Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space RIZ UP CRYPTO hosted by RDNTCapital. RIZ UP CRYPTO delves into Radiant's groundbreaking project of creating an omnichain money market on LayerZero. The space emphasizes cross-chain interoperability, user-friendly interfaces, and security measures, aiming to revolutionize DeFi. Radiant's vision includes a vibrant ecosystem of diverse financial services across multiple blockchain networks, underpinned by scalability and performance enhancements. By integrating LayerZero technology, Radiant sets itself apart in offering a comprehensive solution for cross-chain asset utilization in the evolving landscape of decentralized finance.

For more spaces, visit the DeFi page.


Q: What is Radiant's main focus in developing an omnichain money market?
A: Radiant is focused on enabling seamless cross-chain deposits and borrowing for users.

Q: How does Radiant's platform enhance user experiences in DeFi?
A: The platform provides efficient cross-chain interoperability, diversified asset management, and user-friendly interfaces.

Q: What technologies contribute to Radiant's platform scalability?
A: Radiant integrates LayerZero technology to ensure scalability and security for diverse blockchain transactions.

Q: What benefits do users gain from utilizing Radiant's omnichain money market?
A: Users can efficiently manage assets across multiple chains, accessing diverse DeFi strategies through Radiant's platform.

Q: What sets Radiant apart in the DeFi space?
A: Radiant stands out by offering a comprehensive cross-chain solution, emphasizing performance, security, and a seamless user experience.

Q: How does Radiant contribute to the evolution of decentralized finance?
A: Radiant's vision includes fostering a vibrant ecosystem of cross-chain interactions and financial services, pushing the boundaries of DeFi innovation.

Q: Why is cross-chain interoperability crucial in the blockchain space?
A: Cross-chain interoperability bridges gaps between blockchain networks, allowing fluid movement of assets and enhancing user accessibility.

Q: How does Radiant ensure security within its omnichain money market?
A: Radiant's architecture prioritizes security measures to safeguard user transactions and assets across multiple chains.

Q: What role does LayerZero technology play in Radiant's platform?
A: LayerZero technology integration enhances the platform's performance and efficiency, contributing to a seamless cross-chain DeFi experience.

Q: What core values underpin Radiant's project?
A: Radiant emphasizes user-centric design, cross-chain accessibility, security, and scalability in providing a holistic DeFi solution.


Time: 00:15:42
Introduction to Radiant's Omnichain Money Market Exploring Radiant's innovative approach to cross-chain DeFi activities.

Time: 00:25:18
Cross-Chain Asset Management Solutions Understanding how Radiant enables users to efficiently manage assets across multiple blockchain networks.

Time: 00:35:59
LayerZero Integration for Scalability and Security Insights on how LayerZero technology enhances Radiant's platform performance and transaction security.

Time: 00:45:37
User Experience and Interface Design Examining Radiant's user-friendly approach to interacting with diverse DeFi networks.

Time: 00:55:21
Vision for Cross-Chain DeFi Ecosystem Discussing Radiant's ambition to create a robust cross-chain financial services ecosystem.

Time: 01:05:14
Security Measures in Cross-Chain Transactions Highlighting Radiant's commitment to ensuring secure asset transfers across various blockchain platforms.

Time: 01:15:27
Scalability and Performance Enhancements Exploring how Radiant's architecture prioritizes scalability and efficiency in DeFi operations.

Time: 01:25:43
Diversified DeFi Strategies with Radiant Understanding how users can benefit from diverse asset management options through Radiant's platform.

Time: 01:35:58
Building a Trustworthy DeFi Ecosystem Insights on Radiant's efforts to establish a reliable and transparent cross-chain DeFi environment.

Time: 01:45:22
Future of Cross-Chain Finance with Radiant Looking into the potential impact of Radiant on shaping the future of decentralized finance.

Time: 01:55:39
Community Engagement and Radiant's Mission Exploring how Radiant values community involvement in achieving its DeFi objectives.

Key Takeaways

  • Radiant is developing an omnichain money market on LayerZero for seamless cross-chain activities.
  • Their platform allows users to deposit and borrow assets across multiple chains efficiently.
  • Cross-chain interoperability is a focus, enabling fluid movement of assets between different blockchains.
  • Radiant aims to provide a user-friendly experience for interacting with various blockchain networks.
  • The platform's architecture emphasizes scalability and security for diverse blockchain transactions.
  • Users can benefit from diversified asset management strategies through Radiant's omnichain money market.
  • The project highlights the importance of bridging gaps between blockchain networks for enhanced user experiences.
  • Radiant aims to revolutionize DeFi by offering a comprehensive solution for cross-chain asset utilization.
  • The platform's integration of LayerZero technology enhances performance and efficiency in decentralized finance.
  • Radiant's vision includes fostering a vibrant ecosystem of cross-chain interactions and financial services.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Welcome

Hey, hey. Quick mic check. Hello, everyone. We'll be starting in a couple minutes. Excellent. Lovely. Thanks a lot. I see Yan already. We'll be bringing up our different speakers and then we'll get the show started. So give us two, three minutes to allow more people to trickle in and then we'll get the show started.

Initial Thoughts and Expectations

Yes, loud and clear, actually. Everyone. Gm gmdeh. Okay. Hello everyone. Welcome to the show today, welcome to the Risup crypto series of episodes. AMa's we have with some of the protocols that are collaborating with this game Galaxy campaign to bring some cool prices and to open up the opportunity to the isolated markets. Radiant innovation zone Ris, that's the coolest feature of radiant v three that we've rolled out some weeks ago and currently live on Arbitrum and also on base. Today we will be focusing on base but also recapping the key figures of what has happened on arbitrum and what could happen on base and the rest of the chains, of course, BNB and Mainnet.

Collaboration with Protocols

So we are really happy to be partnering for this AMA to welcome the protocols that are collaborating with us in the campaign. In this case, we have kelp, we have OKX and we have Stargate. So welcome Stargate. Kelp and OKX. Welcome Jan Ari, welcome lamp. And first things first, let's get to quick rounds to present yourself, to share a bit about your background and your crypto life, why you're in crypto, and of course about your projects and your protocols.

Focus of the Discussion

And then we'll start diving into why you decided to participate in this campaign and what the users listening to us today can get from this campaign and can discover when they launched into the Rishab crypto campaign. So let's get started with, for example, kelp. So Adi, welcome on stage over to you for a quick presentation on yourself and kelp. Thanks a lot, Isaac. Thanks everyone for inviting us. Aditya here from the Defi and partnerships team at Kelp Dao. This is short introduction about myself.

Background in Crypto

I have been in crypto for the last three years, was a part of the team which is also a staking firm which actually provides staking services on Ethereum, Polygon and BNB right now, then shifted to restaking. It seems like I've been a staking, restaking fanboy ever since I've joined Crypto. Apart from that crypto, Kelp right now has been doing quite well. We are at 700 million tvl with an all time high of 1.2 billion plus Tvl we have been live for the last nine months, essentially providing native restaking options, liquid native restaking options across Ethereum and nine l two s.

Current Focus and Future Goals

Overall, right now, we have been focusing, our main priority has been focusing on growing l two TvL and growing l two TvL with key partnerships such as radiant, Ramses, Camelot and many more. I'm looking forward to the discussion we're having today. Yeah, thanks, Isaac. Love, love to have you on the show. Adi from kelp. So thanks a lot for your brief background and for sharing what kelp is doing in crypto and what you're building.

Jan's Introduction from OKX

So thanks for that. And now we're moving on to our second speaker today, Janian from Okex. Super happy to be having you, Yan, for the second time on a row in this rise up crypto series. Over to you for your presentation and to share what. Ok, well, I imagine everyone knows what Okex is, but just a quick recap and what Okex Wallet is doing with radiant. So, Janian, over to you.

Overview of OKX Wallet

Thank you so much. I love the intro. It's always great energy talking with you, Isaac. I really appreciate that. So, yeah. Hi, I am Yan from Ocas wallet. I'm leading growth for Okex Wallet. So most of you guys know what Okex is. So I'm just gonna do a little bit more intro for Okex Wallet. As you guys know, it's one of the most popular wallets out there. We are integrated with over 100 tanks, 26 bridges.

Functionality and Mission of OKX

I think I just did a post, like yesterday. I said, really? Like, this is all you need for a wallet to manage all your assets in one place safely and conveniently. We're all about making crypto journey as smooth as possible. Right? You mentioned a question. Before you say talk a little bit about the journey of how we join web three. And gosh, I haven't even talked about this for a long time. I know this is a typical question to come up on these basis.

Travel Experience Leading to Crypto

So I actually was working in fashion for a long time, over almost like ten years. And I was in the middle of transitioning, you know, thinking like, you know, I've done this for ten years. I did a lot of creative work. At the beginning, I was a photographer, I was a stylist, and then later I joined modeling, and then I started to join e.com. so I was feeling like, yeah, like, what is new? Like, what was new out there that I haven't tried? Right?

The Shift to Crypto During COVID

And then Covid happened to, I started traveling as a lot of people nomading everywhere. And I happen to be in Puerto Rico and you guys know Puerto Rico is like the web three, like the crypto spot. So I just happen to hang out with bunch of people, you know, always all they talk about is crypto. And I almost feel like if I don't know crypto or I don't work in crypto, I feel really hard to join the conversation.

Engagement and Learning in Crypto

So I just like started to like learn from everyone and then immediately I started to launch and work on some projects with my friends there. I really believe the best way you learn either is like one, lose money or two, just go build some shit. So that's like how I started to join crypto. I think I started to learn really fast and recently I just joined OKx and yeah, the rest is story.

Reflection on Background and Opportunities

Well, love that intro. Yan. Yan, I didn't expect you. You were coming from the fashion and the design and arts field, but great. And of course Puerto Rico, great door to dive into the world of crypto. Absolutely, absolutely lovely your story. And now last but certainly not least, over to Stargate and ox lamps joining us from Stargate today.

Introduction to Stargate

Super thankful ox lamps, for having you today on the show. So over to you for a quick intro and then sharing what Stargate is. I keep repeating that I love Stargate v two every time I use it. I'm absolutely in love with Stargate V two on the product you launched.

Lamps' Background and Experience

So over to you for an intro. Wow. Thank you very much. Very kind words and thank you for inviting me on. I'm very excited to be on here. I always love talking about Radiant. My name is Lamps, been in crypto for a couple of years, joined at the start of last cycle. Have been with Stargate for a couple years now as foundation leading the Stargate foundation which supports the Stargate down the Stargate finance protocol.

Recent Developments in Stargate

We did recently launch Stargate V two at the end of May, which has grown to become the largest bridge within defi. And of course Radiant was one of the first to build on top of it. So very excited to talk a little bit about that. Absolutely. We'll love to discuss the role of Stargate, helping radiant and of course what we've built together.

Overview of the Galaxy Campaign

So lamps. Thanks for joining us. And now let's give a quick overview after you know a bit more about the protocols and also the people behind the protocols. So the speakers and their personal lives, which I also think is important to have like the clear picture of the faces of crypto. Now let's get into the overall high level picture of the Galaxy campaign of the rise up crypto campaign.

Campaign Government and Market Strategy

And then I'll pass it over to our guest speakers to describe why they were interested in partnering and collaborating with Radiant for this campaign and the detailed actions that they brought that they've added to the campaign. So first things first, the Galaxy campaign is focused on risk. So that's the isolated markets of radiant. So, a feature that we rolled out as part of V three, which essentially allows any user to go more risk on.

Core Components of Radiant

So lending and borrowing, of course, is the core of radiant. And we offered that for blue chip assets. So that's bitcoin, e stablecoins, lrts, blue chip assets that we're all very familiar with. But we also wanted to open the door to those more hot tokens, hot narratives, more risk on for those more degen out there, which wanted to have the opportunity to lend and borrow more risk on assets. That's what the isolated markets are focused on.

Isolated Markets Explained

So it's an isolated market in the sense that each of the markets that we launch, for example, on arbitrum, we have zero, USDC. That's one of the markets that's fully isolated from the rest of the isolated markets and fully isolated from the core markets. So basically, it's an isolated market in itself. And the way it works is for this particular example, and we have the same for kelp and other tokens.

Functionality of the Isolated Markets

We are enabling users to deposit zero or USDC. So any of the tokens in the pair and then borrow xero or USDC, they can also loop, they can also leverage. We will be discussing more about this throughout the show, but it's the first thing which is important to clarify is that these markets are not an LP market. So it's not a liquidity pool, it's not that you have to provide both tokens or even a single sided token, and you have a LP token.

Advantages of the Lending Mechanism

It's a lending and borrowing isolated market. So you can deposit one asset, you can deposit the other one, you can borrow any of the assets you can loop, you can leverage, but it's not an LP token. And that has certain advantages, because you can lend, you can borrow, you don't have impermanent loss, you have the supply rates, you have the boost in yields with the incentives that we are sharing. So that's all something which we built into risk to offer the opportunity to play with this more and invest in this more risk on assets.

Launch of the Risk Up Crypto Campaign

Having said that, risk up crypto is the campaign that we built to launch in parallel with the launch of the actual risk markets and the aim is to have four phases. So we're launching risk on the four chains radiant is currently live on.

Overview of the Galaxy Campaign

So that's arbitrum, base, BNB and Mainnet. And the Galaxy campaign will be a campaign in four phases, one for each chain. Currently we have the arbitrum phase live, which run for three weeks. We are currently undergoing or launching the base phase, which also will be running for around three weeks, and then we will be having the same three week campaigns for BNB and Mainnet as soon as we launch Ris on those chains. So that's essentially the dldrhichennesse. There are a number of quests that you have to perform.

Earning Mechanism in Galaxy Campaign

As with all galaxy campaigns, you will be able to earn, if you're eligible, an oat for each of the phases. So for the arbitrum phase, for the base phase, for the BNB, and for the main net phases, and then at the end of the campaign, if you have accumulated more than 60% of the eligible tasks, you will be eligible to have a stake in the global pusher, and you will be able to earn a part of the global pusher if you're eligible, having completed more than 60% of the tasks. So that's like the super summary Super TLDR of the Galaxy campaign.

Collaboration and Quests

And of course we have protocols collaborating with us which have tokens in risk, as is the case of kelp with Adi today. But we also have OKX and Stargate. And I'm going to ask you guys, so both the onion and lamps this question because, yes, Okex doesn't have a token in Ris, and Stargate doesn't have a token in Ris, but you're still offering quests because it's not only limited to Ris, only tasks, but also to open up the door to the rest of the radiant universe. So in this sense, the Okex wallet has many cool things that you can do within radiant, thanks to the Okex wallet.

The Stargate Experience and Collaboration

And the same applies to Stargate. Stargate has been with V one, in this case our native bridge. So you could deposit one chain and then Stargate bridge your tokens to a different chain, any of the supported chains, and now with V two, you can do it even more seamlessly. And I have to say once again that I love the UI, the experience, the cost, which has dropped drastically. So that is why Stargate and Okex are also joining the campaign to offer tasks that are outside the realm of risk.

OKX Wallet's Collaboration

So over to you, Yanyan. First to go for this first question, which is, why were you at OKX Wallet interested in collaborating with Radiant for the Galaxy campaign. Yeah, happy to explain. And I mentioned this last time as well, radiant is such an iconic protocol and a key partner for Okexe, you know, specifically within the arbitram ecosystem. And the same goes through all the rest. Partner of this campaign with Stargate, with Cal, with Raisin, and also with Mario, who is joining for the base phase. We're just super excited to see and super grateful, by the way, for radiant to kind of gather everyone together and launch like a big defi party.

Interest in DeFi Market

I think that's really cool. I know you guys have been planning on this for a while. I've been on conversation with the team for a while and say, hey, let's do something together. Let us help out how Okex can draw value to all the protocols to radiant. And also when this new initiative, this new campaign, we're offering users to have a chance to explore what is happening, you know, in the defi market specifically, and able to earn all the rewards, I think this is something OKX wallet users always have been interested in. You know, as I mentioned earlier, were kind of like the all in one wallet.

OKX Wallet Features

So within the OKX wallet people, you know, if you're interested in DeFi, there's a Defi section. If you're interested in what is the latest events and campaigns and earn some airdrops and rewards, we have web three giveaway, cryptopedia, and also we are launching a new initiative, and I'm kind of dropping the hint here. It's called ecohelp, where we can offer one page specifically. All you need to learn about arbitram, about what is in the community, what is the hottest. So it is kind of like feature all kinds of features that serve our, you know, multi different multitudes of users.

Collaborating Beyond Radiant

And I'm really grateful to be part of this campaign and offering, you know, this great chance for the OKex users to engage with all the amazing protocols out here. Absolutely love that, Yan. And it's very important to highlight one of the points that you were making, because this campaign is not only about radiant, of course, we hope we put up a great crypto party, as you were saying. But the main goal was to bring together some top DeFi protocols and OKX, of course, being one of them, and building upon the synergies and leveraging upon the synergies that we have together to build something which is far greater than each of the individual protocols.

Building Synergies

So that is the goal of many of the synergies, many of the great collaborations that I've seen in crypto, which is a great space to find the synergies, and that is also what we wanted to do at Radiant. So thanks, Janian, for highlighting what you were offering, dropping some alpha on new stuff that you can go check out using the OKex wallet, and of course, your collaboration with the Radiant rise up crypto Galaxy campaign. So some cool OKX related quests that we encourage you to go and check out and carry out if you're interested.

Stargate's Interest

And now moving on to with the same question to you, lamps and Stargate. Why were you interested in collaborating and what value do you find in the campaign that we built in resub crypto? Yeah, I think there's probably two parts to this question. The first actually ties into something that you asked within the introduction, which is why are we in crypto? It ties into why are we building what we're building at Stargate? And I think a lot of it comes down to what Radiant is showing off, which is the fact that we're all here to make a better user experience.

Improving User Experience

And obviously there are more philosophical reasons, but especially, I feel in the past six months, a lot of people have been really focused on ensuring that the user experience within defi improves. And that's something that I know that the radiant team thinks a lot about and is very clear within the product. Collaborating with all of these different partners to ensure that users experience is actually quite simple. And although it may be multi chain, everything feels incredibly seamless. And that's why so happy that Radiance is built on top of it was built on top of Stargate V one and now on top of Stargate V two.

Cross-Chain Borrowing

For anyone that hasn't used radiant, the experience of being able to do a cross chain borrow, which of course uses Stargate in the background, is something that a lot of people, interestingly, still talk about as a necessary feature for Defi to advance. But it's something that Radiant has built for many years and has improved upon now being built on Stargate V two. So I think it's really interesting that some of the best experiences are actually out there. It just may be that users haven't actually gone out and tried it.

Focus on User Experience

So I think we're always just excited to show off what some of our partners are built, but I'm particularly excited about what Radian is always building. I think you guys really focus on the user experience and that excites us over here at Stargate. Lovely lumps. Thanks for your words, of course. And one of the key challenges of course, for the whole of the crypto space, and the defi space in particular, is the UX. We all know about that.

Web3 vs. Web2 UX

So it's offering the best of web three, but with a sort of web two top ux, that's the challenge. And whenever you try out, speaking about Stargate V. Two specifically, whenever you just go out and try out how you can deposit one chain and then select from the drop down list the chain you want to borrow. So, for example, you deposit, say, $200 worth of eth on arbitrum and you want to borrow to Polygon, and you select from the drop down list and you find your funds bridged over to the destination chain that you've selected.

Enhancing User Experience

So that's great. That's super seamless, and that's a way of not having to use to have too many open tabs in your browser. So to have like radiant and then Stargate and then the apps on the destination chain that you're heading to. So making the UX as seamless as possible, everything embedded within one app, in this case, within the radiant app, that's the UX that we want to offer. And of course, much room for improvement still left and many things that we're still working on.

Kelp's Perspective

Okay, so thanks, lamps and Yanyan. And now back to Adi, because Adi is quite a different, hopefully you will offer quite a different perspective in the sense that kelp is, of course, boasting your own token within RIs. So of course, your quests are specifically related to Ris, to the isolated markets in radiant. So Adi wanted to get your thoughts, your perspective on why kelp was interested in collaborating and jumping on board into the Rishab crypto campaign.

Appreciation for Radiant Team

Thanks a lot, Isaac. Before I move on, before I start with this, I would, I really want to appreciate the radiant team for the success on the Ris. Phase one. I think, like you guys hit about five, 6 million in TVL. 6 million in addition TVL, just because of phase one? Yes. Is that right? That's on arbitrum. And there's a bit more on base. Base is more recent, of course, but it's still growing, so it's picking up speed nicely.

Limited TVL and Growth

And of course, we have to mention that the TVL is, for some assets especially, has been limited. And your asset, the kelp asset is one of them, is limited by the security recommendations that we got from chaos labs. So the supply and borrower caps were limiting growth, and we've already increased those, but we want to play it on the safe side always. So of course, we could have set up much higher supply and borrower caps, but we wanted to play it safe on the security side.

Safety Measures for TVL

So TVL, for some assets has been constrained by the supply and borrower caps, which we are constantly monitoring and increasing when applicable, with chaos lab. So yeah, Adi, that's back to you. Those are some of the figures that we're reaching with Ris. Yeah, big congratulations to the team. You guys are doing amazing stuff. I mean, on the supply caps thing, definitely understandable.

Kelp's Focus on the Radiant Market

We have been working day and night on improving those as well. The main reason we actually tap into the Riz markets is also because radiant team has a lot of risk by themselves. Secondly is that the radian team has done exceptionally well on every single on the arbitrum network so far and we wanted to be a part of the journey, contribute further to the TVL and the community. Secondly, we also saw that there was a ton of eth markets that we could tap into.

Market Preferences and Partnerships

So they didn't. So the feedback, one of the feedback that we heard from our large ticket size holders was that they preferred radiant above other lending markets on arbitrum. So that definitely became our p zero partnership and I've seen that the market has reacted to it as well. Overall, the risk market experience has been fantastic for arbitrum. I believe we still have to collaborate on base.

Future Collaborations

So, isaac, I hope we can get on another call after this to onboard WR seat. Yes, absolutely. We're super open to listing new hot tokens on all of our chains. So super open. Absolutely. To have a BD chat, Adi, with your team and consider your tokens on base also. But by the way, not only risk on base, but the core markets on base are. When I checked it yesterday, it was 4 million, close to becoming the largest, chain for radiant in terms of TVL.

Competition Between Chains

So it is, number two, just behind arbitrum. So those on arbitrum, you have to, start doing things to increase the TVL because otherwise base will become the number one chain for radiant. But anyway, it's a pleasure to see the TVL picking up and absolutely super happy to have that chat, Adi, and welcome more and more tokens. The process to adding new tokens to res is super quick. They don't have to go through the normal governance process.

Token Addition Process

We build it this way so that adding new tokens from hot narratives, we all know how fast crypto and defi moves. Adding new tokens is super fast and the community will see many new assets added without having to actually vote for each specific asset, which would have slowed down the process. And of course they will be able to propose tokens as we're at AO, so they will be able to propose new narratives, new tokens, and the team will assess technically, and then if possible, we will hand them over to chaos labs for the risk parameter recommendations.

Listing New Assets

And then if everything, all the checkboxes are checked, we will list the asset on risk. So, moving back to the actual quests of the campaign, I just wanted to give an overview of the use cases, the functionalities that we have built into ris from a general perspective. So from the radiant standpoint, and then I will move it on to, I will pass it on to Stargate, OKX wallet and kelp to share more about the specific quests that the users can perform using OKX, using kelp tokens, or using Stargate as a bridge, as a router.

Use Cases of the Campaign

And I, those are built into the Rishab crypto campaign. So first, from the radiant perspective. So as I was saying before, the radiant innovation zones, or Ris, the isolated markets architecture of radiant is built in a way that each pair of tokens, so for example, zero, USDC, for example, the kelp tokens with wrapped eTH, any of the tokens that we add, in the case of base, it's mavia, aero and zero.

Architecture of Radiant

So those are the three tokens that we are adding, in this case with USDC. Basically, each rise on token is spurred with a corresponding vault token, so to say, which can be USDC or RAPD. So one of the blue chip assets. And that offers a very strong architecture which works in the following way. Basically you have the perk tokens.

Token Lending and Borrowing Overview

And as I said before, you can deposit any of the tokens and you can lend a sorry. And you can borrow any of the tokens. So it's not an LP, you don't get an LP, it's not a liquidity pool, you're not open to, prone to impermanent laws, and you get the fees of people swapping. It's not the way it works. It's a simple two token lending and borrowing market. What you can do anything on the borrowing side, anything on the lending side with any of the tokens, of course you can loop. So you can loop the token. So basically depositing and borrowing the same token, or you can leverage. This is something that is possible already, of course, but we will add a one click feature, one click leveraging strategy feature, to the UI in the coming days.

Enhancements to the UI and Strategies

This is currently being audited we are working with fixing the issues that were found, and we will implement this to make sure that people can, with one click, go long or short on the tokens that they are interested in. So for example, if you are confident on the app side of a particular token, you can go long on that token, which manually, of course, you can currently do. You can deposit zero, borrow USDC, go swap USDC for more zero, deposit more zero onto radiant, into radiant, and repeat the cycle. That way you can expose, you can be more exposed and increase your leverage, three x, four x. But that will be done under the hood with one click, so that you don't have to worry about anything. It's just like a plug and play and you one click leverage long or short the tokens that you're interested in.

Understanding RIS Mechanics

So that is something that you can do within Ris, and you will eventually be able to do that in the core markets also. So that's essentially how Ris works. So once again, it's not an LP pool. It's not something where you have to provide 50 of both tokens. So with a 50 ratio, or 80 20 or whatever, or even go single sided and be worried about the impermanent loss. There are great things about LP pools, but this is not an LP pool. It's two independent assets put into the same basket, so to say. And you can deposit, borrow, loop, or leverage any of these. So, having said that's the general explanation of risk.

Yield Structure and Eligibility

And of course, you have your base rates, and on top of the base rates you are receiving, if you're eligible, the radiant emissions. So the native token of radiant, and for some assets, depending on the assets, the campaigns and the chains, you are getting ARP tokens on top of those. So that applies, of course, for the risk markets on arbitrum, they were getting, and they are still getting ARB tokens from the stip B grant from the Arbi foundation. And that adds to the total yield that you will be getting those tokens. Of course, to get the base rate and the ARP tokens, you don't have to be eligible to get the radiant tokens, you have to be eligible by means of our DLP model.

Liquidity Requirements for Rewards

Very simple, you have to have more than 5% of liquidity provided into the protocol with respect to your deposits. So the total amount of deposits per chain, if you have $100, $1,000, you have to have more than 5%. So if you have $1,000, more than $50 worth of liquidity locked into the protocol, once that is met, you start getting that extra boost in RDNT token yield. So that's the overall picture of all the use cases that you can do with Ris. And now I wanted to go to our speakers and share these specific quests, the specific tasks or the ones you want to highlight or to encourage users to check out.

Quests and Campaign Activities

Specifically, what are the quests that you can do within our campaign? Using kelp tokens, using Okex wallet, or using Stargate V two. So let's start with you, Adi, since we finished with you. Let's start with you for this question, if that's okay. So what quests can users find in the Galaxy campaign related to kelp in risen? Thanks, Isaac. Right now, currently, for the phase one of the campaign, we had some social quests which included following the radio page and the Kelp page on Twitter discord. Secondly, we had a quest which included actually native release taking for native resting and kelp to get RSC on Arbitrum.

Completion and Rewards for Tasks

And the third thing, which was like the obvious CTA, is that take that same RSC and deposit that on a ris market on radiant. This way, like you had mentioned previously, this actually user does not have to put in two assets. They just need to put in a single asset that was RSC and continue earning yields. On top, they have an option, the user who has actually finished all this, they were eligible for a NFT, I think, and then like they had to do rest of the tasks to be eligible for rest of the rewards as well. Like my personal suggestion would be that users could actually come into the market, come into the rating market and deposit assets and withdraw against the current LTV, that ETH again could be brought back to kelp, restaked again and to restake again, and then done the whole process again.

Leveraging Strategies and User Participation

So this creates a leverage looping strategy which actually increases the number of points and the yields that they can earn over a long period of time. So that's actually the current meta that we have seen in the restaking and staking fields. Would love to know what lamps and Yanyan have to say regarding the current meta going on their fields as well. Okay. Okay, cool. Sweet, Ari. So over to you, Yanya. Now to share the specific quests that you have included from OkEx wallet, and of course, anything you'd like to share about Adi's perspectives on some of the new metas we are finding in crypto.

Tasks for OKEx Wallet Users

But Yanjian, over to you first to focus on OKEx. Thanks, Isaac. Yeah, so the question from OKEx is probably the easiest for you for anyone that wants to join the campaign. So I don't have that much to go into the detail of the quest. Basically just, you know, follow the Twitter account and then, you know, you wish it to learn about OkEx and of course you verify that you are OKX wallet user, which if you do have it should be a very easy, simple, you know, one click verification process. So I don't have much to really like explain, but I do want to point out, as I say mentioned, you know, if you earn up to 60% of the quest, you are eligible for all the rewards of the entire campaign.

Participation Insights and Volume

So if you want to just quickly get some tasks done, this is definitely one you don't want to miss because it's just so easy to participate and we're all talking about onboarding users to web three and I think this is why we got a bunch of user to participate in this campaign as well as we can see the data. Right. I think it has contributed a lot of the volume over there for the OKex wallet users to learn about what this campaign is about, learn about what all the other tasks is about. And yeah, I really appreciate everyone here also sharing the detailed tasks and excited to hear from lamps as well.

Emphasis on Task Completeness

What is the task for Stargate? Lovely Yanigan, thanks a lot. And of course, every task counts, every quest counts. So go check them out in galaxy. You can reach that 60% threshold pretty easily in my perspective, in my opinion. I think. So go check them out if you're interested and run through the quests, start clicking with your wallets and go do some transactions. And of course have fun in general. Get to know more about the protocols that are involved, not only radiant but also Okexe kelp, Stargate all our collaborating protocols and go get those oats for you for each of the phases and potentially a share of the final price pool if you're eligible.

Campaign Updates and Technical Notifications

So all the requirements, all the guidelines are super well explained in the Galaxy campaign. By the way, our team confirmed that the base campaign is now live. We were having a minor glitch, a minor issue, and it's now fixed. So it's now fully live and we are launching the reset crypto also on base. So let's start feeling based and get some cool quests under our belt for the base part of the campaign. So over to lumps now from Stargate to summarize the quests that you have included in the Galaxy campaign, what quests related to Stargate will users find in the resub crypto campaign?

Stargate Campaign Mechanics

Lamps over to you. Thank you. Thank you. The quest that involves Stargate for this Galaxy campaign was pretty simply just depositing collateral one chain, borrowing on another chain. And my hope was, or I was hoping that a lot of users would actually do this without really noticing that they were completing a quest. I think again, as were discussing earlier on, this is a desired behavior that users have generally, where they have collateral one chain and maybe they don't want to bridge it over. They actually just want to keep it one chain but want to take advantage of an opportunity on another chain.

User Experience Improvements

And so we'll deposit collateral and able to borrow across to another chain which uses Stargate in the backend, but is really just improving that user experience that, again, were talking about earlier. So the quest was pretty simple, deposit one chain, borrow to another. And the hope was that users were able to complete this without really realizing that it was, for some points, absolutely. Lamson, loved what you were saying there about the fact that sometimes when things offer real value to users, you don't actually have to encourage them to do them or to use the features.

Natural User Actions and Value Creation

They were already going to use them anyway. I love that you say that. Yeah. Maybe someone as many of the people listening today had already performed the actions that are eligible for certain quests without even knowing because they found real value in doing them. In this case, depositing and seamlessly borrowing to different chain using Stargate V two. So that's the summary of the quests that you will find from kelp, the quests that you will find from OKX, and also from Stargate and Stargate V two in particular for this campaign.

Rising Cryptocurrency Campaign Brief

Once again, I wanted to remind everyone that the campaign, the rise of crypto campaign, hope you all like the name because we've had a lot of jokes with the name, but anyway, rise up crypto as a summary, as a reminder of the current state of the campaign. The campaign runs in four phases. So one phase per chain, one for arbitrum, one for base, currently live. We're launching that today. And as I said, it's already live. Then we will be having BNB, and then last but not least, also mainnet.

Campaign Timeline and Urgent Participation

One important reminder is that we have three weeks per chain, roughly three weeks per chain. So three for arbitrum, base, BNB, and Mainnet. So we have plenty of time, but still worth not forgetting and going and doing the quests, performing the quests as soon as possible, because sometimes you think three weeks is a very long time, and then all of a sudden you realize that you lost, you missed the opportunity and you weren't eligible for the oat.

User Awareness and Prompt Action

As we're seeing with some users, with a number of users that are very close to being eligible for the oat, for the arbitrum phase, for example, that only has one more week left before it completes. And some users are very close to being eligible, but still not eligible. So those users have probably thought that three weeks were long enough. They are doing some other things in crypto, and they may forget about this when it's too late. They may realize when it's too late. And so we are encouraging, that's one of the reasons we are doing this series of Ama's, to encourage everyone to go check out your eligibility.

Easy Tasks and Qualifications

Go check out, because as Yan was saying, some of the quests, for example, the OKX quests, were especially easy, but most of them are very straightforward. In any case, they don't take long, and you can be eligible for those oats for each of the phases, for the arbitrum one, the Bayes one, and so on. And then, as I said, if you complete more than 60% of the tasks, you are also eligible. So that is the easiest way we could come up with to make sure that you could be eligible, of course, performing the essential core tasks.

Encouraging Participation and Spreading Awareness

There are currently more than 3000 quests completed in the first phase, more than 900, so close to 1000 users taking part. But as I said, we are seeing that some of the users are very close and still not meeting the eligibility criteria, that 60% of the quests are performed to unlock and to become eligible for the oat. So we really encourage everyone here today, spread the word, go check out yourself. In case you thought you were eligible, but you haven't yet reached that eligibility or you haven't claimed your oat, go check it out.

Final Words on Goals and User Engagement

Spread the word. And of course, the main goal is, as Lamz was saying, it's not for the Galaxy campaign. That's super interesting, super important, and we hope you have a lot of fun. But the most important thing is that you find value in the actions that we are offering as quests in the Galaxy campaign. So go check it out and make sure that you don't miss the opportunity if you're interested. Having said that, a reminder again that we're launching live on base today.

Upcoming Campaign Phases and Wrap Up

So the campaign, the second phase, will be launching today. Only one more week to go on arbitrum and I wanted to wrap up the AMA today before we open it up for any questions from the audience to our protocols, our guest speakers, Okx kelp and Stargate v two to share any alpha they want to share any major milestones coming around the corner down the line for their projects that they like to share today.

Open Forum for Guest Insights

To the audience tuning in for these AMA. So let's start with u lamps. For example, what would you like to share regarding Stargate with the people tuning in today? Oh, good question. It's always fun to be able to give out a little bit of alpha. I think I'll just stick with the fact that Stargate is always expanding to new ecosystems.

Opportunity for Exploration with Stargate

So if anyone is ever looking to try out some new ecosystems or maybe try some new use cases, for example, radiant being built on top of v two, then come check out Stargate.

Wrap-Up Announcement

Keep an eye on our Twitter, obviously, or keep an eye on my twitter. We'll be announcing the new chains that we're going live on and thank you once again for having us on. I really appreciate it. Love to have you as always, and love the collaboration that we've built throughout the years. Lam. So thanks a lot for attending the AMA. Thanks a lot for sharing. Everything that started has put into the campaign. Thanks a lot. Appreciate it. And now over to Yanyan from OKX. Yanyan, what do you want to share with the audience? With the audience, maybe a sneak peek about what's coming to Okex in the coming month?

Excitement About the Upcoming Campaign

Awesome. Before I joined the, before I share the snippets about Okex, I just want to say I am so excited for this campaign to kick off in the base ecosystem. I actually, you know, this is the ecosystem I kind of like call home for because I have been on base since last, I think last year, like August, and basically living and breathing this ecosystem and make bunch of friends with, you know, a bunch of base builders, a lot of them, especially when I was like, you know, speaking with your team about this new campaign, one thing we did mention was how are we bringing the high risk assets into borrow and lending? Right? And you guys are working on this and have been taking the new initiative not only to new chains but also new assets. I know that I have been also, you know, in some of the conversation to reach out to some of the meme points in different chains and also on base as well.

Advocating Collaboration Across Ecosystems

And I'm friends with a lot of them. So I'm definitely really bullish on this initiative and I'm very happy to see these campaigns going live on base and happy to continue to support bringing resource. I actually posted two tweet yesterday about this campaign and say, hey, this is a perfect chance for the base builders to meet with the arbitrage builders. Because a lot of the times when people really tie into one ecosystem, whether it's arbitram, whether it's Solana, whether it's base, they're so attached to it. And I think, you know, the whole industry is so small still. And I think there's a need for everyone to the different ecosystems to work with each other and focus on the big picture of bringing more people into the crypto space. So it's not about one ecosystem is better than the other. It's how we can utilize what is the best culture, the best advantage of one, and a cross promote and bring values to each other.

Exciting Developments from OKX

So I'm really happy to see this is launching on base as well. And we'll share this campaign to all my base friends. I think they're super excited to see that. And we'll make some connections to each of you guys here. Lams and RD for Stargate and calc if you guys want to get connected with them. So now for what is coming up for Okex Wallet. So I am working on this big initiative for OKX wallet called Ecohub. I tap on it a little bit before. So this is a page where you can explore your favorite ecosystem. And at launch we're going to focus on Solana base and arbitram. So let's say like, you know, you are, whether you are a beginner, whether you are already a DJ in those spaces, you can always come and explore what is coming up, what is trending, and even if you are a beginner, what is the most common tools to use for those ecosystem.

Collaborative Efforts with Partners

I'm super excited for that. This is also a perfect opportunity for us to work with all of our partners, including you guys here. I will reach out to you guys privately afterwards and see how we can continue to clap from here. And within this page you can always see what are the new upcoming campaigns. For example, rise up crypto was one campaign that we wanted to focus on ecohub. And whenever you guys have a new announcement, whether it's with OKx or whether it's nothing at the end, we just want to make sure that we truly bring value to our user and truly establish this as a one stop for them to explore their favorite ecosystem. Wow.

Excitement for the Future of DeFi

Awesome. Yan Yan, absolutely awesome. Brilliant. Loved what you were saying. And just to pick up on some of the key takeaways, apart from the specifics on OKX that you were saying, I definitely think that one of the greatest things of Defi are the synergies that you can build between the different ecosystems, as you were mentioning. So it's not one ecosystem or the other, it's the synergies that can be built and actions that can be taken jointly by many different partners and collaborators. And we loved what we've seen being built in Defi thanks to this synergy. So excited to be partnering with, great, collaborating with great protocols for this campaign, certainly.

Insights from Adi on Kelp

And now moving on to Adi for the kelp side of the picture. So what are your closing remarks? And a bit of alpha that you may want to leak today? And there's AMA for our users out there regarding kelp and any cool, exciting stuff that your team is building. Thanks a lot, Isaac. I mean, I'm personally super excited for the base deployment as we in the team as well. We have been prioritizing a lot, the base ecosystem, a lot. So there's definitely like a ton more incentives being flown onto the radiant base markets as soon as WRC is listed. Secondly, what we're working on currently is that is a product called Kelp Gain. Just taking two minutes to explain the same.

Explaining Kelp Gain

Kelp Gain is like an airdrop vault, like a one stop shop airdrop vault for users. Users can deposit their eth on any ETH lsts on Mainnet and in return receive six plus airdrop rewards currently. So in the backend, what happens is that users get to bridge their TVL. Our strategy managers bridge the TvL to three l two s, currently linear, scroll and Karak. And then, and then all of them actually accrue the best in class rewards out there. So we, as the kelp team, we have fought with the l two market. Yes. Yes. It sort of cut off slightly, but you're back. Sorry.

Team Efforts in Kelp

Yeah, I'm just saying that. Yeah, so the Cal team has actually negotiated with the best in class rewards for Rsith users, which actually get deposited through the kelp gain vault. So there's definitely like a ton more incentives to be made there. We're also looking at age like AG is the receipt token, which the users will get out of the vault. We're looking at. We're looking at bridging that across other arbitram and other l two s currently. So that's the biggest alpha that I can give so far. We would love to see some aegit collaborations later on, Isaac, if that fits the risk appetite in the coming few months.

Future Collaborations

Super sweet. Absolutely. I will put you in contact with the, with our BD team. And the BD team is always hungry for new tokens in the different chain. So Adi, looking forward to that. Thanks also for your closing remarks for the alpha you gave about kelp. And yeah, we also love the deal that we are seeing on the core markets between Arbitrum TVL and base TVL. So that's an exciting thing to see. And as a closing remark on our side, we encourage everyone to go check out the rise up crypto campaign on galaxy. Everything is super well explained.

Campaign Details and Participation

The four phases, three weeks per phase. All the quests, remember only 60% are needed to be eligible for the prices for the oatme and for the global prices at the end of the campaign, the overall global prices. So go check out the requirements in detail. We have those for arbitrum, only one week left. We launched today the rise up crypto campaign on base. So you will be able to start getting those quests out of the way and completed from today, three weeks that will be open. We have for example quests for zero, for Aerodyna, we have quests for Mavia with 1000 mavia as a prize pool.

Encouraging Participation

So really exciting things that you can get and achieve and it's very straightforward in most cases super easy. If you're interested, take some time, don't miss the opportunity and go check out both the Aave campaign still one week left and the base campaign launching today. Having said that, if there's any questions, I'd love to take any live questions today. There's any questions, otherwise you can post them on socials and our team will be keen on answering and super happy on getting back to you with the answers from my side. I have to thank the guest speakers.

Gratitude to Guest Speakers

So Yan from Okex wallet, Adi from kelp and lamps from Stargate V two. It has been a pleasure. You have been very insightful sharing not only your insights and the value, the real value, because we've seen some crazy things happen in crypto and Defi over the years, but the real value that you are bringing to the table, but also your enthusiasm, your good energy and that's always great to share and it's been a great journey to build this campaign together. So thanks Adi, thanks Janian, thanks lamps. As I said, if there's any questions, send them over or raise up your hand and we will bring you up to stage.

Closing the AMA

Other than that, this has been the AMA for today. We will continue on the series to explain the campaign for the following chain. So for BNB and Mainnet, other than that, a big and warm thank you to everyone tuning in or listening in to the recording. Don't forget to go check out the risk campaign. One more week on Arbitrum and starting today, three weeks on base. A final note, of course, while you're thinking about the questions on the security that some of you have asked regarding the isolated markets, as were explaining throughout the AMA session, the isolated markets are fully isolated from the core market.

Reiterating Key Takeaways

So it's a way of going more risk on without sharing risk or having potential risk being shared with the other core markets. It's a way that we've built the isolated markets to be truly isolated. You can have all the details on the docs, and of course, if you have any questions, reach out and we'll be happy to reply on our socials. Having said that, if there's any question, Eliana from our team, please let me know. Otherwise, confirm that we have no questions and we can wrap it up for the day and wish everyone a great day.

Final Thank You and Goodbye

Any questions, Ileana? Anyone with the, with our hands raised up? No questions, sir. Okay. Love one of our everything perfect. Love one of our profile pics that we are having in the audience with a beautiful huddle cap. And, well, thanks, everyone, for being today in the show. Thanks our guest speakers once more, and thanks to the protocols for collaborating with Radiant. Have a radiant day. See you next time. And in the meantime, remember, let's raise up crypto together. Bye now. Thank you. Thanks for having us. Thank you, everyone.

Concluding Remarks from Participants

Thanks, everyone.

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