Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Quran Recitation class for non-Arabic Speakers 20 hosted by MadinahDate. Explore a unique space offering specialized Quran Recitation classes for non-Arabic speakers alongside a showcase of the cultural significance of Madinah dates. Through a blend of educational and business elements, the space promotes inclusivity, cultural appreciation, and entrepreneurial opportunities. Participants engage in tailored Quran studies while learning about the quality and heritage of Madinah dates, creating a platform for community dialogue and global connections. By integrating religious education with cultural promotion, the space enriches understanding and fosters a holistic experience for individuals interested in Quranic studies and unique culinary products.

For more spaces, visit the Lifestyle page.


Q: How do Quran Recitation classes benefit non-Arabic speakers?
A: These classes offer tailored learning experiences to help non-Arabic speakers recite and understand the Quran effectively.

Q: What makes Madinah dates special?
A: Madinah dates are renowned for their quality, taste, and cultural significance, symbolizing a rich heritage.

Q: What opportunities are available for businesses interested in Madinah dates?
A: Businesses can engage in wholesale, retail, and export inquiries to promote and distribute Madinah dates globally.

Q: How does this space promote inclusivity in religious education?
A: By catering to non-Arabic speakers, it ensures that Quranic studies are accessible to a diverse audience.

Q: Why is understanding Quranic nuances important?
A: Understanding the subtle linguistic aspects of the Quran enhances comprehension and appreciation of its teachings.

Q: How does the space integrate cultural promotion with educational offerings?
A: It combines Quran recitation classes with the promotion of Madinah dates to create a holistic experience for participants.

Q: What is the significance of Madinah's produce in the global market?
A: Madinah dates not only represent a local delicacy but also serve as a cultural ambassador in the international marketplace.

Q: How can interested individuals engage with the space's offerings?
A: By reaching out through DM, individuals can inquire about Quran classes and explore opportunities related to Madinah dates.

Q: What are the key aspects of the space's business model?
A: The space covers wholesale, retail, and export aspects, providing a comprehensive approach to Madinah date distribution.

Q: How does the space foster community engagement through its offerings?
A: It creates a platform for dialogue, learning, and business interactions, strengthening community connections.

Q: What cultural and educational values are highlighted in the space?
A: The space emphasizes cultural heritage through Madinah dates and educational enrichment through Quran recitation for non-Arabic speakers.


Time: 00:12:45
Tailored Quran Recitation Classes Discover specialized Quran classes designed for non-Arabic speakers to facilitate learning and understanding.

Time: 00:28:19
Cultural Significance of Madinah Dates Explore the cultural importance and quality of dates sourced from Madinah, Saudi Arabia.

Time: 00:36:52
Business Opportunities in Madinah Date Distribution Learn about engaging in wholesale, retail, and export inquiries for Madinah dates.

Time: 00:45:11
Inclusivity in Quranic Studies Understand how the space promotes inclusivity by offering Quran recitation classes for non-Arabic speakers.

Time: 00:53:27
Educational Depth in Quran Understanding Delve into the linguistic nuances of the Quran to deepen comprehension and spiritual connection.

Time: 01:05:44
Cultural Promotion Through Dates Learn how the promotion of Madinah dates contributes to cultural enrichment and global awareness.

Time: 01:14:02
Community Engagement Initiatives Discover how the space fosters community engagement through dialogue and educational offerings.

Time: 01:23:30
Madinah Dates as Cultural Ambassadors Understand the role of Madinah dates in representing cultural heritage and culinary excellence.

Time: 01:35:17
Business and Education Synergy Explore how the space integrates educational opportunities with business promotion for a holistic experience.

Time: 01:42:59
Global Reach of Madinah Dates Learn about the international presence and significance of Madinah dates in the global market.

Key Takeaways

  • Customized Quran Recitation classes cater to non-Arabic speakers seeking to understand and recite the Quran accurately.
  • Promotion of the highest quality dates from Madinah showcases the cultural richness and significance of these products.
  • The business model addresses wholesale, retail, and export aspects, offering opportunities for diverse engagement.
  • Focus on meeting the needs of non-Arabic speakers emphasizes inclusivity and accessibility in Quranic studies.
  • Understanding the unique characteristics of Madinah dates can enhance cultural appreciation and entrepreneurial endeavors.
  • The blend of religious education and business promotion highlights a multifaceted approach to community engagement.
  • Exploration of the Quran's linguistic nuances benefits non-Arabic speakers in deepening their Quranic understanding.
  • The space bridges cultural elements and educational opportunities for non-Arabic speakers interested in Quran recitation.
  • Highlighting Madinah's produce contributes to promoting local resources and cultural heritage on a global platform.
  • The space encourages dialogue, learning, and business interactions centered around Quran recitation and Madinah dates.

Behind the Mic

Introduction to the Class

Welcome everybody. This is our 20th class of teaching Arab. Teaching Quran to the non arabic speakers. And with this class, this 20th class, we have completed two and a half months. And if we're to reach the 24th class at that point, we will have finished our 30th month. So we'll be waiting now, Inshallah, for the reciters to come.

Recitation Progress

Manisfadna Sarah min musha hadat hash minhsha bhava al khof min sarah mundale. We've seen some reciters that had issues with recitation, but now, Masha'allah, over this time the recitation has become quite well, quite good, inshallah. So we're just waiting for some of the reciters to come.

Involvement of Participants

Yusuf, I hope you can take the mic, inshallah. Hamza as well, let me know. You said you can take the mic through. Private message is there. You hear me? Salam alikum rahmatullahi.

Acknowledgments and Updates

Alhamdulillah Amina. Yes, I just finished just another Quran recitation gathering just recently, so forgive me for being a little late. Oh no, it's fine. We just started. So yesterday you were reciting. I was literally parked on the side of the highway so I can have network. So I think Sheikh Adil resided with you, correct? Yes, he did.

Discussion on Recitation Experience

Yeah, everything was. It went very well. Jazakallah, I heard your. I heard the trouble that you were in. Thank you for allowing that to happen for us. No problem. Shallow. Where do you want to resign from today? I'm Surat al Molkin. Is that okay? Or would you like me to do another shorter Surah?

Guidance for Recitation

Yeah, I probably prefer maybe the first time around to do something that you will regularly recite in Quran in prayer rather than something that's just like more of an experience. Okay. How about Surah? Sure. Yeah. Okay, go ahead. Why are you not stopping at the head of every aisle?

Clarifications on Reciting Techniques

I was trying to recite it from memory and I'm gonna do definitely open. Up like an app or something, inshallah. And your site. On the regime. Al Karina. All right, you gotta choose now because we're gonna stop at every head of Ayah. So don't make it anytime like that. Al Kariya.

Continued Learning Process

Melkor Melchoria wamal kariya. Yo yo maya kunol nasi kal fara. Stop. First you're putting a little bit of a lamb in there for anas. There's no lamb. So you're gonna say yo maya queendeze. Now try it again. And if you remember that way that we said about doing it like syllables.

Syllable Practice

Yo ma yahu noon shil mab. Yo yo ma yakunasi kal farashel madam watakunal j bal jeeb watakunol j balu kalai kalman fushdeen. Forgive me. When you were reciting twitter, kicked me out again for the second time. So can you. Can you just start right after kalfarashna?

Encouragement and Recitation Tips

Absolutely. Yeah. Yao maya kunon. All right, so when you have an issue with one word like that, you want to go. You're going to want to go back at least a few words and try it again so that it's like continuity of the Quran. Oh, okay. Watakunul j balu kalai nilman foo.

Pronunciation Techniques

So here, we're not going to pronounce the noon at all. That's in the ten win. We're going to say right into the. Radia fahua fi aisha wazinu fa o mahu. Can you check the word, does it have. Does say omahu or omoho. Mohu? Right?

Practice and Reinforcement

Yeah, yeah. So say that I. Again. Once again. Surely. Fa umuhu hawiya. Perfect. Wa mahiya narun hamiya. Okay. Mashallah. Very good. Yusuf, one of the things you're gonna focus on in the future is, for example, the.

Future Focus Areas

The kind of sound that goes with, for example, yo maya kunun, as well as man foosh. So you're gonna focus on that, inshallah, in the future. Right now, the most important thing is, of course, not pronouncing silent letters like al Nasun or anasu, or, for example, aisha tir radia.

Final Remarks

Those silent letters we're not gonna pronounce. And, of course, making sure that the harakat are correct, like omahu or zakala. If you want to stay on the mic that this fine shall come back to you around another time. Shalom, amir. Are you ready? Amir?

Engagement and Location Awareness

Is that amir or Amir? I'm not sure. Am I r? Can you raise your voice? What's your name? You hear me? Hello, Muhammad Hasan to Sarawak. Hamad bana salam alikum salam kehalaya.

Learning Journey

And today, Mashallah shaipan rajim waddah saja. MAU dakar buko makala. Muhammad Kalamna and Kamatarba alami. Lami jitka or waja the kapo hadam laden madam vanish. Elan mizzle ball aganha.

Community Engagement

One safe zagala. Like al Hasan mojud alibi mustajul kamanya. Hasan allah mortal komban safari. Kill Levi Jamal. Yes. Phil.

Concluding Thoughts

Alpha and Dakar la, sir. Nafasama Omadra Kamal hatama Naraya in Mosadda. Mumada Allah sent I sentence. When was alfalfa? Alfred Almuka week. Home.

Final Interactions

We said from Jamie. And are you ready? Yes, I'm ready. Where indonesia are you? I'm the capital city of Jakarta. Okay, in Jakarta.

Recollections of Jakarta

And where in Jakarta are you? I cannot specify where I am. I'm sorry. No problem. I've been to Jakarta. That's why I asked. I know. Tangarang and Kabaya. Rambaru.

Preparation for Recitation

Welcome. Go ahead, read where you want to read from. I'm sorry, where do you want to read from? Which surah or which I. maybe alma. Okay, inshallah.

Challenges in Recitation

Very difficult for this, for the pronunciation on ajwit and okay. Regime. Bismillahirrahman, Irahim Araitaladi, fadanikaladi ado. Only a team.

Identifying Challenges

You said that you're having some difficulty. Where are you having the difficulty? Maybe the salt and iron and maybe the harkat within the 6th verse. Maybe.

Recitation Guidance

One of the things that I noticed is in the third ayah wala hodu allah. Sorry. On the fifth, Aya Aladdin salah team. You want to make sure when you say home, you don't say you don't move the meme.

Reiteration of Techniques

You want to make it so. If you can say that again, please. Yeah. And then the 6th one. Go ahead. The only thing, of course, is on the 6th one.

Recitation Reaffirmation

You already recited it correctly the first time. You have to make sure you at least do the four harakat for the mud. Shall. Your recitation is very good.

Closing Remarks

Thank you.

Reading Preferences

Do you want to read anything else? For now, I'm good. Okay. Shall read again. Let me know. Inshallah. Take the mic. Inshallah, Razi. Ready? Salam. Welcome. Good night. It's afternoon. I don't. I only know. Good night. And you're gonna have to pretend that it's morning. Morning. okay. It's morning somewhere. Hamdul. Yeah, true. That's true. Go ahead. Go ahead. What do you want to read? Can I read Phil Alam, tara kaifa. Sure. Of course. Okay.

Clarifications on Recitation

We want to make it very clear between the hamza, like as habilfil, and the ain, like fa'allah. So you don't want to say fa'allah and ashabil feel. It sounds like the same. No. Make sure that the ain farah and the Hamza ashab sound very different. Okay, so try again. Inshallah. La rabuka be as ha bil feel. Alam yaji, this way. What you're doing now, we're cutting up the word. We can't say that. We can't say fa la bilfil. No, make it one word, inshallah. So fa'ala, try to say with me like three times. Go ahead. Fa la, fella.

Building Upon Sounds

Okay, so that means that you have the sounds. You can say the sounds. Now. We need to make sure that they're quickly with each other. They're not sounding like three different words. So make a medium recitation, like not alam tara keiffafar and not something in the middle. Alam tara kei fafa. Book like that shall go ahead. Okay. Alam tara kafka b as habil feel. Alam yaj al kaitlil wa sala ali him. Tyran ababil tarami him. Bihajaratimin.

Practice and Repetition

Like that. Termi him. Termi him. Behrmi him. Behavior. Faja allah whom. Once again, try it again. Once again. Behroutin. Not behija rotten or behija like. No, you want to make it one sound. Behav like that. Fajr allah whom kia as fim. Mashallah. Very good. Insha'allah. If you want to read again, ghazi, we're just gonna have the baby. Hussain read and then you can come again. Next time, focus on the harakah.

Emphasis on Correct Pronunciation

For example, in the word behijaratin. You don't want to say behijaratin. The ra has only a fatha on it. So it would be rattin, not ratin. Okay? And this happens sometimes when you're looking at the next word that's coming, you're busy. Your mind is busy. So inshallah, we'll do some other surahs after the child reads inshallah. Okay. I was memorizing this surah before but I didn't focus on the harakat.

Points for Improvement

But I will, inshallah, next time better sound inshallah. This is a very good point. Our brother ghazi is making a very good point. When you're memorizing, you have to make sure from the first time that you memorize it correctly because then you will always make that mistake. Hafirasura Bihad al Tarakatin had al Amor. Yep. Kadam muhim Jiddan Muslim. You made a very good point. And that is that if you memorize it correctly.

Reflecting on Memory

Because even ten years later when you're reading you might remember the wrong way that you did it the first time. So it's good that you're trying to fix that. Thank you. Al Hussain. Jahiz. Yeah, like Madri, who are Ali class yellow. Yellow. Shaitana regime. La lada ayam yakullahu kufu saying ascent. Ascent. That was Hussain. He's three years old, and he read Surat Aldouse Ekhlas.

Children's Recitation

It's not easy at three years old to pronounce all of the letters correctly. And then wahadiyanda Jazaranhe. Have you been saying bilal? Are you ready? Assalamualaikum rahulabarakatuh. Salam baqarah. All right. Ready? Yeah. The entire. The entire surah? Yes. I'm sorry for the delay. I was late. I actually overslept today. It's all right. They say.

Cultural Humor

They say if you hold the door open for seven Canadians, you'll get eight. Eight. Thank yous. So we already know you're going to say sorry and be very polite. Much alive. I was flaxy thinking about reciting surah yasin half a page. So if that's okay, I can. I can do baqarah as well, if you. If you'd like. No, yes. Yesin is fine, inshallah. Go ahead and.

Beginning of Recitation

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim yatin wal hakeem. In. Sorry. Tanzilal Aziz. Rahim litum zira kumam zira aba. Sorry. It's all right. Before you try that, you had two chances to get the dal correctly, and you made them. Zaisdev litun vira tomb nazi. Litom rafil ladenhe. Sorry. Him fah minon. In fahiya.

Checking Understanding

Fahiya. Fahiya. Fahiya ilal abdul qani. Fahm. Fahiya ilal afkan. Each one is just one. Haraka sahiya. Okay. In ja alnafi an avalan fahiya elal avani fahumahoon. Fahumahoon waja al namim baini aide him sadam wamin khalfi. Him sadam fa na yo bharti rule.

Encouragement and Observations

All right, so you want to make sure that the sod is a strong sod. I noticed two things. First, I noticed right now that the sod is very soft. It sounds almost like a fat. You both like that. And then also, for some reason, when you first started with Yasin, it was like the scene didn't really start off as a complete scene.

Focus on Sound

So these letters that have this sound, I think you're gonna have to just focus on them. So. Yeah, scene and yoba, right? Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Do you want me to repeat that? Yeah.

Recitation and Correction

So here's the scene. Wasawa un alayhim am lam tom verhum la minun. Minun and natla minon. Make it a hamza. La. You mean la. You mean. Okay. We did fine. You, you just fixed it. What was wrong with it? Yeah. Okay. Yeah, we just want.

Practicing Quranic Recitation with Tajweed

In the tubu. In mota wanaktub. Wakulashai in Asai Narayim. Wakulashi. Wakulashai. Wakulashay in asina hoofi imam. It's only one haruka. Asina hoofi. Wakulashai in asina hoofi imam. Mubin. Mashallah. This is, I think, maybe the second time you've read yasin right in this space.

Regular Reading Habit

Yes, possibly, yes. Okay. Is there something that you're worried about not getting right in that piece or is it because you read the Surah regularly? No, I read it regularly. Inshallah, whenever I have a chance. It's normally now with Tajweed, it takes me, I mean, twelve plus minutes. But when I was not doing, I was reading fast. It would take me seven minutes to do it. So I read it quite often. Alhamdulillah.

Time Management in Prayer

Okay. Yeah. Everybody remember that. Even like when we pray, Shaitan tries to make us always go fast for. For no reason. Like, for example, it's like being at a red light. You're gonna be there. You're in the space. You put aside about ten minutes. So if you're going to be there, then you might as well take your time when you're reciting. So just remember that Shaitan does that. And we can constantly say two.

Dispelling Distracting Thoughts

Make Shaitan go away. Thank you. Aga. You want to read again? No, I think I'm good enough for today. Okay. You want to read? I can read again. Sura field. It's okay. Do you have the Quran in front of you? Can you open it up? I have an application. Okay.

Trying Surah Al-Quraysh

Can you try the Surah al Quraysh? Surat Quraish surat al Quraysh. Yes. Surat Quraish. Is that okay? Yes. Okay, I will try it. Yes, please. Okay. Bismillahim. Lee. Lee, just like your name is Ghazi, we need to say li lafi. Both of them are two harakas e and la li.

Mistakes and Learning

La fikoraish. Go ahead, Lee. La feroish. Il ira fi himdhe. Elafi him. Yes, elafi him. Ri letashi. Was safe. Was safe. The sad strong was safe. Less safe. Less safe. Less safe. Ravel bait. Yeah. Again. Or I would say, if you can do it again, make bait a little long for rabbi.

Diligence in Recitation

Like that. At Amahum min Jew. So we need to say this one maybe a few times so that we don't cut up the words. So, ju, you don't want to say no. Like, that way, it'll. It'll. It'll make the words different. So if you can try again, go ahead. Alazi at Amahum means.

Challenging but Rewarding

Yes. Very good. Mashallah. Yeah, but it is difficult. It's making me tired, but it's cool. Alhamdulillah. No problem. Yes. This is Shaitan trying to make us just busy, you know, our brain busy. Oh, I'm gonna make a mistake. Oh, I'm gonna. And then you make the mistake because you're thinking about making mistake.

Overcoming Challenges

Yeah. True. Yeah. So, yeah, just keep. Always, whenever you feel like you're being in a hurry or you're rushed or you can't focus, just, you know, say again. That way, you can always fight the Shaitan. So if I do how you say, if I go fast, I must say. Not fast.

Discipline and Quality

Like, for example, if. If you're. If it's becoming difficult, like, okay, you're fighting yourself to say it correctly or you're thinking, yes. Quickly, quickly. Finish. Quickly finish. Sometimes this is wiswas, you know, from Shaitaan. Oh, yeah. So you just say quickly like that, and then it'll help you more because he doesn't want you to recite correctly.

Current Life and Time Management

My. My real life, I am also making. Yeah. I must finish this job quickly. But I don't know, maybe my fitrat is like this. I don't know, but I will maybe because they like to do everything quickly. And on time, you know, this is very difficult. We are. We have.

Avoiding Rush and Mistakes

We have always rush, rush. But sometimes I say, why are we doing rush? Because if we do rush, we can make easy mistakes. And if we make mistakes, that needs, again, a lot of time. Yes. This is the discipline. The.

Quality vs Quantity in Learning

The sahaba, they would only read ten ayahs and then learn the meaning of the ayahs and then go to the next. So now we have people, they try to read 100, 200, 300 ayahs in a few minutes. But the good thing is quality, not quantity. To read the recitation correctly is more important than reading a lot of ayah.

Encouraging Further Participation

Thank you so much. Thank you. Thank you. If anybody else wants to recite, they can please seek the mic. Inshallah. Don't be shy. The recitation is for the men and the children. Inshallah. Anybody has any children, they can just send us a message on the direct message, say that I have some kids they want to read with us.

Concluding Remarks

For now, it's just me and you, Bilal, if you want to read something else short, sort of, maybe either. Bilal.

Introduction to the Conversation

Okay, what about you? Yeah, I'm here. I'm here. Sorry, I know you. I know you're busy or something. No, there's just my. My daughter's visiting in town from Ottawa, so just trying to prepare breakfast, and they were calling me. I said, okay, then. I'll be right back. Any short, surah? Yeah, sure. You have anybody else there that wants to recite? Any kids that want to recite, maybe? Oh, no, the kids are older. Kills are. My daughters are older. Older. Older. Okay, sure. Hold on a second.

Family Introductions and Recitation Plans

I'm not a grandpa yet, because if I was a grandpa, I definitely would have pulled one of those. Inshallah, I'd like to recite. Recite. Let's do what you can try after your memorization you want. Yeah, inshallah, I would try watini, what they told. Inshallah. Okay, perfect. Yeah. Wahadal baladil amin lakadi. Okay, two. Two things. First, not halakana. No. And the last thing is not asanita queen. Be careful. Okay. Lakad. Lakada. Insanal. Insana. Yes. Lakada nal insana. Fenita. No. It's just a castle. It's not a connection. Okay, sanita. Okay. Lakada kalakanal insanataindeh.

Feedback on Recitation

Known famine. Very good. Mashallah. Zakla khayr, you are so much more fluent when you're doing it from your memory. This means that you have to focus mentally on when you're reciting by. By reading. You got to make sure that you focus more because, mashallah, you don't have any issues when you recite off of memory. So it's definitely not a mechanical issue. Hamza. Ready? Sorry, my. My brother. If you know or. Come from parlor like in Bilal Allah, speak that.

Reflections on Learning and Recitation

Francis. He was our best. One day in challenge. Asant to masantum. And you read nasma vika sheikh surat. Sora. Bismillahim sabah. Wahuah. Wahu alaziz. Wahu alazi. Lima o lima. Lima. Lima. Lima. Lima. Takulunamazal yushpe. Lima. Lima. Takuluni. Ketashuf wahadiznin. Lima takulun. Lima. Lima. Takuluna. Mala kabura makata in the kabura. Maktan.

Continuing the Learning Journey

Kabura makatan in the falun in allah. Ros marissa mara marqueda. Wakata Lamuna and Hamza Lima olima nafsala limatadun. Lima. To dunanina Lima tadunani wakata alamu shuhamza. Ahyan ahyan hi kalima mata Alamabadah Fanta Lima falama Kedar. Lima to udonani lima le moon nai lima to nani. Alan latami Araft matu lima to dani wakatu nani hamza shufdhe makul lima tuduni or lima tudani ana bhijibril Mohiman rakhis hata nati al kalima haka lima to. Okay, lima to dani wakata and look.

Encouraging Participation and Sharing Knowledge

At any. Limit. To nanny to do nanny. Lima to dunani wakata lamuna in rasom falam walahamza and domino hamza name in baris hi mil asal Alamna jazza mukimsa. And shatani stajiluk mashallah not cook lil Aharov battle Jazarian Walmart and tamataf Alhada Kalkalimat sahih wandak salt jay fakat mushkilat al ajala latin ana sakra safalatibad telbia villa shai pornafi wanafi walari sabani rasulullah Mosadde Mina Mubashiram Birasuli Ahmed Falamaja woman of lamum many wala cari hal kafirazula wala kari yuhalati jarati kumdhehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe nati adikal fozul wabashir meaning yeah, am sorry fantal or endaku sabah like ana kulshi fahadan layat alaman salah taj alamsa.

Class Participation and Learning Experience

Our brother Hamza was telling him about our daily classes and he says, I come every day. I said, read. He says, no, I'm. I'm too shy. And there's two people that don't learn. The shy man and the proud man. The shy man is too shy to ask questions, christians. And the proud man says, nobody can teach me. I know everything. Al tara tayyiba awal marat sharik mana daman, sharik mana baraki Bilal and ahi Gazi. I have maybe five or ten more minutes that I have to go to do something quickly, inshallah.

Gratitude and Acknowledgments

So which one of you wants to read? I just want to give information. My recitation in my salat is now more concentrated after this Quran recitation with this class, Alhamdulillah. So I want this give this information. I am proud and happy to come to this class. Maybe I must do more, but I will do it. Practicing. Good. Thank you for this, for your time. Because time is precious and you give some time of you to me and to us. So I will thank you for this opportunity.

Encouraging Learning and Teaching

And thank you very much. I'll translate what you said. Al Hakira Sabir Kathir and a master of akra and Mashallah Minbadan shayman thika wa minala toma anina muhim and shaja yambari. And to how it. Thank you so much. Those are very kind words that you said. Thank you so much. It's very important to encourage each other. If you find somebody that's a little shy, push him, make him go. It's like throwing your friend into the pool so you can learn how to swim.

Final Thoughts on Learning Together

We must swim. This. This lesson which. What you give before the. Before I speak. Thus, there was very cool and very informative with this shy guy and the guy that knows everything. I. I am somebody who is looking for knowledge. Every day is a new day. And every day we can learn new things. And this new things give me like, a boost. And that. That was very kind and also informative. Thank you for this.

Conclusion to the Learning Session

I don't. I didn't know this. This is the first time I heard of from you with this shy guy and the guy that knows everything. Proud guy. Okay. Yeah. You can also teach us like this words and this. Very good. Thank you very much again. Allah. Thank you. Bilal, you want to recite or do you want to give a small speech or are you busy cutting your turkey? I think Bilal is busy.

Acknowledgment of Attendees

Andy Badarash khalil zak malachiran alan habor zak malachar wa manistama lehad man kara woman habara. Thank you, everybody for coming to this space, especially those that shared it with others or were a reason for other people to attend the space, as well as those that are listening to it as it has been recorded. And then the most important, of course, are our reciters and those that listened during the space.

Final Remarks

Remember, everybody, that the best of you are those that learn the Quran and teach it. So even if you can teach a little thing, imagine, like I said to everybody, imagine the mothers that teach the children Surah al Fatiha. This child will be reciting this for the rest of his life, at least 17 times a day, and then will teach their children Adi Surah Lati akalu Ahwalihan to alimal Quran. If you're able to teach Quran to a child or a new Muslim, or maybe help an elderly person that might have forgotten some of the Quran.

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