Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Rango Exchange: Crosschain DEX & Bridge on Arbitrum

This space is hosted by arbitrumcore

Space Summary

The Twitter space explored the integration of Trust Wallet, Edge Wallet, Binance, and Exodus Wallet with an infrastructure to enhance user experiences in DeFi. It highlighted the importance of simplifying onboarding, expanding features for different wallets, promoting community engagement, and fostering a user-friendly DeFi environment. Guest insights, gratitude towards the community, and encouragement for involvement were pivotal aspects of the discussion, focusing on Rengo, interoperability, blockchains, Arbitrum, user experience, and integration.


Q: What wallets are utilizing the discussed infrastructure?
A: Trust Wallet, Edge Wallet, Binance, Exodus Wallet, and more.

Q: How does integration benefit users interacting with DeFi apps?
A: It simplifies the onboarding process for non-DeFi native users.

Q: Where can users engage with the community related to this integration?
A: Users can join Discord or Telegram groups and follow the Twitter account for updates.

Q: What are the plans for expanding the features of this infrastructure?
A: The goal is to extend features to accommodate a wider range of wallets.

Q: Who can users reach out to for questions or assistance?
A: Users can open a ticket in the Discord or Telegram group for support.

Q: What was the guest speaker’s contribution to the discussion?
A: Guest speaker Martin shared insights on wallet integration within the DeFi sector.

Q: How were users encouraged to stay updated?
A: Users were recommended to follow on Twitter and participate in upcoming campaigns.

Q: What was briefly discussed regarding community and ecosystem aspects?
A: Community and ecosystem aspects were briefly touched upon during the discussion.

Q: Where was the importance of user experience highlighted?
A: The importance of user experience was emphasized in DeFi interactions.

Q: What was the sentiment expressed towards the community?
A: Gratitude was expressed to the community for participation and creating a positive atmosphere.

Key Takeaways

  • Importance of onboarding users already using specific wallets like Trust Wallet and Edge Wallet.
  • Involvement of notable wallets like Binance and Exodus Wallet in the discussed integration.
  • Simplification of user interaction with DeFi apps through integration.
  • Plans to expand infrastructure features to accommodate more wallets in the future.
  • Brief touch on community and ecosystem aspects during the discussion.
  • Encouragement for users to join Discord or Telegram groups for queries and engagement.
  • Recommendation to follow on Twitter and participate in upcoming campaigns for updates.
  • Insights shared by guest speaker Martin on wallet integration in the DeFi sector.
  • Expressions of gratitude to the community for participation and fostering a positive environment.
  • Promotion of user-friendly DeFi experiences through seamless wallet integration.

Behind the Mic

GMGM. Sorry about that. I was trying out. That was a great noise. Can you guys hear me? Yes, yes. Yeah, I can hear you. My bad. I wanted to wake up everybody here. I don’t know where you guys are, but right now here, it’s like towards the noon, late evening. So probably for many of you guys it’s probably nighttime, I’d assume, or. Yes, exactly. It’s nice for me. Oh, okay. So did that wake you up? Yes. Confident. Another coffee? Awesome. Awesome. So, yeah, no, we’re really excited to have you here, Martin. And yeah, just to, you know, introduce myself. Yeah, I’m Truro. I’m the community manager here at Optune Labs. Also an arbitrary contributor. So yeah, we’ll be leading AMA with everybody here. But yeah, Martin, super excited to have you here. I know you guys. Thank you. You have tons of exciting stuff on the horizon. Also updates as well. So I’m really excited to cover everything. But yeah, to kick it off. Marin, do you want to give yourself introduction? Sure. Thank you so much for having me in this space. My name is Martin. I am head of marketing and BD at Rengo Exchange. Also I want to do the quick brief about Rengo. Rengo is the cross chain Dex and bridge aggregator. And we enable interparity between all important blockchains. Cool. No, that’s really awesome. And yeah, I think like to, I guess to start. Yeah, we can chat about, I guess, the origins of Rengo. Like, how did that came about? And yeah, what was the journey like building Rengo exchange? Sure. We developed Rengo around August 2021. So during those days were thinking about how we can enabling propriety between the chains because most of the chains was, how can I say to you, were isolated and users have so many problems to, for example, move their funds from chain a to chain b. So we started to develop Rengo, as I mentioned, in August 2021. So we started with integration cosmos blockchains and torch chain for BTC native and other EVM blockchains. At first we enabled intraparity between, I think, twelve or maybe fourteen blockchains. This was the first step, and later we integrated EVM blockchains like, okay, polygon, bsc, avalanche, ethereum arbitrum, optimism. And this is how I can say the birth of Rengo and how we continue to develop Rengo later. And also decks aggregation was one of the most important features was we are now seeing the value of this in the future roadmap of Rengo too. So it’s because I can say many users wants to use directly the Rengo to exchange the coins on the Dex protocols that we support. For example, sushi, swap, pancake, baby, uni swap and many other Deas is also. Yeah, so I can say the story of Rengo is like this. And there’s a lot behind the scenes. Our dev team is working really hard to develop many features and the road map is very satisfying. So we have a lot of stuff coming for the future. That’s awesome. Yeah, I mean, you know, whenever I chat with Dex and bridges, you know, it’s always a crazy story, but no, that was a great share. I guess like when you were, I guess, in the early days, like, what were those early days like in fundraising? Like, what were the biggest challenges? Sorry, fundraising or fund raising? I say? Oh, fundraising. Yeah, sure. Go ahead. At first, to be honest with you, we didn’t fundraise. So if the first two or three months I think the most important thing for us, to be honest with you, was to prove that we collect the users and we reach our daily transaction swapping volume. So during mid 2021, especially the summer, we worked really hard to reach the user acquisition and prove the daily transaction volume about, again, swapping between chains. And the bridge section was, it comes later when we enable bridges, to be honest with you, because users had different kind of ideas for about us. And it takes some time for them to take action and see Ringo as, okay, this project develops these kind of solutions for me. And while we get to the user feedback was around fall 2021. And after that I think during the Christmas 2021, we fundraised from couple of investor partners that are defend vc or reender rowby. And this was, how can I say, the milestone for the bridges. And earlier again, I can say 2022, we get many supports from arbitral community because most important thing for them, I’m talking about user speaking, they are always asking us to when you will integrate Arbitrum Bridge. When we will bridge Arbitrum? So we have this kind of internal rush. Yeah, no, no, that’s awesome to hear. And to deep dive into, too, I guess, you know, there’s I feel like every like Dex and bridge has like a unique approach to tackling this problem, right? Like the cross chain problem. Because I guess, you know, we’re all still very early. So I mean, what makes you guys unique? Like, what’s that unique value prop you would say to you guys? Have besides, you know, being just like a cross chain, right? Are there like specific features and things that we have to look out for? Oh, for sure. First of all, I want to mention the approach. The way we enable this is we collect and directly aggregate contracts so we don’t have users funs and it’s more secure to swap funds between the chains. This I can say the first unique feature. And the second one is again different kind of blockchains that we support. So every team is structured by blockchain head. And Gag team is working to integrate Ringo with blockchain head and they are trying to understand what we are doing. So rather than collecting funds and later when we have, we want to send it later, which is something like different approach compared to us. And rather than collecting funds, we rather prioritise directly. And we again had the super fast and low fee transactions. And it helps a lot to especially the traders move their phones from A to B. And thus I can say the second unique value proposition for Bringo. Also the decks aggregation again rather having different kind of tabs so you can enter one stop shop and we can. Again bridge and swap between the chains, you don’t need to go different kind of apps. So when you go through Arbitrum, you swap there and you can use the decks aggregation. When you try to, again, bridge there or bridge out, you can use the directly Change Stop shop. This is very huge opportunity for Arbitrum Community cause most of users are trying to. This again swap assets directly once they bring the assets of Arbitrum I can say unique value propositions like I mentioned is this three things. Oh no, I think, I definitely agree with that for sure. And yeah, to deep dive a bit into I guess l two block chains. But more specifically with Arbitrum, what was the overall experience like when I guess integrating el twos with Arbitrum? Just curious to understand, like, the users perspective and how is the feedback? So again, like I mentioned, Arbitrum had a huge impact for Wrango. And because they gain the trust of our team first of all. When I bring a user again our friends are talking or mean directly swaps between chains or a native bridge or integrated in front of many steps in the roadmap for example optimism, zk even some other evms were integrated and also we are planning to apply nd of arbitrum I say from the 2022 yes arbitrary exactly user asked was pretty hot and again with l two s very hot during those days And when we integrated arbitrum many users used Rangle saw arbitrum during the breach this week and used reingo to bring their funds from other chains not only evian chains and were very happy saw because it really works for users. Yeah, I remember arbitrary modesty and trying the bridges. I feel like I tried out you guys. I tried out across and a few others, but I think that’s such an awesome opportunity to be a part of. Only engaging with arbitrum community you guys it, I feel that’s really a part of something right? You’re building with community ecosystem. So I think that’s super awesome to hear from you guys. Exactly. Yeah. That’s so cool. Yeah. Thank you. Yeah. Yeah. And I know we have many of few minutes left, but if you want to share some final thoughts before we close it out, you’re welcome to mention to community. For example, where can they go if they have any question or if they want to get involved with the community? Oh, sure, they can join discord if have any question and open the ticket,or even telegram group. And also follow our Twitter account or again join our social media like Discord Telegram. And stay tuned for our updates, campaigns. Cool. Well, appreciate you, Martin, for joining us today on this beautiful night.Thank you. Thanks for having me. It’s pleasure to speak with you. Yeah, thank you. Yeah. Thank you to the community as well for tuning in, and, yeah, I hope everybody here has an awesome evening. Night, morning, wherever you are across the world. And see you guys soon. Thank you. See you. Take care. Bye.”

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