Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Saturday night with the Webkidz – win a free NFT hosted by realtombibiyan. Join Tom Bibiyan on Saturday night with the Webkidz for an exciting exploration of NFT giveaways, personal branding, and community engagement in the Web3 space. Discover valuable insights on leveraging NFTs for brand exposure and marketing strategies. Learn how NFTs can enhance online visibility and drive audience engagement in the digital age.

For more spaces, visit the NFT page.


Q: How can NFT giveaways benefit online events like Saturday night with the Webkidz?
A: NFT giveaways create excitement, boost participation, and drive social media engagement.

Q: What role does personal branding play in the NFT space?
A: Personal branding is crucial for establishing credibility, building a loyal audience, and attracting opportunities.

Q: Why is community engagement vital in NFT and Web3 discussions?
A: Community engagement fosters collaboration, idea sharing, and a sense of belonging within the digital ecosystem.

Q: How can NFTs be used to amplify online visibility and brand recognition?
A: NFTs serve as unique marketing tools, increasing brand exposure and creating memorable experiences for audiences.


Time: 00:15:49
NFT Giveaways: Engaging the Audience Exploring how NFT giveaways can incentivize participation and boost event attendance.

Time: 00:25:30
Web3 Evolution and Digital Ownership Insights on the changing landscape of Web3 technologies and the concept of digital ownership.

Time: 00:35:12
Brand Building in the Web3 Era Discussion on the significance of personal branding and online presence in the modern digital landscape.

Key Takeaways

  • NFT giveaways can drive engagement and attract a broader audience.
  • Understanding the evolving landscape of Web3 and its impact on digital ownership.
  • Exploring the intersection of NFTs, social media, and community building.
  • The importance of personal branding and online visibility in the digital age.
  • Strategies for leveraging NFTs to enhance brand exposure and market presence.

Behind the Mic

Introduction to the Space

What'S up? What's up, everyone? We're just going to wait for everybody to join the. I have to take a piss super quickly. Haven't slept. Smell like shit. It's all gravy, baby. Yes. Welcome, everyone, to the space Saturday night with the Web kids. We're to be talking web three. Everything in between. Give you the rundown on all the latest in the space. Thank you to everybody joining us here. Thank you, Taj. And not the smartest for helping out. Joining us here as co-host, we're going to talk all web three. Give away some of these absolutely for free, these beautiful NFTs on the Solana blockchain called web kids. We're gonna send some your way absolutely for free. We got two of them to give away. One at 35 participants and then one at 50 participants. So how do we get there? We get there by retweeting. Easy. Oh, that's gonna be easy. I'm gonna join on the web kids, Twitter, too. I'm sure it'll flood with, like, 30 immediately. Yeah.

Trivia and NFTs

So, yeah, I'm going to do trivia. Once we reach our targets, first person to answer correctly from the audience, not the speakers. You'll win that free NFT. And then we'll keep it going just to talk about what's been happening in the space. We've seen a little bit of volatility on the crypto side. NFTs have been sort of a mixed bag, but want to do a space, a Saturday night space for the web kids? You know, one of the things that I learned about the collection when we first did a space was that, you know, we're all kind of web kids, and I'm certainly a web kid. I was kind of raised, you know, on the Internet from the nineties, the two thousands. And so why should we be alone on a Saturday night just because we can't find girlfriends, right? Like, we should just get together, hang out, chat about stuff in a space, because you could be at a bar or a club or you could be here. You could be vibing out with us. So welcome, everyone, to the space. Thank you to the web kids for joining us here today.

Project Insights

I've been really enjoying learning about this project, seeing the traits, learning more about this collection, discovering traits. I didn't realize. I didn't realize it was so schizo meta until I actually dove in. But that's. That's my vibe. That's actually my. I'm here for it here on stage. How's it going. Oh, that's just. Hello. That's why doing. Oh, okay. That's not. I thought it was Taj. Another account. What's up, web kids? That is actually me on another account. Oh, my bad. All right. Shows you what kind of a story. Maybe it's not. Maybe it's mud. Maybe it's mud. What the hell? All right. This is real schizo meta here today. Welcome to all the web kids. Thank you for joining us. We're gonna give one away. Absolutely. Oh, shit. You weren't kidding, Taj. We just passed our first call. I figured as much. All right, so, yeah, we're gonna give away a free web kids NFT. Absolutely.

Free NFTs Giveaway

On the house, ladies and gentlemen. And we're stoked to do it. I'm gonna ask a trivia question. Gennaro, on. And it's just for the. Just for the listeners, not the speakers. If you want to drop down, that's a. Okay. But a little bit of a heads up for that because there's a delay between speakers and listeners. So I want to make it fair for everybody. For many years, I kept wondering why only speakers were winning the giveaways. And I was like, wait a second. Oh, wait. They have a one or two second advantage here today. So welcome, everyone. Thank you to everyone joining us here. We're about to give away a free web kids NFT. But don't go anywhere if you don't win. I promised at 50 participants we'll do it again. Click that chat bubble thing on the bottom right-hand corner of the Twitter space. Do you see that chat bubble? It's like a purple pill thingy. Click that and retweet out the space.

Engagement and Growth

There's also an up arrow at the very top of the Twitter space. An arrow pointing up. If you click that, you can send out invites via direct message. Guys, I'm your host, Tom Bibian. Hanging out. Want to do a space for Saturday night with the web kids? This project is absolutely slamming. The traits are going up. And we had some recent action that I thought was very interesting. The floor of the collection being predominantly the IMG traits because there was a nefarious holder and they changed the metadata, to basically get this person out of the collection or something. Taj, do you want to. Do you want to talk about what happened? Because this was an interesting development. Yeah, that's funny. We were actually going to host another space either later or tomorrow to really dive deep into, like, the lore and the. The mechanisms and the narrative of the IMG.

Discussion of Recent Events

So we, it was a whale that was actually in the project, and we didn't even. There was basically this dude, okay, the first night of the mint, some dude came into the church and he was saying that he max minted, like, 400 of them, and he was proudly proclaiming that he was selling, like, 135 of them. We later realized that we may have been trolled by that person, but regardless, the point being that the person who was the actual whale of the wallet was listing all of their supply. And I assume they were a seller because they were just trying to flip for profit. The most interesting part was, and I really have to cement this as much as possible, was that the person who listed all their IMGs, they actually profited off of every single one of them. So they originally purchased, I think, like, a 0.2 or a 0.25, and they sold every single one of them at a 0.3. And so it was ironic at the time, giving so much attention and credence to that person's specific holdings.

Reflections on Market Dynamics

And so, to be honest with you, I'm sure they're not pressed by any means. I'm sure they're quite happy. But obviously, when it comes to certain things like mutability, people want to cry about the free market and all this stuff, which I do agree with, the free market does reign supreme. But at the end of the day, you know, I had. I wish I prepared a little bit more for this question, because this is all off the top of my head, but when it comes to mutability and these certain mechanisms, right, you have to understand that as a project founder, these are defense mechanisms. And ultimately, this is the only defense mechanism that we actually have to keep our project moving the way that we wanted it to.

Market Strategies and Community Support

And so at the time, a lot of things were being floored and the price kept declining, or the price action kept being declined and suppressed. And so we had to kind of think on our feet, and we figured that it would be a very innovative and also very inventive and incentivizing way to get those holdings out, to get that lister out, and sort of rotate them to people that will be far more responsible. So responsibility was the thing, and culpability was the thing that ultimately, we're the most focused on ensuring the safety of. Because ultimately, at the end of the day, yeah, you have to take care of your whales, but, I mean, if you look through, it's all on chain, right? So if you look through any of the other whales and any of the other top holders, every single one of them is completely delisted.

The Future of Collectibles

We've spoken to all of them in depth. All of them are fully on board to continue delisting and just supporting the project. So this person, the reason we say nefarious was because this person's intentions were otherwise right. We know who they are. We tried to onboard them for about two and a half days. We tried to rally everyone to find out who they were until the very last minute. Then they wanted to cry and bitch and moan that we changed their metadata. But my brother, I was in your DMs for two and a half days trying to get you on board, and you still didn't want to. And so ultimately, we had to make a sacrifice that was, how do we sustain and save, but also create community incentive for these? So the IMGT, if you want to pin it on the jumbotron there, Tom, that would be greatly appreciated.

The Evolution of NFTs

The IMG pieces was just funny. It was an idea that came to us in the middle of the night. We spoke to Magic Eden in depth. We spoke to some other project founders in depth. And pretty much the sentiment for all of those people was they were gung ho. Magic Eden, I wouldn't say it was gung ho, but they were on board with the idea as long as the community enjoyed it. We were speaking to some other founders of very cool tech platforms that are actually going to. We're going to hold a space next week to talk about some very interesting developments in the kids ecosystem. But were speaking to some founders that said, we're down to work with you guys. If we see that the community is actually super inspired about this, if we see that the sentiment is there, if we see that the community supports this idea, then, yeah, fuck it, let's do it.

Introductions in the Space

What's up, guys? What's up? What's up, boy? What's up? This is my other quant right here. For real. Thank you. I want to say thank you to everyone for joining us here in the audience web kids. Absolutely for free. Don't go anywhere because we're about to send someone else a free one. You guys crushed it. You got the space cranking. That means we're sending another NFT. Absolutely for free. Congratulations to enchilada here on stage on winning. If you're not following enchilada, take a second to follow them, because I love enchiladas. They're very tasty. Yeah. Follow enchilada. For real. Follow enchilada. Let's go. Let's go. That's a smart motherfucker right there. Follow them. They were quick, my friend. They were quick with the correct answer. SNL. We're going to throw it to our with hoodie friend here on stage as well. Congratulations to you guys. You guys been crushing it, too. They got a cool website, and they've been doing big things, I have to admit. I have to confess that people told me to get them, and I sort of faded the collection, and then they tripled in price, and I was like, God damn it. God damn it. You know, it sucks. It really sucks. But I'm being honest with you know, because I get showed, like, 20 projects a day. So I'm like, okay, whatever. You know what I mean? Like, you don't know. And then whiffhood is absolutely set. Hermes, how's it going?

Introducing the Solana Sensei Team Member

Yo, how's it going, Tom? Yeah, basically, I didn't have, like, the chance to introduce myself. How rudes. Thanks for having me here upstage. Basically, I'm with the Solana sensei team. I have my own group chat where, like, 300 active chads chilling, supporting each other. I met a lot of. A lot of other more engaging, like, boost chats and just overall good vibes. And as I believe it was not the smartest, was saying, yeah, definitely you could all make a buck out of this. Just supporting each other, and it's not that hard. And, dude, it's still not too late for the tour. The hoodies, like, for real. I'm not just saying this just to say it, but, dude, we can. We're gonna make it to his soul. So, yeah, just grab on tight. We're going to the moon. They feel like we're like. .4. Yeah, right now. Floor is 0.4. Yeah, I got. We did a Saturday sweep. The whole social media kind of idea you guys are taking with your website, having that utility is really dope. Super smart, man. Yeah. Really, really neat. And a good way to integrate people and get people to learn about different communities.

Connecting and Communication

Do you know what projects have to do to get on there because I saw they're pretty limited on the amount of projects that can connect. No, it's very simple actually. If you got the, the procedure on the whiff hoodie page, the dev, dude, he sleeps like 2 hours a day. He's constantly pumping out updates. Really fucking mad. You should check him out and it's really easy, I can tell you because I'm not that savvy, but I think you just have to send adjacent and stuff to the guy and he'll put it up there no problem. So yeah, connect, dude. Get the fam there. Get the web, kids. We get webkids on with hoodie.com. mad bullish. Super easy. We're actually working on our own website right now. I don't want to say too much because if y'all know me, you know, I love to be a vague and mysterious asshole, but yeah, there's a lot of cool shit on the horizon, man. A ton of time. I've given a few kind of trusted holders and team members some early alpha of what's coming down the pipeline, man.

Emphasizing Community and Health

But this is for sure a very long term bid. And I can tell that with hoodies is too, considering the amount of like, attention to detail and attention to interfacing and interlacing all these different communication systems. It's one of the things I love the most about unicorn and Uwu is like the social fi aspect, right? Social fi is such a cool, bespoke, very like, unique thing that only I think came about. I don't really know the lore of it. I'm trying to get more into it, to be honest. If anybody has more info, that's great. But social fi, I'm super bullish on, man. I think that, like, not the smartest was saying to gamifying those, the community and the communication between people on the blockchain, man, is so important because like, we are in a time and in a space where everybody here, not everybody, but for the most part, I'd say most of the people here, you know, kind of live like very isolated lives. And I wish they wouldn't. I wish you guys would take care of your health a little bit more and go outside and spend time with friends and be around love because it's really important.

Importance of Balance in Life

But at the same time, that can be encapsulated digitally through things like social fi. So, yeah, no, that whole thing about touching grass now and again is absolutely true. Every once in a while, just go to the park, play a little bit at baseball, whatever, you know, fuck it. You know what I mean? Just. Just get out of web three. Get out of. Because you can really get, you know. Yeah. Like, you can get. Be a person, bro. Don't rabbit hole too much. It's important to still, like, be yourself. Absolutely. Because, yeah, like, it's very easy to just get addicted to what we do here. We got some good news, ladies and gentlemen. Enchilada got their free NFT while were live. Check out that pinned post. Congratulations. Look at that. Yeah. Thank you. Thank you so much, Tom. Absolutely. Guys, check out that pin. Post rate it. Let them know that we're giving away free nfts here.

Continuing Engagement and Additional Giveaways

We're about to give another one away, so don't go anywhere. Raid clow. What's going on? Yeah, what up? It's Reed. but I'm swear jar in the telegram. Swear jar on all socials. What's up, everybody? What's up, swear jar? How you doing, my boy? Goody, dude. I'm good, man. I can't believe you. You motherfuckers dragged me back into nfts, man. I swore the. I fucking swore this shit off, man. This is literally my first Solana Nft. I was balls deep in the eth nfts. I've been balls deep in Solana meme coins. Swore off nfts. Thought it was the gayest thing on the planet. Thought that nobody, you know, who was a cool kid in nfts, has ever touched anything cool a day in their life, in real life. Or a woman. You best believe they have. Or a woman. Or grass, for that matter. And so it's like, here I am, fucking back in the Twitter spaces.

Engaging with the Community

Met Tom on the timeline this week. What's up, Tom? Fucking. I don't know. It's just cool to be here. We're in the telegram. If you're not in the telegram, go to magic eating, guys. Pick up a fucking web, kid. Don't. Don't be like me fucking sleeping on the mint. I had homies fucking into this, like, two weeks before the mint that were, like, ready to mint this, bro. And, like, I knew about it and I just was, like, fading nfts as a whole, and then they sucked me back in. So y'all are just motherfuckers. You're a chad, bro, and, you know, it's crazy. Before we get to space cadet and then leave me, because I see all his hands up and I appreciate the love, dude. I was the same way I like Max minted stuff on Ethereum. I lost, I can't even tell you how much money because it's going to make me want to rope.

Shared Experiences in the NFT Space

I lost a lot of money on Ethereum, nfts. Just not getting into the right projects, you know what I mean? Because ultimately, at the end of the day, I think that you should trust your dev, you should, you know, get a little bit deep into the vision and into the pipeline and into their plans and goals and whatever, you know what I mean? But I lost a shit ton of money on Ethereum. I swore off of nfts for years. And then I was just like, you know what? Why don't I just have the fucking balls to do my own, you know what I mean? Just to really make my own statement, piece my own impact on the blockchain in a way that isn't like these other fucking retards, you know what I mean? That are just profiteering off of you and actually really push a community and an idea. Because ideas, at the end of the day, are probably the most priceless thing on planet Earth, but it revolves around actually executing them properly.

Finding Passion Within the Space

So I totally share that sentiment. Yeah. And you know what? After our first show, Taj, I kind of recognized your passion and knowledge of the space and decided, you know what, this is a good place for me to start doing spaces and working with them. Hearing youre a. Yeah. Basically your determination, conviction. And I said, you know what? This could actually go. I saw that the price point wasn't ludicrous. It's affordable for people listening. It's, this is an affordable collection to get into, guys. Don't think that you have to spend an arm and a leg to get into it. And I fuck with that kind of vibe where it's affordable, organic, authentic. That is a sweet spot in crypto. One of the things I like to say in my spaces is that you don't need to spend five grand or ten grand to join a great community right now.

Community Engagement and Giveaways

You spend $40, you're getting a great community. We're going to throw the mic over to space cadets. What's going on, guys? Oh, man, so much. Really amazing topic for a Saturday night. So the immutability mutability thing ties into censorship, and I think people's fear of censorship on the blockchain is legit. There's certain things that have happened in the last few years that make us revisit the whole mutability immutability thing. But going back to 2016, when Vitalik rolled back the Ethereum blockchain to undo the Dao hack. That was that first moment where everybody, all the crypto bros were like, oh. You know, because that's not like bitcoin. So there was like a foul called on that and still some sour grapes to this day about it. But I don't know. I think that's the whole problem with the mutability immutability thing.

Spending and Value of NFTs

I just spent fucking 1010 grand and. And, like, I'll get more traction with like, a $50 web kids, you know what I mean? Like, what I mean, if that's your. Goal to, like, you know, I mean, depending what your goal is with it. Like, I just didn't like it because I just, you know, looked at how, like, it just. There was no real system in place that was actually viable in terms of how smart contracts were deployed. They could be altered and the code could be changed at any time and rerouted to different wallets. Like, it was just too fucking hackable. And then a lot, like, you know, a lot of projects were just front ran by VC's and they're the ones who made all the money. And, like, no token. Like, there was almost zero utility that came out of it. And most NFT collections went to kind of went to almost zero in terms of value. And then transaction fees are just a whole another story. Yeah, I mean, it was.

Anticipation and Dissatisfaction in NFT Purchases

Yeah, definitely. But basically a whole issue, like, on Ethereum. But yet to your point, I don't think it was my goal. It was just very anticlimactic to, like, you know, fork over a lot of money for like a doodle or a pudgy penguin I think, okay, this is it. I'm in. Let's freaking go. You know what I mean? And then. And then, like, not really have a big. Not much fanfare, not. Not much of a hoo ha. And I've seen collections like webkids or mogtarios. Well, you'll get one for $20 and get, like, a whole bunch of. A bunch of messages here. So. Yeah, very interesting to see. We're gonna go over some of the top volume leaders on the Solana side of things as well to let you guys know what's taking place here today. I didn't want to welcome a celebrity in our spaces, which is really cool to see.

Leonardo DiCaprio Joins the Discussion

Leonardo DiCaprio, welcome back on stage, man. How's it. How's everything? I'm good. Proven to you. I'm good. I'm good. How's, like, how's the love life, man? Like, you know, I know you. You always date supermodels, and, you know, you're always. And 21 year old. Yeah. Like, how's that? Yeah, nothing much, really. Okay, so here's an idea for you, Leo, because you know you've been successful in the movie industry, right? You know, Wolf of Wall street, you were in Titanic. You know, you were in catch me if you can. I really like that film. And you could take some of your money and buy web kids, right? Like, is that, like, what, like a hundred grand? You got that kind of money and you love kids.

Explaining Web Kids and Their Value

Dude, what's wet kids, bro? I don't even know what. What's this? Only the greatest collection on Salarmo blockchain, my friend. Go on, magic Eden, and buy the floor. True. Absolutely. Is it the NFT? Yes, sir. I'm not really into nfts, but okay. You might be into these. See if. Maybe. What's the price of one? Cheaper than you probably think. I'd say probably like, what? What, some $45, $50 for entry. Leonardo DiCaprio, if you're not into nfts, how did you find. Let me just fucking get one. Because he said, how did you find our sp. All right. I don't know. It's the Internet, right?

Conclusion of the Night and Predictions

Here goes official how I feel. Partnership, ladies and gentlemen. Yeah. All right. Thank you for joining us. Leonardo Dicaprio. I hope to see you in another. I love you so much. I hope you don't get arrested for pedophilia. I love you. Yeah, I know. As soon as they turn 25, they're out the door. Out. They're out. He's kicking their ass. Right out. They're out there. Yeah. They got this system down path. That's really bizarre behavior. I mean, I don't know, man. I think there's some very good looking women that are 30 years old. I wouldn't. I wouldn't now, bro, listen.

Discussions on Sweeping Floors and Project Integrity

Why are you not even letting me, like, talk? That's weird. You got to put some more oomph in your talk, my friend. We need ohm. Oh, no, we don't need that, bro. Yeah. Do you know? Yeah, yeah. Welcome to MySpace. If you don't like how I'm hosting, you can host your own space. Space and do what you like there. You know, that's just the way it is. You don't like. I will say my man is from Utrecht. I got the chance recently to go to Utrecht to visit some friends of mine and it was actually beautiful. It's such a beautiful place. I'd never been to the Netherlands before and I really enjoyed it, actually.

Final Words and Challenges in Web3

Shout out. Yeah. Let's go over some of the top volume leaders on the Solana side of things. This is a web kids Saturday night space with me, your host, Tom Bibbie. And we just gave away two free nfts. We got one more. One more web kids to send your way if you haven't already. Check out that pinned post. Retweet it. And also click that chat bubble, please. Bottom right hand corner of your screen. I want to thank the speakers for joining me here tonight. Space cadet, thanks for joining us. Hermes with the whiff hoodie, fam. Thanks for pulling up, Curl. Appreciate you joining us. TMH enchilada, not the smartest. Our co host, Taj and Nora. Thank you guys for helping me out as co hosts here.

Discussion on Account Suspension

I think it's funny. Didn't they get their account suspended? The official. I'm pretty sure they did. Yeah, they did, right? And I think I. Yeah, like, maybe some people were like, you can't keep saying that, man. That's not cool. You know, but even though it doesn't have the hard r, it's okay. It is what it is. Yeah. Let's freaking go.

Web Kids Collection Announcement

We got a pinned post from me about my web kids collection up at the very top right now. It's got 27 retweets. If that gets to 45 retweets, we'll give one more away. One more away. Before we wrap up, so check out that pinned post featuring my Web kids collection and retweet it. Let people know that we're doing these spaces here today. And congratulations one more time to our winners here today. I'm so thankful for all of you for joining us here today on a Saturday night chill space with the web kids, fam. I think we got the web kids account in the audience as well. If you guys want to follow them for official updates, go ahead and do that. Webkids with a z, not an a, Hermes. Go ahead and follow them.

Favorite Traits Discussion

I did trivia. What are some of your favorite traits, Tom? You know what I really want to get next is the one with text on it. It just says text because it's so. I was looking through the collection just as text in the top, right? Like not like anything witty or whatever. But I thought that was dope. I like the sparkly eyes because I feel like those would make for a good PFP. I like the emo hair as well. I think artistically it stands out to. And those are some of my favorites. I know I probably haven't even discovered all the traits. So, you know, that's how, brother. I think there's like 700 total, or. Like there's so many. Some of the cults are like the OG one and then the captain hat.

Lobotomy Shirts and Upgrades

So people are like building their own cults and stuff already for individual traits. Taj, I did have a question for you. Yeah, yeah. Please. If you could go back over the lobotomy shirts. I know you were saying that there's a bunch of them and I know the first one has a lobotomy shirt. So what am I going to be able to do with mine? To be able to change that lobotomy shirt to be able to get. So we want to introduce staking for sure. For sure. And maybe like burning a couple lobotomies to be able to upgrade. Like not a couple but like burning an NFT, for example, to be able to upgrade, whether it's a lobotomy of your choice or maybe like a trait reroll on a different picture. I mean it's really ultimately, I think up to the community as to what they think would be the best because I'm down to test, I'm down to implement all kinds of stuff.

Community Interaction and Concerns

It's just, you know what I mean? All this stuff is for you guys at the end of the day. Like we really just wanted to. Ultimately we just want to make it the way that we intended to launch it in the first place. The only reason that there are so many lobotomy teas was because we used our own like custom script to generate everything. But then when I was uploading everything to launch my NFT, the entire batch got fucked. It didn't take a handful of the images. The JSON, for some reason, I don't know why, had like wrong metadata. And so you can imagine with 3000 pieces it's pretty difficult to like go in and hand refile metadata and sort through everything and organize it properly. So we just said fuck it. We use launch my NFTs generate feature and how it works is it categorizes them based on like the rarity of traits and you can choose the and stuff we didn't realize that we put only lobotomy tees in the common section.

Floor Price Discussions

And then for the percentage, it was like 50% value for common shirts. So lobotomy teas ended up having way too many. But, yeah, we want to. We want to introduce a few new shirts for any lobotomy holders for you guys to kind of upgrade at whim. As long as there's like a kind of, like, staking for, let's say, like a couple days or something, to be able to then upgrade the shirts to whatever you want. Well, I've got. I've got noties on for you and web kids, so I will be making sure I'm watching out for things to upgrade my lobotomy shirt. I appreciate the info, my good sir. Yes. A big thank you to Taj for coming, spending time with us, answering questions that the community may have about this collection.

Community Engagement and Giveaways

Web kids on Solana. Go buy one on magic Eden here today if you haven't. We're so grateful to the community and everyone for joining us here on stage. We gave away three freaking nfts absolutely for free from this community in this space. The space is recorded. If you want to share it with the other web kids that couldn't be here after the. After the fact, go for it. to enjoy the lulls, enjoy the laughs, and, yeah. Hear about what had, Taj had to say about some of these questions that were answered. And I think it's good to have spaces like this where we can sort of, yeah. Get some of these things or concerns aired out.

Concerns with Community Members

yeah, we had one sort of, upset member blowing up my DM, saying, what's going on? This, that. And so I asked Taj. Taj addressed it very politely. and cornholio, you know, I hope that, he was able to address some of your concerns here as well. I know it's funny to say that word on stage, both cycler. What the fuck? If we got 45 retweets right now, it's at 30. Up at the nest. We got one more to give away. We got a little bit of room on stage as well. If anyone wants to come talk about this collection also, and ask questions or discuss some of their favorite traits as well, to.

Favorite Traits Question

To the person who asked me what my favorite traits are, I want to shoot that question back. What are some of your favorite traits in this collection? 911 background with the moggers. Fucking mogam. Yeah, that I didn't get. I came around, like, I think, when did y'all launch bro, like, Monday or last week. What? When did y'all ladies birthday? Cause I think I came in, like, a week later or five days later, something like that. But, I got. Let's see what I got. I got a lobotomy tea, so I'm definitely looking forward to, you know, swapping that around or playing with that one, which I'm very bullish on, man.

Positive Community Vibes

Like, you know, I'm bullish on a project that has, like, mess ups and they're working to fix it. You feel me? Because some projects might just say fuck it, and, you know, and keep going. And so I'm really bullish on that, you know? Bullish on the dev. I really like the aug, man, the ag. There's other some out there that got an aug rifle. Those are crazy hard. And then. Let's see, let's see, man, there's so many. It's really hard to choose, bro. That's why I love this project. I sit there and I look at magic Eden all day. Like, I just watch the. The traits fly around. But, yeah, they're all really dope. Honestly, bro, if you haven't looked at the project, definitely go check them out.

Celebrity Influence in Crypto

You know, the pepe ones are cool. The pepe skins, there's some. Man, I just need more soul, bro, I need more soul so I could buy more. That's the problem. I'd buy them all if I could. I know. I didn't realize that there were 700 traits. I mean, that's. That's insane. There's none, like, you know how you see some projects that, like, you scroll up and down and it's like, man, there's very. The variety just isn't there. You know what I'm saying, dog? None of these. These almost all feel like one of ones. You feel me? Like, none of these are close to the other ones. You know what I'm saying? It's. It's put together so well.

Technical Issues and Community Culture

So, so appreciate you guys. My bad. My Internet, like, to her, my phone fucking died. My phone literally completely died. Died while I was being shown love. That sucked. But, yeah, man, that was kind of the point, to be honest, was to make every single one, because I've seen so many cool ass NfT collections before, and the point was to make every single one feel like a one of one. So that's why we're working super diligently to make sure we update all the traits effectively. Like, the Geist body still Max, big Geist pro, where we're in the process of deploying all those on chain right now. I think 95% of the niqabs have already been reflected properly on chain.

Community and Floor Price Discussions

You can check them out. All the hair clipping is currently being fixed. And first priority after the. Because we've had a handful of people. So I guess to explain the reasoning why niqabs. I'm pretty sure the floor on the cobb's is literally, like four soul right now. That's something fucking absurd. You know what I mean? Like, the cabal's doing their thing, bro. I can't speak on behalf of them. I don't know what they're planning. But, yeah, there's a few different traits that I'm starting to see list for quite high. I think the true jacket is one of them. And the Geist body I'm starting to see rotate a little bit higher.

Price and Growth Potential

Like, I think the lowest Geist body right now is, like, 0.4, which is crazy because two days ago, Geist were 0.20.18. You know what I mean? I do just want to add. The floor is going crazy right now. Like, volume is seriously. Hold up. Let me check the TG. They're sweeping like a motherfucker. Whoa. What the fuck? What? Bing, bing, ding, ding. Ding, ding, ding. For real. That shit is just popping up. Yo. What the fuck? Okay, cool. We just had, like, a good 30 sleep. Almost 20. I'm telling you, man.

Host's Closing Remarks

There you go, cornhole. I'm telling you, man. Tom Bibbie. And he brings that energy. Ladies and gentlemen, stop by for more spaces with yours truly. We're going to keep this going. Taj, I'm so grateful that you let us do this with your community. If you're not following Taj, take a second to follow him on stage for more updates from the web kids. We got a pinned post from the web kids themselves. If you want to follow the official page for official updates, check that out in the nest and follow their official account to stay up to date with what they got going on. You can buy them on magicen IO as well.

Community Appreciation

Right now, we're so grateful to the web kids community. I see big things for this community. It wouldn't surprise me to see the floor price just absolutely send in the near future. Man, you guys are so fucking early. Like, I wish so bad. I get so giddy thinking about it. I wish so badly I could just tell you guys everything that's coming, man. But let me just tell you are so early, man. And, like, we're. We're trying to do stuff to pioneer and kind of trailblaze in different ways on the blockchain that we haven't really seen done before because obviously we're new, but being new is cool, right.

Innovations and Future Plans

Because it gives you a fresh perspective. It gives you the ability to be more bold and kind of brash and confident in decisions that maybe other people that are a little bit older headed would be more hesitant to make. Right? I. But I see enchilada with their hand up here, too. So let's definitely pass the mic. Yeah. Enchilada. What's going on? Yeah. How are you guys feeling about lil pump right now? I don't know. There's been some drama there on the retardio side of things. Some people saying, well, we're glad he dipped out, some people not happy with it. I've chatted with balls.

Celebrity Drama Insights

Balls are hard. He's the one that, like, a little pump had an issue with in retardio. And I don't know, I think that there's, like, a lot of, like, stuff going on behind the scenes that we're not privy to. Like, we had Nora here in here co hosting, and I think some of the headwinds that she's received within retardio was sort of from that click that he's sort of with and that goes back to, like, some of the stuff were talking about earlier. Maybe. Maybe our co host wants to comment on this. No, I was going to ask what your opinion is of it because yourself are our cousin Tom.

Reflections on Community Impact

So what. What do you think of, you know, the six nine low pump drama that's been going on? I'll be honest, I'll be completely candid here with you guys on stage. You know, at first I thought it was cool that they were part of the community, and then, you know, I saw some stuff about six nine that I didn't want to believe. I guess I was sort of in denial about at first. And so I realized, like, he's got a little bit of dirt on him and so maybe that could not be the, like. And I'm not talking about just like, a blog post. I'm talking about, like, actual, like, you know, documented stuff to me.

Controversial Figures in Community

That's crazy. Like, I heard about that shit when he was first coming out and, like, they were trying to, you know, put him down and he still blew up the way he did even with those allegations at the beginning. So it's just, man is unkillable, bro. He's like, you can't kill some industry shit, like, on it. Yeah, there's some other shit too, though. I don't think. I don't think they're allegations, though. I think they were actually factual because I. To put a little bit of insight, if you guys don't know the history of six ix nine ine, he definitely had a pedophilia case early on in.

Celebrity Controversies

His career, if that is what you're referring to. Yeah, show you a 13. That's why. Low pumps. He's not. He's against. Yeah, bro. You know, I'm completely new to this space, by the way. I just found. I just saw it that I was on my broadcast and it's pretty interesting listening you guys so far, but, yeah, anyways, was I trying to say? Yeah, 13 year old pedophilia shit. So, like, really? Six nine ain't shit right now, to be honest. Like, he's just trying to get money with you guys, but he doesn't know about really meme coins and crypto.

Concerns About Industry Manipulation

As far as. From what I can tell, I'm kind of new to the space, but, yeah, I kind of felt like it was a little bit manipulative to have him join retardio, get us kind of like, oh, cool, six nines with us, and then launch a token. The token flops. They have snorkels. Who's like, one of the most annoying people in web three as a mod, for some reason, I literally remove him from spaces. He's that. He's that, like, you know. Yeah, uncouth to me. They literally just, you know, no publicity is bad publicity for him.

The Role of Attention in Celebrity Engagement

He just wants attention and that's how he gets his money, literally. Yeah. And, you know, people, like, let him on stage to rap and he doesn't realize, like, he's just there to fill the dead air. And it sounds like nails on a chalkboard to me. What I love is that he'll leave a space if he logs in, sees that it's me hosting, and then I go into the discord for trolley, and I see he's a mod. I'm like, this is the dumb whose bright idea, modding six nine for a fucking crypto space? That's insane.

Celebrity Grift and Market Manipulation

It's ridiculous. Well, not especially that trolley shit he pulled, man. Hey. So I could actually speak on that. I know a little bit about, like. What'S going on with, like, the little. Pump at six nine on the back end. So what happened was Sahil hacked a bunch of accounts, right? And one of them was little pump. And, you know, these. These guys, they've known about Solana. Six nine knows about it. Little pump knows about it.

Community Reactions to Celebrity Manipulation

And what happened was little pump kind of found out about retardio, so he got bullish on it. CT or cousins specifically, kind of just carried them. Carried his coin, you know, on their backs. Gave him a one one, it seems like. I mean, I'm not. I'm. It's. It's hard to keep it because, like, it seems like they're dumping, but, yeah. They'Re dumping and little pumps just kind of, like, coming back, like, asking for more. And so there's that six nine, on the other hand, I think six nine is legitimately hacked by Saheel.

Technical Issues During Launch

And I don't think six nine. I think your Internet there, rug, brother. But, I mean, to answer the question, how do. How do I feel about lil pump? I mean, bro, we spent fucking. We spent an hour and a half trying to onboard him with. With a custom one of. One that literally has, like, multiple different traits that haven't even been seen or put into the collection yet. You know what I mean? Including the Cartier frames, the fucking diamond earring, the walk.

Future Collections and User Engagement

That's just walker. See, the pound of weed trait. Like, there's a lot of stuff coming, man. And to be honest, like, ultimately, we just want to do cool shit. And so, like, to that point, you know what I mean? If we had a d gods floor. Oh, my God, bro. We would. I hate. I'm sorry. If there's any d gods in the audience here. We actually have a handful of d gods that are big hodlers of web kids, which is fucking crazy.

Building Community and Future Projects

There's multiple mad lads. Like, if we could get to that. Not if. Sorry. When we get to that kind of floor. Oh, my God, man. There's so much cool stuff that we can and will be doing involving, like, gamefi and social fi and Irl to URL and all these different things that. It's just a matter of time, man. Like, it's a matter of timing. And obviously, things cost money and things cost funds, right? So the first thing that we wanted to work on was a super secret right now.

Future of Collectors and Community Building

Special little physical bridging of webkids in a meaningful way for a lot of the top holders because, man, there's a lot. You know, even just going through the Hodler's list on tensor will probably blow your mind. The amount of wallets that just have completely zero listed. Like, it's insane. If he doesn't hop on now, he's probably just gonna hop on later. Yeah, I agree. Because ultimately, it's just, you know, we're dealing in the attention market.

Attention Market Importance

So that was a really good point to, like, the more attention that builds, I mean, the more people you can onboard, the more stuff that you can do, right. So because we're in the attention market, it's. It's a matter of capitalizing quickly. And if it doesn't work out, that's fine. You adapt, you test you keep adapting, you keep learning stuff, you keep trying stuff. But I see Reed with his hand up, so I'm gonna shut the fuck up, dude.

Final Thoughts and Community Growth

I hope. I'm sorry. Adaptability is crazy. I think shagams was first. Shaggam, so you can go and then I'll go. Yep. Shaggy. I just wanted to, like, go back on to, like, little pump and six nine jump again to these communities. They end up doing their own coins. And, like, I noticed it's a trend for a bunch of rappers to be doing this. And I think until we get something that actually gives a fuck and doesn't just want to make a quick buck on everybody, I mean, you know, I don't think any of them are gonna be good.

Reflections on Celebrity Impact

But that's where I do have to give a little kind of his props because I see he's still pushing his coin more than other people. You know, he did get into that scuffle with. I can't hear this guy. I'm gonna jump down. My apologies. I'm sorry. It could just being me talking. Quiet. No, no. You're chilling, bro. You just gotta run. But, like, I. I think Lil Pump is honestly one of the best ones I've seen.

Celebrity Influence and Community Building

What's his name? Steve will do it. He's pushing his hero pretty well. But until we have people that are. Actually going to solid, you know? What were you saying, g? I fuck with you now. I fuck with Steve. I feel like Steve. Like, there's. I feel like some of these guys, you know, some, you could tell, just got like, an intern, you know, using their account. I feel like some of them, like, really might be on our computer, you know, on the. On the on deck screener or on Magic Eden.

Community Engagement in Solana Space

You know what I'm saying? Like, fuck with the community and shit, you know, trying to build something. I definitely think that Steve will do it. And Lil pump for those people. Honestly, I don't know why, but in the back of my head, Taj, I feel like lil pumps gonna take one of those damn custom web kids and throw it on his PFP as soon as he can change it. Hundred percent, bro. I have a little birdie in my ear that's telling me we might even be able to do some other stuff for low pump.

Community Collaboration and Engagement

What, what. How long until you could actually change it, though? I mean, not, bro, it's cap. He could change it right now. You want it to. There's nothing holding somebody back from changing a profile picture. Bros. Edge. Maxing, bro, for engagement purposes, for sure. I think that a lot. I think he wanted to honestly just gauge and see, like, if it's not him, that's a smart motherfucking intern, bro. Because if it's not him, all I saw was that that was a deliberate attempt to see which communities right now are some of the loudest, right?

Community Influence and Growth Strategies

Because ultimately somebody brought this up earlier about interaction. Maxing. Not the smartest. You know, it's really smart. Like, it's all these celebrities and all these different people irl that have, you know, a lot of influence and a lot of pull. Maybe outside of crypto, the only thing they want to see is the loudest communities, bro. That's, that's all they care about. Like, if you look at Michi, if you look at D gods, if you look at fucking Billy, if you look at any of these, like, bigger projects, the way they got bigger was just raiding all the time, onboarding all the time, being the loudest of most annoying, the most obnoxious, putting all the memes, putting all the content, like, just crunching as hard as possible because that's respectable, dude.

Growth and Community Engagement Insights

That shows that you have a community that's behind you, that's willing to rush, that's willing to do these things, that's willing to pump their own bags because, like, not the smartest. Said it's free, and it makes you more money. You know what I'm saying? Like, it's free. All it takes is a little bit of time and a little bit of attention to be paying attention to the telegram and paying attention to when there's raids. And to be honest, like, I want to max out our raids. Like, I wish that we, I wish it was kind of like the first day, which is kind of bittersweet to say, because dude, those, that show is crazy.

Reflections on Community Engagement

Me and mud would post a tweet and in literally three minutes, it would have 300 likes, 75 retweets, 85 replies. Like, it was insane. And so I think it's just a matter of time before we get back to those metrics again. And, I mean, ultimately, the only reason I care is to be able to onboard people, to be able to blow them up to be able to go to the little pumps of the world the second they post a tweet and you know in a minute it has 100 likes, and they go, well, who the fuck is this? Yeah, no, great point. And I think that's one of the things that separate this collection from other collections.

Web Kids Collection and Future Directions

Check out the web kids profile guys in the pin post. Follow them for official updates. This is a collection on. So, Lana, you can buy one on magicen IO. I've been your host for the evening, Tom Bibbie. And along with co host Taj, and not the smartest, make sure you follow my co hosts as well. If you're not for joining us here today, we're going to throw it to Reed and then take some closing comments from our other speakers before we wrap up. Thanks, Tom.

Celebrity Influence in Crypto Conversations

Yeah, I just wanted touch on the celebrity thing for a second. If anyone here actually believes that Sahil has hacked any of these celebrities, I have a bridge to sell you, because it's so beyond not true. And so there are like, bad actors, for example, like Lil Reese. Like, Lil Reese. That's like, that's a rapper who sold his Twitter account. Like, he had nothing to do with that meme coin launch. Lil Reese straight up sold his Twitter account and to somebody who dropped a pump.

Hacking and Community Trust

Fun and rugged oblock. And, like, I was one of many people who got rugged on oblock. I got rugged by that account. And, yeah, anyway, point being, like, I've actually heard Lil pump speak in spaces using his voice, talking about how he signed a bad deal with Saheel and Sahil fucked him over. And he realized that, like, this was a base community and he wanted to be a part of it. And like, that was actually cool and genuine and hearing little pump, like, at the mall with his bodyguard or whatever, his manager, you know, checking out the Gucci store while he's, like, on a fucking space with us.

Celebrity Appearances in Community Spaces

And just like, vibing out, like, that was real. But that's also not. 99% of the other celebrities that join this space to literally extract your liquidity. Anytime a celebrity joins this space, they're here to take your money, and they're not here to keep it in the crypto ecosystem. They're here to sell your crypto and, you know, bored. Ape yacht club, Yuga Labs, they're a prime example of someone that brought in a bunch of celebrities.

Market Realities of Celebrity Engagement

You have Justin Bieber buying a board. Ape yacht club, NFt, a floor ape. Justin Bieber bought a floor ape for $1.2 million. Like, on what planet do we live? And tell me one celebrity that still rocks their ape. That was probably an undisclosed gift secretly gifted to them by moonpay, but they didn't disclose any of those fucking moon pay gifts, you guys. Now, as soon as the market crashed, they. They switched their pfds right back to themselves hella fast.

Critical View on Celebrity Influence

They were like, oh, I'm not gonna rock my monkey, my fucking jizz monkey anymore. Like, it's not cool. But yeah, that whole celebrity grift, 99% of it is whack. Thankfully, lil pumps cool. I've actually heard him in a space, like, with you and me fucking talking and chilling and, like, that's someone that we want in the web, kids, for sure. But yeah, if anyone believes Sahil hacked anybody, like, he didn't. He's.

Perceptions of Sahil's Role

He's out here convincing celebrities he can run them up a bag, which he can, or could I and did. And, you know, I'm sure some of those deals went bad, but, like, a lot of people made a lot of money off you and me this year. That was Reid here on stage. Thank you for joining us, guys. Follow Reed Clow here, if you're not as well. And I'm inclined to agree with you that those were gifted nFTs to beaver.

Reflections on Gifted NFTs

Paris Hilton, Steph Curry and the like. And Eminem. They were presented as purchases, saying, oh, look, you know, Eminem purchase the board ape or whatever. But, you know, no, they. They're doing other things. And, you know, it's. It's manipulative. It's very manipulative to say Paris Hilton bought a board ape, and she goes on Jimmy Fallon and says, oh, my God, look at my ape. And they're like, oh, look.

Critique of Marketing Tactics

You know what I mean? Top signal. Top signal. And so, yeah, it's very manipulative. I think I'm inclined to agree with you on that. That these were gifted NFTs that are being sold as them purchasing them, to kind of give it this sort of cache, which is so illegal, by the. Way, for them to, like, trick millions into thinking they were purchased. Oh, it's very. Yeah, like, I mean, I need proof of purchase.

Marketplace Trust and Celebrity Behavior

Like, if celebrities want to come in, like, show me that you bought it off the floor. Like, show me, you know what I'm saying? Proof that you really got it. You know, because, like, for example, pumps was. Was. Okay, that's actually to bring it back to mutable, immutable thing topic, right, pumpkin? We can put pumps web kid on chain because we're immutable if it's mutable, he gets a PFP, but it's not really an NFT, you feel me?

Final Thoughts on Community Dynamics

He just has a JPeg, you know, here's a retardio NFT profile picture, but it's not on chain. Yeah, you know. Your point about retardio is I'm not sure what's going to happen with them because I'm in that community as well. I'm knee deep in what they've been doing and I'm not sure if it's going to be like a good thing or a bad thing that. That, you know, maybe a little pomp and six nine are going to be out of the picture.

Celebrating Community Winners

I want to hear some closing comments from either of our co hosts before we wrap up. I want to congratulate the winners of our free nfts as well. We gave away three web kids guys, while live here today, in case you missed out. Follow me and turn on notifications for more spaces, more chances at free nfts from yours truly. I'm so grateful to Taj for coming up and spending time with us here today, informing us of what's going on and keeping it in.

Transparency and Community Connections

And I'll be honest, complete transparency, which I think is great. Like, he's been completely forthright, I think, about everything that's been brought up or any concerns that have been basically addressed here. So thank you for doing that. Thank you to the telegram for web kids for rating the shit out of my post. Fucking dope. I fucking love it. I'm here for it, man.

Wrap Up and Future Announcements

Yeah. Taj, what should we know before we wrap up here? Well, let's see, man. We got burn your kids coming soon. We got dead kids coming soon. There's a cricket sitting on my wall right now and he's fucking huge. We got dead kids coming soon. We got a whole lot of gang shit coming soon, man. We've been talking to some really great folks in the background and there may or may not be keep post noties on webkids, man.

Community Building and Future Plans

And ideally me. But I know I shitpost a lot, so I wouldn't be offended if you didn't put on post notifications for me. But we may or may not have a space coming in the next week that I think you all will most likely want to tune into because it's a lot of good news around the horizon. And listen, I mean, the floor is sitting very sturdy, super healthy right now, and we haven't even done any single burns yet.

Growth and Upcoming Features

There are burns coming. There's a lot of cool stuff coming, man. There's. I wish I could tell you all of it, but it's just going to sound like bullshit until it's actually put into motion, right? I don't want to. I don't want to get too far ahead of myself in terms of promising vaporware and all these things that all these other people in the space are more kind of inclined to do. I don't want to say all these people, certain archetypes of people are more inclined to shout from the rooftops, we're going to do this, we're going to do that, we're going to do this.

Planning for Community Engagement

And they don't actually have, like, a plan in motion to do these things. Right. So the biggest priority right now is just making sure that a lot of the more expensive traits are updated properly. I don't even know this dude. But the second trait that were going to update, aside from the niqabs and the bodies before we do all the hair clipping, because that's huge workload. Like a massive. It's going to take us a couple days of just locking in for 12 hours a day to do.

Future Projects and Community Engagement Goals

But is like the. No PFP because you'll fall in love and like to get money. Facial overlays and, like, the drink and drive facial overlays, dude. The minimum, I'm pretty sure is going for, like, a solana right now. That's. That's insane. Like, that's. I didn't even think that those would go nearly that high that quickly. And so it's been cool to see the amount of culture being kind of thrown around in the telegram. Last closing thought is that there is a discord coming probably within the next 24 hours.

Anticipating Community Growth and Engagement

Definitely join it because there's going to be some very cool stuff in there and some very kind of unique experiences and communities that are forming alliances in the background. That was Taj here on stage informing us of what's to come from webcam kids. A collection on Solana. Do check them out on magic Eden. Thank you to everyone from the community for joining us. All of our great speakers for joining us.

Celebrating Community Winners

Congratulations to the winner of our giveaways here. I see parlay is requesting again. Nice try, parlay. Fool me once. Yeah, you know how that saying goes. I see TMH on stage with his webkit. Did you want to comment, here before we close out? Tmh. Tmh. Hey, yo, yo. What's up? What's up, web kid? How you doing? I was listening, bro, that you're talking about Lipom right?

Community Engagement and Influences

Talking about what? Little pump. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Okay. You started to follow me today, bro. Maybe we just need to on board him. He's searching for a new BFP. I think it's the best thing to have him in our team, bro. Yeah. Yeah. Take a look at the pin post, my man. We've. We're way ahead of you. Yeah. He may be joining here shortly. All right.

Final Encouragements and Massive Potential

Parlay, what's going on? Not swear to God. What? To buy the fucking chrome hard kids. Fucking web kid right now. Let's go, baby. Chrome hearts is one of the first ones. That was a fire hit. If you didn't see. Go check out parlay Poppy. He ain't got that name for no reason. That's bro, give, row, follow. That's bro, give, bro, follow. For sure, for sure. Everybody follow. Everybody on the stage.

Acknowledging Contributions

Before closing thoughts, I want to give a shout out to everybody I see here, man, from Frob, who won an incredibly cool one of one, the first. I don't know if I'm allowed to say the f. A blank ot word on live spaces, but Frob one, the. The first deployment of that specific trait. Super tight. Satori. Ape. Amelia. Cat. Branch manager. Noble one. Fucking dizzy. Aidan. Bruce.

Community Impact and Gratitude

Man. USDA cons mania. Moire. Lavish. Tyler. Opulent. Alistair, bro. Y'all are all chads, man. Y'all are all legends. I see you guys every single day. I see the love every single day. And I couldn't be more grateful to be in here with you guys. Trampoline, too. We're stoked that you guys could join us. Thank you to the web kids for pulling up everyone in the audience. Parlay from the retardios.

Inviting Community Participation

Nice to see you come back. Crypto bull bag with his web kids. What's going on? Click. Keep on clicking, guys. And don't give up, man. We're all going to make it. I like it. I think we can all really get a big score here. My co host. What do you think? Just keep sharing what you love. Just keep smashing raids, you know, pump each other's bags for free.

Engagement and Growth Strategies

You could do it right here on Twitter. Everybody can help each other make money. Get you a blue tick. It's a look, you know, that little check and turn into a big check. All you got to do is use your brain and get paid for your thoughts. Make you some art, post some fire art. Do your thing. That's what it's about. So every day, you have to get in and get busy, even if it's a few posts a day, you know, if there's a hundred people doing that shit, it can really change and become a lot more real fast.

Strategizing for Community Success

Especially when we start targeting, doing that sort of deal. You know, look through the wallets, get smart, see who's holding. Like, it would start targeting different communities. There's a lot of different ways that you could tap in and work for your bag and. And we love to hear suggestions in a telegram. I'll always shield a raid if you at my account, you know, if you at lobster, I will shield something. Just let me know.

Collaboration and Community Spirit

Let's get busy all the time. Lobster and opulent, by the way, I got to show love to both of these fools because they've been non stop working, bro. And, like, I couldn't. I couldn't do this without them at this level this soon. So opulent, you know, came to me with the idea of making a discord and literally fucking smashed it out in an hour and a half. You know what I mean? And Lobster has just been consistently setting up raids and lists and different community incentives and all this different stuff, man.

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