Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space $SHIB Re-Cap #LTD ShibaFest $CFUN 9/1/24 Wk 119 hosted by ShibBender. $SHIB Re-Cap Space is a vibrant community dedicated to educating and supporting individuals new to the Crypto world, emphasizing the importance of #NFTs like OPG and ShibDreamNFTs within the $SHIB ecosystem. The lively #ShibArmy engages in various activities, including ShibaFest and $CFUN events, showcasing the diversity and inclusivity of the $SHIB community. Collaborations with @SHIB_NEO and potential internships signify growth and partnership opportunities within the space.

For more spaces, visit the NFT page.


Q: What is the primary focus of the $SHIB Re-Cap Space?
A: To provide support and education to individuals new to the Crypto world.

Q: Why is the #ShibArmy community significant for $SHIB?
A: The community plays a crucial role in engaging and fostering the $SHIB ecosystem.

Q: What collaborations are mentioned within the space?
A: Collaborations with @SHIB_NEO and potential internships indicate partnerships and educational opportunities.

Q: What events are highlighted within the space?
A: ShibaFest and $CFUN are showcased, demonstrating the diverse activities related to $SHIB.

Q: How are NFTs integrated into the $SHIB discussion?
A: Insights on OPG #NFTs and ShibDreamNFTs emphasize the importance of NFTs within the $SHIB community.


Time: 00:15:42
Introduction to $SHIB Exploring the significance of $SHIB in the Crypto market.

Time: 00:25:18
Community Engagement with #ShibArmy Understanding the role of the #ShibArmy in supporting the $SHIB ecosystem.

Time: 00:35:50
Insights on OPG #NFTs Delving into the world of NFTs with OPG and its connection to $SHIB.

Time: 00:45:33
Exploring ShibDreamNFTs Unveiling the concept and significance of ShibDreamNFTs within the $SHIB community.

Time: 00:55:21
ShibaFest and $CFUN Highlighting the upcoming events and activities surrounding ShibaFest and $CFUN.

Key Takeaways

  • $SHIB is a prominent cryptocurrency token in the market.
  • The space is dedicated to supporting and educating newcomers to the Crypto space.
  • Insights shared on OPG #NFTs and ShibDreamNFTs demonstrate a focus on NFT aspects.
  • The #ShibArmy community plays a significant role in engaging with the $SHIB ecosystem.
  • Exploration of ShibaFest and $CFUN showcases the diversity and activities surrounding $SHIB.
  • Internship opportunities might be available within the $SHIB ecosystem.
  • Collaboration with @SHIB_NEO indicates partnerships or joint efforts in the NFT space.
  • The mention of #ShibTrain suggests possible educational initiatives related to $SHIB.
  • Keywords like 'ShibDreamNFTs' and 'ShibArmy' are essential for community engagement.
  • The use of emojis adds a playful and engaging tone to the communication within the space.

Behind the Mic

Introduction to the Weekly Recap

Good evening, and welcome to the Shib weekly recap. It is week number 119. Today is Sunday, September 1, 2024. I am one of your co hosts here, She Bender, along with CryptoQueen and Calvin J. And we appreciate you taking a moment out your life tonight. Gonna have some fun. I think we'll get into some info here early, but today is the limited living the dream takeover. I'm so excited. Part two, first time we had this token was not released yet. Officially released, I should say, last Thursday. And, yeah, it's just been one heck of a ride here. So super excited about everything going on.

Celebrating Community Birthdays

Before I forget here, because this is on my list, I want to give a huge shout out to Zhang Xi Ming for your birthday today, too, as well. Shout out to everybody born in September. Also, in case I forget you, I know it's the first, but just in case if I forget you. But today, a big shouts out to Crypto, Nick and TFD. TFW 2D fruity women for bringing that to my attention. I don't. I don't know how y'all getting each other's birthdays. By the way, I'm not disclosing mine. I'm a Gemini. So if you just want to celebrate any day between May 21 and June 21, just tell me happy birthday. Between those days, pretty much, if I'm alive, it's a good day and a good day to celebrate my birthday, I'll put it like that.

Engagement with Audience

But meantime, today is Zing Xi Ming's special day. So want to acknowledge my guy shout to show subscribers, too, as well. Let's see here. Do we have Calvin J. up here yet? Mike? I can hear you. All righty. Sweet. Yes. Nice to be here with you, Bender. Appreciate you. It's. It's giving me. All right. I might be riding solo tonight on the co host tip. I don't know. We'll see. It's telling me I already got to. It was just me up here to begin with. Space is spasm, as usual. You know, why don't you go ahead, Calvin J. And give us a quick introduction and community shout out.

Calvin J's Introduction and Community Acknowledgment

For sure? Bender. Yes. Good afternoon. Good evening to everybody listening. Good morning to those listening on the back end. My name is Calvin J. Artist, musician, and a Shib army member. I won't necessarily say I have a community shout out specifically. It's always love for everybody within the community. Happy birthday, Zhang Xi Ming. I won't lie to this day. Real, true story. Zhang Xi Ming is one of my strongest shiboshis in Shiba eternity. If you remember, post launch day, I started naming Shiboshi's after community members. Bender, you're in the Rolodex, you. Bender's ready to fight. Andrew's ready to fight. Zhang Xi Ming is ready to fight.

Shout Out to the Community and NFT Arc Radio Crew

I think out of my three decks, I got one that's titled, like, choosing or something like that. It was just something fun to do. Happy birthday, Daniel. And I mean, community shout out specifically. I mean, I hate giving this shout out to one particular person and or party when everybody's doing their thing. If I have to do anything specific, shout out the NFT arc radio crew. I will say from Gabby to Lope to Fondue to all of the other fellow musicians that join the space just to see our own community, like, just, you know, come out on a Friday night and have a deeper dive into their story. I've learned things about Radar, aka blind traitor, that I probably would have never known being in the telegrams.

Personal Insights and Community Reflections

I've known. I've learned things about KidNick that I probably would have never learned just by being in the telegram. To know more about these beautiful souls and individuals on a deeper level, it just resonates with me a little different. So shout out to the NFT arc radio crew. That's a beautiful community shout out, man. And I wholeheartedly agree with you on that one, too, as well. Got a chance to listen to both of those interviews. And let me just say, for some who's been in that hot seat, they. They. They did a lot better than me, I'll put it that way. And there's a saying from, I don't know if it's where I'm coming from, but they call putting your soul on wax. And they both definitely did that.

Upcoming Mic Checks and Community Engagement

And I. Yeah, got definitely a different perspective on. On Radar getting Nick's here the last couple of weeks that I wasn't fully aware of prior to that. So great one there for you, and appreciate you there, too. We'll do a couple of quick mic checks here. Limited, can you hear us? And if you can, do you have a community shout out? Hey. Yes, yes. Hey, Bender, this is Hero Mike check first. You're good. We can hear you. All right, cool. I was going to go off, and then I figure I better check again because you never know when you're talking to silence. Yeah. Thank you for having us. Super excited to be here today on the recap and to talk some limited, you know, what shoutouts.

Acknowledgement of Personal Contributions

You know, I really want to give a shout out to my wife today. And, you know, I love the community. I love everyone but my wife. I've been doing a lot of. Of work helping the limited community, and my wife down there on the Sharby account has been picking up a lot of slack for me. And I just appreciate her and, yeah, like, what she's done doing, uncomfortable speaking and really something that, you know, doesn't come natural to her. You know, I'm very proud of her. And, yeah, before I get too emotional and stupid about that stuff. Shout out to everyone that's helped limited, helped Sharby, really helped Shiberium grow over the last year.

Community Support and Gratitude

Plus, I'm very appreciative to the community and the community support we've gotten and the love. Right. I feel it. Yeah. Excited to be here. Excited to share the. The stage with some amazing people up here and, have a great Sunday recap. Well, thank you, Hiro, first off. And then, And your sacrifice too, as well, for limited and all dolled up has certainly held it down here on the recap, on your behalf, here personally. And I can tell you, it's no offense against you. None thinking. Because you are you. You know, you.

Community Connection and Engagement

I've tagged you in best invest faces host, but no offense against you. But yes, all dolled up. Could certainly hold down the Sharby spot. Did some and does a phenomenal job, with everything there too, as well. So beautiful thing to see. And not mad at you whatsoever for that community shout out. Corrupt fudd. How you doing, man? You got a community shout out? Yeah, man, I just want to stop in real quick, actually, with the kids and the family enjoying the weekend and community shout out to Kitten Nick. So, like, you know, Calvin J. Was saying everything that she was talking about in that interview was incredible.

Acknowledgement of the Community's Journey

Really deep. If you haven't give it a listen back. And, yeah, just really thankful for everybody in here, same as you. Everybody. You know, we've been doing this together for how long now, and it seems like it was just yesterday, so I can't be more thankful for the community than we have. Absolutely, man. And appreciate you here too, as well, coming up here and taking some time, especially when you spend the time with the fam. I know this is a. It's out for me on a Sunday, man. Just so happens to be my best time to be available and on a consistent basis and that type of thing.

Looking Ahead and Community Support

But I know it's not everybody's cup of tea, so appreciate you even taking a moment out as well as anybody out there listening. Thank you so much, too, as well. Before we let you go here, any. Any word on a giveaway this week? What we got? Yeah, we're gonna go ahead. It's a labor day. I'm feeling great. We'll go ahead and do a giveaway. I think Kitten did it for 15,000 last time. We'll go ahead and up that to 16,420. So you can get 16,420 C fund to five retweeters, five followers. We're making sure. We're checking.

Encouragement to Participate in Giveaways

And go leave comments. There's not enough comments on this room. Go retweet the room. Go, like the room. Do everything you can, and be sure to join our telegram, and we'll get you set up with our bot and send you the tip right over. So good luck. Okay, so that's a total of five. They got it. Everybody in the room's got a retweet. They got a comment, we'll say. We'll say C fund limited. You can do a hashtag or a dollar sign with that. Retweet the space, and you definitely must be a member of the telegram, and we'll choose that towards the end of the space here.

Creative Challenges and Participation

Best creative art gets some bone. How about that? Best creative art incorporating C fund and limited together in the comments also can get a grand prize of some bone. Whoa. Appreciate you, man. Thank you for coming up here again. Anytime, man. Love doing the recap. Keep showing up every Sunday, man. Let's go. Absolutely, man. Say hi to the fam for me, please. Much love, Sharby. I see you up here. Any community shoutouts here this week? Am I on? Yep, you are on.

Technical Challenges and Community Engagement

Oh, wow. It says, do you want to request to speak? It doesn't show me on there. That's funny. You know what? I want to speak just really quickly, my shout out would be to the community as a whole. I was up late last night just, you know, browsing x, and I thought of this one quote, and it. And I don't know who it is, so if someone wants to comment because they know the. I would love that. I need to go do some research, but it says, there is no good news, there is no bad news, there is just news.

Reflections on Community and Attitude

And it really resonated with me because I think, like anything, what you surround yourself with and what your truth is and what you believe, that's where you are. And I just meet myself where I am every day. I'm very passionate about this community, the people I see in here. And that's just what Sharby is being built upon and what she continues to build upon. And so I think I just have an attitude of gratitude all day and just thankful for everyone. So that's my shout out.

Gratitude and Personal Reflections

That is beautiful. Every day I try to wake up with a little bit of an attitude of gratitude. And no matter what the sheep thought of the day is, there's always that underlining tone of that going on just to kind of, I don't know, reset the room for myself, you know, to start the day. So that's absolutely beautiful for you to come up here and say that too, as well. So thank you. I appreciate that. Thank you. And can you still hear me?

Technical Issues and Community Interaction

Yeah, we can still hear you. I don't know what's going on. I want to figure out how to mute because it just says request to speak. It's wild. I don't know. Saying, I got two co hosts requested already. I can't, I can't turn off the speaker, so I'm going to have to drop out and come back in. Okay. Hopefully we'll be here. Okay, bye. All right, I tell you what. Things change, stuff happens. We're here. in terms of that, Calvin J. I think I originally came into the space wanting to just kind of get the recap stuff out the way here.

Looking Forward to Future Events

In terms of that one, I still might do that. Lads, I don't know if you're in a position to come up here and give us a few minutes on Shiba Fest as we countdown here the four weeks to the official event, but I am going to send you a speaker request here just to be safe, if you are available. If not, no worries with that one and everything. And then, yeah, we'll kind of get into some. I'm trying to get to the. To the party. I don't want to. I want to go over recap stuff after limited stuff, long story short.

General Announcements and Appreciations

So I'm going to keep it short and sweet tonight here on the list. Calvin J. Just like we talked about. If something stands out to you, let me know. Otherwise, we're going to go right through this year. First off, shout out to all the partners, Shibarmy Co at Chiggy 19, she women, web artists and Builders club, Sheba soaps, Shiba bling sheep co op, Lumi bots, the lads limited token canine, and catch us when you can on Wednesdays at crypto recap x two as well with everything but.

Appreciation for Giveaway Participation

And again, appreciate C fund for the giveaway tonight here. In terms of that, we got limited in the building Shytoshi need you. I'm gonna go find this for y'all too, if you haven't done this already. But, shit, I should need you to vote. She army. It's got a blog post. I'm not gonna go over the blog post tonight is pretty lengthy. I don't like to paraphrase Shytoshi, as y'all know, but I do encourage you to read it. But they are doing a vote here.

Voting Process and Community Participation

One thing I can tell you is that as long as you do have sheep and bone in your wallet in regards to that one, you can make a vote. It will ask you to connect to confirm. I know I got a couple of DMs about that, asking me if that was legit or not. I did connect. There was no issues. I did disconnect. There was no issues that my vote in between. You can even send a little tweet out once you're done. It gives you that option. It's pretty cool.

Recent News and Community Updates

Leaseholders, the Shiba state, karma, reputation, and SSI, my guy. No one wrote a pretty good article that showed up here in the sheep magazine about that one. Encourage you there. Bad idea testing. We x Shiberm with bad off ramp. I think they actually just announced today too, that they had officially listed on Wex. Don't quote me on that, but I'm 99.9% sure. Also, bad AI is sponsoring the web three conference in Barcelona, Spain. So big shots out to bad AI. Mister Lightspeed, I think gave us both of those.

Community Recognition and Innovations

In terms of information at D three Inc. 20%. Yeah, 26%, I'm should say percent off sns from their. Oh, it was the international dog day. I got intern. I'm like, why? I got internal dog day. And I believe that was through August 30 with that one. So they did have 26% off to recognize international dog day stock. Wits. Canine was number five. She was number four trending on stock, which that was on the 26.

Updates on Events and Contest

Speaking of canine, Eve Dow bounty, I believe. Chewy swap. It was. What was? It was. I got to pull this one up. It was Sheba. I got it all shorthanded, y'all. But they had three winners that Eve Toronto announced from the Dow bounty. In terms of that, when. I'll get you the exact ones on there, because I did shorthand those. Sheba eternity rebranded on Twitter now to play with ship. So I think I was already following that account when they rebranded.

Community Engagement and Game Development

I clicked it. I was like, all right. I was already following it, and I'd already had its official logos and everything like that. Up there, but I think she was eternity is now played with ship. I double and triple check that one. So I'm 99.9% sure. Yeah, because the other one did have a new account. It didn't have any followers. Speaking of new account, new games here, Agent Shibashi, available on Google Play will be on iOS soon. So agent Shibashi, I think we talked about that one last week.

Acknowledging Contributions from Developers

Lucy, she devs Dow sentiment. There was more all important news this week. Big shots out to Calvin J for that one. She mag MLS Mister Lightspeed, I should say Maximus sleepy ships co op Seafun more I'm pretty sure I'm missing, but those are just some of the highlighted features this week. Here she magazine so big shouts out to all the y'all Shiberium website dev dot sheet, dot IO. You can get APL, no data faucet, all kinds of information there.

Developer Opportunities and Exchange Listings

If you're a developer wanting to be on Shiparium dev, she is the place for you, not financial advice. Coincheck Japan to Japanese exchange. They listed she plus five over other tokens. I'm sorry, that will be on the fourth. They haven't listed them yet, but that will be on the fourth. But big shouts out to Coincheck Japan there too. And Cheggy 19 if you all know, is ran a beautiful campaign asking many Japanese exchanges to list sheep.

Community Contributions and Recent Developments

And many have listed sheep since then and I'm not sure. I'm pretty sure this was on the list too. I'll double check. But this shots out the bus for bringing that one to our attention. Kraken pro. You can use sheep for exposure to over 200 futures. So you can use sheep in terms of that to access their futures program, not financial advice. Check out Kraken for all the details.

Futures Conference Reflection

Futures conference this problem wouldn't directly Shiba, but since we had a lot of presence there this year, I thought it should be noted. So the futures conference was in Miami, Florida looking for venues. In terms of that for 2025, I believe they're going to hold Toronto in May and then in Miami in September. So big shots out to futures conference for expanding their base there too as well. And then this week, she birds the base user.

Burn Statistics and Community Efforts

Coinbase user, I should say. Burn 96 million. She. Their account had been 154 days dormant prior to that, I believe. According to the article, the 96 million, she was the most in a few months at the time. Of course, tonight we got limited, which I did not update on, I apologize, I was having too much fun this weekend, but they burned 250 million sheep, this past weekend here too, as well. So big shots out to everybody out there burning.

Weekly Summary and Community Updates

She, with that one too, as well. So that is it in a nutshell. I just ran through it. Week 19. Calvin J. If you got a thought, let us know. Yes, sir. Okay. Okay. I'm glad that my mic button is not stuck. So mainly, I'll say this. So many things going on in the ecosystem. It's a wonderful and beautiful time. I will say the main thing that catches my attention the most is definitely this potential for the community to put in their vote.

Encouragement for Community Participation and Voting

And you have the next two days to utilize your power. Are you there, Calvin? oh. Yeah, oh. I think I'm here. I thought I was here. I can hear Calvin. It's, oh. See, space is a space. I can hear you. Okay. I just want to make everything real short and sweet, because we are having technical difficulties with the space. Utilize your shib voting power within the next two days, unless altogether push forward with the future of shib.

Conclusion and Community Resilience

Contribute. We might not get our desired results, but we participate and we can thrive for another day as far as limited. Congratulations on a successful launch. Appreciate you for all of your community indulgences and contributions. You don't have to do any of the things that you do, but you do them. So we salute you, Sharbie, we appreciate you. Co op fun, we appreciate you. Ultimately, everybody, as a community, we are stronger together and united.

Interview Invitation

So would love to have you on a space or, you know, something for an interview. And I can absolutely say there are exchanges in the works. There's another one going to be announced very soon and I would expect many more to come following that. And we are good friends with weeks. I'll put it there.

Launch Insights

I have one more interesting fact about your launch that you may not know. That day one when you launched on uniswap, you guys had the set time for 01:00 p.m. eastern, right. You didn't want to change it, but right at 01:00 p.m. bitcoin just did a micro dip and within an hour it recovered from that dip but it formed a bull flag. So from the moment you guys launched, Bitcoin was destined to make its way back down under 58k. So I think it's a very interesting time that you launch because over the coming months, if bitcoin goes back to 40k, limited chart is going to be up significantly against bitcoin heading to Christmas time. So congratulations on picking that 01:00 p.m. launch for the uniswap.

Market Entry and Performance

And then 09:00 p.m. eastern launch on Gate IO because gate IO actually gave us the new bottoms and then from those new bottoms, retail were able to enter positions that they wanted. They were watching this thing like me for hours and the market decided when a good time to enter Washington. So when you go to December, look back here, you're going to see that limited is up significantly in percentage compared to bitcoin because bitcoin was at that breaking point of coming down, entering the bearish trend. Thank you for having me on here speaking.

Appreciation and Acknowledgments

Thank you. Tame the truth. I appreciate you coming up, man. This is beautiful there too, as well. I might not have been able to catch that live stream, but I'm check you out here from here on out, man. And yeah, really good insight there on bitcoin there too. I think, you know, in some way, shape or form, we'll all be tied to that. But it's kind of interesting that right there at that precise moment that happened. So at least here, starting on the recap, I'll definitely be paying attention moving forward and seeing you know, what does, what year in the year end and see who ends up at what percentage wise with everything there too.

Updates and Participation

But yeah, beautiful insight. And thank you, hero, for bringing that up too, as well. That's beautiful. Let's see here. I did manage to, while y'all were talking, I got a few things up here. The jumbo trots somewhere towards the end is that dow vote. It's just there and they're somewhere. I was just posting up as much stuff as I kept running across here with limited. There's just been so much going on. This, this is just from this week and I didn't even, I ain't get everything, y'all. I'm just throwing stuff up there.

Token Burns and Community Growth

But again, what we didn't talk about here also, I believe, speaking of the sweet burns, 250 million, I believe limited in what since Thursday inception has burned over 500 million of its own tokens. So I. When I think Dev said, Buzz said this last Sunday, Devon. And seeing that happen in real time with this project, it's just been kind of phenomenal and everything that's leading up to it too, as well, which we'll kind of get a little bit more into as we go along during the evening here.

Upcoming Events and Opportunities

In the meantime, though, I do have lads up here in the building. Lads, how are you doing? Hey, Bender. Doing pretty good. Sorry I couldn't get up here earlier. I was on a call trying to get off of it. Yeah, I wish there were like a few minute button or emoji, but there's not. So, yeah, I appreciate you inviting me to the space to talk about Shiba Fest here a moment. So for those of you who don't know what Shiba Fest is, Shiba Fest was created back in. Actually, our first year was September 1 and second in Muskegon, Michigan.

Event Details and Partnerships

And it was created based off of the Shiba Sequoia Forest Project's mission to merge blockchain tech, tree preservation, and independent art and music, specifically within the Shib ecosystem in Shibarium. And so, yeah, so we had our first successful year last year in September. We've got. September 27 and 28th will be our first Shiba fest this year. The following week we will be. So we'll be in Muskegon, Michigan, again September 27 and 28th. And then the following week we'll be in Charlotte, North Carolina.

Planning for Shiba Fest

On October 5, we are partnering in North Carolina with Armored Cow Brewing Company. So that's going to be a real fun one. Also, we may have a third one coming up as well, but we haven't spoken too much on that yet. Yeah. And so I'm really excited about that. We do have lads music nfts that are buy one, get one right now at Shibco op IO up until Shiba Fest. And so for our ticketed events, that is your ticket into all of our ticketed events.

Sponsorships and Community Involvement

And then there's perk for lads holders at our non ticketed events and yeah, looking forward to it. We are still looking for sponsors for vendors and you can actually reach out to myself or let me grab the pin tweet from. Maybe it's up here already. I can grab the pin tweet from the Shiba Sequoia forest account and throw that up there so you can find more information on it if you are not familiar with it.

Acknowledgment and Community Contributions

And yeah, shout out to, while I'm doing that, shout out to, Daniel today, for his birthday. He's been a great friend and a big advocate here in the Shib army Shib community, specifically shibarium as well. And always showing up and showing out. he also vended last year at Shiba Fest and we'll be vending at Sheba fest again this year. Yeah, super cool, dude. So if you haven't met him, go check him out.

Community Engagement and Participation

I saw him in the audience here. Maybe he was under shiba soaps and scrubs. If you haven't checked out the sunset Shiba soaps and scrubs, visit shibasoapsandscrubs.com. great lineup of soap. So shoot, I can't get the up here. I'm going to mute the mic here a moment and give me a moment here. I'll throw the. Throw up that pin tweet.

Token and NFT Details

Is it your pin tweet. From the Shiba Sequoia forest? I keep trying. I typed it in and it's not popping up for me. I think my connection is really lagging right now. The lads account. Correct. All right, I got you. You want to, you want to do the pin one? Yes, sir. Yeah, let's throw that up there. we've got the, like I was saying, we've got the lads NFts. They are buy one, get one up until Sheba fest.

Shiba Fest Participation and Activities

And those go for 169 bone on Shib Co op IO. Sweet. I put it up there and I'm gonna throw it in here in the comments for you too. So since we're going to do this weekly, I don't want to burn you out here on like full blown interviews each week, but do want an idea of how many artists are we looking at Shiba Fest in Michigan and then Sheba fest in North Carolina?

Community Support and Involvement

I would like to say, andrew, reach out to team the archive. I'm also in Charlotte, North Carolina. That's where I live. So maybe if you need additional help for that event, I may be able to help you as well. Oh, that is. That's wonderful. Yeah. I'll reach out to you, and I'll connect you with our lead there. Our lead is Shayla. I believe she's in the audience as well. So, yeah, I'll connect both of you, and let's make that happen.

Artist Lineup for Events

As. As far as the artists that we have come in, we've got five confirmed right now, currently for Miss Egan, and then, which I'm not going to speak on. On them, yet. I will speak on them soon. it seems like every time I start speaking on the artists that are confirmed, there's a change of plans, so I don't want to jump the gun there. and then, I believe shayla has three confirmed so far in, north Carolina there, so maybe up to five.

Upcoming Information and Activities

I don't know. She sent me a document today, and I have yet to open it. So we'll have plenty of information coming out over the next coming weeks. Most importantly, if you're coming out here, muskegon is September 27 and 28th, and we're actually planning on going to an amusement park on the Sunday following Sheba Fest or that same Sunday for anybody who's sticking around.

Event Participation Encouragement

So if you are coming out and want to join us at the amusement park, then just extend your stay an extra day, and we can all link up. So. And then again, the dates for North Carolina, Charlotte, North Carolina, is October 5. And, yeah, we've got all kinds of partnerships here locally. We're hoping to get them out here in spaces to discuss a few things with everybody and introduce them to the community like we did last year.

Community Engagement Opportunities

So just join us on a walk through the Shiba Sequoia forest on Thursday nights at 07:00 p.m. estimated, and you'll get more info. Thank you, Bendere. Thank you, lads, and appreciate you. Man, I tell you, from helping out or you allowing me, allowing us to be a part of that, I think it was eight or nine weeks, ended up being with the musical dreams run, which was phenomenal, leading up to eve Toronto and live performances by fondue and, yeah, the young lady, I know, she.

Collaborative Community Efforts

She came on that week. I can't remember her name. I apologize. But just seeing that and then now leading here in the Sheba fest too, as well. And I'm knowing dream. I can't say anything because I don't know anything but just knowing dream, I'm pretty sure he'll have some kind of hand in something somewhere at some point with everything going on with that one.

Expected Contributions from Community

I know in the past he has contributed directly to the Sheba sequoia force through the sheepdream nfts and just, you know, just General GP too, through Shibarmy Co. So expect no other, nothing different. I don't know at what scale, but something was, I'm sure be there. So I thought this was also a good night to kind of coincide with that and kick off with that too, man, and appreciate you coming up.

Future Engagements

Hopefully we'll get Shayla on next week. Just putting that out there. Yeah, let's. Let's manifest that one, but yeah, dreams. Always been a big supporter of the Shiba Sequoia forest and, you know, I do want to make it known, you know, though it's Shiba Fest, you know, welcome all the projects that are building within the Shib ecosystem and supporting the Shib ecosystem as well as others outside of the Shib ecosystem.

Collaboration and Community Growth

We feel that we're all here building together, growing together, and welcome you all. There is also r1 quick shout out that I would also like to give the night shift with their shift heads magazine that they had launched for September. I was really impressed. I'm always impressed seeing them so shout out to crystal and CFP for the hard work that they put into that and highlighting musicians and builders in this space. I just wanted to give a shout out to them while I was up here.

Community Insights and Engagement

That is beautiful, lads. I'm glad you brought that up because I just so happened to be in their space last night and caught the article and was kind of flipping through it this morning, and I was like, man, this is really cool. Yeah. For a, for online magazine, you could just kind of flip through the pages, check out everything and that kind of thing there too, as well. So big shouts out to you for bringing that up.

Memories and Reflection

And thank you so much here too, as well, man, for taking a moment. Yeah, I'm going to give. I don't know if you remember this, lads, but about a year ago when crypto Nick was just doing the manifest threads, we just all get in there and start manifesting stuff. I'm just. Maybe I'll start one of those for Shayla coming up next week and we'll talk a little Sheba fest, North Carolina.

Community Longevity and Nostalgia

Yeah, it's funny. You said about a year ago. I think that was, like, two, three years ago. We've been here forever, man. Oh, my God. That was, like, a couple years ago. That's. Wow. Big. Shouts out to crypto deck. Thank you and appreciate you.

Introducing New Voices

We got shibarium pups up here, man. How you doing? What's going on? We're here celebrating limited tonight. Limited. Just to let you know, I'm gonna have you go into a little bit more in depth stuff here with that one, too. Hopefully, we'll get some of our colleagues to come up here this evening, but if not, we'll rock with it.

Community Presence and Networking

And I'm. I got notes, and. And I'll. I'll fill in the blanks. We'll go. We can do this, but, Shabir pups in the meantime, has come up, man. We always appreciate your presence. How you doing? Doing good, bud. How are you? Okay, man. Can hear you clearly, too. Great job.

Community Engagement and Support

Oh, man. You know, just kind of doing the. Doing the family thing, you know, got big things in the works. Was excited for the limited launch. I jumped in there and helped, you know, battle some of the insanity of a, you know, a token gin event. So that was fun. Just throwing support to them.

Community Spirit and Engagement

Yeah. Always happy to be here. Happy that you're willing to let me speak again after the Devro. So, you know, always positive. Yeah. I haven't had a chance, really, to speak to you direct. I did want to let you know and thank you for coming up. The mother trucker was from a place of love, man. I was trying.

Engaging Community Conversations

Don't even let me lie. I was trying to fit in the moment. You know? The space was wild, so I figured I just throw that one out there just to kind of throw everybody off a little bit and just. It was the most epic one liner that ever existed, man.

Collaboration and Community Connections

Like, you don't have to apologize for that. That. Like, you won an MVP award for that line, because it was chaos and no one seen it coming, and you just, boom. I am bender. Hear me roar. But I was having a blast. It was some. Certainly some shot value in there. And, yeah, I would.

Future Opportunities

I would. Sign me up again. Do I. Do I hope it happens again? Probably not. But if it happens again, sign me up again. I'm in. Let's do it. Let's go. I mean, we'll for sure do it again, but next time, we'll do it in actual, like, real setup, the way that I think we originally both had it in mind.

Community Fun and Engagement

Just, you know, you get all these devs hopped up on monster energy drinks and beef jerky, and they go absolutely wild. Yeah. Like, you were saying that I tried to come in a couple times. You did, too. And it just. It kept just delving back into chaotic madness. And just finally, I just. I blame Zach from subway.

Reflections on Community Engagement

I blame Zach from some. I blame a lot of people, but it was. But nonetheless. Still a good time. Yeah. If. If we can just end on a happier note, we'll. We'll be good, I think. Hopefully. Hopefully it's just not recorded again. Maybe that works.

Recording and Memory

Yeah. If it's not recorded, it never happened. Bender. Somebody's got that recorded. So I know that for a fact, but at least you can't just randomly play it back on. On X when you feel like it. Like, what's this? Oh, that's crazy. The common narrative is that it's you, Bender.

Community Accountability

You're the one with the recording of it. I don't have a recording of it, but I can almost guarantee you, if I'm. If I'm on a space, I told you during that space, too. If I'm on a space, it's probably being recorded by somebody I. That I do know. I don't know who, but nine times out of ten, I'd.

Reflections on Public Spaces

I end up. I end up elsewhere on the Internet with chopped up versions of what I said out of context. But it's all good. That comes with the territory, I guess. No worries. But thank you for coming up here. And I think all of y'all. Sharpie. Corrupt fund. I believe, lads.

Partnership Announcements

I believe shops. Y'all just had the announcement, I believe, for the partnership with Shiva enews, too, as well. Am I correct on that one? Yeah. I mean, and I forgot all about it. But shout out to them. It's token gated.

Project Innovations

You got to be holding tokens or nfts from one of our four projects. But, yeah, no getting there. It's a. It's an awesome hub, and I'm finding myself spending more time in Shiba eternity now because there's guides and the whole nine yards for it.

Community Resources

Like, it's really cool. And it's a great place to stay up to date on, not only on Shibarium, but some of your favorite projects, too. So, yeah, Shiba news. Yeah. If you haven't been in that discord server and you hold one of our four assets and meet the requirements, get in there and check it out.

Community Engagement Opportunities

I sat there amazed for, I don't know, probably an hour and a half yesterday as Sergeant Augie was walking me through everything. I've never seen a server like, it is not just a Rolodex. It's a hub. It has information on all of the Shibarium projects and Shib ecosystem projects and so much more, from entertainment to news to expedite, all, like, it's.

Collaboration and Resources

It is the go to hub. I was. I was shocked. He put a lot of work into that. So, Sergeant Augie, hats off to you, man. You did an amazing job. And if you're. If you're looking to, you know, a partner with Shiba enews, I I highly recommend reaching out and partnering with them.

Building Partnerships

Your information is in there. Regardless. If you're with the Shib ecosystem, even some of the. Some of the youtubers outside of the ecosystem and more, you're in there. So might as well partner and help build this. This discord server.

Community Call to Action

It's a. It's the go to hub for everything Shib, so let's grow it. Beautiful, man. And great to hear, man. Thank you all, guys, for coming up here this evening and hanging out here with us again, man. We're here on living a dream week 119.

Final Thoughts

Calvin J's on the scene. That's about all I got, if you know what I mean. But, yeah, we're having a blast tonight, and I'm just. I'm just. I'm beyond excited, man. It's. It's been a whirlwind, y'all. I can't remember. When. When did we.

Project Origins and Developments

Here? When did the project start? Was it April? Was it before that? It might have been. I'm. Which project? The limited portion. Oh, man. Like years, but, yeah. Yeah, yeah. It's been a while.

Remembering Project Beginnings

Scrolling back to my gifts. I'm gonna say. I'm gonna say April because I think it was after Valentine's Day because I. I don't recall. I remember having a bunch of just she dream nft related gifts up till about that point. So I'm gonna say march, April somewhere is when limited was kind of introduced.

Project Developments Over Time

And it's just been phenomenal with everything, just kind of seeing every. Every aspect of it and. And how things unfolded during the summer, you know, because I believe that the launch is supposed to be early June, then late June, then to be announced. And they kept saying, hey, we've got partnerships.

Looking to the Future

We're doing things behind the scenes, you know, that kind of stuff. And then you would just start seeing, you know, these phenomenal leaks of what was happening, you know, as the months unfolded. And then, you know, I. I'll be honest, man. Just like from title sponsor Eve Toronto.

Reflections on Partnerships

I was like, oh, wow, like huge. Like, like this token ain't even dropped yet, you know, like that's, I imagine they just don't let anybody, you know, throw that name in terms they might let you be a spy. I don't know. I'm not going to speak for each Toronto's policies, but I would imagine like they don't have to take you as a title sponsor, like if they don't want to, you know, like they don't need to do that.

Achievements and Milestones

They, they did that because of what was being built and presented. So from that point on, man, I was just like, just have faith. Well, I was always having faith in patients. Don't let me lie. But when it got delayed, I was like, I'm chilling.

Encouragement for Community

Just let me know, you know, that kind of thing. But you tell us, man, talk about what's going on here with the token and give us a little bit of tokenomics, that kind of stuff here for those that might be new to living the dream token since it's only been out since last Thursday.

Support and Philanthropy

He did that. He also donated to the Manny Packwell, excuse me, for the pronunciation foundation. He's been supporting so many different communities and so many different people in the space for so long. It just shows you what type of person he is. And he was doing this selflessly long before he started the dream Nft collection and the limited token, it just speaks volumes to his character.

Staking Opportunities

But also, I wanted to speak a moment on the staking that's. That's going to be coming out. You had mentioned, you know, the ability to stake for Shib or stake for k nine. One of the things that I'm really looking forward to, because I travel a lot, and many of us do travel a lot in this space, is being. Being able to stake up my limited for travel rewards points for dream travel. That, that's exciting to me. If we can, you know, offset just a little bit of cost for all our traveling to all these different conferences. That's huge. That's huge to me. And so I look forward to that. That's one of the things I look forward to most, is being able to stake for the dream travel.

Community Recognition

And so, yeah, you know, I appreciate you, hero, for everything that you've done for the community as well, and coming up here to speak on behalf of limited, you do so well. And, yeah, it's been good. So thank you. Thank you. And it was a pleasure meeting you. We had so much fun in Toronto. It was great. So, yeah. So the staking. The staking is a very important piece of limited. And the staking platform is already being built out. It's just about ready. It is being built by Source Hat, which is the big auditing company. They are actually the ones that helped us with launch.

Development of the Project

Source Hat is making a cross staking across chain staking platform to Shiberium, which is a very important piece of limited, again, supporting Shiberium, bringing TVL into Shiberium, even though we launched on ethereum, knowing that the volume, the tax rewards, being able to bring in revenue that could be used to support Shiberium projects, to do the cross chain staking to bring TVL into the chain is a major and very important goal of limited. And that is why, you know, supporting Shib in the cross chain staking, supporting with canine finance and what they're doing is such an important piece.

Dream Travel Rewards

And the dream travel rewards is something that I actually didn't even know about. Right. Even being, even being a part of the team and knowing so much of the workings that's going on, like the dream travel rewards and the staking for that is something that I got surprised with this week. There's so much going on at all times with this team and with Sentinel and with dream and there's so many different moving pieces happening all the time that I don't think I even know the expanse of just everything that's happening, which is exciting, you know, for myself as well.

Future Opportunities

You know, like I was actually on a space and then I saw Sentinel announce that you could stake very soon and you'll get travel rewards from for that as well. And yeah, I had the same reaction as Andrew is that, hey, like, we're getting invited to all these amazing places, like, you know, all these festivals and conferences and I can't go. Right, like, I can't afford to go to all of them, but I want to be there, especially after Toronto. So having like, the ability to stake and earn travel rewards and Sentinel has teased that we are going to have travel deals that are really set at the lowest you could ever find.

Positive Outlook

And I'm really excited to see where dream travel goes to hear about our travel partnership that's going to be announced very soon. And that piece and the cross chain staking, I mean, I love Shib. I think that the future is so bright, especially with what we're doing with the burns and growing that and I am so supportive of what canine is doing for Shiberium and believe that as far as having staking rewards in a couple of projects that have, you know, high growth potential, it's awesome to be able to in other tokens and travel rewards, like so. Can't wait for that.

Utility of Limited

It should be within about a week's time now. And so very excited about the cross chain staking. I guess I should really go into the core utility of limited. Everything else is built around it, the community, the staking, the tokenomics. But the real core utility built around Limited is a web advertising platform. And when I talk about this, what really went into the thinking behind this and limited, when it originally launched, had a light paper that was brought out and I think it had like eight different utilities.

Market Strategies

It didn't really have a core utility. It was, it was a vision of, that was so big that, you know, I think that it was like, okay, we can have a swap, we can have a wallet, we can do this and we can have, you know, but really, when you look at, when you tear it back and you look at where there is a gap right now in crypto, it is this digital advertising platform and the ability to market your project or company in a way that's safe in a way that is meaningful, and especially in web three, in a way where you're not going to get tokens dumped on you and with Kols, and to have the ability to advertise and to offer revenue to web three companies, to web two companies, and to bridge that gap between web two and web three and bring real world businesses into web three in a way that we can onboard them, give them a safe place to advertise, show them that crypto is not all bad, right?

Community Engagement

We can introduce them to communities of people who are good, who are building. You know, that is why there's over 40 community partnerships that have happened already. And still happening is because we can introduce these web two companies to these projects and people that can help expand a voice, expand a marketing, agenda, and also earn some revenue back into their project at the same time. And the beauty of all of this is that dream does come from a background of over 20 years of multi million dollar digital advertising. So he has this history, he has connections to web two companies, and he has the ability to kind of bridge that gap between Web two and Web three in a way that you can't do without relationships.

Awareness of Scams in Cryptocurrency

Be careful with fake support scams. You know, we've been, like, moving your funds from your main wallet to a new wallet. If you're trying something new so you don't get drained. There's just so many things. And, you know, I have seen that on the telegram in the limited. You know, people come in asking questions. If you're new to crypto or new to blockchain, there are people that will help you. And that's the call to action to everybody in this room. always help the new people. because it's not easy to, you know, start a coinbase or Robin Hood or whatever centralized exchange to put your money in then. And, oh, you got to create a metamask or a phantom wallet or whatever it may be. And you got to move your funds over there and all these things. There's so many steps that somebody can screw up on and lose everything or a lot.

Personal Experience with Scams

And, I mean, I've been through it. Probably everybody in here has been scammed one shape, form or fashion. And so just remember, always be patient and helpful with anybody that's new to crypto or blockchain. And, you know, because we all started somewhere and needed someone to teach us. Thank you. That's beautiful, coach man. And thank you again for coming up here. Of course, safety is always at the top of our minds in regards to that one, too, as well. So, yeah, can never have enough tips and thank you again for coming here and always represent. And, you know, when you're talking, I try to, you know, pay extra. Not that I'm not paying attention, but a little extra attention, I'll put it that way. So, yeah, appreciate you.

The Importance of Community Support

Let's see here. We'll go over to lads and tame the arc. I haven't forgot about you. I did want to just give you a little heads up, though, before we call it on you, but we'll go over here to lads. If you have any final thoughts here in regards to the limited takeover, we appreciate you stopping out. Thank you, Bender. Yeah, final thoughts. Just kind of piggyback off of what coach had said. You know, somebody actually yesterday had said to me that, you know, they've reached out to so many different people and somebody specifically had said to him that he reminded them of a mosquito and how they just kept coming back and coming back. And I just want to put it out there. You know, somebody else also recently had said to me, you know, they thanked me for saying hello to them and a telegram.

The Value of Warm Welcomes

I was one of the first to speak to them and welcome them into a project. And don't underestimate those mosquitoes out there. Don't underestimate those small accounts, those new accounts, the new people who are coming into this space, because just being friendly and welcoming them in can make a huge difference for all of us. You don't know. You don't know who they are, what value they bring to the ecosystem and whether that one hello. Or that good morning. You know, those welcoming gestures, you don't know what difference that's going to make in their life and what type of ripple effect that's going to have on everybody in our ecosystem. So always be kind, always choose to walk with love and, yeah, appreciate everybody for coming through tonight.

Engagement and Community Building

I did go ahead and throw in the comments below the telegram for the Shiba sequoia forest as well as the telegram for limited token. Join us. We'll definitely be welcoming you. If you're not in there, come say hello and take a walk with us again. Thank you, bender. Thank you, everybody, for coming out tonight. Appreciate you. Thank you, lads. And as always, it's. You're just a hard act to follow, man. It's always just from a beautiful place, and I have to, you know, really lock in on my. My thinking of others perspective, I guess you could say. When. When I'm listening to you, and it's. It's just always beautiful, man.

Collaboration and Next Steps

Let me ask you a question, if you can do me a favor. I don't know if. If you can or you can't, but can you help me out with five people for the C fund? When? Before we get off of here, just wait, wait. You want me to run a Twitter picker? Yeah, just run a Twitter picker for five. You can shoot me a DM. I'll make sure everybody gets contacted properly in that one on behalf of c five. But I'm just. I don't know where they went. My normal. Yeah, I don't. You know. You know, I am. I'm always asking queen to do this, right. Let me walk to the computer.

Technical Aspects of Project Development

Give me a. No, man. I know. And I would usually be asking queen, too. And I don't like to move about too much in the space there. In terms of that, I rarely check DM's, that kind of thing. It seems like the more activity I do off the space, the higher the chance of the rug. But, yeah, if we can do that one that way, I can. I can kind of keep moving through everybody. I just want to give somebody a heads up because I was just about to hit telegram and I'm like, yeah. Like, I gotta kind of. Kind of keep my head on the swivel here where everybody's talking.

Community Feedback and Improvements

So I just figured. I just asked you, why you up here, man. I appreciate you. Yeah, I got. I got you. What were the requirements? Was it just repost the space and the hashtag limited? Hashtag, correct. Yeah, yeah, those were the minimums. No. Okay. Okay, cool. I got it then. Yep. No worries, man. I appreciate you 1 million% for stepping in on that behalf here. Again, I've been. Yeah, just off. Off the chain tonight, put it that way. But thank you.

Significant Announcements in the Community

Tame the arc here. If you would like to leave us any closing thoughts here on limited. Thank you for coming up and hanging out with us this evening. I think. Thank you. Yes, sir. So we're talking about security earlier. I did. I want someone from the limited to reach out to me. I registered the domain name, the limitedtoken.com because it's the same as your twitter, just so no bad actor could register that domain name. And the second address for security was that the website debtstools IO has like a false flag for your transfer. Possible for, I guess like the trading stuff for limited. And I was wondering if that's something that can be addressed later this week to the public.

Reassuring Trust Within the Community

I believe I saw that lightspeed had already submitted something on that, but it is definitely something that was noticed. So it's in the works. Okay, so lightspeed did send me the code that I can verify so that it. I can let people know that transfers are not possible. That it's possible. Yep, I just got the code, so I'll be able to make a video later this week addressing that because some people are concerned about that. Also, the maximum sales tax and how the sales tax could increase or decrease is 10%, like the maximum that it can ever go to. I'll return that back because I'm working on the quick here because I think I'm also typing all this code to you in telegram.

Transparency in Operations

Are you the one I'm typing because someone else is asking me to provide the solidity code. I provided you the solidity code on the hidden owner. False positive. It's a false positive. There is no hidden owner on it. So I provided you the solidity code that shows the constructor that initializes the ownership. And I also provide you an example where the only owner modifier is being used to restrict access to functions. And then I also provided you with the solidity code on the possible false positive. And I've added additional comments in the code. So for those who aren't too literate on code can follow along, but it shows how the function enables trading and that it can only be called by the owner.

Ensuring Clarity and Education

And then I showed the code that shows the internal transfer logic. I also show the code where trading is enabled before allowing the transfers. And also show the code for you where the function enables trading and that there's nothing where you can disable it once it's on. Okay, I see that zeppelin code and I do have one suggestion that you might want to do on your website. Have like a charts page on your website and maybe chart out the amount of limited tokens that are being burned from the taxes and the shib that you guys are burning as well, just so that the community can see over time. Yeah, yeah. I'm a data guy.

Community Engagement on Transparency

I'm the kind of the data science guy here, so I love numbers, and I'll forward that along to them. I definitely don't want to get into website stuff, but I'll definitely pass on the advice. It's a good one. I appreciate it. All right, thank you. Appreciate the space on the transparency of the information. I think that's going to boost confidence with the retail traders and I. One thing about trading before I go, if your project can hit $10 billion market cap, the token is going to be above two cent. And that's crazy to even think about over the next few years.

Outlook on Future Opportunities

Right? Not financial advice and everything, but, yeah, that would be even crazy to think about at the moment. It's. It's crazy just being a part of this project. And, and again, from just a perspective of not too long ago, you know, a lot of people coming into the space, including myself, you know, thinking in terms of a traditional, you know, holder, I guess you could say, or community member, that kind of thing. And for Shabbam and just shib army community members, just absolutely, you know, going above and beyond and really building and really giving, just unbelievable, you know, a whole new perspective on, you know, now this is giving you a chance to be part of a community is just phenomenal.

Personal Reflections on Involvement

Like, I can't. I really can't thank, dream enough for the opportunities and things that I've been a part of. I'll speak for me personally. I'm hoping Calvin J and crypto queen and light would agree with me on this, but I'll speak for me personally. It's such a beautiful thing. I didn't mean to ramble on there. Go ahead with your hand. Yeah, I forgot to answer his question about the fees. And I also sent him the code, the solidity code on it. But the admin functions. Only the owner can change it.

Understanding Ownership and Control

And by the way, the owner is multisig, so there's another layer of controls on top of that. So I just wanted to let people understand that. But in the code, there's a check. And the check is if buy is greater than ten or if sell is greater than ten, then the smart truck is going to do a reverse. If it's below ten or the cells below ten, then it's going to admit that the fees have been changed. And so that's where he built into the code, and I sent that to him. So I think that will help reassure some of some folks on there. So if there's any false flags on any of these automated scanners anywhere, I'm happy to go after it and help them understand the code.

Community Engagement and Contributions

That's beautiful. And, yeah, just from not only this project, but watching a lot of things getting developed here on shibarium and big shots out to the bus here, I think. I don't know if he was able to get up here or not, but he was up here earlier and just as really got me on the path of just starting to really understand the coding side of it and, you know, reading, like, GitHub and that kind of thing there, too, as well. It's just been phenomenal. And these are definitely areas of the blockchain I didn't expect to be exploring so quickly, but here we are and, yeah, just another thing to figure out and forward with.

Growth in Understanding and Skills

And it, yeah, it does help out, you know, on the overall learning scale. So I appreciate y'all even taking a moment out here to even talk about this and tying it all back to security, too. And, you know, from a holder's perspective is omni important, obviously. Thank you, hero. Any final thoughts here for us that you. That you like to leave us with? I always got something to say, so. Yes, you know what? First off, thanks, Bender. Thanks, everyone, for being here.

Positive Recap and Community Vibe

I always. I always come away from the recap feeling, like, really good. I don't know why, but for some reason, like, I. Every time I join the recap and every time I'm here and, like, I end up logging off and I just feel good. So I like the vibe of. Of what is here. And. And, I think it's really just the people, right? And, for limited, Join the community. Be a part of the community. Join the vision. Join the dream.

Call to Action for Community Involvement

I think that if you come into the community and you act as a part of the community you support, you're going to enjoy yourself, right. And feel like you're part of something, because I think that is the goal of everything that's being done right now is making everyone feel part of it is going to be a Dow project, a community run project, and we are going to need people in the community doing work, adding their expertise, and so come join, be part of. You know, there's so many. So much groundwork that's already been laid, so much more to lay.

Exciting Developments and Future Prospects

There's some huge announcements already lined up. I know that there's been teased earlier today that there's a very big partnership in the works there. There's another centralized exchange listing in the works. There's more marketing in the works and really, that is all overshadowing the fact that it is a long term project that is going to be built out and it's all going to be community run. And, you know, again, come join the telegram. Be part of it. You know, see the vision, see what's happening.

Anticipating Future Announcements

And we're going to have some great announcements, you know, coming as soon as, you know, tonight, tomorrow. And we're going to build and this is a long term project and, you know, that we're, it's going to be run with that mindset. So very excited about the future and what's going to happen with all these communities, with shibarium, with, you know, limited. And I myself am proud and honored to just be part of it. So thanks, guys. Thank you and appreciate you coming up again here.

Community Acknowledgements

Real big shouts out to all, doll it up here. Represent for Sharpie earlier and everybody else that has come to, up here to speak tonight. I am just, again, just phenomenal in terms of, you know, when it comes to the tokenomics of it. Just to supply from, you know, right out the gates, gay aisle being listed. KCX also burning. He burning limited just. Yeah, it's just been a whirlwind a couple of days here. And like, every time alert goes off, I'm just like, whoa. Like, that's pretty huge.

Looking Forward to Collaborations

And I think they, even for you, it might have been. I don't know who always is running the account, but alluded to another major partnership on the horizon and everything, too. So just, again, the buildup and everything else that goes into it is just been remarkable here. I think you kind of summed up everything there, too. So I just want to do a couple community shots to everybody in the room. And I appreciate you hanging in here with us tonight.

Final Thoughts and Acknowledgments

And lads, just to give you a heads up, we'll go ahead and announce those winners here once I'm done with that, if you're ready. And then Calvin J. We'll ride out with some music here. Just to let you give, just to give you a little heads up there too, as well. But again, thank you for coming up here and hanging out with us here tonight. Tame the art.

Celebration of Participants and Community

Appreciate you too, as well as Mister Lightspeed coming up. Andrew. Lads. Calvin J. Coach George, I believe. Let's see here. The gym pickers in the building. Goose true. Good to see you back. As well as effort. Diaz. I believe that Sergeant Augie, thank you for coming through. As well as dory sheep, we also have baja life for Alex eco heads Shiba enews. I believe that is Boho Yukino. Thank you for coming as well, coming back, I should say, as well as Sharpie Token Shib co op Shiba bling didier, kids in the building.

Community Participation and Support

Still, thank you as well as no one for hanging out here with us tonight. Shabarium. I'll work on that. Sylvester Stallone. Good to see you too, as well. Sabotage. Clifford del dot Shib. We'll probably hear some announcements here but congratulations to you as well as deaf wish crypto, good to see you to check out deaf wish Crypto on Mondays, I believe 1030 eastern. There to follow the account, if you're not familiar, she was sequoia force, lads.

Encouragement for Community Actions

Save the effing trees or save the forest together, however you like to put it. But also appreciate you as well as Barkoshi Shiva, soaps and squares. My guy, salty bot. Good to see you back. Crypto bit man. Good to see you back. Jason, good to see you here. What we got? We got to kill the community in the building. Good shout out toe killer, recent partner announced here the limited token tame token in the building.

Acknowledgments of Efforts

I believe that's with our esteemed speaker tonight. Rhino tough eth. Love the name, appreciate you coming to as well as. Let's see here. We got Gabby, we got my guy, Jimmy. Crypto 8808 and beyond. Love the name, appreciate you coming to as well. Spinks, David, Lg. George the dog. Am I following you back? I am not. I am following you back now. Unreal cow.

Wrap Up and Future Engagements

Good to see you. Unlucky Eve. Love the name, following you back, all that. We're going to see if we can get lucky tonight as well as death, human, appreciate you coming to as well. Tony, Tim, let's see here. Crypto, crypto spotter, coyote token Kai. Crypto rule. Oh, crypto rules. Bubble. Love the name, appreciate you.

Acknowledging Contributions to the Community

Lee shown sharks, exhausted. Shelby, Jenny, Illumina. Illumi, I should say X Muncher. Love that name. X Muncher shifts to Shibarium. Shabarium. We'll work on that. Let's see here. We got crypto kingdom force guidance, lads. I ain't even got to pull up the whole name. I know that one. Big shots out to you. Thank you for coming through.

Recognizing Involvement of Various Members

As well as bo mo, crypto nerd I see in the building. F*** losers. My guy, I got an Asian symbol. I'm not going to mispronounce that, but big shout outs to you at Tara AWOL. Thank you for coming in, I know I mispronounced that but shouts to you anyway. Russ, Rena Sago, Chris, Holly streets. I got a few others in the back. I can't find you. I apologize, but know you are loved and cherished and we appreciate you here tonight on the recap.

Reflecting on the Week's Activities

Week 119 has been the living the dream limited takeover. And I've had a blast here and looking forward to doing this again and again here along with the other partners. Been a fun night and thank you again for hanging in here with the script o hero. Lads, do we have some winners to announce?

Announcing Winners for the Evening

We have some winners to announce. I just had him pulled. Just a second. Here we go. Okay, so seafun winners for tonight. Unreal cow. We've got, let's see, death seven. Death human Livio Rivera. And then we have X Muncher and we have my. We'll go with Jenny. Jenny. So reach out to corrupt fun. Congratulations for your winnings and thank you for participating in supporting c fun limited and the Shib recap.

Final Arrangements and Considerations

And do me a favor, lads, send me that list here too, because, you know, they'll come and knocking at the door front and I want to make sure that correct funds got the proper list to match everybody up here too, as well. I have seen that happen in spaces. So if you can send me that list, we'll make sure everybody gets taken care of. Must be a part. Yep.

Continued Communication and Organization

Oh, sorry. Yeah, I got everybody tagged in the comments below, but I'll go ahead and send that to your DM's. If you already did that, you're one step ahead of me because that's what I was going to do. So I'll check out the tag. Thank you. No worries. I think you already did what I was talking about and appreciate you there too, as well, and holding it down here for us to see.

Looking Towards the Future

Looking forward to the next few weeks here or about the next month or so. So I want to make sure I include Superfest North Carolina too, as well. Calvin J, we got any music to ride out to? Maybe not. No music, unfortunately. X has just got my mic button on. Five minute delay, but ready to rock when you are. All right, let's just go ahead and go into it.

Concluding Thoughts

That might be a sign when the, when the mute button, start sticking. Yeah. And, we'll wrap it up here. It's been a fun night and I think we should end on a high note. Thank you. For sure. 1000%. But I do see Andrew with his hand up. What you got? Maybe not. Do you have anything.

Final Remarks and Gratitude

Andrew. I think he's giving you to go ahead to play the music. Appreciate you. And without further ado, I do appreciate everybody for hanging in on the spaces here and make sure that you go over to sell XYZ and indulge and join the huddle. Rock and roll with the shib army always. And don't forget to vote Mandev play. I don't get the mission, man, 30, but 30, man.

Creative Collaborations and Music

Call on the dutch man. Calvin say, hey. Man, I'm gonna make a play. I say, with the best of playing. All right, that's from Calvin J's single out right now on the blockchain. Make sure you check out his pinned tweet here. I don't know if we got that one up in the jumbo time, but we can put that one up there, too. I'm off up. I'm off my game tonight, y'all.

Celebrating Contributions and Achievements

Just don't let me lie. Big shouts out to crypto queen, crypto, Nick Og, Calvin J, along with Julie the cat lads, shayla, everybody else out there sharing and contributing the information this week with everything. Again, happy birthday to my guys. Ain't, I mean, much loves to you at shiva. Soaps and scrubs. And everybody involved with the project, too, as well.

Appreciation and Looking Ahead

But today's your day, man, and just want to say appreciate you on your birthday. Again, thank you so much. Limited token for taking the time tonight to hang out here with us on a couple hours and just giving everybody the alpha and the tokens. Finally out, we're released. We're ready to rock.

Reflecting on Experiences and Future Aspirations

It's been a fun evening here and just looking forward to building dreams here over years to come and that type of thing. So I will leave it on that. Week 119 is in the books. Week 120 starts right about now. Definitely be safe in your travels. God bless. Take care.

Final Shoutouts and Encouragement

Shiva. Chiba. Y'all gonna make us stand alone? Come on, now. Sheba. Sheba. Sheba. Tay narc. We might need a sheba friend. Give us a shiba. Shiva. Nice music. Calvin J. I was just subscribing to your YouTube. You love.

Closing the Session

Hey, I appreciate you. Thank you very kindly. And on that note, siva, we out. We, not me. Take care, y'all.

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