Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Resuts of The International Dota2 (Dexsport x Lacoste x Nomad) hosted by Dexsport_io. The collaboration between Dexsport, Lacoste, and Nomad resulted in a groundbreaking Web3 betting platform for The International Dota2 tournament, revolutionizing the esports betting experience. The integration of popular cryptocurrencies and the absence of KYC verification highlight the platform's focus on accessibility and user privacy. This partnership signifies a convergence of gaming, fashion, and tech, showcasing the evolving landscape of esports and the increasing adoption of blockchain technologies.

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Total Listeners: 30


Q: What brands collaborated for The International Dota2 event?
A: Dexsport, Lacoste, and Nomad partnered for the tournament.

Q: How can users participate in betting on the Web3 platform?
A: Users can place bets using cryptocurrencies like $USDT, $BNB, and $TRX.

Q: Why is the lack of KYC verification significant in this betting platform?
A: The absence of KYC verification prioritizes user privacy and convenience.

Q: What technology underpins the Web3 betting platform?
A: Web3 technology is utilized for creating a decentralized and transparent betting experience.

Q: What is the focus of the collaboration between tech and fashion brands?
A: The collaboration aims to enhance the esports betting experience through innovation and style.

Q: How does the use of cryptocurrencies impact the esports betting landscape?
A: Accepting cryptocurrencies broadens the accessibility and flexibility of betting options for users.

Q: What does the partnership highlight in the esports industry?
A: The partnership signifies a trend towards integrating diverse industries like fashion, technology, and gaming in esports.

Q: What does the lack of KYC verification imply about user experience?
A: No KYC requirement indicates a focus on user-friendly and hassle-free betting interactions.

Q: How does the collaboration showcase the evolution of esports?
A: The collaboration illustrates the increasing sophistication of esports events through innovative alliances and technologies.

Q: Why is the utilization of Web3 technologies significant in this context?
A: Using Web3 technologies demonstrates the industry's adoption of blockchain for enhancing transparency and security in betting platforms.


Time: 00:10:45
Dexsport, Lacoste, and Nomad Collaboration Exploring the unique partnership in the esports and fashion industries for The International Dota2 tournament.

Time: 00:25:18
Cryptocurrency Betting Integration Discover how the platform seamlessly integrates $USDT, $BNB, and $TRX for esports betting.

Time: 00:35:50
KYC-Free Betting Experience Understanding the significance of user privacy and accessibility with a KYC-free betting approach.

Time: 00:45:02
Web3 Innovation in Esports Insight into the pioneering use of Web3 technology for decentralized betting experiences in esports.

Time: 00:55:30
Tech-Fashion Fusion in Esports Exploring how tech and fashion collaborations redefine betting experiences for esports fans.

Time: 01:05:17
Blockchain Evolution in Betting Analyzing the impact of blockchain technology on the evolution of esports betting platforms.

Time: 01:15:40
Fashionable Betting Experiences Highlighting the merge of style and technology for a sophisticated betting experience in esports.

Time: 01:25:55
Accessible Betting Options Examining the diversification of betting options through the acceptance of popular cryptocurrencies like $USDT, $BNB, and $TRX.

Time: 01:35:20
Intersection of Industries in Esports Exploring the collaborative trend of integrating fashion, technology, and esports for enhanced user experiences.

Time: 01:45:10
Web3 Security and Transparency Understanding how Web3 enhances security and transparency in esports betting environments.

Key Takeaways

  • Dexsport, Lacoste, and Nomad joined forces for The International Dota2 event.
  • A Web3 betting platform was created for the tournament, allowing bets with various cryptocurrencies.
  • The betting platform operates without KYC verification, emphasizing user privacy.
  • Innovative use of Web3 technology for betting in esports events like Dota2.
  • Partnerships between tech and fashion brands like Lacoste bring unique experiences to esports fans.
  • Acceptance of popular cryptocurrencies like $USDT, $BNB, and $TRX for betting signifies crypto's influence in esports.
  • The collaboration aims to provide a seamless and inclusive betting experience for esports enthusiasts.
  • No KYC requirement on the platform ensures a more accessible and user-friendly betting process.
  • The partnership highlights the growing intersection of fashion, technology, and esports.
  • Utilizing Web3 technologies showcases the evolution of blockchain in sports and entertainment industries.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Welcome

Our channel subscribe. Test. Test. Hello? Hello? Hello? Yeah, I can hear you. I can hear you. All good? All good. Great. Shall we get started then? I think we're ready to go. Sweet. Well, I'm really sorry, I had to mute. Just had to say something first. It's very good that we just really just getting straight to it. But I just really wanted to welcome everyone first in here. Thank you guys for sharing your time with us in here. We're going to talk Dota today about the Ty. So.

Personal Greetings

Yeah, Dominic Nomad, first things first. I just really miss you guys. How you doing? Let us know. How was your day? How was this month or two without you? Haven't heard from you. Just briefly, and then, yeah, we're just gonna go straight to the point. Again, sorry for muting you just really needed to stop the show like that. And welcome, everyone who is in here. The mic is yours. Thank you. Excellent. Thank you very much, mister table. Yeah, indeed.

Discussion on TI and Experience

Me and Lucas got to talk some donuts, talk some ti stuff, talk some shuffles, talk some meta. All that kind of good stuff. Where do you want to start, Lukas? Because I feel like usually I'm telling us where to go and what to do, but why don't you start us off today? What do you think? Yeah, I'll start saying that. You know, I missed this. I definitely missed this. It's been really fun, and I think we should do it more often, that's for sure. But life's been good, you know, came back from Ti, gonna have a couple of days chilling at home, and then I'm gonna be going to Romania.

Plans for Romania

You are also gonna be going to Romania for Wallachia season two, which is gonna be super hype as well. But, yeah, we can talk about ti. You did say, you know, I could lead this time around, and, yeah, I want to start with Ti because Ti 2024, or Ti 13 was, you know, in Denmark, in Copenhagen, as you guys might be aware. It was very well organized, at least from my point of view. I had a great time. It was super chill. We were in the hotel. We had the best green room we ever had any tournament. It was actually green.

The Unique Atmosphere

Yeah, green room for a change. It was very many plants. Yes. It was like an atrium inside a hotel. We just came down, we worked. It was super chill. Everybody was friendly. I don't know, just felt very. It didn't feel like, I would say in terms of, like, stress level for me. Didn't feel, yeah, like, ti level. It was super chill. I was just, you know, there doing my job, but also it felt super relaxing because of the atmosphere and how everything was handled. Yeah, I think, I mean, not being in the arena until the last three days kind of contributed to that.

First Impressions of Copenhagen

And then we also had a break in between the arena in the last three days, so everything up until that point was really chill. And then we just had, like, three days of kind of intense, you know, working and arena and crowd and, like, noise and go, go. So, yeah, I mean, from our perspective, I think it was a brilliant event. You've obviously done a lot more tis than me, but for my first ti felt, I felt very kind of in my element when it came to how much they were able to enable us to kind of do our best work. So that was really nice.

Observations in Copenhagen

Yeah. And Copenhagen was great. I think Copenhagen, the one thing that kind of stuck out the most was how friendly everybody was and how happy everybody seemed whenever you talk to other people. I was going for the walks, as I usually do whenever I go to a different city, and people were, like, very chatty. The weather was nice. I think we got the last of summer, and then it was very windy, though. Like, it was. It's nice outside, and suddenly the.

Weather and Personal Reactions

I think you're more used to that because you are from UK, where I am from. We have, like, stable weather. I'm from Croatia and he's from UK, so you're kind of probably more used to that. But it was definitely weird for me because outside it's all sunny. Suddenly the weather changes. I feel like, oh, I need a jacket. I might need a winter jacket, but there's no rain. It's just super windy. Then five minutes after, I'm like, who? Man, it's so hot, so I have to take the stuff off. But, yeah, I think Denmark in general is one of the best countries to live in.

Taxi Driver Encounters

My first impression, you know, I land, I talked to my taxi driver, and he was very chatty about it, was very proud. Like, he was a very proud Danish guy, you know, talking how everything works in the country, gave me all the information if I want to, you know, use metro and stuff like that. Airport was also super close to our hotel, which made it super simple for us. That's interesting because I had a taxi driver who was, like, the opposite. They'd been, like, around the world.

Diverse Taxi Experiences

No, no. She was, like, really well traveled. I can't remember if she, like, was born and raised in Denmark, but she'd been, like, everywhere. And then she was like, okay, but this is the place where I'm settling, you know, Denmark is where I choose to live. So someone who's, like, tried it all, who's been around and, you know, lived in so many different places. Yeah. Denmark is a place for me, which is a pretty big endorsement, I'd say. I would agree. I think, like, the vibes that I'm getting from the place, everything seems super organized.

Experiencing Denmark's Infrastructure

Like, the cute houses that they have. Everything is, like, really good. And also the car that they picked me up with, it was one of the most comfortable cars I've ever been driven in. It was some, like, Mercedes. I don't know what the model was, but it felt like one of those luxurious Mercedes that people like, that business people use. Comfort. No. What happened? So, because someone, I guess, landed just before me, and I didn't get the nice Mercedes everybody else had.

Comparing Vehicles

I had the Mercedes minibus, which was, like, a limousine class kind of party bus with, like, add, like, tables. I think it seated. Yeah, I drove once in that one. It was really nice. But this car, I'm telling you, it was like, yeah, this is. I'm living my best life type of car where you've been. This is not a car that you are supposed to drive. This is the car that you need a driver, like, to get the full experience of the car, because I can stretch my legs in the backseat, and I can't touch the seat in front of me.

Hotel and Food Quality

That's how big it is. I'm not a big guy, but still, it's very spacious. And also, the seat is so comfortable. It's like. It's insane how good it was. So, you know, the first impression is always gonna be that and the driver and everything. The hotel was nice breakfast, standard hotel, you know, when it comes down to the breakfast. But the food quality is also what kind of stuck out to me because food quality, whatever I ordered, I was eating a lot of sushi because that's what you want to do when you are in Denmark, any Nordic country, pretty much, but also, like, the quality of food, you can feel that they are taking care of everything like that.

Satisfactory Health Experience

And I usually have stomach problems whenever I travel because it's just the way I am, I guess, but didn't have a single stomach issue while I was in Denmark, so ten out of ten experience. Yeah. No, I'd have to agree. I mean, I've been to a few different events, never a ti. But that was definitely, like, premium kind of caretaking going on there. It was very nice. And, yeah, although everybody was in the same hotel, which was quite nice as well, except the translators.

Hotel Convenience

Strangely, I think this hotel did have a capacity eventually, but everybody else was just staying at the same place, and that was really nice. so it made it quite easy to do things. And, yeah, very nice. Very open and very clean as well. Denmark, obviously. Yeah, it's super clean. Like, there's literally nothing on the streets. It's like, okay, this is the. This is the type of a country I would love to live in, but unfortunately, you know, all other countries compared to Denmark are probably shittier.

Denmark's Reputation for Happiness

It's one of the coziest, one of the happiest places in earth. The taxi driver did tell me because I thought Denmark was the number one country when it comes down to happiness, but surprisingly, it is Finland that has been taking care of the business for the last couple of years. So Denmark, even though they paid a. High tax, guessing they don't ask them in the winter when they have, like, no sunshine in Finland. Yeah, it was probably during, like, peak summer.

Sights and Experiences

Yeah, when they have, like, 24 hours of fun. Anything else that it, like, stacks out. From Denmark for the country itself? No, just, like, good food, good place. I enjoyed walking around a lot and. Yeah, also great cycling lanes. My goodness. Oh, yes. God. I don't really cycle. I mean, I did just live in London, which is one of, like, the. What is.

Cycling Culture Comparison

I think it's one of the highest fatalities for cyclists, like, in Europe because we don't really bother with cycle lanes. We've all got really small, like, English roads, so it's very easy to get squashed. So, yeah, going from there to Denmark, where it's just, like, wide open cycling lanes, all this stuff, like, everybody's just flying around doing whatever they want. Wow. It's a big difference.

Bicycle Culture Similarities

Very big difference. It is. The other country I've been to was Netherlands. That, you know, you hear about Netherlands, that there is a big bicycle culture and everything, but you always get surprised, like, that there is a bicycle lane pretty much everywhere you go. Yeah. And Denmark seems to be the same. Like, there's just, like, bicycle lanes wherever you go. And everybody feels. Seems to be enjoying it.

Family Cycling Practices

Like, I've seen a lot of these bicycles where you can drawer drow, drive your kid in front, which is loads of. That's, like, not popular. Never see in London. Never ever. You'd probably be, like, arrested for child abuse if you drove around to, like, London streets. That'd be crazy. Yeah, but let's go through the Ti but let's talk about some dots, because TI 2024, we had six teams and then which were invited, and then we had ten teams from regional qualifiers.

TI Format Discussion

The format was nothing that we've seen so far. And when I first read it, I got slightly confused by the format. Then I understood the format, then I didn't like the format of, and then we started to play dota. And I'm kind of like, okay, this format is not bad. It's not ten out of ten. I don't think there is a perfect format. The good thing about this format is because we had a group stage, we had the seating decider, and then we had the main event, which was, you know, three days.

Event Duration and Structure

Sorry, main event was six days, but three days in the arena. Yes. Yeah. What's good about this type of format is you are not eliminated. No one was eliminated until we started the main event. So that was pretty nice. I think the easiest way to kind of like, decipher this was basically we had like a quick, like a very quick two day group stage into playoffs. Like, it's essentially a round of like, double elimination playoffs where everybody starting the upper bracket.

Understanding the TI Structure

When you think of it like that, like, it gets way more simple. And you don't have to worry about like, the idea of a seeding decider because really, it's just like the group stages determined the seeding for the first round of the upper bracket and then everybody loses, got knocked down to the lower bracket, and then everybody that won through to the upper bracket. And that's kind of just how the first round of fae double limb worked.

Games and Playoff Dynamics

So when you think of it that way, it kind of makes a bit more sense. They just wanted to get through to the kind of playoff dota side of things because no one really cares about group stages that much. Everybody wants it to be the playoffs. Every time you have a good game in the group stage, everyone's always saying like, oh, man, imagine that was during the playoffs. So that's when it kind of matters.

Competition Insights

So get down to the dota. That matters quicker. but you kind of sacrifice, like, a little bit of seeding, a little bit of accuracy when it comes to your kind of perfect, you know, one to 18th team. Yeah. You know, you, like, there were still. Cause people said, you know, there's nothing to play for when it comes down to being like, first or second in the group.

Deciding Matches

You're still going to be playing the decider match, but decider match, the first from the group, they got to choose who they're going to be playing against either from position, from three or position four in the groups. And we haven't seen many surprises. We had eight of those decider matches, the big one for me, because everybody that chose their opponent did beat their opponents.

Team Performances and Upsets

Apart from team spirit, who. And zero as well. Zero did really well. Yes. Yeah. Yeah, sure. You're right. I forgot about that. Because Team Zero, they were top of their group, not top of their groups. Team Falcons. But they still, you know. Oh, I know. Yeah, you're right. They wouldn't have chosen what they. They would have been.

Strategic Choices

Yeah, yeah. Falcons. But other than that, it was team spirit who not just got beaten by Nas, it was 20, which was. I don't think anyone expected that. And it made quite a lot of difference for Team spirit. I think if they chose a different opponent because they could have chosen from group c, they were top seed in group d, so they could have chosen between bet boom or nouns, and they decided to go with nouns, which I can't really blame them, but nouns, they've been causing some upsets.

Historical Context

Like if we go back to the previous di, this is also team that had some, like, really good runs but never managed, you know, to make top six, top three whatsoever. But overall, the team played well at that point because I think they underestimated. The big part of their losses was team spirit. In those two games. They were, I would say, experimenting with their draft.

Draft Strategies

Like, there was an interview with Silent where he said, we gave them too much this, like, first game, and they had Luna, they had trend protector, they had sinking, and then they gave them same three heroes plus snapfire as well. So pretty much four heroes, same from the previous game, which resulted in another loss. And they were forcing things like team spirit. You remember that they were playing tinker two times in a row.


Yeah, they loved it. Yeah, they loved it. But apparently it wasn't really well thought when it comes down to what's going to be good against nouns, because this is, this ti was, as we've seen, it was all about speed, how fast you can play dota and nouns.

Nouns Team Performance

Like, they got figured out after playing that series. But coming into that series, nobody knew what nouns want to play because before that, they were not opening with Luna, they were not opening material protector. This became their bread and butter. And later on, when they played against the bed boom team, when they get. They played against gaming gladiators, they seemed like a one trick pony where they had one strategy and that was their best track. So they had to reveal it, know playing against team spirit, this was to secure the upper bracket and they secure it, but other than that, it was downhill ever since then. Yeah, I think they really like, the sanking hero like that for them was definitely something which they could play really well with. And they proved that in their series versus spirit. Spirit just had all the things to pan versus them, which ended up not being the right choice. But then, yeah, I think pretty much every game after that point there was first phase band against them, except maybe in game two where they did get their hands on it and betboom were able to beat it anyway.

Disappointment and Team Dynamics

So, yeah, they did duck out of the tournament despite making a really promising start by taking out spirit and then getting their upper bracket qualification, but didn't quite make it to the main stage as well. And that's always really disappointing for me, especially at Ti, for these kind of teams which have so little experience. And whilst nouns are obviously very deep team, with some really experienced players as a team, you know, they've just been blocked all year by Shopify, so they get to re add. That's their first kind of experience in front of a big crowd and then they didn't quite make it to the crowd at Ti. I would have really loved to see if they could have harnessed that energy and made that deep run there because you never know what a team's going to be like, you know, hotel versus arena, it's. It's completely different experience, you know, like, I can tell you that it's entirely different being up on that stage than it is being in a hotel room. And the players said it, you know, all throughout the tournament.

Elimination of Team Spirit

So I would have really liked to see nouns make it to that arena and see what that did for them if that kind of unlocked another level to their playstyle. But unfortunately, they didn't have what it takes to get there. And they did get eliminated. But yeah, team spirit also getting eliminated pretty early on from the tournament as well. Much to imagine a lot of fans disappointments. They ended up getting taken out in the lower bracket, round two by extreme gaming, which was a pretty disastrous series for Team Spur. I mean, they started strong, but then just two back to back, some smackdowns and what a disheartening way to get eliminated from the international when they came in as one of the favorites as well. Like a huge upset there. Oh, definitely the biggest one, I would say, other than downs beating them, this was kind of how it all started.

Struggles of Team Liquid

They did beat g two ig in the lower bracket round one with the, in a convincing fashion where they gave us, I think they gave me, they gave everybody else the false hope. How far they're going to go deep into the tournament problem. Washington, you start lower bracket round one. You need to go like, you need to play 123456 bo three s and the bo five if you want to win a ti, which was, I don't know, almost impossible considering the other teams that were also in the lower bracket that you needed because falcons dropped down early. Yeah, they did lose tundra. You had bet boom. Who dropped down early? Relatively early. Not just relatively early. They were also in lower bracket round one. And then you had extreme gaming as well. Aurora. They were kind of so. But then you needed to go through the upper bracket as well. Meeting with Tundra, meeting with Falcons again, beating gaming gladiators.

Team Spirit's Rise and Fall

So quite of an impossible task to ask, if you're asking me. And then again, team spirit, when they were playing against Extreme, this could have also easily been a 20. The first game, extreme gaming, they threw the game a little bit to where they had no buyback on Werta, if you remember. Yes. Two games in a row, they got beaten by XM sniper. Like they were playing into sniper. They were playing two games against Tinker. They were playing two games against Tusk. Tusk seems to be the best, pretty much hero of the tournament when it comes down to what he brings to the table. Apart from lone Druid, this was like the last two days. Pretty much, yeah. Let's get him out of here. But, yeah, big surprise.

Unexpected Strategies

Also the funny part is team spirit, they were the ones forcing tinker when they were playing against nouns. Then they're playing against Extreme gaming. They lose. They did win game one against Tinker, but dy did quite a lot on the heroes second game. They got ran over third game as well. These were not competitive games at all. Sadly not, no. Which, which led to, and I think overall a pretty disappointing run for spirit. We don't know what shuffles they're going to be making yet, but I think I've heard that there is going to be something going on there. I can't remember whether I read that or not, but either way. Yeah, there is. It is confirmed that Yatoro and Mira are going inactive. Yeah, they're going on. Not good.

The Situation of Professional Players

They're going inactive. Good. That was confirmed as a shuffle because I'd heard that a little bit ahead of time. So, yeah. Oh, my. It's pretty crazy. Is just for taking a break or is he going to find another team. He is taking a break. I think that was the official thing that they said, you know, traveling and everything, being together. It is taking a break from their professional careers. Yeah. Yes. So can't really blame them. I mean, these boys, they won two tis. They came out of nowhere. These are not the guys that had long careers when we're talking about Dota. These are not like puppies of Dota that have been consistent for 15, almost 20 years, if we talk about puppy, for example.

Changes in Team Dynamics

But they came in hot. They came in, they won like the biggest ti, in terms of money. They won the previous ti 2023 as well, Ti twelve. And I think they've always been a team which is liable to suffer from burnout because they don't do half measures. They don't go into a tournament saying, we're not going to try our very hardest. We're not going to grind 100 pubs over three days in preparation for this event. You know, every single event, they give it 110%. I'm not saying all the teams don't, but spirits 110 is like insanely, like powerful. So we saw signs of that throughout their kind of past couple of years of gameplay. I think mostly throughout last year and actually the year before, they had really slow starts this season. And when we spoke to them during those times as well, they did tell us that we're not taking it easy.

Preparation and Mental Challenges

Obviously, they take the post ti break, but then they come back in and it's straight back to the grindstone, straight back to giving it 110. And, yeah, I mean, obviously that's going to take it out of you as a player and as a person as well. I think naturally, as you kind of grow older as a player as well, you start to want a little bit more than sitting in your bedroom playing dota for 16 hours a day or whatever the hell you're up to. So, yeah, I mean, as well, I tune in, I'm playing Dota yesterday. What I see, Mira, he's playing pubs, you know, so he's not quitting dota by any means. He's still gonna play. We also know that dota retirements are fake. It doesn't mean jack shit, hopefully. I also think that way, you know, I want to be positive because I want to see these players back.

Legacy of Team Spirit

These are some of the best players that ever touched the game. And I want to see the back in the action. Especially comes down to Yatoro. This guy is just a complete beast when he plays on Ti level. This Ti, something was just off. I think also, at the start of Riyadh Masters this year, the team didn't feel as good. Didn't feel, you know, that magic happening. They're still like one of the most resilient teams. Always pleasure to watch them. Impossible to break them down completely, but yeah, unable because you always think about team spirit reaching like top three at least. And them not getting there is, I would say, a disappointment for all the fans and everybody.

Potential Future Paths for Team Spirit

And I would say that even if they won this one, I'm not sure if they would like, immediately take a break or go inactive. What I think would happen is if they somehow managed to win, it would be they go inactive for a while, they take a break. They would be pretty happy with what they've done. Three times. Three times Ti winners. Nobody did that in the history of Dota. But the boys would be back and I'm still hoping that they will be, you know, making a comeback. Sometimes the change is positive. Doesn't matter what it is, that it's not going to be the same theme. Most likely. We never know.

Looking Forward

We might see them like, there is always a chance, but I don't know. It does make me sad, you know, that they are going inactive. We're not going to see the big boys in action. Absolutely. I think that's natural as well. You can be kind of have a duality about it. We're like, I'm glad this player is taking a break. I'm glad this person is doing what's best for them as a person, but also like, man, I'm going to miss watching that. I'm going to miss them kind of going crazy on it.

The Effects of Team Changes

Yeah, also exciting to see who the replacement is going to be. I think there's a lot of question marks still around the place. I think those will start to get cleared up in the next few days as we have the PGL Wallachia rosters kind of locked in. We've seen a few from the qualifiers for Dream League and whatnot. We've seen a few of the team's kind of final forms, which are looking very interesting. But just before we get into those, I do, of course, want to talk about the grand finals of Ti. Not much to talk about because it was a 30. Unfortunately for Gaiman, back to back 30? S and grand finals, that one hurts a lot. I know it was really tough for these guys, especially Crit, who really wanted that win, in front of his home crowd.

Liquid's Journey to Glory

But also, what a feels good story for liquid as well. You know, like how many grand finals like seven, eight grand finals, which they'd failed to get a title in. And then now Ti is the moment where they decide to pull it out of the bag and get it done. Like, that's hype. That's very hype. It is. Also, I I didn't know what to expect from Team Liquid, whether they're going to be able to reach, like, top three. They've been relatively consistent throughout the year. They had some ups and downs. Dream leagues are, you know, their biggest nemesis. They always underperform in those tournaments.

Unprecedented Performance

But, yeah, Ti, he didn't drop. This is the first time ever that we had a team that didn't drop a single game. When it comes down to main event, we talk about the main event, not just the last three days in the arena, starting from the upper bracket, two old extreme gaming, two old cloud nine, two old game, and three old gaming. Ridiculous. Like, it's absolutely ridiculous. The dominance they showed and the versatility as well. They played one style of dota, but it's a style which can be played with like 40, 45 different heroes, which is just insanely difficult to draft against as well.

Liquid's Unique Strategy

Again, this has been something they've been doing all year. They've been honing and crafting this kind of particular version of Dota, which is very fast and it's very aggressive and it's very hard to play into if they don't make any mistakes. And that's the kind of pressure that this team put on themselves. You know, they had three coaches to try and get them in shape to be able to kind of make this. It's a kind of game where if you get it right, the kind of strategy, if you get it right, then you aren't going to drop any games. You know, I think it's not super surprising to me that they didn't drop any games throughout this tournament, considering the way they play and the way they've been trying to play over the past year.

Final Observations

And now they get it right. It just looks so damn good. And I think a lot of people kind of were confused about this. Natures profit, nature's profit, back to back throughout the grand finals. But honestly, again, it just comes down to the way they're playing and what they're doing, and it makes total sense with how they want to kind of play the map and push as well. That's the two things which nature's profit does the best. So I think that was really cool, a cool innovation for them and something which Gaiman just couldn't deal with in the end because they felt they had to deal with other things. And eventually it was just too much in the pool.

Gaiman's Struggle

And I think Gaiman kind of got in their heads a bit and we're thinking more about what liquid were doing versus what they were doing, which again, you're kind of forced to do. So if a team hasn't lost a game in the playoffs yet, yeah, you kind of have to say, okay, what are they doing and how do we stop them? And gaming couldn't do that. But game one, if we go back to that game one, this was something gaming has been doing for quite some time. Their chance, their underlords. They also had CK batrier and last pick, Ricky, coming into Ti. I saw so many rickets, everybody, because I did research on every single player to see what they've been spamming coming into TI.

Ricky's Impact

And every single mid player did play Ricky. New facet that gives him, I mean, new facet that has been buffed. Exterminator increases your ag by 4.5 times during tricks of the trade, which does allow you to pretty much one shot, the creep waves. And there's a relatively new build where you can like either rush agony scepter or go diffuse into ags. These are your key items, depending how good of a game you're having. But we saw them struggle. It was a really good Ricky pick. I. They were also five, six k gold ahead.

Crucial Strategies and Mistakes

And then there was this one fight near like tier one tower at the bottom for gaming gladiators, if you remember, where they kind of lost athlete. They didn't play it out as they expected it, but Ricky Pick was, got here great against puck. He did struggle. So he needs to buy items that he doesn't like to buy, so needs to take care of himself. Four staff. And then you have shadow demon, you have tusk. Tusk can't blink. Snowball. It's not like you're buying blink, but you also can't walk in and use the snowball, which is very difficult. Pick up your teammates. And then with the Ricky shard, this was like the whole plan. Wherever, you cannot be targeted by your allies.

Strategic Oversights

So no snowball, save, no. Four staff. So you need to buy your own. No shadow demon disruption. It was a really good pick. And I mean, honestly, if they win that game, I'm telling you, coming into the second game that Ricky would definitely be on the radar for team liquid because like the power would shift. Yeah, yeah. And I think they would have gotten away with it for that meddling 33 village coming out as well, which was like another state. I mean, to be honest, I think the 33 visage had just as big an impact, if not more than definitely the nature's prophet and maybe the puck.

Visage's Dominance

I thought, like, both in game one and game three, this visage was just looking absolutely ridiculous. He was doing so much work, like just being. He won the lane and then he just ran around being this unkillable flying bird that was just like creating money out of nowhere. Like, oh, that heroes. That heroes on something else, something different right now. It's always been a 33 favorite as well, so it wasn't really a huge surprise to see him just fiending it this tournament. But yeah, my God, you don't want to play into that.

Naga's Role in the Finals

You absolutely don't. And they also like, second game they had Naga. They got baited into this naga. I knew that coming into the later stages of Ti naga as a hero will be let through and it will be a huge disappointment for the teams that do pick it because they were like, okay, we need this, but we also want to have something against this big tree and so we can take it with the enchant. Maybe it's also settlery is probably best hero. So they baited themselves as well. So having two supports who can't really do that much when you're playing against the ball as Nagasaran, sure, you can maybe like buy some time, creep, skip, but didn't feel that influence.

Critical Insights

Like you did not have that damage dealing position four that you are lacking most of the time in your draft. Yeah, yeah, for sure. There's. I mean, it's easy to look back on. I think a lot of. We've had a lot of time to kind of digest what happened, but in the moment also the nerves, the passion, it all kind of came crumbling down for Gaiman. You know, I think they were definitely getting PTSD of last year as well. I feel like it was going to be really hard for whoever dropped this first game to kind of play the rest of the series out.

Final Matches

And, you know, they put up a good fight in game two. Game three was a little brutal, but yeah, gaming. They tried their best, but unfortunately it was a repeat for them and it's a kind of tough time. But yeah, liquid, just absolutely unstoppable. And we might not have had the best finals in Ti history, we might not have had the best kind of gameplay, we might not have had the best playoffs, we might not have had the best match, but we did have the best speech in ti history. As far as I'm concerned, like blitz just. Just coming out, you know, like tears on the mainland stage and tears in the crowd as well.

Emotional Highlights

Like, what a beautiful speech from him. I think that was probably my highlight of the whole tournament. Just. Yeah, that was a. That was a really beautiful moment. You know, everybody knew liquid story, but then just to have it there in front of you from someone that's like, kind of such a legend and such a well respected figure in the scene who's kind of come out and just been like, you know, yeah, like, this is. This is how it went down and I'm so happy and, yeah, like, that was. It's been, like, very emotional.

Team Liquid's Impact and Rivalry

You could see from the whole squad, the boys. The one thing I like about Team Liquid is they're just likable as absolutely, like, their personalities and as a squad, they've been so close so many times. If we, like, go back to TI 202-10-2022, which Tundra did when this was the squad where you had 33 who did win Ti, which is a part of Team Liquid, his second Ti, then you had Nisha playing for Team secret coming from the last chance qualifiers. So they basically, you know, if we didn't have last chance qualifiers, we would not have this story where Nisha gets second place at Ti, gets so close, but they also got destroyed by Tundra. In those, he joins Team Liquid. After. Then you have three team liquid boys. You have boxy, you have Insania and McKay with Team Liquid, also through the last chance qualifier, they get third place. So it was quite something, you know, and now they are together. This is what tied them together, pretty much. 33 did play on Tundra for another season, but, yeah, just very happy that they managed to get to that because. Absolutely, if you look at the names, they came so close like this, like Liquid gaming rivalry that we did have in 2023.

The Grand Finals and Crowd Dynamics

In 2024, finally, it paid off for Team Liquid. I think if they lost team one. Yeah. It also would be probably different in terms of how the other games would be played out with the picks and everything, because Team Liquid, I think they would start to crumble a little bit knowing that how many times they lost the game in the grand finals. No, that first game was so important. It was important for Liquid to win it. Yeah. And I think just to. Just to kind of close this one out as well for Liquid as a team, I think is really good for Dota in general. Whilst it's not great maybe for the. For the kind of China and I think the eastern european scene is doing fine, but the chinese team, you know, they could have, it was pretty bad ti for them. I really need them. The worst one deeper runs, the worst one ever in history, just to quickly drop that in there. But overall, for liquid, I think they're a team which pause like they put their players on a spotlight better than any other team. They expose us. You know, if you go on the team liquid YouTube channels, they're doing fun stuff.

Team Liquid's Content and Community Engagement

They're doing like, you know, some regular content as well. They'll look back on things and it's just showing them hanging out and having fun and it's a kind of regular content but really well produced. You know, I think tsunami does some of it as well and it's just nice to see, you know, spirit do a bit of that as well. But I think liquid are an excellent role model team for a lot of the teams to kind of try to emulate. So for them to now take ti, I think is really huge for them and really good for the dota scene in general as I hope that more teams are going to start investing into kind of getting their players out there, you know, getting the crowd rooting for them. That paid off. That paid off in the grand finals. Absolutely. Like, I don't doubt that's part of their win because that crowd's going absolutely crazy for them. I was out in the arena a lot during the grand finals and about 40% of the crowd were wearing team liquid merch.

The Crowd's Affection for Team Liquid

Yes, it was. Which is crazy to think about because that's not even the number of team liquid supporters. That's the number of like hardcore team liquid. I'm buying the merch supporters not turn up on the day and be like, who am I going to support? Or, you know, oh, my team got eliminated. Who am I kind of going for now? So that gives you some idea of like how big this crowd was and how much they wanted liquid to win. And that's totally like, that's what happens when you invest in your team, when you invest in your players, when you kind of put them out there and make good content, you know, people are going to want to vote for you. And obviously they've had a great story, but that story is well known because we've heard it so many times from themselves. So I think that's something which other teams should adapt to and adopt hopefully in the future. Yeah, for sure. I mean, team liquid definitely deserved it. The crowd in the arena was pretty freaking wild.

Arena Atmosphere and Presentation

It was team liquid and most of them, as you said, were on side of team liquid, but, you know, they were also cheering for good plays. Yeah, any kind of place that does happen. There were also a lot of gaming gladiators fan as well. This team. They're very loud, too. They were loud and it was nice also in the arena, I want touch upon having day night cycles where. Yeah, cool. Where colors change. That was really nice. And the whole set. I think this is the. In terms of ti, the best looking set ever. It was incredibly well made. I think the previous Ti in Seattle looked better on camera because were in this, like, dota church or whatever it was. It felt like really nice. It, when it comes down to. Because this was ar, it was like Ar made and it looked so good on camera.

Production Quality of TI

But everything for this Ti was made, like, with proper materials. There was no ar whatsoever. That's why, you know, I like Ar, but this is because it's real. I might be slightly biased here, but this was the best looking PI. No, no. I'm a big advocate of practical effects. I mean, I think it really shows and comes across as well, and I think it's part of why the crowd was so excited. I mean, admittedly, the Seattle crowd was amazing as well, but I think having all of that, like, beautiful stage there and everything really kind of amped people up and got them in the mood for that ti feeling. And the Ti feeling was there as well. A lot of people were doubting whether that would be the case, considering the prize pool was significantly lower than previous years. But everybody I talked, you know, it just didn't come up much in conversation, especially amongst the players, which was very surprising.

Players' Perspectives on TI Experience

I feel like when I spoke to players that have been eliminated, sometimes they're a bit like, oh, yeah, you know, I don't mind dropping out. I don't mind, you know, that it wasn't as much as previous years, but everybody who's in the tournament, you know, was just like, oh, yeah, it's ti. You know, you can't take the ti feeling away. It doesn't matter. They were so, like, still interested in and had that same kind of feeling. I think the prestige is. What's good to mention is the prestige was never lost. You know, the money is not important for ti. I mean, obviously, you still need to have a prize pool, but when it comes down to it, you know, they've built up Ti as the best event in esports for such a long time, and it is, and it holds that reputation, and it still feels like that when you're there.

Reflections on the TI Experience

You know, everybody wants to be a ti winner. It is. There's a good reason why it's coined a ti winner as I believe that Lacoste dropped out for a second, so we might need to give him back his speaker privileges as, yeah, I think we can move on from Ti now as we kind of had that discussion, but amazing time and quickly for mine as well. For a first Ti and being out on that stage was absolutely incredible. It was very cool to stand there and have all of those kind of practical effects around me and everything. So, you know, what I was seeing is what the cameras were seeing is what the crowd was seeing. And, yeah, what a roar. What a rush. What pure adrenaline going out there with that incredible crowd and very good job to have as well, especially for the first Ti is winners interviews.

Expressing Gratitude Post-TI

Like, very blessed. Thank you, Ted, as well. Bless up, Ted, because I never requested to do winners interviews or anything. This was all Ted from the get go, being like, I don't mind doing losers interviews. I don't really want to get on stage and try to be, you know, the big exciting guy. I think it just makes more sense for us to do it that way. And he was pretty, kind of, like, locked in on that from the get go. And I offered many times to kind of take over from the loser interviews because I felt bad to make him do them all, but he was just like, nope, you go, buddy. So, yeah, big up. Big up. Period.

Acknowledgment of Ted's Efforts

Flax the man, he's a chad. He's a complete chad. To just tank the loser interviews like that, my God, it's. It's one of the most difficult jobs to do. You wouldn't think it watching him do it, though. He's. No, no, he's just natural. That's. That's why he makes it looks so easy. But, you know, for a lot of people who tried it out, it is a very difficult job. Like, this is the job that I would probably decline. I don't think I would decline many things in dota, but this is something that I would say no to because it's super difficult. Very easy to look bad doing this job. Yeah. Yeah.

Recollections of Old Events

So Lacoste play by play, when I. Did that back in the days in Kings cup, were shifting the BTS event. Yeah. Me, Dakota and Jack, KBBQ, were doing it, and were shifting between each other and doing play by play, doing the what a analyst work and also doing the camera work. So, yeah, I couldn't do the camera work because people did feel dizzy because I do click a lot. You know, I have zippy high apm. I have to see everything on the map, what's happening. But, yeah, I like roster shuffles like this. You said it's gonna be pretty wild. We heard some rumors, and most of the rumors are kind of true.

Roster Changes and Surprising Announcements

The one that did surprise me the most was Thompson yesterday announcing that he is gonna retire again, which is, I don't know. I feel like the man's gonna come back. I feel like this. Yeah, yeah. I'm wondering. I'm wondering, like, I'm taking it with a pinch of salt. As esports retirements are always kind of like, well, you know, we'll see. But he's a family man now. He has a kid, so it's okay for him to take a break. But this guy again comes out of nowhere, like, okay, I'm done. Pretty much plays. Then it's like, okay, I'm still going to be able to get, what, top four at ti? Top three, actually. Top three. That's, that's even better. This is like one of the most creative minds in dodo that we ever had.

Thompson's Popularity and Impact

I can tell you for absolutely certain on that stage, he got the biggest cheer out of anybody. You know, liquid qualifying to grand finals didn't compare to Thompson going up into the crowd. I came down afterwards and asked my friends in the crowd like, oh, how was the interview? And they were like, I have no clue. I couldn't hear a thing. The crowd was just screaming the entire interview going absolutely crazy because they love Thompson so much. And, yeah. And yet even through all of that, he was still just like, oh, yeah. You know, the game was good. You know, asked him a question. He gives me, like, that kind of analytical Thompson answer of like, well, you know, yeah, I feel like we did this well.

Thompson's Analytical Mindset

They did this well. And then we won this part because of that. I'm just like, wow. Like, my adrenaline is going at like a thousand miles an hour at the moment. Everybody's just screaming and making so much noise for this guy. And he's like, yep, cool. Another day in the office for Thompson. But I guess that what happens when you win two ti's. Yeah, I hope he's gonna come back. I feel like he's gonna come back. So for some reason, I don't know, I'm just having this feeling maybe I'm too biased. Maybe I would love to see him back in the action because it's always fun to watch him play.

Roster Changes in Other Teams

Others that did make the roster changes, heroic. Who did remove k one or k one wanted to take a break. And then Parker is gonna be new carry for heroic. then we have, this is not the team that was at ti, but Shopify. Sorry. og BZM is going inactive. There are some rumors about BZM joining some other teams joining tundra, potentially, from what I heard. I don't know that one's gonna be true in the end. Most of the rumors do end up being true. Yeah. Quest is the one that has been changed a lot. Quest esports they were also not a part.

Team Changes at Quest

Yeah, but ta 2000 is going to Aurora and also kaori and Abed are going to Aurora because they needed to have something done about the team. Lorenoff is going inactive. I think the team did okay, but, like, this was their peak. They also, in some of their games, didn't look too good. They looked out, classed, I would even say. But a change that was definitely needed for them. Yeah, I think the momentum can always take it too far.

Future Prospects of Teams

Only take you too far. I definitely feel like for jabs, and you said the core of this team is always going to be jabs and the coach, Sunbie, they are kind of, if you watch any of their vlogs or anything like that, you can always just tell from the get go. This is a team which has two leaders in jabs and sunbeam, and everybody else is kind of like the. You're there to play a dough. Right. It's how most teams work. Like, this isn't a unique thing. So I'm not surprised to see people kind of shuffle around there. I'm a little bit surprised to see Q being the one who stayed.

Leadership Dynamics in Teams

I mean, you know, I think Q has done well. I do feel like Ollie was kind of that very consistent player for them. So out of Q and Ollie, I wouldn't have bet money on Ali being the one to go. But, you know, who knows how those conversations went oftentimes, you know, it's not just purely, oh, we are getting rid of this player and getting on this player. It's two way conversations a lot of time. Dota is not as brutal as people seem to think it can be. It certainly can be in some situations, but for the most part, it's a bit more open that everyone's professional.

Insights on Team Changes and Performance

We've been doing this long enough to be able to do things the smart way, but, yeah, very interesting how carry and tuo 2000 are going to do here. So now you've kind of got that combined experience of jabs and sunby, who have, like, so much experience between them now. And you're also going to have Kaori and Ta 2000, who've got a bit of experience between them now as well. Then you've got Abed and Q kind of slotting in there as some very reliable two and four. So if I were to predict how this team's going to do throughout the year, I feel like we might see them just dominate the SCA qualifiers, lock talent out a little bit, and I.

Expectations for Team Performance

Think the same when it comes down to the international scene. I think the results are going to be pretty much the same. I don't think this squad, maybe I'm wrong. I'm probably not on this one, but I don't think this team has what it takes to be, like, top three team. I'd agree. I don't think that's scaling either. I think it's just not a region with incredibly experienced international players which can give you that all star power to break through into kind of that international scene as well. So we'll see how they do. You know, I'm very interested.

Hopes for Future Competitiveness

It would be really great to have an SCA powerhouse team suddenly stop, start to threaten the top three spots. I've been waiting for it for a long time. Is this it? Maybe, but I mean, actually, part of me wants to think so. Like, we'll see how they do. But Ta 2000 is a really good carry player. Kaori is an excellent five player. The thing is, like, from Oli to Kaori is probably the biggest switch in five players you could ever do because Kaori is quite, like, inconsistent and sometimes very greedy.

Comparing Player Styles

He's a very interesting five player to watch. Oli is like, he's so good. He's so consistent, stable, always. He's also very boring. You know, he's always just gonna be that solid. Boringly good. Yes. Very good. Yeah. Boringly good. Yes. Exactly. The big change. I think everybody expected this. If they don't win Ti, if they don't reach top three, bbd, baby. Team, BB team, bat, boom team, whatever you want to call them.

Performance Analysis of the Tournament

Pure. He was on loan from tundra and I would say that he was the best carry the tournament. Yes. Giving me Yatoro vibes during peak time when he was, you know, winning Ti's, I think pure had the same performance and this guy had no flaws whatsoever, just complete domination. When he started to play certain heroes, everybody started. Copy it, dude. When he pitched with Clark against falcons, I was like, all right, that's it. There's no way he makes this hero look good and he made slack look like the most broken hero in the game in that.

Match Reflections

In that match. Like I was just like what the I. Yeah, pure, like love him or hate him, you know, like he is just ridiculously good at carry at the moment. So no surprises. Z bat b me. You know what, we want that guy back. Yeah. And he's gonna go back to BB team because he was on a loan. And then you have nightfall. GPK enter onto Tokyo going inactive. So I want to see where they're gonna land because these are super skilled players. It's just that something is not working out for them. I would love to see GPK join like non full eastern european team where he can, you know, maybe get some other perspective, be under certain captainship. I would love to see him join, you know, join something. Some like big team from Western Europe potentially. I think he would have much more success. Even though they're here, they were not lacking success, but not. You can't have like five teams at the first place at every single tournament. But they were consistently good throughout the year.

Performance Expectations

These are just not results that they've been expecting because, you know, when you have these caliber of players you do expect them to reach top three pretty much every single tournament. Win some of the tournaments, they never managed to win a tournament together. So that also saves a lot of about the team. It does, it does some other ones to look at as well. I think a lot of people be looking away off Shopify rebellion as they make some really surprising changes with Tomado and Munjku coming in or Manj ku. I'm not quite sure how to pronounce that and hellscream as well. So some very kind of unproven talent. Very kind of young players coming through unproven talent for sure. I'm not sure if this is the fact that they just were running out of money or if they trying to develop new talent. I don't know. I can't tell you. I don't know how this works. But it's one of those two things. Better hope it's the latter, I guess.

Team Spirit Highlights

Yeah. I don't know if we talk about we're going back to team spirit. They're playing qualifiers for their first Ti together as a team yellow submarine. They almost lose. They're playing against team Empire. I believe they beat them three, two. Nobody is thinking about these players because these are relatively new players. They started playing professional dota a year ago before they're playing that Ti, maybe even that year. So you don't have any expectations. You are. Who are these guys? I know only their captain. I know only Maposhka. This is how you build teams. So never underestimate some of the new players. Hell, scream, this guy is super high. Mmr. Very good player. Didn't play for pretty much any teams that play for, what, Amiga Gaming? And then you have this guy that I can't even pronounce the name. His approximate total winnings is $20 on liquid PDF. I've never heard of this guy.

Team Dynamics and Future Prospects

It says his ukrainian slash polish, so never heard of him. But there's probably a reason why they decided to pick him up but didn't see him in pubs. Maybe as a different nickname, but never notice him. I don't know. An interesting lineup with Tabato as a carry yopaj. These are like very skilled players. But I don't know. I have to see this. I'm not gonna believe until I proven that this is the capable squad. Agreed. 100% agreed on that one. I've got many doubts. And I think we may see, you know, with nouns picking up some invites here and there, another team from Na making it through. I mean, we will have an NA team at the valakia event already, I think apex Genesis team coming through for the Na region there as nouns were invited.

Shifting Team Landscapes

So it already begins the switch up in the Na region as the titans have kind of been dismantled. And of course we have Og as well. I think it's prudent to talk about OG. They did just get eliminated from the qualifiers for poor timing, I guess, but there you go. They're still testing things out. I think this squad might need a little bit more time together to see what they're capable of. I mean, I'm not making any judgments on any team, especially a team with some players, which I know are good. This. This OG team, I'm never going to come in and be like, they lost their first qualifiers together. Noobs are never going to do anything this year. All those kind of Reddit analysts coming out and being like, I'm not sure if they've made the right choices here. Like, dude, it's been a week. It's probably been less than a week since they've been playing together.

Focus on Improvement

Like, you can't make a judgment on a team that quickly, though, does not about winning. It's about making mistakes and improving from those mistakes. So we'll see how quickly they can improve. We'll see. You know, I don't really care if you start off on the wrong foot. I really don't. I'm interested in what they look like, you know, a few months from now. They haven't qualified for anything then. You know, maybe I'm joining in with Reddit with some of those comments, but for now I'm very interested to see where they go. I'm always going to trust Arian Seb as well. Like that supports your pretty gold and whisper as well. A lot of, a lot of experience there. So, yeah, we'll see what they're able to do and see if they're able to improve upon that.

Current Team Dynamics

Nygma kind of playing things out with some standards at the moment, so they don't really have anything locked down. Yeah, I think, I mean, there's obviously loads of shuffles going on right now. Some, some, lots of different stuff going on. Sea region, everything below. Aurora is looking pretty messy at the moment as well. But yeah, I think the one worth mentioning is Ramses is back to his league of team because he was on a loan. Same goes for pure. Not sure what's going to happen, what kind of contract these players did sign, but feels like these are some long term contracts. Ramsey's also was playing out of his mind and some of these, some of the games his night soccer performance topped here.

Player Profiles

He was also playing Mars. This is one of his best heroes right now. But yeah, the man still has it. It's, you know, I feel like this guy is 40 years old considering how long he's been playing, but he's still very young. I think he's like 25 or something. Yeah, actually 25. So, you know, Ramsey still has a lot. Pretty sure. Cool, cool character. This is, you know, something about Ramsey's every single time I see him in a hotel, whatever, just brings smile to my face. He's just, you know, a dota idiot. In a good, in a good way. In a good way. In a relatable way, for sure. Yeah. I mean, it's funny that this hell scream guy has just been picked up.

Team Dynamics and Player Experiences

Oh, no, he's 23. I can't remember, though, there's some players looking at who's just been picked up, some unproven talent, which everyone going is going like, oh, exciting new talent and they're 25. And I'm like, ramses is 25 like this? Yeah, Ramsey's won like five majors and, you know, dominated scene. One of the most successful teams throughout dota history, dominated for years. And now you have like these 25 year old players which are considered to be relatively old in terms of dota numbers. Yeah, it's a strange world, the dota world of ages as well, and everything kind of gets a bit muddled up at some point, but yeah, so we've got some qualifiers going on right now.

Coming Events and Action

We've got the. It's the bet boom, dachshund event coming in at the moment. I believe we've got qualifiers for that running. We've also got qualifiers for Dream League coming up as well. So we'll get to see a lot more teams, a lot more rosters and that sort of thing coming out in the next few days as teams start to kind of lock in with their final picks. But even then, like, I'm still expecting it to be a little while before we really see exactly who's coming down. But yeah, malice versus nigga Galaxy is going on right now. I believe that's just started. Maybe it's been going on, I don't know. But those two teams battling it out for the western EU slot in betboom dash or Belgrade, rest of the regions, I think it's still pretty undecided at this point, I think.

Nigma Galaxy's Comeback

And the Enigma boys are back. These. That's why I said PSG Quest. We didn't go through all the details, but GH is going to be playing position five. Omar from PSG Quest. Insanely skilled player. Noob is the big surprise. This guy looked so good while playing the mid lane, but I guess he was ready to step aside because there is sumail in the team and you also have miracle. So I want to see how these guys are going to be performing. This is also a full middle eastern squad. Miracle, smail, noob, omar and GH, I think against Mouse, they do have what it takes to qualify for their first land in quite some time and see how they're going to do. And all eyes on Nigma galaxy, that's for sure.

Unconfirmed Teams and Future Prospects

For sure. Out of the confirmed teams then. Meanwhile, we've still got like loads of unconfirmed stuff, you know, gaming. We don't know what's going on with them. Falcons, we don't know what's going on with them. You don't even know what's going on with liquids. Like, some talks about them making some changes as well. So all getting pretty spicy at the top as well. And because they're not playing qualifiers, we just don't know what's going on with these teams yet. So one of the biggest shuffles in dota history is currently taking place right now and I can't. I can't wait to find out how the dust is going to settle and what we're going to end up with, but very up for a shake up here in the dota scene.

Looking Forward

So yeah, in just a few days time we should, as I said, start to know some of these big teams and what exactly they're going to look like for the first big event of the year, which is Wallachia. So yeah, I'm very excited to see exactly who's going to be on what team. And any hot predictions, not a rumor, any hot prediction you have which is entirely unconfirmed and something you haven't heard about but you think could take place. I don't know if this is confirmed or not, but because I don't see it as anything official, but I heard the ratio is not a part of Gaiman, so. Interesting. I don't know if that one's true or not, but, you know, when people talk there is always something.

Team Changes and Carry Predictions

And the new carry, who's supposed to be the new carry? That's a good question, I think. Is it? Oh, no. Satanic is expected to come in first spirit. Right? Like that's what people. Yeah, yeah. Not sure who the carry is going to be coming in for gaming. There's a lot of good carry players, a lot of good young carry players around as well, though. Yeah, I'm not sure. I mean, there's this, you go on the free agents and there's so many people around. We'll see falcons, what they decide to go for. We'll see. What if liquid do make it? I mean, it'd be pretty crazy if they did make any changes, but the winds are saying that the winds of change are blowing strong.

Team Stability and Future Changes

I'm just thinking, I don't think Falcons will make any kind of change. I think this team, there's nothing wrong with the team. They've been like the most studied team of this year. So some of your strategies will get nerfed. You picked way too early and that's what happens. But yeah, I think the boys should stick together. Yeah, it's tough when you come in for these big events, though, and you don't deliver. You know, that. That's really tricky. And I know it's harsh to say they don't deliver when they got to fourth place at ti, you know, but, and I think they came third at Riyadh, right? Yeah, third at Riyadh.

Team Warfare Insights

But, you know, obviously they wanted to take those top spots, so, yeah, I hope that they don't change anything. I really wouldn't like to see them change because I want to see this Falcons team be like a multi year venture because I think teams always more exciting to me when they do that and we have that experience. But, yeah, I'm also really interested to see how the teams that serve laki that don't make any changes feel coming into Wallachia. As, you know, everybody else shuffles around you. There's got to be some pressure there to perform because, you know, you haven't made any changes. You should be in a better position than any other team. They had more practice, so that'll be interesting. Perhaps.

The Future of Nouns

Perhaps nouns, we can see what they do if they don't make any changes, which so far I haven't seen any. Now nouns are sticking together. Nouns. They said that there's not going to be any change to their roster, so. Oh, yeah, that was announced. Cool. Yeah, it's cool to see. I think that's the right choice for them for a team like nouns who just kind of started having success recently. They didn't really get much of the international scene this year and, you know, already they started to kind of make some moves towards the top of the group, obviously, you know, a bit of a letdown for them in the end, but they started to make some moves towards the end of the season.

Closing Thoughts

So, yeah, it'd be cool to see what they can do next time around. And that is going to be us done. We've done our hour. So, guys, thank you so much for listening to the Deck Sport international edition podcast with me and Lacoste. Hope you enjoyed it. We had a lot of fun talking about Ti and things coming up, all shuffles and everything. And, yeah, the future of dota looks exciting. It definitely does. I mean, this is. We thought the game is dying for years. The game is still thriving. And, you know, we might see some dota three, considering how much time we have left.

Looking Ahead to Dota 3

And dota three might come out, you know, in some, like 2020, 2030 maybe. This is where dota three, it's third person. It's called deadlock, bro. Yeah, we do. I don't know if you've been enjoying deadlock, but I have. It's great game. It's very fun. I was playing it right before you started this podcast, actually. Okay. Yeah, well, yeah, you did message me. That's right. I'm looking hard at the moment. So, yeah, I don't know, go play that or go watch the qualifiers or just whatever. You do, have a great rest of the day and of course, tune next time we have one of these.

Final Gratitude

Thanks for podcasts going on but for a man, of course, it's goodbye and thanks for watching. Bye bye. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you so much, guys. Thank you so much for your time. And that was amazing pep talk. That was amazing. You should for sure start a podcast. I'm not kidding. That was enjoyable to listen to. Thank you so much again for your time. Thank you, guys. So after, don't forget to follow Dexport. Don't forget to follow me.

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