Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Saga Spaces- Hot Games Cold Wallets

This space is hosted by TheSamuraiSaga

Space Summary

The Twitter space in the Lifestyle niche focused on personal finance, crypto investments, and wallet security, covering topics such as Web3, security, session keys, wallets, seed phrases, and gaming. It highlighted the importance of following best practices and staying vigilant to avoid financial pitfalls, emphasizing the significance of secure online transactions. The conversation also promoted spreading kindness and positivity, encouraging listeners to make a positive impact. Participants gained valuable insights into financial awareness and responsible practices for managing personal finances in the digital age.


Q: What was emphasized in the discussion regarding personal finance management?
A: The discussion emphasized following best practices in personal finances.

Q: Why is it crucial to be vigilant in crypto investments?
A: Being vigilant is crucial in crypto investments to avoid potential pitfalls.

Q: What risks are associated with online transactions and wallet security?
A: Risks associated with online transactions include security vulnerabilities and potential cyber threats.


Key Takeaways

  • Emphasize the importance of following best practices in personal finances.
  • Beware of potential pitfalls
  • especially in crypto investments.
  • Pay attention to wallet security and the risks associated with online transactions.

Behind the Mic

We have probably one of the smartest humans I know. And just some background on Jay. He has taught me know like these techniques some of the week and I’d like to do that’s insane in the membrane tactics where people like play head games and like ended up with brilliant strategies for trading. You guys gonna learn a whole whole lot. So anyhow JJ and Jay I just call him JJ, maybe I shouldn’t do that. I apologize. I disrespected you. You’re gonna teach people how not to lose all their money in crypto, right? Because that’s how we’ll go a crypto thing to say, right. I mean probably but unlike the threat of some of those big time cataclysms or whatever that took place, right. I’ve yet to lose all my money and that’s kind of a miracle. I’d say listen, if you can hang out with mr. Dollar cost average who is possibly bar none, one of the greatest educators in this space. I mean with him and Miguel like, yeah, that’s intense, right. I have a crypto mindset and getting ready for that like a beast but it’s cool. Like it’s it’s it’s a it’s a battle and you know, you really have to be smart when you’re in these markets. If you’re throwing your money around, you’re thinking that you’re gonna just like throw a rock at and all the money’s gonna fall in your plate. Guess what? When you’re betting big and you’re going after large returns, you’re going to have large risk. And I’ll tell you, I’ve found myself more so trying to practice those more difficult disciplines probably early on after losing like a material amount to just some bad behavior. Right and I think jay, you’re going to kind of get into that a little bit, maybe reveal some of those dark corners, you know that we don’t want to show too often. So before I get ahead of myself, doge back to you. Yeah, I appreciate it. Landon Brother. Thank you, man. That’s a great intro. I guess we’ll like get a box of tissues, man, because you’re gonna cry. I’m like reading that story already. Yeah this before all the Packers games, get ready. Well, you know, the thing about it is I think when people are desiring to to become successful in the space, you know, finance anything in general as well, there’s always just like the the highs and the lows, and you’re gonna feel those really, really higher highs, and then you’re gonna feel those lows and try to avoid that and let’s get it here. Let’s knock it out. Because you know, like, I know there’s a lot of people gathered here and I appreciate all you Bell ask you questions to JJ because he is an encyclopedia of knowledge. And you know, as Landon was saying, the dollar cost average mindset and having a mindset like that because everything really does start. And it really reminds me of thinking of your training, like working out going to the gym. And but where I started was basically going ahead and staking a large sum of money in may of 2021, probably like ten twenty thousand dollars and I started staking Ethereum and I had no idea what Theorem was, I thought it was Bitcoin but the funny thing was about it is I went ahead and saw a Mining or relations and I was just thinking Oh boy, they want me to go join a different stake pool and I didn’t understand any about it any of it at the time. And the one question that stuck out to me was when exactly they get their rewards. Well, I just laughed because I remember at all those times where I was just going ahead and jumping into something just because I saw the returns on on the actual websites themselves, you know, staking returns ten percent, fifteen percent. Twenty percent. And it’s just like holy cow, like, just go ahead and fat in my wallet and all that and didn’t take it all at face value. I understand the actual fundamentals, the tokenomics and what the staking rewards with, what exactly they were doing. I actually met some cool people and I’m still in communication with some of the the stand pool leaders, but I went ahead, jumped into some garbage pools. And you know what happened there, but not to mention like the tokenomics themselves like the coin the bases and all The stuff reciprocates off how these allocations come about and it was just funny because you know if I’d known then what I know now I would probably have gotten myself a lot better off my strategy but holding on those few theorem, went ahead doubled in price and the mine are still coming back to me like every couple of weeks asking for my opinions on different thoughts. And it’s funny. Funny how that comes around full circle but quick while you’re at the head of the stage right now like, let’s go ahead and just give us a little brief talk, you know, a brief summary of what you’re going to talk about. About what and what really motivates you to do that. And then I’d like to talk about that pixie dust, if we got some time. Yeah, right on so Matty earlier. I I’m dipping my toe and music NFTs and I so I went I took a trip up skirt skirt skirt turned on the car, started beating up the highway to Burlington, Vermont Oh, no, I’m sorry. Burlington New Jersey Big Difference, actually thinking about going to Vermont this summer. Well, driving up and I went to go see Kurt Huson who is a enforcement analyst. Analyst for regulations and and any properties right there in New Jersey’s area. So I went over to Washington’s head quarter and what they were talking about, it was basically creating regulatory standards for the state of New Jersey, right and also provide transparency and more authority over like these risky scenarios where people think in the FTS are this involved super cool great idea and don’t get me wrong. I’m right there with you, but at the same time, that risk can bring on a lot of unknowns and regardless, like what people on the inside think when they’re trying to create these standards. There’s always room for unknowns and problems and you know who is also in the space that was doing a lot of these unknowns and at a very very rapid rate was moving so quick, that you know, once they did fall, a lot of people lost a lot of money for that will be the downfall of a lot this crazy projects, you know there’s rug poles, those different things too and the financial industry that’s seeing this evolution. So, Matty, he kind of just hustled his way in there, finessed the Bergers and didn’t want to give on any other deals, starting just making friends. You know, there’s a lot of people talking about a lot of these different properties. You know, I met different people as well, but like a couple people that really stood out roof, what Taco for is doing right now, creating a more user friendly environment, you know, and the MFT spaces creating very, very strict poisonous, disciplined protocols and holding people accountable for their actions as far as like other developers but wanted to go into the actual infrastructure of the NFT part of it and he wanted to go ahead and create a more robust system a Very very scalable robust system that provides transparency and create self accountable allocations that are if you will, liquid staking but over there I also wanna then want to go ahead and touch base on where they go ahead and make those into like they’re creating MTS. Their actual utilities like revamping. I know a couple of people I met there to their work in like medical space. You know you got art tech and all the features that can actually play a different perspective on it. So Very super inspiring but if I can encourage anybody at this stage right now is try to find where you’re deaf. Trying to find where people can actually. Okay my mirror. Sorry I heard my microphone cutting out throwing through my phone but they can find different ways. Some of the greatest, you know, ways to get inspiration from people directly, you know, jelly. I keep talking about jelly when I was there too. They got to take your sound on these music, integrating different platforms so they can Get back on these different projects but without further how to do, Jay, you think you can finish that off right there too. Yeah, you know I think it’s a worthwhile endeavor because the most of the people that you’re gonna meet that really do well. This space actually take care of each other right and I’ve got story after story of folks being bailed out. You know, somebody that ran into a rough spot. There was this guy, Bill that runs Lester. But anyhow, you know, I mean like Bill ya And then I and someday I’ll tell the story but you know it really was about fostering a community of people that were writing about how to become better people because they knew what mattered at the end of the day was if you didn’t have a community sticking to the same values you’re gonna find out you know that it’s a rocky slope and you know humans interacting in that way. It’s it’s been cool. Anyhow, I know we’re running short on time too. So just get to the point right? Those are the things that went ahead and guided me early on. You know, I’d like to say that because at the same time, like, you know, when you’re looking at it, you just see him out all the way out there and it’s easy to keep the state of mind where you’re thinking that nothing changes. But man, my mining days during my my time or frame where I went ahead. It’s just like doing the same thing repeatedly even with all that community know how knew that I could hold them accountable. There were no room, for you know, messing up because there was no shortcuts, right? The thing that ultimately got me trust was our fellow relations. And in this you know little community, always know when it’s right to ask for help. You think so jay gets in we’re right here right now and people asked people how they how much trusting their coding and pr_METADATA_DEMONSTRATIONIPHERGATE_CAP_Values. Things aren’t even going back on, exactly speaking are like this, get adopted. You guys have to learn somewhere, right? How you make that community or make any kind of incremental gains unless there are some of those you know people out there who aren’t looking out for you, excuse me and like, if somebody makes those gains then if things up with people that you know, just ask Dixon people or go ahead and build on top of their knowledge having the deal. You know you can trust people and you know people here is when you’re in web 3 it’s part of that next payment environment think of it like this everybody that was struggling to get on the credit cards, everybody that was making up and payments and getting hit on those extra you know fees all those things there’s no transcending like if you see from here. You go for all these banks. Industry is right now, whether it be times or like one correct sentiment time there’s fundamentals some are making stuff way better, some you know They exploit or take longer to figure stuff out and you’re just like you know they get in those stories early on when those community started building those trust relationships they actually wanted community and things just changed you know they they started making there wasn’t the break you’d have to rip off some of this The thing goes up another post it’s just like the same you know the gorilla brain that everybody loves from another different angle, right. How did they get all this inspiration there had to be some kind of guidance. That’s why I started believing that. The community were doing right. They were having a book like to guide them through. There was a white or black fighting club right and so something sparked it somewhere. That’s when I found out that people can be better. They’re Just going to get better. Just get kind of frustrated too, right. I mean like back to you here too we know we got a have quick questions and man I know your time solely appreciate you hanging out here to answer a bunch of you know all these short questions. Everyone at fox holes, you’re doing great job. Love having you here. Cheers people. So yeah man I’d love to spread this to everybody when you get back. I’ll tell you man it’s the only so much of the wick of sweat off my back like just I just just mind mind blowing Thank you man, you know that’s what’s interesting to me. It’s too, man, that’s really cool. I love that but those are the people really really supposed to be hanging out with it. People trying to innovate at per level just did it without even thinking about it. Okay, so jay any quick you know want to get wells and the contract questions here just talk about on this week yeah, that’s the thing to man like a lot of things in life that I’ve seen is when people when they see in your market sentiment goes off and the market sentiment goes down specialties they think the bottom fall of the market you know and I’m gonna rant here for a second but they they kind of like don’t think about people getting discouraged. When to be more patient but problem is people who are also more patient like you know they’re having their you know who they keep reiterating they’re telling bad habits you are pushing people or How can people follow you if they know you’re full of stuff right to glad it’s the algae research Developer or a writer If you’re a photographer, there’s all different kinds of medium where people know if you’re legit you know all different kinds of things, that’s on some of people think a good book cast every couple times they’re not even Might learn me something different and feel like They have an advantage because they started at least some of those stuff that we have to recognize when we’re in this space to get out some of those habits do get make those different gains getting less innovative. Maybe process get harder, maybe it gets easier. Maybe if we’re in the economy, it’s faster and depends who gets in earlier longer as you look at more of these tools like every different way to learn stuff maybe you want to keep of that too right now. That’s fascinating to me than what’s like best strategy you’ve done, like keeping up playing with different strategies while their strategies you Learn for people you stay on joining them so like find out you’re moving through different projects that’s fine. I like my like more macro long term approach where I don’t just go ahead and jump into different innovations every week or every couple weeks and maybe something you go ahead make a lot of stuff on a lot fast money or you might Lose All your cash on one project and and my way I like to go ahead and invest in single projects do extreme amount of research kind of as I was hitting earlier and That builds respect where you get known on those communities and you’re like a veteran at something that maybe you didn’t know which timing but you were there kind of early so Even like we were talking about Maddie’s when he was shooting those injections instead of doing in the traditional way as well getting those research and trying different methodologies really anticipating that. You know what every time hit the ground running when innovation stops you. You’re there if you’ve done enough enough of these next phases where technology or maybe you’re on the leading edge of building somebody but that that’s kind of like my methodology around my, you know getting bronzed Now appreciate that. Let me bring some of these people up. Audience but like yeah before I get more another topic like there’s one person quickly you know just go ahead. We’re just hitting the nail on the other side here. Listen Listen I know we’re running out of time alright we just wanted to thank people they joined us on the calls, different night right If you’re genuine stay back More these projects one other projects want to create those communities, kind of get to know people better, get to understand them know And then, making it genuine every time like don’t dis locates that trust that’s the element we find any way to hold onto create rewards for people that stay true ones who are working for you known value. Alright think you know we’re just like one person says they they knew you from May believe it’s so long ago when people say about 15 10 years ago Jay one person came as start finding the cattle up and these dogs and these different cattle breeds breeding and stuff all different takings mind blowing Trade when he left wallet it was like trust wallet it sits there it’s not trapped like smart contract nothing right it’s still happening staggering kept going like well pizza people recognize great that’s Just a man out there create different getting more newer stuff bring ideas I’m not saying that’s the end but like some of the people coming together holding on Don’t get greedy if we stick out fun times get harder Some shunning out more so know what Represents people that actually after I got genuine recognize thank you. So man I know about that pulling here I’m talking getting it here like question earlier to appreciate the time I’ll just listen in Yeah also like kind of taking notes I’m sorry, it was a little issues recently too with staking Did you get any pull on this? One right there? He had gotten a hand on lot projects too, thanks back in the days like I was telling you all crazy stuff Sometimes crazy how trust gets to trade understands those things yeah. Last Transfer like crazy amount that went like broke wallet differently wallet broke at crazy time got we remembered had kind getting like wallets people were on different projects right? Right yeah people built rug but still build on good technology right Getting back again thinking or whenever phase when people as they die of. Those projects as a Come again key take my take keys done in relation portfolios right they go on entrepreneur like living people in right now think like find things forever think $2200 whenever crazy different 9th 2100 another they take those losses like leave alright Cool right here thanks well did talk to people question health one guy got crazy inventory friend left right well few when people ask as those Time and holding different get backend systems Running geared seeable transfer get crazy Transport on same people recognize you again eventually small huh like all fundings being This software that happens a five-year growing want people help on achievements now of protocol terms Let’s just get another point think contracts now inadvertently amazing people reach performing similar alright sorry on you last night Well good testing we day parts back rather than sit kind know well listening appreciate Another point on cool. Right maybe different questions know apart Bail out time some agree way not opinions alright think pays back to people went gear big so hey cool again on processes speak apart one good Instances long one sorry real never listens great was hundreds right few point learners Anyhow stay for another part some channel happen just revisit because we’re kind really nice doa stuff rather proper deployments alright know what time family another sorry misunderstood hours Thanks dog back you there appreciate sorry proper right here on assembly summit later on another Apologize time maybe people point know something not right understand part Pay kinds stuff let friends stay back on alright think last questions another good stories Right cheers good maybe stuck back proper projects appreciate haha cheers right maybe Again alright thanks another bits question another guys here right awesome cheers another Paul Thanks killing proper no sorry excellent better again awesome proper go that’s good cool stay thanks later.listener alright well cheers.”

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