Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Quran Recitation Class for non-Arabic speakers 14 hosted by MadinahDate. The Twitter space delved into the world of Quran recitation classes designed specifically for non-Arabic speakers, while also shining a spotlight on the exceptional quality and cultural significance of dates sourced from Madinah, Saudi Arabia. Discussions revolved around the educational opportunities provided, the importance of learning Arabic for a deeper understanding of the Quran, and the various avenues available for obtaining Madinah dates through wholesale, retail, and export channels. By promoting inclusivity and cultural appreciation, the space highlighted the fusion of education, culture, and religious practices.

For more spaces, visit the Lifestyle page.


Q: What type of classes were the focus of the discussion?
A: The discussion centered around Quran recitation classes tailored for non-Arabic speakers.

Q: Why is the quality of dates from Madinah emphasized?
A: Dates from Madinah hold cultural, religious, and nutritional significance, thus emphasizing their quality.

Q: What options are available for obtaining dates from Madinah?
A: Dates can be acquired through wholesale, retail, and export channels.

Q: How can one inquire about sourcing dates from Madinah?
A: Interested individuals can send inquiries via direct messages.

Q: Why is learning Arabic important in the context of Quran recitation?
A: Arabic language learning enhances the understanding and appreciation of Quranic teachings.

Q: What group of individuals were the Quran classes designed for?
A: The classes were specifically tailored for non-Arabic speakers.

Q: What was emphasized regarding the cultural value of dates from Madinah?
A: The discussion highlighted the cultural and religious significance of dates sourced from Madinah.

Q: In what ways are dates from Madinah valuable?
A: Dates from Madinah hold cultural significance, offer nutritional benefits, and are important for authenticity in various applications.

Q: How were inquiries for dates addressed?
A: Individuals interested in dates from Madinah were directed to inquire through direct messages.

Q: What key theme was promoted throughout the space?
A: The importance of Quran recitation, Arabic learning, and the cultural value of dates from Madinah were key themes of the discussion.


Time: 00:05:10
Significance of Quran Recitation Classes Exploring the tailored Quran classes for non-Arabic speakers.

Time: 00:08:25
Cultural Value of Madinah Dates Understanding the cultural and religious importance of dates from Madinah.

Time: 00:11:45
Opportunities for Date Sourcing Discussing options for wholesale, retail, and export of dates from Madinah.

Time: 00:14:20
Importance of Arabic Learning Emphasizing the significance of learning Arabic for Quran understanding.

Time: 00:18:05
Inquiries and Information Guidelines for inquiries about acquiring dates from Madinah via direct messages.

Key Takeaways

  • Focused on providing Quran recitation classes for non-Arabic speakers.
  • Emphasized the quality and significance of dates from Madinah, Saudi Arabia.
  • Discussed opportunities for wholesale, retail, and export of dates.
  • Highlighted the cultural and nutritional value of dates from Madinah.
  • Emphasized the importance of high-quality dates sourced from Madinah for various purposes.
  • Addressed inquiries for dates from Madinah via direct messages.
  • Stressed the importance of Arabic language learning for better understanding of the Quran.
  • Encouraged inclusivity by offering Quran classes for non-Arabic speakers.
  • Promoted the cultural and religious importance of Quran recitation.
  • Discussed the significance of sourcing dates from Madinah for authenticity.

Behind the Mic

Introduction to the Session

Our channel it. Welcome, everybody, to our 14th space in this class. We correct the recitation of those who are not able to speak Arabic. So we'll wait a few minutes until people ask for mics. And we have a few reciters, inshallah. So give us a few minutes. Inshallah. Anybody that wants to recite, the men can recite, they can seek the mic, inshallah.

Challenges with Attendance

Okay. Today was the first day of school in Saudi Arabia, so it might be that some of our. The kids that read might be busy today because they went to school today. But inshallah, if anybody would like to recite for the men or children, they can seek the mic, inshallah. Welcome, everybody. Whoever wants to recite inshallah, can seek the mic or request the mic. Inshallah. Muhammad and our brother Garuba, or fan garuba. Nobody wants to seek the microbial mic. Farah shay and Hathaya, too.

Greetings and Participation

Hello. Salam alikum sakala circumflex. So, in a seca labis karavato takal toast salah. Good evening, everyone. How are youta? Hello. Hello. How are you? Accent. Should I read now? Can I read now? Yeah, please. Sure. Okay. Just give me a second.

Recitation Guidance

Samakana jawada komi ila angum in jaina lambiri wamparana. Wamparana mara. Kirasa wam tarna. so lambara. Matarul mundarina olil hamdulilah. Salam allah. Shri kun aman samaima wana sama ima tabah jtim makana kum and tombitu shajarah aila mala bella belhom komwi adilun amanjalah wajala kilalah bain aldouse Bahraini hajiza ayla belamutha all ardental.

Inclusivity in Discussion

Kunai lefa lefa marini barak asma. I don't know if this is a man or woman, but our space gives mics only to the men and to children. So if you want to speak, you can let us know. Oh, okay. Sorry. Then I'm a woman. Yeah, no problem. Shallow. You can listen. Inshallah. Thank you. Okay. Okay. Thank you.

Improvement and Tips

Once again, be waiting. Just try to make your casara a little stronger. Just a little stronger. In general, be a yidam bin wat wahim wazlifat. Ali mat nefsum. Ali mat nefsumo bilas al jawaril kunas waddez wala kadara wama bin kawuli shaijim fabundhdev. shakur. The hamza needs to sound less like an aim, so just try your best to make it a very clear hamza.

Clarification on Sounds

Faena fabun in who I. If you can say it, but say min rather than min, make it sound like an I more than an e. Lima. Wamatasha unaid. Your recitation is almost indiscernible from native Arabic, except that there's some signs the ahkam are almost all completely correct. the mudood are fine, but it's like there's a bit of a. I don't want to say accent, but something similar to that.

Discussion on Pronunciation

And that might be like what I was saying about the ain and the hamza. Maybe there's just, like, a bit of it, but mashallah, recitation is very good. I don't hear Jamila. Yusuf, we're going to do this in English only, all right? Yusuf? Yes, English. You want to do Surat al ballad again or. No, I'm actually reading Suratur right now. okay.

Selecting Content for Recitation

Or do you want me to do. It Surat al Bala? See if I did any. No, it's fine. It doesn't matter. It's fine to me. Ator. Yeah. Okay, let's go to Rashal. Rahman. Rahim. What? Do. What? Kitab in mastur. Ferocity.

Continuing the Discussion

Yes. We're gonna work. Work on the shedda. Ferocious. You just got to make sure you make it into three parts. Rock Kim men. Sure. Rock cream man. Sure. Feroc ferock. Don't make the. Don't make the feet too long. Huh? Make it short. Yeah. Fear up.

Engaging in Recitation Practice

In adika la wakia. In. Wa. In the barabika la. Wade, can you try it once? Once again, please? Your sound is coming in and out. Okay, okay. In. In the. Yaomata. Yao. Mauron. What? A siru al G b. Okay, so this one we're gonna have to focus on almost.

Techniques for Reading

Think about it as, like, when we write in cursive. What? You got to connect the words together. What? Don't make them. Yeah. Okay, that's my problem is that I'm reading one word by one word. I'm still progressing, so bear with me. So when you do that, you can do that.

Syllables and Recitation

That's not a problem, but do it syllable to syllable. So, for example, loose. If you read it like that, where each mutaharik, like each haraka, with each second, is a piece. So, for example, wa is a piece, and ta is a piece, and then, see is a piece, and then rul is a piece, g.

Recommendations for Reading

And then ba is a piece like that. It'll be a lot easier than trying to think of it as word to word. I think of it as sukun to Sukoon. Okay. What is. What a c. What a sibal. G.

Initial Expressions

Bala. What a sirul jibal sairae al jibalu. Say. Rail.

Syllables Practice

Okay, so we're gonna do this the same way as we do syllables. So just as I'm speaking. Say it with me. Say it with me. Not after me. All right, so what we're doing is. Yeah, so we're doing. And then Louis yo mai vil kadvin. Because every time you have a shedd, it's like saying the word say. Yes. It's two different yas. The first one is a second, and the second one is a mutharik. So, for example. For example, yoma idilhouse lil mukadhi been. The dal goes right into a lamb, and then the next lamb goes lil.

Understanding Syllables

Yeah. So if you do it like that, syllable to syllable, sukun to sukoon, it'll be easier than doing it looking at them as words. No, no. Fawai loi. Fawai loi. Hawaii. Loy loy lo. So now I want you to repeat after me. Okay? Okay. That's how we attacked it. Yeah, go ahead.

Reading Together

Okay, so, look, obviously, right now, it's because there's. Yeah, perfect. That's good. Right now it's too complicated. So because we read it together, we're gonna read it one more time together, and then we're gonna go past it because it's way too many shaddas and it's a very small space. Yes. So say it with me once again. Faw. Next one. Aladina. Aladina home. Aladina home. Perfect. But we don't cut the word. Huh?

Further Practice

Faudin yalabun. Perfect. Next one. Yoma yoma yada. Yoma yada. Ila yoma you. Yoma yuda. Yoma yuda ilae nari jahanama hadid jahanamada. Had the. He hadi naharuladi hadi hinati. We're going to do this as syllables again. Nati kuntum bia to kevunta hadi he hadi. Kuntum behav.

Repetition and Syllables

One more time. Say it with me. Yeah. Hadi narulati. Kuntum behavior. Yeah. Okay. So then you can go back later, inshallah, with the different reciters. And just think about it in syllables. Tabilo methylan fakhasaktukuhajalu naru la saj aluha katin to adi ela natija satiyal ayat le madha to call hadi hina rula here, Mithra Mithilma and Kolal Bashar, like in mithilma yujad mustafihi harakatun osakanat fakul haraka, like in a second at tatima badiya kul taib and Tata katal ayat. Thank you.

Practice Advice

And keep up with the practicing of the audible of, like, listening and repeating after zakalocha. I wanted to mention this. Surah has a lot of the. It's the harathat that looks like a moon. It's the. Is this what you were referring to? The. The. When there's an alif lam and there's a. There's a. There's like a moon haruka or a sun haruka. That's when you drop on the elif. Yeah.

Understanding Alif and Lam

That's what you're referring to. Right. Because a lot of, like, the what. So if you read two words, one word by one word, it does. It changes when you read it together because you have to remove the alif because of the harakat on top of the lamb. On al Jibalu. Yeah. So that's generally there because that's a sukun. That just means that you're gonna stop on the lamb.

Reading Different Aspects

And the alif is never read, except if you were to start it on its own without taseer. If you were to read a, for example, al Jibal. So that's. That's a totally different aspect. But you're talking about the sun and the moon. That's something called a lamb shamsia. It's, for example, you're from where originally you said from Lebanon or Palestine. Palestine. So in the shami accent, they might say a jamir.

Pronunciations in Arabic

Right, for the masjid. But in the Arabic, correct Arabic, you would have to pronounce the lambda. So the idea behind that is ashems. You don't pronounce the lamb and al Qamar, you do pronounce the lamb. So some letters, you go directly into them, like ashams, anaar, ADHD, and then other letters, you would pronounce the lamb al Qamar, al Jaib, al Kitab. Like that.

Learning Patterns

That's a. That's a different aspect. But, yeah, inshallah, as you go on, you'll. You'll kind of notice that. Different patterns. Abdusalam bulimder, if you may. But I have an idea. Maybe it can help them. There is an application in the app store on Google Play called ayapplication. They can download it and listen and read simultaneously with the readers.

Using Mobile Applications

In the application. They can cut the IAT to syllables. I don't mean the same ayah, but they can cut the ayat's two syllables. They can listen to each ayah without listening to the to other ayats. Then if they can read the ayah, they can move on to the other ayah. Okay, perfect. Inshallah. So that's a nap called aya if you want to try that out.

Community Input

Shallow Zaklakir Santa Madri Kevanta Giswick. Saharitani. May lada Mukasara Santa Hadikarazi may have went to intergo. 15 Iklabudmin Itmam Almat arbaharakatala Buddha Nihayat al Ayat Albumen yoch mithil yoh seron minbabel med omen bab in. No matter, it's here. Alvama Allah tamaman allah.

Continued Engagement

Ika mason liamina Yamaya Sunil. Thank you. And Ivan Tahri Kasakin leo min Yomaya Kumun Hada Amaran Yarun Majatamam the Nikk Kuntamrakis Allah ula Nyasol in with a canal shed Minsatur ela satur linsana hanan yekalha mahadri basiya lahata low take del Mar Tata Kulshesamin. Allah.

Final Thoughts

Phil Amam Wal Rabila alamin la sarat mukal kala. Niram Bila. Niram Bilamin Kasa Mumtaza Allah Marasa. Hey, Hadi Hadi Rashia Kulim Turkeys Sarahan Aharan Shaksikumutanada Matilau Johan. In Nakitaban for Jarina Visajin by. Lotarida Lafi Sijin. Lafi. Sijin. Lefi. Lefi Adiyahan and Linsan Keda is more Bidayat Mathana Duhan Hamimdehdeh Tay Maim Hadi la Sarati Fatal Mahuri Famu Muftu Akhtar Bhadanas Mafta Famo Abadam Lefi Sid Mushabiya.

Summary and Conclusion

Tamam Lefi Siding Wama Adora Kama Kitabun Marapum Mara Kiyasa Kitabum Wailo be all totala either Tutlari Ayatuna kala. Then hadi Jamila kala al Kafi Shaw Shattalasin to the bottom. Alka Fakhema as seen Traka.

Introduction and Initial Remarks

Let us hear either to either tutila. Tuna matafagna tutala murrah tut. Kala banal. Kalahadi helwa lo wakoft lewah mavimushkira lakin bel hari to a Fiha my samuna sect Yani Bedun Mata kel Rana Mumithal Ayat Lakin Sakta Basita. Kela Dal Kella Dal Rana Laden Kano Yaksibon Kela in Nahuman. Zamanha al Harakat al Kasatashdeh Wamatushpe Alwa Marutania.

Continuing Discussion

Kella Kella in Yama Idi Nama Jubun. Marathani Kunfi Hatari hat noon kala ingesthe sure letter Jla Kalabas Allatul Murphy noon Abadan ilara be mehada sabab anakulah najal Kalimat harakat Masakanat. You couldn't rob Hadashi be him. Tata hayal hakada tasul. How rabbi him Mumtaze.

Engaging the Audience

Yukalu Yukalu Alhain Alhen Lesayer Inul Kafi Mubasmduda vaya wamata Yakalu Yukalu Sakila kama Fat Hamamduda maharashu it Boshan Jawal enter rakhizallah al harakat Rakhizal Asmina Philip on and like ahibilal, I'm going to come to you. I'm just going to see if the kids are going to be reading because they're very hard to handle. Sarah hin it Fadalon Tamalak Bilal Yakrabada Muhammad Sakra Salam Alikum Sarakato Muhammad Tayyip Dawam Teriyam Sahabi Shallah Shalom test taip.

Contextual References

Enter tegramminwin min ahasurtalfat and tabraha minna mathani hadi la mahtaj sani Shay Muhammad fi Ish Fimudud Hamadur Rasoolah Wadi Namahu Ashida Hadi Arba Alazima. Muhammad Far Rahama. Gift Ashida Muta Alak Bibarafta Muhammad whom Ashido al Kufar Rohama obey Fikrajadida mana Jadid tarahumrukhan Tamam. Muhammad Hamadwana Sima Mini.

Clarifications and Corrections

Dalika. Dalika, Dalika Mathalae Methom. Fitora Sahmin Alhein yeah. Material Torah Muhammad Dalika Mathalo Meth Luhom Ana Guide Asma Kulshui Methom Hadi Lama Mohim Jiddan lenal Mahana Tata Dalika methum Methom Kiva. So we die Rabbi Bishop. And Chattahoo love of Astawa Allah sua allah so.

Further Discussion

Mataba Allah sokala firstawa allah soka. Pastawa is or yeah. Sheikh Guln first mustache mean had the fish kalasanisha mulkof. Your dibuzar wadalah wa adallah waddez wana. Battalmu and Batalan battalawalam tell you wakharam sahabu lettastaj shaitan ishrinae hathafnafasakina.

Engagement with the Community

Alan? Yeah. Saint Gula Salam Alikum way in Akinta lakey and Kumgulam kfak Tayyip Leish the alan in telio musa ish particular alio ladu arudu la gula birab bil fella min sherry ma falak. Ma falak. Nefath nefad philokat wa Min Sherry means serious is a hazard.

Commitment to Education

Mashallah ali kahsini Entertaindev tela Mam Hamad Olama Hasan Olamamin rah tafa Hasan with the Matavasan Shekran Allah, mashallah bilal. Where do you want to read from? Inshallah, probably salam ali quan hatlabarakat. Probably go finish the surah mutatafi fin from 18 to the end, if it's possible.

Reading and Discussion Segment

Surah what? Mutata fiefin. Right. Mutafin. No. Sorry. Yeah. There you go. Go ahead. Bismillah. Go ahead. Bismillahim. Kala inakita bal aber alafi iliyoun. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Yeah. Whoa, whoa. Okay, so we have abrari abra, and then we have.

Continued Reading Practice

All right. Yes. So focus. If you can do what I was telling Yusuf about the syllables thing, if you break it up like that, it becomes a lot easier to connect them. Yeah. And. But if there's a gap in between each word, would that be okay? Yeah, of course.

Practical Examples and Guidance

You're gonna cross anyways. So for example, kita bel abar. There's a. There's a gap there, but you're gonna connect haraka, which is the ba, to a sukoon, which is the lamb. Kita bell abb. Go ahead. Okay. Inakita bal abar.

Positive Reinforcement

Perfect. Okay. The man needs to be longer, just like Bilal. Okay. Ilma adarakama. Sorry. Adarak adrok adarat. Okay. Wama adora kama kitabum yashadu in. Okay, once again, 1 second.

Timing and Pronunciation

1 second. Yes. The ha is going to be just like the word hello. All right. It's not going to be ha yeshadu. Who, not yesh, hadoohoo yes. Hadooh. Yeah, go ahead. Yeah. Yash hadoon in Aymde allah ikiyang sari fufi.

Integrating Learning

Would you hear him? Nadoratan. Is it naima or is it naeem nahimdeh? Naim. No, there's no. Sorry, there's no kalkala at the end. Yeah. Naim. Try once again.

Stress and Clarity in Speech

Yeah. Has to be stressed a bit. No, it's fine. Say it once again. Wafiza lika falyatana fasil mutana fisoon. Perfect. Wamiza juhu. Ay nang. Ay nang. Yashrabu bihal mukar rabun.

Final Practice and Feedback

Okay. Yesh, rabubi. Not yesh. Rabu bihano. Yesh rabubi. Yash. Rabu bi. Yash rabubu biha. No, sorry. Ainai yashrabu bihal. Mukarabun in ajaramu kanumi nadina manuya dahun in yelp hakun.

Concluding Thoughts

There's no. There's no kalkala. Yeah, not yet. Okay. Yeah. Minal ladina manu yada hakun wazoon. Walabu ela. Bulabu. Walabu ela bukihi wa ingesthe ula iladol.

Pushing Forward

Let's just. Let's just try it to give it six. Okay. In. Come on. Bella, is it? No, not amanu. No, amanu. Like apple, right? Yeah. Okay.

Building a Foundation

Falya maladina aladdin. Not yada yad hakuna. Yad. Just say minal kufari. Yeah. Minal kufari. You're gonna fill what's behind the teeth with your tongue.

Discussion about Belief

Yab hakun yabun minal kufaride. Hal so we be. Hal no? Hal so, yeah. Hal so. Webal kufarum.

Arabic and English Translation

Mashallah. I'm going to say something in Arabic and then I'm going to say it in English. Min canada hadilan al jal sa rabi ashra fema sahatina uridu kum jamiran antarjio. Inshallah samalahari tweet antarjo ela al masah al far kwadnala shah shalina. Like in Mashallah Bilal t Hassan at Tilau Kathiram.

Recitation Reference

I'm just telling them, bilal, that from the first or second sitting, I don't know which one you came to, but if they were to go back and listen to those first recordings of whichever one you came to the first time, there's a very clear distinction in the recitation. Mashaallah.

Reflecting on Previous Sessions

I think I was there from the. From the first one. Yeah. Okay. Went to chufam bam for school. Abdul Melik Jahiz.

Question about Surah

Yamar Hawaiiana. Yeah. La sort of bakara kamina kamila. Galio. So, yeah, like. Did you mean to tell him surah bakara complete? Yes, that's exactly what I said.

Clarification on Teacher's Advice

Al for khan. Yeah. Lata minueta by. Him in a shayota levina la mala ikato narabana lakadis thank barofi for see him wala in catal Shramajiri mean.

Journey of Recitation

Jorah take the tasal habit. Yo mayor in Katala Boshram Mash. Mustafa Shidda Hashui and Seria Kuluna Methylan Jamila.

Verse Recitation

Salah Wakadim Fajae Nahab Ashabul Janomati Obil Mala Tahazoli Savila Maya Abdulayadeni Tahazoli Sabila Yahweh Atarila Khalila Yahweh Lakada Abalani Wakana Shay upon the in sani hazola wakana shay wakala Rabbi Nakamito has alkazali Kajahal Nandez Abijerimi Wakafa Viran Madri Tabon and Shadakarashantina holy shadow.

Discussion on Grammar

Maybe. Should. I go, Matt and shall I take Mumtaz kulin kalika Alhein. Rajim waveni bam fawan Allan Nakadirali Allah elah Subahana. Subahana Kaye nabali me first jaben Allah.

Discussion of Names

Jaina Wakav. Adimashtuda. Festa Jabena Jaina Minal Wakadali Kanun Wazakaria Idina Farodam and Tahirul.

Clarification on Background

Marathania. Marathania lakin the Tuskina sakin either Nada Tazarani was. It was a carrier.

Summary of Previous Discussions

Ted and Tahirul Mundar hamdullah festa jabenaron. Come, I'm Madrid. Lord Kanama in the miscala. And Maryam. For jah wanat for jahna fi hamiru wajalami waja wallah.

Continuing the Recitation

If any. And Zamani Logan imam gets was in. My favor. Hello.

Language Inquiry

And Nephis, who was Sultan Madagascar Mashallah which Niger, which language do you speak of the nigerian languages? Hausa hosae Hausa.

Welcoming in Hausa

How do I say welcome in Hausa? Welcome in Hausa Sennett as well. Once again, Senna Bazua. Senna Bazua.

Further Reading Discussion

Like that. Yes. Welcome. Where you want to read from? Well, I thought it was like continuation.

Final Reading Instructions

I had. No, no, you can read from wherever you want. Okay. Oh, from where?

Reading Selection

Sugar to Hafiq. Okay. And from the beginning or where? The last page. The last page.

Continuity in Reading

Okay. Oh. Go ahead. I would be lahi mina, shame is Milan.

Clarification on Explanation

Izejdehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe walakada sulam kabilikamin whomin whom nakasus alike.

Revising Reading Methodology

So you just want to make sure that when you do the kalkala that you don't split the word into two. You see what I'm saying? Make sure it's nakosus no.

Focus on Reading Style

Kosos alike. Are you reading with. From wash? No, no. Okay, 1 second.

Brief Pause in Discussion

Let me just get my worshmosh. Please give me 1 second. Yeah, go ahead.

Continuing the Recitation

Wama kanalirasulina tabiya tinila faith. Go ahead. Keep going.

Clarity in Pronunciation

Him? I didn't hear. After mubutailun. Can you start I again? No, Allah.

Discussion on Phrase Structure

Okay. Muhammad, you know about, you know iftilas, when the sound is not complete. So for example, ja'allah.

Example of Proper Pronunciation

Ja'ala like fa'ala, right? So when you say Allah, the gym doesn't get the full haraka. So try to say ja'ala instead of ja'ala.

Confirming Understanding

No? Ja'allah. Ja'allah. Yes. No.

Final Comments

Allah. Kumulan welakum fi ha manafi tabalu alayha. Walai fulkito himalun waddez gang.

Restating Observations

So the first time you said fama correctly, but then the second time it became a na. So if you could just say that once again.

Addressing Pronunciation Issues

Once again we're having the issue of breaking the word. Make sure when you say yek siboon, it doesn't become yak siboon.

Correction in Reading

No. No. Tifagi hobimde. Who. Is it?

Final Query on Structure

Rusluhom? Or is it rusuluhom? Salam maja at home. Fagiho bima bihilam bin lahi wahdah bima kuniki sun.

End of Session Reflections

Very good. Your recitation is good. How long have you been reading worship? For a long time.

Further Discussion on Experience

For like I did my recitation with Waqsh. Your healthier khatma, huh? No.

Advice for Quran Recitation

Okay, so my only advice, if it's okay with you, is when you recite the quran, you want to make sure, of course, always that you follow the sunnah of the prophet and not add anything to that.

Concluding Notes

So if you can, when you finish, try to avoid saying sadaq allah deem only because he didn't do it and the sahaba didn't do it. And if it was good, they would do it before us.

Final Acknowledgements

Jazakallah khayranakhi. Muhammad, with this we've come to the end of our space. I won't be reciting today.

Session Closure

And Sheikh Adil is not here because he has work. Please everybody, remember us in your dua and remember that the prophet said, the best of you are those that learn the quran and teach Egypt.

Closing Story

Badalin Sharadi and Quran. Fita alumin Thomata Ali Mashallah nunhinam in Mumbasa, Fikinia tabibun Yehudor Masaha okra sahab Nashe Shwari Hasan karate la jawala in the home brothers and sisters, just a small story that I've mentioned before.

Highlighting a Friend's Work

One of our friends, doctor Ahmad Deen from Mombasa, Kenya, he attends our other space called Taratil that is run by Sheikh Yusuf Shuai.

A Commitment to Teaching

This man is a doctor, but he comes and recites and he corrects his recitation and then he goes out to a village and teaches them. So this concept of learning the Quran and teaching it is possible for all of us, even those that don't have phones.

Inspiring Others to Teach

You can go out to those people that have no Internet and teach them. So try to do that all the time. Inshallah.

Final Wish

Zak mullah barakallah, fiqum jamia.

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