Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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rFOX on Arbitrum. Stake FOX, Earn $RUNE

This space is hosted by ShapeShift

Space Summary

The Twitter space focused on discussions around RFOX and Shapeshift within the NFT niche, emphasizing topics like APY calculations, the role of RFOX tokens, staking strategies, and the importance of staying informed to maximize benefits in tokenomics. Participants highlighted the need for individual research, avoiding financial advice, and the excitement towards upcoming discussions on LiFi technology and Ox integration. The space encouraged ongoing exploration of the web3 frontier for innovation and learning, highlighting liquidity, governance, feedback, marketing, and industry news.


Q: What is the importance of APY in staking?
A: APY is crucial for optimizing staking strategies and understanding potential returns.

Q: How do RFOX tokens contribute to the Shapeshift ecosystem?
A: RFOX tokens play a vital role within the Shapeshift ecosystem, influencing various operations and benefits.

Q: Why is it not advisable to focus solely on APY for decision-making?
A: Decisions based solely on APY may not be beneficial in the long term, as other factors also contribute to overall success.

Q: What factors impact rewards fluctuation in staking pools?
A: Reward fluctuations in staking pools are influenced by variables like market conditions, user participation, and protocol changes.

Q: Why is individual research essential before investment involvement?
A: Individual research is crucial to understand risks, benefits, and make informed decisions beyond relying on external advice.

Q: How can staying informed benefit RFOX token holders?
A: Staying informed about updates and announcements can help RFOX token holders maximize benefits and make informed decisions.

Q: What opportunities does web3 offer for innovation?
A: Web3 provides new avenues for innovation, decentralized applications, tokenization, and exploring the emerging blockchain landscape.

Q: Why is personal research emphasized over financial advice?
A: It is important to conduct personal research to understand the market, risks, and opportunities rather than relying solely on financial advice, ensuring informed decision-making.

Q: What future discussions were hinted at for upcoming spaces?
A: Future spaces may delve into topics like LiFi technology and Ox integration, promising exciting insights and discussions.

Key Takeaways

  • Understanding APY for effective staking strategies is crucial.
  • RFOX tokens are integral to the Shapeshift ecosystem.
  • Long-term decisions should not solely rely on APY.
  • Staking pool rewards can fluctuate based on various factors.
  • Community engagement and research are essential in investments.
  • Staying updated is vital for maximizing benefits.
  • Web3 opens new opportunities for innovation and exploration.
  • Avoid financial advice and conduct thorough research.
  • Future discussions teased LiFi and Ox integration.
  • Ongoing exploration of NFT and blockchain space is encouraged.

Behind the Mic

 “Willy: Hey everybody, welcome to the weekly ShapeShift space.”, “Willy: Today we have with us Kuzi and Kent to talk about FoxChain.”, “Willy: Thanks so much for joining us!”, “Kuzi: Thanks for having us!”, “Kent: Yeah, thanks for having us!”, “Willy: Excited to dive into FoxChain and just in case anybody missed our first space on this topic, can one of you give a brief overview of what FoxChain is and what we’re trying to accomplish with it?”, “Kuzi: Absolutely.”, “Kuzi: FoxChain is an open-sourced blockchain and will serve as the backbone for the ShapeShift DAO.”, “Kuzi: The goal is to support fully decentralized trading and we’ve seen the ShapeShift DAO take some massive strides towards that goal already with products like THORChain integration as well as bringing in Boardroom as the first external team to help out with FoxChain.”, “Kuzi: We’re super excited about the potential here and can’t wait to get more people involved.”, “Kent: And, as Kuzi mentioned, FoxChain’s purpose is to empower ShapeShift DAO; every step we take towards that goal brings us closer to accomplishing full decentralization.”, “Willy: Awesome, thanks for that overview.”, “Willy: Can you share some of the biggest milestones or achievements that have been reached so far with FoxChain?”, “Kuzi: Absolutely.”, “Kuzi: One of the most significant achievements was getting Boardroom onboard to help out with FoxChain.”, “Kuzi: We have also made massive progress on the technical front.”, “Kent: I think another major milestone was the proposal to the ShapeShift DAO that was passed to fund the Boardroom team for the next year.”, “Kent: That proposal really set the stage for further development and helped solidify our partnership with Boardroom.”, “Willy: Very impressive achievements.”, “Willy: Can you give us an idea of what the next steps look like for FoxChain?”, “Kent: Sure! One of the immediate next steps is to finalize the technical specifications of FoxChain.”, “Kent: That’ll involve close collaboration with the community and external partners.”, “Kuzi: We’re also working on engaging the community more and would love to have as many of you involved as possible.”, “Kuzi: If you’re interested in contributing, feel free to reach out!”, “Willy: Awesome to hear and just another reminder, FoxChain is open-source so anyone is welcome to contribute.”, “Willy: How can people who are interested best get involved?”, “Kuzi: Best way to get involved would be to join our Discord and check out the FoxChain channels.”, “Kuzi: We’re always sharing updates there and you can also share your ideas.”, “Kent: We also have weekly community calls that are open to anyone.”, “Kent: Definitely encourage anyone interested to join those as well.”, “Willy: That’s great advice, thanks for sharing.”, “Willy: Are there any other major updates or announcements today that y’all would like to share?”, “Kuzi: I think we’ve covered most of the major updates.”, “Kuzi: Just excited to keep pushing forward and working with the community.”, “Kent: Yeah, same here. Just looking forward to what’s next and grateful for everyone’s support.”, “Willy: Awesome, well thanks again for joining us today, Kuzi and Kent.”, “Willy: We really appreciate you taking the time to share these updates with us.”, “Kuzi: Thanks for having us!”, “Kent: Yeah, thanks for having us!”, “Willy: Thanks everybody for joining us today.”, “Willy: Be sure to join the Discord if you’re not already there and stay tuned for more updates.”, “Willy: Alright, take care everyone!” 

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