Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space saturn in astrology & your talents | cosmic chat hosted by shawtyastrology. Dive into the cosmic realms of astrology with a focus on Saturn and its profound impact on individual talents. Through discussions on responsibility, self-discipline, and Saturn Return, participants explored the intricate connection between celestial energies and personal growth. Discover how embracing Saturn's teachings can lead to resilience, mastery, and lasting achievements in various spheres of life.

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Total Listeners: 130


Q: What is Saturn's astrological significance?
A: Saturn symbolizes discipline, challenges, and long-term achievements in astrology.

Q: How does Saturn influence personal growth?
A: Saturn teaches lessons of responsibility, resilience, and self-mastery.

Q: What is Saturn Return?
A: Saturn Return occurs around every 29 years, signifying major life transitions and self-discovery.

Q: How does Saturn's placement affect talents?
A: Saturn's position in a birth chart can indicate areas of strength, challenges, and growth opportunities.

Q: How can one work with Saturn's energy for improvement?
A: By embracing Saturn's teachings, individuals can develop discipline, perseverance, and self-awareness.


Time: 00:05:42
Saturn's Astrological Symbolism Exploring Saturn's role as the planet of discipline and structure in astrology.

Time: 00:15:20
Saturn Return and Self-Discovery Understanding the transformative phase of Saturn Return in adulthood.

Time: 00:25:06
Saturn's Influence on Talents Analyzing how Saturn's placement in a birth chart impacts personal strengths and challenges.

Key Takeaways

  • Understanding the role of Saturn in astrology as a planet of discipline and restriction.
  • Exploring how Saturn influences self-discipline, responsibility, and long-term goals.
  • Learning about Saturn Return, a significant astrological event marking maturity and life purpose.
  • Discovering the connection between Saturn's placement in a birth chart and one's talents and challenges.
  • Embracing Saturn's lessons to harness resilience, determination, and mastery in various aspects of life.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Evening Greetings

Hello, everybody. I hope that you're all having a good evening so far. Happy? Yeah. Happy Mercury day. We're in the middle of the week. That's fun. It's almost Venus day. It's almost Friday. I hope that y'all have also been having a good moon and cancer day. I'm feeling tired. So tired today. I feel like I'm pushing through, like, the moon and Mars conjunction makes sense, but at the same time, it's like the more I push myself, the more I'm just like, okay, like, I really want to sleep. That's kind of how I'm vibing, how I'm feeling right now. But, yes. Anyways, exciting topic to chat about today. I wanted to talk about Saturn and how it's very connected with your talents and what it says about your talents. I really want to dissect Saturn more often and talk about the nuances of Saturn, especially because I'm a Capricorn rising.

Vouching for Saturn and Positive Associations

Okay, so listen, I'm here to vouch for Saturn. Listen, you know, we got to put some respect on Saturn's name. Saturn is not all doom and gloom and misery, okay? Like, it can be at times. Finally, someone said this. Let's give Saturn some positive associations more often. So I wanted to just make an introduction with that and embark on that journey more succinctly. So with that being said, while we have some people here, we have a good amount of people here. Again, thanks for all of you all being here. I really do appreciate it. And thanks for spending your evening with Jack and I. Jack is also my co-host for this space. Give it up for tag.

Jack's Introduction and Capricorn Club Jumbotron

Hello. Hey, everybody. It's your favorite Capricorn stellium. It is Jupiter Jack on my Capricorn coated page. Of course. Yes. Oh, let's put the Capricorn club on the jumbotron. Can you do that? Let me see how I can do that. Let me see. No, no. I'm gonna be smart. I'm gonna use my brain. I know I have one somewhere. Let me see. Yes. You might have to make a tweet about it. Okay. Let me go to the group and. Because it won't let me share it and I don't understand. Nope, I lied. I can do it. I can do it. Oh, perfect. Love that. Yes. So we're for plugging in the Capricorn club.

Invitation for Capricorn Placements

So if you got Capricorn placements, join the club. There will be an Aquarius one at some point, I promise. I just. Yeah, there will be an Aquarius one. They'll be all right? They don't need no club. Oh, wow. I'm talking shit. Y'all know I love y'all. I love all my aqua. Okay. Most aquas. Most of y'all. First of all, one of my best friends has an aqua moon, and she's here in the chat. Hi, Christine. Hello, Christine. For those that are gonna come from my neck about me dragging aquas, I'm an aqua. Mercury in Saturn. Okay?

Transition into Discussing Saturn and its Significance

So, like, why would you drag yourself? Okay, great. We have the Capricorn club link. Okay, great. But anyways, let's get started. So, Saturn, right? Saturn astrology, it can represent many things, including professionalism. You know, the people that have mastered their craft, people that have taken the time, the dedication, put in the efforts, the consistency, the blood, sweat, and tears into what they've wanted to do with their lives. You know, it's interesting, like, when you look at somebody that's put in a lot of time into mastering their craft, that in of itself is a very saturnian trait, right? Because it's one thing to stick with something for a couple of weeks versus sticking with something for many years on end and becoming a professional at it.

Professionalism and Proficiency Related to Saturn

You know, being tenacious enough to be consistent enough to, you know, be patient with building something up is a very saturnian journey. So in a lot of ways, having. Being proficient in your talents is a very saturnian quality. And Saturn really, you know, dictates that. So in the space today, in the podcast today, I'm going to be covering the Saturn signs. So I'm going to be talking about, like, what you personally could become a professional with or could be very talented with, based on your Saturn sign. So be sure to, like, pull up your natalia. I love that. Be sure to pull up your natal chart just so you can reference what I'm saying.

Importance of Degrees in Astrology

I will also be including the degrees as well, because the degrees are also incredible, incredibly important. So don't sleep on the degrees as well. So I will be covering that. So, first and foremost, let's talk about Saturn. Saturn and Aries, because this is a really interesting, interesting one, mind you. Saturn is actually going to be in Aries next year, early next year around, I believe. Let me see. When is Saturn going to be entering Aries? I believe it's sometime, I think, in the springtime. And that means that my Saturn and Aries babies, y'all, Saturn return's coming up. Oh, that's all. Got it.

Anticipation for Saturn's Transition into Aries

That also includes me, too. But no, it's all good. It's all good. It's all good. No stress. Hey, what's up with the glass breaking? Nothing. No stress. Remember, no stress. No stress. Saturn return is not as bad as you think. No stress. Okay. Yeah. So May 24 of 2025, Saturn will move into Aries. So we still got some time, but Saturn's coming for y'all anyways. Saturn in Aries. When you have your Saturn in Aries, it could show that one of the things that you could become very good with is using your body in a very physical way.

Exploring Saturn's Influence on Physicality and Proficiency

So exerting your body. So people that do have these placements can actually become really proficient in regards to, like, any kind of sports related things. A perfect example of this is Simone Biles. She has her Saturn in Aries, and it's also had a scorpio degree as well. And, I mean, look at her. Like, olympic abilities, right? Like, she's incredibly talented, and she's, you know, won medal after medal at the Olympics. And so when I was looking into her chart, I was like, this just. It makes so much sense. And she's gone to very professional levels in her career, like, as a.

Continued Discussion Around Saturn in Aries

As a gymnast, as, you know, as an Olympic athlete, having her Saturn in Aries. So that's a really great way for that energy to manifest in that regard. Want me to pull her chart? Pardon? Want me to pull her chart right quick? Yeah, totally. Having Saturn in Aries is also a really great placement for people that want to become leaders. You know, people that want to delegate, lead, and just really, like, guide other people in the right direction. Having your Saturn in Aries can make you a very successful leader, which is why a lot of times when people have their Saturn in Aries, y'all need to be working either in positions where you could become a manager, a leader, a supervisor, or, like, own your own business.

Encouragement for Leadership Roles with Saturn in Aries

You are not meant to be, like, consistently listening to the orders of other people. Now, granted, that's not always, it's not something you can always avoid, but as long as you can be in those positions of power and be able to delegate tasks and responsibilities to people, that is also another really great way to execute and really exert that energy in a really. In a really proficient type of way. So that is something I think could really help people that have their Saturn in Aries. Jacques, what's your Saturn sign in? Okay, showing my age, but Aquarius actually very late degrees. So I had my Saturn return not too long ago.

Jack's Experience with His Saturn Return

How was it for you? Was that, how was your Saturn return experience? My Saturn return experience was, I would say, as a little loud I would definitely appreciate it not be as loud as it was. Okay. But. So a little more tea. So I have it in the 7th house, and it's domicile ruling almost everything on my chart. It's my final dispositor. Oh, wow. Inside and outside of this app, I'm known as someone who likes to bring people together, someone who's very good at, like, I guess, building some form of community with people.

The 7th House Influence and Close Relationships

Also being that guy that can be friends with almost anyone and everyone. And I feel like that does speak loud to the chart, because while Aquarius is the, you know, the humanitarian, whether it be more about close relationships or not, having that in my 7th house is kind of what focuses it more on building close connections, like, whether I'm able to see it or not. And that's kind of been. And I guess when Saturn came back around, it was like, all right, homeboy, I know you're good at this shit, so let's see how well you deal with some bullshit in my mouth.

Reflections on Personal Growth and Saturn's Lesson

I mean, I know it's record. Actually, no, we're grown. What am I talking about? Anyway, see this attorney encoded. I'm trying to be professional. I appreciate it. Like, having it in the 7th house, I think, has been interesting because it kind of was a reminder during its transit about who's gonna be my close friend, who isn't, like, understanding that not everybody is gonna be a friend. I know that sounds a little dark. That sounds dark, but it's actually a bit alleviating. Even though I'm going through some shit with some people right now.

Navigating Personal Relationships During Transit

But outside of that, I'm like, you know what? Big groups aren't freaking necessary all the time. Sometimes it's better to just build with the right ones. Now Saturn is in the 7th house, and that's so connected with, like, interpersonal relationships and close connections. I can understand as to why you made that a really big priority during your Saturn return. No. Yes, indeed. Like, and not even just a priority, but I made sure to kind of keep an eye on how things would happen as they were.

Lessons Learned About Limits and Boundaries

You know what I mean? Like, in fact, I would tell you, it's still teaching me to this day about different things, about where my limits actually lie, because I would act like I don't have any goddamn limits. So my Saturn is also at the bending, what they call the bending of the nodes, from what I understand. So where it's square, both my north and myself node. So it has its tests and tribulations. And mind you, at one of those ends, Pluto is also there yeah, I am very not even gonna lie. No, I'm not even gonna lie.

Challenges Faced During Saturn's Influence

Anytime that I see, whenever someone has their Saturn aspect in their north node, I always send out, like, a little prayer for them because I'm just like, yo, that is crazy. Because whatever the north node touches or is aspecting in your chart will amplify it. So I feel like, especially if you have your north node aspecting Saturn, I can understand as to why, like, when you do go through your Saturn return, it might feel a bit intense or more intense than the average person because the north node is just like, it's expanding that in drastic ways, but it could also be very transformative and also very aligning for your life purpose.

Understanding the Nature of Saturn Returns

So I feel like that Saturn return will really push you to, like, where you need to be. Be. It might not be the easiest journey at times, but it can be extremely rewarding, you know? So. Yeah, indeed. Yeah, indeed. And it's like, it's funny you bring up the expansion where it's kind of like you have to deal with a push and pull with the node in Saturn in a sense, because, like, you might mention more so about purpose for the north node.

Insights on North Node and Saturn Dynamic

I'd see sometimes also how that the north node can also be more about consumption, and it's like, over consuming in a certain area. So where I have to have Saturn to kind of, like, put like, they're both kind of, like, pushing and pulling. Like, no, no, indulge. And Saturn's like, no, no. Chill the fuck out. Chill with these people. And I'm like, no, no. I want to see the world. My note is in sag. I'm like, I want to see the world. No, see it with these motherfucker. Them motherfuckers not gonna help you. I'm like, how do you know?

Balancing Impulsivity and Caution

Wow, that's so interesting. But, you know, in terms of. In terms of what I was saying, though, about, like, the whole Saturn and Aries thing, though, the one. The one note that I also wanted to make for everyone that has their Saturn Aries is be more consistent with trying new things and sticking with them. Because when you stick with things and you stay consistent with it, you'll find yourself getting to a point in your life where you elevate to such a high degree and such a high level that you could become a professional with anything that you really put energy towards.

Encouragement for Consistency and Professionalism

So make sure that whenever you want to initiate something or you want to start something, make a consistent plan, be strategic, plan things out, organize things out, because the more you do this, the more likely you are to have a very professional and efficient approach in the way that you do things. So that's definitely one of the keys for having your Saturn in Aries. Jack, do you have any advice for anyone that has their Saturn in Aries in terms of what they should focus on as well? Great question.

Jack’s Reflection on Advice for Saturn in Aries

And remind me to bring another one to you after this Saturn Aries for me, I don't even know if I have a lot of advice for them because I feel like they're not gonna listen to me. Yo, yo, peeps like that? No, not even. I mean, you hit a nail on the head if anything. I mean, I'm also looking at the fact that not only is the Saturn still no one freak out when I say this, but quote unquote, debilitated and also ruled by Mars, this is also a case where you want to be careful with things like your temper.

Navigating Temperament with Saturn's Influence

And while I want to trust that they already are because Saturn is in the house of temperament, there is still the case that you might let loose. Like, I have seen some kind of, like, go against what Saturn would normally try to tell them. Like, y'all know damn well y'all need to be getting let the revenge before the universe, not for y'all. And I get it. Sometimes we want to get justice for ourselves, but it's like, at the same time, chill out.

Importance of Patience During Personal Trials

Sometimes it's gonna come for you. Just gotta sit back and relax. That's a big thing. That's a big thing. Yeah. Just like learning to just, like pace yourself and not rush into things or do things, like, impulsively. It's almost like a push and pull energy. Like, where it's almost kind of so polarizing. Where it's like you might almost kind of find yourself either of doing things too quickly and then you experience the consequences of it.

Personal Insights into Rushing and Procrastination

Or sometimes you might not act fast enough where, like, you almost the time struggle with, like, procrastination at times too. Yeah, I guess you could see that as well. See, you know what one person, and she was kind of bringing this more into the idea of Capricorn and Aries in a chart, which is disrespectful because I have that both. Right, son. And rude. But she said having that. And I'll say this, with Saturn in Aries, maybe even Mars and Capricorn sometimes it's almost like your foot's on the fucking gas and the brakes at the same time.

The Dual Nature of Saturn in Aries

Yeah. You know what I mean? And once I heard that made a lot of sense. That was Deanna Rose Harper, by the way. That was when she was on chatting with Chris Brennan about capital in astrology. And I kind of heard that, and I was like, that makes a lot of sense because it's a lot of rushing, but it's also a lot of limiting. It's like, sometimes I'll get, in my own way, songs like, no, fuck it. We're gonna kick the dope. And, like, look, listen.

Finding Peace Amidst the Chaos

Yeah, yeah. And it's just. I guess the big lesson is just to make sure you're finding some type of peace with whatever you're working on. Don't. I don't want to tell any Saturn in Aries not to work on what they're working on. It's just, you know, be careful with the burnout now. Yes. Oh, my gosh. Yes. Especially with the burnout. Yo, that's a huge thing. Workaholics. Workaholics. And I'm gonna get on the Saturn and the six house people too, eventually.

Clarifying Differences with Saturn in the First House

Right. But yes. Okay. No, different. But got a little question for you that might be important for some of the audience, if I may. Yeah. Is do you see any discernment with the Saturn Aries people and the Saturn in the first house people? Because obviously Saturn the first for me, I'm like, they're gonna be different signs. Was gonna be a different story, a different ruler each time. But there are a lot of people that still have this, like, it's kind of like this notion to pretty much put them in the same box.

Similarities Between Saturn in Aries and First House

Yeah, I do see some similarities almost, sometimes a bit more in some capacities, because, you know, Saturn is now in the first house of self. Right. So now it's like, literally with you, like, throughout your entire life, versus. It's different if Saturn is in areas because the house get. The house can change and kind of can, you know, influence the energies in a different way. But I can see there are some similarities with that, for sure.

Individuality and Leadership Traits

Okay. Okay, cool. Then I'll just keep that in mind, because for me, it's like, I can see it in the sense of, I guess, being independent and being, like, your own boss, kind of like how you were referring to Saturn in Aries. I also just see with them, it's more like they're just more like they can be more judgmental. They can be more organized. That's what I wanted to say about Saturn Aries. I forgot about that. They can be more organized, in a sense, than their peers.

Reflections on Navigating Work Environments

And I was kind of like, I don't know if I can always put that with Saturn in Aries, I'm like, I try not to diminish that from people because I have seen some better bosses than their boss. I hate to say it. And I'll be like, damn, at your young age, you going at this man who's a good, like, Saturn in Libra from you. I'm just saying. In other words, I'm saying, you feel me? Like, 17 years older. Can y'all, like, not try to come for their neck? I get that you did a great job, but still, don't try to overdose, like, dethrone the king.

Transitioning to Saturn in Taurus Discussion

That's funny. Super funny. Okay. But with that being said, Saturn and Taurus. Saturn and Taurus, people, where y'all at? Where are y'all at? Ooh. Saturn and Taurus. Okay, so this is a really interesting placement because it's almost kind of like a polarizing placement that generally can get better over time because Saturn is now in a Venus ruled sign. Venus and Saturn, like, you know, Saturn likes Venus because it exalts in Libra.

Navigating Challenges with Saturn in Taurus

So I generally do like Saturn and Venus ruled signs. It's just that Saturn and Taurus can be a bit challenging to navigate with at the beginning of your life or in the earlier stages of your life because Taurus is so connected with, like, your values. And it's also, in a way, very connected with your perception of your self worth, your confidence, how much you value yourself. So Saturn and Taurus, to me, is like a work in progress related placement.

Professional Opportunities with Saturn in Taurus

But the thing that people that have their Saturn in Taurus can be really great professionals with are, like, for example, like voice actors or singers or people that use their voice in a very strong capacity. Again, this is something that they will have to develop and be and put work towards in. Because Saturn is not just going to give you things, you know, without work, unless your Saturn is in retrograde and making some nice aspects.

Exploring the Role of Saturn in Professional Development

Because Saturn can also represent laziness, too. It's not all about hard work. Sometimes certain Saturn placements don't have to work too hard for certain things. Because, again, Saturn can be restriction, right? Restriction of having to work hard or restriction of getting something, you know, in certain ways. So it can apply in different capacities. But the one thing that I've noticed about Saturn and tourist people is that they generally have very professional speaking voices.

The Influence of Professional Voices and Aesthetics

You know, like, you'll notice sometimes, like, when you're, like, out and you're listening to, like, some kind of, like, podcast or somebody speaking on tv, and you just like, their voice almost sounds so professional that they almost kind of sound, like, robotic. It's almost kind of like that. Like, that's kind of sometimes how that energy can manifest. So definitely finding ways to, like, use your voice more often and to speak to people, do more public speaking, doing.

Encouragement for Public Speaking

Doing, like, more business speaking events, just, like, doing more of that could be something that you could be very good at and could be something that you could do as a way to hone in on your talents. This placement can also be fantastic for music producers because Saturn is also very connected with production and producing things and building something up from nothing. Right. So one thing I've noticed with people that have their Saturn in Taurus is that they typically can also be very talented music producers because, at the end of the day, I mean, music producers are important.

Saturn's Influence on Music Production

Like, if there's no production, there's no, you know, there's no real song there. Because again, like, I mean, the production is where things, like, really stem from. An example of someone that's a really talented producer is Timbaland. So he has his Saturn in Taurus, and he's made some of, like, the most pivotal and prominent and prolific songs of the early two thousands even now. But, like, there was a time where he was, like, really, like, really in his prime, which was, like, you know, back in the early two thousands and even, like, the 2010s era where he was just, like, making, like, really great songs and producing a lot of great songs with really cool, with really great artists.

Highlighting Financial Management Skills

And he is someone that has his Saturn in Taurus. So if you have this placement and you want to work in music or you want to produce music or get into that, definitely work towards it because you could become extremely good and very talented with that. People that also have their sound in Taurus can also be really proficient and really good with handling money, especially as they get older, because Saturn is also very connected with maturity and, you know, who we become as we age.

Financial Growth During Maturity

Right. So typically speaking, when people do have their Saturn in Taurus, their spending habits get better. The relationship that they have with their finances get better. Even, like, for example, like, their savings, they typically tend to have more money as they get older as well. Now, granted, I'm not discrediting that. You know, there's a lot of stuff going on in the economy right now, so I'm not discrediting that. But typically speaking, Saturn and Taurus generally can increase your chances of getting to a place where you do feel like you are more responsible when it comes to handling your money and your resources and keeping it and just kind of being more responsible with it.

Professional Success in Beauty and Finance Industries

So I do like Saturn and Taurus for that reason. And I think it's generally a really great placement for that. So yeah, definitely something. Definitely, definitely something to look into as well. People that do also have their Saturn in Taurus can also be very professional working in certain fields, like anything that relates towards beauty or fashion or aesthetics. Even like more practical things like working in finance. So like some people that have their Saturn in Taurus can do very well working in like you know, economics, working in banking, like doing anything that's just like very financial based.

Transitioning to Saturn in Gemini Discussion

That is something that people that have their Saturn in tours can generally get really good with, especially as they get older. And with that being said, Saturn and Gemini. So Saturn and Gemini people. Oh, did you want to say something? I was gonna throw out a nice example for the Capricorn people.

Introducing Examples for Capricorn Individuals

Like quite frankly. Yeah, go ahead. Sorry, I wasn't sure if you wanted to say anything. You're good, you're good. I'll just be quick. So one example I like to think of with Saturn in Taurus actually is Benjamin Franklin. Franklin. Oh I love that. It was perfect. Cuz like I looked at his chart recently, turns out he's an Aries rising, meaning this Saturn is in his second house. Everyone that doesn't know I use whole sign and it's ruling his 10th house, his house of reputation.

Benjamin Franklin's Influence as an Example

Now mind you, he wasn't necessarily in like finance or investments, but he was a polymath. He used to be a writer, a politician, a diplomat. He was definitely a scientist with that electric kite he had from what I remember. And mind you, he has this Venus in Sagittarius which proves there's really no bounds of what he values. Not to say he just values anything and everything, but he doesn't let, he doesn't focus on just one thing.

Legacy and Multiple Talents of Benjamin Franklin

He literally died with a legacy in different areas, in different fields. And just to end up, mind you, on a dollar bill for the rest of the ironic as hell. So not just at the highest earning, the most expensive dollar bill you can think of. You know what's really funny? And his Saturn is conjunct to the north node. Isn't that insane? Oh my God, it just makes so much think about that. No one told me that.

Exploring Aspects and Their Implications

I did not see that north node. Hold on, wait, I'm going to look. Yeah, it's conjunct to the north node and the north node is about like the, like, massive amounts of something or something that's very, like, you know, like a lot of something or something like that. Could be quite high up and Pisces degree. Is it? Yeah. Interesting. He's a rare breed is what you're saying, huh? Mm. Very.

The Intersection of Saturn and the North Node

Oh, and his Saturn. His Saturn is also conjunct to the lot of fortune. I was just gonna beat you to a damn. Okay, no, go ahead. No, no. That was really all I was gonna tell you. I was like, I meant to tell you. Wait, wait. That is bananas. I swear, it's crazy how strategy just gets so literal. You know what I mean? I know.

Discussing the Quality of Saturn Aspects

What do you think about a lot of Saturn aspects? Like, what's your opinion on that? Great damn question. In my first immediate interpretation, because, being honest, that wouldn't be the first one I see of Saturn conjunct lawn and frozen. First thing I would think of is it's going to take a while to hit the pot of gold. That's kind of my first thing.

Interpreting Saturn's Connection to Wealth

And that doesn't mean that there's going to be too many obstacles getting in the way, per se. It's just more. So it will be longer lasting because it's going to take that long. Hard to get to this level. You know what I mean? It could also mean that he was very talented in understanding the value of things, you know? So, like, whether it be like, understanding how electricity can come about to, understanding how to make amends with different countries, etc.

Navigating Relationships and Responsibilities

This is probably a big thing for him, especially with it being ruled by a 9th house Venus. Let me see. Here's a day chart. Should we put his chart on the jumbotron or. I was, I was looking for the dog on astro.com chart, but that wasn't letting me. So I'm gonna get the astro seek, see if that'll pull up. Yeah, I'm looking at it. I'm looking at it on astro seek right now.

Insight on Chart Comparisons

Okay, cool. Then I'm not the only one. Ben Frank. Yeah. I like a lot of fortune and Saturn aspects, especially if it's like a trine or a sex towel or a conjunction. The squares and oppositions, those could be a bit more frustrating, in my opinion. But the conjunctions are nice because, yes, it might take you a while or it might take longer for you to, like, as Jack was saying, like, you know, hit that pot of a goal.

Resilience and Long-Term Success

But once you get it could be long lasting. It's like whenever I think about Saturn in a lot of fortune conjunctions, I'm just like, okay, when this is being activated, you'll probably get something quite nice because of your hard work, and it'll probably last you a while. Or it could sustain itself, or there could be just, like, more long term opportunities that can come about from the work that you've been putting in.

Concluding Thoughts on Saturn Aspects

So it definitely can pay off in a lot of ways. Oh, that's a chart. Yes, indeed. We threw it on the jumbotron. Oh, damn, I missed it. I'm looking at Simone's aredem. Yeah. I wonder what was up with that mercury. I know you mentioned his voice a lot. We will literally never get a sample of his voice. We are not getting that sample for the mixtape at all.

Anticipation for the Future of Music

But look, I tell you, every rapper will get a freaking hold of it. If you get the right movie. That has been frank being a character or get the right actor to play him, I swear to God, we're not gonna hear the end of it. I know. And so it's so funny that his mercury's in retrograde, and it's also at a Pisces degree. It's like, there's, like, a mystery related towards, like.

Unraveling Communication Dynamics

Like, his voice and everything, which is really funny. Interesting. And then you got the mercury squaring that Saturn. It does make me wonder how that was going down. You know, like, a retrograde mercury with a hard aspect to Saturn. I'm like, was communication just a bitch? And he just started doing things so people can understand his greatness.

Wrap-Up and Future Discussions

Like. Like, you know what? I'm not going to talk about it. I'm already in Aries rising. I'm just going to show you and make you talk. That's the first thing I like, frustrating miscommunication with people in his community, for sure. In regards to money. Maybe he might have owed people money, or there might have been some kind of miscommunication regarding finances or things related towards or possessions. Maybe he owed a lot of people or, like, you know, there could be, like, there could have been maybe some drama related towards that.

Acknowledging Complex Relationships

Speaking of y'all, I am sorry. We're gonna blame the fact that this is Wednesday, okay? Mercury day. Mercury just fucked me over. He has a Venus in Capricorn. I said he had a Venus and sag. His chart ruler is in Sagittarius. Oh, my God. His Venus. I forgot this. His Venus and his Saturn are in mutual reception. That was what got me about the whole situation. I remember now.

Reflections on Chart Aspects and Relationships

Either way. Ouch. Sorry. No, you're just. It's all good. It's all good. No, no stress. No, you're fine. Don't even. Don't even worry about it. But anyways, that being said, should we move on to Saturn and Gemini? Let's go talk about it. Let's. Let's do it. Let's do it.

Final Thoughts on Saturn in Gemini

Okay. Saturn and Gemini, people. How y'all doing? How are y'all doing? I like Saturn in Gemini, and I'm. And I feel like I'm a bit biased here because I have mercury and Saturn aspects in my chart. So I feel like, yeah, we just understand each other in. In different. Not in the same way, but, you know, in similar ways. Saturn and Gemini, people.

Gemini Degrees and Personal Proficiency

So that's the third, 15th and 27th degree. Oh, and by the way, the other degrees. So the aries degrees are the first, 13th and 25th degree, and then the tourist degrees are the second, 14th and 26th degree. So just for any. For anyone that needed reference. But if you have your Saturn in Gemini, or, again, at a Gemini degree, which is the third, 15th, or 27th degree, this could show that you could become really proficient or professional at two of something at the same time. Because the archetype of Gemini are the twins or the lovers. That's the symbol of Gemini, which are two people, which is why wherever you have Gemini in the chart can represent where you might be able to have two of something.

Examples of Gemini Professionals

So an example of this that I noticed very recently is a musician and a singer that I really like. Her name is Tate McCray. Maybe you've heard of her. You've probably heard of her. She has a good new song out. And she's a dancer. She's like a professional dancer, but she's also a singer. And one thing that I've noticed about whenever she's performing is that she's really good at dancing and singing at the same time. I mean, don't get me wrong, she does get some criticism for it or, like, there is, like, a level of pressure that people expect from her, which is really interesting. But her Saturn is at a Gemini degree. And when I saw that, I'm like, this just makes so much sense as to why. Not only does she put a lot of pressure on herself to dance, like, very effect efficiently and do all that, but she also puts a lot of pressure on herself to also sing at the same.

The Impact of Gemini on Careers

But she does it quite well. And I've noticed that at her concerts and just the way that she kind of just, like, exudes her energy. So, yeah, having your Saturn in Gemini could really help you to become a professional with two distinctive things, especially harmonizing them and amalgamating them at the same time. Having your Saturn in Gemini can also make you a very professional writer. Some of the most incredible writers and book writers that, you know, that are very successful typically have their Saturn in Gemini. Because we also think about it, Saturn is very connected with the career. So if you don't have someone's birth time, which sometimes does happen, not everyone knows what time they were born at. Right? Which is unfortunate, but it does happen.

Understanding Saturn's Role in Communication Careers

If you don't have their birth time, you can actually use their Saturn sign to kind of get an understanding as to, like, where, you know, where and what they might do with their career and what might interest them or, like, the fields that they might get into. So when people have their Saturn in Gemini end up becoming really professional, like writers, marketers, people that, you know, work in, like, communications, advertising, sales, car sales, anything that's just, like, very cerebral or media based. People that have their Saturn in Gemini can typically become very proficient and professional with that. So that's a really big thing for people that have their Saturn in Gemini.

Personal Reflections on Saturn in Gemini

How do you feel about Saturn in Gemini? Jack? Eminem apparently has Saturn in Gemini. So I've seen enough. That's all I needed to freak. However, it does make me question how Ben Affleck ended up getting a Saturn in Gemini. I'm kind of like, I know him for quite a lot of things. Writing isn't one of them. I know him for, oh, God, I forget a lot of movies. He then did some. It fucked me up. Once I found out he was playing Batman, I'm like, okay, what just happened? Stop. Type. But. Point being. But, no. Yeah. how do you feel about Ben Affleck? I don't know if you really keep up with the guy cause me, I.

Insights into Celebrity Saturn Placements

Don'T really know much about him. See, some celebrities, I'm just, like, a big, like, what the hell? But anyway, before we go on a tangent about these people, for me, Saturn and Gemini, if I'm not mistaken, it has what's known as triplicity. So where it can kind of have a little dignity based on, like, being in the same, like, element as, like, a domicile. I'm gonna tell people not to quote me because I don't even use triplicity necessarily in my practice, but at the same time, it being in an air sign to me would give it enough strength as it is. Yeah, it does. Like working in that field. It already has dignity in Libra and Aquarius. So I would assume when it's in Gemini, it can make for someone who can be a big genius over time.

Exploring Examples of Influence in the Creative Field

And you mentioned writers. Like, one thing that got me the story of George Lucas. George Lucas, if I am. And you all gonna correct me if I'm wrong. All right. No, it's. I ain't worried no more. He was the one who wrote Star wars, correct? What was his name? George Lucas. George Lucas. Let me check. Yeah, Lucas films, if I'm not mistaken, because I do recall his story being very interesting where with Star wars, at least where he was working on that movie for God. Yes. Look, that man had a lot of trials and tribulations. Like, I didn't understand how he could sit here and try to develop the set 8 million times before he could finally get it right.

The Journey of Passionate Pursuit

Maybe, what, like, 1015 years later just to finally make Star wars as it was. I'm like, if. And also, I think that's why it started on the fourth, because I think the fourth one was the one that really went mainstream, if I'm not mistaken. So that's why I went four, five, six, and then one, two, three, if I'm not mistaken. Someone's gonna have to give me the scoop, but I feel like that kind of fits the mold to what you might be describing. I do notice people that just have it in general. Like, even though they're a good few years younger than I am, normally when I run into them, they tend to be very well versed in whatever they do.

The Learning and Proficiency of Saturn in Gemini

Like, I know some good people. Yeah. Like, I met a lot of, like, saturn and gems when I was getting on Twitter, and, like, they wanted to pass all these different ideas about things, like Persona charge, for example, whatever. I was like, yeah. You know what I mean? Yeah. Very dedicated with learning and, like, learning, like, random facts. And information and just being consistent with it. They're very good at honing in on learning things and, like, retaining information. Like, some people that have their Saturn in Gemini have really great memories. Like, they're always just really good with, like, keeping, like, track of things and, like, having, like, notes of, like, historical events or just, like, keeping tabs on things you like.

The Intellect and Skill of Gemini

That usually sometimes does manifest in that regard. So, yeah, I definitely agree. Like, very, like, intelligent people and very smart and proficient in that sense. So it's a great placement. I like it. And for those that might be curious about how that can manifest for themselves, I have a little bit of a trick that's a bit dated. I'm not the one that made it up, but I'm been digging into this quite a bit. Consider looking at your chart if Saturn were on your ascendant or in your first house to kind of see how your reputation or your career can develop for itself or how you'll be in the workplace or how you'll be when you're in your career or learning to set boundaries for yourself.

Initial Discussion and Verification

Wait, hold on. Let me check just to make sure. So I'm not getting, like, blocked by a thousand people. but I know her to have. Yeah, Saturn in Virgo. Oh, thank God. Okay, cool, perfect. She has something else in Virgo too. No. Yeah. So she has her north node, she had her moon, and lot of. That's what it was. That's what it was. Okay. That's why I was like, wait, wait. I'm not mixing this up. I'm not losing my mind. But yes, she had Virgo of Virgo. Saturn in 8th retrograde. Yeah.

Reflection on Saturn in Virgo

My goodness. Yeah. When I think of Saturn in Virgo, and by the way, this also applies to, if you have your Saturn at six or 18 degrees, I first, when I think of Saturn in Virgo, I get kind of sad. Sometimes. Cause I'm like, okay. I feel like these people struggle a lot with anxiety and, like, struggle a lot with. With perfectionism. Like, they put so much pressure on themselves to be perfect that it almost could be, like, crippling or, like, kind of debilitating in some ways. But. But what I do like about Saturn and Virgo people, or people that have their Saturn at six or 18 degrees, is that you guys are such good workers. When it's time to get shit done, y'all are getting it done.

Work Ethic and Productivity

Like, there is no ifs, ands or buts. You guys get it done, all right? And you guys are so effective and efficient at making sure that all of the little fine details and every, like, the, like, the little nooks and crannies are all just fine-tuned and all completed and good to go. However, though, having Saturn in Virgo at the bit more like the earlier stages of your life can make the working process a bit more difficult to kind of adapt to. But as soon as. But as you get older, especially after your Saturn return, you typically find a workflow that works best for you. And, like, you know, typically, you know, aligns with how you like to get work done and, like. And then once you find that flow, you typically become an excellent worker. Your productivity levels, your work ethic, unmatched.

Potential and Work Environment

Unmatched. And because of that, irrespective of, like, what you want to do, your work ethic could lead you to becoming a professional. You know, like, your work ethic is a part of what makes you so talented, right? So never let go of that. Keep working towards it. Keep staying consistent and being strategic, planning things out. And the more you do that, the more likely you are to. To succeed. People that have their saturated in Virgo can also be really great at working in certain fields that relate towards, like, the healthcare sector. Being a nurse, being a doctor, being like a naturopath, working in, like, environmentalism, working with animals, or even, like, managing or directing some kind of company that's very connected with that.

Counseling and Healing Professions

Also, like, really great counselors, like, people that can give you, like, advice. People that have their Saturn in Virgo are experts at this, so they can be really great at this and can be fantastic with that. Some people that have their saturated in Virgo could also be really great. Again, like, working in, like, pharmacies or just kind of working with, like, herbs or herbalism. It's like working in fields where you really have to heal people, either mentally or physically. That's a really big thing for people that have their Saturn in Virgo or their Saturn at the 6th or the 18th degree. So, yeah, working in any kind of field where you really have to help people, this is where you shine.

Personal Connection and Challenges

This is where you really thrive. And by the way, I have my Saturn at 18 degrees, so shout out to anybody that has their Saturn at a Virgo degree, like me, because we're twins. Yeah, I like Saturn and Virgo for those reasons. It can be a difficult placement because of, like, the crippling anxiety and the expectations and the level of pressure that these people put on themselves. But, you know, over time, it can be something like that can get better and they can get good with. I'm so excited to chat about Saturn at Saturn in Libra, though.

Transition to Libra

Or like, Saturn at the 7th or 19th degree. Like, that's a really fun one. Yes. Flat out exaltation. Exactly. Let's go, yo. I love Saturn and Libra. Oh, my gosh. If you have Saturn and Libra, you did something good in a past life. You did something good in a past life to get that placement. Because Saturn is exalted in Libra. Saturn loves to be in Libra. Right? Because first of all, from a more technical and practical perspective, the reason why Saturn exalts, or at least one of the reasons why Saturn exalts in Libra, is because of the association of karmic justice, because Saturn is associated with karma, while Libra is connected with justice and being fair and doing what's right.

Justice and Fairness

So it's like when people have their Saturn in Libra, you never have to worry about getting revenge on somebody. Saturn has your back, because Saturn's gonna make sure that anytime someone tries to mess with you, Saturn got your back. And that also applies if you have Saturn again at a Libra degree, which is the 7th or 19th degree. So that's a really great placement. But if you do have your Saturn in Libra, you could become very good with anything that's also related towards creativity. So this could be with, like, with music. It could also be with fashion, makeup, styling, designing, anything that just, like, really requires you to, like, design, like something that's very aesthetically pleasing.

Creative Potential

People that do have their Saturn in Libra could be really proficient with this. Some people that do have their Saturn in Libra can also be really great, like bakery, like, or, like, dessert chefs or people that just kind of know how to kind of work with those elements. Because Libra is connected with, like, sweets and desserts and, like, you know, things that are just, like, very indulgent. But the one thing I've real that I've noticed about people that have their Saturn in Libra is they typically tend to be really great entertainers and just very great creative people. Somebody that I.

Famous Examples

That I do know of at the top of my head that does. Let me see here. Let me pull up my list here. I'm just gonna pull up my list of people that have their Saturn in Libra, so I can just give some examples. So people that have their Saturn and Libra. So we have. Oh, wow. Interesting. So we have Britney Spears. We have. Give me a second. Oh, we have Beyonce. We have Jake Gyllenhaal. We have Mila Kunis. Serena Williams is also another one that's really interesting, which is really cool. We also have, let's see, Alicia Keys, Christina Aguilera, you know, so we have some of these other musicians here that are really proficient.

Additional Examples of Saturn in Libra

What they do. Paris Hilton is also an example of someone that has Saturn in Libra, and this makes so much sense. That makes so much sense for her. I. Wow. Lil Wayne is also an example of somebody that has Saturn and Libra. Libra can also be associated with, like, poets or people that rap, because libras connects with, like, balancing things or, like, balancing words. And it is an air sign. Right. So there is that. Let's see who else I have here. Yeah, so, like, those are some examples. Like, there's, like, a lot of.

Insights on Social Dynamics

There's, like, 172 pages of, like, people that have Saturn and Libra on this list, but, like, those are, like, the most definitive ones that people would definitely recognize on this list as of right now, but. Oh, and also Joseph Gordon Levitt. So he's an actor. Like, I like him. I think he's a pretty cool guy. I watched him in some of his movies. Oh, and Adriana Lima, she's a model. It makes a lot of sense that she has that, too.

Characteristics of Libra Individuals

That is. Yeah. Yeah. She's gorgeous. She's really beautiful. Yeah. How do you feel about Saturn and Libra? You know what? I actually was gonna ask you a question. Cause you hit a lot of points that I would have tapped on, but there's one thing that keeps. It's this big wtf in my head. How would you feel? And we can make it a rhetorical question, too, if you want. But it's like, how would you feel about associating Saturn and Libra with mercy? Because I know that justice and mercy are two different concepts.

Connecting Themes of Justice and Mercy

But when I think of Libra, especially Libra sons, for one, I think of, you know, beauty and all that. Good. All those beautiful Venusian tactics, by the way, hello to all the beautiful Libra down there. but that's it. Happy Libra season. Happy birthday. with that, it's like with that you kind of think, okay, if Saturn's in that sign, you're gonna think one sign's gonna move a bit more gracefully, a bit more in a positive direction.

Balance and Fairness in Relationships

It's still gonna be fair because Libra's the scales, but it's not gonna be as ugly as maybe the karma of Capricorn or Aquarius. And it's kind of like, I know just Libras in general to also be very forgiving themselves. It's like they, like, I think of how just like the Libras I know in general being forgiven about the people they're around and how I have to tell them, listen, don't be forgiven a thousand times. It's like point still set boundaries, please.

Personal Observations on Forgiveness

Yeah. And then I think of another story of, I don't even know if these people gonna hear it, but like I said, this messes me up. I knew Libras were something else when like Snoop Dogg, I guess, told us this story about how I guess there was an issue where someone in bad boy was shooting up his music video and like, he knew it was theme. So for whatever reason, he found where what studio they were at, walked up to them. He didn't do.

The Nature of Forgiveness and Boundaries

He went on his own. It was like, I know exactly what the fuck you did. But you know what, I forgive you and got the fuck out the studio. I was like, how in God's name do you. You died, homie. It's like, listen, that takes a lot. Like, I had to go back to church or something like that because. I'm like, bro, yeah, it makes sense though, because Libra is so connected with forgiveness because it's ruled by Venus.

Karmic Implications of Saturn

You know, when I think of Saturn and, you know, in terms of, like, its signs and the degrees that Saturn is in, I often like to think about it from the perspective of, like, also, like, how does your hard work pay off? Or how will karma, like how, like, what your, what will your karmic consequences be like? And typically when Saturn is in Libra, and this doesn't always apply, but I generally notice a pattern of people that have their Saturn in Libra getting away with things in a way where it's like, if you mess up, there isn't like you almost kind of have like a more of like a graceful fall as opposed to like falling flat on your face.

Navigating Karmic Consequences

It's kind of like that type of association. So you do have a little bit more forgiveness, more of like a gentler kind of energy in that regard. So I could see how it could manifest in that sense. But, yeah, I do think that it's. It is a bit of an easier placement to navigate and to deal with in that sense because it, you know, it is exalted. Right. So, you know, there is that.

Transitioning Topics

Okay, great interpretation. I like that. Yeah. Yeah. I'm standing on my 7th house Venus. Oh, you have a set of targitus. So do I. That's fun. Oh, no. I'm sorry. I'm stupid. But it's all good directional strength. Yeah, yeah. At least you have that going. You know, it's better than, you know, having it not in the 7th house. Right.

Personal Reflections on Saturn's Placement

So at least there's that. Oh, I'm embracing it versus, you know, Saturn in the 8th, for example. But that said, that might be a. Good segue to Saturn in Scorpio or Saturn out of Scorpio degree. What an interesting. No, no, I love the sound effects. I really do. Like, you're so quick with it. You're so quick with it. Like, you're very good with that.

Research and Investigation

So thank you. But when I think of Saturn in Scorpio, I think about those, you know, like, what's that show? Like CSI or, like those crime like investigation shows. I think about people that do that type of stuff for work. Like some of the best investigators, some of the best researchers, some of the best people that just, like, dig deeper to find the truth of things typically have their Saturn either in Scorpio or at a Scorpio degree, which is the 8th and 20th degree.

Intense Curiosity and Investigation

Y'all, don't let anything pass by you. Like, when you start to kind of sense or just, like, have, like, a suspicion that something is going on, you are going to get to the bottom of it until you find the answer. Like, you will go to great lengths to make sure that you figure out what is really going on in this situation, which is why you guys make such good researchers. Like, if you have your Saturn in Scorpio or at a Scorpio degree, I would even say, I would even argue, like, Saturn in the 8th house.

Careers in Research and Investigation

Y'all need to be doing some kind of an investigative work or some kind of work that requires you to do like, a lot of research because you could be like, not only like, you know, quite successful in those fields, but I think you might be able to do very well with like, you know, sharing the truths with people or just like kind of uncovering like hidden things that, you know, some people just weren't able to find. But also Saturn and Scorpio, people very great with working in certain fields like that relate towards like, criminology, forensic psychology, behavioral psychology, even astrology or tarot or other occult practices, especially as you get older.

Diving into the Occult and Personal Growth

Because again, like, when Saturn is in Scorpio, I think what that need, what that really tells you is there needs to be, and again, that also applies if your Saturn is at a Scorpio degree, there needs to be time. You need to kind of have time to develop that affiliation or that relationship with the occult and also even with your own psychic abilities, because Scorpio degree is the 8th house. They're also interconnected with, like, your psychic abilities and, like, going deep within.

Personal Exploration and Self-Discovery

I think, you know, especially after the Saturn return. I feel like if that does interest a person, I think they'd be really great at exploring fields related towards that. But the thing about people that have their Saturn with these placements is that when they do get to a professional level and when they do, you know, really hone and hone in on their skills, they gain so much power.

Power and Responsibility

Because Scorpio is connected with power, it's connected with the ability to control it and be able to harness it. You know, your reward for working hard typically rewards you with power. But here's the thing. When you also think about, you know, Saturn and Scorpio, even like Capricorn, in some ways, Capricorn and Scorpio and astrology are signs that sextile each other, which is a reflection of how power comes with great responsibility. Like, you know, that quote, with great power comes great responsibility.

Caution and Ethical Use of Power

People that have their Saturn in Scorpio or at a Scorpio degree need to be so careful when they do find themselves in powerful positions. Because if you weaponize that or if you like, use your power for bad, the karmic consequences of that could be devastating. And I'm not saying that to scare anybody. It's just the nature of having your Saturn in Scorpio. It's like when you do find yourself in positions of power, don't abuse it, don't do that.

Using Power for Good

Use it to empower other people. Because Scorpio is very connected with empowerment and, like, changing people's lives and, you know, revolutionizing things. So if you do find yourself getting to a point where you are acquiring a lot of success and you are attaining a lot of power, don't abuse it, because if you do Saturn, but Saturn will get your ass. I'm telling you that right now.

The Polarizing Nature of Scorpio

Yes, that's exactly. That is that. That's exactly it. That's exactly it. Because Scorpio is a very polarizing sign. You know, it's very connected with, like, sudden ups and downs, sudden extremes. You know, it's a very polarizing energy. So when you have Saturn, the karmic planet, in Scorpio. Oh, when I think of Saturn in Scorpio, I low key kind of get.

Personal Reflections on Saturn in Scorpio

I low key kind of shiver a little bit. Like, not in like a terrible way. I'm just like, damn. Okay, this is not a place in the mess around with. So that's how I definitely interpret Saturn and Scorpio, or at a Scorpio degree. How do you feel about Saturn in Scorpio?

Understanding the Complexities of Saturn

I'm not even gonna hold you. That's one placement that sometimes I cannot wrap my head around, except for when I remember that it is ruled by the planet Mars. So kind of like when we spoke earlier about how Saturn in Aries, like, they have to learn, really control themselves, like you're saying at the moment. It's like, I do need them to understand.

Moral and Ethical Considerations

Like, revenge is not always for the behold, for the victim. Sometimes you gotta let revenge be for the universe. And it's like, don't forget, y'all, Saturn rules grudges. So having a Scorpio. I know, I understand this is going to be hard to hear, but here's the thing. Y'all ain't God like, and I'm not.

Navigating Relationships and Revenge

But it's like, y'all gotta understand, certain things have to be in the hands of other people than yourself. If they hit you, of course, I'm not gonna say don't hit back. You don't have to hold on to that. That punch five years later to where you. That's a big thing, too.

Reflections on Personal Growth

Yeah. You know what I mean? That's a huge thing. Yeah, I see that. That's another, that's another placement. If you have Saturn in Scorpio or at a Scorpio degree, you don't always got to worry about getting revenge on people, because the way that the people that try to mess with you will get their karma like that. Like that. Their karma.

Consequences of Interactions

Yo, I get scared thinking about that because remember, wherever your Saturn is, in your chart can almost represent how other people get karma for messing with you. So, like, having your Saturn in Scorpio, it's like you don't. You don't gotta do much. Just let the universe, you know, it's one of those. It's one of those placements.

Reflections on Personal Experiences

No, indeed. Yeah. But, like, for me, I feel like Saturn and Scorpio even then. I still wonder who has more weight between Saturn and Scorpio and Saturn in the 8th, like, because let me tell you, Saturn's in my 8th right now, and it's a. Is it? Oh, wow. Oh, my goodness.

Experiencing Life's Challenges

How is that transit been for you so far? Trials and tribulations. Okay. Like, a lot of things I didn't ask, but I will admit, by God's grace, it's mainly in the realm of finances. Okay. Yeah. So that's the main thing.

Managing Financial Challenges

Y'all don't really see it. But if y'all ever see periods where it's kind of, damn, we're Jack, you know, hosting this place, or. You're not like, he's not sweetness. Kind of like, no, no. Because I'm hustling on the back. I need to figure out exactly how the hell we're gonna go from point a to point b with this bank account of mine.

Embracing Change and Financial Growth

Totally. No, literally, like, of course, you know me growing. But same time, I'm like, I am not gonna act like it didn't show me a couple lessons. Okay. Yeah. Would you say, like, something. Would you. Would you also say some of them were unexpected, expected as well, with that 8th house energy?

Application of Insights from Eclipses

Oh, no, the eclipse. Oh, the full moon definitely showed me some shit I did not expect. I was like, let me. Let the transits do what they do. I'm on top of my shit. I'm fine. We're good. We're okay.

Effects of Lunar Transits

The full moon hits where it was, like, conjunct, like Saturn. And I think, yeah, it might have been Venus, not Mars. Yeah, I was not okay. Oh, I was definitely not okay. That was a not okay.

Reflections on Difficult Times

No. So sorry. Yeah, I was kind of. It's cool. It's okay. We're keeping it cool. Calm and demure. Yeah, period. Look, you know, I'm not gonna lose my hairline over there, but it did teach me that I do have to take a different approach with my finance.

Lessons Learned from Financial Challenges

As y'all can see, I'm obviously holding out a lot of details. I don't want people to be in my business on this recorded line. But it's like, definitely keep your eye out. Like, when Saturn's retrograde. And when Saturn's in, like, these dark houses doing dark things, it can bring things to light once you get to a certain train.

The Nature of Saturn's Movement

Yes, very true. This is why, literally. But I won't go too hard on the 8th house right now. I know you try to keep on the signs. So we'll get this, make this a nice transition to the 9th song. Yes. Saturn in Sagittarius, Saturn in Sagittarius, or Saturn at nine or the 21st degree.

Characteristics of Saturn in Sagittarius

You guys make some of the best teachers, very great teachers. I'm talking about the teach. You know, those teachers, and I'm pretty sure most of us here have had at least one of these teachers that was generally quite patient down to earth, you know, was really good at what they did. That is the equivalent of having Saturn in Sagittarius.

Teaching and Mentorship

Like those people that really take the time to really coach others, instill wisdom in other people, and just, like, really try to foster a community of people that uplift and rise up through the wisdom that they teach other people. So that's a really great way of how Saturn and Sagittarius can manifest. Y'all can make some really great professional teachers or coaches or gurus, so it's a really great placement as well.

Potential Career Paths

Saturn Satis can also make you or help you to succeed very well, or typically quite well. Working in other fields that relate towards, like, travel and tourism, aviation technology, as well, advertising, public relations, anything that you publish to the world or something that relates towards, like, even like, foreign affairs, international business.

The Journey of Achievement

That is something that Saturn and Sagittarius can help you to do, especially tech, especially after, you know, your Saturn return and as you get older, because one thing I've noticed about people that have their Saturn in Sagittarius or at a Sagittarius degree or even in, like, the 9th house, for example, at times is that sometimes their traveling experiences are delayed up until a certain point, and then they typically start to travel more as they get older.

The Impact of Delayed Travel

So if you do have this placement and you haven't traveled much before, hang in there. I think your time will come at some point. And generally, when people do have these placements and they do travel, there is a higher chance and likelihood that they might become the types of people that end up living somewhere else for a longer, for a long period of time, or they might end up being some of those travelers that stay in places for, like, a really long time.

Commitment to Places and Travel Experiences

Like, they might go to Europe for, like, I don't know, two to three months or they might do, like, kind of, they might, like, do like a foreign exchange student type of thing. Or they might get like a visa and stay somewhere for a little bit, so. Or stay a little bit for, like, for quite some time as opposed to just like, traveling somewhere for, like, week.

Reflections on Travel Experiences

You know, it's kind of more so, like, okay, if I'm going to travel, I'm going to be committed to this place and I'm going to, like, stick by it. So sometimes that placement can sometimes manifest in that regard. But either way, though, Saturn in Sagittarius is quite a nice placement.

Personal Opinions on Saturn in Sagittarius

I also do like this placement low key because it's like, again, when you also think about the sign that Saturn is in, it can represent, like, how you're, how you can be rewarded for your hard work. And typically when Saturn is in Jupiter related signs, I've noticed this in the sense of, like, being rewarded in big ways for your hard work and for, like, your consistency and your tenacity and your commitment.

Reflection on Rewards and Achievements

So there is a good chance of that happening again through being dedicated and working for it, usually. So there is that. One of the things that I would also recommend to for people that do have their Saturn in Sagittarius or at the 9th or 21st degree is to also work on your optimism, work on having more belief in yourself.

Fostering Optimism and Self-Belief

Like, you need to, like, make sure that you're, like, not giving up when things aren't happening for you right away or things are taking time. Like, don't just, like, give up hope or, like, you know, give up on certain things. Like, remind yourself that things are going to get better. Remind yourself that you're going to get to where you need to be.

Encouragement and Persistence

Like, you know, really build that up because your optimism and your positivity is what's going to get you to, you know, different heights in the world, and it can help you to succeed in really abundant way. So that is something that I would definitely recommend for my people that got Saturn in Sagittarius. They also typically, you know, especially when they do study something that they like, can be really great students as well.

Learning and Educational Paths

It's just a matter of, like, finding something that they like to do. Because sometimes when you got Saturn in these placements, like, Saturn, Jupiter aspects, even Saturn in the 9th house sometimes can make you kind of it reluctant or like, a bit kind of unimpressed sometimes when it comes to higher education, not always, because sometimes it can make you very serious about it, like, to the point where, like, you might, you know, be dedicated enough with it where you can get, like, your masters or PhD.

Finding Passion in Education

But, you know, it has to be something that you like. It has to be something that you could see yourself doing for 510, 15 years, you know? So what I would also say to people that have this placement is, you know, anytime when you're taking a class or you want to, like, you know, get a certification or a degree or something, don't rush into it.

Caution in Educational Pursuits

Make sure it's something that you really want to do, that you can really see yourself doing, because other. Because if not, you're just gonna be wasting your time, and you don't want to waste your time or your money. Right. So that's what I would say about that placement. How do you feel about Saturn and Sagittarius or Saturn and Sag?

Discussion of Prominent Figures

It's actually interesting that we even brought it up because I'm just staring at a few people that got it. We recently had two very prominent people gain some attention over this year that has Saturn and Sag. Right. One of them is Drake. The other is Kendrick Lamar.

Connecting Themes with Public Figures

Wait a minute. Say it again. Yeah. Drake and Kendrick Lamar both have Saturn in this. It's funny. Like, I'm playing with their chart. If I were to set Saturn to the first house, too, like, I've been doing, and it's like, one. Of course, Drake's Jupiter ends up being in the fourth, and he ends up with this big ass fucking Mandev on Western Road over in Canada.

Analyzing Chart Dynamics

Right? Like, okay. And then he has air Drake at that point. Okay. Big balling ass. Like, goddamn. Like 200 million net worth, my ass. You have to have a couple bees on you.

Connecting Personalities and Success

Yeah. Like, which also helps. And then you have the. It puts this ascendant in the knife. But then I also stopped and thought, okay, you know what? I'm, his. His Saturn's in his fifth house since he's a Leo rising like your boy. Hello.

Rising Signs and Personal Life

And how it rules the 7th. he's probably dated all around the world, but, like, the mother of his child is from a different country, you know what I mean? Saturn, sag, fifth house, children, boom. I was hoping I also clocked that the child was a Saturnian, but I couldn't get that.

Exploration of Astrological Significance

I think he's, like, born in. I try not to go in no kids business, but I think he's a libra or something of the sort. I'm not too certain either way. literally.

Cultural Relevance of Music Artists

And in pure Jupiter Saturn fashion, I can ramble so much about, like, Saturn and Sag. But my static opinion on it is that Saturn and Sag can be. It's really weird. It's kind of like they have this bound. There's like this boundlessness, for lack of a better term, because, mind you, it's twelve from where Saturn likes to be.

The Nature of Saturn's Placement

And it's in a fire sign too. So it's like, okay, you're already debilitating Aries and Leo. So of course, sad, you would think wouldn't work the way we wanted. But in my opinion, that's kind of why they have to have some higher morals for themselves, if that makes sense.

Spiritual Dimension of Saturn in Sagittarius

Like, they have to kind of keep their beliefs in check. And it tend to be very spiritual as well. I mean, you know how Kendrick has been very open about his relationship with, you know, how he sees God.

Reflection on Personal Beliefs in Music

Same with Drake. Even about spirituality, loosely, I'll admit. And that speaks a lot to being in the fifth, I would say. While for Kendrick, it's more so in the third. And he puts it a lot in his music because he's always speaking about his beliefs per se, whether we really like it or.

Interpretation of Their Influence

Yeah, but, yeah, but since Saturn's not in its normal, like, you know, it's in and it's domicile when he does, it's kind of like we're more intrigued. Like, it's kind of like, damn, he's an Israelite, for example.

Social Reflections on Identity

Like, hold on, what is this about? That's when people were really trying to get and figure out, okay, what is a Hebrew Israelite? Like, what is Kendrick talking about? You know what I mean?

Public Interest in Spiritual Exploration

I think, you know, interesting when I think about his Saturn in Sagittarius and him, like, going on this, going, like, making, like, making a concerted effort to call, like, drake out during, like, the beef and everything and, like, exposing the truth about, like, what he did.

Authenticity in Artistry

Because again, Sagittarius, Jupiter like, truth, honesty, like, being, you know, like, kind of assertive in that sense. And all I've been really thinking about is, like, ever since, like, he's gotten into this beef, like, he is, his career has grown to, like, new heights.

Career and Growth Reflections

Like, I mean, like, he's gonna be, like, headlining the Super Bowl. Like, I know, like, he did a Super Bowl performance at, like, last year or something, but he's headlining this year now, you know, like, or next year.

The Evolution of Kendrick Lamar's Career

And I just thought it was, like, really interesting where it's like, when he exposed the truth about, like, what was going on, like, he found himself just, like, elevating to the next level, which is such a Saturn and Sagittarius thing, literally.

Successful Outcomes of Authentic Action

Like, like, there we go again. You did this a lot better than I could when it came to that of boundlessness. It's kind of like, you know, he's reaping rewards as just time goes on a Saturn year, like, it's not stopping.

Looking Forward to Future Transitions

Yeah, it is. Totally. Exactly. Now, next year is Mars, so God knows what's gonna happen. Oh, my God. You know, we should do, at some point, we should do a new year's space for 20, like on New Year's Eve or something.

Potential Group Discussion

Well, again, we have to see like, that if you're available for that. But if not, we could always obviously do it at the beginning of January. But, like, that'd be really fun because I believe 2025 is a Mars year, which is interesting.

Looking to the Future

So correct. On me and Mars. Look, I'm like, well, I don't think I wanted to burn anything down. I would appreciate it if it didn't. But it would be interesting because Mars will be in cancer when it starts, I think.

Planning for Future Events

Yeah. Wait, no, it will be in cancer. Right? I forget the whole Leo transit. Let me see.

Observing Astrological Trends

Yeah, I believe it'll be in retrograde. Oh, speaking of 20, February of 2025, like, every planet is going to be in detriment. Did I tell you both? Or it's going to either be, like, in detriment or in fall.

Astrological Predictions

Did I tell you about that chart? No, you didn't, and that's crazy. Please, please show me what you're talking about. Oh, wait. Okay, can you.

Preparing for Discussions

Okay, I need you to. I need everyone to look at this on the jumbotron. Okay, let me get the chart here. Okay, so when I tell you the day, I want you to pull it up on the jumbotron, if you can.

Details of the Upcoming Astrological Event

Right now. Right now. Where is Astro seek? Oh, what city should I use, you think just like New York or something? Yeah, it could be New York. It's all good. Shout out Brooklyn.

Personal Connection to New York

Just because I love New York, my Venus line is crossing over New York, and I love it there so much. Okay. Okay, so February 17 of 2025 at.

Clarifying the Astrological Details

Okay, let me just, like, hold this up. Let me change the location to, like, New York or something. I'm a birthday. That is later. What time you want me just to use.

Setting Up Specifics

Like, 10:00 p.m. okay, that works. Cool. Oh, yeah. Just anything frivolous.

Final Preparations for the Chart

Yes. Look at that chart. I would have put an unknown. Oh, Uranus in the first. Oh, wait a minute.

Astrological Insights and Predictions

Yo. Look. Imagine. And then look, just a day or two after the moon will also be in detriment. Yeah, crazy.

Observational Perspectives

Listen, guys, what's 2025? We all gotta practice more self-care. Like, the energy, yo.

Astrology Insights

I. I'm not saying anything like that is gonna happen, because, again, astrology is very nuanced, so don't worry. I'm just. From a technical perspective, I just think this is very interesting because I don't see these kinds of transits happening very often. Like. Yes, like, sometimes you'll see in a chart that, like. Yeah, like, you'll have, like, one, a couple. Like, maybe like one or two planets in fall or detriment. But the fact that there's 123456 planets that are either in fall or detriment is quite interesting, to say the least.

Chart Discussion

I agree. Damn. Order. No, I agree. The chart was kind of taking a sweet time. You didn't. You didn't post it already, did you? No, I didn't. But, yeah, anyways, I mean, interesting. Interesting segue, but where were we more. Should we move on to Saturn and Capricorn? Mmm. We might as well. We might as well. Yeah. Okay. Saturn and Capricorn peeps. How y'all doing? Saturn and cap, you are Saturn's children. Hello to y'all. This also applies if your Saturn is at ten or 22 degrees, which are. Which are capricorn degrees.

Saturn and Capricorn Characteristics

When I think of Saturn and Capricorn, I think again of people that are very prolific and very good workers. People that are very ambitious, very disciplined, very committed, very tenacious. Like, those are part of what your talents are, and those talents can lead you to getting to very successful places in your life. Saturn and Capricorn people can also make excellent business owners because y'all know how to delegate, you know how to build things up from scratch, you know. So definitely a really great placement to have for building or creating a business or some kind of business structure.

Saturn in Capricorn Personal Traits

People that also have their Saturn and Capricorn tend to really thrive or succeed working in certain fields that relate towards, like, politics or working with the government or working in any kind of place where you have to manage others and, like, really kind of gauge that. That's a really important thing for people that have their Saturn and Capricorn. One thing that I also think thing Saturn and Capricorn people need to exercise more with. I think they could also be good with this. Because, again, Saturn is in its own sign here. But just remember, just to be patient with yourself, you know, patience might come to you a lot easier than, for example, someone that has their Saturn in Aries.

Managing Expectations

But it's just like, try not to put too much pressure on yourself, because the one thing I've noticed about people that have their Saturn and Capricorn, or at a Capricorn degree is that y'all are so hyper aware of times because Capricorn and Saturn are connected with time. You guys put so much pressure on yourself to reach certain things by a certain age, by a certain time. It's just like, okay, well, you know, I got to do x, y, and Z before I reach a certain age, and it's just like, slow down. Slow down. Okay. Like, it's important to give yourself goals and expectations.

Advice for Saturn in Capricorn

I'm not saying that you shouldn't do that, but, like, don't beat yourself up if you're at a certain age and you haven't done certain things yet, like, it's fine. You have time. Okay? So just remember just to, like, take life one day at a time. Don't be rushing yourself. Like, don't be doing that, because then you're gonna put pressure on yourself, and that's not good for you. You don't need to do that to yourself, you know? Yeah. I mean, Saturn and Capricorn, I mean, it typically, it's, it's a cool placement.

Saturn in Capricorn Durability

I think it really helps a lot with business success, career success. You know, it's more of like a, it's kind of like a aging, like, fine wine type of placement, as I like to say. It's like the older you get, the more successful you typically become. So just remember that, you know, things will fall into place when they're supposed to, and things will happen in divine timing. How do you feel about Saturn in Capricorn? Like, what's your opinion about that placement?

Transition to Aquarius Discussion

Just Capricorn in general? I feel like I got clocked and I have Saturn in Aquarius. I'm like, God damn, man. And, I mean, that is valid. I guess you can say that Saturn and Capricorn shouldn't be so hard on themselves. And I'm trying to agree, but I'm also a Capricorn, so here's what I would also say. Yeah. Having Saturn and Capricorn, I might dabble between Saturn and Cap and Saturn in Aquarius. I'm not even gonna lie to you, because I kind of like just looking.

Comparison of Saturn Placements

At them both, like, yeah, they do have some overlap. They do. I can see why you're doing that. For sure. They do have overlap, in my opinion, when it comes to some of the things that I said, in a sense, yeah. I was actually more so comparing. So it's more like what Saturn and cap, you like, have the capability to be the kingdom builder and then the Saturn Aquarius, you have the capability of being the kingdom changer is what I would say.

Potential for Leadership

Because like, if we want to put Saturn and cap in a more positive light, it's gonna give you the building blocks necessary and the structure to get to the exact goal that you want. And, yeah, like you say, we can't always get upset when something changes in the project. Like if a project manager does that shit, they just get into their emotions all of a sudden the whole shit's gonna go bands. Yeah, you're not gonna get to where you need to be. It's not going to be perfect. I agree.

Long-Term Commitment

Same time, play the long game if you need to. Don't be afraid to stick it out for the long haul and see what happens. I mean, hell, that's how very successful people do it, you know? No, indeed. And like, things are going to take time. It's not going to be like everybody else's, but at the same time will reward. This is going to bite me in the ass. All right? I'm know it because like, I can easily tell you how impatient I was when I was younger.

Impatience and Reflection

Like, I'm like, no, I need to be here. I'm already here. So I need to save more time and get to here in faster time. And then I just realized, God damn, I'm being greedy for time, ain't I? Well, yeah, it's a thing. Especially because your Saturn is aspecting your north node too. Like, that is one thing I realized about that I've noticed about north node and Saturn. North node and Saturn people is that you guys are so hyper aware of time.

Goal Setting and Time Management

Like you have all these like, goals that you want to achieve for yourself, which is great, but like, you almost put a time limit on yourself and it's just like, okay, slow down. You don't gotta, you don't gotta build a whole nation in three years. Just don't do that to yourself. It's too much stressed. Too much stress. I know, I know. Okay. And what's crazy is when I finally tried to sit in this idea and it's like this air of gratitude, y'all.

Gratitude and Challenges

I'm an Aries moon. I'm gonna be your hardhead about this. But it's like when I finally stepped into, like, my gratitude, that's when shit decided, okay, you know, we're gonna give you a hard week. Let's test out how well you really believe that. I'm like, why. Now? My job is that in Aquarius, but I'm a Saturnian is fucked down. So I kind of wanted to play in that theme or in that realm.

Understanding Astrological Elements

But I'm just like, what? Is that really funny? I was looking at my ascendant Persona chart, which, by the way, guys, a Persona chart is basically like the birth chart of every planet, asteroid and angle in your chart. So you actually have birth charts within your own birth chart. If you ever watch the movie inception, it's basically like that. Maybe we'll do a space without Persona chart sometime, but.

Individual Identity

Yes, indeed, yes. The ascendant Persona chart basically is the chart that really, like, really represents, like, who you are individually. Like, don't get me wrong, your regular birth chart can do that, but your regular birth chart also influences, like, and incorporates how other people interact with you. Like, it also can, like, show you, like, how other people, you know, influence your life versus, like, your ascendant person on a chart.

Personal Reference

Just like, you like, who you are and just, like, who you are individually. And so in my ascendant Persona chart, like, this is so funny. I have a Leo rising, a capricorn sun, Aquarius, moon, Aquarius, Venus, Aquarius, Mars, Jupiter in Aquarius, and then, like, it's like, majority of it is, like, all in the 6th house, which is so funny. So, like, I have, I know.

Astrological Observations

It's so funny. I have my moon in this chart conjunct to Uranus, venus, even, like, let me see. Yeah, so it's conjunct. So my moon is conjunct Mars, uranus, and Venus, and they're all in the 6th house in Aquarius, which I thought was really funny. I'm like, I am really Saturn's child, especially because I have a capricorn sun in my ascendant Persona chart.

Influence of the Ascendant

So, like, my chart ruler is, like, in a Saturn ruled sign, and I'm just like, yeah. Like, this really shows a lot about my life, and I just, it just makes so much sense for me. It's really funny how that happened. That is pretty nice. My ascendant Persona might love yours, by the way. Mine is a Leo sign. Oh, nice. Gemini rising, pisces mole.

Future Discussions

We should. We should do a space about this in the future because I think I'd be really fun, like, talking about the, talking about Persona charts, but I don't want to get sidetracked, though. I don't want to get sidetracked, but. Oh, I was not going to let you. Trust me. Okay. Should we talk about Saturn, Aquarius? Should we segue into that?

Engagement with Saturn in Aquarius

Yeah. Yeah, we can definitely, since I'm, you know, already here. Yeah. Saturn Aquarius. Hello, people. How was y'all Saturn returns? I hope y'all Saturn returns were not horrible, and I hope they were okay. Honestly, though, I kind of feel for the Saturn Aquarius people because they had to, like, go through, like, their Saturn return, like, majority of it, like, during the pandemic, which I know is not easy.

Empathy for Challenges

So I feel like you guys need to be extra kind to yourself because that was not easy. That was really difficult, especially being, like, so isolated from the world and having to deal with, like, all that scary stuff, like, get prayers and much love to y'all. But with Saturn and Aquarius people, what you guys could be really good with is networking, like, building communities, building clubs, building organizations, building, like, an online platform.

Networking Skills

Like, people that do have Saturn and Aquarius can be so good with, like, creating and facilitating friendships, too, especially, like, long lasting friendships. So that is definitely something you guys can be really good with. Another thing that some people that have their Saturn in Aquarius can be really good with and can even, like, build a career from is working in certain fields that relate towards, like, graphic design or illustration, photography, social work, urban design, urban planning.

Career Paths for Saturn in Aquarius

These are all things that you could become very talented with and become very professional with. So definitely a great placement to have, especially for people that want to own a business and start a business, too, because Aquarius is such a entrepreneurial sign. So definitely something to look into, for sure. But I do like Saturn and Aquarius for those reasons.

Focus and Direction

And I think in a lot of ways, it could be a good placement for, especially if you, like, you know, direct your energy and focus and hone in on that. On that sense. How do you feel about that? You kind of clocked quite a bit. I mean, I did mention a lot of that, I know earlier on with, like, Saturn and Aqua, and I guess it's also, like, again, this could give you, like, a nature of standing up and standing out.

Self-Expression and Authenticity

Yeah. So indeed, like, everyone, especially the ones that are ruled by that, I would say, listen, don't worry about everyone liking you. Please fuck all that. You're not even gonna like everybody. Okay, let's keep it a bean. Like. Like, aqua placements, they're the trendsetters. You know what I mean? Like, they're not worried about performing and getting everyone's, like, good graces.

Innovation and Disruption

It's like, look, the crowds. The fucking crowd, okay? And I'm here to move the bitch. So either it's gonna move, or I'm gonna move. That's how simple. And. And of course, just when they get that bounce. Boom. Everyone loves the ass. Megan thee stallion being one of them. She's not a Saturn in Aquarius, but she's Aquarius. 10th house. Sun.

Cultural Symbols of Influence

Sun is there. I think her Venus is. No, it's not. No, it's not. Bite my tongue. She has a Capricorn Venus. Regardless. Like, when I think of aquaria placements, I think of people like her, where it's like they know, again, how to step up and step the foot out, do their own thing on pace, watch everybody else follow. Those who follow are the ones you need to reinvest in.

Recognizing Social Dynamics

You know what I mean? Like, not all. Yeah, it's like, this is weird. It's not my thing. It's like, it doesn't have to be your thing. It's my thing. Yeah, just like, yeah, I 100% agree. 100% agree. And I think that's kind of, like, the weird thing about it, because Saturn is sitting. I mean, it's in its own house and also in the sun's detriment.

Complex Nature of Saturn in Aquarius

So it's as if, like, we're not about that, but in that, we become that, so it's kind of like, again, the idea of not trying to control every little thing. Control what? You can control detachments. You know, detachment. Exactly. Boom. There you go. See, I was gonna try to avoid that damn word all century, but thank you.

Impact of Detachment

You got it right there. Bam. Detachment. Detaching from the mainstream and then watching it become who you are. Yeah, that's the gift. You know, like, standing out and being authentic in that and not being afraid to, like, you know, ruffle some feathers because of your essential. You're, like, being eccentric and being unique.

Encouragement for Individualism

Like, you're not meant to be like everyone else. You're meant, as I said, you're meant to start groups. You're meant to foster community. You're meant to do that. And, like, you're meant to be a leader. You're meant to be innovative. This is, like, what's so connected with Aquarius energy. So if you have this placement, like, don't be afraid to go beyond what people are trying to, like, tell you to do.

Breaking Boundaries

Like, break free from that. Like, don't just, like, you know, limit yourself because you think you could do, or, I guess, don't limit yourself because other people think that you can't do it. Like, show them that you can do it. You know, show them that. Like, hey, I have this idea, and even if, like, no one believes in it, I'm still gonna do it anyways, and I'm gonna show improve to people that, yeah, I did it.

Potential for Transformation

Like, prove people wrong. Like, that is where you can, like, really shine and really thrive and succeed. So that's a really big thing for people that have their Saturn in Aquarius or their Saturn at the 11th or 23rd degree, which are Aquarius degrees. Yeah, network. Network as much as you can. If you have displacement, that is. Well, that's what will take you to the next level.

Limitations in Networking

the thing about Saturn and Aquarius people, though, is that's where there could be some issues at times. Not all the time, but, you know, you got to make sure that, like, you're working on just, like, getting comfortable with, like, meeting new people and putting yourself in, you know, new environments, even if sometimes you don't have, you know, your friends to support you in that sense.

Embracing New Experiences

Like, don't be afraid to ever, once in a while, go to a networking event on your own or go to a seminar on your own. Like, you know, you kind of have to branch off and, you know, break free and just kind of, you know, explore more. And that's the thing about Aquarius energy, is that sometimes it can be a bit uncomfortable because sometimes you might kind of feel like you're a fish out of water at times, but it's like when you kind of get comfortable with the idea of being perceived and also just like, you know, putting yourself out there, that's where things will generally start to open up for you.

Saturn and Career Development

Again, it is a work in progress, and it is kind of like a double edged sword type of placement. But once you start getting more comfortable with networking, the opportunities that could, you know, be given to you. Crazy, crazy. It's a nice placement when you know, do some of these things. Yeah. With that being said, do you want to move on to.

Conclusion to Saturn in Aquarius

Do you want to move on to Saturn in Pisces? The final sign. Oh, my goodness, everyone was. Saturn in Pisces right now was like, we finally made it to our damn Saturn return. Yeah. Help us, lord. Yo, shout out to all my Saturn and Pisces people. Like, how y'all doing? How's your Saturn return going? Actually, some people that have their Saturn in Pisces haven't even experienced their Saturn return yet because right now, Saturn's only at 14 degrees, so we still got some time to go.

Overview of Saturn in Pisces

But anyway, Saturn in Pisces. When I think of Saturn in Pisces, I think about, well, for starters, people that do have this placement to become fantastic. Very talented and skilled painters, musicians, dancers, and spiritual healers. Because Pisces is connected with the feet, it's connected with dance, it's connected with the flow and rhythms of things.

Creative Expressions

So when you have your Saturn in Pisces or at a Pisces degree, which are the 12th or 24th degree, you can become very skilled and well versed with this. Even with other things that relate towards, like, yoga, like being, like, a yoga instructor or like a reiki practitioner to someone that just really heals people on a spiritual level, Saturn and Pisces people can do very well with that.

Career Paths for Saturn in Pisces Individuals

Addictions counselors, mental health counselors, grief counselors. Oh, my gosh. Especially because it's with the influence of Saturn, and Saturn is so connected with challenge and adversity. Like, having your Saturn in Pisces can make you some of the best counselors out there, because, you know, because when you have your Saturn in Pisces, you know what it's like to go through loss.

Experiences of Grief

You know what it's like to go through. Through, like, grief. Especially, like, the type of grief or loss that. That can almost be so heavy that it almost feels kind of hard to get out of. So it's like, because of some of those life experiences, I feel like you could use that and use that as fuel to help other people that have also gone through, like, that sense of loss or grief or depression, even isolation and loneliness.

Insights on Counseling

That is something that I've noticed about people that have their Saturn in Pisces, especially if it's, like, in a very public or social house. Like, if it's, like, in the 11th house or the 7th house, even in the 10th house, I feel for them because they're. They almost kind of sometimes feel as though, like, you're being. Like, they're not really being. They're not being heard, they're not being listened to.

Navigating Creativity and Sensitivity

There's almost kind of, like, a sense of, like, isolation there. So it's like, because you might have had those experiences, I feel like you could use that as a way to make other people feel like, okay, like, I hear you, I see you, I understand you. So that's a really big thing for people that have their sound in Pisces. But, yeah, people that have their Saturn in Pisces can be really great artists.

Artistic Expressions of Saturn in Pisces

People especially, like, those kinds of artists that design or create things that are so impactful that it never leaves you. Like, the distinction that I like to make when it comes to, like, leo types of creativity versus, like, Pisces types of creativity is, like, the analogy of like, music. So, for example, like, you know how, like, there's, like, the top 40 billboard music charts, like, the kind of music that you hear, like, at a club, at a party, maybe, like, when you're at, like, some kind of, like, for example, like, at a store in a mall or something.

Differentiating Styles in Art

It's like, very, like, well known types of music that just, you know, kind of gets you going. It's. It's fun, it's enjoyable. It's light hearted. But then every once in a while, you'll find a song at a certain point in your life that heals you so much and gets you through such a difficult point in your life. That song never leaves you, or it ends up leaving such a deep impact on your soul or your spirit.

Healing through Creativity

That's what I think of when I hear, when I think of Pisces related types of creativity. So when a person has their saturn in Pisces or at a Pisces degree, use that as a way to design or create things that you can heal people, because people that have this placement typically can create stuff that ends up leaving such an imprint on people that they'll always remember how you helped them or how you healed them or how you fixed a problem for them.

Balance between Spirituality and Practicality

And it doesn't have to be in a creative way. It can also be practical, too. It just means that, like, when you have this placement, your responsibility in some ways is to help other people get through the motions of. Get through the motions of life, especially when they're in that state of confusion. We're not really sure what they're supposed to do, because Pisces is also a sign that's very connected with, like, confusion, you know, being unsure about certain things.

The Role of Guidance

So being that guy, being that anchor for people, being that rock for people in a variety of ways, whether that's in a practical way or in a creative way, when you have this placement is so important, and I think that could be one of the best ways to honor that energy and to find success. So how do you feel about Saturn? I'm really glad you asked me that, because you had a lot of great detail for that specific placement, and I had to stop and realize, you know what?

Understanding Individual Experiences

I'm stuck one specific thing with them also. It's. And I guess I always wonder how to interpret it for, like, a native, because, it's in a water sign, so it's triplicity with the detriment. Again, it's like, okay, what is really going on in this department? when I think of Pisces, I tend to think of it not just in the sense of creativity, also illusion.

Interpretation of Saturn in Pisces

Right? Yeah. I'll never forget the first thing I heard. Someone tried to tell me, which it stuck, because I saw how it played out in the sense of how their experience is. The minute Saturn went into Pisces, it was in their first house, and they said, look, Saturn, Pisces is teaching you that you cannot lie. You cannot lie about anything. And I was like, what? I'm like, it's in your first house, bro.

Personal Reflection

I'm like, wait a minute. Like, of course it's gonna tell you not to lie. But then I stopped and was like, not saying Pisces are liars. Y'all might hear me drag y'all on my other page. I am Jupiter. Jack. Listen, it's not that steep, I promise. I don't think you're all bad people.

Navigating Complex Emotions

Such a bully. Such a bully. God. Mars is on my feet. Is. Leave me alone. But Saturday, Pisces. I guess it is about bringing up the truth, like you brought up before, about how Jupiter rules Pisces. So it's about, you know, it's about truth. It's about morals, in a sense, but it's more internal.

Exploring Internal Truth

So it tells me. It tells me and my little brain that this is about understanding the truth within you and understanding what is very elusive about yourself. You mentioned a lot about how this could be a healing placement, and it could be if they're doing the work on their own. Yeah. Like, independently.

Emphasis on Personal Healing

Yeah, yeah. Going on their own spiritual journey. Yeah. Correct. I mean, and it makes sense because it's like, yeah, you can heal all these people, but are you healing yourself? Because you're getting a lot of negative energy, a lot of negative stories that you have to carry within yourself and help them learn how to work around.

Balancing Energy Between Self and Others

But now their stories, your story, in a sense. You know what I mean? Yeah. Yes. Oh, my gosh. Yeah. Having Saturn in Pisces is kind of helping you be more discerning with that, being able to see past the illusion and understand more about the truth.

The Role of Saturn as Guide

Because I'm like, you know what? Pisces is the ocean. Saturn's here to drain the swamp. Simple. Flat the fuck out. Yeah. And that's another thing about Pisces. Like, it's such an energy absorption related sign. Like, pisces are so, like, they take on the energy of people, even, like, when they don't even like it, like, they want to.

Energy Sensitivity and Grounding

So it's like, yeah, you're. That makes a lot of sense, for sure. You got to make sure you're also doing your own healing and not observing too much people's problems or pain, because otherwise it becomes your thing, and then it becomes heavy on you, and then, you know, it. It kind of never, not never, but it's difficult to kind of let go of it.

Setting Boundaries for Well-Being

So, again, it's definitely like a double edged sword type of placement, but, you know, you can work around it if you set boundaries. Saturn, you know, definitely being able to set boundaries with that. But an example of someone that does have their Saturn in Pisces, though, because I am looking at my list here, is Janet Jackson, which is really interesting.

Notable Saturn in Pisces Figures

And, I mean, look, I mean, she's a performer. You know, she very talented woman and definitely had a very, and still does a very significant influence and impact on the entertainment industry and whatnot. So I see that here. Yeah. Really, really cool.

Exploring Influences between Siblings

Remind me, at some points, I wonder how there might be some synastry with her and her brother in that department. The Saturn moon situation. Yeah, we got to look into that. Oh, I also see Lenny Kravitz has saturated in Pisces, too. I like Lenny Kravitz. He's a cool, he makes cool music.

Personal Taste in Music

I like, I like his, some of his music and stuff. What's Janet's, rising, do you know? Let me see here. Janet rising is fun fact for everybody. Scorpio rising. Interesting. Very interesting. Okay. And where's our Jupiter.

Understanding Astrological Influences

In cancer? In the 8th house. She is watered down, lord. Okay. I mean, I know. You know what, though? You know what, though? The rotten rating is a c, so. So the birth time might not be the most accurate. So we kind of have to proceed with caution with this.

Caution in Chart Analysis

But irrespective of, like, the rising sign, she does have for Jupiter and cancer at a tourist degree, so. Oh, I won't even, like, the reason I even asked is because I know she was recently in the. I hope I'm not being messy on this recording, but I just saw what was going on a little bit recently with her in the news, and I'm.

Personal Curiosity about Janet Jackson

Like, oh, what happened? Or maybe I should look this up after. I have no idea. No, it was really just she kind of, like, said that she thought she heard it was about Kamala Harris. I don't know how you want to talk about politics in here. That's why I was like, yeah.

Analyzing Political Commentary

Just basically, she didn't know she was, She didn't know that Kamala was black, that's all. And she, like, she knew her father to have been white, which apparently isn't true either. I'm not in everybody's business, so I tend to forget. But, that was something that, like, I guess, got her a lot of hell.

Media and Public Image

And I was just curious what the transits might have been doing for her and her chart in that department. I was honestly looking at Saturn a little bit since it her Saturn return. Therefore, I'm kind of like, is there something going on with something that she needs to understand for herself in that?

Introspection during Saturn Return

Like, is there a lesson for her that was like, it was a ten. Her Saturn is also conjunct Chiron. Ooh, that's a hard one. That's a hard one. Chiron conjunct. Yo. Shout out to anyone that has Chiron in Saturn aspects, by the way.

Emotional Depth in Astrology

Chiron is that asteroid and astrology that is very connected with, like, your emotional wounds. So having that conjunct or aspecting Saturn. Who my lord? Who my lord, indeed. Like, you know what? I'm gonna read you something. This one astrologer sent me about that only because she deserves a lot of, like, credit for what she does.

Comments on Astrological Guidance

Yeah. It's like constant feeling. Constantly feeling pushed to do shadow work. Issues surrounding. Surrounding foundations, boundaries, and control. Overly critical or judgmental to the self. Feels weak. Often attempts to blame others for faults. And constantly feeling irritated and incomplete, which is crazy.

Exploring Emotional Burdens

You would never think that would be something for Miss Janet Jackson. Wow. Ever. And then there's also, you know what? If that's the case, maybe I should change. I don't want to sit there and be on all, like, drooped out, like, sorry.

Impact of Public Perception

No, no. I'm just like. I'm just, like, thinking about it. Like, I'm just like, wow. Like, that. That's heavy stuff, you know? Especially if, like, you have a Saturn and Chiron conjunction in, like, a water sign, which she does. It's bold.

The Weight of Emotion

And Pisces, like, you know, like, you were talking about how, like, there's, like, that feeling of. It was, like, the first thing you said, like, feeling of. Was it, like, a burden or. What did you say? There was, like, a feeling of being. Pushed to do shadow work?

Identifying Emotional Challenges

Yes. The shadow work stuff. Yeah, like that. That's. I definitely could see that. Especially if, like, that Saturn and Chiron conjunctions, especially in Scorpio. Yeah. And it's crazy because.

Spiritual Insights on Healing

It's crazy because Chiron and Pisces is said to be very, spiritually unconditional. Per this astrologer. I'm a tiger. Later. Her name's Amira, y'all. If y'all ever find her, tell her ha ha. Don't ever say I didn't do nothing for you. Anyway.

Concluding Thoughts

But yeah. With that being said, though, I hope you guys found some good insights from this space tonight. Thank you for joining. What, what I'm gonna do, what I'm going to do is leave your questions in the, in, like, in the little purple bubble thing there on the bottom right corner.

Invitation for Further Engagement

It's related towards your Saturn placement. And I will either make a TikTok video about, like, more Saturn content or I'll just make more content about Saturn related things regarding your questions. So it's up to you because, yeah, I'm quite tired, so I'm gonna go to sleep after this.

Closing Remarks

But, yeah, like, just let me know what your questions are and I will answer them either in a post here on Twitter or I'll answer them through a video of some sort. I'll get, so I'll get some kind of inspiration to make more Saturn related content. But also definitely check out the jumbotron.

Community and Connection

If you have Capricorn placements, join the Capricorn club because it's cool place. Please, please. And we're not being biased just because she's a rising and I'm a sun in Capricorn. I promise we're going to make the Aquarius group soon.

Encouragement to Join Groups

Trust me, I will make it. I will make sure I do that. But anyways, thank you to all, everyone that joined. Thank you to Jack, my wonderful co host, for assisting. Feel free to reach out to him and check out his content.

Recap and Future Plans

He has some great stuff. And yeah, we're going to be back at some point for some other space. We'll figure out what the next topic will be. But I hope that you enjoyed this space and thanks for being here.

Final Notes

I hope that you guys have a good rest of your night and enjoy the rest of your mercury day. Indeed, enjoy your mercury day, your Jupiter day, your Venus day, and your Saturn nights and whatnot. We appreciate your time period.

Expressions of Gratitude

We hope to see more of your beautiful faces. Yes, absolutely. Okay. Love you guys. Bye. See you. See you. Bye.

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