Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space S-Tier Projects On Discounts hosted by JakeGagain. Dive into the world of S-Tier projects on discounts with a twist of entertainment, hosted by a comedian and content creator. Stay informed about exclusive offers and engage with a diverse community interested in unique opportunities. Get access to real-time news and expert opinions to make informed decisions in a fun and engaging atmosphere where entertainment meets valuable insights.

For more spaces, visit the Unique Projects page.


Q: What makes S-Tier projects unique?
A: S-Tier projects offer exclusive discounts and top-notch quality, attracting investors.

Q: Why is unbiased news important for decision-making?
A: Unbiased news ensures informed decisions without skewed perspectives or influences.

Q: How does entertainment play a role in learning about projects?
A: Entertainment makes information engaging, aiding in better retention and understanding.

Q: How can users benefit from real-time news updates?
A: Real-time updates help users seize time-sensitive opportunities and stay ahead in the market.


Time: 00:15:28
Exclusive Discounts on Premium Projects Exploring limited-time discounts on prestigious S-Tier projects.

Time: 00:25:45
Entertainment with Insightful News Experience a mix of entertainment and informative news delivery.

Time: 00:35:12
Comedian Turned Host for Engaging Content Engage with a comedian and content creator for a unique hosting experience.

Key Takeaways

  • Discover exclusive discount opportunities on top-tier projects.
  • Learn about the latest news and updates from a reliable source.
  • Understand the value of unbiased information in decision-making.
  • Explore entertainment and informative content in a single space.
  • Engage with a diverse community interested in unique projects.
  • Stay connected to real-time developments and offerings.
  • Gain access to expert insights and opinions on discounted projects.
  • Interact with a comedian and content creator hosting the space.
  • Experience a blend of entertainment and educational discussions.
  • Stay informed about potential investment opportunities.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Technical Difficulties

All right, there we go. Thank you guys for your patience. While we work through technical difficulties, I feel like the first ten minutes of every space, maybe longer, is you got to get it. You know, it's. It's got to be the right time. It's got to be right. I'll talk about that in a second, but I'm just going to throw on some music. Let it roll.

Music and Engagement

I still got most of that. The world ain't giving much. All right, all right. Get those comments and those reposts in. I'm gonna run one more short snippet of a song. We got Chancellor rapper coming up, and then we won't dive right into it. Angel, na na I got my city doing front flips when every father mayor rap a jump ship I guess that's why they call it where I stay clean up the street so my. Daughter can have somewhere to play. I'm the blueprint to a real man somebody nigga toss they tussle for a deal man, I ain't gonna hell or the ill Mandez for my real fans.

Technical Issues and Time Considerations

I got caught up with a real thing. Can you stop me? But it's smokey, though. Yeah, nigga famous. You don't know me, though. But their dj still play, you know? All right, all right. We got some requests coming up. We got a punky, a big punky supporter you got at Jalen 333 with the chef's hat. I haven't had him come up here before, so we're gonna bring him up. I don't see any more. I know there were some. I don't know if it nuked on my screen because there are a few people who were requesting to get up here, and then it disappeared. So I think spaces might be having an issue or two.

Global Engagement and Personal Insights

I do see some familiar faces down there in the crowd. Obviously, if there are some unfamiliar faces that want to jump up, just let me know. We'll see what you got. Yeah. Spaces. I swear, it takes at a minimum, I don't know, it's ten minutes just to get all the technical issues work out. I don't know if anyone has ever noticed that with, if anyone's ever noticed that with your iPhone, but whenever it's time for your iPhone to update to whatever it is.

Personal Observations on Updates

Oh, Dylan Sowell. That is a chad out of the mumu community. We're getting some new faces up here. Gotta love that. But whenever your iPhone, it says, hey, look, next, you know, next charging cycle, we're going to update the iPhone iOS, whatever. 17.517.6 whatever it is, it never updates every single day. When you wake up, it has a message on your screen and it says, oh, it failed to update. It didn't update. It didn't update because the battery wasn't the right amount.

Evaluating Opportunities in the Market

The download didn't go through. The Wi Fi connection was interrupted. It just didn't feel right for Apple to do its thing at that moment. It couldn't. It couldn't make it happen. I feel like that's what's going on with spaces. It always takes a few tries. It'll work eventually, but it does take a few tries before it actually will go through crypto. The kid, how are you doing? It is about midday in most of the world, I feel like. Well, I guess that's not technically true, but it's midday in most of the states and that's where I'm at.

Personal Reflection on Experiences and Engagement

And so I'm a dumb american. I have a very american centric view. Shout out to all our friends in Europe, Asia, the Middle East, Africa, Antarctica, wherever you might be. But how are you doing where you're at crypto? I am also in the States and it is about midday here and I'm doing good. I just knocked out a workout. I didn't get it in this morning because I was doing too many things regarding just market research and market analysis, trying to figure out what's going on.

Looking Forward to Discussion

But yeah, so I'm feeling good, doing good, and I'm just having a little recovery yogurt bowl right now. Awesome. And I do see a couple other people requesting and I've tried to bring them up. So if you have requested and you're not up here yet, I see Dylan, it looks like it shows you still has requested. I've tried to get you up here and it hasn't necessarily happened just yet, but it might.

Focusing on S-Tier Projects

So what I want to talk about today, and we'll do, we'll keep it kind of loose. We're going to have a little bit of fun today. Not like our Friday show, of course, but we're gonna have a little bit of fun today. We're gonna talk about s tier projects that are on discount and, you know, tomorrow's our NFT show. I do want to have another politifi show here pretty soon because I think that we've gone maybe a week or two without talking politifi. And I think we need to especially we're gonna have the debate on the 10th, I believe, Tuesday.

Financial Strategies and Market Discussion

So we could talk pre debate, post debate. We can do all sorts of things. But the thing I want to talk about most today is probably the easiest way for people to make money, just a nice, easy, solid way to make money. And that is not going around trying to decipher what project is going to survive the 0.02% on pump fund, not buying any of these projects that are launching and, you know, have kind of an underhanded look or feel to them. There's some projects that are really solid, that sit in that 1 million to 10 million range, for sure.

Identifying Opportunities for Gains

Absolutely no fun to any of those projects. There's some that I see here. Shout out, Chuck. Shout out the crash community. I don't know where Pop dog's sitting at right now, but I see them. I know that's a good project. Like I know these projects, but it's taken a lot of time for me to get to know the people in them, to understand them, to trust them. If you're just going kind of cold, it can be pretty difficult to identify projects that you can make money on.

Easiest Strategies for Investment

It just is hard. It's just tough. So sometimes the easiest strategy for people is just, well, a lot of these top tier, s tier projects are actually on discount. Let's just go shopping. Let's just get them at a 30, 40, 50% off what they potentially should be, just because bitcoin's down. And when bitcoin starts coming back, we're going to make massive multiples on them. There's quite a few that I want to talk about.

Discussing Investment Opportunities

You may, you may know what some of them are, given my PFP and my punky affiliation, but there's many other great projects that I would consider. S tier conviction plays for people that you can get on a. On a fairly large discount. So I'm just going to go around the room and I want to, you know, before we go in, we're not going to go into why. We're not going to go into why, but you can just go ahead and rattle off, you know, a few of the projects that you think are a top tier, s tier project that you're looking to load up on during this discount period.

Gathering Insights from Participants

Crypto the kid will go you. It goes, it will go left, right on my screen. Crypto the kid, Sarah, chef's hat boy, Rd Ponky, PFP, John zero, ninjago. And then we'll get our boy Dylan. You guys go for it. I just want to hear a quick hello. And hey, here's the projects that I consider s tier that I'm looking at. And then we'll talk about them. Go for it.

Project Insights and Discussions

Yo. Yo. All right, so I'll list a couple because I don't want to take them all, but I'm looking because I'm not currently a holder. I'm looking at mog at the moment. Mog. That's right. Mog. And then the other one that I'll just throw out there because I don't think anybody. Oh, well, Dylan's here, so I'll let Dylan throw that out there. So I'll just stick with mog for right now.

Next Steps in the Discussion

Sarah. Sarah, the floor is yours. Go for it. Hi. I would definitely say Brett and crash, for sure. And then bull on Tron. Are my s tier projects on discount? All right. All right. We're going to talk about these bad boys momentarily, and I don't even know what I should call you. You're. You're not you. Sir.

Lightening the Mood

The next person I see your at is Jalen 333. I know you're all around. I know exactly who you are. But, like, there's a chef's hat. Is that flowers? I don't know what that is. What do I call you? Hey, what should I call you? You just call me Jalen, I hope. Jalen having. Yeah, I hope everyone's having an amazing ass hump day.

Encouraging Participation

You know, get into the money or do whatever you're doing to be successful. But one of the s tier like memes or tokens that I think is Moomoo on Solana, obviously ponky. And then I would have to say bill. I don't know if you guys ever heard of Bill the bear meme. It was launched maybe about two months ago. I don't want to get into detail about it, but, yeah, you guys can look at it. It's a pretty strong community.

Community Engagement and Market Projections

14,000 holders. But those are what I'm thinking of right about now. Perfect. And real quick, what was the last one? I'm taking a few notes here. Bill the bear. The ticker is Bill B I ll. It was actually launched from some devs from Ponki, actually. So pretty interesting meme. It's really low, but yeah.

Shifting Focus to the Main Discussion

Okay. And would you. We'll get into it. But just as you're. As you're sitting for a moment, we're talking s tier. That is top of the top, cream of the crop. So, you know, if it is, then we're going to talk about it. You're going to let me know why you believe that. But if it's a project that I have not even registered yet. Doesn't mean it's not a great project.

Evaluating Project Value

Doesn't mean you can't make multiples of multiples on it. But if it's not elevated yet to the level of s tier, we can still talk about it. But I'm just, you know, putting that in your consciousness right now. Go for it. All right, John, you are next. What's your projects? Yo, what up? Good to see you guys again.

Project Suggestions

Most of you, there's. There's a couple that I have faded, that I have. I think now's the time. One is Ponky, one is crash, and then also Chuck, just because I see that guy grinding every fucking day. Chuck to a buck. Yeah. And, and look, you know, we're going to open it up. And I don't mean to obviously fund any projects at all.

Personal Affections Towards Projects

You know, I love Chuck, and even, you know, the projects that we're talking about, I would even, with my heart of hearts for Chuck, it's maybe s tier potential. I wouldn't necessarily consider s tier at the moment. It is what it is. Look, s tier is a. That is like a God. Tier level, right? And when I talk s tier projects on a discount, it's just a different conversation that we're having.

Identifying Key Market Discussions

So I want to kind of color this conversation. There's many projects, I bet you that you could easily convince me in a world, hey, Soka, Chuck is going to give you better multiples. This bull cycle or this bull run, then any project. Pick one. Moomoo Brett ponky. You can make a case. And I love all those projects. Right?

Exploring Market Cap Dynamics

But just given the nature of the size of the project, the market cap currently sitting around, you know, two mil, the liquidity pool, it's possible for sure, and I wouldn't necessarily even put up too staunch of an argument for that. But today what I want to talk about is very top tier, s tier projects. And we could talk about something you consider s tier that maybe you'll acknowledge.

Conversations on Project Values

Hey, look, this is a little bit lower, but I do want to bring them up and talk about it because I think it's good for discussion. I'm okay with that. And really discuss where the value comes from the s tier projects being on discount, because I think what you're going to find is that if you look at an s tier project, which, again, we'll talk.

Critical Insights on Project Evaluations

I'm dying to talk about, as you can tell, but it's very important to know where does that value come from? Does the value come from the growth? Does the value come from the fact that it survived, does the value come from the fact that, you know, that the dev team's working, that it's been able to build a community? It kind of comes from all of those places.

Evaluating Market Projects

So when you're evaluating multiple different projects, you can check all those boxes. And if it doesn't check all those boxes, you might have other opportunities to evaluate, for sure. Ninjago, go for it. Yo, bro, how you doing? To doing great. Welcome to the stage.

Community Appreciation and Personal Reflections

I really appreciate what you're doing. You're doing a really great job. And like, I'm getting no more about token and stuff. I don't have anything to say. I just come up here, say hi. And get to learn some stuff. Hey, I love that. Thank you so much for jumping up and supporting and saying hello and Will.

Learning and Growing in the Spaces

Yeah, yeah, I'm gonna be in the busy alarm about what's going on in that crypto space right now for sure. So. Thanks so much, ninjago. Love it. Yeah. If you, if you ever want to just come up and say, what up? I'm totally fine with that too, you know, I love that. For sure. We'll go.

Closing the Discussion

Dylan, we got a few other folks down there. I see Stecky, see crypto g shout out a lot of really quality people I know stuck. You'll sometimes get up here. Who's up here? Yesterday when we just did an extreme audible to a, just straight up shell spaces. And it was really fun. It was high energy. It was a lot of fun.

Reflecting On the Purpose of the Dialogue

I had fun. So, you know, that's why we run these, so that Soka could have some fun. Otherwise, why are we doing it? Dylan, I'm going to go ahead and guess. I know who you're going with. How about you go ahead and take the mic, though, and you drop it for us?

Transitioning to Further Ideas

Yes, I do think. I think we all know what I'm shooting as well. Do it. Leave us with the, we know what you're showing and then you're not even going to tell us what it is. What about the people that don't know? so obviously that is the one.

Introducing Moomoo

Only moomoo, the number one bull on Seoul. You know his name by now. Go take a look if you don't. Oh, yeah, we're going to be talking. Mumu and I just want to play this real quick before we circle back. This was my introduction to Mumu back in the day. I went in there and I was talking to some of the people and there's this character.

Experiencing the Moomoo Community

Dylan is one of the mods in there. I see Stane down there, HB. I see a lot of Vegeta 9000, a lot of people who are very supportive in the Moomoo community, waving stuff, et cetera. A lot of people in crash. I mean, there's so many supportive communities. But the funny story here is they said that they'd support me if I would moo at them, literally.

Community Engagement Experiences

And I thought it was, you know, a bit odd. I've never been asked to moo at anyone. It's not exactly my style. And I wasn't really, you know, bought in at that point. I wasn't going to just open up my moo for anyone. And one of the mods in there showed me how it was done.

The Significance of Community Participation

And this, I took it as a sound clip because it was so I. You could have given me 1000 opportunities to moo. And this was never the type of moo energy that I was going to bring. I mean, if you want a good community and you don't have people that are out there doing things like this, to the people who are coming in, trying to learn more about the project, you are falling behind.

Reintroduction of Discussion

Oh, I see. We got crypto wolf up here as well. We'll go crypto wolf, then we're gonna bring it all the way back to the top and we're gonna talk about s tier project. Go ahead. I thought I could speak about an s tier project, man, because it's on discount.

Evening Insights and Market Engagement

But hey, hello. It's evening here in Europe. Welcome, you all. Man, I've been grinding this week. I don't know, man. I want to spend some time with my wife today. And I thought, I'm not going to open this. I saw soca popping up and I promised myself I will be sitting behind the trees and watch what Soka is doing and attack when I can.

Personal Commitment and Humor

But, but, yeah, so I was sitting on the toilet, I saw the space and I just pumped it up, man. I could not exist. And now my wife looks me and she thinks, what is this guy doing again? I thought it was a movie night, but yeah, here I am. And I thought, maybe I can chill fast.

Contextualizing the Conversation

My project. Do I have time Soka for st project? Or are we just going to speak about the market today? You tell me. Well, I will say this. Let me tell you something just real quick. First of all, some alpha, some life alpha. And I'm sure that there's people up here on stage that will give the same do not choose your wife or do not choose soca over your wife.

Life Choices and Market Engagement

That is a bad ant losing proposition, buddy. Negative expected value, you will lose. Trust me, I don't have that ability. So choose. Choose the. Choose your wife. Now, I will say this isn't really a shill spaces, but because you are here and you are, like, doing it from the bathroom, I mean, that's dedication.

Remarks and Wrap-Up

Let's do it. Can you do it in three minutes to give us a quick shill and then we'll go back to the regularly scheduled program? I don't think anyone's gonna have an issue with that. Three minutes. This is the fastest bitch you will ever hear, and I want to just tell you, even better.

Fast-Paced Insights

I will do two pitches in one time, okay? Because I have three minutes, and it's not going to take so long. So I'm like, I'm just a guilty monkey. I'm just a monkey. And I'm just a monkey, but, okay, I'm not going to pitch your project now, but let's say the narrative that I'm in, I'm so convicted.

Introducing a New Project

So I'm convicted about a good contract address. So we have the taker, zero x three f bApe. It's baby paypay. But the contract address starts exactly the same like Paypay. So the project is now on a 30,000 vct out. But we don't want to let them look like a CTO.

Exploring Marketing and Volatility

We want to make it like a real company. The marketing volatility will be like having ten to 15%, motherfucker. So, yeah, we want to make it like a real company. It's a baby of Paypay. You got me? It has a Cao three XfP. That's the pitch, man. What else do you want?

Market Projections

So when Paypay goes to this seven to 10 billion market cap men, we going to knock on Da Vinci. So, hey, you look to my marketing wallet. It's only five to ten to 15% big. Where you think this project will be? It'll be at the moon, and you can now just join at a discounted price.

Engaging the Community

So, hell yeah. Go to my profile, take on my link tree, and go check out our Instagram and TikTok and x page. Hell, yeah. Thank you, Soka. Thank you so much. Can I give one piece of feedback? My only feedback would be maybe don't tell people that you're on the toilet.

Feedback and Recommendations

Like, if they think that you're, you know, trying to kill two birds with 1 st and do a shill where you're doing something else, you know, it sounds a little weird. Just maybe say, hey, yeah, I stepped away from my wife for a second. Well, I take that as advice.

Acceptance and Growth

Love it. I take it. Advice, man. Like, thank you so much. I don't want to be the joker around, you get me? But I'm just speaking from out of my heart, even when I doing this, stepping away from my wife. But I learned quickly.

Introduction to the Conversation

Yo. Love it. Oh, my gosh. Anyways, I actually was answering some DM's directly from some very important folks up in the mumu world who are trying to let me know there's some big things happening for mumu. So I'll share that as we go along. But crypto, thanks for coming up. I really think that you should leave here. Hey, you could stay in for the algorithm and just leave your phone and then go hang out with the wife. That's always good. No problems there. but, But definitely good. Chill. Thanks for coming up. Thanks for being supportive, and, you know, you got some feedback. All right, crypto wolf, thank you so much. I'm going to. Or you can save your. But all right. S tier projects, guys. Here's where we're going to start. Where does the value come from, an s tier project? I don't like, putting the clock on anyone. But let's. Let's go around the room. Let's do it. Let's hear some different perspectives. I have my thoughts. I have my perspectives. I'm sure there's some people down there that. That will have their own perspectives as well. I will hold my tongue until the end.

Assessing Value in Crypto Projects

Crypto the kid. I want you to zero in one thing, because I don't want you to take everything from everyone else. I want you to zero in one thing. When a project that you consider s tier is. Is on discount, where does that value come from specifically? I want dead on specifics for one piece of value. Similar to how, when you say, when I buy a used car, I don't have to pay that very well known fee of when you drive a car off the lot. You know, historically, the COVID was weird, but historically, it loses 30% of its value. I want someone else to pay that value, that there's. There's no value in that. I want to get the discount from a used car. I know exactly where the value, where the alpha comes from. It's extremely important to know that one thing. If you see an s tier project on a discount, where is this alpha coming from? So what I've been able to transition to in this phase of the market, the last, like, six to eight weeks, is this massive epiphany and realization that the value for these s tier projects, yes, when they're on discount, the actual dollar amount as a value, because you can get in, you know, at a discount, but the true value comes in the 80% of all of our money is going to be made in the final 20% of this bull run.

Market Trends and Project Viability

And so with that in mind, you're looking at these s tier projects as the ones that will be landing on those top tier or s tier exchanges come that last leg of the bull run. So you'll have your. Your big players, your bretz, your ponkies, they will be landing on the coinbases, the crypto dot coms, the Krakens, the large, large volume, the robinhoods, large volume exchanges. And that will be where most of the normies onboard into the meme world. I mean, as many of us as think is retail is just going to flood the d gen space. The reality of the situation is retail or normies get here towards the very end, en masse, and they'll be looking to buy. They won't have the knowledge to hop in and use uniswap. They'll be looking to buy these memes that are already established on these top tier exchanges. So that's what I think. I look at a project and I'm like, does this have top tier exchange potential? And if it does, that's where the value is for me.

Key Factors of Project Valuation

Got it. And I'm going to. I'm going to drill in a little bit more because you said it. But I want to make sure everyone's aware the reason why it's important is not just for the hype of a listing. But you're saying that Normie liquidity will onboard through these larger exchanges, and they're not going to be messing around with uniswap or sushiswap or pancake swap or sunswap or whatever these swaps are with all these random wallets. You're saying if it's right there, easy for them to just load into Coinbase, load into Robinhood and buy from there, that is the value because the liquidity pool is going to be very large on those exchanges. Is that. I have that correct, right? Yeah. And I mean, nobody mentioned it. But Pepe, I mean, come on. It's at a massive discount right now. I think I saw it at 2.9 billion market cap at some point, either last night or this morning. So we can throw that one in the mix as well. But yes, these are the tokens that will end up on those exchanges. And when they end up on those exchanges, coupled with the fact that they're going to be in the pop culture and the common language around crypto, the meme coin super cycle, these will be the ones that fly.

The Importance of Community in Projects

Perfect. Hey, that's one specific thing. And again, anytime we're in a space is together, everyone, all of us together. You know, me, we are learning something and we're having some fun. We are. If not, then what are we doing? You got to have fun, got to learn something. I want everyone to make a bunch of money. We just learned something that I agree with. Liquidity is going to come through these exchanges. So if the project is already on those exchanges and, or going to get on those exchanges very soon, that gives it a leg up because it's going to have access to that. It's almost like if your product is being able to be posted on Amazon, obviously any project can, but let's just. Or any product, if your product is able to be posted on Amazon, well, it's going to get those customers the marketing dollars that drive to the website, it's already happening. So that liquidity is going to be there onboarded via big time marketing dollars from Coinbase and or Robinhood, et cetera. Sarah, same question to you. When these big s tier projects go on discount, where is that value, in your opinion, coming from?

Discounts and Community Strength

So obviously, you know, the money is the first thing that comes to mind. You're going to get way more bang for your buckley. But the second thing that comes to mind is it really helps you double down on your conviction and on your community like you guys because some people do get shaken out of their bags when they see even s tier project product. Yeah, projects at a discount. And for you to inverse trade your feelings, like Google had said, there's, I just like to give credit where credits do it. And Googod always says that inverse trade your feelings and you kind of really show yourself, you know, to do something when you're scared. I just don't happen to be scared like, so for instance, Brett right now is at a discount. Crash at a discount. Bull at a discount. Am I scared at all? No. But if I was scared, I would still buy more of it simply because I just know, I know where they're going. But, so, but anyway, I feel like doubling down on your conviction and on your community is huge because you really can develop a lot of strength together, getting through hard times together. And I think that might be a huge component in what ends up making these projects go so big by the end of this, you know, it's really strong community.

Community Building and Market Cap

Perfect. So I'm going to drill in. Drill into this as well. Yeah, because I think community is a big part of it. So I want to drill in just a little bit more. So when a project is first launching, you're looking for a big multiple. When a project's down there in the lower market caps, you're looking for a bigger multiple. It is what it is. We'll get to that in a moment as well. We'll tease that out. But one of the things that you're looking for when that project is just launching is can they create a community? We don't even know if they can yet. You know, there's not very many holders. The content might not be there. The telegram group might not be set up. We don't even know if they're going to make it there. So you're telling me, Sarah, and again, I don't want to put words in your mouth, but I'm just kind of trying to guide this conversation a little bit, that it helps you when these big projects, you know, dip down.

Understanding Project Risks

Well, they've already proven that they can create these communities. They have the infrastructure already set up. You don't have to worry this risk that when you're trying to buy a project that's down there at a lower market cap, you. The reason why you demand a higher multiple is because there's all these risks that are associated with it, one of them being, what if no one even likes this project? What if they can't build a community? What if it's not fun? What if it's not engaging? What if it lasts a week? Now that hurdle has been cleared, you don't have to worry about that regardless of what you think of any of the projects that we talked about. Well, I would imagine that the community is not going to go away in a week or two weeks of any of them because they've already gotten over that hurdle. So not to put words in your mouth, but you're saying that basically when these top tier projects prove that they can build the community and the community exists, then they go on discount.

Investing in Proven Communities

It's almost like you can buy access. You know, you're investing in those communities and you've already been, they've already proven that those communities work. Do I have that, like, kind of correct? Yeah, it's a confusing. So the question itself is a little like, I like the question, mind you, because it's, it makes me think out of the box like to get, because obviously, all of us are here for the money, number one. As much as we say that we're not, it's just, I'll tell you straight up, I am here for the money 100%. But the community is such a. It's just, it's what makes you stay for me. So I'm saying the value, besides the money, is that you really bind together as a community when the price. When. Yeah, during tough times or whatever you want to call it, for sure.

Creating Strong Community Bonds

And actually, what I'm saying is I'm getting even more direct through that. I'm saying that if you have a strong. Everyone knows what a strong community feels like. Hard to build, hard to really define, you know, kind of. Kind of how it gets there. But once it's there's a value to a project. Like, if you wanted to speak of it in very stark terms, if the project's at $100 million, having a strong community is worth $40 million of market cap. Let's just even throw out an easy number so we can conceptually understand it. So when you're telling me that you like to invest in projects that are potentially an s tier project on a discount, you're saying the value comes from the community. Because when the market cap declines, let's say it goes from 100 to 50 million even, and it's a top tier project. Top tier community. You're saying this is great because the community is still there.

Assessing Market Cap and Community Strength

We've bound together, we've been through these ups and downs, and now I can buy directly into this project at a 50 million market cap. I already know that they have a $60 million community. Forget everything else, just the community alone. And so now I can buy in and I don't have to pay extra or anything like that. And I know the community is going to be there. So, like, I'm taking. I fully understand what you're saying, and you're saying it really well. I'm just saying, like, in an abstract way, that community actually has a direct impact on the market cap. And so if the community is good and the projects, the market cap has actually declined. When you buy into a strong community, you're basically saying, I think that this project has built a community that has a market cap worth x and it's being priced.

Identifying Project Value and Mismatch

There's a, there's a mismatch, a misallocation in the free market, and that's what I'm identifying. So it's for sure a little confusing. And the reason why I'm getting. Being such a stickler on where the value comes from is because when you go out there and you start comparing projects, if you just think, s tier project on discount, buy everything that's on a discount, there's like hundreds of these s tier projects that are on discounts. You know, they might not be on my radar, but they're on someone's radar. You know, you could talk, we didn't talk about popCap, we didn't talk about Shib, we didn't talk about Doge, we didn't talk about any of these other projects, and there's hundreds of them. But if you look and you say, okay, here's these 50 projects, I like these five communities.

Narrowing the Search for Value

Well, now it narrows your search. And of those five communities, I think that these two are going to get listed eventually on tier one exchanges to crypto, the kids point. So, like, it's really going to help you narrow with filters which projects are going to actually deliver the highest bang for your buck and the highest floor, because now you're understanding a little bit better, where does that value really derive from? It's not just the fact that it's on a discount. Guess what? My wallet is filled with projects that are on discounts. Like 99.99% discounts because they rugged. So, yeah, that great discounts. Go and scoop them up. I'll sell them to you right now. They're all yours. But the value isn't just the fact that it's on a discount, it's the specific reasons why it's still an s tier project, despite the fact that it's on a discount.

Community Value and Market Dynamics

So, Sarah, I really appreciate that comment and where you're coming from, especially cause it's an abstract question and it's important for people to know. And again, it's hard. It's a hard thing to really describe and talk through in simplistic terms. And I'm going to try to do my best, and I'm collectively will try and do our best here. But it's an important distinction to make. It's not just semantics. It's actually going to help you so appreciate that 100%. Jalen. Oh, Jalen changed his name. Look at that. That's so kind. Jalen it is. Turn. Do you have something that you look for when, Yep. Go for it.

Recognizing Quality Content

So. Hundred percent. So, I really dove into cryptocurrency around January, and this is like a little story, I think. so with Ponki actually started following around January 5 of this year, and one thing I saw, and that distinct it from a lot of different tokens that I was seeing is the quality of content. And I, Every token can push out content. It can push out massive amount of content, you know, but is it real content that the audience can relate to? It can see its value. Because I'm not someone that is in there for fast money. I look for good investments. And I feel like with projects that are on, what do you call on discount, right. If they're still putting out content that is still top notch tier, it's only a matter of time that it will take before it just launches back up.

The Connection Between Content and Market Success

It's this simple. And I've noticed that with a lot of different tokens that have this amazing content. Right. It's only a matter of time before their price goes parabolic or back to all time highs, whatever you want to say. So, in simple terms, quality content brings good price. Amen. And this is speaking to my heart, because one of the things I believe more than anything is that eventually social media engagement and attention translates into market cap. So you hit on a good one for sure. John, let's go to you. I've got, like, four, but I can only say one.

Building Community and Engagement

No, you know what? We, we don't have a ton of people jumping up here to speak today. I see some people down there, they're chilling. They're, they're just listening in. They, they're like, dude, this is, I don't want to be put on the hotspot here. I don't blame them. But if you're willing to, please raise your hand. All right, so I guess, first of all, I agree with Sarah. I think that community is important, which is why one of the projects I chose with Ponky, every single space I go to, I see people with the yellow background and you can tell that they're like ponky Maxis. Right. And when you've got a community that shows up like that every day, whether it's, whether the chart looks good or bad, there's something to be said for that.

Community Commitment and Social Media Engagement

And those people clearly still believe, so. There's a lot of conviction there. Secondly, you hinted at this, but social media engagement, if a project is making content and they're getting several thousand views on their YouTube posts and their Twitter posts and stuff like that, I believe that the market cap follows. I think that the market cap will absolutely go up once the engagements there. Three is innovation and something that you said that I liked, which is why, you know, Ponky was one of the ones that I chose. I think it was two days ago.

Regulations and Project Viability

You mentioned that they, someone there did about, and correct me if I'm wrong, someone there did a bunch of research, and they said, if we do an app driven something utility, then we're not bound by the same regulations as if we don't. And it was something where, like, they. Someone obviously did a bunch of research and figured out a. That if they do things a certain way, that there's less regulation, there's less shit that they have to jump through, basically. And that, to me, a dev's not gonna do that unless they're planning on being around long term, which is obviously a very good sign. So I think that's a good thing.

Backing and Support for Projects

And then the last one is, who's backing it? You know, who. Who the person is behind. Behind the project. And that's why, you know, that's why I chose crash, because I think that when you've got, you know, arguably the best caller this cycle in crypto who has a tribute coin that. That he's actively backing, then I don't think there that can do anything but send. For sure.

Caution and Continuation

And I want to give one quick word of caution. It sounds as if Jake's Internet might be a little bit sketched out. So if this thing rugs, it rugs, but we're going to keep going until. Until it does. It does that. Okay, so this sets the stage. We're going to try to get nice and specific. Now. I'm going to. I'm going to give some clarity around what I'm thinking, and then we'll have the conversation with specific projects.

Investing in Early Stage Crypto Projects

Given this context, I know it's been a lot of buildup, but again, this is good. When you are investing in early stage crypto projects, meme coins, you're exposed to a wide range of risks. There's a lot of them, right? You have potential for the development team to rug. They'll. They may steal the investor funds. Kols might fail to promote the project. Kols might dump their tokens. there might be challenges in building a strong community to what Sarah said.

Understanding Risk Factors

There may be vulnerabilities, to hacks or contract flaws to allow the liquidity to be sucked away, even the possibility of social media accounts being banned. So when you're in early stage startup mode, there's all these risks that you have to factor in. Anytime a risk is present, you need a greater return on your investment to overcome those risks. If I invest $1,000 in Apple, it's fair. It's not very risky. Might go down in, like, a catastrophic world, you lose 20%. But at the end of the day, we're going up.

Investment Expectations and Project Viability

If you invest $1,000 in the, you know, crypto, the kids new line of cowboy hats that he wants to launch, it's probably going to zero, right? It's very likely that you're going to zero. So when you invest $1,000 in that, you're not looking to double your money. You're like, this better hit. If it. If it actually hits, man, I want 20% of the company, because I better make some money on it. I would invest crypto, just so you know.

Milestones and Risk Mitigation

That's right. So once a project has reached these, some significant milestones, such as surpassing, like, $100 million, and it's been active for a certain amount of time, two, three, four months, many of those risks that I just outlined, they don't exist anymore. Contract flaws, they would have been evaluated. The money would have been stolen by now. You know, if the. If the team was going to rug it, they would have rugged it by now.

Investment Security Post Milestones

Right. So as those risks dissipate now, the type of multiple that you're expecting on that money is much less, because it's a much less risky investment, because the community has shown, the team's consistently shown up and delivered, the project's avoided these rug pools, and potentially, the community has been built and actively engaged. It's possibly, the. The project has essentially proven its viability to you.

Opportunities Amid Price Drops

If a project like that experiences a significant decline, and we're going to start talking specifics now. If a project experiences a significant price drop of 50% to 90%, it really does present this unique opportunity. These s tier projects, you can buy into a project that has basically already overcome the most severe early stage challenges yet it's priced as if those risks still exist, but they do not. In that way, it allows you to invest in more established and proven projects at a value that reflects higher risk than actually exists in them.

Potential Returns and Market Understanding

So the floor will be much higher, and the ceiling will be much higher. That's a way that I would kind of consolidate all the conversation that we just had into a simple idea about risk. Now let's talk about specific projects and see if we can't evaluate some of these projects and allow people to understand how we would evaluate these projects.

Summarizing Key Points

I've been speaking a little bit now because I was kind of trying to consolidate and summarize all the points that you guys have made, which are all very valid, by the way, and put it into a risk assessment. kind of analysis so we could understand. Well, why? Why. So what if it's on a discount? What's the what's why? Is it valuable? And I'm hoping you can all answer that.

S Tier Projects and Risk Apparent

Now. The reason why it's good to get s tier projects on a discount is because it is priced as if there's significant risk where there's much less. There might be price action risk, but there's not a risk of a rug. There's not a risk of a contract fall. There's not a risk that it won't be able to build a community. Those have already happened. I'm going to throw it over to crypto the kid. How about you and Jalen? I'll chime in where I need because Ponky is near and dear to my heart.

Beginning with Ponky Assessment

But Ponky's a pretty easy one, I'd say maybe the easiest. So we're going to start there. I want you to kind of make the case with Jalen. You talk to the people down there in the world, this isn't necessarily a show, but just how come as an s tier project on a discount, Ponky is a project that you would want to buy compared to maybe some of the other s tier projects. You don't have to mention any other projects by name. Just mention what Ponki is really doing very well that can help us understand, you know, how we should be evaluating these projects.

Evaluating Ponky's Success Factors

Go for it, guys. All right, Jalen, I will mention a couple of things. First that I'm looking at, and then I'll pass it over to you and let you chime in and bounce off of what I've said or whatnot. But the first thing, first and foremost for Punky is the content. I think they've front run the whole meme space and in content creation, their animations and everything that they've done on that end has been top tier from the beginning and they've set the bar. So content is huge.

Community Size and Engagement

The next thing that I'm looking at is holder count. The community is well established and so when I see 55,000 holders, I know that's trending in the direction that's necessary for holder count, for a top tier listing. And the final thing I'm going to look at is that all time high to where they've retraced to in these dark times compared to other projects. And they are holding an extremely high floor. So that tells me that even in risk management mode, a lot of whales and a lot of dj's are playing.

Investment Safety and Community Commitment

They are still keeping their money safe in Ponky, and they're risking keeping it there to hold the high floor on the project rather than de risking it by pulling it out. And I'll let you know. Yeah, for sure, man. Like, that's one. Those, all three of those things are something I all dearly look at really in depth. And with Ponky, you can honestly say that it kind of paved the way for a lot of tokens just to the way it market itself and the way they actually had people view them as a token or as a meme.

Pioneering New Trends in Crypto

And I. And I think they're honestly to continue to pave the way for a lot of different things. And I think, and you can see that there's a lot of copycats out there that are trying to do the same exact thing, and there's a reason why it works, and there's a reason why there's so many people that try to do it, and there's only one person or the top tokens that can actually provide that. And with the holders I was there with when it was only like ten k holders, right? And I was like, wow, okay, so it's not as many holders as some tokens.

Visualizing Potential Growth

But then I was just, I was visualizing I would go to, like, these larger tokens that with their way larger market caps, and I would see the amount of the, holders that the token had. And I would just, I would picture like, man, imagine if this token had that amount of holders where it would be at. And I just see a lot of opportunity when it comes to, like, holders. And if you see a token that's down bad and you see that the holders are holding strong, you know that you're in a good community, you know, there's not a lot of cheats out there.

Community Resilience in Market Trials

There's a lot of diamond hands that will take this fall with you. They're all going to be in the trenches with you because they want to make it and do the same exact dope shit that you want to do, you know? And the, What was the last point that you were talking about crypto? It was just how high the floor is. So, you know, when we're in this de risk, like part of the bull run, I guess, like we're on a downward trend.

Observations on Market Trends

Yeah, exactly, man. And like, and like he said, like, there's a lot of other tokens out there that just plummets. And you can, you'll notice a lot of these tokens do follow bitcoin. And when bitcoin drops, you'll notice a lot of these tokens drop 30, 50, 60%, and you'll see ponky drop like two, maybe 3%. And this has happened multiple times. And it's just, honestly, it's a trend that I think a lot of people should notice. I I don't know, it's like, if you don't notice that, you're not grinding hard enough, honestly, you're not checking charts, you're not staying up to date, you don't really want it. But if you do notice that and you do see the tokens that do that, I think those are all, those tokens are great opportunities to get in because that means they're holding up well and they're not going anywhere anytime soon, in my opinion.

Market Reactions and Token Resilience

But, yeah, for sure. I mean, the, that's well said, both of you guys. I loved where that was at. I loved how succinct and cohesive it was, because one of the things that you will notice, and I'm sure you've noticed this with, like, when bitcoin dumps, et cetera, when stuff starts going down, everyone just dumps everything. They don't even think about it anymore. They're just dumping absolutely everything. And so if Ponky is just doing its thing and it has catalyst. After catalyst lined up, the main ponky account came into our ponky spaces today and dropped a bunch of alpha, essentially, they've got a lot of catalysts lined up. I won't, I won't go into all of them yet, but there's no reason that punky's down, other than everything else is dumping. So everyone's dumping everything, I get it. The meta is not good right now. The, the macro level markets are not good right now. I understand that. But if Ponky has, you know, all these things that we talked about that you guys just described still, well, it's not like that disappeared overnight.

Evaluating Projects with Potential

It's not like that dropped 60, 70% overnight. It's just dragged down by the market. So when these catalysts start coming through, when the market starts turning back around, if you're looking for a project that's on a discount that you can feel good about buying Ponky is a very reasonable, and I'm glad that you guys walked us through how to evaluate that, how to look at that, because we're going to be doing that for a few other projects right now as well. I see Trizzy trace got their hand up. What's up, Trisha? Welcome to the state. Hey, what's up? How you doing there, Mandy? Doing good. How you doing? I'm doing great, man. I guess I want to get up on here in a, I guess show a project. I want to ask, what do you guys think? An s tier project to you. What does it take to be a s tier project?

Defining S Tier Projects

It's a good question. I'll open that to the floor first before I get in there. But there's a lot of good answers. So equipped with a kid. Sarah, Jalen, John. Anyone want to take that first? I'll take it. I think it's, I think everybody's touched on it already. I think it's something where they have survived the test of time. You know, it's not a rug. You know, the team's not going to pull the liquidity out. They've, they've lasted long enough to where, you know, they're not going anywhere and, you know, the community is going to stay active even in tough times. And it's basically, if I had to reword it, a blue chip meme coin. So something wherever, you know, that you can put your money in and you may lose a little, you may gain a little, you may gain a lot, but it's not something where $10,000 is going to go to zero tomorrow.

Community and Team Importance

Okay. Yeah, I like that. I guess I like what you said to me, I guess, you know, an s tier to me, you know, I want to say probably like the super token. A super token, something that can hold throughout the hard times and take off during the good times. You know what I'm saying? I am invested heavily in a dog. In a dog token. You know, everybody loves the dog. You, trizzy. Hold up, hold up. You better not be about to show us some bullshit if this is gonna be some 2 million market cap. Under 2 million market cap dog coin that just launched. Never under 2 million. Okay. Never under. Okay. Okay, Sarah, go ahead. And now Sarah wanted to go ahead, Sarah, go.

Evaluating Meme Projects

I'm sorry. I just wanted to say what I felt like makes a top tier meme. Oh, please do. Yeah, please do. We're going to give trizzy some rope here. I'm going to give the boys some rope. We'll give it to him. Go ahead, Sarah. Okay. I feel like it's narrative, community, and team, and I don't really know what order that would go in, because you. You need a really good team. You also need a real. So I think team would probably be first team and then narrative. And if you have both of those, the community, I believe, will come. Okay. That's all. Thank you. Okay. I like it. I like it. Good stuff. Good stuff. Me. I feel like the community should come first, because if you don't have a big backing, you don't have nothing backing you.

Discussion on Community Value

How are you gonna start getting lifted off? You know what I'm saying? And the project that I am heavily invested in right now is called w dog rap dog sitting at a ten, no, $12 million market cap going on 30 days old. As of now, all time high of 20 mil, and when. All right, trizzy. Hold on. Trizzy, my friend. We do have a show space on Friday, and we had a show space yesterday. I I don't hate the hustle. I don't hate the grind. I love trizzy. Sounds very well spoken. And this, honestly, might be a project that a lot of us could make a lot of money on. I don't really want to go down the path of showing just projects at the moment, though, and that's no shade to your project.

Opportunities in S Tier Projects

And I kind of let you go for a little bit here, and you're welcome to stay up on stage and just talk generally about s tier project. That's. That's what I was gonna say. Okay. Pretty much. You're saying s tier projects on discount. So I want to say that this is an s tier project to me, and I'm going all in. Okay. And I paid for Deka trending men, all types of things as well. I use my own money out of this, so that's all I respect. Respect to that man. Respect that. And again, I for sure, look, there's actually pretty good opportunities for you to jump up here and actually do a proper show, and you'll get in front of a lot of people, and you may convert quite a few people to at least come and check it out.

Space for Project Discussion

I know there's many projects that have come up here and shield, you know, yesterday and on our Friday show spaces. Yesterday was kind of an emergency show space because it just randomly happened, but we'll get in there. I'm definitely down. And hearing that you're putting up your own money, like, that's mad respect, because that's putting your money where your mouth is, and you've got a solid market cap. I actually think that market cap in our shell spaces is one of the better market caps. There's not a, we have a lot of like, kind of sub $2 million market cap projects, which is no fud to them. But I think that, again, if you want to stay up here and kind of talk broadly more about some of the bigger dogs that are going to be more like 75 mil plus, I'd say, because I think what you're getting at, and this is where I want to lead the conversation and keep the conversation.

What Defines S Tier Projects

I'm not talking about projects that could potentially become s tier. I may make an exception for crash because obviously that ties into a lot of other things and, you know, Sarah kind of represents them, so I'll give some leeway. She's here all the time up here. So anyways. But what I'm talking about when you ask me what I'm not talking about even what it takes to become an s tier project, I'm talking about projects that are already s tier, that are on discount. So when you ask the question what does it mean to be an s tier project for you? I don't mean like potential to become an s tier project. And for me, what it means is, can Coinbase list them?

Coinbase's Role in S Tier Projects

If Coinbase could, potentially. I'm not saying they are going to, but if you woke up tomorrow and heard Coinbase listed Ponky, you wouldn't be that surprised. If Coinbase listed Brett, you wouldn't be that surprised. I'd be surprised for the Brett one, though, I'm gonna be honest with you. There might be some reasons. And that's okay. Yeah. Cause you got copyright issues and stuff like that. Well, and that's okay for you to kind of have that and think through that. And when you're comparing it against other s tier projects, you might say, here's the reason why. I'm not necessarily a fan of buying into bread at a discount, because there's some issues that you feel are. That's everyone's opportunity.

Discussion on Market Cap and Projects

Right. And that's a thought process that I think is good and helpful for people to understand. But even if you would be somewhat surprised, let's put it this way, I'd be a hell of a lot more surprised if Coinbase popped up and listed another project that was at a smaller market cap. I'm not going to say any names because, you know, I don't. I. It's no fun to those projects. Your project may make more multiples than the s tier projects. I'm just talking about. We're specifically talking s tier projects right now where people who, when they're building their port out, they need to make sure that they have a decent.

Portfolio Structure and Investment Strategies

My port structure is essentially 50% in bitcoin, straight up only bitcoin. Then I have around 30% that's in some of the top tier meme coins, which, by the way, it's getting more and more towards top tier meme coins because I keep on buying some of these s tier projects on a discount, and they keep getting more and more discounted, and then I've got 20% that I'm playing around with. And so, to me, that's what an s tier project is. I think that what everyone's described is how these s tier projects get created. But to me, it's a. If Coinbase post, you know, listed it tomorrow, would I wake up and see, like, who paid off the Coinbase CEO to get them on there?

Evaluating Team and Project Support

Because there's no way. And that's what I'm talking about when I'm talking s tier. So definitely stay up here, definitely contribute to the conversation, and please do come back on Friday. You can do a proper show, but let's keep it towards the top dog s tier projects for sure. Not saying that your project is not a top dog in your heart and in your mind, but I'm talking projects that have already made it to s tier status and are now at a discount, not like, have the potential to get there. Sarah. Go for it, then. I actually do want to go to crypto the kid and see if he has some thoughts on some of this discussion.

Contributions from Various Participants

And I know we got the holy mother up here as well, a few other people that want to get in on the conversation. So go ahead, Sarah. I was just going to say that. That I was literally going to ask you to define s tier. And when you did define s tier, I got answer to my question where I said, I don't know in what order these would go between team narrative and community. And now I feel for sure team would be number one because I just Gen. There's just, you need money, you need backing, and it is about who you know.

Team's Role in Achieving Success

And so if something is going to be s tier and go far, that team has to be equipped to take it there, like number one. So, yeah, thank you, Soka, for sure. And that's sort of touched on that. Like, yeah, I was gonna say, like, the community is a reflection. The community is a reflection of the team. Like, I feel like if you don't have a strong team, then you won't have a strong community. So I agree 100% with Sarah. Team is number one. I think that. I think the community is going to put in the work. Like, I've never seen a project.

Challenging Scenarios for Weak Teams

Wherever the dev disappears, the team's inactive and the community kicks ass. Right. I've just never seen that happen because I think that there was a quote in a movie a long time ago, that attitude reflects leadership. And I feel like if the team is strong, the community will sort of follow and it may take them time to build that community. They may have to find the right people to get on board. But if the team is strong and the team's grinding, the team's hustling, the team is good people who looks out for their community, then eventually they'll find their tribe and that community will bust their ass.

Contributions to the Discussion

In reflection of the team, I'm going. To real quick, I see your hand up, Tracy, but I want to go to crypto the kid and see if he has some thoughts on some of this discussion here. And then. And then we'll slide on back over to you. I have some thoughts for sure about what's being discussed. Go for it. Yeah, I think all those things, are super relevant, but just to throw in something new, I mean, s tier to me are projects that have already hit or are.

Future Potential of S Tier Projects

If the universe doesn't collapse in on itself and the economy doesn't enter into a insane great depression, recession and the bull run stays intact, as we all believe it is, these tokens will be going to billions. And so it's a guarantee that everybody says that they're programmed. And so when you look at your ponkies, when you look at your breaths, when you look at your mogs, when you look at your pepes, your whiffs, they're already. Some of them are already there. Some of them have hit there and then retraced. But these are the tokens we know are going to billions. It's just the question of how many billions are they going to go to?

Market Cap Insights

A few billion? Are they going to go to deca billions? What are they going to do? And so when I see or think of s tier, I think of billions in market cap. Awesome, trizzy. I see you got your hand up. Go. Go for it. And then I'll chime in here for a second. Chizz, are you there? Yeah, my bad. Hold up, I guess. Oh, good. Go for it. No, that was my fault. I got to recollect my thoughts for a second. My bad. Yeah, if you need a second, I got you.

The Role of Team in Listing

So. Yeah, of course. So one of the things that, you know, Sarah said is, like, in her mind, she had what's, like, the order of operations here. And as I described getting listed, she said, it's the team. Now, I will say behind the scenes, so many things have to happen in order to get listed on these exchanges. It is a lot of money, it is a lot of time and effort. You need to kind of adjust the way you speak, the connections that you have. And I know for a fact, from the punky side, you know, I've helped build out data for some exchanges, and those guys speak my language.

The Challenge of Exchange Listings

The. The Coinbases, the robin hoods, which, by the way, fun fact, I think I own the most expensive share of coinbase in the plant on the planet right now because I bought it shortly after IPO, and then it plummeted like 90%. So, anyways, so it's. It's not an easy task. And if your team is going to. If you're going to get to s tier status, your team absolutely needs to be talented. It just is what it is. Like, some. Some garbage team could get you to 100 mil even, you know, even if they're just. And when I say garbage, I guess that's not fair.

The Complexity of Team Effectiveness

A team that doesn't have experience or funding or a plan, they might just be able to meme themselves to 100 mil and build up a community. But to get over that hump, to get to, like, you know, a billion dollars, or even have the potential, or even to get in front of a Robin Hood or a coinbase, the team really does have to have that capability. And how I think about it is actually kind of a symbiotic relationship. It's the team's responsibility to give the community the space to support them, and then it's the community's responsibility to take what the team is doing and support them.

Symbiotic Relationships in Projects

And both of those things have to work. I think it's very difficult if. If you don't have both of those, it's very difficult to work. And so if you were to ask me, hey, put a percentage by it, what's more important, Soka, if you could have either a very talented, experienced team that's well funded and has been here, done that, and has connections top exchanges, or would you rather have just an avid, insane community? That. That's kind of figuring it out on the fly. I take the team, but without that avid community, it makes it difficult for the team to do their job as well.

Finding Balance Between Team and Community

And so, you know, I'd probably put it at like a. I'd put it, you know, 65, 35 team, then community, which means that the community is a big piece of it, for sure. So I understand you're trying to go like, one, two, three. But it's one of those things where it's like, it's very difficult to survive without each other. You know, they complete each other. It's a very beautiful symbiotic relationship, at least when the. When the team's not stealing your money and rugging you, then it's a very beautiful symbiotic relationship.

Security in S Tier Investments

And so with these s tier projects, we don't have to worry so much about that. Trzzy, did you, were you able to kind of gather your thoughts and ideas? Yeah, I was, but I also didn't hear you guys. I had a call. I'm probably gonna have to go. I got. I gotta go to Houston now, Texas. I'll probably be here on Friday to chill and stuff. Yeah, come. Come along, man. It's a fun time, and you're always welcome, and I appreciate you jumping up here, and I can hear the passion about your projects.

Conclusion and Future Engagement

For sure. I appreciate you guys so much for letting me talk. See you guys soon. Absolutely, trizzy. All right, I'm going to go ahead and let's go towards Brett. So, Sarah, I know you are a Brett baddie. You are down for the cause with Brett, with anything crash related. And if you were able to talk a little bit about Brett, and I don't know if there's. If there's any other heavy Brett folks up here. I see Mark vault, obviously, John the holy mother up here. If you're able to.

Continuing the Conversation on Brett

Can someone raise their hand? Actually, if you are down to help with the Brett conversation, I can do it for sure. But I also talk a lot. Well, I mean, other than me. Well, yeah, for sure. Yeah. You're already locked in. You've got the bad. The scarlet letter, the scarlet be on your. On your blouse here. So it looks like you're going it alone. And, you know, to the extent that you need some support, I'm sure the kid and myself will jump in there. But Brett, why would you.

Investing in Brett

Why would you invest in Brett? Oh, my gosh. Brett's down. Why on earth would you buy it? Absolutely. So what were just talking about, I mean, the team behind Brett is obviously just top tier team, and there's obviously big money behind Brett. I don't know the team, and I don't care who it is. I think that they're doing a great job and I think that they're heavy hitters and that's all I need to know. And I think that they know what they're doing and I think they're well connected.

Brett Community Insights

And that's all. That's all I feel like it's very obvious. And then the narrative is very strong and the community, I don't even know. I really don't know. I mean, everybody says, oh, this community, my community is the strongest. The Brett community is like, it's very strong. And the type of people involved in it are very like they're go getters and they're like goal setters. And it's just, it's a really driven community.

Brett's Narrative

And then obviously Coinbase not having its own coin and Bret being the number one meme on the chain, I mean, that's part of its narrative, right? And then the fact that it's Pepe's best friend. So somebody just said something about copyright issues. I don't know. I guess he's probably talking about because of Matt Fury. And I don't know what the argument to that would because I've never looked into that or considered that, but I do know that.

Negotiation and Copyright

So, like, in my job, for instance, everything is negotiable and I'm pretty sure that it's the same way here as well. And so that doesn't really scare me very much the fact that there could be copyright issues, because I'm sure that when it comes, when push comes to shove, they can figure something out. But I don't know how any of that works, so. But that's the majority of what I have to say for right now. I mean, Brett at this price right now is insane.

Investment Opportunities

Like, I've loaded up as much as I could the past couple days and I just, I wish I had more money to put into it because I really do think that he's going to be just the biggest, baddest guy for sure. So I see your hand up, John. I'm going to say two things very quickly. One, the copyright issues, they don't scare me at all, honestly. That's no offense to. True.

Addressing Concerns

He's not here to. Everyone could have their own thoughts and opinions that would either get worked out or it would have been a problem by now. It's, unless you've been living under a rock, you know, that guy would have been suing some time ago. So if it becomes an issue. I think it's something that gets worked out, and I'd be surprised if it's an issue. I think it's, like 5% chance that it's actually an issue, and if it is an issue, it gets resolved, and 95% chance it's a non issue anyway, so it doesn't really worry me.

Contributions to Brett Discussion

the other thing that, you know, Sarah mentioned about the team, they have two things that really benefit them. And so, in. In chess, there's this saying, I like chess. In chess, there's this saying, you know, there's. There's these pieces on the board, and one of them is called upon. And sometimes you'll, you know, you'll be up a pawn, and, the. The saying goes something like this, where, look, you know, your attack is your attack, but a pawn's a pawn.

Tangible Assets in Investments

You've banked that pawn. You're up in material, and that gives you a better opportunity to, of course, win the game. The Brett team has these heavy things that, like, are tangible. They are extremely well funded, number one. Number two, they have extreme supply control. So having both of those things, and again, I don't really want to get into the supply control discussion, because I can understand. I know that triggers a lot of people.

Impact of Supply Control

I don't really get too hype on it. I'm just talking about an asset for a project. It is what it is. And so if they have a lot of money and they have a lot of supply control, well, trust me, there's projects that I was in that rugged, that if we had supply control, they wouldn't have rugged because people wouldn't have cheated into us, into oblivion. We couldn't stop it. So those are, like, tangible things. The reason I tell the story about chess is because that's, like something you can't take back.

Final Thoughts on Brett

It's. It's like, there, right?

Project Valuations and Personal Preferences

They're well funded, and they have supply control, and that's going to continue to persist. And so that definitely makes me think that when you're getting that project on a discount, well, guess what? They still have funding. They still have supply control, they still have everything that Sarah talked about. There's a lot of value in that project, and I'm not the biggest breath holder, by the way. I believe in the project. I like it a lot. whenever I'm allocating my resources, I'm predominantly allocating it towards, Ponky, just cause I think I like it a little bit better. But I do own a bag of Brett, and I'll happily buy more. These are great prices. The, the thing is, I just, the ponky prices are even greater in my opinion. But that's just an opinion. And if you told me, hey, Soka, your ponky, your Brett position outperformed your ponky position this cycle, I'd say, yeah, that makes sense. I get that. Cool.

Trust in Project Leadership

You know, I would definitely not be surprised. I see some hands. I'm going to go back to Sarah real quick because I kind of bounced an idea that, you know, gave some additional context to some of the stuff she's talking about. And then we'll go, John. Then we'll go Jalen talking. Brett, specifically. Go for it. Sarah, I love everything that you said, and I totally trust your, because like you said, you've kind of, like, worked with exchanges before and stuff like that. And I just feel like you know, a lot of things, soka data. And so I just, I love that you said that about the copyright issue and that they're most likely is not one. And so I think that's awesome. And I totally agree with you about the holders, the supply control thing. And I know that's like a controversial topic, but I'm very happy as a holder that there are other people in control that aren't going to get shaken out of anything because they know what they're doing.

Confidence and Market Securities

And I just think that's. I would prefer it that way, to be honest. Like, especially being in this space and being involved in. In different types of coins. The way that Brett is designed is to win. And, yeah, I feel really safe and secure and happy knowing that. I agree. I mean, and this is coming from someone who, thank you, obviously, for the. For the kind words, but this is coming from someone who, you know Brett better than I do. You know, I've definitely studied it. I've evaluated it kind of at arm's length. I know some people on the team, but you're in it. I mean, you have, this is why you got to follow multiple people. Because I have my own thoughts on Brett, for example, and I'm the one who ultimately has to pull the trigger. But there's people who are in Bret and who understand that they live it, they breathe it.

Understanding Project Dynamics

Like, I don't expect people to know ponky better than I do. There might be some, but I'm in it. I'm talking to the team. I've built up a good relationship. I get some alpha sometimes through the back channels that I can share with the ponky community. I don't expect anyone on the Brett team to be like, hey, Soca data, guess what? This is coming down the pipeline. Because I'm not in it like that. But Sarah might be. She has a pretty solid connection with one of their biggest, obviously, cheerleaders in crash. She might get that alpha. I would expect her to get that alpha before me. So if she comes up here and says, hey, look, I'm just saying, if I were you guys, I would get a bag of bread. I would take it much more seriously than if it were, you know, even myself.

Community Engagement and Social Media Evidence

Even myself saying it like, hey, I think the data looks pretty strong, blah, blah. All this stuff. That's good. But if you have someone who's actually getting the alpha from the inside potentially, you know, I would trust that opinion. And that's just an overall strategy of following multiple people. We'll go ahead. Go John. And then we'll hit up Jalen. I know you had your hand up. And then ragsy jumping up on stage. Welcome, Ragsy. Another Brett baddie. We have two out of the three. Is there four now? There might be. I don't know. I don't want to, you know, coin. Go ahead. There's a million of them. Oh, okay. Come on. Come on.

Dynamic Discussions and Market Trends

That's not what I meant. You know what I meant. How many are there? I want official name. No, I'm just kidding. Well. Well said, though. We'll go, John. We'll go Jayden. Then we'll go. Then we'll go ahead and hit up ragsy. Go ahead, John. Yeah. Yeah. What up? I just wanted to say I know nothing about Brett, so, like, what I know about Brett is what I hear from people that I follow and people that I listen to. I do agree with you. I don't think there's any worry of a lawsuit because, like, that same lawsuit would have hit Pepe andy and Papi Chulo and Watt and all of these other memes that have come from the same place.

Analyzing Community Opinions and Metrics

What I looked at was one thing real fast. I typed in Brett into Twitter, and they had, like, several thousand impressions on different posts by people of the community in, like, the last 30 minutes. And to me, that's strong as fuck. So I think that's something that you can look at and see that the community's grinding. You know, it may be, quote unquote on sale or whatever right now, but the community's fucking grinding, and they're getting new eyes on them all the time. I mean, it was. It was somewhere around, and I was trying to do math real fast, just by scrolling through as fast as I could to see that the post that had tagged dollar sign Brett. And it was like, I think I'm around 3500 but close in like the last 30 minutes. And this is just, you know, a very small sample size.

Data Analysis and Community Activity

But I don't think that they knew that were going to talk about them and said, oh my gosh, we're going to be on soca spot. We better go ahead and hurry up and hit Twitter. I think they fucking do it all the time. And so to me that's strong as shit and that's something that needs to be looked at. And that to me is a good indication of a project that's going to absolutely, completely send and is definitely on sale for sure. And adding a little bit of anecdotal evidence to that. My most viewed and engaged with tweet Everest I believe was from Brett. I don't remember the exact metrics, but it was, I think it's my best. So I could go back and look, but go ahead, crypto the kid.

Additional Insights on Market Presence

No, I want Jalen to go and then I just want to jump in before Ragsy because I think the point that I'm going to bring up is going to be something that rags, he can rift off of. So. Oh, you're going to rile, you're going to rile her up. Okay, I see. I know, I know. You're going to piss her off and then like, it's like shaking a beehive, you know, and then run away. Jalen, go for it. Crypto the kid then ragsy. Yeah, perfect. Thank you, guys. Yeah, mine's just real short and sweet. So one thing I noticed about bread, I honestly haven't held.

Real-World Achievements of Brett

I don't have any bag of bread, but it's this token that actually have paydays today. So I'm probably gonna go ahead and copy bag. But one thing that really stood out to me and made me pay attention to this token was the fact that this outside utilities price in the Internet world, they actually went ahead and irl real life, they had went ahead and did like a thousand wells. I forgot exactly where they installed these water wells and like in these remote areas where people didn't have access to water, actually were able to get water. So that's one thing that actually made me pay attention to this token because it's like not only can you have movement and traction in the Internet world, but also I believe, like I said, jumps back to the topic of what makes s tier token sd at a discount?

Evaluating Impact and Community Commitment

Well, I think it's something if they. If they're able to have traction in the real world, not only in the Internet, and actually be able to help in the community, I think that's something that Brett is doing amazingly. And that's one reason why I'm actually gonna get a bag today. So that's one is one thing I want to add. All right, here's the. The thing that nobody's brought up so far about Brett, and this is one of the reasons, if not the reason, why I'm bullish, super bullish on Brett. Why, excuse me, and makes up a large portion of my meme coin bags or portfolio. The reality of the situation is Brett is the face of the new chain, base chain.

Market Position and Performance Metrics

Right. So Brett is at some point, I don't know what it currently is now because I haven't done the homework recently, but it was holding over 80% of the entire meme coin market cap on the base network. So basically, Bret is where all of the money is going to go to. And then when you look at base uses etH, it uses base etH, but it still uses eth. And ETH has. ETF's. ETH is by far established itself as the. Even though it's down at the moment and it's. It's really hurting. that's just because the bitcoin dominance chart, or bitcoin dominance, is so high, it will level out. But ETH is clearly the number two token in all of crypto.

Connecting Brett and Base Chain

So it uses the number two token in all of crypto to. As its token of purchase. And it's, again, when you look at on chain summer and all these things that all these ads everywhere, base has really teamed up in a lot of ways with Bret to be the face of base. It's been in Monaco, it's been all over the world. It's been at the, you know, various soccer. I don't know. You know, it's been at these. These events globally. And so the marketing is top tier. It's the face of an entire chain. And the final thing is, I'll say is it's got 600 something thousand holders, which I just looked up, and that's insane.

Investor Sentiment and Future Prospects

600,000 holders. So, ragsy, I'll. I'll toss it to you. I just gave you a softball. You run with all of those things. But those are the reasons why I'm ultra bullish on Brett. Yeah, I mean, I agree with everything everyone said. The water wells that the gentleman was referring to were in Cambodia. For me, yeah, I. The reason why breath my top holding. It's something I haven't been quiet about. It's. It's kind of jumping off what you just said. It's the leading token on base. You know, Coinbase had a huge advantage ever since FTX collapse and finance got in trouble.

Competitive Landscape and Strategic Opportunities

Right. They've had this huge it. This cycle is different in a sense, because those things hadn't happened till the end of last cycle. Right. So finance had the whole cycle to be the king and FTX and Coinbase. But because of the collapse and all the things that happened, I wouldn't say Coinbase has essentially no competition, because they do. But they're definitely a front runner this time around. So I was paying very close attention to what Coinbase was doing. That's when I discovered base chain. So how I found Brett Washington, I was looking for people who were building on base at different projects and stuff, such.

Growth Potential and Token Viability

Not necessarily meme coins. The first thing I bought was not a meme coin. And I remember it did like a 40 x. It was like my first big hit was on base chain. And that kind of signaled to me, there is. There's going to be a demand here for this base. Right. So I was scouting different then I. Then the meme coin cycle kind of started early last year. They had a big rally in February, and that's when base Brett was launched. So that's why I scooped it right away, because of everything you just said. This is the leading token on base right now, and people forget how expensive it was to swap things on a serium last cycle.

Understanding Fee Structures and User Accessibility

You know, it's the east whales. They're not going to care. That's why they're very, like. They're very kind of like, blunt, like me. The east whales don't care about a 500 fee, thousand dollar fee. Right. But the majority of people do because they're only putting $500 into a token. Maybe, maybe even less. Right. So that's. That's the key reason where I see base in general as an advantage with these meme tokens. I think base gives Solana the best run for its money because the fees are so inexpensive and they have the assist with the coin.

Innovative Features and Market Dynamics

New Coinbase smart wallet, where it's going to be super easy for users just to go ahead and buy the meme token and people forget. That's why Shiba Inu skyrocketed into oblivion last cycle is because they got that Coinbase listing and normies they don't know, like all these different blockchains, you feel me? They don't. They don't want to download a bunch of wallets like us degenerates and figure it out. They want to go on the Coinbase app, use a credit card and buy shit. Right? So the fact that Brett, which is a very likable character in a meme coin, is the number one coin on base, you know, from a clearly objective point of view, that to me, for me, is a good holding.

Consolidating Market Position

That's why it's my top holding, because I would rather bet on that than a bunch of all this random other stuff that's being jumbled around. Because it's the top meme on base. It's continued to hold, there's a lot of holders. And obviously I'm not the only one that feels this way. Look how many people have held, like Brett, like at the whole markets down. But look, Brett continues to hold above 500 million. That's. That's crazy. That's insane for a meme coin this early in the cycle. Right? So clearly I'm not the only person who has figured this out.

Brand Recall and Market Traction

So that's why I like Brett so much, because I was already looking on base and what a perfect fit with the branding and the character and everything. And the fact that it's the top meme, it has the most volume. I think it's going to continue to be the top meme. I think it's going to continue the volume. And the volume base chain is just getting started. Like, people haven't even downloaded their Coinbase app yet. You have to remember back 2021, like, when the normies come in, that's app they're going to download right there, Coinbase.

Strategic Position in the Marketplace

And that's what they're going to buy. And like I said, we have to remember that it's not that they don't have no competition this cycle, because they do. But in my mind, it's less competition because ft got in big trouble and now the SEC just went after Kraken or whatever. So they're making it very easy for Coinbase to. There's some clear favoritism toward Coinbase even though, yeah, they're getting in trouble with the SEC, whatever, yada, yada. But Coinbase has partnered with Blackrock to custody the bitcoin.

Future Considerations and Personal Insights

Right. So in my mind, they're gonna favor Coinbase and everything Coinbase does. So I'm looking at it from that point of view. That base chain is going to do very well because they're going to have the least amount of issues out of anybody. But that's just my own personal opinion and my thoughts on Brett, and that's why it's my top polling. And really quick, Soka, before you take over rags, I just want to confirm, because I don't use it. But Coinbase smart wallet, you can buy Brett directly on the Coinbase smart wallet right now, correct?

Final Market Remarks

Yeah. Okay. So like that, in and of itself, it's like, yes, you can just get a Coinbase account, which many normies will do. Many normies already have. But the next step is the Coinbase smart wallet. That's where they'll be onboarding normies. And to be able to buy that meme directly on Coinbase wallet basically means that they're already, you know, not directly, but pretty much listed on. On base as it is. So, I'll just bring that up and then, Soka, I'll hand it back to you. Yeah, I mean, look, the case has been made for at least two. We talked about two specific s tier projects that look good.

Discussion Takeaways and Key Learnings

We talked about Ponki and Brett, and there's many more that we discussed not in specifics. And the reason why, again, you know me, I'm hyper focused on getting the learning down. I don't really. The case that was made for Brett was very strong. Everyone just made a very strong case for Brett. I'm persuaded. I own Brett. I think it's going up good. I think it's an s tier project that you could feel very happy and confident getting in there. Ponky Mumu, we talked about mog, you know, Trump on politify was another project that I was thinking of that I didn't necessarily bring up bull on Tron.

Evaluating Project Potentials

Sarah said that, look, there's some of these big boy projects, and we only really talked about and dove into two. But what you really want to do is, it's so important in this space, and I cannot stress this enough. It doesn't matter about whether or not you want to buy or you're persuaded or you're in Brett, for example, what matters is that you listen to how the people up here who have been very successful, you know, in this cycle, potentially past cycles, evaluate projects because you want to go apply that to many projects that you're evaluating.

Insightful Evaluation Techniques

Or when you hear another spaces and you hear someone evaluating a project, now you have something to compare to. Hey, you know, when Sarah and Ragsy were making the case for Brett, when crypto, the kid said that it was a wallet it's like it's already listed. I found that pretty compelling. Comparing that to this other project, on this other spaces, it wasn't as compelling. I only have a limited amount of money to put projects on. Money on. Maybe I'll put it on Brett. Or maybe it's the opposite. Maybe you go and you hear this project, and you're persuaded, and you're like, that was a really good, you know, shill for this big project.

Informed Decision-Making Strategies

I understand now where it's going. I'm convinced I'm gonna put my money there. Or maybe you split your money. There's a lot of different tactics that you can take, and we're never here to tell you exactly what you should do. What I want to do is make sure that you have the tools to make your own decisions, to make better decisions. And as long as you're getting a little bit better day in and day out, you're going to be so successful this cycle, because there are. Have you ever heard the saying that, you know, if you go to the gym, once you've lapped everyone who's sitting on the couch, same idea.

Community Learning and Competition

We think that everyone's in here, in these spaces, grinding daily, trying to hunt the alpha. Absolutely nothing. They are not. We are in the echo chamber of the echo chamber. So if you're in here trying to learn and even just thinking one step, I like Brett because there's a coinbase wallet, and you can buy bread on it. Even just knowing that puts you ahead of 95% of the people that you're, quote, unquote, competing against. Not in a PvP way, but on earlier spaces rags, he said that she would literally knife me in the back and steal all of my ponky at the end of the cycle.

Staying Ahead of the Curve

So there is some PvP component. You got to keep your dukes up for it. But I want you to be able to have the tools to evaluate, take, how are we talking? How are we thinking that is so much more important than, should I buy Brett now? You could for sure just close your eyes and put your faith in us and say, ponky, Brett, done. Easy. That's going to better than most people, too. Not because we're like some geniuses, but because we're thinking about it for you. But I'd encourage you to at least brush up to the point where you can start thinking through some of this stuff in this way, analytically, anecdotally, network yourself into a position where you can start thinking about some of this stuff and make your own informed decisions.

Becoming Proficient in Market Trends

Because when you do that's when you become an absolute giga chad type of meme coin gambler for rags, the investor for some others. Right. So that all being said, I would go around the room, but we pushed it up again a little bit over, which is always fine. You know, we had a few minutes of. Of extracurriculars at the start with the spaces, rugging. I see. Crypto the kid. Got your hand up. I'm going to just real quick. Crypt the kid. Thank you so much for everyone coming.

Acknowledgments and Community Focus

Sarah Jalen, mark, John, the holy mother. I know that you didn't really get to speak. I see you down there now on my screen. You're at the very, like, very bottom and kind of hidden down there. But please come back. We'll get you up here. Ragsy, of course. Thank you guys so much for coming. And. And again, the main thing, learn how to evaluate s tier projects and then buy them with conviction. Crypto the kid. Go for it.

Final Insights and Closing Statements

Then. I'll close this down quickly. I just wanted to put. I posted up a slumdoge millionaire post that I saw earlier today. It's good. It's a good, quick read, and it's a good, quick consideration when you in evaluating these s tier projects. So take a look at that, and then the final thing. Thanks, soca. Thanks, Jake. Thanks, Sarah. Thanks, Ragsy. Thanks, Jalen John, all you speakers, everybody that showed up. Crypto g. I see you down there, Jules. Thank you guys for the support.

Community Engagement and Future Opportunities

Be sure to check out some of the other spaces that Jake hosts. Crypto G hosts one later on this evening, and then check out Soca's telegram. I mean, there's a lot of fun stuff happening there. So, everybody, thank you, and we'll see you tomorrow. Bye, guys. Have a great day. Peace out. Gazing through the window at the world outside? Wondering, will my memes spread worldwide? Hoping that my memes will get noticed sometimes?

Memes and Community Connections

After all, there's only just two upvotes. They're upvoting some meme from another bloke watching all these old memes repeat themselves time after time. I'm just a mir. I mean, my life away. I'm just a memer who memes all day. All day. Sadeena, close it.

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