Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

This Twitter Space features a poignant and rhythmic dialogue, weaving together thoughts on memory, self-improvement, and emotional introspection. Speakers utilize repetition and short, impactful sentences to create a musicality within their conversation. Themes of personal growth and the pursuit of perfection are recurrent, alongside reflections on past experiences and their lasting influence. Timestamps reveal the cadence and flow of this deeply personal, spontaneous yet structured dialogue, which engages listeners through cultural references and evocative rhetorical questions.


Q: What emotions and themes does the dialogue explore?
A: The dialogue explores a range of emotions including introspection, reflection, memory, and the passage of time. Themes also touch on personal growth and the pursuit of perfection.

Q: How is repetition used in the dialogue?
A: Repetition is employed to stress certain words and ideas, reinforcing the message and creating a rhythmic cadence.

Q: What is the significance of timestamps in the conversation?
A: Timestamps highlight the flow and continuity of the dialogue, marking the rhythm and pace of the conversation.

Q: Are there any references to personal experiences?
A: Yes, the dialogue references personal reflections and experiences, adding depth and relatability.

Q: How do rhetorical questions function in the space?
A: Rhetorical questions are used to provoke thought and engage the audience in contemplation about the themes discussed.

Q: What makes the dialogue feel musical?
A: Short, rhythmic sentences and the repetitive structure contribute to a musicality in the dialogue.

Q: How does the dialogue address the concept of perfection?
A: The concept of perfection is approached through the emphasis on working on oneself and striving to improve, as reflected in phrases like 'Watch me work it' and 'I'm perfect.'

Q: What role does memory play in the content?
A: Memory is a recurring theme, with references to the passage of time and the impact of past experiences on the present.

Q: How does the dialogue engage with cultural references?
A: The dialogue includes subtle cultural references, enriching the content and making it more engaging.

Q: Is there a sense of spontaneity in the dialogue?
A: Despite its structured repetition, the dialogue feels spontaneous and natural, adding to its authenticity.


Time: 00:00:32
One, two, three, bump.

Time: 00:00:50
And ever so I can't remember?

Time: 00:00:56
That's just the way it hurt?

Time: 00:01:06
Never see the pinnacle of it all?

Time: 00:01:18
Push it.

Time: 00:00:33
Watch me work it.

Time: 00:00:35
I'm perfect.

Time: 00:00:57
And it goes on and on…

Time: 00:00:49
Stormy winter, I was a city burn?

Time: 00:01:51
Family tree?

Time: 00:00:36
Work it.

Key Takeaways

  • The session navigates through reflective thoughts and poetic expressions.
  • Key themes revolve around emotion
  • perspective
  • and introspection.
  • Each snippet captures a transient
  • meaningful moment.
  • Repetition is used to emphasize certain ideas and expressions.
  • The dialogue spans cultural references and personal reflections.
  • Short
  • rhythmic sentences add a musicality to the dialogue.
  • The recurring theme of time
  • change
  • and memory is prevalent.
  • Emphasis on perfection and the act of working on oneself.
  • The dialogue feels spontaneous yet deeply meaningful.
  • The use of rhetorical questions evokes contemplation.
  • Timestamps indicate the flow and rhythm of the conversation.

Behind the Mic

Yeah, I just would have liked, I feel like gas to our ordinals could have leveraged gas to a lot better if gas two was first, you know what I mean? But I mean, shit kind of works out how it works out, right? You know? Yeah. You know, I mean, it's like we discussed Pac man said, you know, trying to time the market and all that sort of stuff is kind of like a fool's game. We just got to do what's right for the project. And look, there's arguments to be made for and against ordinals. First gas 2 seconds and vice versa. Because it's like imagine this is just pure hypothetical speculation and all that sort of stuff. Imagine gas two evil or gets well received by the ordinal community. That increases the chances of new people seeing gas and jumping into gas. Whereas if there's gas two coming out, it's. There's less. Less of an opportunity to attract a new audience, in my opinion, so. But you know, I mean, like I. Said, you could argue either side, you know, but yeah, I mean, I'm here for it, man. I'm excited for both. And obviously, if the price is right, I'll have. I'll be able to mint three evil ords. Nice, nice. So what, you're not saving one for a friend or like Pirros or Sandy you might want free, you know, she's stacking evil old. If there was one friend up here that needed another one, it would be Sandy. I would save one for her only, not the other. Well, but it's not. How many street pictures have you been sending him, Sandy? No, no. I saved those for. I'm watching you. Ed. Is a baddie. He doesn't need Sandy. I know, I'll just switch to my baddie. PFP. That was the best PFP. You should go back PFP in the server. I will, I will. Maybe in lucid. Maybe that'll help me get whitelist and lucid. Ooh, shots. That's one for lazy. That's one for lazy. Are you saying. And he's right there in the audience listening. Let me see if I can pull lazy up. Yeah, let's pull lazy up so you can defend guys. What do you think performs better? Lucid or evil or. Stop instigating, bro. Well, there's a heavy hitter. All I gotta say is just don't let me finish the sentence is all I gotta say. So. Listen, I you don't want to see me near any art contest, right? I am. I'm going to FUD the absolute shit out of your art contests. You've come too lazy. You start fighting real. I won't take any slander. But you know, on the art, let's go. I'll post it. I'll post it further than anything. Let's go. Well, I mean, if gas to evil or does have a Mercedes on the Cowboys, that's going to be a fire and peace. And I mean, a Texas longhorns. Sorry, not the Cowboys. I like that. The Mercedes driving by. That'll make that'll make Fran feel a little better. Given all the years controversy. Oh God. Yeah. That project did get hit. Yeah. You can't go into ordinals without talking to these guys. 100%. I'm part of a few of them. I already know that you guys can talk with a few of them. That's why I know you know bullish, I think. Listen, I mean, the key with collabs is it's easy to run spots with projects. Like, that's. That's really not complicated. I think what. What. Where the work really is making sure that wherever you're running those raffles, those people mint your project. Like, that's where the work is, and that's where marketing comes into play and your product and the quality of it, because running raffles is really not that hard in the space. So I think that, you know, when you mentioned marketing, Perez, like, that's. That's where the marketing work really works. It happens. It's not just giving them spots. Like, that's. That's the part. Yeah. It's true, man. That's that's literally the thing, right? You can and you should. Like say, we talk about this all the time. Like, we can give we can give a project a million value in free spots and we go it and we do the raffle. But then if the project doesn't have the visibility and is not marketing it, like you said, it doesn't won't convert because we can run the spots and like Oslo just had a whole bunch of cool new features added. Like it's bigger than ever and everybody is using it. But the idea is to Mint. And it should be as a collect fun activity and it should be done in a way that the project will market it because otherwise it's tough. It's tough to. It's a lot of work for for marketing for everybody. It's not just like you said. So I totally agree. Just wanted to be normal. Born on the ration. Also mentioning there talks you were mentioning. But of course conversation continues and everybody I know I needed to jump away a while back so that's why I was I jumped off but then I heard the fun and about the minting as well. So it's okay. I do want to add something in real quick in regards to Collins and getting people that are actually wanting to join and not just laundromats on find a project on how many communities are in mutual with so many other people and try to go for the ones who are bit smarter and are ready help full to get into those spots actually help you and your community as well. Absolutely. I think we've made mistakes in the past. We've given way too many spots to quite I'd say influencers in the space which yeah, they have the reach but they also they also lurkers and they get to those people that are there for the wrong reasons. Like you said. So we need massages to masses too. That's what we do. So it's a bit tough. Yeah, it's always a tough balance to make I think. So let's get the right people into it. Well I don't know if people know this but I think communities like Pirates those kind of communities you guys exactly have to. You have to hit your audience like those kind of communities do really well for projects. Like we've given even though yeah like give to more people but tribe, aliens, it's been the best conversion for us because all these people that wear our blue chimps every single day and any tweets you'll see those kind of collectors really help projects. And me personally that's how I go about it as well. Oh, go ahead. No, no. I was just agreeing like you said alien tribes, they execute well in terms of obviously promoting supporting and then not whining as well that they didn't win. Because ultimately, you know that this plan is raffles x amount of minting stages project is out there. And then basically the work starts unless it's a PFP generator or anything like that. But I do agree like you need a right balance between community events, build hype and subsequently deliver on what you said you would do. So, yeah. Absolutely, absolutely. So what are you most excited about? We've got the standoff coming this week. The gas handoff gas awards and a handoff on Friday. Got lazy back. I'm going to be very selfish and just say BRC 223. That's all I'm looking forward to this week. Who mentioned it? Is excited to but yeah, I'm also excited for gas. Like, man's really cool. The newest gas was amazing. Had a lot of fun with it. Friday should be dope. And 20:03, how many have you done on 223? A couple now? We did some with a friend. I did some as well. Minting Moringo fruits takes the time. Walk me through the morning Moringa fruits I've seen those but don't know what they are. That's lazy. That's lazy. What's lazy at. No, I was lazy for it. I mean that's one of us. Let's go one of those. It's a good project with friends. Yeah, we give him the mic and he just goes silent. Marketing, we just talked about marketing. No, I'm here. I'm here. My bad. I just had to make sure I was off mute. But yeah, with the ring of fruit, it's more of like a collectible that we were just like experimenting with. So, you know, nice, it just went well with BRC 223 – like way. It\'s stylized like synonymous with Moringa fruit. So just experimenting with the. Answer the transaction fee. It\'s not crazy. So it's like we could experiment with it just a bit more. It's in the name standing the best and project done with friends, so that's it's all that matters, you know? As long as you're having a blast, is there a collection of street fruits? Muncher. Imagine. You know what you need to have those U.P.Gs and. Have them go two to two three because this imagine this is why. Maybe lazy wasn't registering me properly. He was creating a name, registering is changing tickets on BRC. We were losing our minds man last month trying to understand what projects like creators. All technical side. And then obviously we are just looking in from the outside and experiencing that mechanics of it. It's like Moringa fruit will be paying dividends when this is done. Transactions. Small, low cost. We all have fun. And then subsequent just put the energy in and run in the project. There could not be a lazy way of describing GBAs there. So we're all having a. Absolutely. I've got to say hats off to Doc as well for helping with a lot of those technical questions. He's been really good in the chats as well and did any questions you know about anything now on ordinances and tokens. He's helped us all out so a shout out for Doc on that. Doc's just no really man he's been gta is number one Doc. With Master D we should have another Avi tonight. I think you all should pop by tonight, sixteen night. The doctors and Dre here are in there every day, and go there and ask them anything about Orem or runs anything they'll tell you or shot random attributes and they will just help you like like Mr says. Detailed description straight to. there you go. Week much love. Having Doc because having somebody that puts their time and that deserves a lot of respect and very appreciative for what these guys doing. I just want to throw one last thing out there for us to. Close it down. I want to just to. Yeah, shout out to Doc man. Cause I actually don't know how he does it. Man, I'll be on with pep and stuff like that. And I see him like literally in. The chats for hours. So that with very detailed descriptions. I'm like, bro, you're helping me out here. What about the kids? What about like what? Like, bro, do you have a family? Like what\'s going on? He stays out there all day helping everybody out and he deserves hats off. Doc must must. Yeah, he deserves all the love he could get and just because that is all selfless sacrifices for the community and shout out to him and just, you know, everybody was just sending it, sending him his token idea, and he was just doing it like, no questions asked. So it's always nice to see that. Sorry, my kids yelling. Yeah, I want to shout out normal, too. He did my black boy. And it looks freaking fire. I totally agree. They all look amazing, and they look awesome. It just punches out that orange feel that we all love from ordinals, and it just. It gets the attention. It shows everything. Perfect. I love it. I think it did a great job. And I can't wait to see more of these around, you know, going on Twitter. But I'll be reposting it as well, because that needs to be seen. It's so beautiful, especially on my beautiful golden saucer. Anyways, anyways, it's about time we wrap this beautiful crowd up. Like every week, we dedicate you an hour of our wonderful rants and discussion of whatever is going on during crypto, Twitter, and the market. And obviously, it's always a barrel of laugh and fun. And we enjoy everybody for joining us today and very grateful. Appreciate everybody that's in the crowd listening and all the panelists, amazing conversation. Thank you, anthart, for being with us. We really appreciate it. Knowing that you have little time to dedicate to this kind of stuff. You're so busy, so awesome to speak with all of you. And as every week, before I leave you with another song, I will say, stay, gangsters. Kendrick, please. Kendrick, please. Kendrick, please. Hey, that last grimm was playing was a banger. What are you all about? I got some cool rapid og music that I thought it was fitting. And it's not really orange, but it's close, so I'll leave you with that one. Yeah, you know what it is? Everything I down, I do it when I pulled up the light black stripe yellow paint them niggas scared of it but the mouse ain't soon as I I hit the club look at the mouse face hit the pedal once make the floor shake sway inside my engine roaring the big boy, you know what I pay for it?

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