Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space SaitaChain Weekly Tune-in hosted by SaitaChainCoin. Delve into SaitaChain's innovative approach to simplifying DeFi for mainstream users and integrating cryptocurrencies seamlessly into daily life. Explore expert insights on bridging traditional finance with the crypto world, the importance of education for crypto adoption, and practical strategies for navigating the evolving landscape of cryptocurrencies. Discover how SaitaChain's user-friendly solutions cater to a wider audience and the key benefits they offer to mainstream users entering the crypto space.

For more spaces, visit the DeFi page.


Q: What is SaitaChain's main focus in the crypto space?
A: SaitaChain concentrates on making DeFi accessible and user-friendly for everyday individuals.

Q: How does Crypto integration into daily life benefit users?
A: It offers practical solutions for financial transactions, investments, and everyday purchases.

Q: Why is mainstream adoption important for projects like SaitaChain?
A: Mainstream adoption drives usability, liquidity, and overall success of crypto ecosystems.

Q: What role does education play in integrating Crypto into everyday scenarios?
A: Education enhances awareness, security, and confidence in using cryptocurrencies.

Q: How does SaitaChain bridge the gap between traditional finance and DeFi?
A: By offering user-friendly solutions, SaitaChain makes DeFi more accessible to traditional users.

Q: What are the key benefits of SaitaChain's ecosystem for mainstream users?
A: It simplifies complex DeFi concepts, provides practical tools, and facilitates easy engagement with cryptocurrency.

Q: How can mainstream users navigate the crypto landscape effectively?
A: By understanding basic crypto concepts, leveraging user-friendly platforms, and staying informed about market trends.

Q: What insights did the guest speakers share about SaitaChain's usability?
A: They provided practical scenarios and use cases demonstrating the benefits of utilizing SaitaChain's ecosystem.

Q: Why is user-friendly Crypto important for wider adoption?
A: Ease of use encourages more individuals to explore and engage with cryptocurrencies, expanding the crypto user base.

Q: What strategies were highlighted for mainstream users to prosper in the crypto space?
A: The space emphasized the importance of education, usability, and staying informed to succeed in the crypto landscape.


Time: 00:14:27
SaitaChain's DeFi Simplification Strategy Insights on how SaitaChain aims to simplify complex DeFi concepts for everyday users.

Time: 00:27:45
Practical Crypto Integration Tips Experts sharing practical advice on integrating cryptocurrencies into daily financial activities.

Time: 00:39:12
Mainstream Adoption Importance Discussion on why mainstream adoption is crucial for the success of crypto projects like SaitaChain.

Time: 00:51:09
Education and Awareness in Crypto Importance of education and awareness for securely incorporating cryptocurrencies into daily life.

Time: 01:03:38
Bridging Traditional Finance with DeFi Exploring how SaitaChain facilitates the transition from traditional finance to decentralized finance for users.

Time: 01:19:56
SaitaChain's User-Friendly Solutions Features and benefits of SaitaChain's ecosystem that cater to mainstream users' needs.

Time: 01:35:22
Navigating the Crypto Landscape Strategies for mainstream users to navigate the complexities of the crypto market effectively.

Time: 01:48:10
Guest Speakers' Insights on SaitaChain Valuable insights shared by guest speakers regarding the usability and advantages of SaitaChain.

Time: 02:01:43
User-Friendly Crypto Platforms The significance of user-friendly interfaces in attracting and retaining a broader audience for cryptocurrencies.

Time: 02:15:55
Success Strategies for Mainstream Users Key tactics highlighted for mainstream users to thrive and succeed in the ever-evolving crypto space.

Key Takeaways

  • SaitaChain focuses on simplifying DeFi for mainstream users.
  • The integration of Crypto into daily life is a key aspect of SaitaChain's mission.
  • Expert discussions provided practical insights into utilizing Crypto in everyday scenarios.
  • SaitaChain aims to bridge the gap between traditional finance and the crypto space.
  • The SaitaChain ecosystem offers user-friendly solutions for engaging with DeFi.
  • Mainstream adoption is crucial for the success of crypto projects like SaitaChain.
  • Education and awareness are essential for integrating Crypto into everyday life effectively.
  • The guest speakers shared valuable insights on the usability and benefits of SaitaChain's ecosystem.
  • SaitaChain's approach simplifies complex DeFi concepts for a broader audience.
  • The space highlighted key strategies for mainstream users to navigate the crypto landscape.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Context

Alright, guys, what's up? Mic check. One, two, three. Sorry, once again, the music feature is not available for a second week in a row. But it's okay. We will fix that for next time. Unless if you guys are okay with this setup, just giving it a minute or two and we'll start. All right, everyone, I think we are good to go. Let's go everyone. So here we are. Satachain weekly tune in. We hope everyone is having a fantastic weekend. And yeah, guys, so since the last space, the market is looking better, right? There is a nice gradual rise, particularly across different alts, starting with bitcoin, you know, touching its 64,000 mark. But then, you know, you can see also Ethereum, BNB, solana and all the different alts increasing. And that's actually good because we are still in the month of August and still, you know, we still have the whole next week from August to, you know, the last week of August to be completed and then it is expected for September, you know, for the nice month to kick in and to kick off as well.

Market Update and Caution

This is not financial advice. Anything we say, of course, is not financial advice. But of course, this is what the whole crypto market basically is looking forward to. Particularly there is a topic regarding the rate cuts for interest rates that, you know, everybody's looking for in the month of September. And of course, with SATA chain, you know, we will be bringing the updates accordingly. Right. Every week, you know, we tune in and we, you know, we try to look at the different comments, different requests across the week. Even if we personally don't have an update, we will be here, you know, in order to address different topics, you know, that we get to see across the week and on different platforms as well. First of all, just wanted to say congratulations and thank you as well. Big, big thanks. Thank you to the state chain community. After all, we have hit 50,000 votes on certic. This number is actually a very big number.

Community Engagement and Milestone Achievements

It's a noticeable number. And you know very well that this number, you know, let me tell you how this happened. So after all, you know, the moment the voting has started, you all have been voting day in, day out. Some of you know, you vote from different accounts, some of you all remind one another. And even when, you know, our score has been published, you still went ahead and voted on a daily basis. And after all, here we are with 50,000 votes. We have passed very big projects who have 40,000, 45,000 votes. We're not going to mention any names. All of that information is available on Certik's website on who we've overtaken with these votes. This shows that the cytokine community is very strong and grows. You know, we can wake out. And of course, this is nothing new to you guys. We have been winning different votes as well whenever, you know, a poll has been submitted and been available to us.

Understanding the Audit Process

So, of course I've seen a question and I like to answer, you know, relatable questions related to this. So, for example, what does this leave say to chain width? All right, like, okay, 50,000 votes have been accomplished. And then you see what's written over there. Okay, 50,000 votes means the audit is for free. Right. However, with all transparency, I would like to explain to you how this process works. Before any audit is initiated, you know, you always have to pay for it. That is the deal with certic on any project, right? It's not like they proceed with the, you know, they proceed with the audit and at the same time they leave the voting poll open. So that is something. A payment is always something that is done beforehand and full payment. However, this is for future audits. So any future audit that SATA chain is going to be doing in the future, that one is going to be used for it.

Current and Future Audit Considerations

Right. And I'm answering on how this goes. And, you know, with certic being a very big auditing company and a very big business as well, very reputable, it makes sense for them to take the full payment upfront before even, you know, proceeding with the audits. So therefore, you know, just this is one thing that I wanted to mention. Where does this leave Cita chain? Is the current audit of for free? No, but any future audits, after all, we are going to be having different updates across, you know, the blockchain and if required, an audit for it, then that will be used. However, this does not take any highlight away that we have reached 50,000 votes. That you guys have reached to 50,000 votes. Right. After all, the number is just increasing. Increasing. It didn't stop at 50,000, I believe now it's at 50,500 plus.

Acknowledging Community Support and Future Engagements

So, of course, this is something, you know, that every one of you all can be very proud of. And, yeah, after all, we said thank you in the beginning. But of course, on a personal level, we wanted to say thank you again, and we will have, you know, a giveaway related to it as well as a gesture, you know, that all of us managed to do this. You know, we stood strong. Of course, the, you know, the market was doing its own thing up and down. But, you know, these things like the certic audit, this is something, you know, that, you know, that everybody has held strong and went ahead until reached to 50,000 votes. And now also, one more thing we spoke about, you know, what does it mean to get 50,000 votes? And at the same time, why isn't the audit published? Or why was it published in the beginning and removed? That is because, of course, we do everything in sync and in conversation with Certik.

Clarifying Audit Duration and Phases

The bug bounty program is still ongoing. Right. And also, there was another question. How long does the certic audit take to be completed? So there are different phases. Right? We have our score out, right. As you can see, it's at 91 point, but that is only one side of it that has been completed. We still have a bug bounty program that is live. And with that, we are able, with the help of you guys and with the help of blockchain developers, to identify what else needs to be strengthened and looked at. Also on the blockchain with that SATA chain is able to receive higher scores as well in order to get to that lovely triple a mark. So therefore, how long does the other take? That is something that we cannot, you know, we cannot really tell you.

Maintaining Community Communication

It's because it's still ongoing. But it does not mean that, you know, our score is not out. Our score is out, but the final, final, you know, phase of the audit that will end whenever it is supposed to end. After all, when you have blockchain developers. Looking into your blockchain, you know, on. A daily basis, on a weekly basis, trying to identify, you know, different bugs into it that shows that, you know, your blockchain is also getting attention to it and the fact that there are no major bugs identified. This is something that can be submitted as a report, you know, for example, report for the month of July, for the month of August. And with that, we can get higher scores accordingly. And, yeah, right before we jump into something else as well, just wanted to. Welcome Chris as well.

Welcoming Participants and Encouraging Dialogue

What's up, Chris? Hope you're having a great weekend. Mike check. Mike check. How you doing? See you. Well? Very good. Very good. What's up? Well, I had to jump in the car because my charger just decided to give way. So now I am driving to make sure that I can contribute in this space. I hope everybody's doing well. I'm loving the actual camaraderie between all of the community, the 50,000 votes. Obviously, we couldn't have done it without any of you. Some of you made multiple accounts, some of you did it daily, you know, Nyja upside and many others, just to name a few. Just thank you all round. And, you know, we've got many great things coming. As always, if you need me, I'm always in my DM's.

Concluding Remarks and Future Engagement

I'll always answer back as soon as I possibly can. But, yeah, we've. We absolutely smashed this out the park and I think, you know, from an outside looking in, this is a really positive thing to have on our belt sort of thing. It's just. It's just a phenomenal thing. You know, like before when we've had other competitions where I'm trying to remember the. Actually, I won't even name the project, but the one where they were using bots and whatnot to see this growth, this organic growth in the voting, consistent reminders to each other, you know, it's phenomenal. But, you know, everything behind the scenes wise, as Nas will tell you, I'm sure Spiggy will as well. You know, it continues to go on. The work continues regardless. If it's a Saturday, if it's a Sunday, if it's a Monday, we don't care.

Communication Channels

I'll stick to my DM's. Like I say, you'll always be able to get in contact with me. But, you know, I'll continue doing my emails, I'll still continue reaching out to people in the backend. And that's just how it goes. You know, the world does not revolve around Twitter. The world does not revolve around Telegram, Discord, Reddit. So we do have to reach out in every single corner. You know, everybody on here, everybody on Twitter who does push this, you know, you are doing a phenomenal job for all of us, for your own investment, for my investment, for every single person in here, so that I'm always thankful and, you know, I'll always give you praise for it. But just know that whilst you lot all, you know, grafting out on here, we're doing the same in the back end.

Commitment to the Community

And like I said to you all before, we won't fail you. We will know blood, sweat and tears has gone into this. So we will never give up. As the old saying goes, never give up, never surrender. And that's just not in any of us. In the team, from spiggy to Nas to Manny to Raul, we've got a solid team. Yes, we're human. We can make mistakes, but we'll always bounce back. That's the old saying, you know, it's how quickly you can bounce back up on your feet. And with everything coming up in September, obviously, we are now 24 August, so we're at the end of the month, especially with the markets changing. I mean, you did mention the, I think you said it was the US market you were talking about earlier.

Market Insights

Just to give you all a bit of doom and gloom from the UK. Our economists here in the UK didn't realize how bad our economy is. So take that as you may take that into any of your considerations, you know, buy and selling, et cetera, in the future. And again, also, if you want to sell, by all means, you're allowed, you know, if you need help with selling as well, because some people have approached me and they're like, look, I need to sell this x, Y and Z. I've got family issues. Whatever it may be, we'll still be there to help you. You're still, you know, it doesn't, it makes a difference, but it doesn't make a difference in the sense of, we're here to help you.

Supporting Those in Need

If you need to go pay your hospital bills, if you need to go pay rent, we're going to be there to say, okay, this is how you sell. We're not going to ignore you and be like, oh, you know, you're an outsider now, get away. No, we're not going to get the pitchforks out, so please feel free. You know, like I say, the only thing we all ask is just approach with some respect and whatnot. We are human. At the end of the day, if, you know, I've done it many times before, if you approach with disrespect, don't expect a reply back. But other than that, you know, there's so I've spoke to most of you in this space, as well as the people who will be listening to this recording.

Community Appreciation

And, you know, I couldn't ask for a better community that I've been standing by for three years. You know, we've been through hell and back. We're now showing you what Manny's dream is all about and our collective dream, you know, with Spiggy coming in with his input, with Nas coming in with his, you know, there's. There's so many things that I need to. How would I put this? That are just inspirational. We need to keep moving with tech. So, you know, I was. I mentioned this to Nas and Spiggy yesterday. I don't know if anybody noticed. Sonium, for example. I've seen it somewhere.

Technological Advancements

I'm not sure if it's legit yet. But, for example, Sony making a layer one or layer two, so we can see the mass adoption coming in. So it's just about making the right connections, creating those meetings and actually getting them on board, which is always a monumental task. But it's a good laugh and a tickle. I know Nas has been to many. Spiggy's been to many, I've been to a few. Manny's never ending. So, like I say, it's just if. If you get stressed out in anything you do on Twitter, if anything gets overwhelming, please don't do anything daft. Take a step back.

Personal Reflections

I've done stuff daft. I can put my hands up. I'm human. I'll take a step back, you know, because it's never going to stop me working. It's never going to stop me doing things in the background to make us all prosper. So the same goes for everybody else. And if you need to take a month, three months, six months, it doesn't matter, you're still holding, will still be here, treating you exactly the same. So enjoy yourself. You've only got one life is the way I'm trying to put it, without sounding so miserable on a Saturday. I guess the rain here in the UK has affected me now, but back across to you, Naz.

Questions and Market Analysis

Awesome. Awesome. Let's jump into a few questions. Let's see. Let's go, let's go. Shout out to everyone who's put a question. Thank you, guys. All right, looks like we're going to have to cover a word over here from this one, but not an issue. We broke the two levels three weeks ago, now on the verge of gaining a zero. Meanwhile, the entire market is up. What in the entire. You know, what are we waiting for? All right, here we go. So let's look at the pattern of how we broke the twos, you know? Yes, we did get listed on three centralized exchanges at the same time.

Market Growth and Recovery

We were going against the flow of the market as well. So obviously that was a good step. We reached 85 million market cap. So if there was this nice reversal instead of, you know, that massive dump, then we could have carried on what we started, right? And let's look at it this way, the same way cytochain went from ten to 20 in, let's say, a short amount of time. It can do it again, why not? You see? So therefore, this is where we use it as motivation that we got there. And the next step is the most important thing.

Aspirations for the Future

So SATA chain got to the twenties. What's next? Let's go for thirties, let's go forties, let's go for fifties, let's keep going. But at the same time, there are some external factors which we cannot control. I know it's boring to hear the same thing over and over again, but it's actually true. So this is how it goes, I believe, for all the different projects who go also with the flow of bitcoin and ethereum. So another thing we are about to. Regarding the comment of about to gain a zero while the market is up.

Market Positioning

The market, yes, is up, but it is also positioning itself, sorry, positioning itself to go back to a higher price, you know, where it was before that dump. So therefore it is up, but to a certain extent, in other words, it is recovering. Recovery is something that's absolutely fantastic. I personally hope it recovers more and more just to get that extra fuel ready for the month of September. All right? And at the same time, just to go back on what quiz said, you know, at the same time, you know, in crypto, yes, it goes up, it goes down, there are buys and there are cells as well.

Understanding Market Dynamics

And that is how volumes are created. Like for example, we cannot control, you know, on a green day, who goes ahead and sells, right? Like for example, you know, we don't look at who sells, right? Or try to identify who is this person selling on the chart. It's their business, right? They got in, you know, with their money, they got their tokens with their own money. And of course they are selling based on their convenience, right? We don't have price, sorry, we don't have name tags on these I on these wallets.

Investment Perspective

So after all, Satachain is an investment for everyone. So of course, this is what we use, as I said, as motivation for our site in order to come out with the next piece of updates, in order to excel with the developments, in order to do what needs to be done for this project. After all, this project, particularly on the SATA chain side, on our layer zero blockchain. We're just getting started, right. As you can see, we're going to be having our own charts coming up.

Future Developments

And that will also help. Yes, it will help Satachain coin, the native coin. At the same time, it will help the projects who are listed on satachaine. At the same time, also it will help the projects who are thinking to list on SATA chain. But at the same time, they need this chart in order to have the full convenience of knowing what's happening with their project in real time. So that is something that is being built and we are almost ready to release it as well. Excuse me.

Updates and Releases

So, yes, guys, this is where I say, you know, that all the news that we give is based on 24 August 2024. If we have any news coming out in the next few days and it cannot wait, let's say we cannot wait two, three days to open a space. I'm just giving a scenario because this might be happening whether in August, whether in September, whether in October, you know, we'll just give a notice of two, 3 hours and we're going to jump into it. So of course, guys, the same for exchanges, the same for USDC, the same for SATA card.

SATA Card Developments

Rahul has given news on SATA card last week. We are yet to get the next piece of news on it. You know, accordingly that, you know, the samples of the SATA card are going to be delivered to us. And then of course we can proceed. We can proceed with it. So that was question number one, that, yes, the market will do what it does, but at the same time, we are also focusing on this side of the development and we will go higher than where were. SATA chain does not stop.

Future Listings and Negotiations

SATA chain has a lot of unfinished business and a lot of things to do this year. Can we expect large CeX listings in September? So after all, Satachain did get Bingex, right? And after all, we have been negotiating with Bingex. It was a very professional approach. You know, the approach that they have is how the top tier exchanges do it as well, in a very professional manner. And of course, satachain wants to be on every single exchange, whether tomorrow or whether doing it in the right way and having the right process and the right pattern.

Strategic Planning

Because SATA chain, when they get on exchanges, when SATA chain gets on exchanges, it is not random. There is a pattern to it. In order to get to the next ones and next ones after all, we need to identify also which markets are those who can use the exchanges and how many users are on it and all the benefits that comes. That comes with it. So we are also looking forward to the next listings and we will take it. We will definitely take it from there.

Optimistic Outlook

We are excited for the next step because as mentioned, guys, as mentioned, this is really not financial advice. But you know, when we look at, for example, whatever market cap we are on, you know, especially when it's on the low side, we know that this is temporary, right? Because SATA chain did not even start its full operations on the blockchain, the native coin still did not start its operations with the stable coin, which is USDC. So everything is yet to get started, guys. Everything is yet to get started.

Future Financial Strategies

When will the 3 million Saitama LP be used to buy tokens? Well, not the whole. That's a big number to buy tokens all at once. Because the. So let me explain how this goes. When we get listed on exchanges, we have to pay the listing fee and it comes also from the Saitama old LP. So that is something that we have communicated beforehand. However, it does not only stop at the listing fee.

Understanding Costs

We need to manage market making fees, we need to manage liquidity fees, we need to manage different fees just by getting listed, you know, on those exchanges, there are so many different charges that needs to be covered, right? So of course, for anybody who has, you know, who has a project and has listed on centralized exchanges, they will know exactly, you know, what we are talking about. So particularly speaking, yes, those costs, they do come from the Saitama. They do come from the Saitama LP along with buying SATA chain tokens along the way and along as well with the market makers and along also with injecting LP.

Market Strategy and Timing

So of course the best time to inject LP is when the price also goes up. So we are not done with the listing part. We're not done with the listing part. Say the chain is looking forward to the next step in order to increase its market. Captain. And then of course there will be more injections to the LP. Okay. Are we going to be able to.

Trading Options

Buy and sell on CytoPro? I do believe that you can buy and sell on CytoPro. Unless I'm not really sure about that question. But you are able to buy and sell on CytoPro. I'm just going by order here with the. With the questions. Please explain how massive Godbit partnership is. This is. Okay. How massive is it? Okay, so of course, you know, say to chain in any operations related to crypto, right?

Partner Insights

If there is a benefit to it, you know, there is always something positive to look forward from it. So, for example, now we have a partnership with Codbit, right? But now the question is also, who does Gotbit have a partnership with? How many projects have they worked with? What market caps did they manage to reach with those projects? Who they have partnerships with? Right? All of that is public information. And definitely this is something that we are very proud of.

Understanding Market Perceptions

Right. Of course, you're going to see different comments related to partnerships, because let me tell you how this is. Godbit has been here for a few years in the crypto market, and they have been successful with what they have been doing across those years. But at the same time, if you do find, for example, negative comments, just as an example, if you do find negative comments related to this, just know that this happens in everything. You're going to have negative comments on Ethereum.

Community Reactions

You're going to have negative comments on bitcoin, on Solana, on BNB, on everyone. So, of course, on everything you have the positives and negatives. So, of course, we've seen the different comments. Why them? Why not them? Even if went to someone else, even they will have a different, even they will have a negative comment. So you see, when there is free speech, you see, this is where you get different comments, whether it's a good one or whether it's a bad one.

Feedback and Growth

It's feedback at the end of the day. So, therefore, with the big projects who Gotbit have worked with, we are very much excited to work with them. And they are also very much excited to work with us as well. So this is how it goes. We have met the Gotbet team in Dubai as well. They are always very big participants in the biggest crypto events across the world, particularly in token 24 nine.

Participation in Events

They were one of the biggest sponsors over there. They're going to be one of the biggest sponsors as well in Singapore, token 24 nine. And yeah, guys also say to chain, as it grows, it will be working with more partners and it will be forming more partnerships as well. So this is also one thing that I wanted to mention regarding the size of the partnership, how massive it is. We look at it as a scale, at a scale of where we are right now and where we are going to be.

Commitment to Partnerships

After all, we respect all our partners. Yeah. Quiz. If you see any question, please let me know. I got one there from Htown. Just saying, will we be releasing any videos or instructional videos for Exbridge and whatnot? I believe we did put that across to Raul. So I believe that is in the process. For those who are looking to list their token or create a new token on our YouTube page, there is a step by step with.

Video Tutorials

I believe it was yourself, Spiggy. And was it rhea that was in there? The video you guys made? I think it was 45 minutes long one. Yeah, sorry, quiz. Okay, yeah, that was not related to Xbridge. Yeah, it was. Regarding deploying a contract, definitely we will have shorter versions of it. After all, we've been there for 45 minutes because, you know, we took our time, we took it, you know, were reading different comments, were having a conversation also with one another.

Future Content Plans

However, definitely we will be having videos on it as well. Even when USDC is going to be released, we're going to be releasing videos on the different steps, you know, how to use experts, how to migrate to the blockchain, how to migrate, you know, back to Xbridge. You see, all of those different steps are going to be put out. When I say migrate back to Exbridge, I don't mean it that way. But for example, if you have USDC on the blockchain, how to migrate it back to the native USDC.

Migration Process

So we are going to be having all of those steps. Definitely. I've seen a question from, I believe it was. Sorry, little bit laggy from mister who regarding the migration portal. Yes, the migration portal is down, right? And the reason why it's down is because it was acting a little bit. It was acting off, basically. And of course, we immediately decided to take it down. And I'll also give you one more example related to this the last time, just take this as an example.

Safety Measures

Right? And it's all on the blockchain. It's all on the wallet that was used for the migration portal. So while the migration portal was down, someone managed to still use the migration portal 2345 days later. So you see, taking it down was actually a very good decision. So therefore, just to make sure nobody gets hurt from it or any of that, safety first. So therefore, yes, the migration portal is down. If seen positive for it to return, it will return.

Operating Systems

However, we have xbridge functioning to do the migrations from one blockchain over to another. So this is the story on the migration portal, is just to make sure that all operations are safe.

Migration Portal Status

And this was just an extra. The migration portal was nothing part of the. Of the roadmap. It was just, you can call it a temporary facilitation method. Right? A temporary utility to help everyone familiarize with the blockchain. So yeah, guys, this is why it's been taken down and it's all on the blockchain. You can do the comparison, for example, when it was taken down, and then you can see different transactions taking place while it was still down. So therefore that was a good call by the tech team to take it down before anything else goes further or excels with it.

Questions Around CX Hot Coin

Ok, this is a question. All right, thank you for reminding me, actually. So can you answer when the CX hot coinbase Gemini test wallets purchased and if you have the number of Cexde listings coming up. Okay, so hot coin actually listed us, believe, a year and a half or two years ago. Right. They have listed us without any notice. They just went ahead and listed us for free. Right. So therefore that, you know, it is up to them to manage the liquidity pool of cytochain because that was something that did not happen based on the knowledge of the team. Like the team was not given a heads up.

Testing and Transactions

So regarding Coinbase and Gemini. Look, guys, any testing that happens from a centralized exchange, it will appear with the name of the exchange. Like just as an example, if someone is doing a test on, say, to chain from a binance wallet, that means, sorry, if someone transfers, you know, to do a test for citation from a binance, Watt is going to show as if, you know, binance is doing something. However, it's just a transfer. I remember back in 2021, you know, when transfers were coming from binance, from Coinbase, from Kraken, from, you know, from all of those exchanges. But it's just transfers happening on chain. Right? And when the transfer takes place, it happens from the hot wallet of the centralized exchange.

Understanding Transfer Processes

Like, for example, now you're using your defi wallet. If you transfer something to, let's say, Bingex, it will show that you transferred something to Bingex. And if you transfer something from Bingex to your defi wallet, it will look as if Bingex have sent you something. But that's not the case because how they do it is that you send it to the exchange, to the hot wallet, then they process it into your wallet, and the same when you exit from the exchange, you send it, sorry, the process is it's sent to their hot wallet and then they release it to your defi wallet. So it's just the same on Certik.

Tests from Various Exchanges

Different tests are taking place from all of those exchanges. So this is where we say that is just tests that are happening from investors who use those particular exchanges. All right? Because if we have a listing with any of those exchanges, why would we be hiding it? We would be over the moon and excited with you guys. So let's take a step by step. I hope this clarifies what's on. You know, what are those exchanges on Certik? Just wanted to cover that as well. Okay.

Marketing Strategies

I think. Okay. When will we see the marketing on the blockchain? Okay, so the best time actually to do marketing on the blockchain is that when the full setup is up, particularly with USDC, because at the moment, as we speak, yes. You are able to send your SATA chain coin from the blockchain. You're able to send it to different centralized exchanges, particularly Bingex, lbank and coinstore. You're able to send it over there. You're even able to use xbridge to transfer from SBC over to BNB. However, you know, the best time to market it would be when the blockchain is functioning at full throttle and when USDC is launched over there as well.

Personal Anecdote

So this is where it would make complete sense. You've also got refugee asking, did you find his baseball? So I'm guessing refugee, when you were doing your skydive, he must have done it with a baseball, I'm guessing. Wait, baseball. Okay. Looks like. I don't know. Must have been helpful. It was a private joke between you guys when refugee came to Dubai in this Saitama outfit. Oh, man. Refugee, you need to. You need to remind me what's up. What's up with that one? No, but I had a really good time with. With refugee. Maybe the reason why I don't remember the baseball is because, you know, went skydiving.

Experience Reflection

So maybe I lost my entire mind while doing that skydiving with him. It was an amazing experience, I'm not gonna lie. You know, so probably this is why I don't remember. Forgive me. No, but in all, pretty sure you're. More worried about your parachute than a baseball. Exactly. It's not like we're on top of the plane and just throwing baseballs from up, you know, that would be a tragedy if it fell on someone's head or on the car or something. Okay, I think most of the questions.

Discussion of Market Potential

Yes. I feel we need a new all time high. Absolutely. Why not? Why not, guys? Why not? But of course, it will happen accordingly. Right. And we will be celebrating every. Every little nice movement within. Within cytochain. This is how it's going to be. It's going to be a lot of fun moving forward. We just saw a glimpse when we hit 85 million market cap. We just saw a glimpse of where this can go. Just take this as an example. We ten x from here, that is $0.01.

Growth Potential

That is 430 million market. Captain, we've seen what this project, particularly back in the Saitama days, we've seen how it can consolidate and then it can break out. And of course, Saita chain as well, is looking forward to the next step. Right? We have mentioned that we're not done with the exchanges and at the same time with partnerships and at the same time with the developments that will, you know, that will make this project move. Also, I think just to answer this question, you know, we've answered it so many times, but it's okay.

Explaining Airdrop Issues

It's not an issue. Maybe. Maybe they've not really heard anything related to this. So regarding the exchange that have not done the full airdrop, right. I personally like to answer any question that comes our way. So let me tell you how this goes and what happened, okay? And looks like it is going to be happening frequently until a solution is done, not the solution from our side, because we have done everything that needs to be done. Okay.

Exchanges Communication

When we reached the twos or when we got on those three exchanges, they've actually opened dialogue with us again, saying, hey, you know, we would like to proceed with this, proceed with that. And we're just waiting, you know, we're like, okay, absolutely. You know, we are waiting for them to take the next step and do the right thing. So therefore, when SATA chain moved to the, you know, to the uptrend, that is where an open dialogue has started again, you know, regarding a solution.

Investor Interests and Compliance

So this is where we say that we hope that this can be solved as soon as possible for all of the investors who are on that exchange, who want to have their tokens. And of course, Cytochain is waiting until they get the information from that CeX. They have their compliance team. Their compliance team is, I believe, taking time with wrapping up everything that needs to be wrapped up related to this. So everybody is ready for whatever step they would like to take in the future.

Ensuring Future Clarity

So this is one thing I wanted to be open with you guys, is that when went on a run, they opened dialogue. I'm not sure if they felt, you know, no pun intended, but maybe they felt formal. Okay, we don't want to miss out. You know, maybe, who knows? Like, okay, if they don't want to miss out, then solve it as simple as it is. So we got one from the lovely Nikki as well. He said, excited to see more projects listing on our blockchain.

Future Projects and Access

But do we know when any more listings will be coming soon? Sorry, was that for our blockchain or you mean listings? Exchange listings. Listings on our blockchain. On SBC. All right. Absolutely. So this is how it's going to be. When we have validators and nominators. There will be a document. Yeah. There will be an open documentation on that.

Document Guidance

There will be an open documentation on how to list on citochain. Because after all, you know, you don't really have 100% accurate documentation on how to list on other blockchains. How? Because it's straightforward, you know, for example, you need to deploy your own contract, right? You need to audit your own contract and then you add liquidity on a Dex that is available for you. So our swap, our Dex, is Cytoswap.

Diverse Injection Options

That is where you'll be able to inject your liquidity after you have deployed your contract, after you've audited your contract, you've tested your contract. Only then you'll be able to use our Dex and inject liquidity in order to move to the next step. When you inject liquidity on Cytoswap, you are able to do it on the ethereum network, you're able to do it on BNB and on SBC. So for our blockchain, you will need to inject a one to one liquidity pairing with cytochain, coin with STC along with your project.

Documenting the Processes

So that straightforward mechanism and that straightforward steps are the same across different blockchains. However, as an additional aid, we will be putting up a document and in order to have more information about this, because we understand that just because, for example, it's straightforward on uniswap and BNB does not mean that everybody's born with the information. Sometimes it's good to have a step by step guide on how to start.

Open Help and Guidance

So we're taking that into consideration in terms of listing. Yeah, absolutely. I mean, everybody's more than welcome on SATA chain. You are able to send us DM's, whether on X, whether on Telegram, discord, or even email us, you know, but at the same time, you know, this is me speaking. Just me. Of course, once we have the charts deployed, we know that it's going to be fun for everyone, whether for SATA chain, whether the projects were currently listed, shout out to all of them, to true Maga, to hive, to STCB, to motion.

Exciting Future Developments

Right. And also for future projects, the charts are going to be a big advantage, if I may say. Absolutely, mate. Got another one here from. Let me get this, right? Is it either gar nation or ga nation kingdom? Do you think starting tap to earn projects on SATA chain will make a big difference as it will help burn STC free marketing and much more?

Impact of Tap to Earn Projects

Sorry, just a quick one. Quiz. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. It's good. It's a little bit laggy. Excuse me. Heard part of it. Is it. Wait, was it. Was it something tap to earn projects on SATA chain will make a big difference. It will help burn STC free marketing and much more. Yeah, absolutely. I mean, any project listing on SATA chain is an advantage to the blockchain.

Boosting Blockchain Confidence

And yeah, of course, the more transactions that are being executed and transacted on SATA chain, the better, you know, the more eyes coming on that blockchain. And of course, you know, it will boost, you know, the confidence for other projects. Who would like to also list on our blockchain. So whether we are talking about. I believe the subject is about Saitama Kingdom. Yes, absolutely. Because at the same time, it will have a game also, right?

Saitama Kingdom Features

There are different quests that you are able to do on Saitama Kingdom. You are able to earn points. You will be able to get free Saita card also once you buy $200 or more worth of kingdom, Saitama Kingdom in the presale. So there are different advantages to it. And it's all going to be on our blockchain, right? With the game and the community taking part in it as well.

Accessibility Across Blockchains

And let's not also forget that Saitama kingdom is also going to be available on the Solana blockchain. So therefore, that gives it more accessibility, whether for our blockchain or whether also for cytokard as well. Great. I've got two other questions here for you. So I'll do a double whammy here. Are we able to disclose which countries Manny has traveled to? And do you think STC will be available again on Ethereum anytime soon?

Travel Insights and Token Availability

Okay, muting. Here I am. All right. Disclose where Manny? Washington. Okay. This is how we look at it, right? And even, you know, Manny focuses on this thing, which is to get everything done, right. Because let's be real here, right? When, for example, when you have somebody like Manny, you see traveling, right? Using all that energy and traveling and meeting a lot of people, it's good to do it on a note where, you know, he's comfortable with it and at the same time waiting till the job is done and is at the step where, you know, the announcements are made because let's look at it this way, whether we're talking about electronics, whether we're talking about cars, products, anything, there is competition, right?

Competition and Confidentiality

And then crypto is the same. Like, for example, we say, you know, for example, many went to country x, okay? We don't know who's listening. I'm not talking about you guys, by the way. I'm talking about just general, let's say, right? We don't know who is also going to be using that as leverage, you know, in order to take whatever step needs to be taken. So this is how, you know, the business aspect of SATA chain is intact, right? It functions as a business, functions as a company, and, you know, things like these are taken very seriously, right?

Diligence in Business Operations

And the most important thing is to excel with what needs to be done. Because just as an example, let's say Manny has been to seven countries, right? And deals out of. Sorry. And out of those, only in two countries deals have been successful, right? This is where, you know, we need to wait until everything is completed. Manny is very confident, regardless where he travels, anywhere he travels, he is very confident that the SATA chain name is going to be spreading, you know, well, and, you know, business, whether in the present term or in the future, can be done as well.

Future Announcements

I know I've been going, you know, a lot on this, but of course, just for the sake of number one, competition and number two, until the job is done, you know, it will not be mentioned. So once everything is mentioned, it will be put out in, you know, in announcement form. Even Manny, you know, would come into spaces and explain where he was, how this, for example, how this partnership took place, how is it now going to benefit us? Where will it be moving forward? So this is the flow, guys.

Discussion on Ethereum Tokens

And second part was, will stc be coming back on ETH at any point in the future? I think Spiggy answered that one a few weeks ago, but just to double down. Okay, well, Satachain be back on the ethereum network. I think I mentioned one thing, it was also related to the God bit partnership that as satachain grows, it does not mind. And at the same time, it will do business with bigger partners along the way, right? Which is completely normal.

Future Network Discussions

So regarding, for example, going back onto the ethereum network, we don't know what the future brings, right? We don't know. We can only assume, right. We can forecast, for example, we can also plan ahead. However, this is something that at the moment is not within. You can say not within priority because SATA chain is already listed. Sorry. Is paired with BNB.

Layer Zero Considerations

Cytochain has its own layer, zero blockchain. There have been talks on Solana as well. Therefore, the term of adding more accessibility to the project is being intact. However, adding more and more blockchains, just like the other blockchains, that will require time and that will require a certain pattern and certain growth to the project as well. Perfect.

Token Swapping Insights

Just checking through, I've got two from Joshua. Will you be able to directly swap all SBC tokens with USDC on SATA Pro wallet or only on Exbridge? Okay, just to. I'm trying to put this together. All right, so for USDC, it will be paired with the native coin, and that is SDC. And on xbridge, you are not able to swap tokens.

Understanding Exchange Options

You are only able to move tokens from one blockchain onto another. So if it's on BNB, you can transfer it to SBC and vice versa. However, USDC is going to be paired with the native coin itself. So just as an example. Yeah, so just as an example.

Understanding Uniswap Transactions

Let's say an example, we're using uniswap, right? Just as an example, we're using uniswap. Okay, you buy a project, right? And then you sell something to Ethereum. But then at the same time, in order for you to get your USDT. Or. USDC, you need to send it to an exchange that Ethereum has the pair of USDT with. However, on our blockchain, you will be able to swap USDC directly to SDC. And then you can swap SDC also directly with USDC. So it's the same. It's the same flow, right. The native coin will have the stable coin, but at the same time, projects that list on our blockchain, they will be paired directly with STC, the same as pancake swap. You are paired with, for example, with BNB or Uniswap, you have different pairings as well. So, yeah, this is the flow.

Marketing and Project Development

Just one moment. Quiz. Yeah, yeah. Just give me 5 seconds before your next question. All right. Yeah, I'm back. I've seen the question. Also a different question on different questions, if I may say, on marketing. Yes, absolutely understood. Marketing is a very important component, as we say. As we say, it's a backbone also of the project. However, after certain developments have taken place, particularly on developing and enhancing, say, the chain blockchain.

Updates and Future Prospects

All right, Chris, we got one more. And I believe we will close the space so that we can also look forward to the next one, you know, and we will see what we'll see also what updates, you know, we have along the line with it. After all, yesterday we did see a post from MK, the founder of Satachain. We have seen, you know, a nice post regarding charts that are also coming to Satoswap. Exactly, mate. And just to double down on that marketing side, obviously, as you said, once everything's up and running, it gives us the opportunity to market with that boasting, right? We have USDC, we have a card, we have this, we have that. So it does make sense when we have all of these things in play where we can then show the world even just imagine it. You could have all of that in one advert.

Direct Debit Card Purchases

Just even similar stuff like we used to do. As soon as we had all of the things together, we're just like, right, here you go. Boom. You need that. Here's a bridge. Here's that. Here's swap. So it does make sense doing it in this 3d stages, but yeah, I've got another one here. So will there be a direct debit card? Sorry? Will there be direct debit card purchases on SATA Pro or say, to swap. Direct credit card? Oh, okay. Debit card. I think it's like. Is it like our old one? Ramp on ramp. On ramp. On ramp, yeah. Okay. So right now, I cannot. I don't have basically any news regarding an on ramp. Right. That is something that will come along the way. Right? It is. It is something that we would like to have, definitely. But that is something I don't have any news on at the moment as we speak.

Stakeholder Concerns and Community Engagement

So. Yeah. And also, one more thing. Just before, just before we go ahead and end the space, I'm not sure what is happening with the space, but I would like to say, mutasco, I have seen your speaker request. I tried to bring you up and I still am trying, but I cannot see you in the space. So please, if you can send a request again, I'll try to bring you up again. Come on. Mutasco. Wait. Staking on SATA pro? Not sure if that's a question, but. Hi, the tiger. I see you there staking on SATA pro nas, if you can answer that somehow. No, technically it is a question because I know where this is going. Yes, absolutely.

Platform Updates and User Accessibility

So for Android, as you can see, the update has been successfully completed. Right. You are able to download the latest update of Saita Pro on Google Play Store, which allows you to stake directly from Saita Pro. However, this is where the question comes from iOS, you are still not able to because the update is pending with iOS one. IOS. So that's the question. That's okay. Now I understood. Yeah. So that one's there.

Importance of Presales

Why a pre sale on Kingdom? Okay, let's answer this. Why pre sale on Kingdom? Okay, so how will we be able to determine, as an example, how will it be determined on who is eligible for a Cito card or not? Because, for example, if somebody, for example, buys $200 worth of Saitama Kingdom and then dumps it in the next 20 seconds, the question is, will they still be eligible for a Cita card? Let's say if there's no pre sale at all, right, how will it be possible to track all of those transactions? Let's say on Dex tools or let's say on Cytoswap chart or Dexcreener chart. Right. There are transactions coming in all the time.

Chain Fairness and Maintaining Integrity

But at the same time, let's say if there's no pre sale launched, you are not able to lock, for example, any tokens. It's a free market that you're able to trade, buy and sell. And it will be very hard to track because even if we do an application, for example, while it launches, somebody can easily buy, submit the application, and then sell 10 seconds later. So this is something the team will not be able to keep up with, you see? And just to make it fair for all the SATA card holders, just to make it fair for all the Saitama kingdom holders as well, that everything is done, you know, in a fair way. So this is why there is going to be a pre sale.

Strategic Implementation of Sales

So there has to be another question asked that, okay, if there is no pre sale, then that will also mean that Saita card will not be attached to the Saitama kingdom. You see, it will. This is, this is the flow, guys. So in order to make it fair for everyone, this is why a pre sale is going to be put in place. There you go. Hopefully that will calm a whole bunch of nerves. Now you can understand why the pre sale is needed and is necessity with all that's coming. Yeah, because. Yeah, go ahead.

Experiential Understanding through Pre-sales

Because, look, sorry I cut you off because, you know, I do resonate with the approach of. Why? Why? Because, you know, it comes also from experience. We understand that there have been a ton of pre sales from the month of February all the way to April. We've seen it. We've seen it. All right. This is the beauty of research that you get to explore whatever is on the crypto market. Okay? We've seen the different pre sales. However, we also know that there are some pre sales that also have been successful with the right approach, with the right strategy, with the right movement, with the right information, with the right, you know, with the right everything.

Success Factors in Pre-sales

So most important thing is to have everything in place in the right way and it will be successful accordingly. So just because, you know, a bunch of projects did not do well, we also need to look at, you know, the projects that did do well because they did have a pre sale with the right strategy. Like for example, I mean, it's logical. If there is a pre sale, you know, with the intent of not having the project available in ten days, then obviously that is a failed pre sale, right? However, with Saitama Kingdom, that is the meme. That is going to be the meme of the blockchain, right?

Ensuring Fair Access to Opportunities

And after all, you all know how the flow is going to be. So having a pre sale is, you know, is only fair in order to make sure that everyone has a SATA card also in a free way. Otherwise, it's very easy for somebody to just as an example, to create hundreds of accounts, right? And buy $200 worth and then sell it within ten minutes, as if. As if nothing happened. And there we will need to issue Saita cards because, you know, they've done, you know, something that they could do. However, it will be unfair, you see, and unjust. So this is where, you know, the strategy of having the pre sale comes into place.

Looking Forward to Upcoming Updates

I really hope it answers it. And we will have more information regarding this as we go. So let's get to the pre sale part and then we'll explain more. Boom. Thank you very much for that, Naz. If you are sending me DM's with questions that you need to be asked in this space. Obviously, this is a live space, so please don't do a voice recording. If you do want a question, do send me it. Bye. By the written words. But otherwise, for the people who have sent me voice recordings, I will get to them after the space.

Concluding Remarks and Future Engagements

Unfortunately, because I can't inter combine the both. But other than. Me too. Me too. Chris, to be. To be honest, I'm not leaving the window of the space. Like, you know, I'm not jumping into different chats because it's so laggy. I know if I jump somewhere else, the space is going to close without any notice. So sorry if I don't see any speaker requests or anything. You know, I do hear the different complaints about it, but this is why it's also good to have co hosts, you know, in the space. But we also know what to do next time.

Platform Functionality and User Experience

You know, we know exactly what to do next time. It's. It's the best to use, you know, an iOS phone for spaces. So, Chris, I even tried to bring you up as a co host, but it ain't working. So sorry, guys. Just in case it closes by mistake then, yeah. You all know what's going on. Yeah, he's got an Apple iPhone, that's why. But no, I'm catching. No, now I'm using it from the Android. And last time, guys, I know we have this conversation on a weekly basis, but this is why, you know, because sometimes I can't even see speaker requests.

Encouraging Last Interactions

I've seen Mutasco, he's disappeared. So maybe I'll give him, you know, a shout after the space. Yeah, Chris, let's do. Let's do one more question. We will hit the 90 minutes mark and then I, you know, we'll close the space. Yeah, buddy. Just having a look through the comments section myself. This is your last chance to ask any questions, people. So if you do have a question, please fire them into the comments section right now because we are scouring for questions.

Final Thoughts and Engagement

To be honest, most of them are all the questions that we've already answered. Oh, just in case. Of course. I like to be always ahead of things, just in case anyone asks, where is Piggy and where is Rahul? They are very much here. It's just that they are busy and they will join us in the next space as well, just in case. Absolutely. They got work to be done. All right, quiz.

Addressing Common Inquiries

So you're saying that most of the questions are similar. We will keep. I can't see any man. Oh, there we go. Looks like it's calling for a sign. Mandev calling for a sign. No, but it's calling for a sign. Yeah, absolutely. We will. We will see you guys next week. You know, but also Nas, we will also be doing some thank you to.

Community Involvement in Giveaways

People regarding the giveaway. Yeah. Oh, there we go. Go ahead. Yeah, yeah, I can hear you, mate. So what we're going to do is we are going to do a giveaway as a thank you to everyone for doing the certic voting, for pushing that for so many weeks and months and being such a success across the community. So we will be doing a giveaway shortly after this space.

Participation Instructions for Giveaway

We're going to get you to retweet the room or retweet the actual tweet with a certain hashtag. So please make sure you keep an eye out for that. Then we'll do a random generator pick and give away to the winners. Nas, have we decided on how much we're doing and how many winners yet? Do you know? Yeah, that will be in the official announcement. So as mentioned in the beginning, we will have a giveaway, you know, related to the milestone of reaching 50,000 votes on certic.

Communication on Giveaway Details

So we will put out all the instructions on, you know, on an official post from this account, and then we will, you know, just choose the winners randomly through, you know, through one of the apps or, you know, generators. And then, of course, we'll take it from there. No, we will put everything on an official announcement just in case, Chris, just in case nobody's here. Like, somebody is not here to listen.

Accessibility for All Community Members

To all of this. At least they'll be able to, you know, read the instructions on an official post. Absolutely. Makes sense, mate. Give them enough time to actually get involved as well. All right, sounds good. Sounds good. So, yeah, guys, one more time, you know, big shout out to you all. We hope everybody has an amazing weekend and for the rest of your days as well.

Commitment to Community Updates

And, of course, once we have an update, we will be pushing that update out. Thank you all for joining us. And at the same time, you know, we see the different questions that come on a weekly basis, and it's good. It's good to, you know, to engage with those questions, you know, like, for example, when. When x or when y or when z. You know, we know for a fact that we will be releasing all of those whens.

Acknowledgment of Community Patience

And then, you know, we are going to be celebrating together after all. You know, we understand that, you know, things do take time, right? And I'm saying, you know, like, so many times. But anyways, yeah. So with patience, definitely, we will be releasing all of those when's right. We want to release it also as soon as possible, but it can only be done in the right way after all. Right?

Security and Testing in New Features

Now we have our own blockchain as well. Right? I. So therefore, everything has to be done, number one, strategically. Number two, you know, in the right manner as well, and with the right amount of security added to it. So therefore, testing, testing. This is something that we always do, particularly MK with his tech team. He wants to make sure that everything is perfect in order for everyone to enjoy it and have the right experience as well.

Closing Thoughts on Community Engagement

All right, so with that being said, guys, quiz. Thank you so much for being here with us. It was a nice, casual space until the next one. And yeah, guys, keep an eye out on the official post regarding the giveaway. Thanks a lot, satachain community. As Spiggy's post said, you all have smashed it. You know, you all have shown who the Sator chain community is. And with that being said, we're gonna say a short bye for now and see you guys next week.

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