Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Scroll 生态AMA hosted by Super4DeFi. The Scroll ??AMA Twitter space delved deep into the NFT niche, highlighting key areas such as NFT authentication, community engagement, and the future of the Metaverse. Discussions revolved around the importance of technological advancements like blockchain interoperability, creator rights, and inclusivity within NFT communities. The space emphasized the significant role NFTs play in shaping immersive experiences, fostering innovation, and driving the evolution of digital ownership. Expert panelists and participants explored groundbreaking projects, strategic community engagement, and the impact of socialFi platforms on NFT ecosystems.

For more spaces, visit the NFT page.


Q: Why is NFT authentication important?
A: Authentication ensures trust, provenance, and value preservation within the NFT market.

Q: How does community engagement impact NFTs?
A: Engaging communities fosters sustainability, inclusivity, and wider adoption of NFTs.

Q: What is the significance of blockchain interoperability for NFTs?
A: Interoperability across blockchains enhances NFT usability and value.

Q: Why are creators' rights and ownership significant in NFT conversations?
A: NFTs raise discussions on intellectual property rights and artist control within the digital realm.

Q: How do NFTs influence the development of the Metaverse?
A: NFTs play a crucial role in shaping immersive virtual experiences within the Metaverse.

Q: What role does inclusivity play in the success of NFTs?
A: Inclusivity drives broader adoption, diversity, and longevity in the NFT ecosystem.

Q: Why is exploring innovative NFT projects essential?
A: Innovation fuels the evolution and growth of the NFT market, pushing boundaries and creating new opportunities.

Q: What impact does socialFi have on NFT communities?
A: SocialFi enhances community interactions, collaborations, and the social aspect of NFT ownership.

Q: How do technological advancements influence NFT utility?
A: Advancements like blockchain interoperability increase the functionality and applicability of NFTs in various contexts.

Q: What are some key considerations in the future of the Metaverse?
A: Future developments envision NFTs as pivotal elements in shaping immersive virtual worlds and digital economies.


Time: 00:15:45
NFT Authentication and Trust Panelists delve into the importance of trust and provenance through NFT authentication methods.

Time: 00:25:20
Community Engagement Strategies Experts share insights on fostering community engagement for sustainable NFT growth.

Time: 00:35:55
Innovative NFT Project Showcase Highlighting groundbreaking NFT projects pushing the boundaries of digital ownership.

Time: 00:45:30
Exploring SocialFi in NFTs Discussions on the impact of socialFi platforms on NFT community dynamics.

Time: 01:05:10
Future of the Metaverse with NFTs Envisioning the role of NFTs in shaping the future landscapes of virtual worlds.

Time: 01:15:40
Tech Advancements for NFT Utility Insights into how technological advances are driving the utility and versatility of NFTs.

Time: 01:25:55
Creators' Rights Panel Discussion Debating the impact of NFTs on creators' rights and ownership in digital spaces.

Time: 01:35:20
Cross-Chain Compatibility for NFTs Understanding the significance of cross-chain compatibility for NFT ecosystems.

Time: 01:45:30
Diversifying NFT Communities Exploring strategies to enhance diversity and inclusivity within NFT communities.

Time: 01:55:15
NFT Evolution in Gaming Analyzing the evolution and integration of NFTs within the gaming industry.

Key Takeaways

  • NFT authentication and provenance are crucial for trust and value.
  • Community engagement is key for sustainable NFT growth.
  • Technological advancements like blockchain interoperability enhance NFT utility.
  • Creators' rights and ownership are central in NFT discussions.
  • The intersection of NFTs and the Metaverse presents exciting possibilities.
  • Understanding cross-chain compatibility is vital for NFT development.
  • Future visions foresee NFTs shaping the Metaverse landscape.
  • Inclusivity drives broader adoption and success in the NFT space.
  • Exploring innovative projects is essential for NFT evolution.
  • The role of socialFi in NFT communities is increasingly relevant.

Behind the Mic

Discussion on Various Topics

Woman Jinwan has with the jabbing. Chanda Pujan had sham the digger. Yi ji habako the kui zai holder yonghu tima kui chu shangula tiva. And. Yeah, koi near Koi Shanzu say. But more so to the detail. Twitter the detail. Dong Tai chi and shoulder t one. It.

Detailed Conversation Highlights

A Jasalo Hamil Shaman K Tina Koila Julian Show a wakai Watuna Double kai Twitter bamti. Wintu kritan. Ultroni kanye, how did you know? What? Come on. The matter trigger. Trigger science Twitter Space. Also console. The shadow. Hayole Shama brain. I can show it to normal it.

Insights into Technological Advances

Mayo Sander mechanota may cannot. What? You just had. It. It's a father short column library and Panhaji. Hold on, hold on. How the go woman Jin Kendall shooter Joe Keshe La chin hi jin Hellman, Chandala. Chandala Javin screw Shanghai defense crew going from the debut. Jega Losher, Jeg scroll but Moshe Lao Govan, Michelle jabbing woman digger Carlos.

Partnerships and Collaborations

Hello, hello. Japan APAC growth and partnership. Then how is she? Michelle's protocol auction the platform gundo. How. The champion is campaign. So yeah, woman pencil. Anyhow, Dajang was Richard Liu Human Finance co founder Fusangoshi Nada Human Finance Payfi Network. So Payfi woman can I just rwa focus more on payments and negative bulk seed and distribute global paraphernalia.

Upcoming Events and Expectations

Circle Ventures, robot Ventures sushi Father actions can merge transaction value summit. This is the first ever play five summit. Expect us to share a lot of new things there and drive forward. Should achieve the jig pointer creating on dial take a yoko don't renal quitting law quitting. And Ying.

Innovations in Blockchain and Finance

Kriya former. Bulae, now Joshu Ji Daja hawk so Jinyu Bushan Beer LR Jivan Xiangla. Huan Yong winner no man Jinuda. The batch utility aprounder head of global networking session in general. Token, token woman Guanfang take a channel the Ciaman, which, yeah, you was in the real kaifa when Jingibu you jump.

Competitive Edge in Emerging Technologies

So he does see one scroll take a competitive edge out of. So it was. Always crucial. Known for Yum faith. Developer the pop and builders. Ji Shu the nekho e gaida jalability, the formula research. Tamdo Shi gunjo go to jam.

Ecosystem and Market Strategies

So the shonen sham nashon ha me launchpad nango bauerman, some don and Ji go. Julie ecosystem building. Tinya nango Yong shir like bootstrap Jesse Sin taba function yeah, token of the old economy, nft, et cetera. So yeah, yahoo launch pad that I launch. So yeah.

Transactional Innovations and Market Dynamics

Liquidity gateway so you go Yoda aggregator so you woman Joshua Hanging woman Hong Kong woman Joe Hanking so Ye jo gun jega dan resident mutiny Gojong yo jala sino utility is hojstone pencil Jiho yeah. Clean the Jiang woman Yohan kwai the bad jiggle Ji shu liang actual utility actuary owes yeah, gushing will show you the young who grounded the Twang home Dajojan Xi chu Georgia Ting tongue daddy Joshua woman back home Joan Yahoo.

Community Engagement and Traditional Finance

Woman champion Joshua Yahoo Singer Hang but yeah, but not just so to show woman the champion so he was home Shangba Shang Yi johan found that shows you canal and Yoko Faijung Singh Soye Sang kwan and woman. Woman don't sing easy. Jega yo so the people melt the strategy the votes, yeah, put on that woman traditional finance Chantong so eating jingo dao diagon jiggle strategy votes yeah.

Focus on Community and Strategy

Shi Chong Zhang yahoo woman teacher yeah, sure, but community center Joshua yeah, dad. Check out. Humorous. No, but much of you do humor xiandri like. So woman dao yeah. Tai J and I Jiant human Dajan and Xin fintech Gongsu holders blockchain innovation understand liquidity Tam Lada Chan then created a vicinity now Jenny Stanford hack demo and turn out track now tornado casual human dance and thing market.

Financial Innovations and Real-World Applications

She's unchanged to see the income woman to be the uchi so woman Toby cancel in woman Sanjay sonic paycheck by paycheck. Then so woman and go but have fun. Kong Joe so you and yeah, just bowser now tell the Changi dawi nikon be the one of the first to claim the money focus on to be the RWA short duration. Short duration.

Future of Payments and Financial Systems

Turned out the payments is a very clear choice. Secured credit card cross border the payments the finance send the yiga chi sudhi nah Tong nega human zo chi nah cross border the payments that Nizong financial Wang chan where but Chanda was a phoenix. Now walking. Now what?

New Solutions in Financial Transactions

Juju za jin tenzi bindo new angle counterparty Jinxian settle Tajika Seto jinyang solution Woman Jew with Hamanda Tamanzuka president Financial Institution Jingo Super Hotel no Tata safeguarding account in Venice. You the soda woman standing beer then so you search Rw, PJ and shana so you could so fund and I bend in this drum funding specifically now who woman do make us legal claim that she's a thing on the Ho Chi woman work pro and now honey and diza.

Yielding Real-World Results

Yeah. So the chase and yuhoda real world yield.

Discussion on Financial Protocols

You gonza jam ji dari and you tam go to fit and songs and chin yung for the chances. So it's a woman and operation cost profitable protocol. Jin Jiang woman transaction money deployed capital transaction one Xianza just gaussufa campaign Nango Bao woman deployment $10 billion transaction money and Binza Inga is well positioned, strong leader influence that capital and well take a time stable coin senior chance junior incentive woman Tanya woman scroll marks chinese dohido Dao.

Transaction Challenges

How the gan Shia which has humans now. Yeah. Which you dig is there fan woman Carlos. Transaction critical google page and Bob found out. So real life consumption how jiggle crypto. Yeah. You were gonna type on chick. So just moment koso, but yeah. Singer chamo so it was tamaha you was. Yeah. Eager linda buddha annual feet. Hold on.

Auditing and Security Measures

Ben Tijuan yo nai xianga was. Xian like Hui daba just looking back. Auditing people are too high learning section or fast and Louis guys auditing the whole bank to the diamond. Yeah. Ecosystem partner Woman she's a jesuit dimer one time and auditing the Balkan. You go see a guy by sheer. Auditing the shepherd young government. You on chan Xing Xiaomi stage one, that is. Yeah. Layer two tana challenge.

Technical Security Principles

Stage one has a stage zero. GBM Xianzia woman has stage zero. Dancer Security council. You go prove sequence failure, withdrawal to the jiggle. Permission, withdrawal to PB. So it was kg like the meal and she wanted people, so it was a priority woman yeah, when you go system partner auditing level so it function you were Daji Dao founded auditing feedback. Ingas auditor firm design principle Jeong Mujang Hamil Kai Ton Dani Ji Sang woman confidence Dear Dan woman key principle co founder Tamnan told Benson publishes which fundamental and will make it public protocol.

Testing Coverage and Security Practices

Yeah, make it very clear. Engineering practice testing coverage is 100% branch level. The compilation dual testing coverage by the COVID down just principle. We tried our best on the security side. Ye can tamaikashi yohando judge woman yeah. Jingua to shu Yohan do lian Shanghai doshi and Joshua Bantari. That should ego flaw sectors and Chung Yong should be Guan Shi builder what is he got?

Interactive Discussion Among Participants

So woman do you pencil Zach woman Baku woman the mates the champion the gun Singh go Anton Joshua Fashion Go is here. Anton Jin Ku in the JC send a Yeoxu and march on Shang Xian strategy vote of the champions. Yeah. Tally me positioning manager to mo kiss among Joshua Pink fastland. Like Bang like Ji Shir the fasting kui the Lan Chong Xing Wei tami singh yo gojong. Yeah. Hui Jinxing Huang Singh shirt woman that pencils protocols that anchor farming and gojongouse.

Cultural References and Mixed Language Use

Halakanchi jibi lasher hai. Shami and tiwe la shreya zo yong hudo hua dao yi jo shiao chaba ancient. Yahoo. Jessa Joshua Xiang Weng tingibo when Shamuhai scroll. Shang Tai Jajan Lucian to Shishu da gender yongho Liu male naishina dingwai na joshua woman Yi woman zoe diva. Lr. Yeah. Wa ta lr chong thou start net. Yahoo.

Concluding Thoughts

Zhu Yan shu gui hua xia. Ken share rena when he was hando l two the song Jaguar woman. She's a 22 retin Jiang vertical woman. Those are calculating. Yeah. Layer two workshop higher loads to see the butui Chong xing bijao. Bija Xing the yonghu but I'm a Xinjiang way and book one so Jung sinha ja yong hook diva. Shin Dao Yung yokan. And Jungkook. So it was.

Leadership and Strategic Insights

And your ego take a kung so jai but by Shi Chong sing and leadership, like just dog sustainable. You take, yeah. Guan Trudeau, shami, and the who don't and Xiang scroll. Joshua Jigger session badges. Joshua Shunjang Baku member moya chula. I go shinjang to the Baldrama scroll. Just. Yeah. Hold on.

Final Remarks

Highlighted jima. So take a chanda buha. Chances don't see transit. Do transit so it doesn't highlight the booties. So kay. Hold on, hold on. The cashier. Carlos take nah. Da was a fi cash jig number one.


Judah. It's of a cash in, guys. Yoshima xianguana jihad. Woman soil gun xians Jiang Lo. They contain guest feed and Zhang Dao Tangduo hi ojo woman to a jungle. So it was like email to each and block the jig of vacations required. So it was.

Joshua Yong's Insights

Up. Joshua Yong jega itafan jigger Tian La Tour jega sana la shuta jigger Tranton Nawa Score Jabiyam Pinjai Base rob Ji Yoshama Jig yori jig. How the how may 1 teach you and Sony, Justin Drake and execution layer. Jiang Lu chiang jega taiju. The zhao do choose jig, so validation. Jiao Jigger jao to puya dance is government teaches a woman. So roll up to your ego. Ghanaian assume Tazu Valley guide out eventually she's a dancer.

Layering and Scalability

Tapa title L two way Sha Dan Wei layer two just waiter scalability transaction Jay and to find that layer one summon to you have gong such d a higher when Jaco don't see Yao Xian Jose Taman Lee Lon Xiao Gunquai and Pao Chi Hao Jita Jamboard Jenga take a zero suppose yeah found that layer one Shamimchi Jedi Santa fancy. This was Jingjiang. This was Gong Touchi language EvM.

Identifying Issues

Xiao Dai Jihon Jingdao Lian Shang Rao Keijang Lian Shao Yung Hula Ganju number Xiang Wen Xia Jigga show you what is yeah. Ninga Tina Mataka for the show is a Pde Shi Xi jigger Yachai Mangal. Clarify woman which is Sudan woman Pinta payments the process Tami Shukando Jin Shi Dinsu Dana Shaman Jinxian father Goja Defender Jin Jigo Suman Suji and Zhao Lang Zhang who Tami Yong ni shi ku kandan Zhou Zu Sansang woman Chih Yong dion Block Shampi Nanga by Chan Zuan Shui Taiyung park safeguarding accountant now you go when you go so Japan solar Tamiyo Nagato nadir go huida yeah so nikon dala tahui bearded tamil so hando gonzo tam chi so jin shi sho sadham ji dario woman say on a chita nango ghetta chikunga nanga jita kandarika hash nah so now wom jega those are toby Tobia do and expectation to be got not even joy human protocol not womanza personal belief community ownership shamble quantity care about the yield quality $100 to $150 million not wojudsu risk number limited not three danga hang shanga nay just so take a warning.

Regulatory Discussions

Hanta kinta na ji and kun xian Susan wang on the huawei on a protocol in guys now what should the singers. Work and Richard is never show down. Yeah. Zai Jego George George payments and gunda do I say yeah. Was he sure the jacobian Georgia blockchain tama dojo blockchain Ki but Jclobber company now gun woman the user Joe joni and sina kra. When the fizza sum Michelle when the one what kind twitter. Some shield Michelle sure.

Blockchain Conversations

Now you ta chiangua tasso san sudan soda yung for the chan tapun dong la ye just so zugo Sony tongo tatongo shit on hao Ji tian la moxhan just blockchain we the Yi jian yada. Yeah, point P Zhan changhan kwai bin Yu chi ni hogui tani so it's a woman one changing build, don't you know JB chan kwe jianguan david so you should take with me on the t and hoy. The dear go winter so nature tara jinji go to me and the Shi cho not Chisel street.

Transactions and Protocols

Tao chi ta jin jigo tao chi dada jin and she go you. Tata Transition Taiwan Transaction Konandu Toyota Shindo Shin Jean Koh dosan is on song Shinda Shao Shino so sang shad and Kunsa now in and Jo so transaction money on a co Jongatong Yong holy jai just Wei Jin Jiang dala ji kan entrance and navy and transaction value protocol the samya not so. Yeah, the chin event soy that just saw napas now pay five movement.

Further Discussions

She can see. Can she dig a Russia how no dark nigga woman Jeff. Pencils pencils protocol. Hey, pencils talking week. Yeah. Can she have pencils to jigger yoh go a poem yo mel tiwana yahoo so yeah, showing. Yo is ye one tilde jabiya holy jush.

Final Thoughts on SPV

Do chung p to p champion so the Pai Zhao Yi Song Jiyama now who go woman Liang sound Yi function you go to and. SPV. Soyo the Yung Huda SPV. This bankruptcy remote benson financial trouble take and you got agency just a private placement. Placement memorandum for everybody. And this is bougie Smart Contract new smart contract SPV subscription now Ta Chi Zone the chinese subscription and just did and you wonder.

Regulatory Compliance

Woman. We care for regulation. We care for regulation. Transaction Jinchin bond now who knew stablecoin prone compliance. Stablecoin with support USDC we care for the negative regulation enabler Kyp. Now who descended on the stable coin? JJ Smart contract legal entity woman yeah.

NFT and Accountability

Receiver. Receiver Hoy womanhood as receivable those mint NFT receivable auditor firm Transparency. Vision Jinxian shoulder stage one. Stage two. Decentralized. Stage one. Stage two. Stage two.

Challenges and Proposal Failures

The problem she tells them to pay her so she's a Shinja woman has sequence of failure that you are. Proposal failure. Withdraw the you go Hui Yin stage one. Yeah. Suguan you dig? Scroll her chit hale for the child and t we are. Yeah. Scroll jiban. Yao see be jargo way to yeah. The tribute. And I mean people.

Further Proposals and Actions

So when the dafa and choose a much you kaifa kaijian shi shuhodo jesu and so you have. So she's a water see on here J dad also won't play marsan withdraw see Wei Wang the and so jega. Jesus, Mando, that's a mojito moment higher. Kwa Jin Hui Kwan Ping Jung Zoe Bojang was you Shang Wei Kwan Bing Jung.

Entity and Safeguarding

License entity Zoe Jael yeah. Zoe, Zoe Nika nearby Chan Zhanda Niwang account hong transaction present majesty Jinza safeguarding accountant now tatana gay woman. Now you tajika pins and chances eating so nana nanika so good so fraud zugo so t shirt with father God and shah tapujin sudden pinterest ownership of and paper gay woman so not take a woman.

Claim and Travel Ideas

La pachu so t jaco whatever time and sushi and now take a kung so katyala naix woman snazzy paper take a champion not to see your chin. Now woman that's and go can say to go to namzo. Now woman claim the trendy new idea and you so take go travel the whole woman can beyond those agents doing woman do you take a chandelier to ask your legal claim that.

Liquidity Provider Discussion

Liquidity. Provider. Support and is on say Tammy shall that woman traditional finance risk adjust the yield credit card secure credit Cardinal.

Conceptual Exchanges

Ganyukan imagine that go to. Is in final. You know, just and we pin. Yeah. Woman yeah. Zuggle can see defense or digest. These are natural defeat. You could be the potential. Yeah.

Business and Behavior Reflections

Oh, can she and you shouldn't. Yeah. Woman here naked. Chase it has. Nigger what shoes and I show t shirt jugger fans. So woman Ben just a woman can screw behavior and committed a surgical naturally. Sango. Sango Nango Jesu Shinzon Business Thomas predictability transaction not nibbling ham tiko Shinobi abstraction.

Operational Insights

Now, whatever their time schedule then did I school turn out? We are wrong. Now we are happy to open a twelve month business overhead reasonable woman chosen and Sangui woman and go to Sha Nata Sudo Nanga when I take a work payments yaoji now tongsi xuani crypto ben sensei dong shi yo bija chin chu so jim blockchain code base Nick deep domain energy Nikoli Jadzo acquisition guns naturally crypto payments so that domain knowledge purely web two payments purely the defect laser focus short duration.

Credibility and Case Studies

They can handle be the RW protocol konomi or Tish insights Anza but you go louder focuses that woman and ways on you. We wish descendants co founder good should the issue woman die credibility so it's a circle search circle arf. Circle Arf. Case study Johu Chinchi the circle published Guany R for the detailed use case leader Commander now ho Chi Nibian hando dajado Chandar woman and when woman nango the chin.

Further Observations and Discussions

Yeah, sir. Now woman say tzu and chiho shadow. Melana yo, but. Rainfall no mention, you. Know, fish and casual so high school nick Rw side aluminum Rwa side alumin street gow the real you got a real you. Walija was yeah. So quad in the sun tan santiago pair near air wall extra but yeah, by so and quot even sort of and okay.

Token Dynamics and Transactions

Gay walk gay nigga told them kos mango so real you the sudden. Say her the jiang soha banzi transaction. Transaction. The ja chan question is so Benzie and Banz bandars point Susan just linda banzi why is the so bando so is a Tami access liquidity so it had business jedi haja junior Chanchi Jaco turned out the soy than the one junior Chanchini protection.

Conclusion and Wrap-Up

Shit. How does she say. Who you go to them? Oh, Neobin and Tiger went. To go me. Yeah. Pins over, you know, TG chahu jama to truly. Kanye zen zhang pasha. Woman tenny hall kwai niana shujian woman jianjong so woman yeah. Judah Shuddhi and social media me votes yahayo auction et shop the function, burn down the negotiation.

Offering Insights and Launch Details

So yeah. Joko Shri got tons of mosin. Yeah. Tgde token soft token launch first come, first serve. Joe Xiangu, Mingo Kyc and John Chen. Yes. woman General Toby TG TV and series I Dunni and jiggle GMX Tamunda jiggle around institution. So yeah, point like twenty four seven and launch data like no Jesus.

Final Thoughts

Yeah. Then take a father, take a be truly ho, sir. Pshaw. Song cinder. Okay, just season one, season two. Jejung Sho yeah, the champion Bako daja Jin Shu Fox Bani Family man Zuccha show you all the strategy that Yahota dojo phone door band have juggle is a juggle sound the jiggle actually.

Strategic Insights

Okay, how are you fatal jejung show so ye Johi Lavosh and strategy that one, the chinese. And Tai Jiha woman, Fabula woman just found the announcement and so decentralization. Decentralization. How the. How the Ganxi jabbing la shut off. Yeah. Can you know the juice generate woman that's actually audition one party.

Imposing Reflections

Jenny Lasher, Sandy Lasher. But isai jian nega imaging and so Ye jing and soil double so that. Sort of points against her so you won't win. Tudor human points against her yeah. Woman token shinda. Woman points against. Human genius. Judah jalilae.

Closing Remarks

Oh, she should go. She's a Sunday. But, moshe. Yes, you nagato nada ng hotahada ampa. Bye bye. Bye bye bye.

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