Crazy, you know, because Elon Musk is joining the squad. I mean, that's just crazy. That's just insane, actually. Yeah. Absolutely. One of the most influential people. If it's real. If it's real, I will. I will go all in. Actually. Jump in there, guys. But I was gonna say Trump's just thinking about coming back onto the spaces.

Bigger Picture

Right. And that's really big news as well after this true social expires. Hell yeah, man. That's gonna be huge. That's gonna be used. And in combination with Elon, I mean, that's, I think, the biggest combo you can have, actually. So nice stuff. It doesn't really get bigger. Trump ex musk. Can you imagine, guys? That's going to be absolutely insane.

Speculation and Possibilities

Do you reckon we could get them on a space? I don't know. Let's. Let's. Let's let Jake, right? Let's try use his power in his influence to get them all in a space, and we see if we can get them up on stage. That would be insane. That would be insane, actually. But also, you should talk about Matt Fury's birthday coming up on the 14th. So all of the Met Fury coins like us, guys.

Celebration and Discussion

We got the moon. Interesting, interesting. We are going to hear more about that a little bit later on in the space. Ducky. Duck, we do have Matt Fury's birthday. Incoming. Very, very interesting. We've got Dougie up on stage with their hand in the air, waiting incredibly patiently. I'd love to go over there. Welcome up on stage, Dougie. Good morning to you, brother.

Final Thoughts

Good morning, JSP. I hope you're doing well. I just want to chime in, you know, with my thoughts on the space. Right. We had that. That scare tactic Monday, so I've always been a bull, right? And when you zoom out, man, you look at worldwide, the adoption of crypto, you know, it's been growing and growing by crazy percents every year.

Community and Future Outlook

So we have these shakeouts, right? And that's just pure manipulation as those big institutions and people that are manipulating the markets, they're buying, trying to shake us out, and then all of a sudden, we have all this incredible, bullish news in the same week. So I'm just excited, man. It's Friday. Everything's looking good. And I'm just pumped up. I'm ready for a green weekend. Hell, yeah.

Positive Energy

What a time to be alive. It is. We have new friends up on stage. Dougie, it's always great to have you up here, brother. Love what you guys are doing and can't wait to hear from the project a little bit later, too. We got new friends up here as well. I want to say GM to them. We got nut the ice bear. Welcome up here.

Engaging with New Participants

Nut the ice bear. I don't believe we've spoken before, but good morning to you. How are we feeling about the markets right about now? Good morning, family, and thank you for having me here. I feel very bullish because the shakeout was manipulated like the guy said before. And I'm pretty sure as soon as the people realized that this was manipulated and they sold the bag for a few pennies, they will buy back in and the organizations are keep buying and buying if you track them.

Market Trends and Predictions

So I think the end of the year, we will see some new all time highs and I hope you guys are prepared for that. I'm also sure there will be also a few more shakeouts, so don't get scared if they're coming some red candles, because the red candles are a moment to buy, so be ready. And I'm very bullish on the market, but we have to think about also that if the market is manipulated so hard, the reason is why it's so manipulated.

Caution and Awareness

I think it's only to fill the bags of the big ones and the small ones will lose their bags so they have more power to manipulate the market in the future. So I'm very bullish and I hope to speak to you later. Again. Sorry, guys. I got cut off there for a second. I missed a little bit about what you said.

Market Discussions Continues

Crypto. I'm going to pass it to you. Crypto queen. Well, you know, talking about cheese on toast, I'm literally just eating a piece of cheese on toast while I am listening to this bullish sentiment from this panel and nut the iceberg. I've actually heard you speaking on spaces before, and I love your energy. And I'm really interested to hear about your project, Dougie.

Engagement and Community

Ducky. I mean, Dougie and Ducky next week. Don't say that too quickly, guys, because if you get those two mixed up, you know, you could end up saying a really rude word, so just be careful. But I love you guys because you show up every day. Every time we're on spaces, you guys show up. And, you know, I was in another community this morning. And I was just saying, listen, guys, you need to get into spaces, because if you're not getting into spaces, then you don't, you know, I don't want to hear you moaning about what the chart is looking like or moaning about anything else.

Motivation and Encouragement

Just get into spaces. Do the work. Work for your bags. You guys do that, and I love it. So, yeah, you're bringing the energy guys today. Hell, yeah. Love you, queen. Thank you, queen. Speaking about projects, who are bringing the energy and showing up, this next project that I want to say at GM two is up on stage because they raided me incredibly hard this morning.

Introducing New Voices

They got my attention, and I thought I'd bring them up to say hello. So, GM, let us know how you're feeling about the markets. First of all, Luffy, CTO, welcome on stage. Good morning. Hey, Luffy, you do have the microphone. You can unmute by pressing the bubble in the bottom left. You might be speaking into a muted device. If not, that's absolutely fine.

Continued Interaction

We're gonna keep you on the panel. We're gonna keep the mic moving as well. Feel free to raise your hand if you want to jump back in. We got papi chulo up here. Happy Friday, papi chulo. The weekend is here, baby. Let's go, fam. Gmgm, man, one, man, so hyped about this space, so hyped about the market.

Community Spirit

It's good to see it green. It's good to see it pumping. It's good to be growing and, yeah. Shout out to you guys holding these spaces. You guys are helping the 5% in crypto, man. Like, that is. Again, there's a lot of different communities out here, but if you all take it together, the people that are in crypto is five, 6% of the world.

Optimism and Holding Strong

So, man, bullish. This is going to be huge at one day. You know, I'm a holder also since long time, so, yeah, og diamond hands at the end will win the long race, you know, and crypto is here to stay. And also papichulo, man. So, yeah, man, super excited. Let's go, papi. Let's go. Loving that energy, bro. We're going to keep the mic moving.

Expanding the Discussion

We've got more friends up here. 1776 on Seoul. I don't believe we've met before. Good morning to you, man. Happy Friday. How we feeling about the markets, bro? Back at you, brother. You know, it's been, what? It's been such a wild week, and I'm just sitting here enjoying my coffee, and there's nowhere I'd rather be right now.

Current Events Impact

It's, it's 821 01:00 a.m. where I'm at. And this mark, this week's been interesting, right? Because we've all got the friends or acquaintances who every time the market goes down a little bit, they're like, oh, this is the end. The sky is falling, crypto's done. And you sort of sit there and look at them and laugh and you're like, I give it a couple days, you know, just watch.

Market Fluctuations

And sure enough, just like has happened. Just like happened. You know, a couple months ago when the Iran Israel stuff came out, it dropped a little bit and then it bounced right back up. Well, today, I think that drop lasted, what, a day and a half, two days for this week. A couple things that you guys touched on that are really interesting is one, if China decides to adopt cryptocurrency right now it's illegal in China.

Future Market Expansion

Imagine if we had 1 billion more technology users who were able to come into this space without repercussions of going to jail or anything. Imagine that's such a huge impact on what could happen for the crypto world. Like, that would be fucking amazing. The other thing is that was interesting is the stuff with the trumps.

Trump Family Ventures

And I have a different viewpoint. I don't know if they're going to launch a Cohen just because I think launching the project coin and at the same time as the election and all that stuff going on, I think that would probably be a lot to manage. They're obviously going to do something. But he specifically didn't use the word token or coin. He just said project.

Market Innovations

So there's, I think there's a lot of different things. And that family obviously is very innovative. So I'm just excited to see what they do again, it might not be a coin, but they're going to do something clearly. And I'm excited to see what that is. But it's great to be here. I'm so happy to see some familiar faces.

Community Acknowledgment

We've got about ten team members who are, who I see in the audience supporting the community. It's good to see crypto Queen, it's good to see vives, it's good to see all these other projects up here and can't wait for a good conversation this morning. Hey, man, well, great to have you up here and great to hear the community are out there in the audience representing.

Community Involvement and Future Prospects

That is exactly what it is all about. Right? So shout out to the 1776 on Seoul community down there in the listeners audience. I do think there is huge potential for China to pivot, man, as they simply just do not want to be left behind, particularly behind Russia and the USA as well.

Future Market Observations

Right? So it's going to be super interesting to see if we do get a billion new tech users with no restrictions able to come into the markets. You can only imagine the levels of volume and the type of impact that's going to have. So super exciting. Great to hear from you. 1776. We are going to hear a bit more about the project a little bit later on in the space.

Understanding Market Volatility

As we know, the crypto market is a volatile market. And we know that one day you are up, you are down 10% in loss, and another day you are 20% in profit. And volatility, as you know, equals risk. And when economy weakens, I mean, the recession, the investors appetite for such markets reduces. So the reasons of the red Monday, that the sell off is still there. So we might see a midterm drop and retest of the lows, but on the long run, we know that it's bullish. Love that insight, Shahab. Always great to hear from you and your perspective. Who knows, we could be retesting. I think Ducky may have touched on that a little bit as well. Ducky, did you want to chime in here?

Fundamental vs Technical Analysis

Oh, sorry. I need to take the effects out. Yeah, yeah. You know, it. You have to see one thing. I mean, of course, all these technical analysis things work somehow. You know, if the market is going in a trend, of course, because you have to see it's most of the time people using these things over and over again to trade. So they're working. But I'm more looking for fundamental things which are going on catalysts. Like I said, in another space, for me, this flush out was coming from Asian countries, and other countries take it as an opportunity because they waited long, long time to get it much cheaper. As you can see, for example, on bread is like a phenomenon. It's insane. They're above 1 billion again. So the retracement was hard. So I think thousands of people just waited for this drop and just took the opportunity to buy in. If we look at the fear and greed index on Coinmarketcap, it's on 56, which is almost completely neutral.

Market Dynamics and Investor Sentiment

And if you look at the bitcoin chart, there's not a lot of selling pressure at the moment because the other countries, they're not selling. So nobody knows. Exactly. Nobody has a glass ball. But in terms of psychology, as it, as we came back up so quick, the psychology of the humans, which are the directors of these markets, is excitement. And excitement is what we need in the crypto market to stay on the trend. So I'm super bullish. And basically it could happen that we get back to 70k in the next three, four days. Right. Very interesting insight from our panel of chads. I also see Luffy has their hand raised again. So I'd love to go back there and see if they have the opportunity to unmute, say good morning, and join into this conversation. Lucky you're up here because your community raided hard, you made a lot of noise, and that is exactly what we love to see in this space. So good morning to you, Luffy, how's it going?

Community Engagement and Market Outlook

Good morning, JSP. Thank you so much for having us. And sorry for not responding earlier. I was actually just a bit busy. I'm in office right now. So. You know, when it comes to the view about the market, I am very bullish. And my reasoning is quite simple, by the way. It's quite brief. What I would say is it's simply that people want cryptocurrency more these days. People are learning more about it. People are holding onto their crypto. You can see more people buying dips today. So if you look at people who've been in the space for long enough, they understand that when you see a dip, you buy it. You know, these are the kind of people that are building this community, and that's why I don't think we would see any huge drops in this market again. So, yeah, that's simply my reasoning. Yeah. I mean, there's certainly people waiting on the sidelines for entries, and that's why DCAing is such a powerful tool.

Investment Strategies in the Current Market

Right. Because when you drop to sub 50k, you have people waiting. They're ready to absolutely load up their bags. The ones that are truly convicted see a lot of opportunity. Great to have you up here, Luffy. We are going to come to you a bit later on in the space to discuss a little bit about what you have going on as a community. There's a couple more friends up on stage we'd love to say hello to. Before we get into some shills, let's get some views on how they're feeling about the market and some of the news. Before we go to the last two, I just also wanted to add this news headline into the conversation. So bitcoin surged over 62,000 to over $62,000 briefly before retreating following a broad market rally that reversed steep losses from earlier in the week.

Market Trends and Predictions

Some analysts predicted $100,000 target for the cryptocurrency later this year. The rally was influenced by favorable stock market sentiment and expectations of bitcoin, mirroring its past market cycles with liquidated short positions contributing to the surge. So with that in mind, I'd love to say hello to Zeus, get their sentiment on how the market is right now, and just say, good morning, Zeus. Good morning. Thank you very much. JSP and UK crypto queen. Thanks for having me on the stage. I listen to you guys all the time, very knowledgeable people on the panel, and the sentiment is bullish, guys, there's no other way to explain it. There's a lot happening. Trump's on his way into spaces pretty shortly, man, and that's just gonna blow up.

Navigating Market Sentiment and Opportunities

And on top of that, you know, there's been some retracements, but the sentiment, like the last person said, you know, there's a lot of people that are waiting to buy the dips and there's a lot more of them. And. Yeah. So, Zeus, were you one of those people on Monday that had your shopping cart out, brother? I was there, man. I was. I was there, bro. I was there. I do a bit of trading here and there, but, yeah, I had the long positions in and, yeah, man, it's going good. Yeah. I mean, in hindsight, what a fantastic opportunity that was. We saw a number of dips, particularly in the meme coin space. I remember announcing that Brett Whiff and Pepe had dropped 50%. And, you know, Brett's recovery since then, as Ducky just mentioned, with it hitting a billion dollars again is just absolutely insane.

Community Strategies and Market Perception

So it just goes to show the amount of people just waiting to load up, right? You've just got to have conviction, right, guys, in whatever you go into, you know, there's always going to be people that are trying to shake you out. You just got to hold your position, man, and have that conviction, and things just work out, especially with everything going around in the world. It's foolish. Guys, let's go. Thank you. Let's go, bro. Let's go. Great to have you up here, Zeus. First time, I believe we're speaking, so I'm looking forward to hearing what you have to speak on when it comes to the shield part of the space. And last but not least, somebody who's been waiting incredibly patiently up on stage. Good morning. Kelvin the preacher. How's it going, my man?

Community Engagement and Market Dynamics

Jim. Jim, everyone. Good morning, boss. So good to be here. JSP. I love you, Jake. I love you, crypto queen. Thank you so much. So good to be here. You know, I was on Twitter, and then I just saw the pop up of this space session, then I assumed the next wandering. I said, wow, fucking. I need to, you know, to join ASAP, you know, I'm actually nearing today, you know, to the digit space, like, mem con trading and all that, but. And I've learned a lot from just me. Looking at the way you guys programmed yourself, the way you guys are talking, you know, the scenarios of the season. You know, we're actually in the. In the pre, you know, bully season, you know, this. The bully season is quite around the corner, and I'm happy to be here.

Anticipating Future Trends

That's just what I'm gonna say. I'm actually into the digit space, you know, into the mem con trading and all that. And I would love you guys to show me love, you know, support me, teach me. I'm teaching, but I've got to do spirit. I need to learn a lot, you know, money must be made and all that, you know. Thank you, thank you. Yeah, brother. Welcome. Hell yeah, man, you know, welcome into the space, and great to have you here. I hope that you find these spaces as a source of education and interesting conversation. You know, that you learn a thing or two and perhaps uncover some of the best gems that are available in this space as we do in the second half, which is the space that we're going to get into. Which is the half that we're going to get into right about now, guys, that is the shill section of the space.

Community Marketing and Engagement Strategies

So as always, guys, we do want to hear from different representatives of communities. Please try to keep your pictures clear and concise. Two to three minutes each. If either me or crypto queen does shut you off after a couple of minutes, please do not be offended. We are only doing that so that everybody gets a chance to come up and speak and we are going to try and run through as many communities as possible. We're going to give some thoughts on how we feel about the project and then we'll be moving on to the next one. So, guys, whoever raids the hardest as well, if you tag myself at JSP, Jake, or Cryptoqueen, if you do garner our attention through your raids, you will get a chance to come up on stage and shield your project too.

Encouraging Community Participation

So make sure you hit up the comment section, make sure that you tag us, make sure you use some of that visual custom content that can be so engaging for communities in this space. And we will absolutely sit up and take note of who you guys are. Cryptoqueen, how are we feeling about this? You ready to get into some shills? I am so excited because every time we have these spaces, there's just like always these little gems that just pop up out of nowhere and you're just like, where the fuck did they come from? So, yeah, I'm excited. Let's go, guys. Absolutely, guys. And we do have limited space up on stage as well. So once you have given your shield, given your pitch for your project, we may spin you down in order to give a space to some of the many projects.

Fostering Community Growth

Great projects, in fact, that I can see requesting right now as well. We do want everybody to have a chance to come up and pitch. So again, guys, please do not be offended if we spin you down. We love you and love you being here very much. Alright, guys, without further ado, we do have a full panel up here, a number of pfps, a number of projects. So without further ado, let's get into it. Let's first of all go over to Ducky Duck, who I can see at the very top of my screen. Ducky duck. Again, welcome. Great to have you here. Let us know what you've got going on. Oh, I see. Ducky unmuted, but I can't hear them speak.

Addressing Technical Issues

Crypto queen. Can you hear Ducky speaking? Okay, I now cannot hear crypto queen either. I hope I can hear you. I can hear, but I can't hear Ducky duck. Okay, no worries, Ducky, you may have to spin down as we cannot hear you, unfortunately. But. Sorry, just. I just took some. Some snacks. Sorry. No problem. No problem. Ducky, we put the mic in your hands. You do have the spotlight on you. Let us know what Ducky Duck have got going on, please.

Ducky Duck's Upcoming Promotions

Yeah, sure. So, yeah, basically at the moment, like you can see on our Twitter on the 20 August. I think that's the biggest announcement at the moment we have is a full month of promotion with Cardi B. I'm. Very proud that we have her. I think it's the first crypto project she ever promoted. And after that, guys, we're having insane other ones. I can just tell you one more name which is coming up of a list of twelve people. So the next one will be six, nine. That's what I can tell you for now. Also, we just closed one of the biggest deals we can have in venture capital to just boost our chart. So if you want to get in, I give you this alpha right now because there are like 180 people here.

Building a Supportive Community

So we will try to create a big community that the Knut holders are supporting the charity. We are planning stuff like a 10 million market cap to Russia WWF event and donate there like $1 million. We are preparing like building schools and all that stuff where education is missing to get water access for some world in the world. And if, you know, the most people are like, oh, fuck, I need fast money and all that stuff. And I want to make ten eggs today. But the community of me knows we are a long term project. I'm showing up every day. I doxed myself. I short my face in the TG. I showed myself interviews. I locked also the death wallet. We're trying to implement an app for like animals in danger, so people can directly donate to that stuff and all that stuff.

The Solana Chain and Community Support

So we are running something different and we want to show that the Solana chain has also loved to spread. It's not all about money. It's also to help each other and to support each other. And I think as soon as we get our first organization deals like the WWF and all that stuff, it's prepared. We want to get as much organizations as possible to support the environment and the world. And that's only that. What I want to say, please love each other, support each other. And don't forget you, if you get, if you spread love, you will get love. So I love you guys and thank you for having me here.

Community Acknowledgment

Hey, man, thank you for being here. We love your presence. I mean, not the ice bear. I mean, I'm looking into your project right now. It's the first time I'm hearing of you. And at first glance, you guys seem incredibly undervalued. I mean, I'm looking at some of the content that you guys have on your timeline. The custom content is awesome. I see you've got some short form animations there. You're regularly hosting Twitter spaces as well. You yourself that are running the project, you're very vocal, you're here, you're pushing. And if I'm looking at your chart, I believe that your market cap is sitting around. Am I looking at the right chart? Around 40k? Yes. Yes, it's possible.

Market Performance and Project Recommendations

We had. Wow. I mean that to me, based on the way that you guys are operating and the way that your community is showing up, the type of content you're bringing out, how active your timeline is. Your website seems incredibly undervalued. I mean, the best bit of advice I can give you is just keep doing what you're doing, brother. Keep pushing, keep spreading that energy, keep working for the community. And, you know, community strength always precedes price, man. So I'm sure that will catch up. All in good time. I'm definitely going to be taking a deeper look into your project. I can see this content is dope, man. So, yeah, certainly one to look deeper into. And it could be a very good entry for anyone who's interested right about now.

The Importance of Spaces

I'd love to get the thoughts of crypto queen. Yeah, I agree with your sentiment on that, JSP, looking at the page. But the other thing that you mentioned, which is that these guys are hosting spaces. I think a lot of projects are forgetting, like, they live in the TG, and people forget that, you know, you do need to be on x and you do need to be hosting spaces. I was in a project last year and I started to do it. I was just a community member. I started hosting spaces, and I literally, there were some days, like, one person showed up, you know, one person, and then the next day two people came, and then the next day, maybe three or four people came. You just got to get on the timeline and you've got to be hosting spaces if you are a project.

Perseverance in Community Engagement

So, you know, people do worry about that nobody's going to come, but, you know, got to start somewhere. And I love that you guys are hosting spaces every day, and I see you're actually getting a decent number of people coming to your spaces, so keep doing what you're doing. As JSP said, you know, the entry could be really good right now for people. So, yeah, really appreciate you coming up, my friend. That's what I say, crypto queen. That's why it's all about perseverance and showing up day in and day out. I've been a part of so many communities where I personally have hosted community spaces where we've had 1020, 30 and that becomes 50 7100, 100 5200, and the market cap naturally follows as the community grows, so long as the community continues to pursue.

The Potential for Growth

So I think nut are doing an awesome job hosting those spaces daily. I couldn't echo your sentiment more. I saw Ducky's hand go in the air. What are your thoughts, Ducky? Bro, I just aped in something more. I mean, how can you not, you know, help these people out? I mean, doing a great job. I think the branding is cool. I think you could maybe need someone to make a fresh website for you. But let's see how your v two is looking. If you need some help, let me know. I can help you guys. A fresh website is coming today, so get ready to see everything. We have a three man team working on it today and the last two days, so it's everything prepared to skyrocket and have something and help the people.

Acknowledgment of Community Efforts

Awesome. And of course, I know Knut because I'm from Switzerland, right? So of course I know this bear. Nice, nice. Good job, guys. Good job, guys. Let's go, guys. And, you know, huge shout out to Ducky. Extending a helping hand there. That's exactly what these spaces and networking in this place is all about, man. Shout out to you, Ducky. And to you, nut. For continually grinding. You're dropping alpha there. A v two website incoming, guys. Make sure you're smashing that refresh button because I'm sure we're going to be able to see that quite quickly. Get. Make sure you're following the nut the bear ice bear timeline.

Excitement for Future Updates

I'm sure they're going to be posting the new website as soon as it comes out. I'm super excited to check that out, guys. And again, ducky duck with another ape into another community. Great, great shout there. I motivate people to buy coins right now. Buy some duckies, guys. Well, you never. The aim of these spaces is to uncover the next thousand x gem. So the next hundred x, the next thousand x. So who knows? We may have that project amongst us. Appreciate you, not the ice bear. We're going to keep the mic moving over to a project that raided me incredibly hard before the start of this space.

Introduction to New Projects

And that is why they are here on stage pitching us right about now. Luffy, CTO. Welcome, bro. Let us know what you have going on. Awesome. Thank you. Thank you, JSP. So, yeah, let's talk a bit about Luffy. So this coin was actually dead, completely dead, at, like, five k market cap around a month ago. And we took over. What happened is how we got, you know, how we got a catalyst to bring this back up is we got a reply from Binance helpdesk. And it wasn't just a normal reply. We made them laugh, actually. That's how goofy Luffy is. So we got a reply from Binance helpdesk.

Revitalizing a Project

They were laughing. And that's when one of the crypto influencers in the space shield this. And we flew from five k to 3.5 million all time high market cap. We started to go back down from there, unfortunately, however, we kept going, and from, like, 100k, went back to 500k. But what happened there is, you know, we got a partnership with a top one piece dailies account. So I don't know who here knows one piece? However, Luffy is based one piece. It's a character that's all about resilience, all about conviction, and it's goofy at the same time.

Navigating Challenges

So the exaccount, the one that I'm speaking from right now, got banned back then. Like, right when this happened, right when we were climbing back down, back up. Sorry. And we lost momentum, unfortunately. But, you know, we didn't give up. We made a new account and we kept trading. We grew it again back to, like, almost 500 followers, and suddenly we got this account back. So here we are again, some of the plans we're aiming for. And, you know, I might be dreaming big, but just like, I was able to get a partnership with one piece fan account.

Future Aspirations and Growth

And by the way, they have approximately 1 million followers, which is big. So they talked about Luffy. They said how much they love the character, how much they love this coin. I just like, we did that. You know, eventually my aim is to grow this account big enough to get partnerships with actual official one piece pages. So, yeah, that's the target. Awesome, man. I think I missed. Did you say that you lost your twitter account? It got taken down. Yes, this one. And just a quick advice for anyone here. Never share who is liking your post, because what happened is I got too excited.

Lessons Learned from Experiences

I'm not going to name it because I might get banned again. But a crypto influencer that, you know, I admire gave us a like and then I took a screenshot and posted that, and boom, like an hour later, I was banned. So I had no idea. Likes are private when it happened. But, yeah, thankfully, we got the account back. Well, I'm grateful that you guys managed to get the account back. There's a little bit of alpha for any of you guys in here. Make sure that you're not screenshotting likes and sharing them on the platform because clearly that is against X's terms and conditions, and you may just get your JSP.

Caution and Community Support

Can I just add something on. Sure. Can I just add something onto the end of that conversation? Because I heard Soca data talking about this because he had a bit of an issue with his ex account recently, and what was happening was that he was bringing projects up on his space and then identified that was the problem because it was almost like X thought he was just spamming those, you know, those ats. So I think just be really careful, guys, with, you know, obviously when you are tagging people that aren't following you. Sometimes that can lead to that.

Final Thoughts on Community Engagement

So I just wanted to mention, I don't know whether that's relevant in this case, but I know that. So cadet has had that. So, you know, so just follow everybody before you start tweeting, before you start adding them, because otherwise, yeah, it looks like you're spamming people. Yeah, an awesome bit of alpha there, guys. Make sure that you're following people and you're not sharing screenshots of likes. It sounds like that kind of thing is against the tease and C's. And the last thing that we want to do is be getting accounts banned. You know, one piece sounds incredibly exciting.

Exploring New Opportunities

I'm not sure on them. I have to take a deeper look. But you said they had 1 million followers, so that's interesting, you know, bringing your project high levels of exposure. And I also see that you still have one and a half thousand holders, which is incredibly promising as well, of course. Great for your network effect. So by looking at your timeline as well, I like the meme. I like the way you're incorporating it into different. Into other different well known characters and things like that. So, yeah, I mean, definitely one I'll be taking a look at Luffy CTO.

Inquiries into the Project

I mean, what are your thoughts on the, on the project, Lou? Luffy. Luffy. I know, I'm absolutely butchering the name there. Crypto queen. We're here from the UK. We do that quite often, don't we? But what your thoughts on the project? Oh, queen, I can't hear you. I wonder if anyone else can. Maybe your connections dropped, or maybe it's mine. I cannot hear. Okay, okay. We'll see if Crypto Queen can rejoin us. Maybe. Maybe she'll have to drop down and drop up.

Community Strength and Perseverance

Guys, guys, perseverance in the space. And, you know, you are a derivative of pepe. But I believe that strong communities that are derivatives of pepe, considering Pepe is going to lead this bull cycle, is sitting at $5 billion in market cap, have every opportunity to hit incredible heights. I am definitely a supporter of papi chulo and the way that you guys come in, day out and day in and represent. Let's go over to crypto queen and see what she thinks. Crypto queen. Papi chulo. Papi chulo.

Art and Community Engagement

I love you. I have to say, I thought I had my fill of pepe derivatives, right? Because that, you know, there's a lot. There's a lot. However, I have. I just had a look at your page, and I have to agree with JSP. I mean, you know, the artwork is so good. And not only that, but this is the. This is what makes an insane cult-like community, when you have community members that just open up spaces and they're sitting on spaces. And like you said, you just said it yourself, I don't want to go to bed. I don't want to go to sleep because I'm having so much fun. F u N. Guys, if you're not having fun in your community, then go and find a community that is fun, because otherwise you are going to burn yourself out and you are not going to have.

Positive Environment and Support

You're not going to enjoy it. And I love that you said that. So, papa Jewello, I'm coming to find you. Hell, yeah, guys. That's exactly right. You have to be having fun in this space. We are here to make money, but ultimately, we spend a lot of time in this space. And it all is about. It is all about surrounding yourself with like-minded people with good energy, with people that are going to bring you up, people that are going to educate you, teach you better you in this space, and then also giving your. Putting your best foot forward, right as a community member and helping people and advising people wherever you can. And that's exactly what it is all about. So, Poppy chulo, we see you. Big salute. Huge respect to the papi chulo community.

Building Community and Fostering Engagement

All right, guys, we still got more than guys. Appreciate you, papi. We're gonna. We're gonna keep it moving, guys. We've got more hands in the air. We want to get through everybody on the panel, so let's go over to Zeus next. Zeus, I see you waiting incredibly patiently. Let us know what you got going on, bro. Hey, bro, thank you very much for having me on stage. And good morning. Good. Good afternoon to everyone. I'm on here on behalf of Money Glitch, the glitch token that you can see in the audience. We've been up and running now for over 30 days. We launched on Moonshot. We were born because of a 1.2 million pre-sale scam from the spaces itself by some community members and some influencers, so-called influencers that the community aped into.

Community Initiatives and Transparency

They raised over 1.2 million in 24 hours. And they just didn't launch the project, which was meant to be money glitch. So we, as a community came together as many as possible and with our own funds, launched a project and were sitting on moonshot for about ten to twelve days. And then where you can see our pfps, we're the antidotal dogs. Hint, hint. You know, it's all in the name. But we're against scams, rugs and the normal stuff that people tell you know, it's okay for. For having, like you were talking about, you know, there's been a project that RTR was it, you know, it was about 90 something percent down, gone all of a sudden from where it was. So we're out there to expose and call out people, really, and to say no to the things that go on in the spaces. So, yeah, so we launched and we've got a great community.

Commitment to Education and Community Safety

We've got a lot of good stuff happening in the background that we're trying to get out there and push out there. And we've got a lot of like-minded people on board who have been affected. And throughout the process, went to one point, I think, 1.11.2 million all-time high on launch, and since then, it's been coming back down, up and down. But yeah, that's what we're about, you know, to educate and to make sure that, you know, to be in a part of a community where you do feel safe and you can be diamond hands, you know, and rugs aren't acceptable in the spaces. So that's what we're about, bro. Awesome, man. Thank you for that pitch. You know, I love that you're exposing nefarious actors in the space and the fact that you guys have sound survived what sounds like a lot.

The Importance of Lore and Storytelling

What I would say is this project seems incredibly lore-filled, right? That you've. You've had a journey to get to where you are. Is there anywhere where I could read into the lore behind the project? Because I'm looking at the website and your timeline as well, and I can't see a script with the lore effectively just speaking on everything that you just told us in the space. I think that would be quite powerful and effective. Yeah, I mean, what we've been doing, JSP is doing content for video content, and there's a. We've got a YouTube channel where we've the story on there as well, and medium articles that are out there that should be associated to the glitch account. That's the official project.

Plans for Future Content and Engagement

But yeah, I can obviously take that on board and get some more information on that put out there. But there is a whole story of how it all began and how we've got to where we are and what we want to do moving forwards. Awesome. Awesome. Yeah, I think that. I think that side of things, the lore behind the project and how the community has formed and how it's gone from strength to strength through all that turmoil could be incredibly powerful. So it's great to hear that you guys are active on YouTube and you have medium articles as well. I'd love to see something on the website, you know, where I can quite easily just read exactly where the project came from and to see how incredible it is and where it got to now.

Value of Relationships and Community

So, yeah, that's just a bit of advice from me. But I love the brand. I think you guys have. Have some potential and I'd love to read some more into it. Let's go over to crypto queen. Yeah, JSP, you made some really good points. And I think the lore is so important in crypto. And you know what I love is that we have so many projects now that are launching and people are standing up and saying, no more. We ain't taking any more of that. We are going to stand for something, and that is trust and transparency and integrity and honesty, and we want more of that. So, you know, that's amazing looking at your page, just kind of general housekeeping stuff that we tell all the projects that come up here.

Social Media Presence and Accessibility

Your pinned post needs to give all that information and I need to be able to be, you know, get the contract address, be able to see how I can join the TG, how I can get links to all that other information. You do have contract address in your header, but if you're on mobile, I don't know why it does this, but you can't click on it. I mean, not that I click on stuff generally anyway, but you need to be able to kind of get that information in that pin post. So that's just really, you know, really basic housekeeping and it's really easily fixed. But great job, Zeus. Good to have you with us. No, thank you very much for the advice and definitely take that all on board. And yeah, we're here to make, try to make a difference in the communities and the spaces.

Focus on Collaboration and Community Growth

So, yeah, please give us a follow. And yeah, we'll be supporting the other projects in the spaces today. Appreciate that suit and appreciate you being here and sharing what you have going on with the money glitch. We do have three hands up on stage. We want to try and roll through those and hear what you guys have going on. So remember, guys, keep your pitches nice, clear and concise. If you possibly can. Let's go over to smoking used Honda Civic next. What up, bro? Bro, let me feel that energy, man. Hey, hey. What's going on, brother? I am here with that suh see it mentality represented for smoke and u's Honda Civic.

Community Value and Growth Philosophy

We are a week old and we are a community takeover. But we all know the greatness of community is most accurately measured by the compassionate action of its members. If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together. And in the solar system, we all know that the strongest communities with conviction last. And that's what we are trying to build, a strong community full of convicted chads. You know, our focus at the moment is organic growth going to the mud, cleaning from the inside out. We are hoping to onboard more members, people who can see the vision and believe in our community as much as the community believes.

Navigating Challenges and Community Relationships

The road of life is filled with flat tires and detours, but it's how you navigate them that defines your journey. Money makes you wealthy, but relationships make you rich. And, you know, hearing things like what Dev Ducky said and Chad's like, doggy. It's motivating. It keeps me wanting to drive forward. Life is like driving a car. You can't move forward if you're always looking in the rearview mirror. And we want to prove that this community is here to stay. You know, my bag is their bag is our bag. And we're all in this together, no matter how you look at it.

Commitment to the Future and Community Spirit

And the road is never going to be easy. We understand that. So, you know, the grind will never stop. Work would never stop. And smoke and use Honda Civic will last, and you guys will hear about us a lot. But thank you for allowing me up here, bro. And thanks for all the fucking alpha. All you people were giving, man. That, like, it's bullish. People like you that keep the little people like myself, you know, motivated, bro. So thank you. God damn smoking used Honda Civic, you know, dropping the absolute bombs. And I'm gonna. I'm gonna re-quote one of your quotes there, because you always have the quote of the day in the space and it is, if you want to go farther, go alone.

Value of Organic Community Growth

If you want to go far, go together. You know, organic growth is healthiest. People who are attracted to your energy, like-minded people. Right. A community that grows with convicted members that have unwavering belief in a project is priceless. It's priceless. And, you know, you always start as a smaller community, and you will grow into. Into something absolutely incredible. And it might take a little bit longer to grow, but it means that you have longevity as a project. I love the luck. I love the humble smoking civic and its humble beginnings. This is a project that I have a bag of and I certainly do support.

Transitioning to the Next Speakers

I saw two hands come in the air whilst that pitch was on. Let's go to crypto queen, then we'll go to Ducky duck, and then 1776 over to you. Crypto queen. Yeah, you said another quote, actually. Something about if you want to make money. What was it? And then making. Oh, yeah, I said that, you know, so money makes you wealthy, but if you want to be rich, you got to have connections. You know, relationships are. That's what makes a thousand percent. That is it right there. That is it.

Highlighting the Importance of Relationships

Relationships relationships are the most important thing. I love that. I actually did buy a bag of this when you were. Your chart was going a bit mad, I have to say. I did print a bit. I don't hold it now, but maybe I'll go and buy myself another bag, because I really like this project. I'm gonna go back and have a look. Thank you. Thank you. You know, right now, like I said, we're cleaning from the inside out. You know, this is a community takeover, meaning, you know, we took over after the chaos, so there's always gonna be bad worms in, and the believers are there.

Commitment to Consistency and Support

You know, we're not trying to put no time on this. It's hard work, consistency. You know, when you. I work. I work a job. I work at a factory. So when I'm not thinking about the time, you know, it goes by fast, because I'm working. I'm working, working, and the community is pushing it. You know what I mean? I'm not working for myself. I'm working for the community. And it's a team. It's a whole team. Like, it's bullish. It's super bullish. You know, I want to build trust in this space, and that's what it's about, showing up and being there and supporting one another.

Trust, Positivity, and Commitment

So bullish. I. Bullish is hearing community members like you representing a project, regardless of how big they are, how big the market cap is, showing up day in, day out, giving us that energy, dropping these bombs, and just sharing in this positive sentiment, man. We got two hands that came in the air. Then we're going to move on. Let's go to Ducky duck. What up, Ducky? Well, you know, I'm not driving a Honda civic, but I think it's quite funny, actually, what you guys doing.

Unique Initiatives and Community Support

It's very unique, actually. And I'm here to support people in the space, which really try hard, and they really have the effort to come up on this, in this space every single day like we do. You're gonna do it. We don't, of course. I don't think you're gonna go to a billion, but 1020, 30 million in the bull cycle, easily possible, guys. So I just supported you with a small bag, and I think it's quite cool, actually, if you need some help, hit me up. I help you out with some graphics guys.

Expressions of Support and Optimism

Definitely, definitely, definitely, man. Thank you. Ducky. Duck has got his shopping cart out today, guys. What a time to be pitching your project up on this stage. We got people actively buying, if they like what they hear. Let's go, guys, over to 1776. You have the mic, brother? Yeah, man. I was just going to say, you know, every once in a while on these spaces, you find people who you don't just like the project, you like some of the sort of life lessons dropped.

The Importance of Life Lessons and Humor

And I think that while I was laughing my ass off because smoking used Honda Civic is funny as shit. Sorry if I sound loud, I'm in my non-smoking used Ford diesel right now. But yeah, some of the shit that you dropped is just. Is such good life. And the cool thing about this crypto space is it's you meet so many people who maybe share some of the same values that you're not necessarily talking about a project this point. You're talking about life and some of that knowledge that you dropped as far as, if you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.

Insightful Share and Community Engagement

And then what was it? Money. Money makes you rich. Relationships make you wealthy. That's some good fucking shit. I just. I've enjoyed talking to all you guys today. You know, all of the projects up here have been cool to hear from. Enjoyed a lot of the shit ducky did, and, yeah, good shit. Let's go, guys. Dropping some serious bombs in today's space. Appreciate you smoking used Honda Civic, showing up day in and day out and sharing that positive energy. We're going to keep it moving, guys.

Closing Remarks and Future Gatherings

We've got a couple more on stage. I'm going to go to Shahab next. Shahub, you for waiting so patiently. Let us know what you have going on, bro. Hello. Thank you. Thank you for having me on. I'm the co-founder of Meme of Thrones. If you didn't check the website, please do that. It's meme of Thrones XYz and the ticker is mot. It's another undervalued gem out there. And the team, the community, are super active on the raid bot leaderboard for almost an hour.

Community Engagement and Upcoming Plans

They are the first as we are speaking now, they are the first in the leaderboard. The team also grinding with the community. Good vibe together. And another thing that I wanted to mention, I just want to say a joke, and it has a message at the end. It's not a new joke, so it's an old joke. It's an old joke, but bear with me. A man prayed to God his entire life to win the lottery. He prayed morning, lunchtime, before went to bed, and he passed away and went to heaven.

Life Lesson and Taking Action

He was rather upset with the Lord. And when he found the Lord, he said, I've seen, I've been praying my entire life. Every day. I woke up my lunchtime dinner just before going to sleep. How come I never won? And the Lord said, it would have helped if you bought a ticket. So guys, it would help you if you buy a bag of meme of Thrones. It's at 32 market cap, 32k market. Captain, you are helping yourself with buying the bag in this low market cap.

Feedback on the Presentation

Hey, Shahab, thank you for that pitch and for that joke. I was on the edge of my seat. I didn't know how that joke was going to be executed, but I had a massive smile on my face the entire time you were telling it. And the message behind it is absolutely true. You can't win the lottery unless you buy the damn ticket, my friends. Yeah. No matter how hard you play, you have to be a part of the game. You have to get yourself involved. Shahab. Great pitch, my brother.

Discussion on Project Details

Meme of Thrones, I love your website. As I always say, the music in the background is absolutely hilarious. Game of Thrones, one of the biggest TV shows, in my opinion, one of the best TV shows of all time. A play on that, of course. I also see that the entire team are doxxed on the website, which just builds a lot of investor confidence for me. I see you there, Shahab, as the co-founder alongside Tom Chan's and Kay. And I also see that you have an episode being released very soon.

Promoting Community Interaction

That was the first thing I saw when I refreshed your website. So I assume that some that's going to be some sort of YouTube promotion campaign animation that you guys have incoming. Is that on the 12 August that you have that premiering? Yeah, yeah, we have that on the 12 August and I it's will be premiered and the community will be there and commenting on the video and everything together. Awesome, man. Yeah, maybe you can get everyone in the Telegram VC, have one person filming showing the premiere on live stream and you can get the entire community involved.

Plans for Future Engagement and Community Building

That sounds like super fun, Mandez. Looking forward to seeing the premiere of that episode. Make sure that you jump into the space around the time the episode premieres because we'd love to discuss it with the room and let them know, you know, that you have that being released. I see Ducky ducks hand in the air. Let's go over to crypto Queen for some thoughts and then we'll go over to Ducky. Yeah, I've just been having a look. I've just been pinning a few things up on the jumper tron, actually, because if there's anyone listening in and they want to go and check out some more, you can go and find that information.

Appreciation for Contributions

But I was just looking at the memes and laughing at, like, to Shahab. And you know what? If you are, if you ever decide to not be in crypto, I do think you have a future as a stand-up comedian, my friend. So I'm gonna. I just shot you a follow. Let's go, Queen. Over to you, Ducky. Yeah. Actually, I just wanted to say you, my friend, I'm holding a big bag of your project, so don't let me down, please. Okay. Do not let the ducky down.

Encouragement and Anticipation

You never know. He might come back with a vengeance. He'll be waddling around with a vengeance if you let ducky down. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you very much. He won't let you. Let you down. I think it's a really great thing, like book of memes, you know, you just need some support from. From chat, you know, that's it will run 100%. The time is coming, guys. The meme cycle is starting, guys. Get your bags on the best conviction things, projects that you really see.

Advising on Holding and Commitment

They do something different and they do it correctly. Get yourself a bag guys. Huddle. Diversify. Huddle. Don't sell. Don't be the cheat. Don't be the guy. Like, I was with NPC, where I bought $5,000 and I sold it because it was going sideways for two months, and I lost out on $2 million. So don't be that guys. I mean, I have my money, you know, but still, it's a shame. It's a shame. It's a shame.

Reinforcing Conviction in Community and Projects

That's right, though. Hold your conviction bags. Believe in projects. Believe in communities. Believe in people, right? Believe in pushing with people for a common goal, and incredible things will happen. So we're going to move it on, guys. Last but not least, we do have vibes up here. Thank you for waiting incredibly patiently vibes. Good morning and let us know what you have going on. Good morning. Very nice to meet you. Thank you very much for having me up on stage.

Introducing New Voices to the Discussion

Lovely to meet Jake and JSP all in one. And obviously, I know the beautiful crypto queen already. I've come to share some alpha with you because I've had a couple of times with spaces rugging. If you go up to the top right, and the three little dots and go and click on view captions, then you'll know if somebody's speaking or not. If even though you can't hear them, it's a little tip that can save you going, is someone speaking or not? So I just wanted to share that with you. And I've loved the spaces.

Praise for Community Leaders and Excitement for Future

I love the fact you've got leaders up here so passionate about their project, sharing, leading their community, and the passion they share and excitement they share for what's ahead is very inspiring. So thank you very much. Great space. Wow, vibes. I mean, great to meet you. You are giving me some good vibes right about now. Your name is absolutely correct. Absolutely right. Great to have you up here, and great to meet you.

Comedic Relief in Community Events

Crypto queen, an absolute gem of a lady. A vibes is a vibe. High vibe. High vibes. And also, I did have to have some cheese and toast as well, just to say you started it off. And I absolutely. I followed it. Easily persuaded. Incredibly. It's an incredibly British panel up here, guys, right about now. And cheese on toasters. What we've opted for this morning. So if you do want to join us on this breakfast, then, you know, get yourself some cheese, get yourself some bread, get that stuff in the toaster, and enjoy it with us, because we're enjoying it right about now.

Lighthearted Moments Among Panelists

What's up, Ducky? Scones and tea. Brew Sconz and tea. Yeah. Nothing better than a cup of tea, really, is there? We got 1776 at the hand in the air. You have the mic, bro. Oh, I didn't even know I had my hand up. But we're more coffee and whiskey. However, you know, even though it's a British panel, and I know that we're a token that was sort of founded on a year that we attacked you guys.

Openness to Collaboration and Community Welcoming

Everybody's welcome to join the 1776 revolution. It's for freedom-loving people all over the world, not just Americans. So thank you guys for having me. I've really enjoyed getting to know everybody and being able to share our project, and also, I've loved some of the stuff you guys said to the other projects in here. Again, if you want to collab, let me know. We would love to help the crypto space in general, not just our token.

Collective Effort and Community Improvement

So, again, the more people that find out about us and are onboarded into crypto, the better for all of us. Us. So thank you guys all for sharing. You know, I laughed, I heard some good shit, and it's a great way to start a morning. Yes, indeed. What a morning it has been. And I think that about wraps up the space. So I'd love to just go to the lady who was my co-host at the start of the space still is my co-host in this space crypto queen.

Reflections on the Event and Future Gatherings

Any final thoughts or words for the room from yourself? You know, I just laughed. All I can say is I've had a lot of fun in this space, and I know that you're not supposed to have favorites. I do have a few secret ones, and I ain't gonna share that with you. But Papa Chula won my heart today, I have to say. So I'm so I'm gonna have to send you some green hearts in a second. And, yeah, it's been a fun space. Come back tomorrow, guys, because we are here every day a m est, myself and JSP making cheese on toast and have been fun.

Concluding Remarks

So we'll see you then. Absolutely, guys. I couldn't have said it better. Another awesome space. We are here day in, day out, Monday to Friday, 08:00 a.m. eST. So our next space is going to be on Monday, but I've had an awesome time. I hope that you guys have to. I look forward to hearing from a lot of you next week. Some new friends, some old friends, too. Make sure that you continue to raid as a community, guys. Make sure that you follow.

Maintaining Connections and Future Opportunities

Myself, JSP, of course, Jake in the main account there, and our new co-host, the UK crypto queen. Make sure that you drop her a follow as well. And make sure that you keep up to date as to when these spaces are being scheduled. Set your reminders, and who knows? You might get a chance to pitch your project up here. And who knows? We may find the next thousand x gem. All right, it's been a great one, guys. I've been your host, JSP, and I'm looking forward to the next one. See you soon.

Final Track and Closure

We're going to get this track running while Jake closes up this space, guys.

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