Revitalizing the Terra Classic Ecosystem


Space Summary

The Twitter Space Revitalizing the Terra Classic Ecosystem hosted by SolidProof_io. The Terra Classic Ecosystem is undergoing a revitalization with a strong emphasis on blockchain security. Security audits, KYC processes, and strategic partnerships with industry platforms are key elements in ensuring trust and credibility within the blockchain space. Continuous development and community engagement play vital roles in promoting awareness and adoption of secure practices. Stay informed about the latest updates and developments in blockchain security to navigate the evolving landscape effectively.

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Total Listeners: 93


Q: Why are security audits important in the blockchain space?
A: Security audits help identify vulnerabilities and ensure the robustness of blockchain ecosystems like Terra Classic.

Q: How does KYC contribute to trust in blockchain projects?
A: KYC processes enhance transparency by verifying user identities and detecting potential risks.

Q: What benefits do partnerships with industry platforms bring?
A: Partnerships offer resources, expertise, and networking opportunities to enhance security practices and credibility.

Q: Why is continuous development crucial for blockchain security?
A: Ongoing improvements help address new threats, vulnerabilities, and technological advancements in the security landscape.


Time: 00:13:45
Importance of Blockchain Security Specialists Understanding the role of specialists in safeguarding blockchain ecosystems.

Time: 00:25:11
Significance of Security Audits in Trust Building Exploring how audits establish trust and confidence in blockchain projects.

Time: 00:36:30
Partnerships with Industry Leaders for Credibility Insights on collaborations with renowned platforms for credibility and transparency.

Key Takeaways

  • Blockchain security specialists play a crucial role in maintaining the integrity of ecosystems like Terra Classic.
  • Services such as security audits, KYC, and consulting are essential for ensuring trust and reliability in blockchain projects.
  • Partnerships with platforms like @solidproof_news and @TrustNet_SP indicate a commitment to transparency and credibility in the industry.
  • Continuous development and updates are imperative to adapt to the evolving landscape of blockchain security.
  • Community engagement and education are key components in promoting awareness and adoption of secure blockchain practices.

Behind the Mic

Excitement and Friday Vibes

Oh, my God, that was so fun. Whoa, my mother phone is way too loud. Okay, okay. Let me co host invite send to do do. Oh, my God, it's Friday. I've been listening to like, really upbeat music all morning. Also, I'm like really going, like, I'm. Anyways, I'm really hyped up this morning. Whoops, wrong person. I was just sent Danny this tag. Blah, blah. All right, all right. What up, y'all? What up, y'all? We are, yeah, we have a real bit, actually. We have a double giveaway today. We're also giving away Emersh hoodie collaboration with Danny and Swarovski. So we're giving some fun shit away to you people. Win. Get retweeting, right. It gets following Fomo hour and everybody in the room, you know, the vibe sims. Cook it, baby. Good morning. Good morning. GMG. Friday. Woo. It's Friday then.

Announcements and Market Updates

Friday. Sorry, I'm fixing the title. Friday October. Sorry. Up tober. Up, up tober. 4th 2024. Look at that. Another beautiful day to have a beautiful, if I'm not mistaken, this is kind of nice number. It's, it's what? Oh, October is what. Which month of the year is the 10th month of year, right? 1011. Yeah. 10th mother year says tend. Ten four. Four or ten four is it ten four today? Ten. 410. 410. Four. Oh, there you go. Ten four. It's 2024. Look at that. Another beautiful day to have a beautiful day. Another day in paradise. I got my co host in the house, Tyler. Good morning. How you doing today? Fantastic. It's a green morning. I feel like it's been a busy morning. A lot of news coming in. I'm ready for it. Looks like maybe we'll have a good weekend here.

Market Analysis and Guest Appearance

Yeah, it's definitely a taller top 1000 type of day, which is good because we don't have Mando. But also we'll be joined by Danny seed phrase in. In about 20 minutes. So, so we definitely have time to go over everything. you got to talk about today because you're right. I got hit I. This morning, I got hit by like a million things. That's usually what I know, that there's a tongue going on in space. and usually, you know, time with us going higher. So anyways, today on the show today, market report, as usual, we'll go over the market, what we're looking at, et cetera, why we're pumping or why we're giving it all back. But hopefully it keeps going higher. Tyler's top 1000. You have been promoted again to 1000 today, Tyler. Congratulations. Tyler's top 1000. There's a lot of topics to go over. Then we have Danny, my good friend Danny suit Fraser who is going to join us.

Discussion on Art, Fashion, and Collaborations

We've been meaning to have an episode where we talk about state of art, like where we're at and everything. Of course we should definitely do one with Roger Dickerman. Love his updates but figured that we could coincide Danny come in on the show with his emerge collaboration. Looks like it's closing. Maybe it may have sold out by now. I haven't checked since yesterday. Nearly. But also his Sotheby sales and he's got a lot going on in art, fashion, et cetera. So I have a good conversation all around like, you know, art fashion in crypto, web three and all that good stuff. Then we're gonna giving away another robot spin so you can win anywhere from a red guy which is about fifteen hundred dollars to a crypto punk. We have the king of the punks on today, Tyler. Oh we. Yeah, today. Today may be the day. Today maybe the day is somebody wins the punk. So that could be crazy.

Giveaways and Special Features

I'll make the robots pin during the space and I'll try and make it, you know, crazy punk wise. And then Haspa. And then Danny's giving away one of his hoodies that he minted. So super cool. So you get a hoodie that he minted, et cetera, which is worth like, I don't know, $700 which is super cool. And then. Longest intro in the world. Hold on. Last but not least, you know, I'm about to say right now this show is powered by galaxies with seamless builtin up monetization tools. Galaxies enables the development of sustainable long term communities, fulfilling bitcoin's vision of decentralized freedom and independence from centralized control. All right, Tyler. Tylere. Tyler did it. All right, let's just dive right into the market and your top 1004 daily NFT and crypto analysis.

Market Report and Economic Insights

Tyler calls the kid can read a batch of pairs. Yeah. I'll start off with a quick market report. I do my best Mando impression here. So a couple of macro headlines on the good side. So the United States porch strike was temporarily resolved yesterday evening. They ended up giving a 62% wage increase and the contracts through January 15. So that big risk overhang is now gone. We got some good news this morning from the jobs report. Lower unemployment, significantly more jobs added than expected along with higher average wages. Markets now pricing in less than the 50 bps cut here for November. Those odds are down from 40 to 13. People like Ovi saying soft landing now fully in possibilities here.

Recession Fears and Cryptocurrency Movements

Recession fears are gone. We saw the us dollar jump that used to be bad for crypto. It wasn't the case this morning. So crypto was pumping those like we're giving a little bit of it back here right now. Us stocks opened up pretty nicely as well. Those are giving a look back some of the gains here this morning. We've got bitcoin 61 200, Solana at 140. Oh yeah, we just hard dumped as you opened your. We're down a little bit there. All having a good morning though as well. I saw a lot of alts up 10%. Tia, how Ave was up 5% on the grayscale news. Memes are having a good morning after this news as well. All the meme leaders up five to 10%. Giga and fog were big movers overnight. Maybe we'll come back to this.

Additional Headlines and Market Developments

But man, Murad's list looks good. Can't stop Murad, can't stop Marad. But then some of the other headlines here, a big one out of with impacts to bitcoin and all crypto, perhaps a new HBO documentary on the electric the bitcoin mystery claims to reveal who Satoshi is Tuesday night at 09:00 p.m. eastern. So that's going to be a big one. We got a few other macro headlines. PayPal skewed their first ever business transaction using their stablecoin PyUsD, often invoiced to Ernest and young. We saw the CFTC move forward with recommendations allowing tokenized shares of money market funds to be used as collateral and trading. So more progress on tokenized stocks.

Tech Innovations and Viral Moments

Money market funds there. Masari launched a new AI powered assistant called Copilot. That was an interesting launch. Yesterday we saw abstract release their latest app that's going to be on their l two multiplier. It's a meme and culture speculation app with a free play option for creators. Mark Cubitt, a quote, a lot of quotes went viral from your interview. One getting the most traction is his meme coin. Quote, every meme coin is a rug pull in the works. We'll have your reactions to that. And then a couple other NFT headlines. Suzuki announced a new partnership with flashbots to debut their Bobo magic show. And then a crypto punk sold in quotes for 24,000.

Marketing Stunts and Community Reactions

Hey, that was, that was ov. But turns out as a marketing stunt for an upcoming meme coin launch. So an interesting twist on that punk sale, but, yeah, that's. That's the round up there. Yeah, that's. There's definitely a lot to talk about today and you absolutely love to say, where do we even start? Mean, we can talk quickly, quickly about the market, Tyler. So obviously we got the payrolls numbers and everything was actually surprising, it seems, across the board. But bitcoin, do we think. Do we think this was our bottom? Apologies for the lions, but these are my personal head mental lines. I didn't get my 58k, but, dude, we came close.

Potential Market Bottoms

We went 59 eight yesterday. Do you think this was the generational fourth quarter bottom? I sure hope it's the bottom. I want to hesitate a little bit. I'm getting too euphoric here. It was feeling a little. It was feeling very bottoming this morning. The fact that we're kind of giving it back right now isn't great. Actually, Walter Bloomberg, he's tweeted a hundred times this morning about the jobs one that he kind of slipped in there. Some analysts are expecting those job numbers to be revised lower. So, like, we've already seen massive revisions in these numbers throughout the year. If we pumped because of that headline and then we get the revision next week or in a few weeks.

Global Events Affecting Markets

Right. It was a fake pump, so I'm a little concerned about that. But I don't know, it seems like the Middle east conflict may be moving in the right direction. So I think that's a big overhang to remove. Yeah. So the latest on that, it was that the arab countries are going to stand neutral between Iran and Israel and ask him to stop. And then I think there was a video that went viral of, like, one of the politicians from Saudi Arabia talking to Iran about how they want to better their relationships because obviously, historically, they haven't had any good relationships for religious purposes.

Unfolding Political Dynamics

And then, and it looks like things are, I mean, the sentiment from us is like, things are calming down, but that doesn't mean they are calmed down because we don't have any, like, ceasefire fires in place and stuff yet. So we'll see what the wick can bring us. I know this week was a week of celebration, technically, for people in Israel, et cetera. So maybe they were holding back. But what do I know? We'll see. We'll see what happens over that. The weekend, hopefully. Please, please. We're done with it. Okay. It's better for that, I think, for the sake of the earth that things are done.

Market Insights and Predictions

But look, we're bouncing nicely. Tyler. 613-2372 on east. 140 on the solar 139 ish. And then the top meme is bitcoin. Sorry, Pepe was at 383.8. Bill Mark is back at 551. And then you have with probably, let me guess, 240 something. Oh, wow. No, 223. Interesting. 223, not a bad bounce there. And a bunch of memes higher. Speaking of memes, this fog one every day, I look at it every day, I'm starting to feel a little depressed. It just keeps going, and I see more and more pfps in the timeline. Theyre nice too.

Personal Reflection on Investments

I just didnt get it. I just didn't see the vision for this one, so I totally faded it. Another 11%. 137 million. Basically hanging out at all-time highs. Nuts looks good. You mentioned wif, so we got kind of low last night. So width like went, I think sub two briefly. So 225 is something nice. 10% off the bottom. Decent rebounds on a lot of these. I think the other thing jumping out to me about this meme market is I mentioned it, but Marad memes a Giga. I think Giga is the number one story of the day. It's up 36% to 320 million.

Exciting Developments in the Meme Market

Oh, my. The first time we talked about Giga to fill in that wick, go see what it was. It was. This was back on July. That was it. But what was the price at that day? I don't want to talk to you about this right now. It's up 22 x since June 24. Yeah. So we missed out on a ten x for sure there. 85. It's. No, it's from the bottom of the wick. So it's from here, right? Yeah, right around there. Maybe a little lower. Yeah, from here, actually. 516% pump since five x.

Market Trends and Investment Strategies

Yeah. I don't know. I feel like people are starting to index. Murad plays like, just buy across the whole list or buy the ones at the top like that. That's my current working thesis on what's happening, because his list is outperforming the rest of the market. Fucking sick. This is so sickening. I. I'm done. All right. You'll have to host the show on your own. Okay, no, I'm back. But, you know, all while my meme coin that I picked one, I was like, fuck this, I'm done.

Reflections on Personal Investments

I picked one and it's been just flat for six months. But, yeah, it pumped 25% overnight too. But. But it's flat compared to all the ones that went ten x. So, you know, it is what? It's bitcoin, man. Because dude. Because strong. It's back at 61 for. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I like it. I like, I like where we're headed into the weekend. Yeah. It feels a lot better than 59.

Final Thoughts and Caution

Let's just, let's just say that, oh. We kissed 62,000 earlier anyways. So that's, that means, listen, the market's doing good, but still, I would be wary before, like, going all in right away. Right. I think we still have a little overhang in its weight. Like, what's happening is not resolved. Just so you know. Like, it's like, yeah, there's confidentiality, but doesn't mean that Iran or Israel are going to be like, listen to other countries and just go with it. So. So we'll see on that frontal. What else? I mean, the Satoshi thing I thought was very interesting.

Introduction to Satoshi Nakamoto's Identity

So. Or not. You know, we'll see if it's interesting or not. We don't know. But I saw that as well as soon as it was posted. So apparently there is a documentary on BBC that claims on HBO, sorry. That they know who Satoshi Nakamoto is. Tell me more about this.

Details About the Documentary

Yeah, that's the headline. It's called money electric, the bitcoin mystery. The reason this has got some weight behind it is it's made by Emmy nominated filmmaker Colin Hoback. That matters because Hoback previously was behind a documentary which identified the authors of QAnon. So he does have a track record of successfully identifying anonymous founders. So this isn't just like a totally random person coming out with this documentary. So I'll admit I was pretty skeptical at first. It's going to air next Tuesday, 09:00 p.m. eastern in the summer.

Market Speculations and Front Runners

I think there's some front runners, Paula. Market has already spun up a market here on some of the who. The potential candidates could be Lynn Sassman, the leader here this morning. I think I saw him over 40%. Hal Finney, Adam back. Also I think in second and third. Then beanie. Beanie's top pick was Paul Leroux. I think that's hanging out around four or 5%. What do you go to us? Yeah. Yeah. There. Who are we betting on? Assassins. Up to 48%. Wow.

Betting on Multiple Candidates

Shit. There's one also that's down there. It's other slash multiple. And I think people are sleeping on this. I would bet this if I were to bet because, dude, because you. Why are people betting one person? I don't think bitcoin was. I mean, that's my take. I don't think bitcoin was a one man job. And also, what do you qualify being one person or multiple? What does multiple qualify as to Tyler? Because, like, let's say I didn't see. The multiple was in here. Okay. Because it's at the bottom, bro. It was at 33% yesterday. People not seeing it, man.

Personal Betting Preferences

Like, if I were to bet, personally speaking, I. My money's on multiple. If I were to bet on this. Do you know what are the. What's the fine print on this? Can you scroll down? Let's go. So the rules of the market will resolve to. Yes, if the issue. Documentary money electric. The bitcoin mystery scheduled to air on October 8, identify someone other than Craig Wright, Sassman, and all the names. Whatever. I'm not gonna read them as the primary creator of bitcoin. Otherwise, this market was off to.

Clarification on Market Resolution

No, like, listen to this as the primary. What if they say, oh, Sassman was the guy behind it and helped, but we don't know who that other person is that received the payment. We don't know. And then goes, if the documentary identifies multiple individuals, this market resolves according to the individual which the document most directly depicts or presents is most likely to be responsible to create bitcoin. If two or more individuals presented is equally likely in the conclusion on documentary, the market is off to. Yes. So equally likely or other or multiple wins.

Confusion Over Market Terms

I feel like those last two paragraphs kind of conflict with each other a little bit. So I don't know. I'll just spend a little more time with this. Other was my first bet on this as well. I mean, I've got a lot of thoughts. So I think, one, I think there's a lot of line for this. Right. Like, if they actually are able to identify the person pending who it is. Right. Like, if it's also, why can't you vote on the NSA or the CIA?

Speculation About Government Involvement

That's actually what my thought was, but I haven't really gone down the rabbit hole on these. Yeah. Because a lot of. Some people think that bitcoin is CIA up. I have talked to a lot of people think that. I don't know. I. What do you, what do you think, Tyler? Who's Satoshi? Tyler? It's not Elon. I know that. Thank you. But, yeah, I also. I'm going down the rabbit hole in this.

Diving Deeper into the Satoshi Mystery

I'd probably take other if I had to bet on this. Come on. Come on. Pick someone. I mean, I have to probably just go with the leader assessment or hard to fade this much, there's many folks who are already putting their money where the mouth is on session. He's clearly the front runner headed into this. I think Sassman is. Is deceased. I believe.

The Risk of Satoshi's Identity

I think there's less risk. Yeah, he's late. I'm just hoping that whoever invented it is actually dead. Because that way there's not like, oh, he's alive. The risk of. I started sound grim or anything, but that's not how I meant it. How I meant it is, because if he's dead, the motherfucker can't mess with it. After the HP, they hold. They hold 1.1 million bitcoin. I didn't know the exact total until yesterday.

Value of Held Bitcoin

66 billion. So. So I'm just. Yeah, that's kind of. That's kind of how I'm thinking about it. Yeah. You know, so. I don't know, man. My bets gonna be on multiple because what if it's sass, man? And I. This other person. It's the person. Asia Nakamoto. Dorian. Right. What if it's him and Dorian. What if it's? What if it's him and, you know, and. And. And so you never know who and who it is.

Discussion on Future Insights

So. I don't know. I don't. I think, you know what? When. When Danny comes on, I think that's a good thing. We can go over with Danny when he's on because he was early on bitcoin, so maybe. Yeah. What if it's seed phrase? I might be. Or maybe Frank D got surprise. What's up, dude? Here, come on.

Wrap-Up with Upcoming Guest

The spaces when you count, and then we'll. You call me by surprise. Yeah, my. But here, we'll put you back down when you're on spaces and stuff. Give me a thumbs up in the studio. We'll bring you back up. Well, there you go. We'll ask him directly. So before we go to daddy and stuff, what else do you have for us, Tyler? I mean, the punk flashlight was probably one of the more interesting things that happen.

Interesting Developments Around Punk NFTs

Ox quit, kind of broke the. Broke down the story of what actually happened. I think the tech is cool. So basically, it's all done between two contracts. Two smart contracts. One smart contract had the punk in it. Smart contract two had nothing. The punk gets listed for 24,008, get the flash loan initiated. The punk gets bought. Contract two now has the 24,000 eth.

Auditing the Financial Manipulation

It pays off the loan. Contract one now has the punk. No fees, no profits. So it begs the question of why? It's like, why do this? But it turns out it looks like it was a marketing stock. So the person behind this is launching a Kamala Harris punk meme coin. They're also auctioning the punk via, like, a seven day pre sale process.

Auctioning Details and Pricing

And looks like the person who's doing it gets 10% of the pre sale funds, 90% to. It looks like that the clown eyes were chosen for. I don't necessarily need to get into that. I think you could draw your own assumptions for why that punk was chosen. So there's a little bit more to it. I did not dive deep into the meme court itself.

Reflections on Marketing Strategies

Hey, it's. I mean, it's one of the. The bigger marketing budgets, you know, that we've seen. I mean, of course the money got paid off, but it was flashy. Yeah. Yeah, that's. That's interesting. I mean, what. So what, are we buying this, like. I probably won't be. I mean, we've got enough.

Market Trends and Future Elections

Tyler's like, yeah, it's on its way out, right? Like, we've only got 30 days left. Yeah. The election, 33, whatever it is. It was so funny, though, getting notification and being able to tweet free under a 54 million. The true story is, and the one that Tyler doesn't want to tell you guys because Ovi asked him not to talk about it.

Investments on NFT Floors

Ovi paid him off. I didn't know Tyler could be paid off, to be honest. I thought he was always a very, you know, honest man that couldn't be bought. But basically, it was OsF. OsF wanted to flex on us plebs and paid $54 million for a floor punk. Because why? And why not? Because he wanted to prove a point.

Rising to the Occasion

Tyler. What? Why don't you leave with that? You know? Yeah, we've been. Because we colluded only just acquiring all the. All the punks. He's spending hundreds of thousands. Yeah. I mean, he bought two aliens, he bought a zombie hoodie, and now he's. He's bought a $54 million floor punk.

Outrageous Investments and Community Reaction

I mean, go figure. This is. This is. This is quite crazy. Anyways, I love that. All right, well, that's. That's a good roundup. Let's bring daddy up. Daddy seed phrase in the house, baby. What's up? What's up? How you doing?

Morning Greetings and Seasonal Reflections

Gm. Gm. How are we all? It's hoodie season right now in Switzerland. It's lovely. Yeah. It's hoodie season in Montreal as well, I think. I mean, Chicago, too. No? Tyler, are you getting close to hoodie season? We're getting there.

Continued Weather Discussions

We're still like in the sixties and seventies, but like in the morning it's cooler. Definitely. I don't think Danny or myself understand what sixties. Like. Healthiest. Sounds hot. It's like what, 18? So actually gotta google it.

Understanding Temperature Conversions

16. So it's 15 Celsius to 20.1 Celsius. Okay, got it. Same here. That is hoodie season for me. Always hoodie season, daddy. So actually before we dive into all the stuff we got ready for you. Who is Satoshi Nakamoto? Have you seen this HBO thing?

Engaging the Audience on Satoshi

Like hoodie? You're an OG. Bitcoiner. Like, what do you. What do you think look like, you know, seeing obi purchase. You know, all of these punks recently for ridiculous amounts of money. You know, as you mentioned, two aliens. He just bought another floor punk for 50 million. Like, this guy's loaded.

Speculation on Satoshi's Identity

It has to be ob. I love that. If you had to take a guess out of the poly market lines, who would you think? Do you think it's like, what is Leon Sassman or Hal Finney or one of those? I think it was hell. I think, like, my. My bet has always been like, Hal Finney.

Delving into Historical Bitcoin Figures

Again, like, I haven't really gone down that rabbit hole for many years now, but it was definitely one of those like early bitcoiners who are around in 2000, 920, ten, you know, mining on their home computers. CPU's getting tons of bitcoins for like pretty much nothing. So I would definitely assume it's theme. The fact that it said that it's going to impact the US election makes me think that it potentially could be the NSA, dare I say?

Discussion on Possible Government Involvement

Yeah, we said that too. Yeah. So, like, I don't know, like, it could be, you know, a three letter agency. It could be, you know, an individual. I wouldn't be surprised if it was an agency, though. Yeah. Like, I think I was talking to Sobey one day, like a few years ago.

Reflection on the CIA's Potential Role

He was like, yeah, like, he told me all about the CIA. Like, a lot of people thought it was a CIA for a moment or something. They. It's crazy. I can't remember the story exactly, but, like, the encryption that we had up until recently, for the last like 40 years, it was just found out that the CIA had a backdoor the entire time.

Speculations on Encryption and Its Risks

And this was the same encryption that Iran was using and like, you know, many other countries. So I wouldn't be surprised if it was the CIA. Whether or not that is bullish or bearish, if that ever comes out. I don't know. It's probably very bearish. For the space. So I hope it doesn't come out. If that's the case. I hope it is like Hal Finney and, you know, he just, you know, passed with his seed phrase. But who knows? It could be really, like anyone at this point. It's been so many years that have passed since Satoshi's disappeared. Yeah. That, you know, the traces to find this person or it, or whatever it is, you know, it's long gone now. It'd be very difficult to try and track it down. Yeah, that.

Hopes Regarding Bitcoin's Origin

I was telling Tyler that I hope, whoever it is, I hope. I mean, I didn't mean to sound so grim. Hope they're dead. We definitely don't want a founder of bitcoin that is. That is alive. I don't know. Unless it's a CIA and they can do some crazy shit with it. Anyways, that's the way we're here to talk about. Just a reminder for everybody, we are doing a bunch of giveaways today, or two of them, actually on the show. Danny is going to give away a hoodie from his latest collection, which I'm sure we're going to get to. It's actually a really cool hoodie. He showed me the piece that he wants to give away. It's going to be this one hoodie number 53. Look at this, actually. So clean. Nice color. Nice color. So you'll be able to either win Emeritus hoodie or you have a chance to get a spin to potentially win a crypto punk.

Exciting Giveaways and Opportunities

Today on the show, the odds are the highest they've ever been. I just made them 1.25% chance to win a punk. So that's. Wow, that's not smart. Last time I was on the show and you did a spin, someone won a milady, right? Yes. In the summer. Yes. So hopefully, someone who's listening today is going to get lucky again. Yes, sir. That's definitely what we're. What we're hoping for today on the show. So, you know, it could happen. I think. I think there's a very high chance of it happening today. So we'll see. So all you have to do is go to Rafflebot dot XYZ. Raffle, raffle bot dot XYZ. And then you put the code seed phrase. Boom. The code today is seed phrase. S e d p h r a S E. There you go. Little spelling before y'all. And. And you'll have a chance to either win a hoodie or a spit.

Collaboration and Creative Processes

Anyways, when we get right into it. I mean, Danny why don't you tell me, like, what. What's. What's the. What's the latest? I know Tyler's got some questions queued up for you, too, but, like, you know, how's. How's this latest collaboration been for you? Because that's. That's been a big one. It has been a big one. Yeah, no, I've been. It's been such a. An exciting ride this entire time. You know, you joined us in New York. You got to see it firsthand at the Swarovski event. You know, we've been going at this now for, I would say about six months, you know, since I first met Colby during HFt NYC, when the, you know, the idea, you know, blossomed and, yeah, it's just been a pleasure. It's been so much fun. It's exactly, you know, what we had imagined, if not better.

Innovations in Design and Material

You know, we really reimagined the hoodie from Genesis. You know, we improved the materials, we improved the actual fit and the feel of it as well. And we also wanted to, like, you know, one up it. You know, obviously, the seven tray punk is a high value digital asset, and we wanted to, you know, be able to show that through the hoodies themselves, which is, you know, why we partnered with Swarovski, who did the cord ends on some of the hoodies, which look insane. You know, each. Each cord end, you know, represents a certain trait of the punk. You know, they're all in Swarovski Crystal, and then there's also two in the collection that are diamond and white gold. So, you know, that. That, to me, is like, you know, it's. It's such an incredible, you know, accomplishment. And, you know, I'm so obviously proud of our, you know, our partners that came on board for this.

Opportunities for the Community

You know, it's a really big moment. And, you know, just to note on the diamond, thankfully for one of Merch's investors, they rolled the diamond and they were like, look, this doesn't belong to me. I would love to give this to the community instead. So they gracefully put the diamond hoodie into a raffle, and anyone who has minted a drop two hoodie gets the chance of getting the diamond hoodie. So I think that's going to be a really big perk for some people. The diamond sold for over $15,000 on Christie's, and that was Christie's dot, not Christie's 3.0, which was another big accomplishment as well. And also, you know, obviously, we've got Claire Silver involved, you know, she created some insanely incredible AI artwork to accompany each hoodie. And, you know, obviously, all the Christie's participants who won their lot, they will get a one of one Claire silver work.

Glimpse into the Future of Art

So, you know, I think it's just a, you know, it's really like a mega packed, you know, collaborative drop here. And, you know, it really shows and really well represents the brand as well. Yeah, no, absolutely love that. And I'm sure we'll get into even more details a little further. Tyler. Tyler, do you want to take this on? I know you have a couple questions for Danny. Yeah, I guess maybe before we move on, though, I guess. Danny, where can folks, is the raffle still going, like, working folks? Yeah. So there's roughly. You have to be quick, though. There's only, like, 35 hoodies left. Yeah, it's on merge XYz, so that's Mmerch dot XYZ. See, there's only 35 left. There's not many left to be minted.

Encouraging Participation in Raffles

And anyone who participates in this drop will go into the draw to win the diamond hoodie. And as I said, the other diamond sold on Christie's for over $15,000. So, you know, additionally, you also have a chance of getting a Swarovski crystal, and also you get some claire silver artwork as well. So, again, rammed with a ton of value there for what this is. Again, it's a high end, luxurious hoodie just in time for the winter. And it's also brought to you by a bunch of punks, mini muse, Claire silver and myself. So we're really stepping out there and showing what's possible when it comes to collaborative, you know, initiatives like this. That was so fun, by the way, Tyler, I went to the event in New York for one night, and it was a lot of fun.

Reflections on Brand Collaborations

It was cool. I was a Swarovski. Like, it was cool always to see the big brands. Like, I know we talked about Lamborghini this week, right, Tyler? It's like, it's cool to see, like, some of them actually still kind of want to do nfts, right, and get involved with culture, which I'm sure we'll get to. But anyways, Tyler, right back to you. Yeah, I'm a big Claire Silver fan, so love seeing her name in there as well. But, Danny, your name is in the headlines for multiple reasons. Some plans with Sotheby's next week. So. Yeah, so what's going on there? Help catch us up. Yeah. So, you know, over the last month, I also did, you know, the remix with blondish we released some physical vinyls.

Artistic Ventures and Auction Announcements

And then just recently, I also announced my Sotheby's sale, which will be running from October 7 to the 10th. And I'm going to be offering seven auto glyphs, which is, I think, a very significant sale because purely, you just can't get those right now on the market. You know, that we've seen a few different symbol ones sell currently, but, you know, we are offering, you know, a range of symbols here. They're all unique symbols. It's really going to be catered towards someone who's trying to either build a set, fill some gaps in their set again, like, these are legendary, you know, works of art. You know, these are historic. They're the first ever on chain generative artworks ever to be minted.

Market Dynamics for Digital Art

So I'm really excited for the sale. I've got full trust in Michael to really bring this out to the world because this is a once in a lifetime opportunity as well to really get a good chunk of auto glyphs at once. So very excited about this. Who do you think that the profile of the virus? Is it crypto native, digital native, or do you think it's traditional? I. It's interesting because I have been, you know, I sold a couple of auto glyphs over the summer. Not that, you know, not too many people know that, but I have been, you know, secretly and, you know, I was there. Yeah, you were there, for one. And what I'm actually finding is that there's a lot of trad art interest.

Traditional Art Influences in Digital Markets

There's a lot of, like, institutional interest. It's typically people who have the budget for this and, you know, especially for, like, the first one that I sold, you know, a lot of these people who are, you know, getting into the space, they're filling it out a little bit. You know, they do come from more of, like, the contemporary art world. You know, they used to physical paintings and things like that. They, these people, when they want something, and if they go into something, like, they go into a big. Right, and that is the biggest statement you can make is by getting an auto glyph or a full set of autocliffs. So what I've really found is, like, it has been a lot of trad art or trad finance people outside of our space.

Engagement with Sotheby's Auction

There's not too many people actually within our space who is buying generative art right now. So that is also why I tap Sotheby's for the sale, because I know that they have such a large, traditional base and they're going to be putting this in front of a lot of, like, more like, traditional eyes who would be probably a lot more interested in buying these. Yeah, it makes sense. We were just having a conversation on the show yesterday or the day before about, you know, it's like, what is standing out in the digital art space right now? It's more like a traditional art collector or someone, you know, coming in that could stand the test of time.

Historical Significance in Art Collections

It feels like my short lists, you know, x copy, I think punks are on the list. Definitely. Like, juno Mars on the list. Like, it's gotta be autoglyphs, right? I'm curious, like, what else is top of mind for you? Like, are those the big three? Like, what else is in, like, top five, top ten? Like, if you think of a wealthy traditional art group is coming in, what are they going to be looking at? I've always, with my collecting style, like, I've always taken a very, like, fundamental approach. So what is the first, what is historic? You know, this has been something that, like, I've really, you know, driven my sales or like, you know, collection as well.

Key Pieces in Digital Art

So I've mostly tinkered with, like, you know, like very, like, early works, you know, something that is, like, very culturally relevant, such as crypto punks, you know, the first ever ten K collection. Culturally maybe one of the most relevant collections in the entire industry that we're in. And then obviously with auto glyphs as well, being the first ever on chain generative art, there's no denying the historical relevance to that. So besides those two collections, you could maybe argue, obviously, Fidenza's as well. I've just seen a Fidenza on the screen x copy. He has such an incredible base of collectors who have supported him over the years.

Spotlight on Digital Artists

I think, you know, when it comes to digital art, Xcopy is definitely one of those first names that comes to mind, and two others that I would add to that would be people. There's no, he's undeniable what he has done for our industry and how he's continued to support our industry, especially after that big $69 million sale during these. And Rafiq Anadal, you know, like, I think a lot of people resonate with his work. He's doing a lot of work getting digital arts in front of a lot of people who would typically not even like, you know, pay any attention to this. And, you know, he's just announced he's doing a AI museum in LA, I believe it is, which is incredible.

AI's Role in Shaping the Future of Art

You know, like, again, like, I am all about and wanting to support anyone who is pushing this space forward. And, you know, these individuals are really showing that. Yeah, repeat is very interesting that the museum, I think it's going to shine a light on AI art. I've been hearing whispers that perhaps you've been going deeper down the AI arthem. Is that accurate? I guess what stands out to you about that sector? Like, what's been kind of on your radar? Yeah, look, like I had known about AI art for years, but I don't think I really fully understood it until about chat GPT-3 or 3.5, when I really had this light bulb moment where I realized that every single person on this planet, whether they know it or nothing, going to be impacted by AI, right?

The Evolution and Impact of AI

It's now it's set in stone. It's going to happen. So I think for me, you know, once AI does, you know, get that mainstream adoption when it is in everyone's pockets or like in their sunglasses or something like that, you know, I do want to be able to, like, tell that story of where this begun. A lot of people are going to take this technology for granted. It, you know, at the time, even present day today, you know, it's very beautiful. You can almost, you know, indistinguishably, you know, choose, like, what is real and what is vague. You know, when you are looking at AI images, you already seen, like, a bunch of, you know, social media influences that aren't even real anymore, right?

Future Trends in AI Art

So, like, what does that look like in five years time? And so, like, I really want to be able to, like, you know, tell that story. I want to show the origins, the history. I want to show the ugliness of AI, like, where this all begun, because I think, like, a lot of people will be interested in that in the future. And I just want to be able to support the artists. There's a lot of great artists like Claire Silver, who have been working at this now for many years, and she's finally starting to get the recognition that she deserves. So I want to be on that ride with them and see them grow and help them prosper and elevate them in some way. So I think that is a fantastic course.

Collecting AI Art and Its Market Potential

And I think from more of like, a collecting side. You know, if someone is looking to get into the AI space and they are wanting to potentially make some money from it, you have to look at how small the market cap is of AI art. You know, even when you compare it to generative art is only I think it's a billion market cap right now. Whereas, like, AI is around the hundred million mark. I think both are incredibly significant. I have a lot of generative art, and I continue to buy it today. But you can't deny that AI art is going to have a big impact on, you know, the world.

Forecasting the Future of AI Market

And I could potentially see it even surpassing generative art. So even just for to get to the point of where generative art is today, it's a ten x. And then, you know, if it does what I think it will do, you know, it's going to make a lot of people happy, at least. Anyway, in that sense, thesis makes. Sense to me, and I've dabbled a little bit in AI art. I haven't thrown a whole lot of edit like deep black. What was one collection that jumped out? That was one of my first as well. I like that quite a bit. I'm curious, do you look at aesthetics?

Exploring Artistic Values and Preferences

Like, you actually mentioned the ugliness of AI. I love that comment about the ugliness. Not the most aesthetic collection unless you've got the full sets. Yeah, correct. So, like, you know, I have a full set of the paper prompts, and I have a full set of the process prompts. So what does that mean? Do you want to explain? Just, I don't mean to stop you there. What does it mean, a full set of the proper prompts? Paper prompts were basically what was included in the initial scientific paper when the artist was actually, like, proving this, like, text to image process created.

Artistic Significance in Prompts

So that is, like, basically the significance of the two. So the paper prompts, I guess, would have a lot more value because they were actually included in the scientific paper that was then, you know, reviewed by many scientists around the world. The process prompts were just, like, ones that were created a little bit afterwards or weren't selected for that scientific paper. So that's why I collected a full set of paper, and then I also got a full set of process. And I don't know if any people know this, but Alejandro from fellowship was actually the one who curated my process prompt set. So very grateful for Alejandro and the folks over at fellowship as well.

The Artistic Journey and Portfolio

They've done an incredible job. So, yeah, you can see a ton of my artwork there. I've got a big mix of generative art and AI art as well. Coming back to you, Tyler. It isn't the most aesthetically pleasing, but it does fulfill my other requirement of being historical, being the first ever text to image processor. For me, it's so historical that it's something that you can't look past. I would still put one on the wall because purely that would be just such a great talking point. A lot of people are going to look at that, be like, what is that pixelated crap? And then I can at least open that dialogue and that conversation and talk to them about air, which is what I love to do.

Engaging Conversations about Art

You know, it's almost like a trap on the wall. You know, you're begging someone to ask you about it and then you can actually finally, like, dive into it. So, you know, like, obviously, you know, that's got the historical, you know, significance of it. And then if you're looking for something that I think is also, you know, a great buy, and I've been very vocal about this, again, not financial advice, but I've been very vocal about this on my ex account. And that is winds of ya wanawa. I think if you're looking for something that's aesthetics, that is definitely one of the more prettier collections out there.

Discussion on Digital Art and Collectors

So GDa was talking about the launch of shape and he was comparing the number of followers they have effectively to the number of collectors we have left in the digital art sector. He said they've got 3000 followers. It feels like we've got about 3000 people left. Which kind of spun up a little bit of a conversation in his replies, which he put out about ten x less than what we had at peak in 2021. Curious if you ever read on that or any other, just kind of broader trends, kind of state of the nation for digital art that are kind of top of mind to you. Digital art as a whole or more. AI art maybe as a whole. So branching outside of AI?

Niche State of Digital Art

Yeah, look, I think it is still very niche. We're still very early. I know a couple of years ago people hated hearing that, but it's true, when you look at the numbers, when you look at the volume, when you look at the liquidity, this hasn't broken into mainstream adoption at all. You know, obviously we are seeing a few people double and, you know, they are buying a little bit of digital art on the side just in case. But we're very far from this becoming more mainstream. And I, you know, I do ponder this quite frequently and I do think, you know, a big part of that is because the technology is just not there yet.

Technology Limitations in Art Adoption

I think a lot of people still struggle with screens being able to put the arts up on the screens. You know, even looking at, you know, these ardental glasses that, you know, meta just announced, you know, they're still in their infancy, you know, it's still only 2024. You know, like maybe in three to five years time, those meta glasses are going to be a lot more sleek. They're going to be a lot more powerful. Everything's going to be overlaid with Ar. You know, your social media will basically be like, you just looking at a person and you get to see, like, their username, their recent post and their phone number or whatever that person is allowing you to see. So, you know, we're about to, you know, step into this, you know, wonderful new world of, like, technology that I think we don't even understand is what's possible yet.

Future Projections of Digital Art

And, you know, we can already see the small, like, footprints of that now, but I think it's really gonna blow our mind. And, like, the next, like, I'd say, like, five to ten years, it's gonna look very different to what it is today and when it is a lot more, you know, adopted and more acceptable to be wearing these, you know, these digital AR glasses. That's probably when we're gonna start seeing people, you know, switch their phones out for glasses. Yeah, everything's gonna be in AR, and we're gonna start seeing digital art everywhere, you know, and that is probably when we see that mainstream adoption pour in.

Investment in Autoglyphs

Yeah, I love how you, I just love the way Danny talks about, like, aR generate art and sees them from, like, a market cap standpoint, etc. So ties back. Is that. Is that how you thought about it when you first bought the glass, the punks and everything? Because obviously, like, for those who don't know, like, Danny was early, obviously the crypto punks, you've had some iconic sales, like the ape hoodie, which I forget was like, what, 4000 ETH or something, and, you know, a bunch of other ones. And you were already to the auto glyphs, which you're selling at Sotheby's, which are probably collectively, what, gonna get a few million dollars.

Market Performance of Investments

But, you know, you. I think people can know how much you paid for them, right? Because it's on chain. Yeah, it's all on chain. I paid 150,000 full ten for full set. So, yeah, 150k for a full set of glyphs. And I think obviously, we're way beyond the ten x here. We're like, what, 50, 20 x 50 70 x territory. Yeah, well, if you just look at earlier this year, a full set. So for 15 million. So 150,000 to 15 million. What is that, 100 x? I need one of those.

Insight on Real Estate in Digital Art

Why didn't you call me back in 2020 and tell me this, like, we. Only met in 2021? I know, but still, you could. We needed to, like, time travel or something. God damn it. Maybe you're the time traveler. I was trying to think you're the time traveler. For real. It's like you and Baron Trump. You know, this. This is the bear glyphs we're talking about yesterday, Tyler. Because I found it. I finally found it. We were looking at it on the show yesterday. We're looking for it everywhere, Danny. But you moved all your assets, so I couldn't find.

Product Features of Autoglyphs

I moved them around. Yeah. Good. Good. That's probably. That's probably good. So what's special about this glyph? Because Tyler and I were talking about. It yesterday, so this glyph would be one that I potentially would hold forever. It's like my seven trade crypto punk. It's funny, actually. I had a phone call a few months ago about my autoglyphs, and the person who is very much in the both digital and physical art world, they said the exact same thing. They said, this is the seven trade of the autoglyphs.

Unique Features of the Cryptopunk

And the reason being is because that is the only autoglyph that actually looks like anything at all. It looks like a teddy bear, basically. And there's no other auto glyph that looks or vastly even like, resembles anything at all. So out of all of the, you know, there we go. You can see the collection there. You know, they all look like QR codes to the unassuming. Right? So, yeah, that's what's special about this one. You know, I can basically say it's the first ever on chain generative bear, which I think is also a, you know, a great narrative to say as well.

Rarity and Personal Value of the Collection

But that's why I love this one. It's a simple nine, so it's. It's very rare. There's only eleven of them in the entire collection, so not only is it a rare symbol, but it also resembles a teddy bear. So, yeah, I think this might be one of my forever holds. There's a few nfts in my collection that I probably would never sell, and this is definitely one of them. Wow, that is sick. Yeah, it is a bear. I mean, we don't like bears, but I guess we like this bear. This doesn't come out for after 2025.

Future Projections for Digital Art

Yeah, exactly. Exactly. Just quickly, I have one more question for you. Then we'll get to the giveaways. Raffle bought. Rafflebot XYZ, if you're listening right now, you still have a chance to win either a merch hoodie, number 53, minted by Danny himself, that will send. That he'll send to you after the show or a spin to potentially win a crypto punk. Danny, what's your last question, more market related? How do you feel about the market right now? Because the smart people we're talking about, 24 is a pump and stuff, but the smartest people I know and people have been here for multiple cycles, like you keep telling me, 25, 26, and that's something you always repeat, like you always talk about 2025 specifically.

Bullish Sentiment for 2025

So how do you feel about the market in general right now and where we're headed, given that? What is this, your fourth cycle? I believe so, yeah. It's tracking exactly how I thought it was going to track. I've been now in crypto since the beginning of 2013. So I experienced the 2013 cycle, the 2017 cycle, the 2021 cycle, and soon to be the 2025 cycle. And what someone in the audience will recognize there is that the bull market seems to happen every four years, and it's always on an odd year. Right. So that is why I'm still very bullish on 2025. I think nothing has changed.

Positive Market Indicators

If anything, I think all these ETF listings have been very beneficial to the market. I don't know what the bear market will look like when people start to, you know, withdraw all of their coins. It's probably going to get pretty brutal. But, yeah, like, I am very much just preparing. I'm allocating in a way where I do believe that 2025 is going to be the next raging bull. And not only just in coins, but nfts as well. I know that's like a dirty word for some, but, you know, it's an equal spread across coins, you know, including, like, AI coins, gaming.

Personal Investment Strategies and Trends

A lot of people know that I'm into like, Xi and pirates and portal, and then, you know, also, you know, a lot of nfts that you can check on my opensea. So, you know, I am unwavered. I think this is like what you typically see between cycles. I remember even before, I think it was 2021, I think it was when we saw, like, the defi cycle and like, you know, Defi happened I think, the year beforehand. And, you know, even before the 2013 cycle, I think was like colored coins or country coins or something like that.

Historical Market Trends

It was like china coin and red coin and blue coin that wasn't around. So I'm kind of seeing the meme coins as like, the precipice before the big 2025 surge as well. Like, it just seems to always be that way. They have, like, a very certain category will explode and then you see the big, you know, everyone's going up and the following year. Love that. See that how's that sort of some hopium for y'all? Listening to the show today? You know, that's. That's. I just go based off what Danny tells me.

Community Engagement and Market Predictions

I spent the summer with him. He was like 25, 25. Twitter. That's all he kept saying, 20, 25, 20. Financial advice as well. Not financial advice, of course. It's interesting to hear from people. Well, it's interesting to hear because, like, Mandel, for example, is an incredible trader. One of the best. I know. I'd say top five right now on CT. But, like, you were there for multiple cycles, like you've done for. It's. He's on two cycles in this market and crypto his second.

Expert Insights on Market Cycles

You've done three already in this or fourth going to this one, which is pretty fucking crazy. It's not every day to talk to four cyclers, so it's good to know. So gaming, obviously, your AI art, your generative art, and the way you're. You're positioning yourself, your brand seat phrase. So clearly you're bullish on fashion art moving forward with this. All right, so I think it's time for the giveaways. Sims, if you want to pull up the screen.

Event Overview and Community Engagement

Woohoo. Let's see. So we'll do two spins. Let me see what order we're going to and who wins. What I was talking to about Sims earlier, I think it's in the fomo hour chat. And while you're at it, if you want a hoodie yourself and merch, there's like 27 left or something. Xyzyz. Sorry, sorry. Emmers, XYZ. Emmers. XYZ. Check him out. Shout to Colby. Love her, she's the best. And honestly, she cooked with this collaboration.

Giveaway Details and Excitement

And a chance to win the diamond hoodie as well. So there's a big one in there. There is a big one in there. Oh, there's not much left, brother. There's 26 now, actually, one just sold, so 26 hoodies left. All right, raffle. So it's sims. What are we doing? Who's the first spin and seconds to spin? Okay. First is the spin, second is the hoodie. Okay, got it? This spin is for the spin. The second spin is for the hoodie.

Spin Results and Announcement

Done. Perfect. All right, let's get it. Let's see, let's see. Let's see what you get. Boom. Winner number one is so for the spin. Duncan mcNaught. Duncan mcNaught. Come on the Twitter spaces. You know the rules. You got to come on Twitter spaces or we reroll so Duncan McNaught, come on, Twitter spaces, you are called to the bar. You have won a rollbit loot box bid.

Hoodie Giveaway Announcement

And now for the hoodie. For the hoodie, Mister Sims. Let's go. By the way, it's fire dude. Mine is crazy. I'm so mine. It's incredible. Sick. Yeah, I fucking cooked music. Nfts, let's. You are. You are literally the only person still doing amusing nfts. I love it, Danny, because you're also not only are doing all this art shit, swarovski collab for the sweater, obviously, I know that you got some big stuff coming up.

Danny's Artistic Growth and Future Projects

You're killing it with the, with the art. Like you're. You're literally selling an autoclave that sold the bees. You've sold a couple in the summer. You're obviously sitting on ton of art. But you also dropped a song with blondish, like huge. Huge. Yeah. And it's incredible. We've got some, interesting things that we're looking to do with that as well.

Upcoming Events and Projects

Man, you are fire dude. I love also, I can't say too much. It's going to get announced later today or tomorrow, but I'm also going to be doing a big exhibition next week in let's go exhibition. It's going to be fully AI. I'm curating the whole thing. I'm also playing a set. I'll be dropping some more information on my twitter. Wow, the FoMo is real right now. Oh, my God, that's so fun.

Wrapping up and Future Plans

Shit. All right, well, that is sick. All right. Four k three music. Congratulations. So could you go to a better person, Danny? Four k three music, listens to every single show. I recognize his name. Yeah, he's a big listener, is a big fan. So four k three, what we'll do is we'll gather the wallet. Don't worry, Danny. So because there's a lot of, you know, scam spams and everything, and then we'll tell you who to send it to.

Final Remarks and Closing

So four k three, my team will reach out to you. All right, Danny, was it? Danny also Duncan. Duncan McNutt. What's up? What's up, Ferruc? Oh, man, I got so excited, I lost the window on my phone. I had to struggle to get. Well, guess what? This is the first time I ever do this. So I cut the amount of punks, but I doubled the odds. So basically it's 1.5% chance to win a crypto punk.

Final Spin and Anticipation

I up the malady. I doubled the milady odds. Then as there's red guys as fillers. So there's 123-45-6789 red guys, but there's three punks and three milady. So, Duncan, are you ready? I'm ready. It's a win. I'd love another rec guy, but all the others are amazing. All right, that's time to spin. All right, Danny, you're going to bless that mic.

Spin Results and Excitement

Yeah. Do it. Crypto function. What's the red guy? Congratulations. There you go. Congratulations. Another reg out. Damn it. We're going to, we're going to, I mean, sorry. Shout out to Obi and stuff. You know, we love you guys, but we want to see a park win. Want to see one of those, like, fat wins on the show again? It's been, it's been a minute.

Thanking Participants and Future Engagement

But anyways. All right, well, Danny, thank you for coming up. It was a lot of fun. Best of luck. Remember, go ment. Your emmert is almost sold out. And with that, with that. We'll start tomorrow morning. No, not tomorrow. What am I saying? Monday morning, 10:00 a.m. eastern standard time for the episode of Fomo hour on rug radio. Let's go. Let's go. Give up.

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