Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Sailing DAO x 1Minute AMA hosted by 1MinuteWeb3. Delve into the realm of exclusive benefits within leading Web3 groups and the innovative cryptocurrency strategies of @ONEMINNFT and @0xCrocy in a Twitter Space focusing on the future of DAOs and the intersection of traditional sailing communities with blockchain technology.

For more spaces, visit the Metaverse page.


Q: What are the exclusive benefits offered within the leading Web3 group?
A: The space unveiled unique benefits and perks accessible within the Web3 group.

Q: How do @ONEMINNFT and @0xCrocy showcase innovation in the cryptocurrency sphere?
A: Insights were shared on the distinctive and innovative approaches taken by @ONEMINNFT and @0xCrocy in the crypto domain.

Q: What is the future forecast for decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) in the Web3 landscape?
A: Discussions centered around the potential trajectory of DAOs within the Web3 ecosystem.

Q: How do traditional sailing communities intersect with blockchain technologies?
A: The space explored the collaboration and synergy between traditional sailing groups and cutting-edge blockchain advancements.


Time: 00:15:49
Exclusive Benefits of Web3 Group Revealing the unique advantages available within the prominent Web3 group.

Time: 00:25:12
Innovative Cryptocurrency Approaches by @ONEMINNFT and @0xCrocy Insights into the innovative strategies adopted by @ONEMINNFT and @0xCrocy in the crypto space.

Time: 00:35:28
Future of DAOs in Web3 Ecosystem Predictions and discussions on the role and evolution of DAOs in the Web3 environment.

Time: 00:45:51
Sailing Communities Embracing Blockchain Tech Exploring the convergence and collaborative efforts between traditional sailing communities and blockchain technologies.

Key Takeaways

  • Unveiling exclusive benefits and offerings within the leading Web3 group.
  • Insights into the innovative approach of @ONEMINNFT and @0xCrocy in the cryptocurrency space.
  • Understanding the future outlook of decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) in the Web3 ecosystem.
  • Exploring the synergy between traditional sailing communities and cutting-edge blockchain technologies.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Greetings

You. Hello. You go no tono. Yeah, Oshohama is a haika. How Nancy was Ohama ego no shaman. Hello, Igor, 19 year old. It was Ohama. Hello, Nanhio. Johama. You. Hello. Hello. Nantijan. How do you go? How do you go? How are you, girl? It.

Conversation Continuation

Crazy hash. By the mandarin. Hello, dada. Hello, Igor. Hi, old woman. Go agent church. Yohando van Tada, woman. Can you go change Shan woman the dada shampayama or can you shinda dado shin the intel you should yeah, but yeah. Pedro, you should. Have. Punished. The song.

Discussion of Music

So the shah can make a yidan shino so that chunky and Chung and Josh but Joe Chi do you know so jam but Joe Chido you Chi. Should I take a jam banda jiggle banyan? Yeah, so should take a ching shu to hoyo. You go be jah. You go. You go. You go you chiba. Then Chen Tiju may beatrice and not as you mentioned. How driving so yeah, sure need that ninja.

Talking about Sugar and Power

Hawshar and yeah, father bro. So li olian jigger shi bingo, even Chivan. Do you hold sugar? Yellow sugar but ding dong so nigga trump and sugar. Yeah, the power okay kind of joe so the son Shanghai digital Shiva show can twan tongue so hash of so monkey can do and should. Yeah, dollar three, two dollar three sandy and jiggle.

Aspirations and Plans

Yeah, so yeah, so church donkey kanda shajan jiba should go mali shanghai BTc Joey that she should have and she should WBDCDC the chat. So you don't chose only the PDC you are like fascia can but. So. You know you and but PTC and tonal joy so connotation, power number dance for the shadow, the but now woman you ban.

Cultural References and Practices

You know you should be jahla k to my rudder. So yeah. Three golden tradition. Measure, measure to who? Yeah, don't you take a tasha take a son. So that they got. Yeah, shang and so the shadi ash. Yeah, how you follow some guido sandosha. But some good Truvala tongue should yeah, eating those gold.

Concluding Remarks

Yeah, but yeah, power take a shit Allah jazzy chanting, jazzy Jedi and the jingi mujah male true, yeah. Take foul, see the hua show meaning yeah, but you should switch now. You didn't do so you try, you didn't do. But I take a tahoe to hoodie now.

Discussion about Nisha Habush

Send them Nisha Habush now what? To the shop above and shamusha to hoid. Yeah, come to straightaway the show. Yi Jiang see my chandelier so you drill, you can't then take so PI Tron and jaw so. But I can't do the shoot, you make one see, you make what I show. And you judge GDP, so you do make sure she may land. So the guy so Judah to you jiggle Hongwan shall ban. But I do make shrink so be yeah, Jadon Shango of your shang, such as they are so you know, but you should shall be Tai Shani push it. But how she said. Yeah, go me go face on holiday, hollow Jeho rule kind of showing Buddha and Jin raha shanda be the jihad nah jam you know, you go top and show the yeah. Dojo and yeah.

Conversation about Fishing

Nita fish on the Hongwan for me. And you should fish on Chan yeah, you know pinch yeah. So Tonga Choi Ji Hui Xi Jinping Yao Buff and Shanja bin. And you and Xianzia, the pami and Kai doto gang hold the quest of Fanta. Now that's the jutian dancing dog and Shangchi the Xingdi Choma xian jijuana bush male tomato face of it Yahoo Xing chan is the to go be the ego fangsha rugoni ganju tawi la chu kan tashin that jaguar chamber xiang dog san suu shanjai gaudian do yo do nadu shanghai you kongjie rt Shan Jai the Nyosha bryabe Japan Yan sadia Sapola dancer Ganka Judyev fish on the. Hot ninja for that ninja woman so me and sundown the Shih Daniel nai mutant hash Julio Harris.

Further Discussion on Various Topics

Taiman Xuanza Jubuto condition yong rudol jelly mel core tabij mei guo mochi and ganju taiwe tad trading zhou julio rahona rahul dui yinglina the yu xi goda soi na shanja long to shu wei kong jianja be raho be the pingjong. Fish on fish on door so woman just yeah kao yeah hui yo choken go bush and the bio so dosha ibolio dont have moga shanja la girl. Shana shah went to the zofa joshua bank. Yeah, so without shabby and yeah, now what now t tune don't pong to church now jushu what he choose. How do the lone to juicy my man? You make a tolerant. Yeah, woman show, yeah, show me.

Reflections on Various Thoughts

The hua you know woman yi ding yo nigga bank quad sanga banquet dig AI banquet. Tash boko tashin meguda diag bang hua lingo bang shai lua ji good by baby chembe ta doshu bangladesh don't see Joshua dabbing Shanta bing Shanta you guanda here be just with a wang Shani banquet shu singh lace mimi be rao good and tijang pisa pizza kikuanju. Yeah. Shinjo haba juicer dumb and that I yeah. Dala you did for material yen your Japan India? Sure, nigga. You know saddle I show woman Jasher Nuchar Takanoshi Oigo prove. Yeah, so being brought short.

Continuing the Dialogue

Yeah, so in a jury and yo chiropractor vision so ego nurses here go Yung Shanghaja can and shanghai shin chu yeah, but yoshimi mayo shang woman Shang dong the number the show and the mother jush rooting in nature and I can't take a bit of since I have may you go shrink fire hash down and go feet and take a high shame father then ruggle father don't see fun shi chan yi like father and father Shukushi and do the singer. Beautiful ji chanda you govern. Yeah, go for me good, I should. Say and so yeah, should you like take a show, you should quiet so true, like three D dollars, you know Trump yeah, that Jungki like kind of Changi children but number three, Jin can't do the power, you know Jim and you find me go to kind of do it should you?

Challenges and Choices

But Jason, I know, but BDC church go drone boha ji Shanghai BTC the jaguar choose and Wang Shang the show Jiva Shang dosha digging so Chi shu bing the show bing Buddha lapa Liu dong yeah, so you wanna find what I can eat kind of take a shama kinda shoot you number jali shield BDC shit but sound Shanghai woman how you egohan but ego yeah, but, but yeah. BTc the Chagu Shadi woman being a golden woman, being my old fashioned take a huan show Lu Jira did bing mayo Shi Jiang ho mukan yeah. Woman bugger to be Shang so did you have and Joe Chan man no means and the fashion to serve and Josh BTC told the yo tasha yeah, but she told the show church and you choose and womanki kind of like, you know, early one, you know, can't change on the todo number.

Finding Meaning

Yeah, maintain you know what you have found. You and alums, Shibusha, haiyo some of the total, yeah, well, kanji yeah, my own jigga chinkwa told the jaco, Jason told the lita then shoehorndeze mayo choose and ta for the show me say Jacob James may obtain the you go hunch all three chin j suddenly see the show. Len Shah Shiva made the show pink chunk and shit jiggle chimes, you know, jigga Ching was so much hungry and told you so. You can try my biased. You should need to and you can also.

Concluding Thoughts

But you might say, mayo, you could talk may Allah Nishan tear but not j and dancing. I love public and farah form of the Tuchel song. Maintaining children even Chang ji shojo so taiba zhu shuang ching shu kanda chang ji hus yi dan j and do puyangh means shit on the chin shui. Called djang. They said to Joe to shuffle taja doshi jiggly which. And yeah, but yeah, good. Only hall jumper. So yeah, you go.

Final Remarks

So you go. Should you Tony Shabbat? Yeah, sure. Mayo, you know. Yeah. Power. Take a jiggle, take your digger. Yeah. Like should you deli how they take a busa through time?

Introduction to Makuan Show

Yeah. The Makuan show leader. Should you her chang shi chojo guan shida jungle Shi Chang the event so. You should liang jbl jihyo mandala lu guanga ja do shaw, you do mama, don't you? Charity. Dada tigo mean, but yeah, but to the top, yeah, should I but you show me jiggle being chamber ping may or daja Shang to woman book the chazi go bing my chosen dalian man or church may cut down the digger.

Discussion on Gender and Strategies

So being male, I was. You go, yeah, the but Shinjo strategy. Mechan strategy, sensei god, maybe this but jiggle. Should I share jiggle jiggles. And nigga, nigga, nigga shaman do go I must yeah. Woman you know, should you touch it. But your J jo, I talk to you, take a Chung Michael strategy, you know, Shang shukun. So tam the BDC. So you can mayo shiggle lady Toma, you can jump Japan. But you know, Dong Xiang leader two digo manchu chuata bush so and yeah, to shape like Shanghai Goldie.

Reflections on Strategies

But, so yeah, so my. The bella do my push. Yeah. Chung Sho bellado tapas and you couldn't. So you don't make what you go shrio the BTC Mstr macro strategy number. So do you tamale tamadhe being bush and Jaguar Jung shin kwan took a micro strategy kind of microstrategy. Jungki the Chihan Shanghai microstrategy that the RG to the cyber BTC should. Yeah, good job. So do you think show Falasho work.

Personal Interactions and Control

So you come about shama take a shit how she said hello? Great. And what here don't ye SATA da e dango and jupu. And she's home. Hong Kong digger. Ji shu mia who don't you sound like? Sure. Jus dada hash one juju so cano hancha kanohu. Joshua. How you can control it? The whole diatory dogs. Rahul man is. Yeah, you don't go rahul but you talk. So they got ninja.

Insightful Remarks

The whole father Shin yama ninja mechanic. Mujong taju shri tong shantama. Shanta hua shuji the Fajan. Faith on the moon. You see, brother jai mungo. So it can go both Adi and. But you rumor. Joka tar dung shonaga dance. Go to be our children. Go to bed. Don shu daja ju shu J shudding. Darman ku j shu dong shuku one is Dong Xi dan shun kando tada don kind of. Tada iga zonge ho chi sanchez dada sri lamba you a male chima drenched.

Concluding Thoughts

Yo yo yo shoot. That's your question? But I tuned. You Jamie one dude, so you don't. Yeah. Can you die mill some. And go to cardinal. You told Hongwan had for me and dogs and. Chisses was Nancy, she got some shushona.

Discussion on Choices and Advice

So tongue show the but how. Ding Ladenhouse. Shibuya choice or Shiba madam? You can Joshua Joey. So my dad you should chose and choose your woman kids. Yeah, yeah. Don't say you should do a digger. Take a, take a, take. Joe you know who so you gonna do ta like a yung say you know who shiny choi so, yi jiang mayoda shawn yi ja shin the romande yeah. Shan, you don't finance dogs. Yeah, you had a yo but Nancy Jones of Chinguja, like yeah, that joy so canon hash your tongue. Dalai Jian may or Jin may orlande so yeah, but can kill and show during the joe so don't come you should, but you see Dorch, so yeah, than yellow Joe so put it tongue the shall, you see digger not dagger jiggle. Digger dogs jiggle to be jiggle? Yeah, like woof.

Continued Conversation

Do you dig a tongue shang if I don't wash ninka nickel, you go. So we do take a ticket. Not true. Charlie Ho Cannon Joy so the jury never had a token canon joy Digger, digger profile cash John Niji the jar don't say twitter leashes hundred chunga pizza, yo chin jung and gosh. So Taja, okay, kind of chase finance, twitter, shamala number. So nature finishing harjo tana go dad take a true so you who so be just how they go and like yo bait digger that will yeah. Function well, even woman jigger Joe so kind of should you the function take a shoot you go yeah. So yeah. Don't you try but shambanan. Mmm juice the whole tree is how so I send a diacin but you got Joshua and merge don't know that you should.

Reflections and Further Thoughts

Have a woman. That. They would, yeah, take a church, but yeah. The ego news was talking like jungle. You said after Tada jiggle Shiba Shir Yung hung Shang shimber Tajika sadhu Xin Shang Rukh dosha fall no wash even in myo sini mayo you go digger? Shinda barfa and shi yo take a chaga shanda hanyo kana to shao how chung jaja tajika take a toy, take a chaga okana veiny show junkra sadowban yoko yeah, so yeah, now rugo ego video how you go future number patriot so you set out nikki should fly or tag my yeah, because you may or ego eagle and ego you know and Rubio should I change on niche panda now kung do the dosha shaman now work take a piano large pie that they are? Take a large part of your p and connection.

Articulating Ideas and Concerns

But shall we be tamil fagancy now Yo Jigger, jiggle dosha nango Jing the jigger take a ticket risk taking the vacant risk taking shri over and take a pim digger, shimbi digger, jiva dosha digger e pushes and photography risk taking general set up high hue future download risk taking functioning so Joe free chunks of did yo yeah, but take a shah dot jiggle big male yeah, don't mayo side of the jiggle chu Pao Yung jung they don't shang down without Shanghai two daughter Hang Jing do Shang down the show tahoe and Tai dual can you show the talker? Shibuya jiggle nango you show me how you know.

Complex Expressions

what Hong like a family and if I may, Joshua Choi Bang high farming Joshua niso chow Yi pyoti the tongue to the shujian shu toru shua nikolangi the hua nihoi but yeah, shui zhangao shanjai dashandang but ton shunani yoshin so Runway the yodi and hoja hang fu that jugger willashidanani Paul diala Shinzai girl three so either Jiang Fu Zhang fu bang shana be kerner beat yo cashier Kong and Todd Rugoni current leader, you got function say nikala ta nidan true my tadae chang li ji dongwe tada chao zuo tia nima raju mambo rugoni kanju mazarilla took a show guy Chu shu shanza ni xian jedi.

Language Play and Humor

And dabindo do woman the dash Hong Xiao Tuno poignant wash tune samyang yoga dai dian tivan shi jiang yeah tuno who do Tivama shi your patient. Hello. Your male Shinto woman gtna okay. Hello hello. Tinfayan hello. Hua ding juico jiggle chun tiya shi. Tangibai dongwa. Machine by Wu Show Tianjo. Kang joe the gun juju trio Mayo, you don't go to gung channel now your family wait. Joshua ja ye by class nodal eventually changing children. Should I juggle? Well, I keep on twitter type. Hello Chitana hello hi omar hello hello.

Casual Exchange and Social Interaction

Your hi. Or tuna. Nim nimbus dong fang juju bizarre. Bizarre change. Had me and can you go to you may work and so you watch you. But should you so yeah. Panda so you go so with the art son so you don't show number nidago. Transfer case. Yeah. Should touch inside you should show you. What did you see, don't ya? Shu rahona kung Cho her control her. Shu Cho dian family Chu fancy Guan Diang for the sources to home. Who that?

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