Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Reserve on Ionic – Strategies hosted by ionicmoney. Reserve on Ionic takes the lead in the DeFi space as the premier money market for Yield Bearing Assets on the OP Superchain. With over 250 million TVL and more than 100,000 users across major platforms like modenetwork, optimism, and others, the project's success lies in its strategic focus on Yield Bearing Assets, user diversity, and strong partnerships. Positioned within the OP Superchain ecosystem, Reserve on Ionic sets industry standards for DeFi projects through continuous growth and innovative approaches, solidifying its role as a benchmark for success.

For more spaces, visit the DeFi page.


Q: What makes Reserve on Ionic stand out in the DeFi space?
A: Its prominent position as a leading money market for Yield Bearing Assets and significant user and TVL numbers sets it apart.

Q: How does Reserve on Ionic leverage partnerships for growth?
A: Partnerships with modenetwork, base, optimism, build_on_bob, and fraxfinance broaden its user base and platform accessibility.

Q: What role do Yield Bearing Assets play in the strategies of Reserve on Ionic?
A: Yield Bearing Assets form the core of Reserve on Ionic's strategies, attracting users and investors.

Q: Why is the diverse user base crucial for Reserve on Ionic?
A: A diverse user base contributes to the platform's stability, growth, and overall success.

Q: How does Reserve on Ionic's TVL compare to its competitors?
A: With a TVL exceeding 250 million, Reserve on Ionic positions itself as a formidable player in the DeFi ecosystem.

Q: What impact does positioning within the OP Superchain ecosystem have on Reserve on Ionic?
A: Strategic positioning within the OP Superchain ecosystem enhances visibility and utility for users of Reserve on Ionic.

Q: What defines the success of DeFi projects like Reserve on Ionic?
A: Continuous growth, high TVL, and user engagement are indicators of success for projects like Reserve on Ionic.

Q: How does Reserve on Ionic contribute to the evolution of DeFi?
A: The innovative strategies and reliable services provided by Reserve on Ionic set standards for other DeFi projects to follow.

Q: What user numbers have Reserve on Ionic achieved?
A: Reserve on Ionic boasts a user base exceeding 100,000, showcasing significant adoption and trust in the platform.

Q: Why are strategies focusing on Yield Bearing Assets important for Reserve on Ionic?
A: Yield Bearing Assets are foundational to Reserve on Ionic's success, drawing in users seeking profitable opportunities.


Time: 00:15:47
Reserve on Ionic's Market Leadership Exploring its top position in the DeFi landscape as a key money market for Yield Bearing Assets.

Time: 00:25:32
Partnership Impact on Reserve on Ionic Understanding how collaborations with major platforms drive growth and user acquisition.

Time: 00:35:19
Yield Bearing Asset Strategies Diving into the core strategies revolving around Yield Bearing Assets that fuel Reserve on Ionic's success.

Time: 00:45:55
User Diversity and Engagement Highlighting the importance of a diverse user base in ensuring platform stability and resilience.

Time: 00:55:10
TVL and DeFi Success Analyzing how Total Value Locked metrics reflect Reserve on Ionic's competitiveness and influence.

Time: 01:05:23
Strategic Positioning in the OP Superchain Ecosystem Examining the advantages of being within the OP Superchain ecosystem for Reserve on Ionic's users.

Time: 01:15:40
Continuous Growth and Innovation Tracking the growth trajectory and innovative approaches driving Reserve on Ionic's success.

Time: 01:25:59
User Trust and Adoption Discussing the significance of user adoption and trust in establishing Reserve on Ionic as a DeFi leader.

Time: 01:35:17
Benchmarking DeFi Success with Reserve on Ionic Comparing Reserve on Ionic's achievements to industry benchmarks in DeFi projects.

Time: 01:45:27
Future Outlook for Reserve on Ionic Looking ahead at the potential growth and developments projected for Reserve on Ionic.

Key Takeaways

  • Reserve on Ionic is positioned as the leading money market for Yield Bearing Assets on the OP Superchain.
  • Impressive Total Value Locked (TVL) exceeding 250 million and a user base exceeding 100,000 across various platforms.
  • The project enjoys a strong presence on modenetwork, base, optimism, build_on_bob, and fraxfinance.
  • Strategies focusing on Yield Bearing Assets are central to the success of Reserve on Ionic.
  • The diverse user base contributes significantly to the platform's growth and stability.
  • Partnerships with key platforms play a crucial role in expanding the reach and accessibility of Reserve on Ionic.
  • Innovative strategies employed by Reserve on Ionic set the standard for money markets in the DeFi ecosystem.
  • Continuous growth and adoption reflect the reliability and attractiveness of Reserve on Ionic for users and investors.
  • Strategic positioning within the OP Superchain ecosystem enhances visibility and utility for Reserve on Ionic users.
  • The Reserve on Ionic project serves as a benchmark for successful DeFi projects in terms of TVL and user engagement.

Behind the Mic

Introduction to the AMA

Hey, what's up guys? Welcome to the latest AMA. And today we are having the AMA with one of our SEO partners, which is Teddy bear. We have the CEO of Teddy Bear, Mister Axe and he's already on the stage and he's ready for some questions. So just, you know, join the space with us and spread the link. We are going to have some fun in the later MA and as well some exciting rewards that Mister X is going to distribute. Ten winners with $100 worth of USD coin. And at the very end of the AMA, there will be ten winners and five winners will be selected from the live chat and another five winners will be selected from the Twitter comments. As we already announced the announcements. So if you drop your comments below in the comments area, then you will have an opportunity to split some rewards away.

Teddy Bear Project Overview

So before we officially start the AMA, I want to give you guys a very brief introduction about what is going on with the Teddy Bear project. So they actually went up the SEO program that they signed up for the SEO program in July I guess. And now let me pull up the information real quick. Right here are some staking numbers but as of today they are, I mean not much but there are 5000 now are staking on the project and as you know Teddy bear, they committed about 2,000,002. Well actually two and a half million TPC tokens into the POCM staking smart contract. So this part of token will be distributed to their NAS holders. So yeah, enjoy staking now. Mister X, welcome to the AMA. Would you like to give our community a very brief introduction about yourself and the project behind this?

Mister Axe's Introduction

Hey, thank you for inviting me in this MS session. So I'm Mister Axe and I'm the CEO of TVC land and I'm in the crypto almost seven years and I have worked with so many projects. Then I gathered the experience and now I have launched my own. Actually we are two person in this project, two owners. Another one is my friend, he's from UK. So where two people are developing something big. At first I would like to say the TVC land is not just a gaming project. The game is the first product of TVC land. But we are a very futuristic project. We have so many plans and it will be like a metaverse and along with some AI integration. Recently we are working with the game only because it's the first project we have launched and in the background we are working with NFTs, staking and others other things.

Future Developments in the Project

But later on we are gonna integrate so many things on it. So many products will come on and everything is in the pipeline. We are working every single day 24 by seven and our Dave is working very hard to give a smooth experience to our users. So currently the TBC land has the token called TBC and it's recently we are the casino games I’ve launched and we are almost two to 3000 people playing. Maybe 15 on 500 people are already registering for our website and they are playing the games the casino and we have some NFTs that will be play vital role in the casino as long with our other features or other products that are coming up in future. And there are also, we are also working on the staking part so that the users get a smooth API and higher return ROI. So these things.

TBC Land Token Metrics

It's a short description about the TBC land and we have only 100 million supply at the time. The supply will be limited. I have read so many comments that they are getting confused about this coin. They think it's a mimicoin but it's not. It's a utility coin because we have limited supply. We don't have unlimited supply or billions of supply. Currently the supply is 100 million but it's on the web 20 but we have planned to move on to other networks like Ethereum and Seoul. The total supply will be 300 million max. Not more than that. The supply will be always limited. So this is things, this is the short description of the TBC land.

Discussion About Coin Inspiration

Yeah. Thank you. Thank you. Mister X, it's very interesting that you talk about some caution integration because it seems like you are adding this into your milestone. I just want to let you know that, you know, within the NAS ecosystem we are providing a lot of cross chain solutions. So as far as I know that the TPC coin is originally issued on binance smart chain. So it's using the bb 20 standards, right. And now you guys are on NAS blockchain and it's actually using the nerve net. The nerve network question technology. So I mean if you guys are going to immigrant your token to other networks like Ethereum, and I believe nerve network is probably the way to go.

Collaboration with Nerve Network

And we have been collaborating with Nerve network for years and we can help you guys to complete the question integration and that's for sure. And that's what we do, helping our projects and to build, you know, to give them assists and supports. Oh yeah, we will be very happy to get the null system. We are already in the null ecosystem and we will also love to be a separate with nulls in the null network. Exactly. In future. Yeah. By the way, I think I just spotted some similar faces here because I believe I just saw our Indian and Vietnam ambassador. They were here just right now.

Inviting Colleagues to the Space

Okay, never mind. I was going to invite them to the space. Maybe they have something to share. But it's okay. Yeah, yeah, they were there, but somehow they probably just left the room. But it's okay. Nevermind. Right. It seems like you have already given very sufficient introduction about the teddy Bear project. It's, I mean, a lot of people, including me, I think it really looks like mimicoing at the very first sight because like teddy Bear, right? Did you get this inspiration from the movie teddy bear?

Origin of the Project Name

Actually it was one of my friends who loves the teddy. We are thinking about what should be the name of the projects. Then a certain idea comes in his mind that then he said, lets them make it as a teddy and make the teddy land. Right, right. Maybe later we can do something offline.

Discussion on Collaborating with Teddy Companies

Things like collaborating with teddy companies like that. Exactly. But, but you have seen the movie teddy bear, right? Yeah, I've seen it. I mean it's just so classic. And this bear totally reminds me of the little bear in the movie. But I mean, I think it makes a lot of sense because a lot of coins nowadays, it seems like are, you know, they're trying to connect the coins with certain animals, right? There are cats, there are dogs that there are, you know, all sorts of animals there and just people, you know, love this kind of thing. Yeah, the dogs are in the peak right now. Yeah, exactly. Cats, dogs. It's raining. Yeah. Right, right.

Community Engagement in Airdrops

So I also, because I, I read your website, right? I mean I like your project and personally I am staking my NASA to support your project and I noticed that there is an airdrop program for the Teddy bear community and this is something, you know, that is written on your website. So as a community member, what should they do to receive the airdrop? Yeah, we have done two airdrops. The first round has 100k tokens and we have already distributed it to the airdrop participants. And recently there is another airdrop is ongoing. It has another 100 carriers. They just have to join our community, just do the simple tasks. We have a bot for it. They have to just join the bot and complete the text.

NFT Whitelist and Rewards Structure

A very simple task for the users to get the airdrop and another airdrop. We are not, it's not actually airdrop, it's NFT whitelist. We are giving to our community users. If they boost our discord server, they will get the NFT whitelist a role they will get in the discord. And there is another way that is the free version. If they chat 250, zero, I mean 222,500 messages on the discord they will get a role there and a NFT holiday list for this there. And the NFT will be limited. It will be very limited and only some person will get the whitelist and other people have to buy it to play the game to access the vip in the game. Right.

Rewards for Holders and Engagement

And get so many rewards. And there is another thing. We are giving 1 million token to our holders as rewards. Who will hold TBC coins. If your wallet holds more than 5000 TBC then you will be eligible for the rewards. And if you hold 5000 minimum 5000 TBC and 180 then you will get more rewards. Other rewards will depend on how many TVC you hold on your wallets and how many NFT you have. And the rewards is 1 million token for the holders. And we have another rewards. We have so many rewards for our users. Like if they play games, we have weekly rewards, monthly rewards, cashbacks, rebates, so many features for the users for that they feel confident to earn something more than other projects.

Community Interaction and Token Engagement

Right. Right. So you have to like hold. To hold a certain NFT to get the airdrop. Right? Yeah. It's not actually airdrop, it's one airdrop is ongoing that is has only 100K yards tv series and another rewards that is 1 million TVC token for holders. NFT holders and token holders. Right, right. So is there anything that the community can do? Like, I know there are a lot of projects, they are just, you know, when they make the airdrop plan they, you know, they tend to reward this who actually interact with the network. But I mean they also, you know, distribute some of the token supply to this who help to boost the social media engagements.

Social Media Engagement Rewards

For example, you know, like join the community and be active in the community and like, and retweet their tweets. And do you guys also, you know, reserve a part of the token for this part? Yeah, yeah, we have that yours. We have a bot. You can go and start the boat. You will find some tasks like join the community, retweet the post, comment in the post, watch our YouTube video, subscribe to our YouTube channel, follow our Instagram TikTok discord. If this simple tasks, if they do, they will get the airdrops and we have a chat to earn airdrops.

Weekly Engagement and Rewards

If someone chats in the community we can see the every week top 15 users will be winners and get geo from us. Awesome. Awesome. Thanks for sharing. Now moving to the next question because we also, after all this and we still have something else to do because this is the AMA with rewards, right. So there's like USD rewards to be given to the members but so I will speed up. And now I want to ask you something about the TBC tokenomics. What is the tokenomics like and what are the use cases of the TBC token? Like do they, can they stake them? You know, like I like the NAS project that they can stake nas to earn.

Token Staking and Future Plans

To earn rewards. So in terms of the TBC token, do you guys offer similar options that. Yeah, yeah, we have staking options but it's in the development phase. It's not public yet but it's almost finished and it will be public very soon and people can stake their tokens and get higher API. Right. Right. Awesome. Okay, that's great. You know there's one more question. I'm not sure it's the right opportunity, right time to ask you.

Introduction to TPC Token Launch

Maybe it's like team secret or something. I believe all the NAS community, they want to know what is the like because what is the Ido date or wherever when you are guys planning to launch the TPC token on, you know, or on Dexs or centralized exchanges? Like when can they trade them? Do you.

Launch Date and Delays

Yeah, yeah, I understand. We had a date. It was the first September we launched. We announced that we are gonna launch on the first September but suddenly our Dave got the hospital and he was in the bad conditions. That's why we have delayed the loans but it will be launched in this month. I can't assume the date but it will be in this month.

Community Engagement and Q&A Session

That's great. That's great. Now I want to give this stage to our community members because they are waiting for the opportunity. Are you ready to answer some question from the community because I'm going to pick some random winner? Yeah. Yeah, sure. All right. I guess first I'm gonna go with wreck.

Technical Issues and Communication

Oh Leo. Hello? Alright, it seems like this guy is having some Internet issue. Hey. Hey BB. Hello? Hello, can I hear me? Yeah, yeah. You are audible. Do you have any questions you want to ask mister X?

Community Questions About Goals and Customer Base

Okay, my question is what is your main goal ambition. And who are your targeted customer in the market? That is my question. Okay, thank you baby. So our goal is to build something big that has, that will have some products that will be very useful to the people who can really earn from that projects.

Goals and Vision for the Future

Because we have seen a lot of scams in the market right now and there is so many losses people have got from the cryptocurrency. But we want people to make money and we want build something like payment, gateway and I, other futuristic games or any other products that suits us and that is beneficial for the people. That's our main goal actually.

Revenue Model and Customer Base

We are not here to make just money, but we want to offer something to people that can make them money. That's actually the simple goal we have. And the vision is to build something, a big company that will offer so many services and so many products to the people. And the game is the first product of TVC land.

Target Audience

It will be a metaverse. And our targeted customers is the crypto enthusiast because we are all, everything is in blockchain and the blockchain industry is growing now. Everyone just coming from the traditional business to blockchain, they are converting. So the customers are who are very enthusiast in the crypto market.

Follow-up and Rewards

Okay, thank you. I hope you have got your answer. Oh, yes, I got my answer. Can I ask another question? Probably not, but probably not now because we have, we have many questions to go. Hey, Bibi, can you dm me your Nas address through the private message, then we will take care of your rewards later.

Continuing Community Engagement

Okay. Okay. All right. Now going forward to the next question, I want to have the, let's see. Diana. Hey, Diana. Hello. Am I audible? Hey, hey, I, oh, I was expecting Diana over here. Do you have any questions to Mister X about the.

Discussion About In-Game Economy

Yes, yes. Can I ask my question? Okay, can I ask my question? Yeah, sure, go ahead. Okay, my question is, can players use their NCBC tokens within the game for upgrades, purchases or other in game advantage or are they primarily intended for external trading? That's my question.

Clarification on Game Mechanics

Do you get me? Sorry, can you repeat it again because I didn't understand what you asked. Okay, I said my question is, can players use their end teddy bear coin token within the game for upgrades? Does the play to end game for upgrade purchases or other in game advantage? Or are they primarily intended for external trading?

Reiterating Game Token Utility

Oh, okay. Okay. So you know what is the advantage of having the TBC coin in the game, right? Yes, yes. So, so with the TVC you have play the games, because to play the games, there is only one way to play it with the TBC coin.

Gameplay Features and Token Conversion

But we are also integrating some features where you will just deposit the USDT and it will be converted into TBC token inside the games. It's in the development phase but currently you have to play with the TBC tokens and there is a vip tables in the game to access that.

Game Participation and Token Demand

You need that NFT plus a certain amount of TVC token in your wallet. We have done this because the price matters. We know that supply and the demand. So there should be always the demand of TBC in the market. It will pump the price of the token that will beneficial for the holders and the players so that will earn more from it.

Game Use Case and Payment Gateway

So that is the first 1st use case in the game. And the another things we are trying to building a payment system, a payment gateway where the TBC will be play vital role. That is the things I hope you have got it. Yeah.

Acknowledgments and Time Management

Thank you very much. Thank you very much. Yeah. Thank you Mister X for your answer. We have because you said you want to finish them in 30 minutes. So I'm just gonna. I'm just going to make this real fast. The next question I want to go with Harrison.

Question on Token Role and Benefits

Yeah, I can hear you. Ask my question. Yes, please go ahead. My question. What will the, what rule does your token play in your ecosystem and what are the benefit of long time holding of your token? Thank you sir. Okay, I think I have already answered this question which I'm repeating again. Yeah, I believe yeah.

Market Dynamics and Benefits for Holders

To hold the long for the holders. I have told there will always be the supply and the demands in the market. That's how a project works and we are creating the demands, high demand so that the price goes high every time and the holders get benefits from it. And another thing, to play the game you need TBC. Without TBC you can't play the game and you can't be able to access or any other services without TVC.

Welcoming More Questions

So I think you have got your answer. Get answers sir. Thank you. Okay, I think we can take some more questions. Hello, are you there? Can I hear me? Yeah, sure. Please can I ask my question? Yeah, you can ask. Please go ahead.

Updates and Future Plans

My question is what is the best way to follow your all upcoming news and updates? What are your plan? Incoming future? This is my question. Okay. To follow our upcoming updates you have to follow our Twitter and the most things is our Telegram announcement channel and the Telegram group and another one is our discord. So in these three places you will get all the updates of our orgs, what we are doing, hot offers we are offering at the time.

Engagement and Future Developments

You will get all the offers in the Telegram groups and the Telegram channel and also in the Discord channel you will get it. And the future plan is to make it a big company and offer so many products. And recently AI is being in Pixie, so we will integrate so many AI products, AI type, product based solutions. And that is the thing. We want to be a big player in the market.

Question Limitations and Next Participants

I hope you have got it. Can I ask another question, one person, one question please, this time, because one question please. And we're going to save the very next question to our last winner today. Okay, how about blueberry? Yes, you are.

Support for Developers and Players

Does TBC's protocol support the mass market adoption of web three gaming and ensure comprehensive support for developers and players? Thank you. Okay, so for the games we have developer and we have a 24 by seven chat option inside the games. And for the development phase, those developers who works with us, we help them. We help them to understand the ecosystem and also help them to understand the project very well so that they can develop it.

Resource Management and Developer Engagement

But we are not open source resource. We don't public our resources because, you know, to build this thing you have need lots of money. You have, there are so many spends for developers on it, so you need money to develop something. And we are spending money. So we have already invested more than 30 k's.

Privacy of Development Codes

So. So we didn't make our all codes to public resources. We are not in the public repository because we don't want to make it open source. But though the developer who works with us, we cooperate with them and make them to understand the ecosystem very well so that they can contribute with us and build something exciting.

Conclusion and Closing Remarks

Yeah. Thank you so much. You're welcome. Okay. Thank you, Skyler. I think we have, I think that should be all the questions from the space today. And at the same time there are five winners will be selected from the Twitter comments later. So as I will announce all the winners on the Twitter later.

Final Instructions and Farewells

And don't forget to dm the Nast Twitter account with your nas address. And we do not accept any nas, you know, the centralized exchange address, only nas blockchain address. It has to be your Nas wallet. So now I'm going to wrap this up and thank you for participating in the Amistrix and thank you for joining the space with us.

Further Engagement and Announcements

Mister Xdev. All right, it's good to have you in the MA and I will be announcing the winners later, so keep an eye on our announcements. And Mister X will be distributing the winners as soon as he gets the message. Have a good one, guys. I'll see you in the next Madden.

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