Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Recap of Token2049 hosted by aiweb3dao. Dive into the Token2049 recap featuring AIWeb3's innovative educational approach in the Web3 space, supported by Polkadot/Kusama Treasury. Explore how Create 2 Earn incentivizes content creators and users to engage with high-quality Web3 content. The partnership with Polkadot enriches the educational opportunities within AIWeb3, making it a valuable hub for Web3 education and token incentives.

For more spaces, visit the AI page.

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Total Listeners: 61


Q: What is the core focus of AIWeb3 in the Web3 space?
A: AIWeb3 concentrates on decentralized Web3 education initiatives sponsored by the Polkadot/Kusama Treasury.

Q: How does Create 2 Earn motivate content creators within AIWeb3?
A: Content creators are encouraged to generate educational content through videos, articles, or translations by receiving token rewards.

Q: What benefits do users gain from participating in AIWeb3?
A: Users receive high-quality Web3 content and rewards for engaging in activities within the community.

Q: How does the partnership with Polkadot enhance AIWeb3's offerings?
A: The collaboration with Polkadot enriches educational opportunities and token incentives for participants.

Q: What insights can be gathered from Token2049 regarding AIWeb3's model?
A: Token2049 provides valuable information on AIWeb3's innovative Web3 education and content creation system.


Time: 00:15:45
Decentralized Web3 Education Initiatives AIWeb3's focus on decentralized Web3 education with backing from Polkadot/Kusama Treasury.

Time: 00:25:10
Create 2 Earn Incentivizing Content Creation The Create 2 Earn model motivates content creators to produce educational content for token rewards.

Time: 00:35:22
Quality Web3 Content and Rewards AIWeb3 provides users with top-notch Web3 content and rewards for community engagement.

Time: 00:45:30
Polkadot Collaboration Benefits Collaborating with Polkadot enriches the educational offerings and token incentives within AIWeb3.

Time: 00:55:18
Token2049 Insights Token2049 offers valuable insights into AIWeb3's unique Web3 education and content creation approach.

Key Takeaways

  • AIWeb3 focuses on decentralized Web3 education, backed by Polkadot/Kusama Treasury.
  • Create 2 Earn incentivizes content creators to produce educational videos, articles, or translations for token rewards.
  • Quality Web3 content and activity rewards are provided to users within the AIWeb3 community.
  • The collaboration with Polkadot enhances the educational opportunities and token incentives within AIWeb3.
  • Token2049 offers valuable insights into AIWeb3's innovative Web3 education and content creation model.

Behind the Mic


Hello hello Wei tinder ma hello kleitina. Koi tina. It. Utah ting dai dian. Shinya omaha. Dots how zaman keshaniga taman. Do. It. Know jabbing dao chila rahonika dots Mega had now cashed okay Hanjiki Nama facial Webster Tong Shiwami token Arling Sujana Shang Shi Namajai Space Cash Woman Jin Space Open Guild contributor Patricia and Chris Hayo Channel okay hello everyone, welcome to our polka Talk every Saturday night. I'm the host Jiki is very honored to be able to talk about Polkadot decoded Asia and the token 24 nine with you here. This polka talk is sponsored by the Polkadot foundation and organized by the AI web three community.

Community Focus

The AI community is focused on the Polkadot ecosystem and is committed to supporting content creators to publishing high quality polkadot related content. The speakers are experts from different fields, contributors of OpenGuild, Patricia and Chris, co founder of Chinadao Da Bao, lead blockchain engineer of cognitive Dex Jiayi, founder of ALF three doctor Chao and Kl Ding. So don't miss the chance to communicate with them. Today the Twitter space will be bilingual. There will be a brief translation and summarization after each speaker's speaking and answering. So before our space start, everyone can quote our pinned tweet to win the token rewards. Wish you luck. The Twitter space will be in three sessions.

Session Structure

First, the speakers give us a brief self introduction and the project introduction. Second, deep dive about Polkadot decoded Asia and the token 2049. The third is the Q and a session. Okay, let's start with Openguild. Please highlight yourselves and your project. Hello Patricia. Hello, hello, good evening, I'm Patricia. I'm one of the contributors of OpenGuild, which is covering the Southeast Asia initiatives for Polkadot. So yeah, I'll let Chris introduce himself and also open guild. Oh, I was thinking that you would do that for me.

OpenGuild Introduction

Okay, yeah, so hey guys, my name is Chris and currently I'm working with Openguilds to build open communities for builders in South Asia market. And you know, basically what is Openguild? So open gears, we basically, it's just open, you know, communities where we also open some kinds of open source contribution bounties, debating about technical stuff in ecosystem and also several things as well. We also trying to expand the community by doing different developer bootcamps, hackathon courses and so on, and local meetup to few more developers and attract more talent coming in to Opengue and then we helping them, you know, deeper their journey in poker ecosystem. Yeah. So that's what OpenGL is doing.

Discussion on Project

Super good. Thank you. Thank you. Chris and Patricia, did you hear me? We actually married in decoded, so give me a little bit time. I'm actually today's translators. I will quickly translate that. Natamander search and. Okay, thanks, Patricia and Chris. Hello. Hello. Body go. Upgrades. See, no doubt woman the taker tweer Naho Shang mo foundation. Rahayo. Is the media higher now? One block to Jubilee roster Kaifa cousin Taiwan Dotsu Iga staking the DF Nazi. Dot dots. Rahul nik dots. Do k bah fang highway toy shu ba han shang yo Xi woman gum guan found the bench out some men to take a parachute.

Session Feedback

How does she sit? About eight portion. Okay. Yeah. Okay. Now, general Fanja. Okay. It's da Bao Zed from Chenodao. So he founded the incubator, actually 2021, right? And had the incubator dog. It's many located in Taiwan. And his dog had different projects, had Naom Foundation, VC, Kol, media, tech people. So all kinds of people in his style work together. And some course in the tried to have the last course, and they had collaborated with universities there. They also have the app. I believe dad already put the link under the tweets. So you can check, you can stake your dot and you can get the dot s.

Financial Integration

And no matter if s or USDT, you can all put into your visa card. The best thing. They collaborated with Visa, and then you can make a payment. And in the future, they are going to have games and others. They are also interested in collaborating with Pogdot and to be a parachain or maybe get involved in the future like the plaza Jamdeh and I believe the call time, right? Yeah, the call time is already alive right now, so probably they're going to check about it. They are still in discussion, and if anyone interested in their dao, you are welcome to join. And. Yeah, so Cognitax is a decentralized data marketplace that incentivize users for the data they provide.

Cognitax Overview

Building in the Polkadot ecosystem, we have data pools, which is aggregated data of all users. And users can basically get incentivized with our native token CGDX. And based on the data, the quality of data they provide, we'll give them this token and we'll sell their data to everyone else. So we provide authentic, high quality and anonymized data. Okay, to define. Yes. Cognide, CGDX, Zuchi the jami hobi ran ho ran taman kanroji the Suj told our woman k hobie and zai my gate had a Sanjay Rahul Singh, the woman keija Leon Shukali and like Baoja maker suji the mega suji that si liang mega yonghuji. Jai thanks.

AI Web Three Community

Ar Web center transfer AI Banzu da ya Kung website owners creative animals degree Tense Network to be hello everyone, this is Doctor Kao, the founder of AI Web three and our community is decentralized web three educational community. We are using different technology, including AI to help users better understand the web three and proc Dot. We have the unique create to earn model that basically anyone welcome. We are open community to join. Anyone can join. As a content creator, you can earn rewards by producing educational video article and do the translation, et cetera.

Educational Initiatives

And over the past few months we have over around over 15, I think outstanding creators who produce a lot of high quality content. We also have the app chair on Tencentetwork and so our testnet, the website is naive. You can check, I will post that below the tweets so all of you can check. We have news about web three, we also have the video content and you can have some points on our discord and TGD and use that to support your favorite content creators. And I'm so glad today to be here. And we have the speakers here and yeah, and that's pretty much what I have.

Moving Forward

And oh yeah, I'm basically the translator for today. Thank you. Okay, let's move to part two, deep dive about Polkadot, decoded Asia and token 24 nine. I believe most of the speakers have participated in both events. So can you talk about these two big events and are there any good ideas we need to pay attention to? Okay, let's start with Patricia. Hello. Yes, so first for me would be decoded the decoded Asia. For decoded Asia. I personally appreciate all the ecosystem members of Polkadot to always gather around and present the updates from their projects or what's going on right now.

Collaboration and Networking

Let's say for example, for web three foundation, or let's say for their own very specific projects, or the panels about community where AI, web three and Openguild shared the stage. So for me, for decoded, I guess it's the highlight is really the gathering of ecosystem members and connect and you know, explore what kind of collaboration that we can all do together, especially in this side of the world, in the east. And yeah, so that's mostly it. And some of the western members also flew here, you know, in Singapore and just continued to build relationship meet and starting to really have conversations on doing improvements or better things to do.

Future Perspectives

Like let's say for Open Guild, what are the, what can parachain still contribute to us? Because for us, since we are onboarding developers or we are helping developers to be onboarded in Polkadot ecosystem, then we need the parachains or the projects built on Polkadot to kind of like, you know, give mentoring to have the legitimacy of what we're doing. Of course, of course. If we want to introduce Polkadot, then we need builders on Polkadot already to help them, you know, onboarded. So yeah, there's, there was a lot of things for me in decoded and for token 2049 main event, it was like, it's always such a big event for me.

Highlights of Events

I, this is actually my third token and it's always, you know, bigger and bigger. I think one of the highlights for me for token would be the deep in. I think deep in is such a very new, it's not a new concept. It's like a renamed concept, right? Like it's a restructured concept of IoT. So, but deep in is like a next level thing of physical infrastructures. And I can say that peak one of the projects built on Polkadot, they're very aggressive in terms of, you know, spreading the word about deep in really making the making.

Integration with Daily Life

How do you say, some milestones on how deep in and what Deepin can do in our daily lives? So I think that's the main highlight for me. And of course there was Sonyum, the recently announced like Sony blockchain with the star tail, you know, so that's also one thing. But yeah, I mean, for the question here, with 580 side events, I think out of 580 side events, I only attended like three or four. It's really like the energy is always getting me with token 2014. But I tried to go out and mingle, but for me it was more important to really target who you want to collaborate with after this big event.

Final Thoughts

So, yeah, sorry if I spoke too long for this, but it's such an event that decoded and token 29. That's it for me. Thank you. Yes, thank you. Thank you, Patricia. Where's that? Where's that? It's not tonight. It's actually quite good. Yeah, I'm trying to add crease back actually. But anyhow, just give me a second. Let me translate that a little bit. Okay. Baoqua nasi website. Open gale roundtable. Open gout. Position roundtable on decoded. Hua Sigurd.

Introduction to the Event

Open guild ping set up. Nama Jose Iot peak Paq on institute JpE tangy. Thanks, Patricia. Don't worry, it won't be too long. Okay. Yahoo. Let's welcome Chris. Please give us about the deep dive. Yeah. Sorry. Yeah. So can you guys hear me? Yes, yes, don't worry. So we're talking about deep dive Kdecod Asia and also talking 2049, right? Oh, yeah. Okay.

Chris's Involvement in the Event

So I mean, basically in terms of token 24 nine, I, I didn't participate in the event request. Mostly Patricia was the person representing the whole team to participating and, you know, connect new people. But mostly I will, I was, you know, going around different side event because I already registered like 500 side events. You guys should check my calendar, it's worth crazy. And, but I ended up, you know, participating around like 2030 event like Sway, Solana Polkadot, several big blockchain, right. To see how the culture is going and how blockchain and foundation investing funding to builders. And it was very clearly that right now, most of the blockchain industry they invested heavily into like Asia market, especially South Asia and also Singapore specifically. And also I heard that recently they started to, you know, focusing on three main thing.

Investment Focus and Trends

Firstly, definitely real assets, right? Because, you know, some of the blockchains like BB, Solana Polkadot, we already on the stage of, you know, quite, you know, acquired good technologies, improvement and so on. And the next stage of, you know, a blockchain is that, you know, expanding and acquire billion of users for blockchain. Right. So I think we will. They mentioned that real access was the thing, one of the most important factors to acquire users from web two to blockchain industry without knowing, using blockchain general. I mean, that was what they claimed. However, they also mentioned that, you know, they all invested this year heavily into gaming, web three gaming. And also, you know, I was surprised that a lot of keyword relating to prediction market starting to bumping up again this year. And I think definitely gaming and prediction market is one I'm personally will looking more and for sure, I mean I'm kind of, you know, heavily investing my time to gaming.

The Experience at Decoded Asia

But prediction market is something that I need to look at about decoded Asia. So decoded Asia is, was quite okay. But definitely it's not, you know, to be straightforward, it's not super nice, right. But yeah, but the organization, the hosting and so on were very cool. And I was having the chance to meet a web three team for the first time in real life. And that's what a good meeting. And that's why right now I'm here to collaborate with AI web three and hopefully to work with all the Asia communities in Polkadot for more initiative. Yeah, so I mean, definitely grateful for the content Asia to connect people in a world who love polka dot together and being in one place and then find a way to collaborate and enroll Polkadot. Right.

Reflections on Attending Token 2049

Wonderful. Thank you. Thank you, Chris. Yeah, it's my honor as well, actually. In the decoded Asia, I tried to find you. You are so busy. I know you have a lot of events to go, so let me quickly translate. Chris Debia Tama Open Guild Chris Tanya bian hui naji side event faith on duo tara shins event yang taiyo chu gun sui so nanayao tai chu kanga website nata guanzula guanzura yung whoever yung Hui and had chugani and web senate now hold the yung hu ing as a faith held the prediction market joshu jihui kui nada fiddan shi huang okay, kiki. Thank you. Thanks.

Insights from Token 2049

Chris Judah decoded. Okay, how this is true. This is what you don't buhtain I the anyway just dot shamu tama just south of yeah. Raucha one boga so mama who don't hurry young soy or baha boss and Kaifa Hayo shout out AI website now poker just a private event. Just woman pogada ji sudden the sentai sam here and the layer to roll up Shang yeah. Shai bu yao, shuju chang and plaza they quiet in the ganju just dajaeh zaid pokal the hang so down so Daja has. Oh, by the way, came inside our quad. Our website gaming Shao Yoshi mini appreciate and rule that Jazan talk now the gun dong ping the fangs the older Shanguan pang bian take a not just hail some of the Han Shang Tao the founders of Polar Daev.

Sharing Perspective on Collaboration

Because now Judah father and woman Sutu can talk. Oh, dead. Okay now okay. So dad shared his experience at decoding the token 2049. For the decoded, he feels super special. He spent almost all of his time with Pog Eco. And so he really want to collaborate with Park Dot. And he talked to the park Dot different team and really like what decoded is doing. And here in decoded, you can actually see all different kind of projects like those two days. That's how he knows geeky and he really liked the technology is innovative. So if you check the Ethereum layer two. Actually it's very similar to the parachain in Parkdot.

Community Dynamics in Polkadot

Of course, the parachain we have crown on Ethereum, Neo two didn't. And now Polk Dot is even evolving to actually have the core time. The gym and the plaza and all the projects and the developers, we are just like a big family. Everyone here in Polkadot they want to build together. And for the token 2049, it's his first time actually attended the tokenization 2049 in Singapore. He attended the Dubai one before. And this time his impression is gaming is super important. A lot of people that are talking about web three gaming, like the Telegram gaming mini app. And another topic is RWA and DP.

Future of Web Three Integration

So most people want to bring those web three different things like now in the real world, which can be the good way for everyone to participate more fairly. And he really like Polkdot's open gap. So for the Openguff in technology, I think yeah, it's one of the best, one of the first who fully decentralized the voting or the governance. And for Polkadot open governor, all the grants, everything they can provide the support for community and actually parity the action didn't participate much. So making this one a real daw. Everyone can participate. So in technology or in other, in the other sides, the POC dot actually is doing great.

Community Growth and Participation

It's growing super fast and it's about us, about the community, whether we can funnel the speed of the park dot if they can grow so fast and including the open gap. So that's his impression about the decoded and token 2049. Okay. Yeah, thank you. So firstly, I would like to talk one by one. We start off with decoded. And I think decoded is very awesome. And I realized that a lot of new ideology, new stuff, and especially talking to all these booths. I talk to a lot of communities because honestly I do not have much experience within communities. And it is actually very insightful talking to people like oneblock plus at AI, web three, Openguild.

Learning and Insights from the Event

Yeah. Just shout out that you guys are awesome and I feel intact. I learned a lot about the Polkadot ecosystem because previously I was just a developer and now I learned a lot about everything outside. Like for example like that unique networks, NFT. That is very awesome to learn about. And other than that, Polkadot site events are also very wonderful in this ecosystem. And I get to learn a lot about like Polkadot 2.0 how to keep up with development in substrate, in Polkadot SDK and yeah, and for token 2049, it's actually my first time attending also.

Networking and Collaboration Opportunities

And it is a very insightful experience I get because I am there as a BD and also as a developer. So I get asked a lot of questions because we are actually raising funds. So in Togo 2049, my main job was to go around and know more people and get funds. A lot of interactions with these VC's just allow me to just broaden my knowledge about what is actually important while building whatever I'm building right now, which is a decentralized data marketplace. And then the feedback that I got was a lot about, it's not a lot about whether or not the product is good or not, but whether or not does it adhere to their values, which is very important, because we are all in a decentralized, we are all in Dao and stuff like that.

Community Impact and Feedback

And I feel a lot of what we offer is values now, and the community is also very important. So the best thing I take away from this is actually the effect of communities on everyone. And even on like, VC's, when they are looking to fund people, they often look at us in the terms of vision, in the terms of consensus, and stuff like that. Yeah. Thank you. Gun east code and demand Xiang AI web three open. You search, don't hai Xiang finding the huodong.

Engagement and Interaction

Rahul. The iga ping. Rahul. Yes. Zan sugar ja suju jiao. You saw die somewhere. I got you somewhere. Ika tai type suji Jai sword. And. Xiang faith and so woman, the Xiang faith and buoyang the hui kui kang shu. So what you got? Decoder. What dread order dreaded? Nada. Nada ika. Don't see Song yada. She said yeah. Can I jin him dot? Yeah, but you may say the hang. Yeah. Shui kavajuda dado fish on the 21.

Final Remarks and Transition

He created jianja. Male k tina. So January, can I show you decoded? Okay, let's move to ours. Section three Q and a session, everyone. If you have any question, you can request to be a speaker, then you can ask the question yourself. Okay, and the first, I have a question about OpenGuild regarding the hex zone in Asia. Are there any particularly guild projects? Chrissy Chris one.

OpenGuild Community Projects

Yeah. Personally, I didn't participate in, you know, much activities of one block hankathon. But I can tell you that about right now, Opengear is doing, you know, a vietnamese hackathon where we and depot camp as well, where we already have around 400 students in the depot camp, especially without all vietnamese, and they study around substrate and also in smart contract.

Vietnam Hackathon Registration

And we are open for registration for the Vietnam hackathon and expect to have around 50 teams participating in this hackathon. And hopefully it would gain a lot of traction and new products for Polkadot ecosystem. And we also collaborated with one block to explore, you know, the best project, you know, two of the best projects in vietnamese hackathon to bring them to Thailand for now for their global hackathon as well. You know, basically we are trying to work with different initiatives to incubate those, you know, those new builders and then you bring them become a startup of Polkadot. Right. And also we was hosting one very small mini hackathon before in last two months. And one of the winners of that hackathon already confirmed to get ran from unit network as well. So it's quite a huge accomplishment for us when we have a chance to not just organizing thing for builder but also having them incubating and also have them connecting with ecosystem partners who can supporting them, not just technical support but also funding as well to make sure that they can continue their own development in Polkadot ecosystem.

Focus on DeFi and Sustainability

But definitely what we are trying to solve in Polkadot right now is that we bring more projects. But right now we are trying to specifically find more projects relating to Defi gaming. And also when it comes to businesses, we working with another university, very popular university in Vietnam to organizing upcoming hackathon about sustainable business where they student entrepreneurs, they build products using Polkadot as blockchain solution. But focus on sustainability. That would be our focus right now in Vietnam. And we also working with one partners in Malaysia and one partners in Philippines to launching deep bootcamps and also hackathon. Really soon, hopefully we'll be after Defcon because right now it has been a lot of thing is going on, right. And this one we will focus on the vietnamese hackathon and then also repair for sub zero as well. And after that we will launch things, you know, other country hackathons to find more, you know, builder and also increase awareness for Polkadot in those, you know, regional countries.

Community Engagement and Token Discussions

That's wonderful. Chris, I believe you also have one open gov application. I would shout out, all of you can vote and support if Chris or Patricia you can post the link, you know, the tweets, I think yeah, we probably need more people to support the organize. It's wonderful hacks on. Okay, so I'm going to quickly translate what Chris said number Chris Tayo John Digger one blog the jacket found that shipping Cha founder Sorry, founder number on Taman Jinda Jordan Higgle substitute one block gaming where Hondura dashando yo mina dashes and what I tell you. Tamiya girl Malaysia Open Guild Tamante shia mo banjo taminju bako tanja father Christian.

Contribution Opportunities

Hey, by the way, I mean, I would love to promote that if you guys are developers and you guys want to engage with Polkadot more in terms of oversold contribution, I already dropped a link below the command that you guys can hop in and then, you know, contribute something to get reward as well. It's, you know, open to your contribution body set where we listing a lot of issues in the ecosystem that you guys can feel free to contribute and, you know, you guys can get in our discord listing that your group of work and then we will, you know, we work for you based on what you do. Yeah. Wonderful. Yeah. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Chris. Chris directly to Kaija. Thanks, Chris.

Questions on Token Mechanics

Not that Imao Kanka. Okay. Casper, I see you hands up first. Any questions? Casper? Yes, yes. Okay. You just. Yeah, go ahead. You can ask your questions. Okay, so my question is what role does your token play in your ecosystem and what are the benefit of long term holding of your tokenization? You are asking about the token for each of the project? Well, I believe today most of us, we don't have token yet, so I'm not sure. Open ground, I guess you don't. Right. We are planning to launch TGE at the end of next year and because we are launching rounds of investments at the end of this year and mid next year. End of Q one next year and start of Q three. And then we will tge at Q four most probably, yeah.

Marketplace and Token Information

The app market. Okay. Yeah. From that side they have the token on the pancakeswap and he will share the link so you can check it. Great. Thank you. Thank you. Okay, when you finish your questions, we will move you, remove you out. Okay. We need to give the chance to other people. Okay, Mirana, I see you. Hands up second. Yeah. Okay, I'm here. Yes, you can ask your questions. Okay. My question is what is the most. Ambitious goal of your project? Would share with us any upcoming update? That is my question.

Understanding Project Ambitions

So you are asking about the most ambitious goal of your project? Yes. Okay, thank you. Yeah. Who will go first? Yeah, I think it's a good question. So for cognidex, the most important part is actually user acquisition. Because what we are trying to do, because we are based in Singapore and we are under national university of Singapore. So we are collaborating with them in the hopes of getting building more a very credible source of data that we can do a very good proof of concept on. So this proof of concept will basically be the first time there is a sort data source that has, that is like zero knowledge that you know who uploaded.

Data Source and Project Aspirations

You know, there's a real person that uploaded their data and is verifiable on chain, but you do not know the person's identity. Yeah. So this is the very core thing that we are working towards. Yeah, I think we can move to the next person. Great. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Jay or Chris, did you. Chris. Patricia, do you have anything to share as well? yeah, sorry, what's the question again? Can you repeat it please? What's your most ambitious goal for your project? Most ambitious goal or project? Yeah, the. Yeah, the goal of your project, I guess is, for you. I'm not sure. Hacksaw or something.

OpenGuild's Ambitious Goals

Yeah, I guess. for OpenGuild side it, one of our most ambitious project would be really onboarding as much developers as we can in Southeast Asia to Polkadot ecosystem. So right now we have in Vietnam very active. We are about to start. I mean we started last year in Philippines and we are still going to be more engaged this year, sorry. Until next year also in Malaysia and in Thailand and we're planning in Singapore. So we are really trying to get this region to bring developers and you know, help Polkadot to have startups that are very, I mean in Southeast Asia, it's very competitive and affordable, I can say, but very talented people and these are the talents that they don't see.

Showcasing Talents and Community Engagement

Right. Unless someone would bring them up and show them and showcase them that we have this set of people that are very interested and willing to contribute to the ecosystem. So it's ambitious, but we are doing the work right now and. Yeah, so, I mean, the success of Open Guild will be the success of Polkadot also. So everything that we are doing, it's all for the greater good of the ecosystem. I mean, yeah, it's ambitious, but there's nothing ambitious to the people who are really working on the ground. So. Yeah, that's for open guild. Cool. Well said. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Patricia.

Engagement from Defi Pizza

Let me quickly translate. Defy Pisa. I see you hands up for a long time. Okay. You can ask your questions. Defi pizza. Hi everyone, I am defi pizza. Yeah. Can I ask my question? Yes, yes, go ahead. I have it. Two question. My first question. poor cupboard. Are you ready? My answer this my question. Pardon? What's your question again? polka. But are you ready answer this my question. Right.

Smart Contract Security Inquiry

Poker pet. Right. Yes. Okay. Okay. Yeah. My question is smart contract are prone to bugs. How efficient and secure is your smart contract? Have you ever been audited through external parties? So we are sure that this project is safe and good for the future of investor.

Question About Smart Contracts

Sorry, what's the specific question again? Yeah, yeah, sure. I, my repeat question. Smart contract are prone to bugs. How efficient and secure is your smart contract? Have you ever been audited through external purchase? So we are sure that this project is safe and good for the future of investor. Understand? So you're talking about the security, right? Yes, yes.

Security Features of Polkadot

So, I guess this is like the biggest selling point of Polkadot or of the Polkadot SDK, right. So as soon as you build on Polkadot SDK, which we call substrate, you already have the shared security within the relay chain, right? So that's mostly the reason why a lot of projects are built on Polkadot because the security is already, top notch. So you don't have to think about it. The, you can add like advanced level of security for your project, but it's an, it's optional, right. So if you use substrate or the Polkadot SDK, then you don't have to think about it. It's already like a good foundation in terms of security. So you can, that's already out of your mind and you can just focus on, I don't know, like upgrades or more developments or customizing your product.

Benefits of Building on Polkadot

So that's the one of the most, I mean, one of the most, I think, top selling point of Polkadot. So when you build on Polkadot, you don't have to think about it really. It's ready for scaling, it's ready for upgrades. It's actually automatically upgrades. So, yeah, I hope I answer your question. Yes, yes. Thank you. Thank you. I have a last question. Open Google, are you ready? Can ask? Can I ask? Yes, go ahead. Okay. Okay. My question is, security is so important with every project and platform.

Security and User Protection

How do is new order keep user assets and personal data safe from hackers? How do you manage if there is an attract to your platform? How do you manage if what? Sorry, how do you manage a platform? And I repeat question. Okay. Security is so important with every project and platform. How do, is new order keep users assets and personal data safe from hackers? How do you manage if there is an attract to your platform? Very interesting question. I guess it's up to how you build your platform, right?

Platform Security Responsibility

I mean, you're talking about the product itself. So for Polkadot, for open guild, it's really more into the blockchain itself, but not the product. For the product, it's really up to the developers or the product marketers how they want to secure their platform. Okay. Okay. Actually, great project. I got my answer. Thank you so much. Thank you. Thank you. I will quickly translate. Not now, Genti. Don't jab. I do tag on when a winter entrance in a winter open gap trader SDK Sami and nitro Yahoo Granny open girl nabi uncle and three Nashima KK woman jin shiva yeah.

Discussion on Project Development

Benjo had a jaya jig. Male shaba. Kai not juposha but nigel fire ne chu jaba. Okay, we only, we can only have ten speakers at the same time. So if you finish your questions, we will remove you out. Okay. Young. kayak. Danger. Danger. That this is Tondo the go to norm fighting your ego the guanzhong Yong who. Yeah. Woman to sit in a wise woman doyo woman. So I got nima your chandra to attam Joshua niro taman kai boyung search now.

Project Scalability and Upgrades

Tamiya, kanye search the who don't search you woman. Hui Chu and Ji zone. Jose, where are you? So father and whole search. Okay, I have a last question. Depends the time. So I have last question. What will bring to Polkadot once the plaza and the gem lodged? I think this question open guild and Z both can answer it. Okay, I think I'll answer this one. Since plaza highlights scalability with like almost zero transaction fees. Right?

Future Expectations for Polkadot

Not to mention that it would take advantage of Polkadot's elastic scaling that would support millions of users in the future. So given this, we can expect, let's say like projects, let's say gaming projects. Be specific. Specific example, gaming projects that would bring a lot of users to the Polkadot ecosystem. So yeah, number one, gaming, maybe some nfts or, I don't know, like memes, all the categories, category projects that are gonna bring in a lot of users, these are gonna be the target of the ecosystem because this is what we've been doing.

Polkadot's Strategic Advantages

Even Doctor Gavin Wood himself is very active in terms of promoting jam. In terms of plaza, everyone has been talking about it in Polkadot ecosystem. So these are really good upgrades in the technical aspect. So we will be ready and potentially be ready to accept millions and millions of users. I think number one example, even if there's no plaza yet or jam, we have onboarded in the ecosystem in Polkadot. Mythical games, right? So mythical games, it's like, it's a gaming studio and it brought a lot of users to the ecosystem.

Addressing the Transition to Polkadot

So the problem was they couldn't scale with the other blockchain, so they transition to Polkadot because Polkadot is number one. Like what I mentioned earlier, it's secured already. The shared security is the number one reason of all the projects build on Polkadot. Second is the scalability. Even if you scale and you upgrade, it automatically upgrades and the scalability is secured for you. So yeah, with Jam and Plaza going back, we can expect gaming projects that could bring a lot of users.

Final Thoughts on Projects and Collaboration

But of course, on the other hand, gaming projects or, you know, the users, they can be ready to be, you know, feel comfortable and secured by the projects using Polkadot SDK. So yeah. Great, great. Thank you. Patricia, let me quickly translate tandem number Yong who don't entry so kind of miscount her gym Nanji we gave Dongsi Tabushu. Thanks Patricia for your answering Jigguan Fabu Yi hope. Half.

Concluding Remarks and Future Interaction

Of and Li Zhu Shang story protocol not in case layer three Rubo Jianzi build up to see the Italian now choose so you was a child now because it happy male some linko horses among quite sudan father and she thai father to share Xiong Hui plaza sam yeah. How does she see that nigga? So that actually shared the GM and plaza. What they are doing is basically help developers to do the things like modular way.

Modular Development Advantages

Like he mentioned one protocol which could be nurse three or something else. But more importantly, that's a very useful app chain. So it's for the copyrights. And what they are doing is they can use whatever the modules they need for their application. And it's similar to the parachain they used to have. But the problem for the parachain is the speed. Like if you want to develop a parachain, you have to spend a lot of time and a lot of resource to build.

Ease of Development Post-GM and Plaza

But he thinks later, after GM and plaza, it's much easier. Like more project can come join and they can use the module they need and build the application very easily. Of course, Parachain will still exist. That's what he thought. I shrink twitter. Twitter Space Guan Xi Wang Dajia Patricia hi o Chris hi o Z. Okay, so it's been a long time everyone.

Event Closing Acknowledgements

If you want to know more about the projects, please follow our speaker's Twitter account. So I'm so lucky to be the host today and we've learned a lot. Thanks for our speakers patience and insightful perspective. You are always welcome to join again. So thanks Patricia. Thanks Chris and Ding, Doctor Chao and Jiaye. Thanks everyone.

Future Communication and Interaction

So we will launch the lucky guys list within two days by tweet. The winners should turn on your direct messaging. We will dm you the cleaning code and clean method. It's been a long time. So thanks, everyone. Thanks for your patience. Thanks for coming, and also appreciate for everyone's participation. So we are done here. Have a nice weekend.


Okay, bye. Thank you. Thank you. Bye bye. Thank you. Bye bye.

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