Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter space delved into discussions surrounding storytelling, emojis, and audience engagement, with a notable focus on the Moonlight series. Participants actively used emojis to express reactions and engage with the content, highlighting the significance of visual communication elements. The space offered a platform for exploring various aspects of storytelling within a diverse and interactive environment. The discussions also included insights on productivity hacks for entrepreneurs, strategies for mental health, branding tips, and content creation ideas, especially focusing on the Moonlight series' storytelling elements.


Q: What was the main theme of the Twitter space discussions?
A: The main themes revolved around storytelling, emojis, Moonlight series, and audience engagement.

Q: Which specific series was highlighted during the conversation?
A: The fifth episode of the Tales by Moonlight series was specifically highlighted.

Q: How did participants engage with the content?
A: Participants actively engaged by using emoji reactions in response to the discussion topics.

Q: What role did emojis play in the communication within the space?
A: Emojis played a significant role in enhancing communication and expressing reactions within the Twitter space.

Q: What made this Twitter space unique in terms of content?
A: The diverse range of topics discussed, the focus on storytelling, and the active audience engagement through emojis made this Twitter space unique.


Time: 00:05:08
Series Introduction, Overview of 'Details by Moonlight' series.

Time: 00:06:48
Importance of Productivity for Entrepreneurs, Discussion on why productivity is crucial for business owners.

Time: 00:07:20
Speaker Practical Examples, Speaker shares practical examples and strategies.

Time: 00:13:28
Content Creation Importance, Emphasis on creating content with an ownership mentality.

Time: 00:21:20
Consulting Customers for Strategizing, Strategies on consulting customers and restrategizing.

Time: 00:31:33
Community Building Tips for Entrepreneurs, Advice for entrepreneurs on building their own community.

Time: 00:42:44
Prioritizing Self-Care Tips, Importance of prioritizing self-care and mental health.

Time: 00:55:46
Strategies for Maintaining Mental Well-being, Tips for maintaining skills and composure.

Time: 01:08:12
Example of Content Repurposing, Demonstration of repurposing ideas from different industries.

Time: 01:19:12
Avoiding Controversial Topics, Importance of keeping business and personal brand pages free from controversial topics.

Key Takeaways

  • The space focused on storytelling and audience engagement.
  • Discussion included the significance of emojis in communication.
  • Emphasis was placed on the fifth episode of the Tales by Moonlight series.
  • Participants actively engaged through emoji reactions.
  • Diverse topics within the realm of storytelling were explored.

Behind the Mic

But then when it's time to marry, they will tell me that, oh, I don't want a career woman. You have to choose one. I literally cannot wait to see either one of them, any of them that will tell me that I'm going to have to stay at home and not do any work, when he won't pay for everything. Sister, sister, those people exist. And I want to add that women should actually, I'm tired of seeing women hating on women. Case in point is when David Doe and his wife followed each other. So many women were screaming, oh my God, now wow, oh no. I mean, we should be supporting each other, not bringing ourselves down. And then when you come to the end of the day and you're left alone, these people will keep doing what they want to do. A lot of them will say, oh, it's because she didn't have a career or she has to be at home and not do work. Forgot what he's doing. And on the other side, men should support their wives. They should support them. You know, because you see a lot of men coming out to say, oh, she didn't do this, she didn't do that. And I'm like, the moment she starts doing it now, because the moment she starts making money, that's when the whole stuff starts changing, that's when she begins to invest in her business, those married type of women that always, they say, oh, he's cheating on me. But do you know what they catch you? I mean, look at all those things that men don't really support you with. How would you say, yeah, I don't also want a wife that stays at home and doesn't, you know, doesn't do anything. Everybody has to pull their own weight. Oh. So when she's, when she's making money and she wants to be all, all giving, are you, are you ready for that? And those are the kind of things that, you know, most men say, oh, she's doing, don't, don't bring that. I don't know if this one, she would understand. Florence, Florence, let me, let me take it from here a bit. Because I know we're talking about my case now. But one thing that I also wanted to point out, we know that it's not easy to be an entrepreneur. And thank you, once again, to new wife online. Now there's a new group of women also saying, I'm not going to do nine-to-five. I must do business. Sis, sit down. Not everyone are caught up for, it's hard every day, day in, day out. You're having, you're growing gray hairs out of, you know, I'm trying to scale your business and make it the best possible version of your business that you can do. People are leaving their jobs, leaving their comfort to stress themselves. But you must be committed. That's my key takeaway. Everything you have to do, you have to have your goals aligned. And you must set SAG goals, means standard measurable, short-term achievable goals that you must constantly have. And one thing is, don't be afraid to think big as an entrepreneur. Don't be scared to, think of what you can achieve. Keep at it. Keep at it. Don't give up. Regina, do you, do you, because one question I was asked is, do you think that the fact that a lot of people actually finish school, doing businesses now is lowering the value of education? Finished school and said I want to be an entrepreneur? Not everyone's going to be a success at that. And that I not know what's bringing more value to education because people end up becoming useless to the society, which is why it's a job. And why am I, I still expect, I love the fact that, I expect the fact that people are leaving your jobs to start a business, I think starting something but have a plan where again, you end up being a useless person in society because education is somehow important. Having people finish school does not necessarily lower the value of education. Education is important. But let me not go off tangent. That's one of the key things that we actually try to, you know, tell people that they now says that they must finish school. No, I'm not doing nine to five. I'm doing business. I'm this, I'm that. But to cap my own point, consistency teaches me the results. Just keep at it. It's that big. I think sorry, can I add something to what you said, Regina? Just point of correction. Being an educated, when I mean educated, I don't mean you have to have a degree first. If you have an informal education where you, I mean, sorry, an informal education where you just develop yourself skills, where you know whatever you can do best. And you do it to the best of your ability. It's fine. The value of education in this country, I don't know, because again, Nigeria pushes this narrative that you must, you must go to school and then get a job. But for my own, for myself, it has helped me. Let me use my mom as an example. My mother is someone who always said I'm not trying so hard to prove to the world that she was greatly educated. But the fact that self-education was what she was able to give us basically based my own life. She was self-educated. She read a lot of books at home. She made sure she trained herself on how to write, how to read, how to. So self-education is very important, which is why it makes sense to be, to think strong as a self-entrepreneur. But it doesn't mean that for one other person because you have your family business. You must make sure that you have the right set of knowledge needed for you to be able to compete in the sense that you need to now measure up whether you have a degree or not. That's the key. Thank you, extraordinary entrepreneur. What do you think that, because I'm looking at time now and I know we've taken a bit of your time. Do you think that if career women are now, most of them are, you know, forming the highest paying salaries now, see career women doing so much. And because of that, we now say, oh, let me just focus on my career. What do you, so what do you say to those people that think that because you have a family business, this is happening to people causing a lot of issues because they say you're now better because I mean if you have a career and I bring money home, he too is doing his own work. You know, do you think there's any, any ripple, you know, let me not say ripple because I don't mean probably bad, but let me know, let me use the fact that you're going to be canceling that and what that would mean. What do you speak to that? So entrepreneurship comes in two ways, you have the formal entrepreneurship, you have the informal entrepreneurship. For instance, I did an informal entrepreneurship because I had my mom who had to sponsor us in school doing, doing so many things just to make sure we graduate. And she made sure that she actually encouraged us to stay in school. Because your business, the next generation of the business is actually so it's your own responsibility now to educate yourself when it comes to the business. So I understand what you're asking saying a lot of people saying dropping out because a lot of people who actually beat up themselves saying they are going to do informal business. They don't actually give up, they don't measure up, they give, when they are facing challenges they actually drop out which is why I say it's very key your own end, how you, you yourself, how versed in how you actually get yourself updated on real times because since I keep changing, I'm saying now maybe one year old becomes outdated so you make sure that at this time you're getting updated information concerning whatever business you're in. So finally let me end this session by saying, can you hear me well, I said finally let me end this session by saying clearly now women do not go online to make posts, also use your ad account to purchase Instagram following to appear like you're a big influencer in the real sense now because people who look you up, I'd rather say people, a lot of people, it's more like a character change issue. I don't really understand why some people are careful because ultimately we cannot all be careful. People are saying that, but I must say this because it's, it's like it's a whole lot of, but one thing that I know that is key is self-development like Sis has said, education is key. Not everyone again are meant to be entrepreneurs, know that you must be able to measure up in terms of your peers and influence. They are ultimately, ultimately you must be able to standardize yourself in a sustainable way. So I will advise again for people going online to keep recording yourselves aspiring what you do, is social validation. Also look at how if you can't do this over time, how you will monetize it, how you will grow up, like Sister said, not everyone are called to be an entrepreneur.

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