Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Reality Check ? Revolving Games Nodes / SteamDrops hosted by NFTCHESUS. Reality Check's discussion on gaming nodes and SteamDrops unveils the latest trends in the gaming industry. From the integration of NFTs to fostering collaborations between developers and gamers, the space explores the future of gaming innovation. Community engagement emerges as a key player in driving interest and growth within gaming projects. With a focus on unique projects and the evolution of gaming experiences, the space delves into the transformative potential of gaming nodes 2.0 and innovative SteamDrops mechanics.

For more spaces, visit the Gaming page.


Q: How are gaming nodes transforming the gaming industry?
A: Gaming nodes are enhancing decentralization, scalability, and security in gaming ecosystems.

Q: What role do NFTs play in the gaming sector?
A: NFTs introduce ownership, scarcity, and interoperability features that revolutionize in-game assets.

Q: Why is collaboration essential between developers and gamers?
A: Collaboration fosters innovation, user-centric design, and community-driven game development.

Q: How can community engagement benefit gaming projects?
A: Engaging communities build loyalty, feedback loops, and a sense of belonging within gaming initiatives.

Q: What makes unique projects stand out in the gaming space?
A: Unique projects push boundaries, offer novel experiences, and drive forward the evolution of gaming.

Q: Where do you see the future of gaming nodes and SteamDrops heading?
A: Expectations are high for enhanced gameplay, tokenization, and interactive experiences in gaming nodes and SteamDrops.


Time: 00:15:28
Introducing Gaming Nodes 2.0 Insights into the next generation of gaming nodes and their impact on player experiences.

Time: 00:25:17
NFT Integration in AAA Titles Exploring how major titles are incorporating NFTs for unique in-game assets.

Time: 00:35:40
Community-Driven Game Development Discussions on the importance of involving the gaming community in project creation.

Time: 00:45:59
Innovative SteamDrops Mechanics Unveiling creative SteamDrops mechanisms that engage players and collectors alike.

Time: 00:55:20
Future of Blockchain Gaming Predictions on how blockchain will revolutionize the gaming industry in the near future.

Key Takeaways

  • Innovative gaming nodes and SteamDrops are revolutionizing the gaming industry.
  • NFT integration in gaming enhances player experiences and ownership.
  • Collaboration between developers and gamers drives the success of gaming projects.
  • Community engagement is vital for sustaining interest and growth in gaming initiatives.
  • Exploring the intersection of gaming, NFTs, and unique project development.
  • In-depth discussions on the future of gaming nodes and SteamDrops.

Behind the Mic

Welcome and Introduction

Our channel. Subscribe it my audible, if I'm audible, please. I would appreciate a thumbs up. All right, fantastic. Okay. Thank you, everyone. Okay, that's cool. Cool. That's good. I can see that you can hear me. All right, good times. Good times. Thanks for joining us. I won't. I always start by what I just heard this song now. Okay. So I always like to start by.

Gratitude for Attendance

I like to start by thanking everybody for joining. Right? Every single time I have an opportunity to speak here. And it's primarily because I recognize that you all can be doing a whole lot of things at this time. There are thousand and one things that you probably would. That you would rather be doing at the moment, so. But you've decided to be part of this session today, and there are quite a number of you here as well. I can see, who even join on a weekly basis every single week. So thank you all for always joining this session. Thank you. Thank you very much.

Overview of the Session

Okay, so, yeah, this is a whale watching session where we take a look at the top 100 wallets on the ethereum side of Floki. And when we do that, we always ask ourselves very simple question of what has happened between the previous week on that review, which is last week in this case, and now and this week. So this is a weekly review. It happens once in a week, every Friday at 05:00 p.m. uTC, as is currently happening right now. And it's a very simple analysis, straight to the point, short and direct. It just asks, what happened between last week and. And this week.

Market Changes Analysis

Did we see more accumulation of the coin of Loki amongst the top 100 wallets, or do we see the opposite as well? So this just asks us what we do. And this does not factor into account whether they bought or they sold. It's only looking at increase and decrease. That's it. So we are not necessarily concerned about how they got that, how that increase or decrease happened. So it could be that somebody bought more tokens, it could be that somebody sold, it could be anything. Right? So, but it's just plus and minus that we're looking at least for the purpose of this review.

Disclaimer on Financial Advice

So thank you for joining. Before I start, I would want to. I want. I'd like to start with a bit of a disclaimer, right. Which is very. With three disclaimers which are very stretched and simple. Number one is, this is not financial advice. Don't take it as such. Okay. I do not, in fact, take it as if I don't know what I'm doing. And that's fine, that's not an insult because I don't want you to have any reliance on everything I'm saying.

Financial Caution

And then you simply take it blindly and then you want, you always want to add, you know, take financial actions based on what you heard from me. So please, this is not. This. At least all the statements that I make here has nothing to do with trying to provide you with a financial advice or anything like that. Just bear with me one moment. I just need to fix my mic here. Oh, no, let's just carry on. If you guys can hear me, then nothing is broken, so no need to fix it.

Continuing the Session

So I just realized that I wasn't talking for my mouthpiece and so long. You all can hear me. I think I'll just carry on that way. But if you do not hear me or if you hear an echo, please let me know. Maybe our host can let me know and I would use an earpiece to ensure that my voice is clearer. Okay, thank you very much. That's perfect. Thank you. I've just gotten the confirmation that I'm quite audible, so let's carry on this way then.

Reiterating Key Points

Okay, so I was talking about the fact that this is not financial advice. Don't take it as such. That's number one. Number two is I'm not selling any form of investment. Okay? So this has nothing to do with trying to solicit any form of investment from you. So please. And that is split into multiple folds.

Investment Warnings

Number one, do not click on a link asking you to multiply your returns on any investment because there's no investment in. So there. Do not click on any link trying to ask you to boost your returns. And on staking, for example, those things are complete lies. We don't have it. And then number three, don't come back asking for a return either. Anyone's DM saying, oh, this is supposed to have been 50 x and ten x, 100 x and it has not happened in two weeks or what am I going to do?

Expectations on Returns

My rent money is here and all of that. So no one is guaranteeing you any form of return because this is not an investment. So this is, don't expect any form of guaranteed returns over here. As a matter of fact, like I like to say, every time, every single thing in this space could go to zero, including some of the popular names that you are aware of that you know about. We all hope and pray that it doesn't happen, but who knows?

Moving Forward with Caution

The market could happen right now. And so ends the popular saying, do not put what you are not willing to lose. So this is not a form of investment or any guaranteed scheme whatsoever. Please beware. Finally, everything that I present on this session is right on the chain. This is not privileged information. Every single thing that I talk about on this session can all be found on the chain.

Public Information Availability

Okay? They can all be found on the chain. So just visit it ascan.com or bscan.com if you're interested in the DS data. And you will find everything there. So this has nothing to do with being part of a team or anything like that? It's all right there. Public information. Always rely on the chain for everything happening in this industry, in this space.

Conclusion Before Session Start

Nothing else matters apart from what is on the chain. And that's what I try to do on this. On this session. Okay? Okay. So with that being said, we're going to go straight into the session for today. I would not take a lot of time. I would just tell you exactly what has happened this week, and I will move on.

Issues and Delays

Okay. And interestingly, it's at this point that I have some issues here. Just bear with me 1 minute. Okay, guys? Okay, so, cool. So, yeah, so I. Like I was trying to say, I will just tell you what exactly has happened for this week. It will be a very short session.

Introduction and Overview

I do not intend to stay long at all today due to several commitments here and there. But I would. But at least I wouldn't live until I've told you exactly what has happened for this week. Okay? So come with me and fasten your seatbelt as we find out what has happened amongst these whales for the week. Okay, let's start with the. With our average. As usual, I often start with average. So the average holdings among these whales is 41.5 billion. Okay, so 41.5 billion is the average holdings among the top 100 wallets.

Data Context

Please bear in mind that the data that I'm presenting for this week is on the Ethereum side of Loki. So this is not the BSC side, right? This is just the Ethereum side. So every data that. Everything, every number that I'm going to read out during the course of this session, all about the Ethereum, they are the one. Ethereum. Ethereum side of Loki. Right. So if you're just joining us, because I do know we have some new folks who are getting to know about the community now. So, Floki runs on two primary chains, Ethereum and BNB. Right? And we have quite a lot. I mean, we have several hundreds of thousands of holders on both sides. Of course, the B's, the BNB side has more. More holders.

Ethereum vs BNB Chain

And while. But on the Ethereum side, we have fewer orders, but more concentration of tokens. Right? So, however, one floki is equals to one floki. Right, but this is a multi chain project. So. But all the numbers that I present, as far as this session is concerned, is limited to that of the Ethereum chain. So this is not the BSC chain or any other chain for that matter. This is limited to just Ethereum chain. So the average.

Understanding Average Holdings

Earlier on, I talked about the average for the week. So that average actually refers to the average on the Ethereum side and nothing. The average across the entire project. And, of course, if you are a student of mathematics or statistics, you would even know that the average across the entire project is unlikely to be 41 billion, right? So, because I just said earlier on that we have. We have over. Over 600,000 or there about. About 500,000 holders, right, on the Dexes alone. So obviously, the average can't be 41 billion, because if you do the math, then you're going to end up with a gigantic number of which we do not have.

Clarifying the Average Figure

Up to that supply chose average is just going to be, you know, the total number of tokens within the wallet of everyone divided by the number of orders that we have. So if you do that rough math, then you will see that the average is likely to be somewhere. It's definitely going to be nowhere near 41 billion, that I am very sure of. So when you hear the figure 41 billion, please do not assume that we are referring to the entire average across the entire project. Okay? So do not assume that we are referring to the average across the entire project.

Focusing on Ethereum Data

Instead, we are only referring to the average on the ethereum side of the project. And also, I've made it clear that the reason why I only do this analysis on the Ethereum side of Loki, primarily because there are more tokens there. So, statistically speaking, it is of more significance compared to the BSB and BNB chain, especially when it comes to the actual number of tokens and the value of those tokens as well. Okay, so back to the. Back to the presentation itself.

Top 100 Wallets Information

I was talking about the average holdings, and I said that the average holdings among the top 100 wallet list for today is 41.5 billion. Now, let's talk about the minimum. If you want to be a top 100 wallet holder, then the minimum that you must have is 4.4 billion. Okay, so 4.4 billion is the minimum tokens that you must be holding if you want to be a top 100 wallets holder, especially on the Ethereum side right here on the B's BNB chain.

Competition and Minimum Holdings

Obviously you need less. Right? But again, if your goal here is to be a top holder, and if your standard of measurement is what is happening on the Ethereum chain, then the minimum that you should have if you want to be on this list is 4.14.8 billion. But of course, as I also say, every week there's a high chance that you are not able to get to 4.8 trillion, 4.4.8 billion as well. I'm sorry. There's a high chance that even if you get 4.8 billion, you may not even find yourself on this list because the competition is just high.

Strategies for Reaching Top Holder Status

So if you want more, if you want to really want to ensure a place, guarantee yourself a place within the top one red wallet, then you have to get a lot more. So that even if you fall off the matter, if you targeting 80, for example, and you miss 80 somewhere because you've aimed high, you will fall amongst the top 100 eventually. So if you miss 80, you can fall at 85, you can fall at 90, you can flat 90, 96.

Token Distribution and Current Supply

But, but if you aim for 100, there's a high chance that somebody else is trying to aim for the same hundred or 90. And then before you know it, somebody else could aim for 90 or 80, and then you fall down the list. Even for meeting, despite meeting the criteria, we see a lot of these happening, happen every single week. All right, so now the total number of tokens currently within the wallets of these holders is 4.1 trillion.

Token Circulation Stats

Okay? So we have as part of the circulating supply, 4.1 trillion. 4.1 trillion Floki tokens are currently within the wallet of the top 100 wallet list for this week, 4.1 trillion. Okay? And that's very straightforward as well, because the average is four point, it's 41.5 billion. So if you multiply that by 100, obviously you're gonna get 41.5. Sorry. You're gonna get 4.15 trillion.

Clarifying Misconceptions about Wallet Ownership

Okay? And now I also want to give the context that the real explanation behind that is not the fact that we have just a few orders, right? Because some people have said that in the past. Oh, you have just hundred orders holding or close to somewhere around 40% or so of the supply. Well, that is not correct. That's not correct. You do not have that situation. Instead, you have a situation.

Role of Exchanges

You have a situation where quite a number of the holders on the that quite a number of the orders amongst the top 100 wallet list are currently exchanges. So you have exchanges that are part of, that hold a part of the supply on behalf of individuals that have either bought on the platform or transferred to their platforms. So all of that is added to this top 100 wallet list.

Understanding Wallet Token Attribution

And then that's what makes it look like 100 people actually control 4.6, control about 40 pieces of the supply. That is not correct. Instead, you do have a situation where all of these wallets, all of these tokens, rather, that belong to the sexes somehow, like I said, belong to individuals. So instead of having hundred, you do have institution where there are up to maybe several thousands or, you know, maybe even 100,000 or maybe even more, because I don't have that data of the total number of holders on the sexes.

Information Sharing by Exchanges

So. So the sexes do not necessarily share that information with us publicly. So for us to really know exactly how many holders are holding specific tokens on their platform. But from a principal point of view, what I've said will suffice. And just understanding the fact that even though you have top, even though you have it as top 100, it could as well be, you know, it could also be that we're talking about top 1000 or 10,000 here, especially if the number on the sexes are quite different from each number of the on the sexes are quite higher than what we've seen on the Texas as well, which is likely to be the case considering the fact that it's a lot easier to do transactions on sexes.

Summary of Staked Tokens

So maybe that's why a lot of people prefer it. Okay, so that's it. 4.1 trillion. And also, I want to say that as part of this 4.1 trillion tokens, we also have the staking pool among this. These folks. As of now, we do have three point. I mean, sorry. Cumulatively, we have 1.3. That's on the Ethereum side, by the way.

Staking Pool Information

1.3 trillion tokens that have been. That have been staked between last week and now. We've had an increase in that number. It was a lot lower. It was 0.25% lower between last week and now. So the staking pool actually forms a portion. Okay, the staking pool forms. Staking pool forms a portion of the supply.

Implications of Staked Tokens on Supply

on the, how do I put it now? Because, I mean, most of all of the put has staked, actually, May. What happened, in effect, is like similar to a depositing of tokens in a particular wallet enabled by the contract, you know, and all of those tokens go into this wallet. So we have a single wallet holding all of these, big chunk of tokens there. And it's right represented amongst the top 100 wallet list as well.

Closing Remarks

So, but it's part of our analysis. And so it, and it goes into that 4.1 trillion number that I mentioned earlier.

Wallet Distribution Overview

So by the time you discount that away and you discount the sexes as well, then you're left with a very small number. So that gives you a fairer view of the total number of tokens that are currently within the control of the top 100 wallets. Okay, now as we begin to bring this to a close, let's talk about what happened this week. What happened this week? And of course, I'm going to be. Yeah, I'm going to. So now before then, I'm going to just quickly give you the distribution. So we have 51 wallets that hold between 4.8 billion okay, 51 wallets hold between 4.8 billion up to 10 billion. So from 4.8 billion to 10 billion, we've got 51 tokens. Next we have 42 wallets. 42 wallets that hold just above 10 billion to 100 billion. So just above 10 billion to 100 billion, we've got 42 token, 42 wallets in that category. Six wallets hold above 100,000,000,006 wallets. So we have six wallets currently holding above 100 billion. And finally, we have one wallet holding above 1 trillion. So one wallet hold 1 trillion and up and above. Okay.

Summary of Wallet Changes

All right, so let's now talk about what happened this week as we begin to wrap it up. What happened this week? So we had four new wallets in the top 100 wallet list for the week. So we've got four. Four wallets joined. So that also means that four wallets left because we have limited to 100. So if you admit four people into the list, then it means that you're also excused four wallets as well. So let's take a look at these wallets that left. Just, just briefly, real quick. D nine. FD held 6.9 billion last week and right now holds 4.1 billion. So that's why that wallet dropped. So last week this wallet was on the 69th position. That's interesting. And currently sits on the 103rd position for this week. 83. That's the next wallet. Now, eight three. Sorry. 863 b. 863 b held 40.9 billion as of last week. 40.9 billion as of last week and right now holds 2.3 billion. So from 40.9 billion to 2.3 billion. Next is D five. DA. D five. DA held 4.5 billion and right now holds six, just 648 million. Anyway, those are. We have four. Four wallets that left the list. And those are the ones that I just mentioned.

New Entrants in Top 100 Wallets

Now we're going to talk about those who gained, those who, as I've just moved up to the top $100 list for this week, again, there are four number. First one on my list is f 82, a f eight to a, held 1.3 billion just last week and now holds 10.8 billion. So you can see from 1.8 to 10 billion. So that's definitely why this wallet surged to find itself amongst the top 100 wallet list. Double e one bc. That's e one bc, right? E one BC held 4.1 billion last week, 4.1 billion last week and right now holds 6.8 billion. Again, that's why this wallet moves to the top 100 wallet list. And then we have 96, held 2.09 billion as of last week. Right now holds 5.6 billion. So again, this will let us move from the 157th position on the chain now to the second position. And finally, in this category, we've got 5549. That was holding 13 million. Very interesting. Just 1313.1 million as of last week. Right now, this wallet holds 5.5 billion. So from 13 million to 5.5 billion.

Overall Summary of Wallet Changes

All right, guys, so these are the top four. These are the four wallets, rather, that I've moved into the top 100 wallets list. All right, so we're going to conclude this session now by looking at other categories of what happened in summary. So we're going to start now. Ten wallets decreased their holdings between last week and now. So what that means is that, again, we are not looking at how many actually sold. We're not looking at how many. Yeah. So we're not looking at whether they transfer because you can actually, your tokens can drop by you just transferring to somebody else. Right? So that's what we are looking at. That's what we are considering. I mean. I mean. I mean, what we're considering is just the fact that your tokens have reduced, not the fact that, not the action that led to it. So not the buys or the cells. So in this case, that's why I use decrease. So in that category for this week, we have ten wallets that had a drop in their total number of the total number of tokens that they were holding on their wallets. Nine wallets increased their holdings significantly. In this case, significant is above 10%.

Changes in Holdings Analysis

So we took, we looked at the wallets and then we. We calculated how many increased, but by more than 10%, just because we just want to see which one is, you know, and of course, the history here dates back to the beginning of the project, when there were reflections and all of that. And every week I would see, like, all of the top 100 will at least maybe majority were actually increasing their holdings. So I thought, you know what? We've got to come up with a formula to actually see exactly those who had true increases that were not as a result of the reflections that was being got, that was being sent anyway. So. And for me, I. When I did the numbers, I realized that it was impossible for us to have up to 10% on a weekly basis in terms of reflections. So then I thought, yeah, 10% would be that number. So that's what led to this difference. So. So. And of course, and I've just talked to it ever since then.

Summary of Significant Increases

So nine in that category, nine wallets increased significantly, which is a number above 10% to anyone on this list. And I can quickly show you a few, as I would do. I just wanted to give. To give a summary. So I'll tell you about double e. Nine bee nine b was holding 227 billion last week and right now holds 279 billion. That's a difference of 22.6%. Okay, so you can see obviously, that is above. That's above 10%. And then I'll show you one more cb double eight. Cb double eight held 8.5 billion as of last week, and right now hold 16.3 billion. So from 8 billion to 16 billion, that's a difference of 90.9%. Okay, so in the other category, move to the next category now. So in the last one, I said nine increased significantly on the other side as well. Nine increased by less than 10%. Okay, so nine also increased by less than 10%. So whether plus or minus. Yeah. So between last week and now. So that means we had 18. Right. 18 wallets increased altogether. So. But instead we have. Out of that, out of the 18, you had nine wallets that increased significantly and nine that increased by less than 10%.

Discussion on Wallets

And finally, for the wheat, we had 72 wallets that did nothing. So 72 wallets did not do anything. They did not transfer, buy, sell anything. They just held. Well, it's possible that they did a lot of things during the course of the week, but they restored themselves to the original position. Right. And that's why we have these results that we have here at this point. So, because we are only considering. We are only considering. We are only considering the total between last week and now. So just a total Italy of the total between last week and then the total for this week as well.

Ending the Session

So, ladies and gentlemen, Vikings, that's the conclusion of today's session. Thank you very much. If you have any questions, please feel free to raise your hands. Now. I think I saw your hand earlier on, but I can. That hand has disappeared now, so. But if you're still listening and I can't remember your name, raise your hands again and I would add you. I will add you to. I will let you speak. If you have any questions, anyone, please let me know. And while I wait for that, you can tag me on our main telegram channel, by the way. I'll keep an eye.

Post Check Announcement

But while we're waiting for that, I just wanted to say again, I always like to give you the post check. Maybe that is even now redundant these days because you all can see already know that there's no need to do a post check because this project is well and alive. We have major launches coming up. You know, you've heard about the Simon's card project, for example, launching on the platform, on our launchpad. You've seen all of it. You probably have read all of the blog posts that the team has put out about it. That's another testament to the fact that this is a testament to the fact that, this is actually, how I put it, that this has been, that this is, this is, this has been worked on.

Team Efforts and Developments

That is a, there's a lot of work going on in the background. You have no idea. It's so many things from developments to writers to everything. Right? Everything ui ux, everything. You know, a lot of things have been worked on to be able to deliver the kind of results that you all can see publicly. So that's the post check. That's the post check. You know, we have a major launch coming up very soon. A very big brand that I'm very excited about, you know. So every department is very, very active working stuff. You know, earlier today as well, you heard about the partnership, you know, with Sunderland, right?

Upcoming Projects and Marketing

No. So that also shows you that the marketing machine that we have in here, Sabre and his team working very actively as well to ensure that Valhalla receives all the love that it deserves. So Nova Halla is moving closer to Mainnet very soon, right? So when you have that kind of announcement, it shows you that Mainnet is very close. And not just that, it shows you that as the project launches on Mainnet, as the game launches on Mainnet, it's going to be exposed to millions of people, right? Millions of people. Football lovers, you know, and it stretches beyond the UK alone, right?

Global Impact of Announcements

It stretches across the world because this is a team that is followed and loved by several people, not just within the United Kingdom, but also everywhere. So. And that announcement was just made today. So if I say that things have been worked on, I don't even need to say that because announcement has just been made a few hours ago to that effect. So that's what is happening on the marketing side as well. So. And shout out to sabre for that, for that one. And I'm sure and more will still come, by the way.

Anticipating Future Success

That's not me, that's not justice, right? It means that there will be more coming up very soon as things begin, continue to progress. So guys, you know, don't sleep on any door, sleep on this project is what I'm gonna say. Because everything is working well in my opinion. Right. Everything is working fine so far. And there will be more to come, there will be bigger brands and more brands to card that we're gonna be tokenizing very soon. So, I mean, don't sleep on token as a token.

Exciting Developments Ahead

No, that's, that sounds like a, that's not like a beautiful rhyme, but yeah, it's much more than that. So don't sleep on token as a token, don't sleep on Floki as Floki itself as well, because lots of good things are gonna be coming up very soon. We've said it before, products are gonna be launched. The ones that are already launched are going to be improved. Newer versions are gonna be coming up. In fact, next week we probably have something else coming up and I'm gonna spew them, know, right here.

Upcoming Sessions and Engagement

So just sit tight. Something very interesting coming up next week that a lot of people are waiting for as well. So, yeah, so that's your post check. Just post check. I like to do this every week just to reassure you that this has been, that there's a lot of work going on. And when you start getting scared is when you realize that nobody's working. Right. When, you know they are those project all around, all those random launches that you see, no, they don't have a complete team.

Confidence in the Project

They have just three, four or five people just springing up and launching tokens every weekend. So, you know, nothing, not a real product being built on it. Right. So that's when you get worried. But when you have a team like this working tirelessly every single day of the week just to make sure that this project succeeds, then that's when your confidence is actually strong. Because you do know that, yeah, the team would not let this go down because the team will always be here to make sure that they continue to build and build and build until full adoption comes.

Future Adoption and Mainstream Success

All of the products that we have are going to be adopted. Guys, I told you, right? Like it's easy and convenient for me to sit here and say, oh yeah, I told you so because, yeah, because I didn't tell you, I said watch and wait. You're gonna have beautiful big brands begin to use our products and they're gonna be taking us to the mainstream. Is that not happening yet? Is that not happening already? Right? We're gonna witness one on the 20 August, guys. Watch out for it.

Final Notes and Gratitude

So thank you. I'm glad that you joined me today. There will not be a twitch stream today. Please bear in mind for those who are the twitch lovers would like to up on Twitch to the Valhalla stream. There will not be a Twitch stream today because our host is unavailable. All right? So please do not make an attempt to join Twitch. There would not be a Twitch stream on Monday either, so don't join on Monday. So we would only be back on Twitch next week Friday.

Updates and Information Schedule

So until next week Friday, there will not be twitch stream. However, there would be a session tomorrow at 05:00 p.m. uTC with crypto losing, right, bringing you all of the updates out of there. Lots of things that happen in Floki this one week. So crypto loss office will bring you all of that by tomorrow. 05:00 p.m. uTC, right on this space, just about 35 minutes ago, like about this time, but the same time that this session started tomorrow.

Engagement and Community Invitation

So get on your beach, whereas whatever you're going to be doing, taking a walk, sitting down, no family, whatever, just sit down, plug your ears, and listen to crypto. So if we give you the updates, and it's going to be back on Wednesday as well for the midweek mixer, right? To talk about everything again, a mix of everything that has happened across the project. So guys, ladies and gentlemen, I want to thank you all for joining.

Engagement with Community Members

I can see somebody else has their son's race. I'm just gonna. Okay, Samaela habilahi, I'm trying to get to add you as a speaker, so if you're able to speak, great. If not, I have to call you rap now. He's disappeared. I can see him again. Not my fault, but spaces. Okay, sorry, guys. I can't see him again, so I'm gonna call it a wrap here right now. Thank you all for joining me today.

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