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Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space RFK and Trump team up. hosted by VP72801. The Twitter Space delves into a blend of humor, sports enthusiasm, and political admiration. With sarcastic banter and mentions of favorite sports teams like the Chicago Bears, Cubs, and UCONN, the conversation also appreciates public figures such as Ron DeSantis. The speaker's love for the Cheesecake Factory adds a personal touch to the discussion. Moreover, the intriguing interaction between RFK and Trump fuels curiosity and discussion. Overall, the space caters to lifestyle interests, combining humor, sports fandom, and political musings.

For more spaces, visit the Lifestyle page.


Q: What aspects of the conversation reflect sarcasm?
A: The overall tone of the conversation carries a sarcastic undertone, adding humor to the dialogue.

Q: Which sports teams does the speaker support?
A: The speaker is a fan of the Chicago Bears, Cubs, and UCONN.

Q: Why is Ron DeSantis mentioned positively?
A: Ron DeSantis is admired for his governance style, prompting a call for more leaders like him.

Q: What favorite restaurant is mentioned?
A: The speaker expresses fondness for the Cheesecake Factory.

Q: What is the intriguing aspect of RFK and Trump teaming up?
A: The unexpected collaboration between RFK and Trump becomes a focal point of interest in the conversation.


Time: 00:15:20
Sarcastic Banter and Humor Engaging dialogue infused with sarcasm and humor throughout the space.

Time: 00:25:45
Sports Fandom and Loyalty Discussion on the speaker's support for the Chicago Bears, Cubs, and UCONN.

Time: 00:35:10
Appreciation for Ron DeSantis Positive remarks about Ron DeSantis and the desire for similar governance approaches.

Time: 00:45:30
Cheesecake Factory Enthusiasm Expression of love for the Cheesecake Factory as a favorite restaurant.

Time: 00:55:15
Unusual Alliance: RFK and Trump Exploration of the unexpected collaboration between RFK and Trump in the conversation.

Key Takeaways

  • Humor plays a significant role in the discussion with a sarcastic tone.
  • The speaker is a fan of sports betting, the Chicago Bears, Cubs, and UCONN.
  • Positive mentions of Ron DeSantis and the need for more governors like him.
  • The speaker appreciates the Cheesecake Factory.
  • RFK and Trump's unusual collaboration sparks interest in the conversation.

Behind the Mic

Introduction to the Channel

It. Our channel. What's up, everybody? What's up, Gator? Steve. Long time no speak. How's life, my brother?

Work and Life Updates

Doing? Great. My brother just hanging out, man. I got off work once. You sent me the invite, man. I was. I was cooking to get home, man. I'm working in my hometown, the hound, the town I grew up in. So that was a weird change of events. But. How you doing, my brother? How far is that from where you are now? Oh, I mean, shit, it's only 50 miles. It's. You know, it's. The crazy thing about its last three jobs I've had is 50 miles in three different directions. But I think this is the best paying of all of them, so I'm. I'm blessed to have the opportunity, but how are you doing, my brother?

Sports and College Football

Life's good. College football starts tomorrow, so that's. I mean. I mean, it kind of starts. I mean, it's not like it's much of a start, but you got, like, one game, basically, but, you know, just good, good to have it back in general. Who you got, with the Florida Miami game? Hey, Bear, are we talking straight up? Yeah, just straight up. It's closed, Gator. It's fucking closed. I'd probably. I mean, I. I think Florida's gonna have a tough season because of their schedule this year, but I'd probably. I'd probably take them. I probably take them week one. I mean, I just don't. I think Mario Christophe is, like, the worst coach in football, so it's hard to bet week one with them, but. Yeah. Yeah, definitely. Interesting to see.

Political Discussions and Abortion

What's up, Jason? This. Nothing much. You okay, buddy? Are you raging? Yeah, let it out. Let it out. RFK. Is. Let's see what. All right. I thought were gonna go with a much. You know, like, I thought. I thought it was gonna better than that, but, I mean. So why do you think that, Jason? Because Trump is against everything RFK aren't. Trump is for everything RFK is against. With the vaccine issue. Yeah. I mean, it's going to be. I mean, when it comes to that issue there. And I think that's what RFK continues to kind of, you know, in his speech, they. It was good to hear. I him say, like, hey, I talked to Trump, you know, multiple times, but, like, he kind. Fireworks going on. Sorry, I was distracted, but, like, he kept saying, like, I forgot what I was gonna say.

Responses to Political Events

What's up, free? See, marijuana will do that to you, man. You got a fucking fire out there, buddy. Fireworks are fucking going on here. Free. Really? Fireworks? Yeah. Beautiful. Or is that the name of the strain, buddy? No, the name is still. Kelly Kush is still undefeated. But what's up, brother man? Are you. I'm feeling the joy, brother. I'm feeling the joy. That's what I'm, that's what's up with me. I mean, how are you feeling? I mean, I've had, I've so I've kind of, after Trump was shot at, I mean, you know, there were months I was very upset about the Bob good thing. Then Trump was shot at, and it was kind of like, fuck, you know? Fuck. I mean, of course, I mean, most people who know me well on here, they're like, well, there's no shot. Like, I'm not going to vote for him after that.

Trump's Political Strategy

And then he, and then he names Vance. And I know it's upset a lot of people and everybody's all this and that. Like, I love Vance. So that made me even more to support Trump. And I just think, free. I don't, I don't listen to anything Trump says. I don't, besides today, I don't watch his rallies. Yeah. I don't go on true social, and I just, I don't really, it's not that I don't care. It's, I know who Trump is at this point. I don't love it, but I, I know what's on the other side. So that's how I viewed it. Like, there's not much, like, again, you and I kind of disagreed about his statement earlier today. Like, we had different kind of views on it, but, like, it, there's not much he can say over these next few months that won't, there's actually nothing you could probably say that won't get, you know, that would keep me home.

Abortion as a Political Issue

And with Kamala and Tampon Timon, the other side, there's, they're like, there's just nothing. Yeah. I mean, you know, I was fine. You know, I was a little confused about the statement at first. Right. And so I actually started the space because I'm like, somebody explain to me what's changed. Like, what has changed policy wise. Right. So when I started the space, it was really because I was trying to, like, mentally work through it. Because you can be influenced by what you read on this app, right. When, especially with something indev, initially happens, you can be easily influenced in what your opinion should be. All right? So when the for you is telling you're supposed to be outraged about this, you know, your instant reaction is, oh, okay, everybody else is outraged.

Personal Reflections on Abortion

I should be outraged. And I try not to do that anymore, man. I try to, like, step back and, like, really ask questions and think about the context and, like, so that's what I did with this one. And, you know, I started out a little. I don't know, it wasn't great. And then the more I think about it, I'm just like, dude is ripping the band aid off, man. He's ripping the band aid off, like, super quick instead of super slow. And that band Aid's gonna have to get ripped off at some point. It just is where the country is. I hate it, I hate it. But, you know, when 60 some percent of the country feels a certain way and you're in the 30%, and even in that 30%, you only got have, like, maybe half who really, really care about it, who are not just, like, virtue signaling.

Minority Opinions

You're, I mean, we're in the minority on this issue. So, you know, like, I don't. So, so I don't, I mean, I've said it. Like, I am not. Abortion is not number one on my voting. I'm just talking about me specifically. But, like, if you, so if you present me with, like, actual data, like, that's when I'll actually pay attention to stuff. And so I just personally think I'm a million percent with you when it comes to where the country's at. Like, it's not. You look at Kansas, you look at Ohio, like, anytime it's actually left up to the people, pro choice wins. Like, it's just how it is. But with that being said, there are ads currently running against Trump that show, you know, he will sign a national abortion ban.

Conclusion of Discussion

Like, and it's not just Trump if you have an r next to your name, you, that's just how they view you. So him trying to placate to the middle, it's not a winning strategy. Be it like Steve days, to his credit, has laid out. And again, he has defended Trump against the same people you love going back and forth with all day long. I mean, they says, I mean, days has been very vocal on his show about the same exact people. But, like, I'm not disagreeing with those people per se, but, like, so I don't think it's a good strategy to alienate a certain percentage of the base of that. Some of them are single issue voters. Like Trump ran on Roe v. Wade, 20 16 11 million more in 2020.

Initial Disagreement

It is not. Hold on. I will give you numbers after you promise. I have. It is not worth alienating a certain percentage. Hold on, number six, bear. That's what it is to me. Relax, relax. I am relaxing. Why are you telling me I'm not relaxed? Cause there's hands and I don't know who you are, and you're just coming up and talking, and I don't really get. I think it's that poker tray. Quite honest with you, but go ahead, jarbot, in your little ass. Fuck you. Fuck you.

Trump's Tactical Approach

Oh, my God. It's too early for me. Go ahead, jarbot. Hey, so, bear, I got. I love you, man. I got a slightly different take, though. Like, I agree with you. Trump was watching that speech and he's like, what's the perfect freaking troll that I can post right now that will get everyone worked up? And he's sitting there watching, and he's like, I know what I can post. Let's post something about reproductive rights. A, it'll shore up my defense against people coming at me saying that I'm anti woman or anti whatever. And b, it just really trolls them. It uses their language against them.

Understanding Political Strategy

It's just. Hold on. It's just like the evangelicals for Harris, right? He's like. It's like a counterpunch that says, listen, I'm in for reproductive rights. And like, I look at it like, hey, this is a great opportunity to pull people in that normally wouldn't have come into the discussion and eventually walk them down the path and show them how bad abortion really is and get them into that life. Like, that's the whole point of this. But, Jarba, you think, like, the evangelicals for Harris is a. Is a bad thing. Like, I look at it from a. Like, from a. From a strategic point of view, with the amount of people that join that and are talking about that, like.

Shifting Perspectives on Abortion Policies

Like I said, like, they're not going. They are not expecting to win that vote. They're just. They're. They're playing Trump's old words and playing it against them now, which, you know, we can agree to disagree with you. They're just trying to get a certain percentage of that vote. Not to vote for Kamala, but just to sit their asses, like, as free would say, on the couch. Like, that's what they're sure. But it's no different than Trump using their language. That, and Trump pissing off that exact base.

Critique of DeSantis' Stance

It's not, he's not pissing off that base. Like, that's the thing, what free was saying. Like, the group, the small percentage that are going to be upset about this are the people that are just going to be offended for it. Right? Like, and I was in, I was arguing with someone earlier. I was like, where are you criticizing DeSantis for supporting a six week ban? Effectively, that's no different than a 15 week ban. You're still supporting, you know, DeSantis supporting baby killing up until six weeks. Well, effectively, no, they're both pro choice positions. Right. You're just killing babies earlier or later. So as long as you're going to not criticize the stances for supporting up to six weeks, like, where, you know, there's no line there, right.

Education on Abortion

It's all a pro choice position. But my whole point is it's like, it's using their language against them. It's, it's doing exactly what you said with the Kamala evangelicals for Harris, and it gets the conversation going. If it brings some of those people that are kind of in the middle, on the fence into the conservative party, we can teach them about how bad abortion is and go to Mark's spaces and see the abortion and what it really looks like because they haven't been educated on it. They don't know what it looks like. This is a great opportunity. I think it's an awesome troll. I mean, at the end of the day, we know that he's kind of in that middle grade on supporting abortion up until a period in time with the exceptions for rape and incest of the mother.

Projection of Evangelical Views

I think the ironic part is most evangelicals and christians are in that same position. They support the same limits and the same exemptions. So I think it's a masterful troll. And at the end of the day, I think it's probably going to bring more people in there. It's only going to piss off the people that already hated him. So it doesn't really matter on the right side. And I think on the left side, it brings them in the conversation. It gives us a chance to teach these people about abortion.

Cultural Observations

There is not a there is not a person that is breathing that read his post that was on the fence about Donald J. Trump that read his post and said, oh, my God. Oh, look what Trump just said. Speaker two no, there is, look what he said. I'm definitely, I'm definitely gonna, there are people. It's just not there. No, no, not. All right. Let me explain the mentality of those people. Well, there's one free. Free did it. So, I mean, he, they do exist. But by the way, he thinks I'm a misogynist because I don't support Kamala. That's not what I said.

Complexities of Gender Politics

That's what. I said. I will say it's a little bit interesting that there are so many people that are, like, really hung up on the, it's a state issue. Where does Donald Trump live? Does anyone, can anyone tell me where he lives? Because I'm pretty sure he lives in South Florida. And Florida has a bill that's going through right now that is worse. I live in one of the worst states when it comes to abortion. It's disgusting. Their law that would get amended to their state constitution would be worse than Colorado's when it comes to abortion.

Political Stances and Abortion Regulations

And everybody's like, hey, it's a state issue. If he's so fucking pro-life, why doesn't he say anything? Why is he running in a national election? And that would be stupid. It would be stupid. It would be stupid if you're running for president of the United States and 60 plus percent of the country is not with the pro-lifers on this issue for you to come out. Speaker one. So free my thing. This is good. Because I'm, this is good. Hold on, Chad. Chad, one sec. Because I'm going to disagree with free. So this is actually good.

Counter Narrative in the Zeitgeist

The counter narrative exists and it's in the zeitgeist. People did say today that he did come out and say, exactly. It's on the nutrition. My point for me, you just said. Like five minutes ago that 4% of the republican party cares about this. Like 60% of the Democrat party compares cares about this. If you think that people are going to flip their vote based on abortion, you are okay. You're a kamala servative, dude. You're okay. All right, all right. Listen, past experiences and stuff, it's just that it doesn't work in here. Will, go ahead, will. Hey, sorry. Just a couple quick opt in to save the day. Thank you. Items on this one. As far as like, Trump coming out on the Florida amendment issue, early voting begins on October 26. We've got a lot of time here. Still, whether or not it comes out now or later makes the issue.

Thoughts on the Florida Amendment

Question for you. What are your thoughts on that whole thing and not necessarily the amendment, like the amendment's a whole different conversation. But just on. I mean, the Dems are putting on the bout to drive turnout. I don't think it's going to succeed in Florida, just given the numbers I've seen. I think you probably are going to end up with legal weed and not amendment four, but unless King Griffin saves the day. But I do want to point. Hey, will, real, will, real quick, free. Like, you know how you go back and forth with everybody all day and I just, you know, I love everybody, so I just enjoy it. But, like, weed, free weed passes in Florida, you'll never see a more fun Twitter with me. But go ahead. Yeah, but I do think actually, like, unless Ken Griffin really does pull out all the stops, I think legally, probably narrowly passes, I think amendment four goes down in a good way.

The Influence of Poll Data on Party Dynamics

Like, I actually think we'll win that one. But I. Trump may say one of my good friends. I don't think. I don't really. One of my good friends will. One of my good friends, she works at truly, the company that DeSantis and Christine and all them are at war with, even though DeSantis is funded by the hemp industry. Yeah, but go ahead. Well, yeah, so the couple things. One point is, one, the Trump truth. I think people are kind of misinterpreting it a bit when he's talking about reproductive rights. I actually think, you know, and he does this because he doesn't really understand some of this stuff, you know, the nuances of it. I think he's legitimately just talking about IVF. Like, I actually think that's what, that's. Goodness sakes. That's what I'm saying. Your mouse shot about everything. You know, he just, he was trumping it. He just, you know, shoots on the. Hip and says stuff. You go, wait, what?

Political Representation and Voter Block Analysis

Oh, oh, wait. He was actually talking about this and he just said something that, like, in his head, it was what he thought it was. He doesn't care. But I do want to point out something like we, I've heard conservative party tonight, I've heard a lot of people, like, talking about sort of what the Republican Party stands for. I would refer everybody to really good pew research piece done in 2021 called beyond red versus blue, the political typology. And they did a very good analysis of the republican coalition. About 23% of Republicans are categorized as what you would call a faith and flag conservative. These are the people that are like your hardcore pro lifers. They generally identify as sort of very committed christians. It's actually one of Trump's strongest blocs, too, within the party, interestingly. And they're also among the most likely to claim that he won the 2020 election. Committed conservatives tend to be conservative. Most of their primary focus is on economics.

Conservative Factions within the Republican Party

They will compromise on certain social issues. They make about 15% of the republican party. Then you have the populist right, which are very strong and probably the most what they, what pew kind of their research indicates is going to be the longest lasting bloc of Trump supporters within the party. And these are mostly highly restrictive on immigration, very critical about fairness and economics, as well as big banks and corporations. And they don't tend to have very strong focus on social issues. They are predominantly rural voters, least likely to hold a college degree. And then you have sort of the ambivalent right. They tend to be much more conservative on about government and social safety net. They're a little bit more libertarian, more modern immigration, social issues. And they're about 18% of the Republican Party. There's a remainder about 15%, that are what they call stress sideliners, which are much more sort of moderate, old school, Rockefeller country club republicans.

Understanding the Nature of the Republican Party

But, like, this idea that the Republican Party is a conservative party, I think, is actually a bit of a misnomer. It is. It has a conservative faction within the party. It's a sizable faction. But when the other factions sort of glob together or enough kind of far flung elements within the party glob together, which they sort of have done in the Trump coalition, the conservatives actually aren't the majority of the party. Even so, like, I think we have to be very careful about how we discuss the Republican Party as an entity, because it actually isn't a conservative party. It never actually has been. Even in the Reagan era in general. You had, I mean, will have generally. Moderate, still moderate control within the party. So, like, I do think we need to be careful about that. That's just kind of what I wanted to chime in with.

Contrasting Political Opinions on Abortion

No. And I mean, unfortunately, the lovely primary, even after Trump, you know, and it's gonna disagree. It's gonna kind of the counter argument of what I was making. But, like, you know, Trump came out against the abortion and which is ridiculous because he, you know, said it was a state's issue. But, like, then, you know, even though it was low turnout, I mean, incredibly low turnout, Iowa, still, the evangelical still did come out for him. There was research done today there. Evangelicals. So evangelical Christians are still, in terms of actual vote swing. The largest bloc of Trump voters, the most likely to vote for Trump of any religious demographic. Then it's mainline Protestants, then it's Catholics, then it's Muslims, then it's Jews. And Trump actually wins. The muslim vote's a very small sample. So that one I'm kind of questionable on. But he had like, I think he had like a seven point lead there. But among Catholics, he was eleven point lead. Among mainland Protestants, it was like 30 something. And among evangelicals, it was like almost 40.

Impact of Religious Voting Blocks

And Harris, she wins atheists, like 64%, which is wild. But that is a huge block of the american populace now are non believers. And so I think at times we should be somewhat mindful of. But, like, the christian vote is very heavy. Trump across all denominations. Yep. There's no denying that. And, you know, we're going to differ on where. And you know what, like, free, I will send you the numbers. And Steve days, like I said, he's done it. Few like you present me with numbers, I'll listen. But days has presented a couple times when it comes to when the pro life voters turn out, you know, whether it be 20, I mean, the pro life voters even turned out in 22, believe it or not, if you actually go into the numbers, but, like, so you lose a certain percentage. And that's just where my concern is how many of the independent slash democrats are you really going to pick up if you go into the pro choice territory?

Election Dynamics and Voter Appeal

That's all the point I was trying to make on that is don't piss off your base while, you know. But we'll see what Trump does because like will just said, hey, it's just better if he just doesn't talk about it. Like the IVF for an example. Just, just don't talk about, just don't. Like, you'll be fine. Let Kamal and the Democrats just bury themselves. All right, let's go to hands because I have been talking. Go ahead. Go ahead, Lapis. All right. Well, I wanted just ask, did I. Did I hear, oh, did you say. Lapis or I'm sorry. Go ahead, lapis. I'm out. So I remember God hearing people say, oh, Trump's not electable. He has no appeal to swing voters. We need to moderate and we need to bring back these suburban voters that we're losing. Well, they don't. Then when people like Trump actually say, hey, you know what the, I think what people need to understand is that America is a huge country.

Balancing Voter Perspectives

We have 330 million people there are pro choice. Do we laugh? We don't have to like it, but that's just how it is. And Arizona, lap as you are lapis, you always let him talk. Why do you guys always want to interrupt him? Then it takes him two eyes points. If you interrupt him, he's only going to go on long. I don't understand why you interrupted me. Go ahead, honey. Arizona is not a pro life state anymore. And a lot of that. It would be worse if we. If we would not repeal that law. Do you want Katie Hobbs to have a fucking trifecta and repeal the fucking everify law? Pass pro illegal immigration laws. Like, we're literally so close to losing Arizona forever. And, like, these people want to. Like, what happens when you run Carrie fucking lake. even if we didn't run Carrie Lake, we still lost with McSally.

Strategic Candidates and Elections

We still lot like. We. Yeah, that's a bunch of bullshit. Laugh. If no other candidate would have pissed. Off every faction before Carrie, like, even run. So the. I remember these people say, well, you see here, Trump doesn't appeal to suburban voters. He. We need somebody who can win and is electable. Okay, then why are you wanting him to take positions that are not electable and that make the electorate distasteful? So, like, what do you people. What do you. So which is it? Do you want to be electable and. Or do you want to, like, continuously? Lapis, you. You admitted last night that you talk. Sweetheart. He was the Lapis. He was the never disantest.

Tension in Political Strategies

What I want, lapis, is this is I'm with you on the abortion issue, but you're not. Again, the stance he's taking. Just because a certain percentage of the country, which is true, 60%. 61% of the country pro choice this and that. Like, like Trump is already. Trump has a record. Trump is pro life. On paper, Trump is pro life. Do you think the Arizona is pro life? Like, these states are not? Like, like, Michigan is definitely not pro life. I don't care what name says Michigan is a pro choice state. Pennsylvania, definitely not. Arizona. Definitely lapis. We were talking about Florida for the.

Understanding State Policies and Challenges

For the sake of the argument. We were talking about amendment four in Florida. Yeah, but they were saying. I'm just not sure it's really a topic for this space when we have so many hands up, honey. No, no, it was related because I was wondering, like, people want. There's not a slap. Single pro life state. Maybe. Maybe Alaska. Then again, no. Free. Like, I'm talking like the pro life voters in Georgia, like the Brian Kemp, voters like, so is it worth what he's doing? Is my question. The percentage of voters. He's a, let's say he goes full, I mean, he's just about at that, you know, at that aerial arrow where he's pushing towards the pro choice like after a statement, like he's pushing towards the pro choice like, so.

Considering Reproductive Rights in Elections

Is it worth pro life swing state? The others are pro choice, but they're. You know, thank you. Laugh. If you, if you allow Georgia to vote on that issue, it would be the same thing that would happen there that happened in Ohio. It's not going to address the fact that he did say that him and his administration would beneficial for reproductive rights. No, that's what we're talking about. And, but what I'm saying is throughout this nation, we have to get it out our heads that there are pro life states, there are none. When people get in the voting booth and they close that curve, what I'm saying is if they have the opportunity. I'm trying to answer the question.

Trends in Voter Perspectives

No, you're saying these things don't exist. I'm trying to answer the question. So listen carefully. Like that. Listen carefully. Trump over the, over Kamala, which is a very high possibility for. No, it's a, like I do, give. Me, give me like 30 seconds and I'm gonna explain. I'll explain. There are two reasons why there's no pro life states. Number one, if given the opportunity and the people get to directly vote on these issues, there is a 100% record right now of these states of people voting the pro choice way. That's number one. Number two, and the thing that most people seem to be forgetting here, where they're like, oh, he won't gain any other voters.

Voter Turnout and Strategic Considerations

There's another move at play here. He has to make sure that he's not motivating the single issue. Democrats motivating the, I think it's like 15, 20% of Democrat voters. He's got to make sure that he's not motivating them to come out like they did in 2022 when they were really up in arms about abortion. So it's not just about gaining votes, it's about suppressing turnout. And, you know, if that person is, like a little bit busy on the day that they were supposed to vote and they say, you know what? I'll just, I'm just gonna stay home. Everybody else has got it. If Trump is not the big scary guy on abortion, then they're more likely to stay home.

The Dual Nature of Voter Dynamics

But if it's a rallying cry that's credible, then they're more likely to come out. And so he's got to do everything he has he can do to stomp that out. So free those voters. You just said, though, they're already not voting for Trump because he overturned Roe v. Wade. He put the justices on. But many are voting for the counter. Many are voting, many are voting for the couch. Many are voting for the couch. Interest populists that are for the exceptions life of the mother incest, but agree on the 15 weeks I am not even making. Again, I am not a pro life voice on this app or pro life voice in real life, like from us.

The Strategic Assessment of Voter Engagement

I'm just taking it from a strategic standpoint. I do not think it is smart to alienate your own base, but it's not reality. It's not. It's real opponent either. It's not smart to take your opponent's number one voting issue and galvanize them around that issue. That's way worse than losing a small percentage of a small percentage. So you have a small percentage of republican voters who are like, abortions my top issue, and then a smaller percentage of that percentage is going to say I'm staying home and allowing Kamala Harris to win because Trump is not as pro life as I want them to be. My one question to you, and you know I love you to death, is when's the. Can you name one time where Trump bent the knee on an issue and won?

The Complex Nature of Political Strategy

What do you mean bent the knee? Where he just gives in to the other side? Let's say b because, I mean, that post today, it's definitely, I mean, it's definitely not giving in to the right, let's put it that way. So, like, is there a time where Trump has, you know, given in to the left and won for giving in, as in tried to get for votes and won an issue? I cuz, because I cannot. Name one. Let me, let me phrase it a different way. How many times has Trump bucked Republican Party tradition and moved the party in a different direction than the party already was going? That direction is.

Examining Trump's Political Maneuvering

Let me finish my statement. Has he, has he taken the. Because remember, the republican party was the party of rah rah war in Iraq until Trump came along and said no. And by the way, I'm not honoring that war. I'm not gonna say that it was a good thing. I'm gonna I'm gonna denigrate that war. And he won. There's many times where he, mind you, I do love. That was. That was the left, remember? That was the left position. I could give you an Obamacare. Like, he. He kind of did win in 2016 by promising to repeal Obamacare, but that's part of probably about it. That's the kid with John over turning.

Shifting Dynamics in Healthcare Policy

Roe v. Wade and won in 2016, bringing it back. That's literally. My point is. My point is he's taken the party. He's taking the party and made it more mainstream in certain areas. We don't want to hear from you right now, Josh. You just said that he ran on 2016 on repealing Obamacare and he won. And guess what he didn't do. Repeal Obama. Well, technically. How was that his fault? Because John McCain voted against us. Because. Because now he doesn't want to repeal Obamacare and then he lost. Nobody wants to repeal Obamacare now. Are you kidding me? Find me one senator that's running on that issue.

The Disconnect Between Voter Sentiment and Action

Man, you care about virtue signaling? You don't care about winning. You want a virtue signal? He moves. Oh, my God. Every single time he moves to the left, he loses. There's not a single issue that he's talking about, man. I mean, I would say he kind. Of examined talking to a fucking wall. Yeah. I mean, clearly, because you're not making any sense. What just happened real quick. Okay, there. I would. I would agree with what I just said.

Consensus on Political Strategy

Yeah. Every time. Every time he moves left on a position that he previously won over in 20 slate, like, they were rallied around him in 2016 on an issue, every time he moves left on that issue, he free. Hold on, Bear. Bear, I would agree with you that, yes, when it came, like, him moving left on abortion does not do him any favors. But I will point out that individually in certain, even in red states and red counties that voted for Donald Trump, and let's say that maybe voted for Rhonda Santos in the primary, for example, or whatever, like, they voted to legalize abortion. Why is that?

Voting Trends and Republican Engagement

Why did a lot of republican voters vote? Like, because remember, these are. These are. These are republican. These are republican states. Like the Kansas, the kid, like the Kansas referendum, the Ohio referendum. Explain why Ohio. Like, I get it. We're a pro choice country. I completely get it, Josh, that. But like, when you look, I've got a suggestion, everybody. Bear, we have had these hands up here forever.

Navigating the Discussion on Abortion

Hold on that. Because I want to hear that point. Free is going to say that. Hold on. I know, my guy free is going to say that, you know, the country has shifted left and the demographics have this and that, but, like, 2022 is going to back up what I'm saying. I'll send it to you. I can't while I'm hosting here for you. But, it's not. When you alienate a certain percent of your most loyal, I didn't say the largest, the most loyal base of the Republican Party, and I don't even agree with that most loyal base on everything that they say. I'm talking about the pro life.

Discourses on Trump and the Republican Party's Stand on Abortion

But, like, when you alienate that certain, you are not making up for them independence and Democrats, you just are not. The numbers are. It doesn't add up. Yes, it does. That's how he won in 2016. Bears, Bear. That's how he, look. Donald J. Trump ran on overturning Roe v. Wade. Bear, just literally count me down. Count me down. 10 seconds. 10 seconds. Just count me down. In 2016, he was to the left of the entire Republican Party on many issues, including literally moved the party to the right. Donald J. Trump, literally. Speaker two, your, this is revisionist. Just listen to what I'm saying real quick. Where was the Republican Party and where was the conservative movement on the issue of, let's say, like, wars? What I just said. Yeah, Trump moved the party to the left on those issues where the left was at that time. Right. He bucked party tradition in like about a billion different ways, and he won by doing that. So that's, to answer your question, that's what he did. That's how he wondez the reason why I didn't support him in 2016. I was like, this guy's not a conservative.

Trump's Pro-Life Stance and Consequences

And you know what? Maga was like, I don't care. He marched in the right to life for March. Like Trump was the, Trump ran on the most pro-life. And again, I'm with you guys when it comes to politics and that, I'm just saying with the republican base, Trump ran in 2016 on the most pro-life platform ever. Like, and he did it. I mean, again, we can argue if he's the most pro-life person, obviously not. But, like, on paper, hold on, lapis, he ran on it and did it free. Like, I disagree with what you're saying. Like, he proved that in 2016. He proved it like, we talked about 2016 with how, you know how much Kamala is down versus Hillary. Like, Trump proved it in 2016. Like, you need your loyal republican base, you need it in 2020. Like, you and I disagree. I mean, in 2020, what happened? Like, I still think mathematically and what took place and this and that. Like, there's still, I still have many questions on what happened in 2020. But like, you look at numbers, he got 11 million more votes after putting those justices on the court. Like, it's not a losing issue for Trump.

Debate Over Trump's Stance on Abortion

So to alienate any of his base, which is pro-life, like Trump's base is pro-life. And that's why I, you know, people say, what's the difference between Trump and RFK or Trump and a Democrat? There's not much. But, you know, what is the difference? They're based. What's the policy difference? Between what? Between yesterday when he didn't put out that tweet, and today, what has changed wise? Well, there's not much because it was understood, but the party and what bear, and I'm not going to speak. What's the policy difference, folks? Well, the policy difference is that even more committed to another flip flop. What is the policy difference, folks? I'm gonna ask it again. I'm gonna buckle down on this question. What is the policy difference? What changed between yesterday and today? I say until he clarifies his post, I'm gonna take it that he's now a pro-choice person because it implies the last few words in that post in, I mean, that's literally what it, like if anybody else wrote that there.

Examining the Stance on Abortion Legislation

That's what, that's, what is the policy difference? That's not a fair question. You're lying to yourself if you didn't think Trump was pro-choice all along. He said as much in many interviews over the years. I am arthemental. Yes. I am not arguing Trump is a pro. I am not arguing any, I started this space by saying, I don't even, you know what? Trump says this. All I'm saying is it is not. No, he says, let's leave it. Leave it to the states. I returned, you know, I gave the pro-life movement this and that. Like, this has been his message throughout the last year and a half. We're gonna leave it to the states. He's, you know, he has talked about heartbeat bills and this and that, like, all of a sudden, because I'm telling you, free.

Public Perception of Abortion as an Election Issue

Has it changed? He watched Kamala's speech. Yes, he watched Kamala's speech, which was horrid, which he saw what she was saying. And that is the reason for that post today. That's the, like, he hasn't used that language ever. Ever. I'm just waiting for the policy change. But I don't have to change right there. He's never used. Guys, hold on 1 second. Wait. It's not me, it's twitter. They can, waiter, they can go. I'm not even speaking. It's not that hard. Well, until now. Go. All right. Go, go ahead, Gator. Okay. I could, I can say pretty much as a Southern Baptist, middle Georgia voter, you know, in a swing state, you know, we're not going to allow abortion to become a wedge issue in this election.

Community Views on Abortion and Personal Beliefs

It's simply not going to happen. I talked to a lot of people, you know, that are pretty much when you meet these people in the street, they're apolitical. They're, they're more, you know, your cookie cutter evangelical, bless your heart. You know, you love you. You know, Southern Baptists, that's who we are. Come to the barbecue. We work too hard to bring the issue back to the states. We can, we can handle it on the states. This is a conversation we've had. You know, I'm 49 years old. I've talked to pro-choice people and I've been more to the left of most pro-choice people, but I still view abortion as murder. But you have to have a consensus on a local, much larger on a state if you want to make it a state law. But there's no way you can't allow it to become a wedge issue on a federal level because it's a moot point on the federal level.

The Importance of Local Consensus

You know, that's not, you know, what's, what. The conversation we need to be having, it's, this election is going to be won in the swing states. And, you know, Jason can lose his mind, you know, all he wants. But that's the reason why he used to blow up my friggin DM's, you know, non stop. You know, just because he disagreed, it, just because you disagree doesn't make a fact. Not so, but I'll, am I playing there? I just, I don't know anybody that's asking for a federal abortion ban. People are just saying, you wanted this to go to the states. It might be nice if you come out and say like, hey, this is probably not great. If they want to kill babies that are about to be born. That's not that hard. That's not like a crazy thing to, if you want to flip, like everybody's talking about flipping the narrative and the counter narrative is that Democrats want to kill babies that are about to be born.

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