Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter space delved into the impact of gaming, emphasizing its benefits for skill development and emotional connections through compelling storylines. The discussion notably highlighted Telltale Games for their profound emotional impact on players. During the pandemic period, there was significant growth in game studios and increased development activities. The importance of collaboration was stressed as crucial for Web3, with a future space session planned to explore this further with a guest from Nifty Island. The conversation was engaging, dynamic, and enlightening, underscoring gaming's significance as a powerful medium for entertainment and emotional engagement.


Q: How does gaming benefit children's development?
A: Gaming helps children with puzzle-solving skills.

Q: Which game studio triggered significant growth during the pandemic?
A: Dugard and VIP experienced notable growth during the pandemic.

Q: Why are collaborations important for web three?
A: Collaborations play a key role in the development of web three.

Q: What emotional responses can impactful video game storylines evoke?
A: Players can experience deep emotional connections through well-crafted storylines.

Q: What was the emotional impact of Telltale Games on players?
A: Telltale Games' storylines made players emotionally attached to the characters.

Q: What was the overall tone of the conversation during the space?
A: The discussion was engaging and fast-paced, with participants sharing valuable insights.

Q: What is the plan for the next Twitter space?
A: A special guest from Nifty Island will discuss collaborations for web three in the upcoming space.


Time: 00:02:12
Busy Web3 Space, Discussion on the high activity and numerous spaces in the Web3 environment.

Time: 00:16:21
Focus for Sustainable Web3 Gaming, Exploring the necessary focus areas for the sustainable future of Web3 gaming.

Time: 00:17:08
Diverse Perspectives on Web3 Gaming, Acknowledgment of multiple approaches to addressing the future of Web3 gaming.

Time: 00:18:18
Continuous Roadmap Evolution, Importance of adapting and evolving strategies due to the dynamic nature of the Web3 gaming industry.

Time: 00:19:02
User Acquisition Precedes Monetization, Emphasis on securing users first before focusing on monetization strategies for Web3 gaming success.

Time: 00:27:45
Direct Communication with Game Founders, Contrasting accessibility to game founders in Web3 gaming compared to traditional gaming companies.

Time: 00:31:09
Simplifying Description of Web3 Games, The need for a straightforward way to introduce Web3 games to users familiar with traditional gaming.

Time: 00:46:40
Sustainability Challenge: Accessibility, Highlighting the crucial need for improved accessibility in Web3 gaming for long-term sustainability.

Time: 00:54:28
Web3 Security and Collaboration Importance, Emphasizing the significance of security and collaboration in the Web3 gaming sector.

Time: 00:56:02
Web3 Gaming Industry Impact, Potential for Web3 gaming to make a significant impact and lead innovation in the gaming industry.

Key Takeaways

  • Gaming helps with puzzle-solving skills
  • even for young children.
  • Storylines in games
  • like Telltale Games
  • evoke deep emotional responses.
  • Good storylines can create strong connections with game characters.
  • Two game studios witnessed significant growth during the pandemic.
  • There was an increase in game development activities during the pandemic.
  • Collaboration is crucial for web three development.
  • A future space is planned with a special guest from Nifty Island for collaborations.
  • Participants contribute valuable insights and make these spaces engaging.
  • The conversation was fast-paced and enriching.
  • Gaming remains a powerful medium for entertainment and emotional connections.

Behind the Mic

Hey, one of my favorite questions that I have on the list, and I think I'm going to throw it in here a little bit early just because it's been a hot topic and it's been something that has been growing, growing and growing exponentially over the last few years, gaming! I mean, gaming is such a pivotal subject when it comes to NFTs, when it comes to web three, when it comes to play to earn, when it comes to crypto. What kind of role do you guys foresee gaming being, especially with mainstream adoption for web three? I just wanted to hear your thoughts, and if any of you want to chime in on that. And Mando, if you wanted to chime in also, because I know you had mentioned something, I think I saw something on your bio that had mentioned that you were a fan of gaming as well too, but is there something else that you wanted to throw in here? Gaming is massive. It's still, I think the highest growth area in web three. You've got great studios out there already that are doing some fantastic stuff, and we've got our own form of gaming within our network. We've got a launchpad coming out. We've got our own little set of NFTs. We already have delivery partners working with people, putting NFTs on TerraLife. It's community-based gaming, let's say, but there are certain games out there that are working very, very hard and making head roads into web three to get that mainstream adoption. And when you see a full AAA game come onto the blockchain and get the merits it deserves, you'll see others follow. NFT gaming will be the one thing that really drives web three adoption. I think it's going to be gaming and then finance after that. I think that's the order it goes in. Yeah. Games are an easy way to get people onboarded into something. We use games for introducing people to blockchain. Even just the basics of understanding it and, you know, using it for the first time. You don't need to be highly skilled and knowledgeable in technology to play a game. You just need to be able to play a game. And I agree wholeheartedly when you get those AAA games coming that are using NFTs, that are using blockchain technology, and people are making money through them playing the game, because let's face it, a lot of people already stream themselves playing games and make money. Adding that into the blockchain space, taking your gaming with you. It's going to be fantastic to see. Yeah, absolutely. You know, jumping on that really fast, my opinion on this whole gaming thing is to change the way we look at what it means to even be into NFTs, right? There's always this push to be a bit more mass adoption. And right now, it's still very niche. And so with these huge triple-A games coming out onto blockchain, and we're able to get people looking into, oh my God, like this is a great game. They're not even in blockchain yet, right? They're not even playing it. They don't know that it has to do with the blockchain. But they're like, okay, I like this game. Now we're going to have this NFT component that slowly begins to emerge with a deeper interest, a deeper connection and relationship between the player and the way that they engage with NFTs and the way they engage with the gaming world in a completely different manner. Another component of this is how we use NFTs within games for sort of in-game rewards, for leveling up characters, for trading, for customizing your experience within a game, and then being able to transfer and use those characters across different gaming platforms. So gaming is offering an increasingly interoperable, modular, and interconnected experience through NFTs and blockchain. That's going to push mainstream adoption to new levels that we haven’t seen before. I just, because we got a lot of sentiments up here voiced, right? I just wanted to voice mine too. Because I'm a big gamer, right? And everyone's into different genres, but I'm really into that whole awesome story-driven campaign. And if you don't have a good campaign, I'm not going to play your game. So I'm a huge Diablo fan, sell games, right? Like Blizzard is just always knocking out the park in some of these other industries. But just what I see, right? What's the biggest thing? I have a two-step process, right? So one, gamers have to break away from this. I'm going to cry. Break the corporate gaming. We're going to go play these types of things, right? Because like when you start looking at the simple math of it, I had somebody who was telling me, you can make a full-time job, playing a video game. We're doing it all wrong. I did some research on my own, right? I was taken back. So there's people who play Axie Infinity. It was a big, you know, it was a boom. People are making tons of money if they were in early. And now, if you were to start, you can still make $400 a month playing the game just as a thing. When you include a DeFi aspect to the game, people are making banks playing video games. Hold on a second. I have a job. I go to work for 40, 50 hours a week. I have to deal with idiots. Like, I'm going to make money playing a video game and meet people and interact. I'm the social type. I can't board to this thing now. I would rather interact with people through the game, to earn money, to trade things, and not have to work a 40-hour a week job. So that's number one. Let's get away from these corporate structures that cause more headaches than anything else. Can we put the power to us, back to us, who are here right now in these spaces building, talking, influencing? Because you know what? When you buy my in-game asset from this game, I appreciate it. It's helping me out and I'm going to go help so-and-so out. We're creating a great economy. That's number one. Number two, and it really just comes down to who are you doing it for, right? These games aren't complicated. You'll see a lot of these things that come out and they're just fun!"

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