Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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This space is hosted by ShibBender

Space Summary

The Twitter Space conversation delved into the DeFi space, focusing on partnerships, upcoming developments, authenticity, and transparency. Participants expressed enthusiasm for collaborations with legitimate projects, highlighted the significance of credibility and professionalism, and shared plans for future engagements. The conversation underscored the pivotal role of transparency in the DeFi sector and reaffirmed belief in the success of the discussed project. Overall, the discussion emphasized the importance of building trust, engaging authentically, and supporting innovation within the DeFi niche.


Q: What is the focus of the conversation?
A: The focus is on project partnerships and upcoming developments in DeFi.

Q: How is professionalism emphasized in collaborations?
A: Participants aim to keep interactions professional.

Q: What plans are hinted at for future engagements?
A: Discussions and collaborations will continue through back channels.

Q: What importance is placed on authenticity and transparency?
A: Credibility and authenticity are pivotal in the DeFi space.

Q: What do participants appreciate about the project and AMA session?
A: Participants appreciate the positive reception and engagement received.


Key Takeaways

  • Focus on building partnerships with legitimate projects for mutual benefit.
  • Exciting developments are on the horizon in the DeFi sector.
  • Emphasize professionalism while engaging in collaborative efforts.
  • Acknowledgment of the positive reception and support for the discussed project.
  • Plans for future discussions and collaborations through back channels.
  • Mention of an upcoming event with a hint of anticipation and excitement.
  • Commitment to the project’s vision and belief in its potential success.
  • Appreciation for participants’ engagement and involvement in the AMA session.
  • Importance of maintaining credibility and transparency in the DeFi space.
  • Encouragement for followers to explore and support the discussed token.

Behind the Mic

never been named as one of those, one of the tokens that could be considered a security. Not that it’s not, but that just, it hasn’t been named as a possible security or probable security. So all that together, you know, just paints a really nice picture for the potential in the future and not, you know, who knows what’s going to happen. Lots of things can come up, but it is definitely setting the stage for that in the future. So I was very much reassured when I saw that came out because Coinbase has kind of stayed away from any, you know, I guess, domestic pushing of shib. And so this was kind of the first step. So, yeah, super excited to see that and excited to see what happens in the future. I mean, yeah, I mean, when you really think about it may just mean me, I don’t know. But when you really think about it, all the letter name tokens, as I like to call them, you know, like your. Your ABC, Def, s, Hyzs, altcoin, you know, whatever status you want to category. They had plenty of l two, you know, base exchange tokens. They could have went with. They could have went with a lot of different options to take in front of the CFTC. We are one of five. Like, wow, I’m so stoked by that. Like, you could have chose anybody in the world chose us, right? Oh, right. And fit 21, you know, is just made a case for the CTFC, like you said, having joint decisions in some of these. And so I think that just sheds a really good light on it as well. Yeah, absolutely. Zap from subway. I see what you hand up. Go ahead with your thought. Yeah, no doubt. Yeah, I think I called this on Friday for the crypto breakfast club because it’s recorded. I’m like, there is a shib ETF coming. And literally, like, a couple hours, Coinbase released that statement. But I wouldn’t be surprised if we see almost like, a pooled ETF with, like, the meme coins where they pool, like, doge, shib, pepe all in one. So it’s less risky. So I could see that happening. If they’re smart, they would do that. Not to say that everything separated is good, but everyone’s always talking about dogecoin doing an ETF, right? But the truth is, it’s just as volatile as any other meme coin is out there. So the more you can pool it, the more money they can get out of it, right? That’s just my thought on that. Yeah, do you think? Yeah, 100%. You know, and I’ve said this numerous times before, like, it has been laying dormant. And it really almost feels like shib and doge and pepe and all the rest of them, right? Like, they’re almost in building mode, right? Like, there’s this whole ETF dynamic that’s happening in the background, which is awesome, right? Because they’re going to need to stockpile it. But I feel like there has just been a, I mean, Bitcoin dominance, right? There’s been a laser like, focus on Bitcoin, which is great to see. But I wouldn’t be surprised, especially after this ETF thing goes through if we do see kind of a refocus go shift towards those all it’s like, it’s going to happen. But yeah, I think the ETF too, it just it’s like, Doge 2.0. And I would not be surprised if they go that route. And yeah, I wouldn’t doubt it either. You know what’s interesting too, and I’ll just make this comment before I somebody else jumps in. But you know, they released the base contract, you know, their blockchain base over a couple, what about three weeks ago, I think or so. And, and I’ve been trying to mint on it for probably past two weeks. And I’ve been having a really difficult time because of the congestion, you know, but I mean, it’s in that in and of itself kind of goes to show that how far they’ve been able to come and really build within their ecosystem outside of all of this, you know, the volatility and the hype cycle, I mean, there’s still a lot going on with it. So I, I don’t know, I see potential for sure in the future with it. So still vibe in there too. Yeah, I like having your voice. So feel free to jump in at any moment. I want to. Yeah, agreed agreed to. It always it’s always needed. It’s always needed. Alright, let’s see, who do we got next in here? Let’s see if we had any did anybody jump in? We got crypto queen back up on the stage. So what you got for us tonight? Don’t know, just, you know, just riding the ship wave. And yeah, we just had we were in a space earlier with torch pipe, the project manager of haunting at highway. And said, pop in and give you some love over here and that we appreciate what you’re doing for ship token and project and giving us the opportunities just to spread that knowledge and information to the communities out there in this crypto space. Yeah, no doubt. I don’t know if you knew this or not. That voice on the highway named, named his son after me. So like we’re like this. Wow. That’s awesome. Can I just say thanks. ship family going strong. I think this is one of the most positive, encouraging spaces out on the X verse. And so shout out to y’all. I appreciate everything that you’re doing for the Coyote project ship partners. And I think this is the start of a massive legacy for doing this for 110 weeks. I mean, man, this is just getting bigger and better every single week. This amazing. 110 weeks strong. And you know what, we don’t we don’t need to toot our own horn, but like, I, you know, just for sake of this conversation, I’m really, really proud of the fact that our nailed it Wednesday calls, right? Like, it’s just continues. And, you know, something that we pride ourselves on. So for those that don’t know, a lot of the team members from the ship token side, the dev side, the community side, we join the nailed it Wednesday calls for how long has it been? Three years now, which is kind of crazy to think. And, you know, it’s, it’s one of those things where it’s our own little internal beta, right? Like we, we talk about the project, but we also dive into certain conversations around ecosystem development around what’s needed around this and that. So it’s, it’s really cool. So we appreciate that. And Calvin J I see you. I just want to take a moment to personally thank you for everything that you do. And I mean, others here, you know, were with the beta Google beta testing. Everything that y’all did kept y’all humble. So I’m excited for the evolution of the project. However, I still love to learn more. So if there is a representative that can speak about crypto in this kind of advanced class, that would be amazing. Well, I’ll let I’ll let Bender go then, because I think Bender you to be good to explain kind of who they are and all that stuff. Yeah, no. Well, thanks for having us here. And for the kind words, crypto queen, Always appreciate you. And yeah, it’s just been a long, long road here with everything in 110 weeks now. And it’s never a dull moment in general, or in telegram. So definitely seen it all over there. So it’s not gonna be ending anytime soon. That’s for sure. But yeah, so in general, I mean, we’re just gonna keep doing what we do here and encourage everybody to come learn, you know, educate yourselves, even if you’re new, joining telegram or discord, you know, is be part of the family. These people are going to definitely help you learn and just hanging in and even if you’re, you’re struggling to hold your bags, right? People try to look to just educate and tell you, Hey, look, this is what we see, this is what could happen. And just keep everyone positive through everything. And, you know, and if I’m having a bad day, I just keep up and get encouraged by all the stories everybody shares in there. So yeah, it’s pretty cool. But again, crypto queen, Always a pleasure to see you in there. And of course, shout out to Haile, highdef, everybody out there. Julie, the cat knows never missed a week at this point, you know, prayers to all the to everybody out there, you know, knock on wood. We’ll hopefully always see you in the week 111. If I did my math correctly. Appreciate it. Yeah, hard to believe. I know it’s going by so fast. But yeah, thanks again. And thanks to team behind the scenes as well. So not just me, and appreciate everything. So thanks again. Let’s see. Alright, so next up, we have Crypto Nick. Go ahead. Yeah, no, I just gotta say crypto queen. You are the perfect person to be on these spaces, because your positivity is just contagious. So hi, thank you for for bringing that. And yeah, I mean, for better or worse. I don’t think there’s much more to be said, you know, about ship. I think I’d love to hear about other tokens and other spaces and regain they hard work and everything. So to just give you all the floor that I do want to add that as of today, I think we’re in a really good position, you know, just from a positivity and energy point of view place to really, you know, look at what we’ve got, and where we could go and new spaces. And at the same time, it’s always good, you know, to remember that the people behind those projects, they’re put there to drive and to encourage and to help and, and they are great. So I would encourage everyone to build and to continue to build and never to stop. And I know that the devs, the leadership, everyone on our side will certainly feel the same way. So that’s, that’s my main point. Hey, hey. Thank you to both of you for the thoughtful, for the thoughtful perspectives. I really appreciate it. I see. I see that we have a request Cal, or one of the requests. And thank you again for your words, both them for leading us into some of the wrap up here. And just again, June the amazing job on these sessions every week. Your thought leading really appreciate that. The music’s always good, too. But that being said, let’s, let’s go down to crypto. I see a lot of hands shooting up. So that’s that’s great. Let’s try to get to as many as possible. But first up, for crypto. Let’s see. I see you’ve been raising your hand for a while. Go ahead. How’s it going? Yeah, thanks. Yeah, no problem. Just a couple thoughts. First of all, on a lighter note, you know, yeah, definitely flexibility because we have a built in solid impact on the crypto space as a whole. And yeah, I mean, just from the kind of ecosystem that has evolved. And I, I personally started seeing from these seasons an increase in the number in them now and definitely the depth of the projects that are out there. So that’s that’s amazing already. But I think one thing I’ll leave everybody with is, you know, sometimes we forget, you know, that they’re humans behind these projects. And as much as we’re cheering for the devs and the leadership on all sides, and we definitely go back and forth and we have in pretty deep discussions, let’s not forget that, you know, the best way for us to take charge of some of these things is to jump in and to participate in these ecosystems and to see what we can do to help drive everything forward. So that’s just the thought and just want to jump off incumbent, how Mathis skill up who this may be it for who we have up next. Yeah. We got a big way. So thanks everybody for jumping in and coming in. So take it away. It was. I want to look into see everybody. Irreversible places. All right. Well, yeah, so. Yeah. I mean, the energy here is great, right? And I think this is like the biggest takeaway that I got just hearing you all chat this evening. You know, this is a project and yeah, I don’t I have to say personally, like, I wasn’t initially involved in the ship, but I came in, you know, from from a later stage point of view. And, you know, the amount of energy that this project and this team has brought to the entire ecosystem is absolutely phenomenal. And this space, like, is definitely needs pioneers like himself to be able to really bring out those high level executions within the ridiculous energy and people and bring everybody together and, you know, strong support network behind each and every one of you. And I think that’s kind of what excites me about this, like seeing what’s happening now is just like full on community energy and that’s pretty amazing. So, so very, very glad to be here with you all and to witness this first hand. You know, it kind of makes me believe reinvigorates me that okay, the project isn’t dead. It very much alive and people are still, you know, cheering on education, right? So I’m all for that. Hey, everybody. Thanks. And I appreciate that conversation in particular that just wrapped up. Thank you. I’m, you know, from a dev perspective and our team, we’re very appreciative of all the words here, and look forward to joining you again in the future as we continue to build a lot of the things that we continue to build within this community. And, and with cioli too, I know that back to you crypto. I see a lot of people like getting ready to jump in. See, fun telegram because we’ll be doing these spaces on a, excuse me, these giveaways on a regular basis. So definitely do that if it’s something that you want to learn more about. And that’s what I got. Bender. Yeah, and on top of that, they’re their telegram groups. Pretty fun. When they say corrupt funding, they definitely live up to that, that metro, I guess you could say they’re too. And you can catch some pretty interesting conversations going on in the telegram with everything there too. So if you do frequent telegram, they’re just very good one to be a part of. Just general with everything. Never hurts to learn about a project either, too, as well. So, yeah, it’s pretty cool. And thank you, crypto queen. Calvin J. We got any music ready to go? Absolutely. Let’s go ahead and run out there. You got it, Bender. And again, appreciate everybody coming through during the space ship recap. 110 next week should be interesting. I feel the luck is around the corner, but let me not get people too pumped up. But nonetheless, shout out to crypto, Nick, OG and the web three artists and builders club and let’s rapid shit wave y’all gonna make it gonna make me think about a shame she created anything she told she consumed. Shit. You play the game about a shit she created that in the shipwave we’re going to but a shit she created she could so I know she. Might. Shit to the moon yeah, shit way it’s a shit wave, it’s a shit wave it’s a shit wave on a shipwave where did that ship come from? Big shouts out to crypto Nick og. Appreciate you, Calvin J. Also, as always, Julie the cat, Hayley, high def, always in our thoughts. Along with shayla lads, everybody out there behind the scenes once again, along with crypto queen, we appreciate everyone’s presence here tonight. Week 110 is in the books. Week 111 starts now. Everybody definitely be safe in your travels this week. Happy 4 July. We’ll be talking after that. And God bless. Take care. Not everybody. Sheba. Shiba. All right, y’all, we outd. We, not me.

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