Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

This space “Ring the Bell 8: Swinging with Ring” is hosted by ProtocolRing. In the Twitter Space focused on DEX (Decentralized Exchange), the discussion revolved around enhancing user experience and transparency in transactions. The speakers emphasized a user-centric design with a one-stop-shop UI for seamless token swaps across different chains. Transparency in displaying gas and network fees to users was highlighted as a crucial aspect. Additionally, the platform ensures that the custody of assets remains within the user’s wallet throughout transactions, prioritizing user security. Efforts towards clear communication during transactions and commitment to improving user experience were evident in the conversation. Future plans include hosting bi-weekly AMA sessions to engage and educate the community, with a focus on increasing user participation and providing valuable insights. Stay tuned for more updates and engaging discussions in the upcoming sessions. Ring the Bell 8: Swinging with Ring, bridging liquidity, cross-chain integrations, ecosystems, decentralization.

For more spaces, visit the DEX page.


What was the focus of the Twitter Space?

The focus was on DEX (Decentralized Exchange) and enhancing user experience.

How does the UI of the platform benefit users?

The UI acts as a one-stop shop, eliminating the need to switch between different chains.

What was highlighted regarding transactions on the platform?

Users can seamlessly swap between any token and chain without complications.

What aspects of fees were emphasized for users?

Transparency in displaying gas fees and network fees to users was a priority.

Where does custody reside during transactions?

The custody of assets always remains within the user’s wallet for security.

How are transactions routed at the application layer?

The platform helps in routing transactions efficiently while maintaining user custody.

What is the focus of the platform’s user experience design?

Designing experiences that clearly communicate transaction steps to users.

How does the platform ensure clarity during transactions?

Users are informed about the progress of transactions step by step.

What are the future plans for engaging the community?

Continuing AMA sessions bi-weekly to educate and interact with the community.

What can users expect in upcoming AMA sessions?

Insights, community engagement, and discussions to enhance user knowledge and experience.


Introduction and Overview

Time: 00:10:05 Discussion on the 8th episode of the bi-weekly X Spaces podcast.

Swing’s Technical Foundation

Time: 00:18:26 Insights into Swing’s technical foundation founded by engineers.

Chain Integration

Time: 00:20:53 Swing’s support for over 52 chains, both EVM and non-EVM.

Developer Pain Points

Time: 00:24:02 Addressing the challenges developers face in integrating liquidity.

User Experience Enhancements

Time: 00:32:44 Improvements in user experience focusing on Galaxy exchanges.

Partnership with Ring

Time: 00:36:03 Announcement of the collaboration with Ring to simplify bridging.

Future Plans

Time: 00:38:16 Teasing upcoming details about the points program.

Upcoming Ring Token Launch

Time: 00:40:38 Anticipation for the upcoming Ring token launch.

Key Takeaways

  • Emphasis on a one-stop-shop UI for users on various chains.
  • Simplified transactions allowing users to swap between tokens and chains efficiently.
  • User-centric design with transparent gas and network fees.
  • Routing transactions without custody
  • keeping assets in the user’s wallet.
  • Prioritizing user experience with clear communication steps.
  • Maintaining custody within the user’s wallet during transactions.
  • Enabling secure and seamless swaps into identified services.
  • Dedicated efforts towards user-friendly design and transaction clarity.
  • Future plans include bi-weekly AMA sessions for community engagement.
  • Anticipated AMA sessions to focus on insights and increasing participation.

Behind the Mic

Platform Introduction and Security

“Welcome, everyone. Thank you for joining. We’ll be getting started shortly. Let’s wait for a few more people to join. Okay, let’s start. Today we have an exciting update on Blast. Blast introduces some amazing features that we believe will benefit everyone greatly. Blast integrates with various chains. The goal is to provide seamless cross-chain interactions to the users. So the engraving functionality, one feature we’re really excited about, is allowing arbitrary data to be engraved into the blockchain.”

Governance and User Experience

“Alright, let’s dive deeper into the specifics. When it comes to security, Blast is top-notch. We’re utilizing the best standards available. Now on to the governance side of things. We’re launching governance tokens soon. This will allow for decentralized decision-making within our network. In terms of user experience, we’ve made significant improvements. One key aspect of the UI is that it’s a one-stop shop. So you don’t need to switch between chains. You won’t need to go to different platforms to perform a DEX swap or bridging transaction.”

Transaction Process and Clarity

“You can do everything from any token, any chain into the supported tokens on Blast directly. We’ve also focused on wallet UX, and displaying gas fees transparently. We are at the application layer and simply help route these transactions. The custody stays within your wallet. It never leaves. You swap into the services we identify as the best route. We designed experiences to communicate the transaction progress. First step is done. We are now bridging. Bridging transaction is done. One more step before the transaction is complete.”

AMA Sessions and Community Engagement

“And this is Pancake, your co-host, signing off. Back to you, J. Bond. This is J. Bond, the man behind the Ring Protocol account. Thanks for joining this AMA. We’ll get your points to you soon. As soon as possible. Thanks to everyone who sent their DM’s and asked questions in the Ring Discord. We’re doing AMAs bi-weekly, but the Wing TGE or airdrop is soon. We might hold another AMA next week. We’re usually bi-weekly, but likely next week with another guest. Stay tuned. Stay tuned for the announcement. See you next week. Thanks, everyone. This is Jay Bond from the Ring Protocol account signing off. Bye and thank you.”

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