Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Sekuya: Revolutionizing Digital Engagement with a Unique Vision hosted by 0xTrikon. Sekuya's Twitter Space delved deep into the realm of Web3 infrastructure for gaming, emphasizing the platform's unique vision to empower a billion gamers. The discussions highlighted the transformative potential of Web3 technology in revolutionizing digital engagement within the gaming industry. Key points focused on community involvement, innovation, partnerships, and user-centered design as crucial elements for the success and scalability of gaming platforms like Sekuya. Overall, the space provided insights into how Web3 can enhance immersive experiences, ownership structures, and in-game economies, shaping the future landscape of gaming.

For more spaces, visit the Gaming page.


Q: How does Sekuya leverage Web3 infrastructure for gamers?
A: Sekuya utilizes Web3 to enhance digital engagement and empower gamers with innovative experiences.

Q: What sets Sekuya's vision apart in the gaming industry?
A: Sekuya's unique vision aims to revolutionize digital engagement and cater to a billion gamers.

Q: Why is community involvement crucial for platforms like Sekuya?
A: Community engagement is vital for user retention, feedback, and sustainable growth of gaming platforms.

Q: How can Web3 innovation transform the gaming experience?
A: Web3 innovation introduces new levels of interactivity, ownership, and monetization for gamers.

Q: What role do partnerships play in scaling gaming platforms?
A: Partnerships facilitate growth, access to resources, and enhanced experiences for users on gaming platforms like Sekuya.

Q: Why is understanding gamer preferences important in digital engagement?
A: Catering to gamer preferences ensures tailored experiences, increased user satisfaction, and platform growth.

Q: What benefits does Web3 technology offer to gaming platforms?
A: Web3 technology enables decentralized interactions, enhanced security, and innovative gameplay features.

Q: How can Sekuya balance innovation and user experience effectively?
A: By prioritizing user feedback, testing, and iterative development, Sekuya can innovate without compromising user satisfaction.

Q: What potential does Web3 hold for the future of gaming platforms?
A: Web3 has the potential to revolutionize ownership, in-game economies, and social interactions within gaming platforms.

Q: How can gaming platforms like Sekuya create immersive experiences for users?
A: By leveraging Web3 technologies, gaming platforms can offer customizable avatars, virtual assets, and interactive gameplay elements.


Time: 00:15:43
Introduction to Sekuya's Web3 Focus Exploring how Sekuya is pioneering Web3 infrastructure for digital engagement in the gaming sector.

Time: 00:25:18
Vision for Empowering a Billion Gamers Unveiling Sekuya's ambitious goal of empowering a large gaming community with innovative solutions.

Time: 00:35:59
Community-Centric Approach of Sekuya Discussing how Sekuya involves its community in platform development and decision-making.

Time: 00:45:22
Partnerships for Growth and Expansion Highlighting the importance of partnerships in scaling Sekuya's reach and offerings.

Time: 00:55:37
Innovative User Experience Strategies Exploring how Sekuya combines innovation with user-centric design in its gaming platform.

Time: 01:05:44
Web3's Impact on Gaming Economies Analyzing the influence of Web3 technology on in-game economies and ownership structures.

Time: 01:15:19
Future Trends in Web3 Gaming Predicting upcoming trends and advancements in Web3-based gaming experiences.

Time: 01:25:55
Sekuya's Roadmap for Digital Engagement Unveiling Sekuya's strategic plan for enhancing digital engagement and user experiences.

Time: 01:35:29
User-Centric Design Principles Examining how Sekuya prioritizes user feedback and preferences in platform development.

Time: 01:45:11
Immersion Through Web3 Technologies Showcasing how Sekuya creates immersive experiences through advanced Web3 features.

Key Takeaways

  • Sekuya focuses on Web3 infrastructure to enhance digital engagement for gamers.
  • The platform aims to empower a billion gamers through its unique vision.
  • Embracing the principles of Web3 can transform the gaming industry.
  • Innovation in digital engagement is key to capturing a broader gaming audience.
  • Sekuya's approach highlights the importance of community involvement in gaming platforms.
  • The space discussed the potential of Web3 to revolutionize the gaming experience.
  • Balancing innovation and user experience is crucial for the success of gaming platforms.
  • Collaboration and partnerships are essential for scaling gaming platforms like Sekuya.
  • Understanding the needs and preferences of gamers is fundamental in digital engagement strategies.
  • Web3 technology offers new opportunities for gaming platforms to create immersive experiences.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Greetings

Hey. Hi. Good day. Hi there. This is Bala here who's joined. Yes, ready for my end. Great. Sorry, who is this, by the way, who joined from Sakiya? I can only see your official id. Oh, yeah, this is Josh from Sequia. Hello, Josh, my name is Bala, I head technology for Tricon. Oh, hey, Bala. Hi. So, Josh, let's give everyone maybe about another couple minutes and, you know, then we can get started perhaps. Sure thing, sure thing.

Starting the Discussion

All right, Josh, I guess we should get started and you know, for those who come in, we can help them with a quick roundup if need be. Okay. Weather. And Josh, I think someone else has joined in from secure. Do you think they need to be enabled, the speaker as well? I think since the time is around 02:00 p.m. right now. So most of them are whether in college or working. So yeah, probably later from CPI. They can also listen to the recording. Absolutely. All right then, let's get started. So, yeah, firstly, welcome to the AMA, Josh, and thanks for joining us.

Introduction of Trikon

This would be a very interesting conversation, I expect, given the overlaps that you and I have in terms of we're building a gaming ecosystem, you're building a game. I'm sure there'll be very many overlaps that we could talk about and how this could potentially revolutionize web three gaming, both of us together. So by way of quick introductions, my name is Bala, I'm the CTO for Trikon ecosystem. So the idea of Trikon is to build a gaming platform to enable a lot of games to get onboarded onto web three. The way we like to kind of present ourselves is we are the steam of web three. So, you know, obviously people who are in the gaming field would know about Steam today and Valorant and everything that goes on with Steam.

Decentralization of Gaming

It is a great platform, nonetheless, it is highly centralized. What we are building is, let's say Steam on steroids, right? So we're decentralizing the entire concept. We're building account abstraction layer so people can get abstracted from all of this mess of web three and be able to play games without having to worry about things like wallet sign up, seed phrases, private keys, crypto exchanges and all of these things which are all, you know, extraneous to the whole idea of gaming. So that's what we're building. We're building steam on steroids. That's a quick introduction from us. I hand it over to you, Josh, so you could tell us a little bit about yourself as well as secure as a gaming platform, and then we can take it from there.

Josh's Introduction to Sequel

Sure, Sir Bala, thank you for the time and inviting us. I'm glad to be here. So I'm just secure multiverse. So basically we're building a secure generation which is we are a game company. We also doing in the racing and also building a community kingdom. So as we know that actually in this space like ip growth is really great. Gaming itself is like having like not just web three, but in total around $200 billion. So it's like bigger than movies or like music industry. So we. We are happy that we are able to being part of the movement of the gaming since I was also a gamer since like three years old.

Achievements in Racing

Right. So really happy to be part of the game. We started like with the anime style going to raise the mobile together with the co founder of the fanglory also to help us to in bringing a new experience in the mobile. Yes, we just did like the racing past two days, which is our racer got into the number one winner of the time attack also. So yep, happy to keep growing. Excellent, excellent. And we wish you all the best. We need a lot of success stories in web three gaming for it to take off some very interesting points that you made there.

Discussion on Web Three Gaming Concept

So let's maybe, you know, try and break this up a little bit. So first of all, you know, if you take web three gaming as a concept, how did you see web three gaming as secure? Right. And, you know, how do you see, you know, multiplayer games, role play games, racing games as you are now, how do you see all that fitting into the overall web three infrastructure? Yeah, I think we're getting with the web three itself. Like I believe many of the web three gaming having like more power advantage of sharing about the beauty of the web three in terms like the blockchain, NFT and things.

Integration and User Experience

But from our end, we want to try to take a different aspect which is like, basically we have like one single id where people can connect everything from the gaming into the other games. Right. Let's say to also the marketplace of Sequela and everything connects into one secure labs. They can login into Gmail and also socials and able to create their wallet there. They have all of the items, all get guest list. So it's like a very friendly platform for the web two users in a way, because we see that many of the gamers don't really take a look about what's NFT, what's blockchain and metaverse.

Agreement on Gaming Knowledge

Absolutely. We're very much in. Sorry. Yeah, so we're very much in agreement with the way you think so, yeah. I mean, gamers don't need to know about web three. They don't need to know about blockchains. They don't really need to know about different networks, network ids and, you know, the different native currencies. I mean, all of this is very extraneous to gaming. It's a bit like saying in today's gaming, gamers don't need to know about TCP IP or ipv six and ipv four and how that affects gaming. I mean, you know, or RPC protocols. I mean, nobody cares about all this today.

The Essence of Gaming

Gaming is about enjoying gaming, right? It's not about all these extraneous technical aspects of how multiplayer games work. And web three shouldn't be any different because a gamer really doesn't care whether it's web three, web five, web eight, web 20. What difference does it make? To me? So glad to see some of those thoughts. However, if I was to go to one of the points you made about NFTs and so on and so forth, one of the things that we find very interesting is, you know, the much needed shift from current type of web three games to the future type of web three games. Let me explain that a little bit and then I'll give you to see how you all are implementing it. So the current type of web three games have mostly been, you know, Ponzi schemes. And I don't mean that in any kind of derogatory manner. When I say it's a Ponzi scheme, what I really mean is that you take from Peter to pay Paul and then you take from Paul to pay the next guy, and then you take from the next guy to pay the fourth guy.

Challenges of Current Web Three Games

But then that chain breaks eventually. And then, you know, some of the older players win, some of the newer players lose. It's just the nature of that structure. That structure has. Has certain built in points of failure, and they will always hit that point of failure. And this is what happened to practically every web three game. So it was more a scheme that actually didn't have sustainability in it. We believe that, you know, at the end of the day, there's something called gaming world assets, just like there are real world assets, and gaming world assets need to be owned. And when you own assets, you kickstart the economy. So how does secure see the idea of owning assets, of gamers owning assets and therefore participating in a gaming economy? That's very interesting.

Future of Game Assets

I mean, like, if we see, like, back into 2014, I think we know that many people already played like, dota two during that time and they love it, right? And say that, for example, my friend, he finished college, but after college, what happened is that he didn't go to work like professional work. He become like a full time game traders, right? During like in the 2014, he did something like that. So he had like special item of the dota and also, and then able to, you know, sell it in the higher place, higher price. In that sense, we can already see that the future of the game asset is there. But people like to collect like important items, just like the collectors, what we have in the physical world, right? Absolutely.

Understanding Game Traders

And I love this term that you use, game trader, because 80% of the guys in web three gaming today are actually game traders. They are there for the tokens and not for the gameplay or the game mechanics or the fun in the game, right? They're there so they can make some tokens and therefore somehow make some crypto assets. You know what we are looking to help web three games of the future do is own these assets, whether it is, you know, skins or tokens that you earn within a game and then be able to, you know, use it in marketplaces and be able to therefore not be part of some kind of a scheme, rather be part of a gaming economy. Going to some of the things that you've been talking about.

Upcoming Games and Features

So you've been, you referred to the racing game. You all are obviously into role playing games. It is amazing that you all have been inspired by anime. So do you want to give us some quick view of some of the games that people can expect to see in the secure multiverse and if there are any backstories to them that would help them get engaged with these games? Yes, yes, sure. So definitely for the game, we already have like the pre alpha last March. And by this Christmas we are going to release also for the game itself in the alpha version. So people can already do like the battle by December. And also we parallel also going into the racing competition, right? So this is like something that I share also on the space.

Racing Competitions and Market Insight

The racing is like the real racing, right? So we go into like the sport of the racing to create the racing team because like this is like actually the untouchable market. So as you know, that we all want to have like the market that actually not only want to play, to earn, but they want to spend into the game. That's how the game can. So surprisingly, in the racing communities, many of them actually gamers or so, or at least they spend big. So whether they can join as brand, they can invest or they can play the game and spend. So this kind of market is something that we try to look into. And in gaming itself, you know, we don't want to battle like mobile agents or like PUBG because those kind of games have like about 50 x the funding that we have.

Innovative Gameplay for Younger Generations

So looking at that, I think we want to take like into the three minutes gameplay in the anime, stuff like Genshin Impact, Xenos Zero, something like that. Bring like the new excitement, which is very quick for the new generation as we know that the Gen Z and Gen Alpha is more like to the generation that have quicker attention span. Right. Or shorter attention span. Yeah, definitely. Then we hope that the game can, you know, bring them new experience. Also, since we have the lobby experience, which the lobby is not like the static where they can tap. It's more like the lobby is like the MoRPG style. So it's more like a metaverse where they can move around, see the brands write something like that.

Engagement Strategies for Gamers

Excellent, excellent. So, you know, in that context, you know, one of the questions I had was, so the way I see it is, you know, having very extensive games is like a long YouTube video. While clearly shorts and reels are a lot more popular among people because it just makes it easier to consume content. Likewise, if you're in small sessions of games, your attention span is retained and you can, you know, you can continue to engage better with the game. So a question to you in terms of onboarding strategies and growth strategies. So, you know, with that being the unique aspect of secure. Right. How do you, how do you bring about millions of web two gamers and the thousands of web three gamers onto the platform?

Building Community Connections

And what do you create in terms of engagement solutions? So as we actually looking at the bigger picture of the gaming, we grow into like the community kingdom. And so also ip spread. So in terms of the community kingdom, we connect with many communities. Do you have the networks so we can, you know, create something together? Only right now we got around almost 200 community partners. We total like 2 million members in twelve countries. So we don't bring all of them into like the Korea platform because I believe they have like, let's say their own village. Right. They are like the head of the village that we connect to.

Fostering Collaborative Campaigns

So but since we connected with like 200 villages, 200 head of villages, imagine if we can later bring like a big campaign that benefit them and they can also bring the users from their villages to, you know, do something together. That's the first one.

Connection with Esports Team

The second one is like, we also connected with the esports team, one of the biggest one, Indonesia e Force. They have like about 7 million followers. Organic. They're like, they're super big. Right. So we are going to create ips together with them possibly really soon. So this is like one of the alpha that we can share here, which is the earlier news here. So hopefully, like when they buy the merchandise that we have, also they can get like special features inside of the game, like the outfit, up to the characters also.

Incentives in Gaming

Excellent. Excellent. And makes sense. Makes a lot of sense. All right, so let's move on to some thoughts around incentives and how you. How you manage incentives in gaming. So, you know, of course, while play to earn has had its share of problems and like I mentioned earlier, you know, clearly it was built on a scheme that was bound to fail. It had its failure points which would invariably always get hit. So what are the kinds of incentive mechanisms that secure is planning for the future of their gaming and all of the different types of gamings that you plan to take to market?

Community Economy and Streaming Incentives

Yeah, since that's a very good question, since maybe from the answer we can see that from our point of view, we don't really focus to the play to earn. Right. So what we're going to do is like more into the community economy and also streamless economy. So in terms of like the community economy in secure labs, they're able to, you know, if, let's say I am a community member of Village A, if I want to give something to the village so it can keep growing, I can give some kind of gift in the secure labs, you know, to make, you know, give like a thank you for, let's say, $5, $200, it will be possible.

Encouraging Streamers

So the currency, they can just like into the giving it to the sky, they can also top up using my credit card. And for the second thing, what they can do is like, for the streamers, let's say. So everyone, if they want to get more from sequoia, they can get more. If they steam more. So instead of, like they play more, we push them into stream more. Right. So they can also build their own personal branding, their own platform, showing that they are gamers, something like that.

Building a Gamer's Resume

Perfect. So did I hear you correctly? As in stream more. So they do some streaming, is that what you were saying? Yes, that's right. Okay, got it. Excellent. Because you were breaking up a little bit there. So, yeah, that makes a lot of sense. In fact, you know, this is something that we've been working on as well as part of some of the solutions that we are taking to market. We are also looking to build a universal gamer id.

The Concept of Universal Gamer ID

And the idea of a universal gamer id is to allow a gamer to build his gaming, his gamer resume, right, which doesn't exist today. You know, I may play ten different games, but there is no way for me to, you know, show everyone, hey, this is my gaming profile. This is how good I am at various games, whether it is MOBA type games or multiplayer role playing games or racing games. So if I could have a universal id which connects all of my various achievements in a way that it allows me to project my gamer resume, that will really prompt more gamers to do more in the gaming world.

Innovations in Gaming

And clearly, you know, activities like streaming and so on and so forth will add to, you know, Brownie points in your resume, right? It's a bit like, for example, in a professional resume, having speaker sessions or having done, you know, lectures or having visited colleges and so on and so forth, it adds to your resume other than just the work that you've been doing. So, yeah, I can absolutely see how it could have a positive influence on the gaming community. Having said that, what are the various innovations that you're looking at in the gaming world?

Innovating Gameplay

You know, obviously in the realm, in the space of the areas that secure is working on and how are you preparing yourself for. So outside of the web? Three, I think what we are focusing is like, let's say the mobile that we are going to do, it'd be like three versus three in the fast pace. So that's like innovating in the new gameplay. So we call it like the experimental mobile because that's something that's not exist a lot right now.

Combining Realism with Animation

And the second thing we, our second title would be in the ARPG on PC. So that one we are experimenting with the unreal five to make like a combination of realistic environment with anime. Real life style. Yeah, something like that. Fabulous. Fabulous. This is some really interesting stuff. And, you know, I must say, you know, the kind of innovations that are happening in this space, you know, that is why, you know, when it comes to digital assets, you know, we've coined this term gaming world assets.

Importance of Gaming World Assets

So everyone seems to be creating RWA solutions, which is real world asset solutions. I think gwas are equally important because if real world assets become digital, then the difference between virtual assets and, you know, real world assets just becomes more and more thinner the line just becomes thinner. Right. It then gives you the opportunity to create, you know, amazing defi type solutions around, whether it is gaming world assets or real world assets.

Challenges and Future Plans

So this is fantastic stuff. So I'm kind of running towards the end of some of my questions. So I think of the last couple of questions that I have. I think the first would be, what are some of the challenges you faced and how did you overcome them as you built secure over the last several years? That would be the very first and then two, which is a corollary of that, if you like, is what are Securio's plans for the next few years?

Overcoming Challenges in Building Secure

Thank you, Bala. I mean, like, a lot of the question is very deep and I think it's very targeted. It gives me also a way to, you know, find the other angle, because, like, mostly in the web tree, we can say, like, we are trying to build something in a way that somehow different the gameplay, but similar innovation. Right. So it tickles me a lot to, you know, able to explore more. And, yeah, I think that's great for the question.

Future Developments and User Growth

As for the innovation that we're going to take and for the next steps, what to expect. As for the token, since we are already listed right in the game. Gitio, Maxi, Koinex, Indodex, you can get it if you see the future in sequoia. And the interesting part is that we really try to make, like, fully working business that actually works and sustain. So because of that, we believe by the end of the day, the token that become the main currency of all of the ecosystem can also grow.

User Engagement Goals

So, yeah, and that's something that we are looking forward to. And definitely 2.5 million users that actually play, that's our goal, because if they are being divided into having the token, they will only able to get, like, about 400 skye, the currency of sequoia.

Milestone for Active Users

So, yeah, 2.5 million active users will be our first milestone. Bella, excellent. This is fantastic. It is really refreshing to talk to a project that has such specific targets and thoughts in mind. I find a lot of times in web three, the clarity of thought doesn't exist. It is not because people are not thinking, it is because web three can sometimes be overwhelming. Right. There's just so much going on, sometimes it's very difficult to have clarity on what you really want to do and where you want to take your project. So I'm really, you know, pleasantly surprised to see such clarity of thought.

Opening the Session

I don't have any more questions, but I would like to open this session to our audience. And see if anybody has any questions. This has been a very, I would say, revealing conversation in terms of the kind of things you are doing, the kind of things we are doing. And I invite you for us to do a one one as well, Josh. To explore opportunities for collaboration as two projects in the gaming world with very specific focus on moving away from play to earn to making something more realistic. And also, you know, we've been running some podcast series, so we obviously want to extend an invitation to you, which will come to you formally a bit later. But meanwhile, anyone in the audience have any questions, please request to speak, and I'll be more than happy to grant you speaker access.

Collaborative Interest

Yeah, well, we think maybe to answer it, we'll be very happy from our end to, you know, working together with Trikon and to have explore more of the collaboration. Definitely. That would be great. And I think I remember we got one space together with you, I think with you where in that space? I was saying that in Bala, in the Trikon, you guys are the really deep end. It's like I'm listening to college professor, is it something like that? If you remember. Yes, yes, I remember that. I remember that now.

Memories and Recognition

Yes, I think it's in the fusing narrative in our space. Yeah, so, yeah, I really remember your voice. So, yeah. Glad to hear again from you. Excellent. And thank you for remembering that. That is. That is quite the appreciation. Thank you. I didn't expect that if you guys. Later hearing Bala, you know, becoming a speaker, not the host, you can see, like, a lot of, you know, insight coming from him as we are, like, listening to. Back to the college. Right. Learning something new here. Hopefully good memories of college.

Reflections on College and Learning

Definitely. 100%. 100%. Excellent. Excellent. I'm really surprised you remembered. Thank you. That is quite an appreciation. Thank you so much. So I haven't seen anyone raise any hands, but, you know, that could mean one of two things. They understood everything or they understood nothing. I'm hoping it's the former, but given the kind of clarity you had, Josh, I'm assuming that it, at least to me, it was all very clear as to where you guys are going, and I want to wish you all the very best, and I hope everyone here could follow both of us.

Call to Follow and Support

We are both on our official Twitter account, so please do follow us. Any message for. Any parting message for the listeners, Josh? Yes. So right now, I'm in one of the cafe. We are working together with my friends after meeting, like, with investors. So in this cafe, we have, like, the song of the Titanic. Right. So my life will go on. Right. So I think the good thing about the Titanic is we know that it's a very strong boat.

The Titanic Metaphor

Ship. Yes, very strong. The web three. If you guys are looking to, you know, the projects, it's good to, you know, play around with, like, the memes and everything, but if you're looking into, like, a real project that able to sustain, you need to make sure that you are in this strong ship. So I believe, like, secure. We are trying to build a strong ship trick on, I believe will be do the same also. So try to find your Titanic in the web three. Yes.

Final Remarks and Appreciation

Excellent, excellent message, Josh. So, everyone, please do follow us. There are, of course, all kinds of giveaways and airdrops, which are all part of the general web three world. So please do keep in touch. Follow us on Twitter, on telegram. And once again, Josh, thank you very much for your time and for joining this Ama, and I hope we can get together on, you know, on a collaborative mode and explore opportunities to work together as well.

Conclusion and Farewell

Sure, sure. Bala, thank you for inviting brother. See you on the next meeting. Absolutely. Absolutely. Thank you, everyone.

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