#SautiZaWaandishi: Tamu-Chungu Uhuru wa Vyombo vya Habari


Space Summary

The Twitter Space #SautiZaWaandishi: Tamu-Chungu Uhuru wa Vyombo vya Habari hosted by Twaweza_NiSisi. In the #SautiZaWaandishi Twitter space, discussions centered around Twaweza, a Development Agency fostering significant change in East Africa through citizen-centered initiatives. Delving into the importance of media freedom, grassroots movements, and technology in promoting democracy and social transformation. The space highlighted Twaweza's impact, challenges in citizen engagement, and strategies for sustainable development. By emphasizing collaboration, inclusivity, and transparency, Twaweza serves as a catalyst for empowerment and accountability in the region, inspiring similar movements globally.

For more spaces, visit the Development Agency page.

Space Statistics

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Q: How does Twaweza empower citizens to drive change in East Africa?
A: Twaweza empowers citizens through engagement, advocacy, and amplifying their voices for impactful transformations.

Q: Why is media freedom crucial for democracy?
A: Media freedom ensures transparency, accountability, and the dissemination of accurate information critical for democratic processes.

Q: What role does technology play in enhancing citizen-centered initiatives?
A: Technology enhances outreach, communication, and advocacy efforts, enabling broader participation and impact.

Q: How can citizen journalism contribute to social change?
A: Citizen journalism enables diverse perspectives, exposes issues, and holds authorities accountable, driving positive societal changes.

Q: In what ways can collaborative efforts strengthen democracy in East Africa?
A: Collaborative actions foster unity, diversity, and a collective voice to address challenges and drive democratic advancements.

Q: What are the core values driving Twaweza's approach to citizen engagement?
A: Twaweza's core values include transparency, inclusivity, accountability, and empowering citizens as agents of change.

Q: How can the Twaweza initiative inspire similar citizen-centered movements globally?
A: Twaweza's success serves as a model for inspiring and replicating citizen-driven initiatives worldwide, advocating for positive social changes and democracy.

Q: What strategies can be employed to overcome obstacles in promoting media freedom in East Africa?
A: Strategies include advocacy, legal reforms, capacity building, and fostering a culture of respect for journalistic independence and free speech.

Q: How do grassroots movements contribute to shaping democratic processes?
A: Grassroots movements mobilize communities, drive awareness, and facilitate collective actions to influence policy-making and governance.

Q: What are the main challenges facing citizen-centered initiatives like Twaweza in East Africa?
A: Challenges include resource constraints, political pressures, regulatory hurdles, and ensuring sustained citizen engagement and impact.

Q: Why is citizen participation vital for the sustainability of democratic values?
A: Citizen participation ensures representation, accountability, responsiveness, and the safeguarding of democratic principles in governance and decision-making.


Time: 00:15:42
Twaweza's Impact on Citizen Empowerment Exploring how Twaweza empowers citizens to drive social shifts and foster democratic values in East Africa.

Time: 00:25:16
Media Freedom and Democracy in East Africa Analyzing the critical link between media freedom, democracy, and societal progress in the region.

Time: 00:35:48
Collaboration for Change in Citizen-Centered Initiatives Highlighting the power of collaboration and inclusivity in catalyzing transformative changes in communities.

Time: 00:45:20
Technology as an Enabler of Citizen Engagement Discussing the role of technology in amplifying citizen voices, advocacy efforts, and community-driven initiatives.

Time: 00:55:02
Challenges and Opportunities in Promoting Media Freedom Delving into the complexities of promoting media freedom while navigating obstacles and seizing opportunities for social impact.

Time: 01:05:37
Driving Civic Engagement through Grassroots Movements Exploring the significance of grassroots movements in mobilizing communities, promoting awareness, and driving civic participation.

Time: 01:15:19
Twaweza's Global Influence on Citizen-Driven Movements Showcasing how Twaweza's success story inspires global citizen-centered initiatives and advocates for democratization worldwide.

Time: 01:25:44
Overcoming Challenges in Citizen Participation Strategies and insights on overcoming obstacles to ensure sustained citizen engagement, participation, and impact for democratic advancements.

Time: 01:35:55
Growth of Citizen Journalism for Social Impact Examining the role of citizen journalism in shaping narratives, exposing injustices, and advocating for positive societal changes.

Time: 01:45:28
Twaweza's Vision for Sustainable Change in East Africa Showcasing Twaweza's vision and strategies to initiate and sustain positive social changes and democratization in East Africa.

Key Takeaways

  • Twaweza's mission centers on enabling significant transformations in East Africa through citizen engagement.
  • Media freedom plays a pivotal role in driving democracy and social change in the region.
  • Citizen-centered initiatives like Twaweza are essential for fostering accountability and transparency.
  • The #SautiZaWaandishi space emphasizes the importance of free and unbiased journalism for a thriving democracy.
  • Collaboration and inclusivity are key principles in Twaweza's approach to catalyzing large-scale impact.
  • Discussing the challenges and opportunities in promoting media freedom and democratic values in East Africa.
  • The space delves into the power of citizen voices in advocating for social justice and governance reform.
  • Insights on utilizing technology and grassroots movements to amplify the impact of citizen-centered initiatives.
  • Encouraging active participation and civic engagement for sustainable development and democratic advancements.
  • Embracing a grassroots approach to initiate positive social changes and democratization in East Africa.

Behind the Mic

Initial Greetings and Introductions

All right, let's see if this works now. Hello? Are you there? Here. There you are. So it did work. Adam, are you behind the dynamic account? Yep, that's me. Nice to meet you. Likewise. How y'all doing? I doing great. How about yourself? Can't complain. I mean, it definitely does not feel like a Thursday. This week is just flying by. I feel like this happens every time I don't end up at a conference. You know, everybody's having fun at permissionless right now, and I decided to stay home with sick kids. So part, of course, is just how it goes, you know, for sure. But I'm so glad to have you guys here today. Like I said, we have both Halal and David from tensor here. well, is David joining us? Hello. That's the other question that I was going to ask you. No, it's just me. He had. Just you. All right, well, you're. You're. You're the start of the show then, man.

Discussion on User Experience

And Adam from dynamic, we're going to talk about optimizing the onboarding and user experience for tensor users. Kind of a big deal. Kind of important if you guys don't know. Applications fail by people just not enjoying them. And it's kind of a big deal when you actually focus on user experience and making sure that people are actually getting the things that they want out of these different applications. So super excited to have you guys here. Hello. Give me a little intro. Tell us who you are and what you do over at tensor up. Sure. I lead product and engineering side on tensor and which includes user experience. So excited to talk about that here. I love it. And what about you, David? I'm going to keep saying David because it's usually halal and David together. Adam. Adam, how about yourself? David's my brother, so if you mentioned David, I'll know to.

Adam Zion's Introduction

You're talking to me as well. Nice to meet everyone. I'm Adam Zion, head product here at Dynamic. I met Halal on the tensor team in Korea and token. Really excited to talk about all the amazing problems that we can solve on the onboarding side. You can think of dynamic as basically an auth, an onboarding platform that really makes developer lives amazing as well as end user lives. Just really simple. Powering everyone from the likes of Magic, Eden and Baruchain and SE to also the awesome next generation apps like Tensor will be building or one football club. And I sound really. We just focus on making sure that when someone comes to an app, it should just feel familiar, it should work, and it should just be magical. So, really excited to talk more about it.

The Importance of Familiar Familiarity

Kind of backwards, right? Like, this is the bare minimum requirements, I think, for apps, and now people just completely ignore that. I'm glad there's people still out there, like yourself, that actually cares about this stuff and realizes that users won't show up or won't stick around unless things are done right. Things are done in the right way. You know what I mean? Absolutely. Yeah. It's surprising. I think everyone forgets that going to an app and being told you need to use this other wallet that you've never heard of is maybe not the right way to go about it. And it should really just feel familiar. You should be able to just log in with an email, your Spotify account, and it should just feel great. Get to use all the amazing things like developers like Halal are building.

Overcoming Obstacles in Blockchain Technology

You shouldn't need to have to think and know about cross chain and gas fees and all this other stuff. So the more that we can abstract that, I think the better. So the more builders who are building awesome apps, we're here, you know, we're here to help. And yeah, I agree with you more. People should be focused on that. Now, you just mentioned something really important there. You said wallets, like, what wallet do you use? What wallet you connect. Don't get me wrong, I love blockchain technology. I love what we're going with this space. But, there are definitely obstacles for people trying to build, you know, or all sorts of different things on the blockchain. What would you say are some of those obstacles that people would have to kind of overcome? Because it's not always the most intuitive thing. I mean, especially when you're talking about new technologies, you're getting people in here that might not be aware of how wallets work and all these things actually function.

Challenges for New Users

What would you say are some of those obstacles that, you know, companies would have to overcome to make it more palatable for those users? Yeah. Is that directed to me or to halal? Happy? I'll leave it open. I love Halal. Every once in a while he'll unmute and just drop gems on us, which I love. But go for Adam. Cool. Yeah, I mean, I think. Don't get me wrong, wallets inherently are the unlock. They are a powerful tool that you need to make incredible experiences really work. They allow you to hold crypto assets, hold nfts do really powerful use cases. But I think in general, that we really indexed as an industry to everything related to its complexity.

Evolving Wallet Complexity

So here's this seed phrase and here you need to store it really securely or you're going to lose everything as opposed to using a passkey or using really more intuitive methods such as a face id to secure this thing that you don't really need to know about so desperately to then, okay, I want to now have some assets in this container. How do I go about doing that? So that is the other sort of burden that I think the industry has placed on users where first they say here, take this really scary seed phrase and do something with it to then if you want to use it now you need to find some weird thing that I don't know where to get. And then when I want to transact I'm going to hit you with networks and fees and I'm not going to hide or abstract this type of stuff.

User Experience in Blockchain Applications

I want you to really interpret what it means inside of this sign message. Like what is this payload that I'm going to be reading and reviewing. So all of those different points I think have just been front and center to the vast majority of native web three users. And I think over time, and we're starting to see this today, is that even the most hardcore native user may not really want that as their core experience. They want something where it's still highly secure. Have the technologies of passkeys and Google Authenticator or TOTP to additional security layers that are a bit more familiar than just hey, take this weird twelve word phrase and store it on a piece of paper or hope you put it on a weird hardware device to then really simple solutions that can abstract the network that you might operating on.

Next Generation of User Experiences

Because why do you need to know that? And then all of the things around fees and gas, I think there's a lot and we can go down whichever rabbit hole you think would be great around other wallets or fees. But I think that's where this is really powerful. I think the combination of dynamic and tensor really create the next generation. A world in which the applications can combine the likes of AI and web three and just make it really work for everyone and everyone. Meaning not just hopefully like everyone talks about your grandmother and someone in web two, but also anyone who's really into crypto today. Right. Those experiences should be open and inclusive to make it just really fluid and seamless.

Challenges of Integrating Blockchain

All right, I'm ready to quit web three. With everything you just told me that's so hard to integrate now. Don't quit. That's dynamic, that's why. No, no one stop shop for you. No, totally kidding. I mean but that's how it felt, right? I'm one of those users that definitely lost wallets back in the day that lost a lot of stuff just because the technology was hard. I mean, seed phrases weren't even around back in the day when I first got into displacement, and it's gotten easier, but it hasn't, you know, gotten easy, I would say. Halal, let me go over to you real quick, because, you know, tensor is. I mean, it's. We guys say that it's enabling decentralized AI, but it's not necessarily for the faint of heart.

The Target Audience for Tensor

I mean, I would say that this is more of an intermediate user type of application that are going to be joining your platform. Do you think it's still important for, you know, these optimizations to take place, even for a platform that is looking for somewhat a little bit more advanced users? Yeah, I think the main driver for even tensor would be the applications and platforms that gets built on it. And one use case that we are looking into right now is music, for example. That's one thing were able to connect on where I was talking to Adam about this, and then when I found that, oh, users can log in with Spotify, that makes things very easy because we're building a music app and for users not to have to worry about creating their wallet and or the chain itself, because we see a few solution providers for doing something similar to what dynamic is doing, but we see it's either limited to just EVM chains or to Solana.

Dynamic and Versatile Applications

But in case of dynamic, we noticed that they're building for multiple chains, and it's a lot more versatile. And that helps our users who are using either tensor or apps built on tensor to not have to worry about any of that. And me, as somebody who really appreciate good user experience, find that something that we need to have.

Tempting Opportunities

All right, now you're just teasing me here, man. Like, now you're tempting me for. With a good time. Like, you brought up music. Like, that's. That's my jam. Like, this is where I live day in, day out. So you just opened up the opportunity for me to play music there in this space. So thank you for that. we're going to keep it going. We're going to keep it going.

Importance of Optimization

So, what. Why do you think it's important for this optimization to actually take place? Because obviously, you know, there are companies out there that end up being successful, and their apps think, and it's like, how in the world are you guys actually, you know, acquiring users and retaining them with an application that's, you know, just cumbersome, like, is it really that important? And do you think it makes a huge difference or nothing, you know, in keeping users around? And Adam, let me go to you. Like, I don't, I mean, this is what you do day in, day out. Do you have any stats or any information in regards to how likely people are to stick around or leave apps or if it really does matter?

User Engagement and Onboarding

Yeah, and it does. And you see this, you know, in kind of next generation applications that are consumer focused. We see this even in web two, where if you don't have great onboarding, if you have high drop off, you have low engagement. So this is starting to see this, and we track this with our analytics dashboard, allowing users to really get a sense for how many users they have, is that when you have seamless onboarding, you can draw people back and they will stick longer because they don't now have to log out, connect a different wallet, log back in, connect all those different touch points are typical drop off points. That's how often is the case is that, yes, you do have a lot of really amazing apps without really simple login experience that do attract high volume users.

Creating an Efficient User Experience

But I actually think that over time is going to get, it's going to not flip, but you can create even better solutions in which those drop off points aren't so easy, aren't so frequent. If you prompt someone to just, okay, go to metamask website to download this thing, that immediately becomes a friction point, and we see it instantly that those users stop to come back. Now, that's not always the case. Right? So we have two sides of dynamic in which, you know, it's geared towards the next generation kind of simplifications. But we also know that, as you mentioned, there are a lot of apps that put wallets first. So we power the likes of Magic Eden, where you have a multi chain wallet adapter where you can connect anything from your Solana wallet, your phantom wallet, to your metamask wallet, to your bitcoin wallet, all in a single interface.

User Experience in the NFT Market

And they've had their best year ever. Even in like a bear market for NFTs, have fundamentally had their best year ever. And I think part of that has to do with just focusing a lot on that user experience. So for them, you can connect multiple wallets to a single account and therefore not have users jump back and forth. So we really see that the optimizations, whether it be the simplifications and abstractions, will make a huge meaningful difference to then anyone like a magic Inu who is super crypto native, who really focuses and cares about their users, can also then have even better engagement, even better experiences.

Shared Vision and Integration

Now, I definitely want to hit this shared vision that you guys have, because obviously people don't work together unless they have similarities or areas where they can, like I said, share vision on. Can you talk to me about how integrating dynamics technology to support tensors vision for simplicity in the user onboarding experience and how it all aligns as far as greater accessibility for this blockchain space that we all love open ended. Hello, Adam, please go for it.

Integrating User Experience

I think a lot of, at least for now, a lot of users that we are targeting from four applications building that on tensor are coming from the web, two side of things, and we just don't want them to have to go through a whole new experience where they need to figure out how to create a wallet and all that. And regarding the integrations, what we are, the way we are integrating dynamic is to tensor is in a way where we have this sort of common sign authentication system within tensor, similar to how Google has like a authentication system that's been used by YouTube and everything else that's using, that's part of Google's ecosystem.

Authentication and Ecosystem Access

So our idea is to have something similar where applications that's built on Tensorflow, users of these applications will be using this system to authenticate themselves. And this gives them access to tensors ecosystem, including the application. And we just want, like, depending on the use case, depending on the background of the user, we just want them to have different options. For example, if it's in music, Spotify makes sense, if it's a social app, I guess something like Facebook makes sense, or TikTok. So that's the idea.

Seamless Ecosystem Integration

Yeah. And to echo on that point, right, so we believe in kind of the vision of watendra, like this world in which you can have an ecosystem of exceptional applications, be it really consumer facing applications, to maybe even non consumer applications, but they should feel within its own ecosystem, within its space in which users cannot, like Halal was mentioning, just authenticate with Google and it works across the applications that they're interfacing with. So even more seamlessness where you're going within all of these ecosystem of applications and your wallet should just work.

Connecting User Interactions

It should just work across all of those apps and it should just connect you to where you want to go. So that's where we see this sort of shared vision of you can build and credible applications of many kind, but to the user, it should just feel like you're logging in with Google and connects to all of the different spaces that you want to interact with. Ecosystems can be quite large and quite powerful. Not everything needs to start with a single app. They can actually start as an app, as part of an even larger ecosystem.

Simplified Sign On Process

As someone who's had to integrate Google sign on, you know, with OAuth and all that good stuff, and, man, you're making life so much easier like this. If anybody wants to actually see what this looks like, just go to demo dynamic XYZ. I guarantee you're going to be floored with how simple the process is. I mean, they literally put a few buttons there. It's like, hey, what do you want to sign in with? Is it Apple ID? Is it this word? Is it GitHub? Is it telegram? I have not seen this. I can hear the bus behind you, Malina.

Acknowledging the Need for Simplicity

Well, I was going to say, yeah, sorry, I'm commuting, but I was going to say, action. To your point, it's almost like, damn, it's about time. It's about time. It's getting this simple, you know what I mean? Because the friction is so real. So I'm like, anyways, I'm enjoying this conversation. But yeah, to your point, action. It's pretty incredible. I mean, not only that, I mean, you're enabling also different chains and different EVM networks.

Impact on User Experience

That makes a huge difference as far as friction is concerned. Like, this is the lack thereof. This is like bringing it home to what people understand, to what people are already used to. And, man, I honestly see you guys doing not only a really good service for tensor and putting, you know, giving them the ability to scale and onboard users way easier. But I definitely see you guys actually doing really well in the space because this is a much needed platform for people who just don't want to deal with sign in sign ons and having all this crazy stuff that they don't really care about.

Understanding Developer Needs

Let's be serious. If you're a dev in blockchain tech, you don't care about Google sign on. I wouldn't, but it's important at the same time. So having some of these things actually makes a big difference and a big impact in people's experience. I don't want to say that just because I've worked with a bunch of other companies. I want to hear the hello? Tell me, like, what to you, what's the importance of that one click sign in for tensors users?

Onboarding Non-Traditional Users

I think tensor is trying to onboard users who are not typical web three users. For example, if you're looking at an artist, there's like their followers or their fans, which can mean thousands or hundreds of thousands or millions. And we just want them to not feel like there's something they need to learn all over again and they need to be able to use it just so they use any other social platform or any other platform that they're used to every day.

Engaging Partnerships

So for us, it just makes it easier to convince potential partners or people who we are collaborating with. So just before this space, were, me and David, were having a call with story because we are like doing planning a few things with the guys from story. It's also around music. And we're talking about an industry that's, I would say like there's a few applications and platforms that's been trying to tap into this industry or the last few years, but I think it's still an industry that's not been very easy to get into.

Lowering Barriers for Music Fans

And I think this is probably one of the reasons onboarding the users, the fans, which usually the artists themselves don't really have much control over. It's not like a brand, it's just people who like their music and it's not very easy to convince them to learn something new. And I think it's just lowering the barriers for these types of audiences.

Addressing Security Concerns

All right, now let me ask you about something that no one ever cares about. I'll make it more fun that way. People actually listen to this. Security to me is a big deal, but nobody really cares about it until something goes wrong. In your eyes is dynamic. This integration going to make it more safe, more secure, or the other way around?

Balancing Security and User Experience

Yeah, so I think it's in general, it's going to make things more secure, though I think in general, as developers you have trade offs that you need to consider as part of like your user experience, right? So one hand, if you want, if your users in your world are more prefer a solution in which they go old school about things we can support. So if they want to go and they want to hold their seed phrase, and all the wallets that we create are non custodial, but if they want to create it, hold it at the time and store it in a lockbox, in a bank, all means for new users who want to abstract that.

Innovations in Security Features

We actually believe these simplifications can come with great security solutions that don't compromise on that. So if you haven't used an iPhone and you've used your face ID and you understand how passkeys work, you should look into it, because these really incredible solutions that can gate access through biometrics and your device, that really doesn't create friction, but creates unparalleled and incredible security that is phishing resistant and really prevents a lot of the common kind of attack vectors that you see, or you could additional types of friction which have also been seen to be quite effective at security.

Enhanced Security Measures

So whether you enhance that with another TOTP method, you can then add authenticator apps and other recovery methods. So we actually think that this is not going to reduce security, it's going to retain exceptional security while also layering in the simplification and optimizations. Now, of course, in our industry, there are people who are always going to be trying to find and poke loopholes. And as a company, we are actively always looking out for those different opportunity areas.

Transaction Security Checks

So one piece of that is when you try to use a dynamic powered embedded wallet and you're looking to make a transaction, we actually partner with blockade. So we actually do a check to see if we simulate the transaction to see if you're attempting to send this transaction to a malicious address or a malicious smart contract. If you're trying to connect this wallet to an external, like an external site, though, it is entirely up to you.

User Empowerment in Security

You can ignore any suggestions that we provide, but we will also do a check to see if that was also a compromised application. By giving developers and end users these plug and play solutions, you can enhance the security without compromising it. That's the world we believe in, where you don't need to compromise on security while still giving people best in class solutions.

User Ownership of Wallets

Also, most importantly, given that these are non custodial users can go wherever they want. These are not our wallets. They're your wallets. They're your keys to wherever you want to go. If you decide an application on tens row or your wallet is connected, like, you're like, I don't want to connect here anymore. By all means, go elsewhere. But you don't need to compromise security while offering these types of optimizations.

Recognizing the Unseen Need for Security

That's what I love to hear. I mean, it's one of those things that kind of goes unnoticed and people don't even think about until it becomes a problem. Right? And the fact that this actually improves that type of security, and I mean, reduces the likeliness of people even losing access to their applications, it's a big deal to me. But going into the technical side of things like what's the, you know, the compatibility between what you're building over there at Tensor Halal, that the infrastructure that you've already built out, now you have dynamic coming in with their SDKs, is it a plug and play type of solution?

Integration Complexity

Is it a whole lot more work?

Platform Integration and Documentation

So before we came across dynamic, were using another service provider and we had already integrated a few things already. So one thing I noticed with dynamic is the documentation is great and there's already SDKs for flutter react next J's, and like all other ecosystems that were exposed to or were integrating or using to build our applications. So it was quite easy to just connect everything together and bring everything together. And, like there, like, if you. If you go on the dashboard or if you try signing in, and you'll find that there's like. It's quite helpful for anybody to integrate their system into whatever you're building. So we didn't really have to do a lot to integrate it, which helped a lot.

User Experience and Development Insights

Adam, let me go to you on that same question. Do you find that this is the case for most people that you're working with? It becomes not necessarily a point of friction, but something that people just kind of go, wow, okay, that was better than I thought it was going to be. Yeah. So as much as we sweat the small stuff on users, we're a dev product. So we wake up every day and think, what is the absolute best dev experience? Right? So whether that's the single click in the dashboard or docs that include all types of examples and references, we live and breathe that, right? When we talk about onboarding, we don't just talk about onboarding for an end user, we talk about onboarding for devs. So, truthfully, as a company, there's, like, few things that we think about every day, and it's onboarding devs. How is it easy? Because most Dev docs kind of suck. And then how do we make experiences for users exceptional? And that's all the things that we've been talking about before. So it is absolutely kind of a focus area of ours. And we spend countless hours really sweating over the details of our docs, of our apps, everything that we.

Community and User-Centric Approach

Just want to say, if I knew that you guys were going to be shouting us out this much, I think we should do this every week because I was not having a great Thursday morning, and now I am, like, loving life. So I appreciate you all. I really do appreciate you all. Yeah. There's this thing, like, I don't know why Genzyo guys like when I host spaces, but I'm a real big nerd deep down. This is the crap that I had to deal with for so long and I hate it so much. And then you show up and you're like, hey, I can fix that. I can make it easy. So, yeah, kind of excited, not gonna lie. Definitely dm'd you saying that it's not lip service, and I'm actually excited about what you're building. So good job on what you're doing over there, Adam. Oh, man, these are the spaces I love, man. Like, just being honest and real and letting people know, like this stuff actually matters, it makes a big difference. People are building stuff day in, day out, and there are things they hate doing.

Simplifying Development Challenges

And when somebody can come along and say, you know what, let me lift that burden. Let me make it easier for you, it makes a huge difference. It speeds up the development process. It allows people to focus on what they love and that honestly just allows people to actually love their jobs day in, day out if they can just ignore the main Dane stuff that they really don't want to deal with. Just like I didn't want to deal with it back in the day, you know what I mean? Well, I was going to say, too, can I just say, this is actually utility. You know, when people are like, utility, this is actually going to serve a purpose. So I think that's why we're just bullish on this right now. Right? Action. It's like, okay, it's not just a token, it's not just an NFT. This is an actual utility that's going to change, maybe even speed up the process right now. But, yeah.

Multi-Chain Ecosystem and Integration

Glad I'm helping your day get a little bit better, Adam. Yeah, thanks so much. All right, let's go into the actual use cases here, because something I noticed was that you do support a bunch of different wallets and across a bunch of EVMs and Solana, actually. So something that Tenzero really needs is like a multi chain ecosystem, something that can support all these things. And it sounds like you guys not only are capable of doing that, but it's something you've been working on for a while, so it shouldn't be hard, right? Yeah. So with, we have. So we are a multi, we live in a multi chain world. So user logs in to them. The network shouldn't matter if the developer cares a lot about multiple networks on EVM instantly and Solana instantly.

Effortless User Experience Across Networks

So a user logs in with an email, and assuming the developer had enabled with one click, all of the networks that they want on EVM. And just also, if there is another EVM network that comes up, a developer can add that in one click. So if tomorrow there's another l two, which there will be, and there's another one, another 50 for them, it's as simple as login. Add the network and it just works. And then if they want cross chains, like going into Solana, simple, right? So it's again, just one click and you also at the same time log in, get a wallet that works across EVM, across Solana. And in the future, we will also support kind of embedded wallets across other chains as well, because we believe those kind of connected chains will likely be the future.

Comprehensive Wallet Support and User Focus

And then on the non embedded wallet side, where you're coming in with multiple wallets, we support everything, like every EVM network, Cosmos wallet, bitcoin wallets. So in that best case, to see it is really log into magic Eden. You just see that you can connect from any network, all of the different wallets that exist in the ecosystem. So we hit it on both sides, because we truly believe that apps will grow to wanting to serve people existing on various different chains. But to the user, they should just instantly get what they need. Or if they're coming in with millions of dollars or sitting on their random bitcoin wallet, they shouldn't need to find a bridge and then find this other thing to connect to this other weird wallethead.

Seamless Connectivity and Future Trends

They should just show up with their unisat wallet or whichever wallet they're having and just connect to it instantly. So multichain is absolutely what we build into. Yeah, because we actually also believe the next big trend, and you're starting to see it, is there will be not, you know, there will be thousands more chains, right? So there is not going to be less. There's actually going to be more. And if there's more, you need to be able to build support that can handle more and make it simple, as opposed to add a chain, but also add just segmentation or separation.

Dynamic Support for New Chains

So anytime there's a chain that gets added, it'll get added to dynamic and users and developers will have it instantly. And hello. From the tensor side of things like how important is having this multi chain ecosystem? I think we don't even know how many chains we'll be supporting as well. Like, like Adam said, in our case, we decide on chains based on the use case. So when it comes to art, music and design, we are going with story. And when it comes to something that requires more, like something with solid liquidity or something, then we choose base.

Future of Multi-Chain Partnerships

It just depends on the use case and who's building on our platform. We, we will just keep on adding more chains as well, like, so it just makes sense for us to be working with a partner like dynamic who can support us in enabling that. Wow, that's a really good way to put it. So essentially the future is somewhat unknown, but you have, you know, the, I have faith in application that you guys are going to be leveraging from dynamic to make sure that you are ready for the future. I mean, that if that's not bullish, I don't know what is as far as what these guys are building, which is really cool.

Integration for Both Web2 and Web3

Just thinking out loud here, it sounds to me like you guys are playing in this web three world, but you're not inherently like a web three company, necessarily. Like applications outside of web three would still be able to use your platform, right? Yeah. To us, like we offer, like you can think about us as you can be a web two company looking for authentication now, and then let's say later on you decide to integrate, you know, what we'll call like a crypto stack element.

Flexible Integration Options

You can then layer on those services. Right? So just as you might be able to use like a clerk or another auth related system in web two, you can use dynamic in that same way in which, okay, your journey in 2024, 2025 is not, but you want to start with auth by all means. And then later on you want to start layering, like adding on wallets and finding ways to integrate on and off ramps, or find ways to integrate, you know, name like ens names and giving people universal identities. You could do all of those.

Facilitating the Transition for Companies

So that's sort of the, to your point, like this can fit a web two user, a web two developer, or a web three developer. Because we just believe that over time, every type of company will have a crypto enabled stack, something in which they will be pulling a crypto rail, a crypto service. And that may happen overnight to some companies, but it might happen over longer term times. But those companies need easy ways to migrate from, let's say, their typical auth stack in web two to maybe a next generation auth stack that we might be able to provide.

Challenges to Mass Adoption

So that's where we can fit, as you mentioned, a web two company who may not have gone full degen right now, but maybe later on and just sort of dabbling in it. Well, talk about mass adoption. I mean, maybe I'm crazy, but it sounds like this is the easiest way for people to actually get onboarded and get, you know, kind of their feet wet, even if they're just trying to explore web three but aren't sure of it yet. I mean, you're enabling those gateways to this crazy world of ours over here.

Anticipating Future Innovations

Yeah, I think what Tenzer is building is really going to be incredible. Like the, as an infrastructure and a, like a chain that you can build, like a system that you can build incredible apps on. You know, we're super proud to be working with them. And just what they're going to bring to the audit, bring to the market and the users and the developers there is really just going to be a huge unlock. And it won't just be, you know, your hardcore web three developer.

Expanding Developer Opportunities

You will, they will be able to bring in web two developers that want to do really exceptional things. And that's why we're super stoked about working with them and just seeing how they can really expand the market and not just live in a world of just a small pie, but really make the pie just bigger and bigger. That's. I mean, that's exactly what I love to hear, man. Like, not only are those visions aligned, but you understand where each other are actually coming from and how to move forward in this space.

Future Collaborations and Events

Which brings me to a fun question, like, what's happening in the future as far as collaborations are concerned? Will there be, like, hackathons? Like, what's the plan moving forward from here? It's a great question. I think that there's likely going to be something between whether it's dynamic and Tensor and builder programs and hackathon programs, whether it's with story or with others.

Showcasing Web3 Innovations

I think it's still early days there, but I think these are definitely the considerations and things were trying to include in our communities and really make them. These joint efforts to really showcase the power that of combining these types of solutions can provide. Yeah, I think it's something you always say, action. Like how collaboration works in the web three world. I think, I mean, from Tensor's perspective, we don't have a lot of partners. It's story, Koi, dynamic and a few others.

Building Stronger Web3 Communities

But I think I. These are projects with some great communities and doing some real amazing things. So if we try doing developer events or hackathons or anything, I think we can really showcase some amazing things that you can do with web three today.

The Reality of Web Three Partnerships

Well, I think that you might say that there's not a lot of partnerships, but most partnerships in web three turn out to be vaporware. It's not anything real. It's like, I'm going to share your logo out, you're going to share my logo and we're going to put the post out to the community. That's not a real partnership, what you guys are doing, that's a real partnership. We're actually working together, leveraging each other's technologies. That's a huge thing. It makes a big difference when it's real. I don't know how to say it, but there's a lot of people claiming to have partnerships with people. The funniest one to me is when people put the logos of Amazon or Google on their websites and it's like, oh yeah, we host with AWS. So we're a partner, question mark. But yeah, I mean, this is what I want to see. This is what I want to see in the space. Like actual partnerships, people leveraging technologies and working with each other to build a, you know, a greater product. I mean, this is where I want the space to go.

Emerging Trends in Blockchain Technology

But, don't let me be the guy who's saying, like, what the trend needs to be like in your opinion, both of you guys. Like, what do you think are some of the, you know, upcoming trends in blockchain tech? Because I definitely see, you know, this ease of use being big one. But is there anything else in your mind? Halal, do you want to take the first one? Sure. So one thing I noticed from the events we've been to recently in Korea and Singapore is that a lot of people from the old Internet days seem to be building some very interesting things on in web three at the moment. I think a lot of people are seeing opportunity in data especially, and different ways of using data and distributed data systems, storage, distribution and everything, and combine that with AI. And I think that's where a lot of people are seeing some real utility for blockchain, because a lot of times we see projects that are trying to do everything with blockchain. But I think now a lot of projects are also using blockchain for what it's really needed for. So I think this will really bring out some interesting projects that show real world use cases for blockchain.

The Need for Universal Identity in Blockchain

Yeah. And sort of on a related point is that we also see this world where there might need to have, and people have tried to do it in a lot of different ways of a quote, unquote, like universal identity or just more ways in which you can associate actions or wallets or activities to a simple way to get a domain for a user or a way that you can wrap a lot of these things so that experience and you can leverage a lot of insights to users as they move across the space in a way that is privacy focused. In a way, though, that is also could and consumer centric. So definitely seeing a similar kind of trend where data is going to be leveraged in an incredible way now and then on our side, we think about this as like, okay, how can you can then either wrap it in a really familiar kind of solution that doesn't create silos, that doesn't create the fabric, like the fragmentation. That could certainly happen if you just have lots of data floating around and no, you know, ways to kind of interpret it and connect it.

Current Focus and Application Development

All right, let me make sure I get some things out of you. Halal, what are you guys working on right now? As you know, any exciting news? Anything coming? More partnerships, like what's going on over there. So our focus right now is to show some use cases, because one thing we believe in is that we can build tech as much as we want. That goes, that's like the foundational layer, which is what we've been working on. But if we probably spend too much time building that, people might not be able to use that firsthand. And if they're not able to use that, it becomes harder for us to explain what we are working on. So one thing we are working on right now is building a few applications or platforms that makes use of the distributed AI training infrastructure that we built and the network data and everything. So music, art and like, we are also working on some enterprise solutions as well. So we're just trying to show different use cases and how the system can be leveraged. And the onboarding part is of course, the most important because this is something a lot of partners who are not coming from the web three world have. Concerns or questions about how, whether their customers or users would face any challenges technically for using the system. So, yeah, that's kind of where we are.

Encouraging Developer Engagement

Now. It's really easy for me to just jump on a call and basically question you here. Most users don't have the ability to doing that. Like, how can people actually stay up to date with what's going on over there and more, you know, even more than that, like how can devs actually get involved? I think we are now reaching the point where we would like devs to start trying out the system. So we are open to collaborations and anybody can reach out to the team on teamso.com. or any of us individually as well. And in terms of users, like, they can always subscribe to our new email list on our website. And you're not selling those emails, right? Not yet, at least. That was the best answer I could have helped for. I love the way you approach things, man. It's so awesome. Every time I get to have a space with you. Shout out to Kayla as well. Kayla's supposed to be up here, but she is in lovely Florida right now and she was just in the eye of the hurricane not too long ago, so missing UklA. I hope everything's going okay down there.

The Importance of Conversations in Tech

Yeah, I mean, these spaces, honestly are some of my favorites, where I can nerd out just enough to where people are like, wait, you know, actually know what you're talking about. I was like, yeah, sometimes. But most of all, it's because I get to talk about, you know, the cool stuff that's happening, the things, the cool things that are being built and the people that are actually supporting this, you know, entire ecosystem to see it move forward in a way that only real devs really can do. So thank you. I really appreciate it. Hello. I really appreciate it, Adam. It's really cool to not only see, but experience the things you guys are working on with that. Adam, how can people find out more about what you guys do over at dynamic?

Finding Dynamic and Getting Involved

Adam?, Yeah, simplest for now, follow us on Twitter or subscribe to our newsletter. First action. Follow us on Twitter and you get a lot of updates, a lot of cool partnerships that we're doing, a lot of new features or go to. As you mentioned, you can go to demo Dynamic XYZ and try it out and set it up yourself. So we're a self service company. So if you just want to get in and start building, create an account and start going, it's free for the first one, your 1st 1000 monthly active users. So by all means just start and build. If you want to get updates, I encourage you. Yeah, follow us on Twitter and there'll be a lot of really exciting things that we'll be releasing. So 1000 monthly active users. So essentially, if it's a small community, I can deploy this right now for free and use until I grow enough past that thousand users.

Supporting Builders in the Web Three Space

Yeah. So we believe that we just want to encourage builders to build awesome apps and attract people. So if you're smaller and you only have 900 monthly active users, by all means, for free, it's fine. 1000 monthly active users, fine. If you start getting bigger, we have various pricing tiers that you've able to have between 1000 and $2,100 a month. If you need a slight break on that, let's talk. If you're going even beyond that, we have a lot of different ways that we can help you. We really just want to make it really easy for any builder who is maybe starting out or starting to ramp, to just get started and just make web three login experiences really simple. That's amazing. I don't hear that often enough to where people are actually putting builders first and making sure they actually have a viable product before, you know, charging them left and right. So that's. That's really exciting. Glad, like, super happy to hear you guys are taking that route.

The Importance of Building Trust

That's. That's actually really important. hello. Give me that. That. This is what Melina likes to say. Give me the TLDR. As far as tensor goes and why people should care about what you guys are building, what you're building, and why it matters. I think there are a lot of concerns about how AI is being developed and trained. So if anybody's looking for a solution that's solving these problems or how data is captured, managed, distributed, I think anybody who's interested in these topics, the. They should check out what we are doing. I love it, man. I appreciate you so much. All right. With that. Melina, any final words?

Closing Remarks and Future Collaboration

If you. There you are. Yeah, no, I had a good time and honestly, I'm gonna reach out. I think I'm cutting out you rugged hard. As soon as you said you're gonna reach out. Oh, it's okay. I'll do a little closing since Melina isn't able to talk. Ultimately, I think I have a feeling where Molina is going with this. I think she wants to reach out to that, you know, to dynamic, to maybe have you guys on more things and see what you guys are up to, what's actually happening over there, because I definitely dm'd you guys because I'm super pumped about what you guys are building. And I'm so happy, Halal, that you've partnered up with these guys that actually care enough to, you know, make web three implementation easy for all. So thank you. I can't say thank you enough for, you know, not only believing, but partnering with the right people in this space, it definitely goes a long way.

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