Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Red Cross and Red Crescent Weekly Update hosted by ifrc. The Red Cross and Red Crescent Weekly Update by the International Federation showcased the critical aspects of humanitarian efforts globally. Emphasizing community resilience, technology, and collaboration, the space delved into addressing challenges like climate change and conflict. With a focus on health initiatives, volunteer engagement, and sustainable development, the discussion underscored the necessity of transparency, advocacy, and global cooperation in effective humanitarian operations.

For more spaces, visit the Development Agency page.


Q: How does technology impact humanitarian aid efforts?
A: Technology improves response times, data collection, and communication in humanitarian work, enhancing overall effectiveness.

Q: Why is volunteer engagement essential in humanitarian activities?
A: Volunteers play a critical role in providing immediate aid, fostering community connections, and expanding the reach of humanitarian initiatives.

Q: What are the main challenges faced by humanitarian organizations today?
A: Climate change, conflict zones, funding gaps, and access to vulnerable populations pose significant challenges for humanitarian efforts.

Q: How does transparency benefit humanitarian organizations?
A: Transparency builds trust with donors, ensures efficient resource allocation, and demonstrates accountability in humanitarian operations.

Q: What role does advocacy play in the success of humanitarian missions?
A: Advocacy drives awareness, mobilizes support, influences policies, and helps address root causes of humanitarian crises.

Q: How does the Red Cross and Red Crescent support health initiatives globally?
A: The organizations provide medical aid, health education, and emergency response to promote well-being and resilience in communities worldwide.

Q: Why is collaboration with local partners vital in humanitarian work?
A: Local partnerships offer cultural insights, local knowledge, infrastructure support, and ensure sustainability in humanitarian interventions.

Q: What strategies are employed for sustainable development in humanitarian efforts?
A: Long-term planning, capacity building, community empowerment, and holistic approaches are key strategies for sustainable development in humanitarian work.

Q: How do humanitarian organizations address the needs of communities affected by conflict?
A: Humanitarian organizations navigate complex environments, negotiate access, provide protection, and deliver aid to conflict-affected populations.

Q: Why is disaster preparedness crucial in humanitarian work?
A: Preparedness reduces the impact of disasters, saves lives, and enables swift response and recovery in humanitarian emergencies.


Time: 00:14:28
Community Resilience and Disaster Preparedness Empowering communities to cope with disasters and build resilience through preparedness.

Time: 00:25:47
Technology Advancements in Humanitarian Aid Exploring how technology revolutionizes aid delivery, data analysis, and communication in humanitarian settings.

Time: 00:35:59
Climate Change Challenges in Humanitarian Work Addressing the impact of climate change on vulnerable communities and humanitarian responses.

Time: 00:48:12
Volunteer Contributions in Global Humanitarian Efforts Recognizing the invaluable role of volunteers in supporting humanitarian activities worldwide.

Time: 01:05:36
Advocacy and Awareness in Humanitarian Causes The importance of advocacy campaigns and outreach activities in promoting humanitarian values and actions.

Time: 01:18:49
Transparency and Accountability in Humanitarian Operations Ensuring transparency in resource management and accountability to stakeholders for effective humanitarian outcomes.

Time: 01:29:15
Sustainable Development Solutions for Vulnerable Populations Developing sustainable strategies for long-term development and resilience among vulnerable communities.

Time: 01:35:27
Global Cooperation in Humanitarian Initiatives Highlighting the importance of international collaboration in addressing global humanitarian challenges.

Time: 01:45:02
Health Initiatives and Crisis Support by Red Cross and Red Crescent Providing essential health services, emergency medical aid, and response during humanitarian crises.

Time: 01:58:40
Conflict Zones and Humanitarian Interventions Navigating challenges in conflict areas to deliver aid, protection, and support to affected populations.

Key Takeaways

  • The importance of community resilience and disaster preparedness in humanitarian work.
  • Collaboration with local partners enhances the effectiveness of humanitarian responses.
  • The role of technology in advancing humanitarian aid and reaching vulnerable populations.
  • Addressing key challenges like climate change and conflict to support vulnerable communities.
  • Promoting health initiatives and providing support in times of crisis are fundamental.
  • Emphasis on volunteer efforts and involvement in humanitarian work.
  • Advocacy and raising awareness crucial for driving humanitarian actions and support.
  • The significance of transparency and accountability in managing humanitarian resources.
  • Sustainable development and long-term solutions for communities in need.
  • Humanitarian work extends beyond borders and requires global cooperation.

Behind the Mic

Introduction to Extreme Weather Hazards

That's right. Thanks so much, Miralini. Well, two extreme weather hazards that have turned for some people into disasters is what we'll be focusing on today. One in Europe. In Greece. You may have seen the crazy footage of the wildfires very close to Athens. In fact, we've talked on spaces a few times by the extreme heat in Greece. Well, this is now fire and we'll be talking to the Hellenic Red Cross about that. And then we'll turn to Asia, Myanmar, where there've been some really devastating floods caused by extremely strong monsoonal rainstor. A disaster relief emergency fund allocation has been made by the IFRC just on Monday to help tackle those. And we'll be hearing from the Myanmar Red Cross about how those floods are being tackled. So we will start, I think, with Greece. I think we've got Constantinos with us from the Hellenic Red Cross. Are you there?

A Call to Constantinos

Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. We've talked a few times about the extreme heat that often hits Greece. In fact hit primarily earlier than usual this year, but this has turned into fire. Just tell us about those wildfires currently burning in Greece. The mega fire that broke out last Sunday was one of the worst disasters that have occurred in recent years in Greece. Our volunteers who were in the field informed us that they have never faced such a terrible situation before. More than 10,000 hundred acres of forests have turned to asses in northeast more than 140 houses have been completely destroyed as the fire in two different areas, Vreelich and Kalandri reach the city destroying schools, stadiums, public buildings and others.

Disaster Overview

One woman lost her life. Some of the numbers there you very briefly cut out. Can you just go back and recap some of those numbers? Did you? Yes. We must mention that this was the biggest disaster that took place in the area of Penteli since 1998. Thankfully we don't have active fire front now in Attica. Right. And you were saying how many houses were destroyed or have been destroyed? 140 houses have completely destroyed? Yes. And all this began when I. When did this begin? The fire broke out on Sunday afternoon and now today we don't have active fire fronts. Imagine the huge destroyer.

Response by Hellenic Red Cross

Tell us a little about the Hellenic Red Cross's response. The volunteers and staff of the Hellenic Red Cross on the initiative of our president Doctor Antonio Xavierinos have been operating from the first moment of the outbreak of the mega fire that broke out in Varnavas constantly at the side of the firefighters and the citizens who are fighting the flames in the fire fronts of the areas of Grammatico, Anatoline Amakri, Pendelli, Varnavas, Stamata, Drosiadionisos and others specifically, the specially trained teams of skeleton Red Cross staffed with volunteer samaritan rescuers and nursing staff with rescue vehicles and mobile health units support the firefighters offering first aid, basic health services and basic necessities to residents most of the 80 cases they have dealt with are shortness of breath, watery eyes and minor burns from the constant battle with flames the volunteers and Martin reschurs being in constant communication and cooperation with the authorities inform the residents of the affected areas to evacuate their homes also support the evacuations of three hospitals in Attica at the same time they carry out continuous patrols in order to offer assistance to citizens and to the stray animals and stray and domestic animals that have been abandoned in the fire affected areas of Attica we must mention that the wildfire burned hundreds of animals and many dogs left tied or locked in evacuated homes yeah.

Psychological Impact and Community Effects

Which is bad for the animals, of course and very bad psychologically for the people who leave them behind too so fantastic that the volunteers and staff are helping with that what's been beyond that? The local impact for communities? The local impact was huge as I said before we have a lot of destroyed houses and buildings and I, the affected people, maybe 100,000 we don't know. Exactly the number 1500. Approximately because the numbers, as you know, always changing in these situations so what's next? What are the ongoing priorities for the headache Red Cross?

Emergency Appeal by the Hellenic Red Cross

The Helen crate cross from the very first moment implemented an emergency appeal to collect long term food and then sanitary material the response of the public audience is touching having already donated tons of humanitarian material which is transported to the fire striking areas with the vehicles of the Hellenic Red Cross yesterday the Hellenic Cross distributed 3100 bottles of water to the affected areas of northwest Attica at the same time, teams of the social welfare sector of the Hellenicred Cross staffed by social workers and the volunteers have gone to the reception areas of fire affairs affected families in order to offer mental health, first aid and psychosocial support the Hellenic Red Cross will continue the support initiatives as long as necessary well.

Media Requests and Journalistic Support

Thanks so much constantinos, for joining us we're very grateful we've already had quite a lot of media requests I know, that have come to the Hellenic Red Cross and of course if you're a journalist and would like to add to that list we'll be delighted to put you in touch with Constantinople and his colleagues to tell you about the fires but more importantly, what the Hellenic Red Cross is doing to help people as a result of them.

Contact Information for Media

So media at IFRC is the email address to reach us.

Gratitude for Participation

Thanks again so much for joining us.

Introduction to Mo from Myanmar

Marily thank you very much. Okay hi everyone. So this is Mo from Myanmar. In Myanmar. So our flat is the. It is not the southern flood. This flood in the Myanmar since first very fast or July of this year.

Impact of Monsoon Rain in Myanmar

So a heavy and continuous monsoon rain that led to severe and rice spread floods across the multivariate regions. Because we have so many rivers in our country and the situation was further is surveyed by the additional cyclonic adaptives which cause river and waterway to the overflow leading to the extensive damage.

The Extent of Displacement

The flood has fetched over 300,000 people in the nine different regions including the big region with the many rivering and also the sum of the area experience floodwater as deep as the three to 4ft severely impacting the livelihood, agriculture and also the infrastructure as well. So many residents were displayed seeking refuge in school, monastery and also their temporary camp as well.

Recurrence of Floods in Myanmar

This is the severe of the modern situation in our country for now. And according to the HP and MMRDH every four years we have the severe flood and monsoon because of the monsoon rain. So that's why the local community they have the experience to asking for helping from the Red Cross.

Immediate Needs of Flood Survivors

Yes, according to the flood impact. So the immediate need of the affected population include the food. Food is clean water and also the sanitation facility and also the MHS shelter. And also there is a significant headache due to the potential separate of the waterborne disease as the flooding has the damage sanitation infrastructure and also the left behind the segments water as well.

Psychosocial Support and Restoration of Livelihood

Additionally there is a need for the psychosocial support for those traumatized by the flood and for restoring livelihood particularly in agriculture which has been the heavily impact of the disaster.

Myanmar Red Cross and Emergency Management Fund

Yeah. So in Myanmar Red Cross we have the emergency management fund is a small amount of fans they can be initiated response at the local level. So there has indeed been a draft allegation for the flood response. So the Myanmar Red Cross receipt and allegations about. About the over 800,000 CAF. This one is being used to the support for the emergency relief operation. So because we have already support for the sum of the high tick items we need to be replenishment for more area. And also the which include the providing essential item like the food is the instant noodle or some of the ready made food as well. So the. And also the clean water, purified water medical supply and also the deployment of the volunteer and also the staff logistic management and also the ongoing support for the displaced people as well, because in our country we have also the crisis situation. So some of the area is that they had the complex emergency under the conflict and also the flood that is as well.

Discussion on Climate Change and Floods

Yeah. Thank you. Just before we go, just on theme of terrible floods and indeed in Asia, we spoke, I think it was last week or maybe the week before, about the devastating floods in northern Kerala and the landslides they'd caused as well. Well, just for journalists to note, today, 14 August, european time, with the World Weather Attribution group, of which IFRC is a part, through its climate centre, has just released a report looking at what caused those floods and whether or not climate change played a role. And the conclusion hold the headlines is that they were certainly more intense, the landslides and the rainfall, because of human induced climate change than they otherwise would have been. If you want to have a look at that study in full, if you google or use a search engine to go to world weather attribution, you'll see the report there. But it's definitely worth taking a look. They're very fast turnaround, these reports, and definitely worth having a look at.

Well Wishes and Update on Situations

So, yes, and of course, our best wishes to Myanmar, which is now facing something similarly awful. So thank you very much for tuning in. Thank you for listening to our update on the wildfires in Greece from the Hellenic Red Cross and the floods in Myanmar. Miralini, anything else to add to it?

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