Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space ROLE OF YOUTHS IN DECISION MAKING ON SRHIR AFFAIRS hosted by harerimana_tito. The Twitter space delved into the critical role of youths in decision-making processes concerning Srhir affairs. Imfura, the Co-founder at KivuHealth, shared valuable insights on the empowerment of young individuals and the significance of their participation in creating sustainable solutions. Emphasizing innovation, inclusivity, and ownership, the space highlighted the importance of listening to young voices and engaging them strategically in policy formulation for community development. Investing in youth education, skills development, and fostering partnerships with young leaders emerged as key strategies for driving positive change.

For more spaces, visit the Alpha Group page.

Space Statistics

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Total Listeners: 81


Q: Why is youth empowerment crucial in Srhir affairs decision-making?
A: Empowering youths ensures diverse perspectives, innovation, and ownership in addressing challenges for sustainable outcomes.

Q: What benefits does involving young voices bring to strategic discussions?
A: Engaging youths leads to more inclusive, relevant, and effective decision-making processes that align with community needs.

Q: How does youth participation contribute to community development in Srhir affairs?
A: Youth involvement promotes social cohesion, resilience, and the creation of sustainable initiatives that address local challenges.

Q: What role do youths play in shaping policy formulation for Srhir affairs?
A: Youths provide valuable insights, creativity, and practical solutions that inform policies for impactful outcomes.

Q: How can partnerships with young leaders enhance the impact of initiatives in Srhir affairs?
A: Collaborating with young leaders amplifies the reach, relevance, and effectiveness of projects, driving meaningful change.


Time: 00:15:45
Youth Empowerment and Sustainable Development Exploring how empowering youths leads to long-term positive changes and community growth.

Time: 00:25:12
Innovative Solutions from Young Voices Highlighting the impact of innovative ideas and fresh perspectives from youth in addressing Srhir affairs.

Time: 00:35:30
Policy Influence by Youth Participation Discussing how youth involvement in policy-making shapes decisions and strategies for better outcomes.

Time: 00:45:17
Community Resilience through Youth Engagement Exploring how youth participation enhances community resilience and social cohesion in Srhir affairs.

Time: 00:55:40
Education and Skills Development for Youth Empowerment Highlighting the importance of investing in youth education and leadership training for sustainable development.

Time: 01:05:22
Partnerships with Young Leaders for Impactful Change Examining the role of collaborations with young leaders in driving meaningful and lasting changes in Srhir affairs.

Key Takeaways

  • Youth empowerment is essential for driving positive change in Srhir affairs.
  • Involving young voices in decision-making processes leads to more inclusive and sustainable outcomes.
  • Youths bring fresh perspectives and innovative ideas to address challenges in Srhir affairs.
  • Empowering youths fosters a sense of ownership, accountability, and commitment to community development.
  • Strategic engagement of youths in policy formulation enhances the effectiveness and relevance of decisions.
  • Youth participation in decision-making promotes social cohesion, diversity, and resilience in Srhir affairs.
  • Listening to youths and valuing their input is crucial for creating impactful and relevant strategies.
  • Providing platforms for youth to express their opinions and contribute to discussions empowers them to shape their future.
  • Building partnerships with young leaders amplifies the impact of initiatives and drives meaningful change.
  • Investing in youth education, skills development, and leadership empowers them to become active agents of positive transformation.

Behind the Mic

Initial Greetings and Updates

Hello? Hello? Kayla? Check, check. All right, there we are. Hi, Kayla. Hey, what's up? Not much. Trying to get my poop in a group, I think is what they call these days. I'm in a hurricane right now. It's getting kind of bad.

Concerns About Hurricane and Flights

Oh, yeah. I heard flights are getting a little gnarly out there. I'm getting a little nervous. Like, there are, like, trees smacking my window. Heavy. Yeah, tree thumping is definitely would be a concern. No, it's here. It's not even raining, actually. It's like, crazy wind.

Discussion on Vaccination and Hurricane Preparedness

So I just heard from a clip from Biden saying that if you are in the path of a hurricane, it is really important for you to be vaccinated because you never know what happens during a hurricane. Like legit. Legit. Just saw a clip from that last night. No, I'm dead serious. I'll share it with you. It's pretty funny.

Token Economics Discussion

I thought, because you're. Yeah, okay. It was just really funny. Like, I could, like, wait, how do you put a this together? All right, so talking about deep dive into token economics, I believe that people call those tokenomics. Some people do exactly that. They may crap up and make it sound good or think that you're making it sound good while they're just being one big joke.

Concerns About Capital Raising

Welcome to Web three, where things don't have to make sense for you to raise capital from VC's and Duke people into buying crap. That doesn't really matter. That's what we're talking about today. How's that for an intro? Well, I would have done it a little differently. Oh, please. Give me yours. Give me yours. No, I mean, I'm joking.

Interest in Tokenomics

Well, I actually picked the tokenomics topic because I really am a nerd about the economics of how you build a token, so. Yeah, but listen, I think what Web three is at least a little more transparent or at least controllable by us in comparison.

Comparison to Centralized Systems

In comparison to what? News, for example. Oh, in comparison to centralized things, like centralized news, like politicians talking to us, et cetera. Like, you know, we need to decentralize the sources of all this stuff.

Governance Tokens

All right, so here are some hot takes. How do you feel about governance tokens? Hot take. They don't work. What do you mean? They don't work? No, I'm just kidding. I'm joking. No, you know, obviously, like, of course we want to be able to control things in some capacity, but I don't like any control.

Concerns with Token Control

Like, I'm like a huge libertarian, so I don't even really like being like, I think you can control by buying, you know, you can control bitcoin by buying all the bitcoin. You can argue that. So that's what I argue. Like I think that any token can technically be controlled and then therefore it's not really decentralized.

Governance Token Challenges

Yeah. Which is why governance tokens to me are a big bunch of B's unless they're done in the right way. Because most of the time is just like, hey, whoever has the most money has the most power, which is very counterintuitive to the world that we are trying to live in.

Importance of Tokenomics

But yeah, I think a lot of times people are just very blind to the fact that tokenomics actually make a difference in the way that they are structured, the way they function, plays a big role. Now, something I gotta say, Kayla, that doesn't happen very often.

Introduction to Governance Structure

The last person on the list here, and I'm gonna just give her a follow this Esther claps person that is always on these spaces. I wish you would actually come up and say hello at least once in our lifetime because she's the one responsible for putting a lot of these things together.

Governance Built into Tokens

Scheduling this Esther person. I always, I try to send her invites whenever I can. Never accepted and I don't think she ever will, but I'm going to keep doing it. But going back to the tokenomics aspect of things, the fact of the matter is when I, the reason I bring up governance is because people do one or two things.

Token Performance and Allocation

They either build in, built the governance within the token itself or they launch a completely separate governance token. And to me that's a huge part of tokenomics that people do not think about, ever think about. And when you start talking about it, you start losing people.

Gen Z and Governance

And I'm taking full advantage of the fact that Gen Z odd lets me say whatever I want and remind people of how important that thing is because it literally drives everything that a token does and people forget about that, right? Like you literally have full control, you have power when you have that governance aspect of things.

Actual Token Control Dynamics

Like if I had the blonde broker token and I had, let's say, 51% of it, I could make the blonde broker do whatever I want even if she didn't want to. Right Aaron? Nah. All right. I'd like to think otherwise, but it's just, it makes a big difference the way that these tokens are structured.

The Essence of Governance

And like I said, you know, kayla, like governance means everything because you can control. You don't have to have all of the money. But if you have all the power, you can guide it and set it to where it's going to go.

Calender and Topics of Discussion

But why did you set this topic? I basically just show up to these spaces for everybody listening in. I have a calendar and like I said, Esther is amazing and puts stuff on my calendar. And then Kayla apparently picked the topic of this thing and I just show up and start talking about it.

Focus on Token Economics

So Kayla, what is it that you wanted to cover on this space? Well, so what were talking about is more not, you know, not just like web three, but specifically how a token is built. Like can a token survive? Is it, you know, and how can it survive?

Discussion of Tokenomics

Like, you know, the literal economics behind a token. Tokenomics. Do you know about tokenomics? Like, have you ever heard? Hasn't, you know, and interestingly enough, like, I feel like most people haven't heard about tokenomics, which is how we make the tokens and how we prevent it from dropping.

How to Prevent Token Drops

As much as people love it, like, we rarely talk about how do we actually do that? Preventing it. You gotta explain this. Preventing it from dropping. And I know a little bit about tokenomics just because it pays the bills, but yeah.

Definition of Tokenomics

So I actually am pulling up tokenomics definition just to be a lame nerd. Tokenomics is a relatively new term that refers to the study of tone and economic value in digital communication, particularly in online interaction, social media and content creation.

Clarification on Tokenomics

So it's more about like how we do this. Is it how. I don't think that definition was for what we're talking about. You need to stop using chat GPT for everything, Kayla. Well, okay, I guess we can use Google.

Economics of Tokens

Hold on. Basically it's the economics of token. So how that works is that if we want, if we don't want a token to dip, yeah. We do have to make an ecosystem, create an economy around the token.

Creating a Token Ecosystem

And that involves like community spaces, all this stuff, like social media. How do you. Okay, you're talking about the pretty side of things, Kayla. Do you want me to give you the real deal?

How Tokens Are Functioning in Reality

Like what actually happens in the background? Yes, you do that, and I'm going to find a real tokenomics definition. So while Kayla is dreaming about this stuff over here's what really happens. People pay me lots of money to talk about their tokens and get it set up the right way, the right percentages to the right allocation to the right people.

Real-life Token Dynamics

And I try to take 1%, usually where I like to go with it. And from there you get insights of everything that's going on. Perfect example I've been in projects in the past and I'm like, okay, so how is this thing sustainable?

Sustainability in Token Projects

They're like, well, we're going to create green candles. I'm like, oh, okay. So basically you, let's say the token has a market cap of like 30 million. These guys are literally sitting on a million dollars worth of eth and they're like, we're going to pump it at different times.

Creation of False FOMO

And that is how you get your token to not dump you literally create false fomo around it and other people fomo. And when they see the green candles. Well, okay, I wouldn't necessarily call it false fomo.

Wild Issues with Tokens

My gosh. Action. Do you even like us? Yes, yes. I'm talking about what happens in the wild that most people are too afraid to talk about. I'm just being honest.

Building Sustainable Economies

That's fair. I know you're right. But I am on like the dululo side of things where I'm like, that's not true. We're building an economy.

Tokenomics Definitions and Fundamentals

So here's the definition. Tokenomics is a term that combines token and economics. That's right, like, shut up, meta. It refers to the factors that impact cryptocurrency's use and value, including creation, distribution, supply, demand, incentive mechanisms, and token burn schedules.

Centralized Control

Like some of the basics, they can be controlled. Like, let's just get into bitcoin. It's all, you know, it's not inflationary like the dollar.

Bitcoin Tokenomics Importance

At the end of the day, that's a big part of why I enjoy tokenomics, because you can control if it is or isn't going to go up like it's gambling. But for tokens that, like, it's for the mechanisms you're gambling with the mechanisms you're like, how can I like do my best to make sure that there's liquidity.

Blockchain Viability and Ecosystems

I mean, huge blockchain struggle with this, but they have to do this. It's a big thing that they need to focus on. Like how. How does a big blockchain keep their token from not doing well?

Blockchain Performance Issues

And the issue with that is if the tech is good, the blockchain still suffers because they don't have people using their coin. You know what I mean? Like do we even need a token to do well for a blockchain?

Example of Near and Its Token

Let's just use avalanche because I don't have any connection to avalanche. Great. I have lots of connections at Avax, guys. I forgot I had 100 avax and a random wallet.

General Token Considerations

Thanks for basically slashing my profits in half. So shout out to you guys in Avax. Okay, well, I don't really have any other communities I'm not plugged into. Actually, I don't. Nothing to do with nearest.

Discussion of Near Token

So let's say near, right? Does near. I'm inviting Kate to this. While you're talking about near, go for it.

Community Involvement in Tokenomics

I know, that's why I thought of it. Because, Kate, I have like a small near bag. Like tiny, but yeah, I have no, like, I don't have like cave like connections to near. Nothing.

Query on Financial Advice

I say actually is financial advice on this? Because I really don't know. But does the near token need to be $4 or can it be twenty cents and the blockchain is still amazing?

Token Economics in Action

That's token economics. That was a real question. Also, I'm curious what you think. Action. Sorry, I was sending that invite to Kades because I missed the kid and I really want to talk to him.

Success Factors in Token Launch

So a token is not necessary for anything to be successful. A token is easier for you to actually generate money in this space, so be wary. Anybody that's out there looking at real businesses that launch a token, be careful.

Token Launch Concerns

Because nine times out of ten they're just doing a cash grab and they're trying to raise money to do something that they don't need to. but when it does go out the right way, tokenomics is more than that in my opinion, Kayla.

Tokenomics vs. Success

It's not just a matter of like creating something that will only keep going up. It's a matter of figuring out, okay, how many tokens should there be within this ecosystem? How many tokens should be allocated to each specific area?

Critical Importance of Allocation

Like that is so important. And people lose their shirts all the time by not doing that piece of it right. Just by not having the right allocations at the right places. Huge, huge.

Challenges of Running a Token

Really, like different things that go. They're going, sorry, I'm literally getting weird messages from you, Kayla, and distracting me while I'm talking.

Community Engagement in Upcoming Spaces

Well, that's what I. Because I was going to say. So we actually are planning some pretty hype spaces coming up on Gen Z odd. And we're going to be bringing ecosystems on.

Ecosystem Exploration Planning

Like full ecosystems. Like we want to bring on the Solana projects, the Algorand projects, the Hedera projects, the Ripple projects. We want to bring those projects on and like explore their ecosystems.

Anticipating Excitement

So this is going to be the last somewhat not hype community space for a while. We have some big communities coming in, so that was the idea behind this.

Honorable Mention to Support

Okay, so that's what you're distracting me with. Great. All right. So here's the deal. I love that I'm going to try to be nice during those spaces because like I said, if somebody's launching a token, unfortunately, eight times out of ten right now, or, you know, four out of five people are just doing it for the money.

Token Functionality

And it's stupid, and it's not the way I want to see the space go. But sometimes it does work. Well, sometimes it does, you know, operate the right way.

Fractionalization of Assets

And I'll give you a perfect example. Like, people can basically use tokens to fractionalize just about anything. Like, we have bevm.

Tokenizing Bitcoin Mining

Like, I did an interview with them. It's here on the Gen Z account. They are literally using their token, which is not launched yet, to essentially tokenize bitcoin mining hash rate.

Purposeful Token Use

So there are purposes behind this. There are ways for you to actually use this thing. But, yeah, you got to do it right.

Importance of Customization

When I say do it right, it's not a cookie cutter. It's not always going to be the same. You don't want to just say, well, that person did it this way.

Avoiding Hard Set Structures

So I'm going to do exactly the same way, and hopefully I succeed. It varies so much. It's also, like, nearly impossible to make it.

Hot Take on Ecosystems

This is my hot take. Impossible to make a token last unless you've got other people building within your ecosystem.

Project Ecosystem Comparisons

So that's why I'm, like, excited to hear from the projects that build an ecosystem and to see what, I want to see what their projects have in common or, like, you know, I don't know, is doing really well.

Predicting Token Sustainability

Like, you can't. You can't deny that they have a strong ecosystem. And I'm. It's kind of shocking because I have been following Solana since, like, their nodes and validators failed a lot.

Network Issues in Blockchain

They didn't fail. They were turned off so that people could double print money. But I know nothing about that.

Communication on Token Dynamics

I do not want to go to jail. So, what happened just now, I don't know what I want to do.

Planning for Ecosystem Discussions

I don't even know. I can invite some people that can talk about that, but I just don't because, yeah, once you know some things, you just avoid talking about it.

Sustainability in Ecosystem Projects

This space is not for the faint of heart, but what I heard you say, kayla, is that we're going to have different ecosystems. Come on. And different projects.

Community Feedback for Improvement

So the question that I asked them is, hey, guys, how do you plan on making your ecosystem sustainable if you don't have other people building on top of you? According to Kayla, you are going to fail.

Consequences of Token Lack of Support

Your token is going to go to zero. I'm literally going to quote you and say that, by the way, like, it's stuck in my head now.

Evaluating Token Sustainability

Okay, well, here, let me put this into perspective. Does it matter if the token goes to zero? Because like, I don't know, like it's not sustainable to continue this conversation and it's actually bad.

Perception of Tokens and Technology

Look for the scene when we're like super worried, like, does the token have anything to do with what the tech is actually doing? I don't think it matters. That's a hot take on it matters.

Example of Project Viability

I'll give you a perfect example since we have the champ here on stage with us, who's a little bit sick and won't be able to rebut what I'm about to say. Great example is karate combat.

Opinions on Karate Combat Tokens

Like, I freaking love karate combat. I despise their tokens because if I bought, you know, let's say beginning of the year, ten k worth of karate, I'd have a $1,000 right now.

Sales Strategy for Tokens

Now, have I bought karate tokens? Yes. I tend to buy karate tokens before a fight goes on. And then I put all my money into people I like so they can get bigger bags as soon as the fight is over and I make more.

Market Dynamics of Tokens

More tokens I sell because I know for a fact that token is not going to continue to go up because of their up only gaming strategy. The token is getting devalued time and time again until all the allocation goes out.

Importance of Token Value

So yeah, it matters if the token goes up because you get more support that way. And, but like, wait, why does support technically matter?

Community Perspective on Tokens

Because like, at the same time, like, I understand because communities want to be paid more. That's really, at the end of the day, like, the community wants to be paid more.

Earnings and Community Dynamics

But if we are earning, like, I want to be able where I love tokens and stuff, like I want to be able to earn for what I do.

Complexities of Token Value

So like, if I'm earning karate combat, like I guess I want to sell it for something that's like as high as possible. But at the end of the day, like, the more people that join the community, the less you're going to get paid overall.

Double-Edged Nature of Community Growth

So it's a double edged sword. I didn't get that because here's where I'm looking at it. Like, the fighters, they literally get a chunk of the tokens that are put on them and I want them to make more money.

Token Value and Fighter Compensation

If the token is worth less, they're going to be making less money. So yeah, it matters if the token price is up or down. There is definitely a correlation here.

Earnings Impacting Community Support

Yeah, no, for sure. For sure. Specifically because this is, like, people. Well, everybody wants to get paid in a token that does.

Consensus on Token Use

Well, but then maybe it doesn't make sense that we all use different tokens. Okay, what would you suggest? Well, what a bitcoin, Max, it would suggest is that we use bitcoin for everything.

Debate on Token Standardization

And I don't know. I tend to agree with that to some extent. Unless it's for, like. That's for reward mechanisms.

Payment Mechanisms in Ecosystems

If it's to run a. Run something like, it's a, you know, consent mechanism. Of course that's different.

Bitcoin Viability for Applications

I. Yeah, I think that using bitcoin to run everything is dumb. Sorry, wait, so you think it makes more sense to have everybody have their individual coin that has to, like, bring up their own ecosystem?

Preference for Token Usage

Wouldn't you, like? I'd way rather earn bitcoin as a fighter. Yeah, but you don't want the fighters to be basically bound by the price of bitcoin.

Impact of Bitcoin Price on Earnings

So if bitcoin dumps, all of a sudden they're like, oh, crap, I'm screwed. You don't want that to happen. You want ecosystems to live within their own ecosystems.

Independence of Ecosystems

Right. So if something is doing well, it shouldn't be dependent on the price of something else. So, yeah, I don't want everybody to be transacting in bitcoin, but even.

Dependence on Traditional Currency

Even the dollar is dependent. Yeah. So we're now getting to the talk of volatility, and volatility is a big thing.

Volatility in Token Markets

And the volatility. I mean, I'm using karate as an example. Hopefully only Larkin doesn't listen to this later, but, yeah, the volatility of karate combat is pretty steady.

Continuous Devaluation

It's a steady path downward. So I just want to make sure that people are compensated fairly for the things that they build, the things that they do.

Payment Strategies

And ultimately, if you're relying on somebody else's tech, on somebody else's token, you can't control that. Does that make sense?

Valuation of Resources

Well, so here. Yeah, of course. But that's, like, this just a paradox, really. And to some extent, like.

Value of Data and Monetization

Like, I. Okay, the data conversation. If you want to get paid for our data is very valuable, but they don't.

Monetary Value of Data

Why don't they value it? That. That becomes a different conversation. Like, how do we value things, really? You want to go down that route?

Calculating Value Performance

How do you value things? I tend to think pretty literally, like, you are making a lot of money off my data.

Expectations for Fair Compensation

I should be paid well for it. You are making a lot off this fight. We should get, you know, revenue.

Evaluating Ticket Economics

But then again, like, how much are karate combat tickets? And who really pays?

Community Structure Impact

Because a lot of them come for, you know, it's a community at the end of the day. So I, at one point, did get a cool ticket to karate combat because I was with some cool people that, you know, are involved.

Appreciation for Community Events

So I don't know. It's a trick. It's a tricky situation, because I think that it's a valuable event.

Community Engagement and Production

Everyone loves it. It's a big thing on the timeline kind of things. Like. Like, a lot of that money should probably go to the fighters.

Market Dynamics and Community Involvement

Hey, bitcoin says $65,000. This is fun. yeah. So about the whole thing there. It's.

Trust in Tokens

And again, if you're saying that you can't rely on somebody else's token to reward people, am I crazy to say that? Like.

Risk of Token Relationships

Well, I don't know. I think I can rely on the bitcoin standard more than the karate combat standard.

Comparing Preferences

Come on. You're telling me you'd rather have karate combat or bitcoin? I'd rather have karate combat because I can sell that a lot faster than you can sell bitcoin.

Velocity of Token Transactions

The transaction times are a lot quicker. There's no way for that ecosystem to survive or even exist in a bitcoin only world.

Operational Speed Compatibility

That's what I'm talking about. You need something that can actually operate faster, better than bitcoin.

Limitations of Bitcoin Use

Don't get me wrong. I love bitcoin as a store of value, but it's not viable for, you know, most applications.

Transaction Efficiency

What is the trend bitcoin can transact? Can you trade bitcoin quickly.

Centralized Exchange Mechanism

On a centralized exchange? Where are you talking about this, Kayla? Like, when.

Differences in Transaction Speed

Wait, so you'd rather have karate combat because it's like an extra. It's a difference in, like, ten minutes or train of trading?

Volume and Longevity

Mmm. Way more than ten minutes. But yes, because it's actually utilized for the technology behind it.

Using Tokens Effectively

That's what I'm saying. Like, everything has its, like, instant. I thought I'd crazy.

Token Speed Limitations

Or, like, I think bitcoin takes, like, ten minutes to do a transaction today.

Network Traffic Concerns

It depends on the traffic on the network. Try doing it while you have a bunch of ordinals being minted.

Functionality under High Volume

Good luck with that. Okay, so you're talking high volume. If you have everybody using that, it would be high volume all the time.

Balancing Volume and Functionality

And don't get me wrong, I love volume. I mean, that's how I make money as a minor.

Viability of Bitcoin Operations

But it's just not viable. Well, that's what I was going to say then.

Volume and Coordination

Like, there's the devil that showed again. Like, if you have more people and it's worth more, it's going to be more volume.

Operational Volume Concerns

Yeah. It's also going to be literally like, you're not going to be able to operate in it.

Operational Considerations for Token Use

You're talking about. It's. Okay. So bitcoin, roughly when you're dealing with these transactions, it's about ten to 60 minutes.

Transaction Timing and Congestion

And like, obviously network congestion makes a huge part of that as well as transaction fees go up based on how busy things are.

Applicability of Tokens

But there's no way for you to run a viable application on Bitcoin solo. I don't know.

Token Utilization Exploration

Like, there's this. I'd have to look it up. Like, I used to play this game and get paid in Satoshi's like that.

Gaming with Cryptocurrency

I think that makes sense. You know, Zebu, I think, or what was it called? How long ago was that?

Previous Experiences with Mining

Because I used to mine with my GP, my cpu, actually. And I love doing that as well.

A Year in Retrospection

This was like a year ago. And they like. I really liked them.

Bitcoin Gaming Expansion

I don't know what happened to them. Bitcoin gaming is actually pretty huge.

Potential Earnings

You can win a lot of satoshis. Sure. I don't disagree with you one bit.

Functional Viability Under Discussion

I'm just saying it's not a viable technology for you to actually use it and grant and like, in mass scale, like, try running a fortnight game on the backs of bitcoin.

Market Readiness and Application

It's just not going to happen. That's all it is.

Influence of Market Development

Okay. Very based on that. Because like.

Potential Limitations for Adoption

Yeah, but there. You didn't know that there's bitcoin gaming.

Emerging Gaming Opportunities

Like, it's like mobile gaming. It's not a big game.

Current Gaming Environment

Yeah, I mean, we literally have games on the blockchain of bitcoin right now, which is kind of weird, but it works.

Pros and Cons of Token Use

It's there. Right. It's just not something that we can do day in, day out. I do agree.

Token Models

Like, game tokens, that they tend to be the best example of, like the tokenomics models I like, learn to earn, you know, that kind of stuff.

The Karate Combat Example

Which is why I'm telling you that this is a perfect example of how it doesn't work, Kayla. Like, karate combat is literally a game.

Real-Life Application of Tokenomics

That's, that's what it is. It just happens to have actual individuals, not little pfps fighting each other. So it follows that same.

The Ongoing Token Economics Discussion

Same notion. Yeah. This is literally an impossible problem.

Endless Token Conversations

It's one of my favorites, though. And I've just done a lot of research and, like, how tokens work, because I like, you know, did research for learn to earn for a while.

Recurring Themes in Tokenomics

So, yeah, that's, that's it. It's an endless conversation.

Continuing the Discussion

Like, we could go on a loop here if we really want. Oh, yeah. I'm really good at that.

Core Points on Token Economics

But I want to make sure that we hit the. The big points allocation is number one thing that people need to be considering when doing dealing with tokenomics, because things will absolutely change.

Importance of Strategic Allocation

And honestly, just, you know, tank, based on how you allocate funds, a lot of tokens out there, they are not a, very clear with where their funds go, but most of all, b, they don't even tell people once those allocations are made, let's say they have 5% marketing it don't tell you.

Awareness in Fund Allocation

Oh, yeah, by the way, we sent out x number of tokens to influencers who are going to immediately dump once this thing reaches a certain threshold.

Understanding Token Allocations

Like, that's really the most thing, that most important thing that I think people really need to watch out for. That's how you get.

Consequences of Poor Token Management

That's how you lose your shirt. I don't know how else to say it.

Critical Reflection on Token Management

Like, that's how you get in trouble in the spaces by not paying attention to where tokens are being allocated to and who it's going to.

Community Support and Token Value

Because if you want, again, a strong, let's go to your thing, Kayla, a strong community that's going to support the tokens, well, you got to make sure that thing actually is viable and people aren't going to be dumping on it, which happens time and time again.

Preventing Token Dumping Strategies

Yeah, well, how do we prevent from people dumping? You get people who are literally, how do I do this?

Structuring Token Sales

You can either set timelines, you can set Max minimum buys, and I won't disclose this publicly, but I'll share with you. Here's an example.

Personal Token Investments

Like, I have this bag right now, here, I'll send this out. And I'm not selling. And it's not because I'm stupid, maybe because I'm stupid, but just because I know that it's going to go higher.

Long-Term Investment Commitment

And I have a. Literally a verbal agreement that I'm not going to be selling this token for the next three months. And I abide by it, I guess, because that.

Launching Tokens

So if you're launching a token, do not send any to Kayla. She's going to dump on you. Send it to me instead. I will. You know I will hodl that thing until it goes to zero. Don't you worry. I got you. Kidding. She's not. She's definitely not.

Finding Solutions

All right, action. Well, wait, who's on Gen Z account? I got that one. Well, I'm curious, like, so what is the way that we could solve for this? Like, if you had to give us one answer. What's the question? Exactly. If you had to have one solution. Like, what would it be for? What part of it? Like, if I had to do one. If I could pick one solution for tokenomics, like, actually surviving, it would be build cool things on your plot, on your project. So what would you. What's your one thing?

Mentioning Personal Experiences

I got bit by a mosquito. Oh, lovely. Another one? Yeah. The way you sound right now, Aaron, it's more like a wasp. But here's my solution, Kayla. Don't distribute your token to people who don't believe in what you're doing. You could literally have a vaporware project. If you have the right people that believe in you, they're going to make sure that you are doing okay, even if the product isn't that great, as long as they believe in what you're doing.

Team Dynamics

So it starts literally from the top. Make sure that the people that are part of the team are actually part of the team and not just somebody that wants just to turn around a quick buck. Because let me tell you, there is lots and lots of those people out there, and they're very easy to find, and people will get burned time and time again. Reach out. Okay, mister, I sold karate combat. My karate combat that I bought with my own money. Yeah, I sold karate combat.

Investments and Risks

Kidding. No, I would never. I would never sell a token that somebody, like, told me to be a validator for. I was a koi validator back in the day. How's that coy token doing? Hey, I love koi. That was not the question. I actually haven't checked. Yeah, it's not. It's. The koi token doesn't exist. That's why. What do you mean? How much is koi worth right now?

Exploring Token Economics

That I don't know, but I do remember, I. What do you like? Their toy has a token. What's the koi token? There's really no token. I mean, I didn't make that up. Like, koi rewards is a thing. Oh, yeah. No, koi rewards is definitely a thing. What are you talking about? What's the token for koi? Don't. I don't. Don't there no. Generate passive income.

Understanding Token Allocations

They generate passive rewards. What's the token? Back in the day, I don't know if you know, let me know. But back in the day, koi gave out tokens for people to be validators. That's 100% a fact. Like, so you tell me how that can be true. I don't know, because now I don't know the ecosystem as well.

Long-Term Investing Perspective

I love it. I know too much. So here's the thing. Koi is technically not live. So your tokens don't have technically really exist. You have rewards as far as koi goes, but you don't actually have the koi token. They've delayed TGE for a little while, but they will. They will be getting that out. But that's what I'm saying.

Investing Insights

Like, that's an easy way for those tokens to not go down is the token isn't actually live. Well, yeah. I don't even know what that token is doing. No, that's in my, like, three year old wallet. So lord knows you're going to make some good money. Don't you worry. Just hold on to it until they launch. You're, you're going to be okay.

Career Reflections

You're, you're probably going to quit your job. No. So, yeah, my biggest, one of my biggest career regrets is that I was interviewing with Koi and they offered, I think it was like 40,000 of their token or something cool, like, you know, and you just had to hold it for three or four years. And at the time, I was like, this is a lot.

Trust and Trustability

They're, like, asking me to put a lot of faith in the fact that they're going to last for four years. We're almost at four years right now, and that's when it unlocks. So then I got into some, like, beta things where it was like, okay, you could, like, earn a little here and there, but I know some people have, like, are, like, legitimate validators for them.

Understanding Tokenomics

Technically. Yeah. I mean, it totally makes sense. I mean, you have, if you go under their tokenomics, they have, what was it, 10 billion tokens at launch, is what the total number is going to be. 300 million of those tokens were for desktop nodes under testnet. That's crazy.

Navigating the Space

I didn't even know that it wasn't launch jet action. I'm such a new. I think that's one of Gen Zel's clients. Yeah, I'm not on that account, but yes. Oh, man. Too funny. Yeah, I'm. I'm in no account and yet all accounts at the same time. So, I mean, that. That's a perfect example.

Maintaining Token Value

Like, the way that they did not lose their token values by not having the token be traded at all. Kind of crazy. Kind of crazy. Yeah. No, I love that. I love that. See, this is what I'm talking about. It's a science. Literally. Literally a science. So when you.

Holding Conversations

When you see that little. That token that I showed you, the 90. What is it? 90 million tokens that I have for that one company. Yeah, I'm cool. Totally cool with holding it because I know where it's going. Yeah, no, that's a great example, honestly. Anyway, we should probably close out a little early because our next spaces are going to be pretty.

Preparing for Next Steps

God, I am like, I literally need to get more coffee in me so I can do this next space. That's going to be a fun one. Wait, what's our next space again? Let me check. That was a joke. That was a joke. I thought you were going to be on top of this.

Working Hard

We're going to 20 minutes. Yeah. Oh, right. Denver. Dude, I'm the spaces. There was, like, five today. I have 1234-5678 got to remember, I started at 06:00 a.m. all right. I guess I'm the only one hustling out here trying to make. I'm actually not even trying to make money.

Passion for Learning

I just do this crap because I love it. yeah, if it was for the money, I wouldn't be here. I'll be honest with you. I'm not gonna lie to any of. You guys out there. If it was just about the money, I. Yeah, I would just cash out that. That bag.

Feeling Gratitude

and be like, peace. Yeah. Cuz, like, one bag is worth way more than, you know, spaces would ever pay me, so there is that. Toki, so glad to see you join us. I will need you, by the way, Toki, at 01:00 p.m. okay. I got a. I got a banger of a space that I need you to show up to, and that's pacific time.

Coordinating Events

Pacific time, by the way. But, yeah, we got cool stuff happening. Kayla, you want to work on your outros here, or you want me to do it? What do you want to do? I would love, honestly, if you sent me your outros, including your playlist, now? Yeah. You take it. Action.

Overcoming Nerves

With you on stage. I'm too nervous. I don't know. I don't know why you're nervous. He always did a great job. Like, always. Incredible what you do. And I have to say that, contractually speaking, I am not allowed to make fun of people that are on stage with me.

On Stage Humor

I'll totally joking. I rip into Aaron all the time. It's actually a lot of fun. But. No, seriously. Oh, all right. I got. I got to do this. I got to do this. I'm sorry. I'm fading it out just so I can say hello to Jane.

Welcoming a New Voice

Hey. Hi, guys. Hi, Jane. Hi. Hello to Kayla. And I have a question. First of all, maybe you guys already went through this. I just came in a little late. I'm in Florida and we're going through that hurricane situation.

Current Events

So it's kind of, it's slithering by the. My coastline here and we're getting feeder bands and whatnot. So my electricity was down, so I had my phone off of x and everything to save electricity in case of an emergency. Anyway, so I don't know how long you've been at it, but a deep dive into token economics, what a great topic.

Curiosity About Token Economics

Because that is so much of something that I would really like to understand more about. Because to tell you the truth, I don't fully understand token economics, especially when it comes to the web three, the DeFi stuff. And I don't know if DeFi stuff is token economics or not.

Investments in Cryptocurrency

I mean, right now I invest a little bit into bitcoin and I got a little bit on Ethereum and I got a little bit sitting on Cardona because apparently Cardona is going to be part of the Ethereum platform, you know, like a railroad track. It's going to run underneath Ethereum and supposed to take off.

Current Holdings

So that's where I'm sitting. And I haven't lost anything and I haven't gained anything as of yet. So, you know, it just kind of sits. So, that being said, I have learned that DeFi is the better space to be in because in a sense, the whole blockchain or thing, and I could be wrong about this, is kind of like a pyramid thing.

Understanding Investments

Like, all investing really is if you get in on the bottom floor, you're going to make more money. Because if you get in while they're cheap, of course you're going to make more money. But if you get in, like, bitcoin is so expensive. I'm not going to make any money in bitcoin. It's just basically a place for me to hold my money, like a bank account or something, you know, but it's.

Learning Experiences

I'm not going to get rich on bitcoin because I don't even own. I mean, I probably own one 10th of a satoshi. Okay, so I'm curious to understand what token economics is all about and would love to hear people's take on that and understand it better.

Value of Assets

Jane, a 10th of a satoshi is worth $6,500 right now. That's not bad. That's not. We don't have that much. No, I don't have 6500, so maybe I own a minuscule. Well, that's the thing. Like it all depends how often you check on it, right?

Investing Mindset

Like, personally, for me, I don't touch bitcoin. Like if somebody pays me in bitcoin, it literally just sits there. I don't even look at it. Like to me, it would be pointless for me to look at it just because I would touch it and I don't want to do that.

Store of Value Concept

So that's the whole store of value aspect of things. Now, to be honest with you, when it comes tokenomics, most people don't understand tokenomics and it's why they get in trouble in this space. If you're with eth and bitcoin, those are established coins.

Research and Due Diligence

Those are established tokens that people can't manipulate as easily. But if you take a look at smaller cap coins, it gets a little crazy and you might think, oh, the price is great, but you don't sometimes know how much of those tokens is going to team, how much those tokens are going to KOLs in the space that literally have the power to tank a token overnight.

Market Behavior

And I will go that go there. If you take a look at somebody like Kadena. Kadena was amazing. Like, I love mining Kadena. I made some good money off of there. And then the token price kept dumping, and dumping and dumping.

Understanding Market Dynamics

And we're like, well, it's gonna come back. It's gonna come back. It's gonna hit at least a dollar. Well, there are cell walls everywhere. And not only that, you see distributions to the team for like a million bucks every month almost. And you're like, wait, how in the world is this token supposed to go up and, you know, increase its market cap if all they do is dump more and more tokens?

Awareness of Risks

That's the danger is not understanding where the token allocations are going into and who actually holds those tokens. And it's that trust piece of it as well. Like I was telling Kayla, understanding who has those tokens, can you trust them to hold on to things makes a huge difference in your portfolio.

Impact of Knowledge on Investments

Really. It can be the difference between you having 100k in your account today and in a matter of minutes having a $1,000 because somebody else just sold everything that they own. Like that, to me, is the most important thing for you to understand when it comes to economics.

Learning the Basics

Like, don't worry too much about the intricacies of it, like of how it works. Take a look at allocations. Where is the money going? Who has control over tokens that will, nine times out of ten, tell you exactly how things are going to operate?

Continuous Learning

And it's, you're not going to pick it up overnight. I guarantee you're not going to pick it up overnight. I never picked it up overnight. I've been in this thing for twelve years and I'm still learning, I feel like a lot of times.

Engagement with the Community

So, it's definitely a continuous, learning process, which I actually love, because if I'm not growing, I'm kind of dying. So I love learning new things and, you know, staying up to date with this stuff. That's interesting.

Research and Resources

Is there a place where you can go to look up these things and see which tokens are when you refer to? First of all, when you refer tokens, what are you referring to? And then second of all, is there a place that you can go to where you can look them up and find out which ones are trustworthy and get to know the projects and stuff?

Finding Trusted Sources

Is there a site you can go to or anything like that you can recommend? Yeah, I mean, the simplest place to go is definitely going to be like coinmarketcap or coingecko. Now, for the allocation and the breakdown of those tokens, it's always different.

White Paper Importance

If they don't have it in their white paper. That is actually highly suspicious. And you should ask questions like, what is this really happening here? Like what's going on? Because if they're not sharing that information upfront, that's definitely a huge red flag, at least for me.

Understanding Tokenomics

But every white paper, like, it's almost a requirement for you to have that, you know, tokenomics and the allocations listed on there just so that people can understand how those things work. And I was just, you know, talking to Kayla about Koi and they're a great example.

Detailed Analysis of Projects

I love their white paper. It is 23 pages long, but if you go to page 22, it breaks down that the desktop nodes are getting 5% research grants, get 25% of token allocation ecosystem projects. At 20, the founding team is getting twelve and a half percent.

Investment Strategies

R and D pools, 12.5% and the initial k two nodes is 25%. But more than that, you also want to look at investing periods, right? Because you have both vesting and cliffs. And with all of those, you have these vesting periods which range from 16 months all the way to 48 months.

Project Timelines

And that tells you, and this is actually a big thing, especially when you're looking at VC's investing into different tokens. What are those cliffs? When are they going to unlock those tokens? Because it's almost a guarantee now that nowadays that if VC's are going into a project, they're going to be selling it as soon as they possibly can.

VC Investment Impact

Because they bought that for a fraction of what it's worth at any given time. I mean, that's how the game gets played by VC's. They buy a token at a, you know, a fraction of what they're worth and then they sell it as soon as they can. That's how they stay profitable.

Profitability Tactics

And it's a very nasty way of doing business. But it works, which is why they're still around and why I try to avoid them like the plague. Actually, I don't avoid them like the plague. That's. I'll give you another crazy tip if you go and follow who these people are investing into.

Following Investment Trends

I've done a lot of plays where I will buy some of those tokens and sell it before they can. Because what happens is that they don't have the ability of selling tokens until they're, until their vesting period is up. And as an independent investor, I can go in at any time and come out of that token any given time as well.

Navigating Market Volatility

So I always look at those vesting periods and see, okay, this thing is about, it is about a crash because these people are going to be able to sell their tokens. So let me go ahead and front run them. And it's just a matter of looking things up.

Research Methods

Like half of the time is just literally just google information. Look it up on xs. Grok Grog is actually really nice for a lot of things when it comes to web three stuff, just because there's so much information on Twitter and it will go through all that info and extract the important stuff for you.

Thankful for Resources

Thank you. Those are great answers. That's helped me a lot. So I just pulled up coingecko on my iPad and then Brock. Yeah, I think I have used LLMs to ask some questions and stuff. But those are great answers.

Understanding DeFi

That does help me to understand much more. So do you see, then, that the DeFi space is where the tokens are? I mean, I know you have layer one, you got layer two, and you got layer three. So is layer three meaning DeFi?

Investment Decisions

Is that the better place to place your investments? Given the information that you just gave me, that it's legit, the white papers are intact, it's got a good platform, it's got a good profile. You know what I mean? They're. It's a good.

Investor Perspectives

Cause. It's legit and all that kind of stuff. So if you are a small dollar investor, say, you know, like, I'm not a millionaire, okay? I'm just, you know, a regular person, I guess. We don't even have a middle class anymore, so you could probably class define me as poor.

Investment Background

So when they talk about the economy, right. So I don't have a whole lot of money to play with, and I have to invest very frugally. So would you say that the DeFi space would be the better place? And I do agree, though, that I leave my ETH and my bitcoin alone.

Learning From Past Mistakes

I don't even look at it, because. Because it really. It doesn't. And then you. I made that mistake, like, five years ago, you know, and I shouldn't have because, like, oh, I'm stupid. But you learn from your mistakes, right?

Patience in Investing

You're like, oh, my God. Oh, my God. I better take all my bitcoin out and put it all over here. And then as soon as I did that bitcoin hit the sky and I was like, what the hell? You know? Stupid, stupid.

Informed Decision Making

Should have just. I should have just, like, ignored the whole thing, so. But, yeah, definitely curious as to, you know, if you're. You're a low end investor, low dollar investor, where you don't have, like, $1,000 to throw at something, where would. Is defy the best place to play?

Advice for Investors

All right, so here's my hot take on this one. L three s. Are you kind of crazy? Because they're basically just like the layer where dApps get deployed. L two s are very common now because it gets very expensive for you to transact in l one's, like your bitcoins and ethereums of the world, especially when there is a lot of congestion.

Opportunities and Risks

Those l three s, essentially, you're talking about the apps being built and things that are up and coming. That's definitely the best way for you to do two things. Make a lot of money and also lose a lot of money just because that's the most volatile space there is. Right.

Learning Through Experience

So if you have an n, if you have a notion of, you know, something's about to take off, sure, that's definitely a way to go. This is absolutely not financial advice because I've lost a ton of money doing that. But, like you said, you learn from your mistakes, and that's what I've done.

Reflection on the Journey

I've lost, you know, a lot. Like, a lot. and I've also made a decent amount. But it boils down to, do you have conviction in the things that you're putting your money into? The whole, you know, do your own research narrative that we talk about in the space is real.

Personal Philosophy

Like, you actually got to be able to stand behind the things that you purchase. I have things that I don't sell just because I know where they're going. I literally share that screenshot with Kayla earlier, just to show her, like, yeah, I know where this thing's going.

Education and Sharing Knowledge

Like, I'm not worried about it. It's tanked down, to about, you know, 90. Almost 90% of what its all time highs were. And I held on, actually, about more because I knew where it was going. And its because of multiple aspects.

Understanding Team Dynamics

Right. Its because I know the team, I know who holds it. I know whos willing to sell, whos not willing to sell. I know that the people behind it are willing to put money into it. Theres a lot of different narratives behind things, but the best way to make money, I would absolutely say that its inside of those dApps and the things that are being built on top of existing infrastructure.

Investment Strategies

But, again, also the easy way for you to lose money. And let me tell you, Jane, I don't. I don't think you realize you're literally part of the 1%, right? Like, you're in Florida. You. You're on spaces at 11:00 a.m. in the morning for me, at least.

Valuing Your Position

Like, you are literally part of the 1% of the world. So don't. Don't. Yeah. Give yourself some credit. You're actually doing quite all right in comparison to most of the world. So you're pretty good over there.

Time Management

I just noticed that it's 1055. Kayla said that this was only going to be half an hour, but I love talking to people. So, Nikki, what's up? Oh, thanks. I appreciate you letting me up. I was just listening to her answer or question.

Community Engagement

And my perspective. I agree with everything you said. My perspective, though, from trying to onboard my homies or people just from IRL who, like, I overhear them and I can't stop myself. I hear them talking about XRP and Shiba Inu, like, you know, across the hall, and I just start like, shaking and then I got to say something and then.

Explaining Cryptocurrency

But by the time I get to talking about DeFi stuff and whatever, because they're trading on Robin Hood, like a lot of people. So not real crypto. Got it. Yeah. But I try to help them. Like, I like helping people.

Safety and Education

But there's, like, I'm telling you, there was so much to learn just from a safety aspect before meme coin summer. Like, it's so violent right now. Like, I'm telling you, I've smoked generational wealth probably three times in the last twelve months.

Investment Dynamics

Made it twice. You know, I'm saying, like. And I've been here for a few cycles, like, it's like that right now. So you almost have like an ignorance is bliss situation. Like some of the people doing the best right now are the people who don't know what they're doing.

Investment Strategies

They buy and close their wall and forget about it. And it sounded like you were. When you were talking about l three s from your. It's kind of sound like you're talking about meme coins because I came in a little bit late, but I just wouldn't recommend those right now.

Scams and Awareness

It's not even scams. It's all. It's like insider info and the window to make money. People will say, you can get lucky. Just keep clicking. Just keep clicking. That's literally the worst thing you could do.

Market Trends

You've never seen money evaporate so fast. And there's layer one blockchains at super great prices right now. I'm not even particularly a maxi, but just price wise and birth time, like, say see, like you, stuff like that where you can get a big bag for a low price, you know, I mean, but you know, it's gonna be.

Resilience in Investments

It's gonna be here when you wake up. Did you just show me Say? No, Br. I don't even really have any, but I'm just talking like, cuz the. All the. All the people at work or wherever, they're always like, oh, man.

Investment Awareness

Yeah, she's doing good today. I'm like, dude, it goes up and down 5% for last year, four years, every month. Yeah, or XRP. It's like they've only heard of the things that are on Robin Hood. But there's, you know, like you said, there's other good layer ones.

Exploring Layers and Options

There's good layer twos right on multiple chains. Just the defi aspect, I think, is so. It's just so much, like, for. For someone to comprehend and not even do it, even if they do it safely. Like, there's a million ways to get torched.

Seeking Knowledge

And this, like, starting this point right here, it. People who've been here forever, we're getting smoked this whole summer, you know, just trying to mess around the meme coins and stuff. You're dead on, dude. You're dead on.

Community Discussions

I was joking about that. The whole schilling. Suey, I'm with you. Like, Sue's definitely not only undervalued but underutilized as well. Same thing with Aptos. Like, the same idea, like, great blockchain is just not being used for what it was intended for.

Technological Advances

And on that same token, like, there. A freaking Hedera is a Yemenite. Amazing as far as technology goes, and people just overlook it a lot of times. So, yeah, I mean, I'm with you, and those are the ones that I actually buy and forget about because I don't want to be the guy who just dumps my bag just, you know, out of, like, oh, I want to buy something else.

Staying Focused on Goals

but, yeah, like, you know, Gene's question. Those. The dApps, the meme coins, all that stuff?

Trading and Money

Yes. That is the fastest way for you to make money and lose money all at the same time. You're dead on. Vaporize right in front of your eyes. Right. Just disappear. Yeah. Make sure the bathroom breaks aren't too long when you're trading need coins. Guys. That. That's. That's really, the space where to? God, bro, I can't go in there for three minutes.

Discussion about Sui

Jane, go ahead. Yeah. are you saying Suey? Well, how do you spell that? I'm not particularly, like, shilling a, but I'm talking about sui. Sui. And then say is s e I. I mean, like, I actually met with the say foundation. Like, I. I really, like, say, too. I didn't even know that was a. Yeah, it was, like, $0.25 not long ago. You know, I'm like, I should have stacked more. Just strictly off price. I don't know. The technology is being built or whatever because we're not building on it anymore, but. Twenty six cents, and my friends bought ETH at $2. You know, I want to be like that in a couple of years, you know?

Meme Coins and Dogecoin

Right. And then the other question. So about the. So, meme coins are basically defi coins or am I wrong about that? And then the other question is dogecoin. So many people talk about Doge. And I did throw some money on Doge and I really didn't lose anything and I didn't really gain anything. It seems like a pretty stable coin to stick stuff on the. Yeah. 2021, October, it exploded. And that was pretty much it, you know? Yeah. I'm just wondering, like, with its connection with Elon Musk and everything, do you see the possibility of it exploding or.

Elon Musk and Dogecoin

So Elon loves doge, which is the same dog picture technically, but it's doge you're thinking of Elon loves. And even that speculation that's gonna be integrated into XDev and stuff. Well, he, you could buy Tesla for a while with it. but that's dogecoin, which is at like, I don't know, maybe like eleven to $0.15 today. I haven't checked. Right, right. Yeah, that's what I was talking about. Dogecoin. Okay. Yeah, maybe I pronounced it wrong. No, you think those and she were very, like, they look the same. Yeah, I don't. Yeah. Shiba inu, I kind of stay away from because I don't know, something just, I don't. Something about it I don't like.

Investing Strategies

But the price value verse like how much you have to put in to be able to even get a two x. But you're looking for that generational win, you know. So it's been out for how many years now? And then if you just zoom all the way out on the chart, if you know nothing else, zoom all the way out and look and compare it to the other top meme. It's pretty much at its top. It's gonna go up as the bull goes, like everything else. But a, you know, a 5% gain on that buying at this level or spending the same money on something newer, maybe better technology, better price, better chance of, you know, ten hundred x, you know.

Experience and Lessons Learned

Okay, that makes sense. Thank you. Yeah. Eleven years. By the way, you're wondering how long ago it was. Eleven years. Yeah. No, I think I did tell you guys one time that when I was in your space, and I'm sorry I haven't been able to attend, but I do like this space. I feel so I could kick myself around the block 85 times because I, I was offered bitcoin at a dollar 90 back in 2009. Oh, Jane was in the Silk Road, guys. Nobody was. No, I wasn't on the Silk road, actually. I came across these people on Facebook.

Family and Connections

My niece got, I got connected with them through my niece up in Chicago. And there was a. Yeah, Chicago, man. Yeah. Yeah. She's. She's pretty successful girl. She's made a lot of. She's. She's. She's done very well in the crypto space. Nikki's even more interested now. Here we go. Yeah. Yeah. All my friends drop shipping back then, so. I mean, and I just really. I was like, oh, this is a freaking scam. I don't know. You know, and it was 2009, so, you know, social media was new and everything, and it's like, who do you trust?

Reflections on Opportunity

And who do you know? And how do you know back then? Hell, I should have just bought $10 worth. I mean, what the heck was my problem? I'm sitting here going, what a damn fool I was. Have you heard of the pizza guy? Your story? Yeah, yeah, the pizza guy. Right. Yeah. So. But I guess you win some, you lose some, right? Don't feel too bad, Jane. I was. I was buying indie games with bitcoin back in the day, so, like, I literally paid thousands of dollars for a game that's supposed to be worth $10. So win some, lose some.

Value of Community

It's just a matter. It's just how it goes. Like, I've also lost wallets with. With, like, a lot. Like, a lot. A lot of bitcoin. So it's. It's just. It's part of the game, just how things operate, right? Like, the biggest thing for me is making sure that a. I don't make the same mistakes. But secondly, hopefully, I can help somebody with my tragedy. You know, the things that I went through. That's, to me, what it's all about. Like, it's the reason why I'm still in the space, why I was saying, you know, to kayla, that it's definitely not about the money running spaces.

Conclusion and Mission

It's about connecting with people. It's a matter of. Of pushing the space forward and getting better. People that are actually willing to stick around and be here for the long term. Like, that, to me, is what matters most. people like Louise, who is a filmmaker, slash, crypto, whatever you want to call him. He's just a good dude. What's up, Louise? Good to see you. but, yeah, that. That's. That's me. That's me. It's just I want to be here for the people, regardless if we're making money or losing money. money comes and goes, but people, to me, is what matters most.

Gratitude and Connection

And I'm excited to say that the people that I've found in this space have been amazing, incredible. And I'm not leaving it, not because of the money, but the money's nice, too, don't get me wrong. But the people here are just incredible, phenomenal human beings that I love doing life with, you know? Yeah, this is. I like this group because you're more laid back and friendly. You are more approachable. Like, there are other spaces that I would be terrified to even ask a question because I think I would get laughed at, you know what I'm saying?

Creating a Safe Space

So I feel safe here to be able to come with. With quote unquote silly questions. But, however, there is no such thing as a silly question. But some people, there are silly questions. I'm usually posing those. I'm the one usually throwing those out. Kayla's gonna try to make me end the space now. Watch. Go ahead, Kayla. I was say that I keep pushing for educational spaces on Jensio. Those don't bring out people. That's the truth of the matter. Like, educational spaces are awesome, but they just don't get the crowd.

Expectations and Reality

People are looking how to make the next big buck, right? Like, how do, what's the next coin that I should put my money into so I can make a whole boatload of money? Like, that's really what people are looking for in spaces. And I don't share those out in spaces. I do that with the groups of friends that I have in this space. So to me, space is a way for getting, you know, people connected, getting people to know one another, to follow people. Like, you know, Nikki over here, who's a multimillionaire and hiding behind a deadpool costume.

Community Recognition

That's, that. That's really, you know, what space is all about for me. Like, to see, you know, postmaster down there who's going to fight at the IFC and is ripped right now. Man, what a hunk of man that guy is. Just, you know, good people, good people in the space. That that's what space is all about. Not so much about the hype. And don't get me wrong, like, I can get on just about any stage I want as far as spaces go, but I still choose to randomly go on little tiny spaces just for the connection, just to make sure that people are doing the right things in a space.

Investing in Humanity

And I'm not talking about buying or selling the right things, just being good, decent human beings, because that's, to me, what matters most and where I want to spend my time is by investing in people that matter, people that, you know, wanted the right thing. Or ultimately, right. Postmaster. Oh, I'm just still blushing here. Action man. thanks for the compliments, my guy. But you're absolutely correct, man. And, love the conversation today. Glad to be on the panel.

Looking for Challenges

Thanks for having me up, guys. Hey, can I fight an underguard? Just a yes. It's all. It's all you, bro. Anybody can sign up for the IFC. Get on that. Get on that website, sign her up, call somebody out. Let's go. No, I'm trying to start beef with somebody. Whoa. Give me your. Give me the weight and height here. We can. We can make something happen.

Setting Up Fights

I'll tell you who you got to pick a fight with. Every time I tweet it out, though, everyone tags world champion belt holders instead of influencers. I don't know. Interesting. Interesting. Sorry. If it pays good, I'll get hit. What's the. What's. Well, I know that Toki is doing that right now. Toki. Crazy enough he's down there. He decided to fight somebody who has a boatload of experience. I don't know what he was thinking, but I'm still gonna put my money on him because I love the kid, but.

Anticipation and Predictions

Nikki, come on. Wait. Hi. Give me something here. You don't have to give me your current weight, just the weight that you'd like to fight in. Maybe I can get down 165. I can get down to 165. Probably take it. Take a year. I'm gonna be hungry after, though, bro, so I gotta get food after a year. I'm 100% with you. Well, so how tall after this meme coin? Summer.

Height and Opportunities

Brahma need a year, too, just to run up the stairs. So how tall are you? 511. Oh, you're a little bit meand to all right. You could actually get. Go on with Vosk. Vosk would be a good match for you. Let me guess. He's a brazilian ten time world champion. No, he's a mining influencer. Who doesn't leave the house. I feel like I'm getting set up. You're not good.

Building Connections

Just look up Voscoin on YouTube. He's a homie. Not set up at all. At all. Dude, blind broker was going in. Yo, what about. What about Bane? Call Bane out. He just had a fight. He's got a little kickboxing. That'd be a good. I'd be good. Little boy named Bane. He's. He's. He's not that great.

Preparing for Challenges

Like, from bang. Yeah. This nice. He's like. He's like Bane from Batman's tech team. I don't know anybody here, so this could be a setup. I'm gonna die. Let's do it. No. Yeah, he had a fight on the IFC. It was like a special edition. One IFC. I think 40 was a 48 action. I don't know if it was considered 48. It was just the one in Florida, right?

Event Insights

Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Maybe it was the kickback then. That's a kickback. That's what it was. Yeah. They had a special IFC fight because most wanted, his opponent got cold feet on the event. Before that. They were supposed to headline, and so they ended up having, like, a special. He didn't. He didn't want to, like, abandon it completely.

Reflections and Future Fights

He wanted to try it out. So, yeah, they gave him a second chance and had him had a do that special fight, but, yeah, that'd be a good fight for you. I know. Most wanted, he's fighting doodlegenix October 11. So, yeah, be good. Be a good little fight. Nikki. Call out. Call out. Bane, bro, I got to meet these people before I even create beef. Right?

Community Connections

Damn. Okay. They're on Twitter. It's okay. Don't worry about randomly attack them. You're going to see their random PFB just. Just go by that. Have you ever done any martial arts? Like a class or anything like that? I recommend not fighting your best friend, too. Yeah, that was crazy. Yeah, I. You guys really. You guys really gave it, though.

Memorable Fights

I gotta say, when I first heard you guys talk, like, way back at consensus, I was like, oh, no, this isn't gonna be good for the IFC. Two friends fighting. It's not gonna be a great fight. But you guys just went out there and it was like you guys stole each other's boyfriends, you know? It's just a cat fight, man. It was great.

Post Fight Reflections

You guys both left with black eyes and bruises. It was awesome. Good work. Were you going after Ike? Was that the prize, Aaron? Like, Ike was. That was the prize? Oh, God, no, no. We were just animalistic. Like, we both talked about it after that. It just felt like an out of body experience. Like, it didn't feel like ourselves fighting, but we had so much fun doing it.

Perception of Fights

I think I just. At one point, I had her against the pit wall and I just was repeatedly uppercutting her in the face, and I saw her eyes roll to the back of her head. That didn't feel good. Like, oh, my. And you kept going. Yeah, and I had to keep going. Like, I hated that. When I saw my best friend almost dropping crying and punching him, but we, like, loved it.

Combat Sports

Had so much fun. So I think it's great. I think combat sports are fantastic, and fighting is wonderful, but, yeah, hitting someone you love and care about gets a little, like, gruesome. Yeah. Well, yeah. The encouragement was that, like, the faster you take her out, the. The sooner things would end. Right. Like, punch her just a little bit more and we can get out of here.

Fight Assessment

Yeah. I think first or probably both rounds, if I would have had at least ten more seconds, she would have gone. But, yeah, it was. It was bad. Super fun, though. Super fun, though. But, yeah, fight someone. So who do you want to fight next then? Who do you got beef with that you actually want to get in there with?

Future Matches

I don't know. Aaron. I will not fight you. I will not fight you, Aaron. That would not be fair. Yeah, action would be good for me. I don't have beef with anybody, so it's kind of just, like, whatever girl will step up to the plate next. I think they're working on finding me a second fight. they want to do at least two or three more next year.

Plans for Next Year

So the second another girl enters. Yeah, Kayla passed. Sorry. I love. I love what the blonde brokers out here doing for, like, women in sports, but I'm happy in the bleachers. What about the Jenna x blonde broker fight? That's what I was about to say. Pose. Oh, man. That would be it.

Intriguing Matchup

That would be a really good looking fight. I'm just gonna say that I would. 100% take that fight. All right, I'll make it happen. What is it like? I think, like, k one cry, like, kickboxing. I think you have a serious advantage, and Jenna might think so as well. You just looked a lot sharper than.

Analyzing Fighting Styles

Than she did, and she'd have to put on probably a little weight. She's probably shorter than you. Yeah. I think I'm going to try dropping more because I dropped 32 pounds for this fight, like, just to be able to fight Ashley. So I think I'm going to try and drop another ten to be maybe, like, a 135 weight class instead of 145.

Weight and Strength Considerations

But I also feel good fighting at 145 because I am a little bit thicker and have more of, like, muscle mass than my opponent did. So we'll see. Cutting weights tough, like, an extra ten pounds. Feel it. It's awesome that this, like, IFC for almost, like, everybody who enters. It's not a one and done thing.

Community Building in Fighting

And that this is, like, an actual league of keyboard warriors that are getting together. We might even have might even see, like, titles, like, really fun titles coming and everything soon. It's like, baddest dj on earth, and, yeah, it's gonna be pretty sweet. I think. I think there's gonna be a lot of cool people get involved.

Excitement for Participation

Oh, 100%. And talking about cool people getting involved. We got Ken Anderson down there, who is supposed to be getting in the pit, but keeps talking about grappling people. I'm like, dude, I just want to see. I want to see you punch somebody. Come on, Ken. I haven't seen anyone do that in there yet.

Event Engagement

Really. Of the influencers. Right. It's not as exciting. Like, it doesn't bring out the crowds. Right? Like, you don't want to see two men grabbing each other for, like, you know, three minutes at a time. It's just not that fun. And don't give me the geek crap. Can I get it? Like, it's more fun with a. Gee, there's a lot more that we can.

Mixed Reactions to Fighting Styles

I know. The only time I want to see pit submission series now is if they're fucking a plus. Martial artists coming from the UFC, they're looking to make a little extra because they're off on some, you know, injury or whatever. Like. Like, I don't want to see fucking anybody else other than the top, top notch fucking grapplers in the world in that pit.

Professional vs. Amateur Fights

Is it separated influencers and, like, the actual, like, the pro fighters? If the only difference is really, is there's no elbows now and the two minute rounds instead of three minute rounds, and there's still that sudden death overtime round. Four ounce gloves, like, it's still all the same. I thought they just added elbows or did I read it wrong or whatever?

Rules and Regulations

They did add elbows for the professionals. They didn't give it. They didn't give it to the IFC fighters. And that's what I definitely. For now. For now. I don't know. I don't know if we should allow amateurs to elbow each other in the face unless they have, let's say. Let's say on their fourth fight, they have three fights in the. In the IFC.

Future Regulations on Fighting

On their fourth fight, then we add the elbows like that. That makes sense. That's how nobody's going to know what to do. Well, I'm fighting. I'm fighting in the IFC with an absolute animal, and I have attacked of a target on my fucking elbow because I've knocked guys out in the ring with my elbow. So, yeah, there's. There's use for it.

Unique Perspectives on Fighting

You don't count post. You're special, you're different. You're not built like everybody else. Like, there's a few of us, you know. I was able to get in a good talk with George on this, actually, and my thought process was, what if we had one, just one of the referees set aside so that way every single fight that he did would be allowed for elbows and the other referee would be for all the other fights that were associated with the IFC.

Safeguarding Fighters

So that way we would know which two fighters have already agreed beforehand to using elbows versus the ones that would not have agreed to using elbows. So I feel like it's a good system, especially if, like, you can put it out beforehand. Hey, my fighters both want to be using elbows, put them in their own separate category. They already know the risks.

Regulations in Practice

They can sign the extra waiver associated. I think that's going to be a way easier process, and it still gets to showcase there's different opportunities within the IFC. So just my two fence and Ken, are you. Do you want elbows in your fight? Because we're already lining that up, dude.

Discussion on Fight Setup

Yeah, you know, I. I'd have to disagree with post a little bit. I think the more advanced you get in jiu jitsu, the less exciting the fight is because they know each other's skill set, and so they lock up and, like, almost like a stalemate. So I would rather get, like, some mid level, like, competitive world champion purple belts and brown belts in there instead because I think those guys would kill it from an entertainment perspective.

Entertainment and Competition

Plus, no gee, there's only like, five moves you can do in no gee. At least in Gi you can. Yeah, it's still. It's still too boring. So, like, without, like, big name behind it, like Al Jermaine Silver. Silver Al Jermaine was really an Al Joe fight. That was. That was exciting to watch, even though it was a boring fight because it's Al Joe, but, yeah, just all the other guys that have been coming in that, you know.

Exciting Matchups and Promotions

Yeah, mighty Mouse would be amazing. I mean, that's what I'm talking a guys. George St. Pierre. I want to see George fight fucking machida in a grappling match. I want to see fucking bis being fight George in a grappling match. You know, like these a plus cool fights. John Donald, you know, these guys that are looking to retire but still want a little extra, you know, like a ten grand payday, come watch the fights and engage with karate and maybe get some karate token for it or something like that. You know, just to have them promote and have them out there I think is a great thing, but just, I don't want to see any more. It's not a fucking platform like the ad whatever talk jujitsu platform for guys to compete in. So just let them fucking go do the Craig Jones invitational. I think that's what they're setting that up for. They've allowed Craig to use the PitA and they'll probably take up only gaming in there eventually after they establish a few tournaments and reward players with it. I'm sure that's going to be a big announcement coming up soon.

Karate Combat Rules and Restrictions

Had any like choke outs or submissions? No. Right. It's been all stand up because there's no submissions. There's no submissions. Oh, you can't. In karate combat. Yeah, that's illegal. There's no holding in karate combat. No submission holds at all. None. None. Okay, cool. It's karate. Karate rules. Yeah, but there is ground and pound. So let's say like you knock your opponent down with a punch, you have to finish it up. There's no standing eight count like kickboxing. So it's kind of like mma without any grappling at all. And if there's a hold, a break in action sort of speak. If they're clinching and there's a break in action, they're not punching each other for 3 seconds. The referee stands them up and resets them. Also, if the one opponent is on the ground, the standing opponent has to remain standing and they can only place one knee on the opponent. You can't mount your opponent, you can't put both knees on the ground and pound like normal. You actually have to remain standing with a posted knee on the opponent. So it's a little finicky.

Strategies in Karate Combat

Yeah. You can't have two grounded opponents. Two grounded opponents mean standing up. I'm down. Then you like lock up one arm while neon belly and just like ground and pound with the other hand. Yeah, yeah. As long as your action. As long as there's like not a break in the action. So if you're just holding them down for 3 seconds, the ref is going to stand you up. You have to be punching. Just rotate neon belly. Keep rotating. Yeah, neon belly. Actually neon neck. Neon neck seems to be what's working. You watch how Shazave just finished the fight and that's how all the goat shed guys are doing. It is neon neck. But if you have a hard time remembering, just remember post master over here. So you got a post with that one. You got to go and set the action.

Karate Combat Sports Memorabilia

Yeah, we should be in the app any day now. So you guys better be putting your karate on postmaster here. I'm going to take out a loan on my house so I can give you more money. Dude, I won top score in the last one. I don't know how that happened. So you might have highs. Dude, you were number. You were number one. I did. Of course I did. All right, y'all, send me your. You have a hash pack wallet. I do, yeah. Yeah. Okay. Send me your hash back wallet. I'm going to send you our token id to associate. We're doing karate combat sports memorabilia. NFTs for the fighters. So I'm going to send you one of those out for being number one on that. We're also going to do that for the next number one player. So if you guys are playing and you guys get it on that top leaderboard, boom, you guys are going to win an NFT.

Challenges with Travel Arrangements

I'm going to be in Salt Lake City. I'm going to be pit side with my two free tickets from the last win. Yeah, Ken doesn't know anything about Hedera wallets or anything like that. Well, it's not too bad. I'll teach you. It's easy. Just add a token. I'll send you a couple h bars if it's empty so you can associate the token id. And yeah, it's a really cool built on Hedera. They're dynamic hash null, so we can update the card individually. They're all individually inscribed. We can even overlay autographs. All sorts of really cool features that normal NFTs really don't do. Ours are the most advanced, best looking three D MP, four multi image. There's PFP image in there. All sorts of really cool stuff. So keep quiet, don't say it. Just post, make sure. Check out Ken's bio.

Flight Concerns and Logistics

Here it comes. Here it comes. Hey, post, do I get a fighter bug? Hang on, he's. He's looking at one broker. Yeah. Pick. Pick whoever you want out of the collection. Absolutely. Also, you can have your own fighter bug. I want my fighter bug. Let's go. So you just got to go to stick bug.org, hit the pages fighter portal and sign up right there. Just send us a couple photos. It's all automated in the background. Takes me two minutes to make a card. And then you're automatically entered into the next mint. Fighters also get 60% of the revenue right off the top. 20% hbar, 40% in our stick bug, karate token or hbar token, whatever you want to choose. So, yeah, so, yeah, it's pretty cool. Pretty cool project.

Coordination for Future Events

You should definitely send something to a founding team member of Hedera. 100%. So, Ken, coming at you, brother. Yeah, I'll dm you my account id. You got me there. Action. You got me. He's being facetious. So facetious. You could see Tokyo wanted to jump in too. I thought it was better if you just checked their bio. That was a little bit funnier. Bread. What's up, man? Good to see you here, Robert. You're down there as well? What's going on, man? Good. See you guys. This space was supposed to end, like, literally an hour ago. I love this. I never go in spaces either anymore. I just stumbled in. Well, I'm glad you showed up, dude. So glad you showed up.

Reflections and Future Engagements

I had to change the title, so I said a deep dive into token economics. That's what got me, actually. It would piss me off. Yes. Token andomics. Token andomics. I said, like, ten times in my car. Good job, kayla. Way to make it confusing, dude. You nailed it. Yeah, that was autism, needless to say. Yeah, the spectrum gets us sometimes, I gotta be honest there. Yeah, I didn't see the psych at the end. I literally just added the psych. Like, just. Oh, my God, I was pissed. That was good. I just figured it'd be appropriate for where the conversation's going, you know?

Dialogue around Tokenomics

Oh, man. Ken, since we're talking about very tokenomic topics here, are you going to see you in Seattle in a week's time? Yeah, I got to figure out. Figure out logistics. I mean, that's a $500 round trip flight from freaking Sacramento to Seattle. That should be like $120. What? Oh, I need to buy it. I haven't bought my ticket. I need to do that. I just checked it, like, yesterday, and it was like 120 round trip. Yeah, well, I mean, if you're like, if I want to go through Vegas, I can pay 160, but now it's a 16 hours flight from Sacramento, which is normally an hour and a half flight.

Travel Arrangements and Implications

What about, have you tried skip lag? No, I have not. You should. You're probably gonna get a great deal. Skip lag is the way to go. Just can't do it too often. Okay, I'm gonna check that. It might be worth it. I mean, if I'm gonna go through Vegas and have a 16 hours one way flight, I might as well just drive and have a car there too. That's a bit of a drive, though. Maybe I could join. That's nothing, Ken. You've done worse. I did. I did coeur d'alene a month ago, so that was a twelve hour each direction drive, which is basically a Seattle drive.

Travel Plans and Collaborations

So you're fine. You'll be able to make it, and you have the car on hand. I see no downsides here. My flight just went from 120 to 630. Well, that's not good. I should have bought that yesterday. Have you tried sliplag or something? Yeah, that's usually the way I go. to Seattle. Thanks, toki. Appreciate that. You could always just fly to Las Vegas and meet up with Ken and get a car and go together. Oh, boy. You can fly to Sacramento. We'll drive together. We could. We could hand off driving and do spaces. We should go bigfoot hunting up there.

Adventure Plans and Landscapes

It is a crazy, beautiful drive, though, I gotta say. Like, there's so much variety on that drive. It's wild. But, I mean, yeah, you get to drive through the redwood forest. It's absolutely gorgeous out there. Yeah. Dude, seriously, action. If we end up not buying our $600 plane ticket, check to see what it costs to fly to Sacramento, we'll just spend 16 hours drive or 12 hours driving, I think 13 hours driving, whatever it is. I don't know. I think you're. You're one of the few people that I'd be willing to do that with. Blushing. No, it'd be good. That'd be a good drive.

Costs of Travel and Alternatives

I can skip leggy for 220. He's like, no, Ken, this ain't it. Nope. Not worth. I feel like an idiot now for not buying that ticket yesterday. Wow. Well, in another deep dive in token economics, this is why you buy tickets ahead of time, guys. Plantain for success. Otherwise, you're planning to fail. What kind of crazy person would deep dive token economics? Me? Dude. Why wouldn't he want to? I mean, come on. I'm totally kidding.

Deep Dive Conversations and Regrets

I picked the topic. It is a little nerdy, and I regretted it a bit when I was. When it was just me in action up here. This is fun, guys. I left Knoful's roundtable to come about gaming to come tokenomics. Wait, who was running it? Oh, who was running that one? There's somebody else there. But K two was. Was also in there, so co hosting. K two and David. It's fine, dude. I just. I was just checking.

Post-Meeting Reflections

But if you guys want to be in that space, we can definitely send you guys over there. All right, guys, we're going to talk about gaming today. Super excited to be like, I don't want to be in that kind of space. But tokenomics, that's what I came here for. And bonding curves and like dual token models and yes, go keep giving me more. Yeah, so, so Ken, tell me Tashi, is, are you guys gonna have a token? Yeah, we're actually gonna have two tokens.

Understanding Token Dynamics

Why, why do you need two tokens? we got one. That's the utility token of our deepen infrastructure, so that like web two guys can come in and just be like, here's my credit card, give me an API key and call it a day. And then if you don't care about crypto and you're a gamer and you're part of our Deepin resource pool, and you start getting compensated in what we call Itashi, then you could just cash out to USD super easy. But if you're a crypto degen like me, then you can cash out toshi and go deal with the Toshi is what our treasury is in. So that's what's going to be our reward emission is coming out of that treasury. So, so if you just want to stick in the web two space, stick with Itashi.

Distinct Token Functionality

If you want to play in the web three space, you can convert to just Tosche and go have fun. That's weird. You're doing something that makes sense as far as token goes. That's not very common nowadays. Yeah, well, and I'm starting from the web two side. Like my, it was first principles, right, of like, I want people to put people to be able to put in a credit cardinal and buy credits that aren't going to change the value of the utility they get out of it. Like, I want them to be able to be like, oh, I'm going to buy, you know, 10,000 ccus today and they can use 10,000 ccus within the next month or two.

Volatility and User Experience

I don't want the volatility of the token to affect like their utility capabilities. That's one of the main things that turns off the whole webpu space. We're trying to like disenfranchise Excel bytes from the game cloud infrastructure space. How do you separate the two? They're just two tokens. One of them is basically a stable coin. That's the itashi. We're still talking about how we're going to pin that. I think we're going to pin it just to USD, but you could potentially pin it to the resource utilization so cycles. And then you can think of it almost like gas.

Game Development and Networking

It's almost like, you know, you're selling gas and the gas has a fixed price in USD, but Tashi is a speculative token. But yeah, I mean, our whole focus is like, you know, our deep end strategy is basically how do we engage with the gamers machines to do very simple tasks, not heavy validation tasks, but very simple tasks like consensus participation in multiplayer games. Basically our deep end strategy supports our multiplayer strategy. And the multiplayer strategy we spent a year doing product market fit in the web two space.

Innovations in Gaming Technology

So we're already talking to the biggest game companies in the world about using our tech just for peer to peer multiplayer. And then deep into adds resilience and accessibility and all that stuff. Any examples of an operating system that uses this model right now? Well, it's not really an operating system thing if we think of it from a gaming perspective. We're working with one game, Rocket team racing, that is doing almost like a Mario Kart style game and helping them build it so that. That they don't have to have servers.

Cost and Resource Management

I mean, if you look at the top games in the world, I mean, Roblox spends $600 million a year on their cloud infrastructure. And a portion of that, probably a good chunk of that, maybe 400 million of that, is network egress costs alone. So just the network traffic going from their servers to their players. And basically what we're saying is like, let's take that entire $400 million budget and put that back in your bottom line as Roblox, and now they're more profitable and can put money towards more things and all kinds of stuff like that.

Peer-to-Peer Gaming Models

So the whole thing is like that $400 million that goes to network egress now just disappears because we've enabled strictly peer to peer and we're doing it without hosts and clients and servers and clients. So those are kind of like the two models. If you log into unity and you choose your network transport for multiplayer, you have server client and host client. Host client just means one of the players in your game session is acting as the server. And what we're saying is, no, everybody's the server.

The Consensus Algorithm

And we're using a consensus algorithm with sub 50 millisecond latency to synchronize all the servers together. So everybody validates each other, all the game logic. Server logic lives in each player's game. There's a little bit of overhead. There's about one core and 30 megs of memory overhead for the consensus algorithm, but that's low enough. It could run on a mobile device. So. But there's a whole bunch of other questions that are outstanding, like, what happens if people are behind firewalls?

Challenges of Networking and Participation

What happens if too many people fall out of this game session and there's not enough people for consensus? And that's where deep end comes in. So there's, like, a practical use case for deepen right there. Here's a dumb question. What chain was this? Is it deepen chain or. Nope, we're not using it. We're actually integrating with all the chains. So each game session is its own side chain, if you will, using our technology.

Asset Management and Synchronization

So Toschi consensus engine tce sits under every game session. And then what you can do is you can lock up assets either with, like, a smart contract or some type of ZK mechanism on an l one or an l two. And the game session players can all witness that asset lockup and load it into, like, a game session ledger, play the game, settle between each other, and then passed a. A proof of the final state of those assets back to the l one or l two.

Compatibility with Various Blockchain Solutions

So we're compatible with every l one and l two. The idea is that, like, we handle the actual game logic and synchronizing the player state in the game, and then all of the asset type stuff that doesn't have to happen at the millisecond level can happen at the two to five second periodic level. Happens on the l one s and lithe twos. For anybody in the audience. And I'm talking to a friend out there.

Implications of AI in Gaming Development

What I love about what he just said was, if we have intellectual property, if we have an idea, perhaps just a game we want to develop. With AI today, you can literally start building your game right now. And it seems to me like Ken is going to provide a solution for me to come and beg him to try to test my game out to see if the mechanics work on the tokenization. Now, where it gets really cool is, and I would say six months to two years, this will be very easy to talk to.

Game Development Innovations

Build. There's a new announcement by, I think, unity, or was it unreal engine, one of the two major engine developers where you can text to develop your game. So, hey, I imagine a world of Super Mario, but I'm the hero. And I'm a cat. And I'm a kitty cat, and you'll make your game. So thanks, Ken. I look forward to that. Yeah, no, that's kind of scary. I'm gonna bet that's unity, because I go to a bunch of the Unity conferences, and I've spoken at them and they're heavy into AI for a lot of stuff that sounds.

AI Developments in Game Creation

I didn't see that announcement, but I wouldn't doubt that would be something they do. I think there was an, I think that was an Nvidia announcement, actually. There's a gentleman by the Ben Tristan and Ben Tristam who is a voice for unity, who would teach to do this over the last 15 years. Very famous guy. So we did this test about two years ago to build AI models to do this, and this is what it's turned into now.

Advancing Game Creation Techniques

You literally say the following, hey, unity, I want a platformer game. Or it'll even talk to you and say, what kind of game do you want to make? You'll be like, I like Sonic the Hedgehog. And it'll be like, let's start there and it'll walk you. You have a conversation with the AI to make your game. So that's kind of rad and very cool because in the crypto space, imagine your own game, an actual game that works where people get to participate and get tokens back or airdrops.

Airdropping and Community Engagement

And what we're watching right now with Hamster and that's kind of wild. And how 131 million people are supposed to get some kind of airdrop. This is just wild. Today's a wild day. Thanks, guys. Yeah, I mean, I'll say about the AI stuff, I've always been really skeptical about AI, but where I find that AI is really useful is if you've ever done programming, there's something called paired programming, where, like, you have somebody sitting with you acting as your navigator.

The Role of AI in Programming

So you're the pilot writing the code, and you got your navigator looking over your shoulder and going, yeah, you could probably do that better. Or. No, here's a better way to do that. Like, that's why Copilot's called Copilot in the AI space, is that it's not really meant to write your code for you. It's meant to have a conversation with and to be your copilot or your navigator in the paired programming. Okay, so, yeah, exactly like, you were just talking about it.

Collaboration in Coding

Like, having a conversation. Develop your game. And there's always going to be optimizations, right? Like, net code is non trivial. Like, I don't think that there is an AI out there that has been trained well enough to do good netcode for everybody because everybody kind of figures that out for themselves. Netcode sucks. Yeah, that's just the, that's the code you write to handle all the anomalies of the Internet.

Smooth Gameplay Makes a Difference

So if you've got a multiplayer game that talks to the Internet, like, latency and jitter and all kinds of weird stuff that happens on the Internet, you have to be able to handle that and smooth it out in the game. So the gamer experience is good. Good netcode is what makes a good game. That's why, like, Valorant does so well. It's why CS go does so well on a competitive scene. Like, it's not the highest fidelity graphics, but it's got some killer net code.

Expectations in Gaming

So. Dude, making it smooth is everything. Like, there's no question about it. Like, I don't care if it's potato graphics, if it's actually smooth gameplay, that's not going to be, you know, jittering me, putting me random places in the map. Like, I'm all for it. Yeah. There was actually a game that came out a few, like five years ago, I think, or maybe six years ago. And I can't remember the name of it, but I. You actually play as, like, capsules.

Memory Recall of Unique Games

So basically potatoes, right? It's the lowest fidelity, lowest poly first person shooter you can play, but it apparently had, like, the best net code in the world. And, like, pros were playing it because it was so amazing on its. On its gun mechanics and its responsiveness and its net code, but it was like the worst graphics ever. I'd be down for that. I gotta figure out what that game is. I don't remember.

Engaging Developers

Yeah, now I'm actually curious. I'm trying to look this up. Looking potato graphics. Yeah, I have to look it up because I have. I had one of my employees played it, like, religiously, and he was like a top player in Apex Legends and a top player in Valorant, and so. And he wouldn't play that game forever and stopped playing those other games. I'm like, huh? But real quick, I'm just gonna put a pitch out for Tashi.

Innovation in Game Longevity

We kind of touched on a little bit earlier, but we've kind of evolved our messaging. And for anybody who doesn't know, we're now kind of like the, we call it the forever game protocol. The idea that if you build using our technology, which is strictly peer to peer, the handoff from the game company to the community at the end of the commercial life of the game becomes trivial. So right now, one of the challenges is that, like, suppose you have a game and you're operating at two to 5% margins, and you're just not making enough money as a game developer.

Transitioning Game Ownership

If you get to the end of the commercial life, you just shut the game down, and all your players are like, well, wait a second. Maybe were a small community that just loved your game, or maybe it'll become a retro game someday and pick up kind of an occult classic. But, like, the game disappears right now in the current state of things. And so our technology actually enables that game to continue to live on with the community because you don't need servers anymore.

Final Thoughts on Game Development

And what server technology you do need lives in the deep end. So if we do this right, Tashi can step out of the picture, our deep end network can take over, and people can build games that just last forever. And as soon as the commercial viability of a game ends, people can just keep playing the game forever. Theoretically, that's. That's the plan. That's what we're shooting for. That was a pretty good pitch, Ken. Like, you're gonna make me closes out the space and do something fun with it just because now.

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