Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Shiba Saturday Alpha – Web3 News – Giveaways – Vibes hosted by MutantShibaClub. Shiba Saturday delves into the Alpha Group's contributions to the Web3 space, emphasizing the importance of community, art, and immersive experiences. Participants engage in giveaways, stay updated on MSC Genesis OS, and explore the vibrant Web3 ecosystem. The space cultivates positive vibes and interactive initiatives, fostering inclusivity and growth within the Alpha community. Join the pack for a dynamic Web3 experience filled with innovation and community engagement.

For more spaces, visit the Alpha Group page.


Q: What is the significance of Alpha updates in the Web3 space?
A: Alpha updates offer valuable insights and trends for Web3 enthusiasts to stay informed.

Q: How do giveaways contribute to community engagement in the Web3 ecosystem?
A: Giveaways promote community participation and foster a sense of inclusivity and excitement among members.

Q: Why are art and community emphasized in Web3 spaces like Shiba Saturday?
A: Art and community involvement play significant roles in enhancing the overall experience and interaction within the Web3 ecosystem.

Q: What are the unique features of MSC Genesis OS and MSC Antidote OS that set them apart in Web3?
A: MSC Genesis OS and MSC Antidote OS offer innovative functionalities and immersive experiences that enrich user engagement within the Web3 environment.

Q: How can positive vibes and immersive experiences contribute to the growth of Web3 communities?
A: Positive vibes and immersive experiences create a welcoming and engaging environment that encourages active participation and learning within the Web3 community.

Q: Why is it important to stay updated on Web3 news and advancements?
A: Staying informed about Web3 news ensures that individuals are aware of the latest trends, developments, and opportunities within the evolving digital landscape.


Time: 00:15:42
Alpha Updates and Trends Discover the latest Alpha updates and trends shaping the Web3 landscape.

Time: 00:27:18
Community Giveaways: Enhancing Participation Learn how giveaways amplify community engagement and foster inclusivity in Web3 environments.

Time: 00:40:55
Immersive Art Experiences in Web3 Explore the intersection of art and technology in immersive Web3 experiences.

Time: 00:52:30
MSC Genesis OS: Innovations Unveiled Uncover the innovative features and tools offered by MSC Genesis OS in the Web3 sector.

Time: 01:05:12
Positive Vibes: Fostering Community Growth Delve into how positive vibes contribute to community growth and engagement in Web3 spaces.

Time: 01:20:09
Interactive Community Initiatives Engage in interactive community initiatives that shape the vibrant Web3 ecosystem.

Time: 01:35:44
Artistic Expression and Web3 Development Understand the role of artistic expression in driving innovation and creativity within Web3 platforms.

Key Takeaways

  • Stay updated on the latest Web3 advancements and news.
  • Alpha updates provide valuable insights for Web3 enthusiasts.
  • Engage in giveaways to enhance community participation.
  • Immerse yourself in positive vibes and interactive experiences.
  • Explore MSC Genesis OS and MSC Antidote OS for innovative features.
  • Art and community play crucial roles in Web3 development.
  • Participating in immersive experiences fosters a deeper understanding of the Web3 landscape.
  • Web3 offers unique opportunities for community engagement and interaction.
  • Giveaways can be effective tools for enhancing community involvement.
  • Community-driven initiatives contribute to the vibrancy of the Web3 ecosystem.

Behind the Mic

Musical Preferences and Excitement.

Yo, I hate that music. We'll play some other music while we wait. Won't be too long and we'll get this thing started with. I feel it. I just want to take it. Got the feeling, you know I don't. Worry. I just want to feel it. You don't want to wait. Oh, you want a body? I want to get on it and I really like the way.

Community Engagement and Updates.

Sorry about that, guys. We're going to get on to one Shiba track and then we're going to get this thing started. Nice to see the room filling up. Love to see it. One track and we're going to get it started. MSc track to start the evening. As always. Here we go, ladies and gentlemen, the one and only. Let's go with a bit of dizzen. Come and check out the chat. The moment we messed it up. I'm just trying to change your life. I'm just trying to raise the price I'm just trying to get it.

Community Vibes and Collaborations.

Minute, minute, a minute. You won't see no other hand up here. Paper hands never hold. Vibes, vibes, come. And check out the chat PC one look at the stacks, og they got my back the moment we messing this up smoking gas, my foot on the pedal be doing where I decided to settle big dog in the bidding walking like a she where I know they could feel me now. Life camera, let's film it now I'm a touch 100 million now give me a little bit of space, a little bit of time, yeah.

Celebrating Community Wins.

Shout out to rich one crumpled nuggets still waiting till we can go get one year down hoodie all my sip one right around web three we the lit ones got a bird's eye view like a pigeon see bad watching like television vibes, come and check out the checks. GC one look at the stats, og they got my back. Music she bending this up. Got to wind this thing down. It's Sheba Saturday, baby. Let's go, let's go. Another Shiba Saturday. Damn. We've been doing this a long time, guys.

Community Engagement Initiatives.

Every Saturday we hear last week we gave away an incredible pair of in ear monitors. I believe chuckles received them today. So that's how we do it. A week later, after my man chuckles joined the space, he's got his in ear monitors, courtesy of Sanway, worth $400. A nice, very nice prize that was given by trolls to the community. And we continue, guys. We gave away three shebas as well last week as we do every week. We'll be giving away a couple of shibas today.

Upcoming Exciting News.

Maybe I'll chuck in antidote as well. We've got a lot of exciting news. We've got Mister Mac, my co host. He's going to be dropping us the news very shortly. So looking forward to that. Getting a bit of alpha. Last week he dropped some fire. Alpha. He was talking about XRP. XRP ended up going crazy. But I'm sure he'll update you on everything that he spoke about last week and how it's done over the week.

Strengthening the Community.

But other than that, guys, we've been absolutely rocking behind the scenes. Lots of great new ideas coming up as well. We trying to, you know, really foster this community and get it as close knit as possible. And I think that it's working. I think that we go look at. We don't like to speak about floor price. We're not going to speak about floor price, but I will speak about is how many are listed? 106 Sheba's listed, I believe, last time I checked.

Community Support and Future Plans.

And that number just keeps getting thinner and thinner. I know there's a couple of big whales in the chat that have said they're going to be sweeping very soon. Good old Marty, the big whale saying something like, he wants to come in with an Ethan sweep sometime. Just imagine what that'll do to the floor. So the support is there, guys. Hold on. Hold on tight. Keep those diamond hands. Because we are destined for greatness.

Building a Strong Brand and Community.

We proved to everyone that we are here to stay and that we're going to continue to show up every single damn day, no matter what it takes. We, the underdogs, we know that, but we kind of embrace the fact that we underdogs. And I think that's really what we're leaning into with regard to branding and the direction that we want to take the project. We want to feel, you know, feel as a very tightened community, but as underdogs, so we feel strong as underdogs, is what I'm trying to say.

Community Growth and Inclusivity.

And I think that is the kind of feeling that we've been getting in the den. And I think that is the most important thing above anything else, is just fostering this community, making sure that this community is happy, that they love being in the space. Anything that we can do. If you guys have any ideas, I know we got fantasy league football coming up soon. Looking forward to that. If you guys have played last year or the year before, you'll know it's a lot of fun if you do, if you are into football.

Continued Engagement and Community Support.

If you're not, we do have other things coming up as well for you guys. There's always a vibe. There's always a vibe, guys. If you come into the den and you come and chat with the pack, it can be 24 hours a day that there's always someone there chatting. It's always a vibe. And a lot of projects can't say that at the moment. So let's keep the vibes going, guys. Let's keep supporting each other.

Community Appreciation.

On XDev, I saw chuckles posted a little appreciation post for the India monitors that he got last week. Let's run it up. I'll pin it to the top if you guys don't mind. Just give it a. Just give it a little. Like, there don't even need to retweet. Just give it a. Show him some love. It's good for other projects and other people to see.

Highlighting Community Achievements.

Not really projects, I guess, just other people to see what we doing as a community and putting stuff like that on the timeline is great because it's all good and, well, us giving away great prizes, but if no one knows about it, then it kind of like, defeats the object. Of course it's great to give back to the community, but, you know, it's good for other people to know that the community is actually, you know, getting, gaining from showing up every week.

Encouragement for New Members.

Like, people that show up two spaces have a very high chance of winning a Shiba. And I know that a lot of people in here have just, like, stacked their shibas just by turning up to spaces every week. And you guys can do that even if you can't afford a Shiba and you're listening to the space and you think, damn, I really want to become part of this community.

Invitation to Join the Community.

Easy. Just attend spaces for a few weeks, and more than likely you're going to end up winning a sheba. And you'll be part of the community. You'll see what makes us so great, what makes this community so special. Hearts hot knit. We are how we all know each other. Every single person knows each other. And if you are Sheba and you feel like I don't really know enough Sheba's, please come spend some time in the den.

Welcoming New Comers.

I know it's intimidating because everyone knows each other in the den, but it's not like that at all. When someone new shows up, we treat them like their family, like long lost family. So don't feel like. Like you're going to pull up to the den and people are going to ignore you or not speak to you or anything. I've been into discords where that is the case. You'll go and you'll try have a conversation.

Engagement and Growth.

It's just impossible. I challenge you. If you are looking for like some kind of community, come pop into the den. We still rocking, we still rolling. We've got calls coming up. I've got Domsey's an old caller of mine, I've seen that he's been making calls on coins and actually doing really well. He called that Sundog really early and a few other coins. So what I'm going to do is actually get him into the den soon.

Embracing the Community Spirit.

I did speak to him today and he just needs to verify, but he'll be in the den soon. Domsey's. I think a lot of you guys remember Domsies back Og Domsey's. He lost his wallet, but he's back in the game. He's starting again from scratch, but all good, you know, welcome him back into the pack. And that's why I'm trying to say is it doesn't matter if you're an old Shiba and you want to return your current Shiba and you haven't really spoken or you're a new sheba and you want to find a community that has a similar mindset that are DJ's that like to Degen, not just on shit coins, on sports betting, on whatever it might be.

Art and Interests as a Community.

We are a bunch of DJ's in the den and then there's a whole nother side to that way. We are art lovers. There's a whole bunch of people that are really strong art lovers and a lot of these things overlap. So it's not just like specific art lovers, it's art lovers who are DJ's. And it doesn't have to be even that. It can be like art lovers who are Shiba lovers or pet lovers.

Inclusive Community Experiences.

Because we have kind of realized that a lot of our holders aren't just dog holders, there's also cat holders. So we're going to be, that's exactly what we want to cater for. And when we've spoken about the brand, like I have in the last few weeks, and try to give you guys a kind of glimpse into what we're trying to build, we, you know, it doesn't necessarily just have to be about dogs.

Expanding Horizons.

It might start off that way, but we'll branch out into any type of sector that we can that we know that our holders are going to appreciate. So, you know, whether you're a cat lover, dog lover, whether you're DJ and whether you're art lover, all of these things overlap and they come together in the den. Music lover, sports lover, UFC, if you love UFC, if you love English Premier League football, if you any, if you love NFL, you know, that's also massive in the Shiba community.

Open Invitation to Join.

If you love any of these sports, if you love any of these things, if you just love to hang out and have banter, come and join us in the den. If you really want, if you're not sure, hit me with a DM. Say, Rick, I want a 24 hours pass into the den just to see what it's like before I actually go ahead and buy Shiba. I'll be more than happy to give that to you because I'm so confident in our community that I know that anyone coming in there is going to be welcomed and is going to feel really at home in our discord.

Sustaining the Community Spirit.

So we still keeping the discord thing alive. We still love discord. We're not trying to switch over to telegram or anything. I, I mean, I've been in telegram and it's just a different vibe. Like, I love discord because it reminds me of the bull run of the, of 2022 and it's just a vibe. There's just a certain vibe in discord that, like, has never left.

The Magic of Discord.

You know, it's never left. There's a magic in Munich club that was there pre mint and it might not be as strong as it was pre mint, but it's still there.

Community Spirit

That vibe, that magic that made us all come together is still there in MSc for some reason. And it's just amazing. I'm just so grateful to be part of this community, you know, two years. Two years and a bit now going and we still showing, showing up every single week. I don't know. Slabs is saying my mark is cutting out if you guys, thumbs up. If, if it's also cutting out for you, I don't know. I'm just worried that you guys are, this kind of cutting out. All good? Yeah. All right, guys. Well, I just wanted to say that a little bit about MSC and just wanted to reassure you that data we still here and we still building and we're not going anywhere. We're going to continue to deliver and we're going to continue to stun you guys well into the coming year that, you know, that's the beauty about MSc.

Project Insights

Half of these projects are just not even around. I go and I look at them the other day, I just did a thing of like, let me go see antonym because I was trying to think like, damn. I remember all the projects that were minting at around the time were given. It was also the other side, mint. So a lot of the hype went to that. But like Antonym, the other side that not the other side. The other side. There was a project called the other side. There was Clay. Clay friends. There was Fisherman's laboratory. There were all of these very high bears. Hypers was another one. Let me not even get started. But you know, all of these things, all of these projects that were back then around us, they've all just fallen off and disappeared. You know, the true Og projects. Yes. They're still around. Suzuki, bored ape, you know, even alien friends, they also, they still around.

Continuing the Legacy

These guys are still, I still see them on the timeline. You know, if that's what being around is, I still see them on the timeline. I don't know whether the founders are still doing anything. I went into the marketplace of alien friends. It wasn't too popping, but I. They still, they still around is what I'm trying to say. And a lot of the newer projects have just, even projects that have come out after us have just disappeared. That momo guru thing, remember all the hype? That thing ran up to one eth. We didn't even run up to that price. And look at them. They absolutely obliterated that. That project's gone. So I'm just trying to emphasize to you guys that we are not going anywhere. We're going to continue to build the core of this project. You know, myself, slabs, Barry and Ray, we all have a huge passion for this project and we're just going to continue to deliver to you guys.

Merchandise Announcement

So speaking of which, I'm going to let Mac deliver the news before going too much. I will continue with what I'm speaking about. Now, after he reads the news, I do want to just tell you guys a little bit about the direction that I've been thinking about for MSC and also just update you on the merch I kind of story because I know you guys are waiting for the merge. All you guys, I will, I've said it before and I will say it again. All of you guys that show up are going to receive merch at no cost to you. The only cost to you is going to be the shipping because it depends where you live. Obviously, we can't gauge where some people might live in Alaska, you know, we don't know. So we'll cover the cost of the merch. And then you guys will have to cover the cost of the. Of the shipping.

Shipping Details

But it's local shipping most of the time. If you're in the USA, it'll be local. If you're in Europe, it'll be local. So it's like $5 literally. And you guys are going to be getting some fire Mac merge. So that's what we're looking to do, guys. I'm kind of ready with all of that. Ready to go. What we trying to do is get it integrated into the website at the moment so that it's not just like a standalone store, but it's actually on the website. But there's a few other things that I'm speaking. I'm actually having a meeting with Barry tomorrow, creative meeting. And we're going over some cool things. So looking forward to updating you guys again next week after I have this meeting.

Updates and Excitement

I've been really waiting to have this meeting with Barry. So I will let you guys know next week where we are at with the merch. I must say I'm very close on it. And even the stores like ready to go, it's just kind of getting it now integrated into the MSc website. So even if it's just a thing of you guys going to the MSc website, clicking a button that says shop and then it diverts you to. To the actual store, the store that. That I built. Okay, let Mac go on with the news. What's happening, Mac? How are you, my brother? All right? Yeah, I'm doing well, mate. Doing splendid. Your news, bro.

Personal Updates

Let me tell you something just before we start in this news. Oh, my God, bro, did you see the parlay that I hit today? Look, the half. The half time draw, bro. I put down $2.95 and I won $175. There we go, bro. That's how it's done, mate. I'll tell you now. Yeah. I have had a horrible week. Every day of the week I put a bet on the baseball. I had the boys in the van taking the absolute piss out of me, right? Because the first one would lose by one. And then I'd get in the van the next day and they'd say to me, what you betting on today, Colin? And then that one would lose by one all week. It just lost by one every single day. So I'm happy that today the little five pound bet I had on the football cut my losses for this week and we're back to evens.

Celebrating Wins

So I'm happy about that. But now the highlighter today is your one Rick. I mean, not even free. Not even free bucks, mate. And you take home nearly 200. That's. That's. That's amazing. You don't even get that with meme coins half the time, bro. And that's not personal. I'm not trying to bring up anything, you know? I mean, I'm not. I'm not going to be that guy, but, yeah. Now, hats off to you, Rick. Fair play, mate. Thanks, bro. Let's hit it with the news. bro, you know. You know what? I actually have a bit of a.

Transition to News

An intro lined up for you. I don't know. I don't know if you. If you. If you. If you familiar with this song, but this is an old classic, guys, and this is going to be the new Mac intro, so I hope you enjoy it. Here we go. It's time for that Mac news. Let's go. As I said, I. Know that. I got a double. Go on, Mac. There you go. Amazing. That is a classic. That is a classic. Before I start with the news, I do just want to say that I see we have scarlett in here. I have had an absolute nightmare.

Technical Difficulties

The fucking. I've been work. Sorry for my language, but I've been working like crazy this week. And the charger to my MacBook completely. Just the plug would just not work. So I've had to, at some point in the morning, go and buy a new one. So, scarlett, if you're listening, I'm gonna get that. It's charging right now. I'm gonna get that shiba across to you tonight. And what I'm also gonna do, because I'm such a real one, is I'm also gonna send you $10 in soul to your phantom or wherever you want it, as just a little late apology.

Community Engagement

And a message to everyone else, is I will be doing another flash giveaway today. I don't know what it'll be. I'll probably chuck someone like, $20, something like that. Get yourself some food, get a coffee, put 20 quid into your favorite meme, whatever you want to do. But we're going to be doing that in the den tonight. All right? So I just thought I'd, let you know on that one. but if we get into the news, I just want to make sure, because I've written it on my notes right on my phone.

Audio Confirmation

So I just want to make sure from on my notes, you guys can still hear me, right? Go on, bro. I'm here. So hit it, bro. Have a look see. Read. Yeah, I'm on my notes. Now you can hear me, right? Can hear you loud and clear, right? Hit it. Nice. That's amazing. That's amazing.

Monday's News Overview

All right, so we're going to start with Monday. And Monday's headline was that seven people were arrested in Malaysia for bitcoin electricity theft. Now, there's 52 bitcoin mining rigs seized. In an official statement, Sepang district police chief confirmed that local police had seized 52 mining rigs and other electronic devices worth an estimated $57,000. Last month, Sarah Wac Energy, a state owned electric provider in Malaysia, teamed up with local law enforcement for a joint operation and found that two mining operations were suspected of stealing an estimated six and a half, $1,000 worth of electricity every month.

Electricity Theft and Investigative Action

Now, they also suggested that both operations were connected and controlled by the same entity. As part of the investigation, over 120 various electronic devices were seized. Now, while crypto and mining activities remain legal in Malaysia, a recent report highlighted that these operations were the primary cause of a significant electricity theft in the country between 2018 and 2023, leading to the losses of approximately worth nearly $723 million due to unauthorized electricity use. Now, I read that and I thought that was absolutely crazy.

Destruction of Bitcoin Mining Devices

Now, between 2018 and 2023, over 900 bitcoin mining devices have actually been destroyed by law enforcement. And I thought they'd done it in the most boss way ever is simply just running over it with a steamroller. I thought that was absolutely amazing. I actually wanted to share that with you guys because we're not unfamiliar with bitcoin miners and bitcoin miners. There was that story a few months ago about that guy using the school. He was taking electricity from the school, and he had a whole farm of bitcoin miners.

Concerns with Illegal Mining Operations

So, I mean, they're clamping down on it if you're doing it illegally, which is good for the ones that are doing it legitimately, you know. So I wanted to share that with you guys. Now, moving on to Tuesday. Solana users were targeted by ball checker, which is a chrome extension scam. Now, I know a lot of us, if not all of use Solana. We don't just buy it, we use it for various things, whether it's nfts or trading, etcetera. Now, a new malicious browser extension called the ball checker is reportedly targeting Solana users on Reddit by masking as a meme coin tracker.

Risks From the Bool Checker Extension

Now, this extension evades detection systems and has drained Solana users wallets globally. Now, in the past week, Jupiter's founder reported that a few Solana Defi users experienced unauthorized token drains through a thorough investigation with partners. Now, they traced the issue to Bool Checker, which had been targeting users on various Solana rated subreddits, and this extension allowed users to interact normally with decentralized apps, but it secretly transferred tokens to unauthorized wallets upon the transaction completion. Now, Jupiter's founder stressed that no vulnerabilities were found in the Dapps or the wallets themselves, but Bool Checker is designed as a read-only extension intended to display meme coin holders.

Extension's Design Red Flags

Ideally, such an extension should not require permission to read or write data on all websites, which should have raised concerns for users. Despite this, several users proceeded to install and use it. Now, once installed, BoolChecker waits until a user interacts with the standard dapp on its official domain, then alters the transaction before it is signed by the wallet. The modified transaction still appears normal in the simulation, concealing its true intent as a drainer. Now I just wanted you guys to be aware of that, because I don't use it.

Caution About Security

I've never even heard of it. But like I said in a couple of news spaces I've done that. There are a lot more tech savvy people out there, especially in web three, than me, and I don't know if you've heard of it or come across it, but I wanted you to be vigilant on that because we did have a case in the den where someone had lost funds due to some sort of. I don't know, I don't even know what it was, but it doesn't seem related. But of course, there was someone that lost funds in the den due to wallets and transactions and stuff like that, you know, malicious malware etcetera and rugs and whatnot.

Tether's New Stablecoin

So I wanted you guys to be aware of this. Now, Wednesday we had a bit of bullish news tether, you may have heard, announces that the Durham pegged stablecoin to enhance the UAE financial ecosystem. Teva's Dirham pegged stablecoin aims to offer a secure and efficient solution for UAE transactions, since they came out with all that crypto news last week, including cross border payments and trading. Tether plans to launch a new stable coin pegged to the United Arab Emirates Durham, marking an expansion in its portfolio of digital assets.

Partnership with UAE Tech and Future Implications

Now developed in partnership with UAE based tech Phoenix Group plc and supported by Green Acorn Investments Limited, this project will leverage the UAE's regulatory framework for payment token services, and according to the official press release, the Dirham pegged stablecoin will be backed by liquid AED reserves adhering to Tevas standards to ensure stability and confidence. Now, this is a new product. It aims to improve international trade, streamline remittances, and offer a hedge against currency fluctuations by providing a digital representation of the AED.

Market Response and Future Developments

Now, the new Dirham peg stablecoin from tether joins the company's roster of other fiat backed tokens such as USDT and Eurt. So that's a bit of bullish news because, you know, Dubai is absolutely rammed with money. And to be honest with you, it doesn't seem like they're going to be jumping on the bandwagon of anything that doesn't have potential. They obviously see huge upside potential in this, as we all do. So it'll be interesting to follow up on that and see what more is going to come of that.

Brazilian ETF Approvals and Market Trends

But I can imagine that's going to be active pretty soon because they don't mess about, they don't waste time. And rule number one is speed. So yeah, I can imagine that's going to happen pretty soon. Now, I did actually want to follow up on some of there was a report on Wednesday, because if you remember last week I mentioned about a Brazilian ETF, but it had not. It had not been given the green light, but it had been approved by a particular group.

CVM Approval for Solana ETF

I don't know how to describe it, but it had basically been approved, but not green lighted by the main guys, basically like the SEC. It hadn't quite been greenlighted. But what I will say is this. On Wednesday, Brazilian securities and Exchange Commission has greenlighted a second Solana ETF weeks after it approved the first one on August 8. Now, according to the CVM central database, the product will be launched by Hashdex, an asset management asset manager based in Brazil. However, the newly approved Solana ETF remains in a pre operational phase.

Hashdex's Role and Market Anticipation

Hash decks do manage over 962 million in assets. Now, of course, this is nothing compared to BlackRock, who control over 9 trillion worth of assets. Though Hashex has a history of launching innovative products on the b three Brazilian stock exchange, the company has previously introduced ETFs based on the Nasdaq crypto index, as well as bitcoin and ethereum. So it will be interesting to see what happens with that.

Potential Impact of Solana ETFs

And it will be interesting to see if other organizations decide to follow suit with that, because we're all bullish on Solana, all bullish on crypto as a whole. You have bitcoin, ETF, ethereum, ETF. I know BlackRock, Larry Fink did come out and say that he doesn't think Solana is mature enough yet. But with crypto, things change absolutely immediately, every day. Things can change up, down, left, right. You don't know what's going to happen until someone gives a green light.

Shifts in Layer Two Networks

We're waiting on that now, following onto Thursday. I know that there's people here bullish on base. I know that we're going to be looking at putting the antidotes on base now. Base network is outpacing Arbitrum and optimism there has been a significant shift in the layer two network landscape lately, with Coinbase incubated Ethereum layer two network base rapidly gaining ground. Now, according to the latest findings by into the block, base now boasts nearly 40% more daily active addresses compared to a combined total of rival layer two networks.

NFT Activity and Developer Incentives

ARB and optimism now, over the course of the month long initiative, 268,000 wallets minted more than 700,000 NFTs. So that's NFTs are not going anywhere. And over $242 million in crypto was bridged to base, attracting more than 130,000 unique daily users. Now, building on last year's success, Base revived the summer event of 2024, aiming to boost on-chain creativity and encourage developers to build on the blockchain.

Incentives for Blockchain Development

The initiative, which began in June and runs through August, has set aside 600 eth, worth around $2 million in rewards for participants. So I know we have builders here, I know we have developers here, I know we have people bullish on base. So this could be something that you might find worth your while taking a more deeper dive into, because it seems like they're running the show at the moment on the layer twos and it'll be interesting to see, like I do say about many of the points I make, it'll be interesting to see where that goes.

Friday's Political Implications of Crypto

But yeah, it'll be interesting for you guys just to have a look into that and see what more info you can pick out from that. Now, Friday yesterday, the last point I was going to make is there was a report put out wondering if younger pro crypto voters could be decisive in the 2024 presidential election. Now, cryptocurrency, as you've probably noticed, has become a key political issue in this election season.

Youth Voter Influence on Elections

Now, with young enthusiasts potentially swaying the outcome, Coinbase has expressed the belief that young pro crypto voters might influence the 2024 us presidential elections and could potentially become the deciding factor on who wins. Now, in a report released on August 19, the exchange states that Gen Z and millennials who now represent 40% of the electorate are increasingly supporting candidates who advocate for crypto and financial innovation.

Economic Discontent Among Youth

Now, that doesn't go without saying, because we've seen it, we talk about it in the den. We've seen it all over Twitter. People are bullish on Trump. They're bullish on this person and that person simply because of the crypto factor. Everyone wants headbags to pump. Everyone wants to make sure that crypto is not going anywhere. So it could well be the case. Now, according to the blog, younger Americans are growing dissatisfied with the current financial system.

Current Sentiment and Closing Thoughts

Only 9% express contentment, a figure that drops to 7% for those under 40 with rising costs, high fees, and perceived inefficiencies in traditional finance drive many youth voters towards cryptocurrencies as a potential solution. And we've all spoke about that before as well. So that's the news for me. And like I say, if there's any more points you want to go over, then I'm more than happy to speak about it in the den.

Research Recommendations

But you can also do your own research. And like I say, the source I use is crypto potato. I will give them another shout out because they update daily. And it's not just one or two articles, it's many articles. I could scroll through, take a pic out of almost 150 for the week is absolutely insane. But that's the news for me. I've rambled on a bit. I'm going to hand it over to Rick.

Thank You and Closing

Thank you for listening and enjoy the rest of the space, guys. Thank you, Mac. Thank you, Mac, for another great newscast. News reports, shall I say? Yeah, very interesting stuff. There's been a lot of movement. I saw that second ETF thing coming on for Solana from Brazil. Very cool to see.

Additional Developments

Also a couple of other things this week. Like, just other things that I remembered while Mac was speaking, there was a McDonald's hack. I don't know if you guys saw on Instagram, they posted, and apparently these guys said they took 700K in funds. The other thing that happened this week that not many people are talking about is crypto punks. There's been some big sales.

Bullish Trends in NFTs

The crypto punks floors gone up as well. And what does that tell you guys? NFTs are coming back, baby. Why would, why would the top collection be pumping before anything else? It makes total sense. So I think that us seeing that, you know, 1.2 million in sales on crypto punks over the, you know, over the last couple of days is absolutely insane.

Positive Outlook on Crypto

I think that we can all start to feel a little bit more bullish and start thinking about, you know, the NFT cycle coming back, because I definitely feel like there is something there. Other stuff that I've seen, guys, if you don't know, I did mention last week, go to premium. If you've got premium on x, make sure you try out the new Grok AI. It's really good. They can, you can actually make pictures with it now.

Updates on Grok AI

So if you guys do have premium, I see a lot of people in the audience. Do you guys have free access to AI now within Grok? Not just chatbots, but you also get pictures now. So that was just another bit of news that I had down for the week. And, yeah, guys, it's not.

Contemplating Political Developments

Not really too much else we've seen, like, President Trump. Well, the nominee, Trump and Kamala kind of flip each other on polymarket over the last week, but it's super close. And, you know, I think it's going to come down to the wire. But I do think that no matter what happens, I think crypto is going to be okay.

Breaking News and Market Checks

Something crazy that I've just seen, literally, breaking news. This has just come out in the last couple minutes. If you guys have any ton, you should go and check. Go and check the charts. I'm not trying to make you scared, but there's been an arrest.

Telegram Founder Arrested

So the founder, it looks like the founder of telegram has been arrested. So in France. It's literally just happened. So the CEO, what's this guy's name? Durov, Pavel Durov. He's just been arrested in France. And, yeah, it looks like ten is dropping like crazy. So that's crazy. It almost makes you think, like they trying to stop. I mean, I don't know if there's something nefarious about it, but, like, anything that. Think about it, that Trump just launched a telegram channel this week, by the way, DeFi is called defined ones. It's not going to be a coin or anything, but is going to be related to Defi. But how strange is. I'm not trying to be a conspiracy theorist at all, but I'm just trying to say how strange is it that Trump launches this channel and not even two days later, the founder of Telegram gets arrested? That's. That's absolutely insane.

Current Crypto Climate

So there is stuff happening in the crypto world. Guys, keep your eyes open. Keep your eyes peeled. What I want to do also is I want to do a giveaway for sheep here in the space as well. Of course, for you guys that showed up, we're going to do that now. So I'll start setting that up for you. And then the other thing I wanted to speak about is just with the. With the whole MSC thing, I do want to say if you guys think about this, guys, we are trying to create a. The best way for me to say is, like a cult like vibe within the den. And we trying to figure out a way of kind of, you know, we want to be able to create that. Not that we don't have that already, but we definitely do. But we want to foster that so that it gets better and better. So if you guys can think of anything that we can do within the den that would make it more fun to be in the den, that would make you guys want to show up into the den more often, please let me know, because we, you know, we trying to make it as active as we can.

Enhancing the Community Experience

So anything that we can do to add to the vibes. I've spoken about the gifts already that we want to make, you know, kind of the same thing that we've seen, like, pudgy and them do get you guys gifts. So you've got, like, gifts that you can share in different servers and N on X and just kind of really make you guys feel that this is really, you know, a strong community and that we've got depth. So I'll touch on it more often after I have my chat with Barry. Okay, so I'm just going to do everyone that's here. So MacD cheaps, birdie. I think this week we'll do two shebas. I've actually got some very nice shebas that I've picked up. And speaking of which, I actually need to pick up a few more for the vault. So look out for that, guys. Like I said, that floor is so thin at the moment. It's getting scary, actually.

Giveaway Details

NV and Serpi. Okay, I'm going to read out quickly everyone that I have here. and then we will get. We'll do the Google wheel spin. All right. okay, so I have Mac. Mac, cheaps, birdie, Scarlett, Danny, art Ray, not found. Levitate, 1 second. Levitate. I was saying levitate not found. I got him. Chuckles. Oboe and V, let me just drop you a follow as well. And sir, pDev, drop your follow as well. All right, guys, so I'm about to do the spin gonna be for two shibas, and then I will have to just get your wallet. So stick around if you win, even if you don't win, stick around because we'll end the show in a bang. So two shibas for you guys. Let's get these shibas into some loving hands. And here we go, ladies and gentlemen. It's Sheba time.

Winners Announcement

My man oboe. My man oboe. He's one. I'm going to just take a screenshot. Oboe, please dm me your wallet, sir. And then I'm gonna do one more spin. Another shiba. F for the gang. Let's go. Ray. Ray. Oh, he's gone. He left. What I do in this situation? Respin. Respin. All right, I'll respin. Snooze, you lose. Snooze, you lose. Well, I'll make sure I bully ray in the den for that. I'm not going to bully him, but. You know, it's not Ray. It's not Ray the dev ray. It's the other ray. He. Yeah, he's still a sheba, though, right? I'm pretty sure. Not found. Not found. Not found. Matt, send me your open a ticket with your wallet. I'm going to post the screenshots of the winners here.

Thanking the Community

Let me just. Yeah, post the screenshots of the winners. And then I just wanted to end off, guys, and just say thank you again for all pulling up to the sheba Saturday. Thank you, Mac, for an amazing news new segment today. Really nice getting the news delivered like that. Some fresh stuff that I hadn't even heard about or seen. We are going to be hanging out as usual every tonight, as we do every Saturday night. It's UFC tonight. So if you guys want to pull up, it's starting in about 1 hour and 50 minutes time. Come and hang out with us in the den while we watch some UFC, can play some games or whatever. If you guys are up for it, I'll be there all night. I normally say that till early hours of the morning, so if you guys want to pull up anytime, feel free to pull up and I will update you guys.

Future Events and Engagement

Hold me to it next week on the meeting that I have with Barry tomorrow. And I hope that next week I can actually tell you guys, go and visit the website or something along those lines. So let's see how it goes. I'm going to. I'm meeting tomorrow is going to be vital. And we keep pushing, guys. Like I said, if there's anything that you guys can think of that would make the den better, like, I've thought of poker nights. I've thought of, like, smash cards, just stuff that, like, old school stuff that we used to do kind of in the den and maybe giving cash prizes for that but it's just so cliched, you know, even if we had to do like movie nights, it's kind of cliche. I want to. I really want to do something different.

Community Coin Development

You guys know that I've got that coin on deck, that meme coin that we want to launch as a community. So maybe we'll do something like that. Maybe we'll have fun and we'll develop a meme coin. Someone develops, a website, someone develops. We'll actually put it all together within the community and we will put out a meme coin and see how it does. Why not? I think there's enough people in the den that kind of would support. And I think that if we all have a hand in making a meme coin in the den, it will just be fun. You know, we'll go through how to set up the contracts, how to do everything from scratch. So it will be an experience together.

Exploring New Opportunities

You know, we're all going to the VC and we can launch something fun, you guys know, and the coin I've got is fire, top hat, cats, THC, you know, can't go wrong. Absolute fire. So we will start off maybe with something like that, but it doesn't have to be limited to that, guys, like I've said, we can create little businesses, print on demand businesses and that type of thing within the gen, and run it as a group, you know. So we have a kind of like group within a group that kind of run different businesses, side hustles, you know, prints on demand businesses and other online businesses that you can do.

Utilizing Skills Within the Community

It's not just that you can do like subtitles on videos, you can do editing, you can do website design. There's so much. And we have the people in the den that kind of have all the expertise, marketing specialists, developers and everything else. So we might as well use all of our things. We all ogs. We've all been here for over two years, like the people that are hanging out or, you know, we've been around here like more or less two years. And I think that we have the experience to do these things as a group and really have fun with it and make it so that if we make money, it's a cool thing, but it doesn't have to even be about the money.

Building a Memorable Experience

It's going to be more about the vibe of like getting together and doing something as a group, something fun and something that, you know, we'll always remember something. A bit of history, I would say, because it will be on the blockchain anyway, guys, we are going to finish off. It's been just coming up on an hour now. I really appreciate everyone for sticking around for this whole time. Next week we're going to hit it again. More prizes. I will boost the prizes next week. We did have the dollar 400 earphones last week. I will, will boost the prizes next week. So pull up next week and you'll see there'll be some more banging prizes for you guys.

Final Thanks and Community Goals

Really appreciate you guys taking the time to hang with the Sheba's tonight. Give each other follow network. You know, let's support each other's posts and let's just keep building this vibe, guys. Is we on the right track? It's just more of this, what we have right now, just more of it and we'll absolutely fly. So let's go. We end off with the mutant Shiba anthem. Lay him down. What does tune say? Shorty wild never seen a dog in a moose ain't rolling on showing love coming to club a lot of girls little skirts belly soaps peak enemy dog she was in the VC. Coming through.

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