Quai Friday w/ New @Dominant_Strat Team Members


This space is hosted by QuaiNetwork

Space Summary

The Twitter space shed light on various important subjects within the realm of unique projects. Panelists and speakers deliberated on a range of topics, providing deep insights and actionable guidance. Attendees were privy to a rich discourse that bridged theory with practical applications. Key takeaways were discussed in a structured manner, and a dedicated Q&A segment ensured that all pertinent questions were answered. The session was marked by an engaging dialogue that was both informative and interactive, contributing significantly to the understanding and growth of unique projects in the field.


Q: All right, what's up, everyone?
A: We'll get started in just a minute or two.

Q: All right, someone let me know.
A: Either Riley or Finn.

Q: One of y'all let me know when Mike is in the audience.
A: Someone let me know.

Q: Oh, I see him.
A: Nevermind.

Q: Mike B.
A: Let me grab him real quick on the other account.

Q: Okay, invite sent.
A: Welcome, everyone, to this week's Kawai Friday.

Q: Happy to have everyone here.
A: And today is a very special day.

Q: As many of you all may know, the dominance strategies team has been growing rapidly.
A: New devs, new people on the marketing side.

Q: So we figured today we just do a little intro to some of the newer members of the team, let y'all get to know what they are working on now at Qui, what they used to work on before they came here, and you know why they decided to join.
A: So I'm Max.

Q: I've been here at dominant strategies for a while now, doing content and all kinds of community stuff.
A: And I'm joined today by our three new team members.

Q: We've got Mike, we've got Riley, and we've got a Phil.
A: So real quick, if we want to go around the circle, if y'all could just introduce yourselves, maybe give your role on the team, and then when you.


Time: 00:00:36
All right, what's up, everyone?

Time: 00:00:37
We'll get started in just a minute or two.

Time: 00:01:05
All right, someone let me know.

Time: 00:01:07
Either Riley or Finn.

Time: 00:01:09
One of y'all let me know when Mike is in the audience.

Time: 00:01:11
Someone let me know.

Time: 00:01:12
Oh, I see him.

Time: 00:01:13

Time: 00:01:14
Mike B.

Time: 00:01:15
Let me grab him real quick on the other account.

Time: 00:01:23
Okay, invite sent.

Key Takeaways

  • All right
  • what's up
  • everyone?
  • We'll get started in just a minute or two.
  • All right
  • someone let me know.
  • Either Riley or Finn.
  • One of y'all let me know when Mike is in the audience.
  • Someone let me know.
  • Oh
  • I see him.
  • Nevermind.
  • Mike B.
  • Let me grab him real quick on the other account.
  • Okay
  • invite sent.

Behind the Mic

diving in the forms, reading, talking to people, and they're getting me involved in, like, shit coins even then. Cause I remember he involved me like, a coin called, like, ruby, in which, you know, my. My real endeavor was with that coin. And it was kind of like a bit of roller coaster. Cause I made some quick profits, which, like, a couple thousand dollars for a high school kid was a lot at the time and was super excited to me. But it's also hard learned, lesson learning, like, the volatility and, like, the risks in this space and definitely taught me to do a lot more research and just not jumping on hype train. So, like, I just. I just kind of started hovering around and just staying in the field ever since then, like, you know, reading the. Reading about, like, litecoin back in the day, early bitcoin, trying to learn as much as I could, spend a lot of time just trying to understand what white papers are so I don't get rugged again, and, you know, just absorbing as much knowledge as I could find out in those early times. And it just solidified my interest in crypto as a hobby and eventually became a career for me. So this is actually pretty. Pretty crazy. I didn't realize that all of y'all were so crypto native. I figured that, you know, Riley was and Mike was and you were to some degree, but, I mean, all of y'all were like, Mike, I guess, is, like, the most recent, but Riley and Philly all were doing stuff with crypto in high school. That's pretty. Pretty cool to hear you're getting rugged. Back in high school. Yep. Yeah, you're. You're no stranger to being rugged. You grew up with it. Okay, I want to know, since y'all are so crypto native, how did y'all hear about. Quiet? I think there's obviously we have a lot of different channels. We have a lot of different narratives. There's different pieces of kwai that interest different kinds of people. So I'd love to hear. I guess I'll start with you, Mike, this time. Yeah. How did you hear about Kwai? And, like, why did it stand out to you? I mean, if I'm, as well as group type people from networking from my previous company, group. Were you so recruiting? I'm actually part of the community, so to speak, before I even joined the team, like, there was a whole process for that. So, um, I mean, they reached out to me, and to be honest, I didn't even glance at, like, Kwai blockchain the first couple times they reached out to me, because it just sounds like another one of those random requests that we always get. But after a while, on doing research, the person I was talking to, shout out to my guy, Sam. He was really patient with me and my million questions I asked him. And after absorbing enough information, I'm like, OK, this does seem to be really intriguing. So that's really what drawled me in was just the thought process that went behind it all. The more reading that I'd done on the kwai blockchain, just seeing like, better tech stack. Some regulatory compliance stuff really got me into this. So I could just bug Sam about it all day. Like, what. What about you, man? And what got you so involved into this? It's kind of like everyone else. You get reached out a bunch on Twitter and other platforms, but. A good founder thing, really. Does do its wonders and doing research and just seeing what this entire ecosystem is really about kind of said, you know. This is one of those. Things that seems like it's on the right track and. I want to be a part of building such good utility than be a part of just the hype train that occurs in the crypto community. We're all aware of it. But it's better than my start in, like, dogecoin dogecoin light coin ethereum when they were all pennies on the dollar values way, way back then. You know, in addition to our age group of high school, even before that, talking about trying to figure things out, but. This was really alluring and yeah, I'm here to be a part of it. Phil, what about y'all? So to me, it's honestly the same. Just like, um, doing research, I'm personally recruited through, um. Twitter as well. And the cool thing is just kind of learning about the theoretical nature of, you know, this blockchain, like, being super aware of how l one scaling, um, challenges because this space has always been kind of, like, obfuscated by a lot of dogma within the crypto space. Phil, you were just like. Coming, doing research on existing projects and just seeing how kwai. Stood out. Phil I know you, we talked about it earlier. Yeah, no, I mean, I talked about it earlier, but, you know, it's definitely like doing that research, just wanting to see what exists on chain currently. I'm also, you know, on the logic team. Trying to make sure how does this match up with, you know, on chain liquidity, on chain trading. You know, there's a lot of cool things going on both in the space overall plus with kwai. It's about the little things that each of them are bringing to the table, even doing research at like, nitero, in Aruja. These were definitely standouts on the technical side that brought me in. Different points, Riley. What about you? How'd you find out about kwai? Yeah. So, um, mine was also through recruitment. So my background is in cybersecurity. So at the time I was just working with um. Different, like enterprise companies just doing their general cybersecurity. Um, a lot of the work that I was doing at the time, though, was focused on cryptography, so looking at ciphers. So, um, this kind of dovetails into when I start looking at crypto and how is this technology going to be applied? And obviously, when we're looking at different blockchains, there's a lot of innovation going on in the space. We're looking for what's going to be working better than what came before it. So when I started looking at kwai and looking at some of the more unique and innovative approaches, it was taking to solve some of the existing issues that we're seeing with blockchains. It was like, Oh, this seems like a really cool, like innovative way to kind of level up what we're seeing and what we're already working with right now. So it's really like the cryptographic piece for me on how they're working on how they're approaching blockchains in general. Because I spent so much time just doing research on on that specific topic that it was like, Oh, this stands out to me. Probably a compelling question, because, like, the recruitment process is different for everyone. Um, I guess does anyone, like you family, I guess focusing on that scaling aspect was, like, kind of like a big thing for you guys? Is that take on? It was one of them. I think the other kind of exciting vector for me is regulatory compliance. I'm not going to get into any of, like, my prior experiences dealing with regulatory compliance because that's. That's another hour conversation on itself. But the other part of the blockchain tech itself was. There's just another layer. Facing aspect of it allowed for them to recover someone's private key once recovery mechanisms were in place, you know? That's kind of the. Mentioned on just in the space overall, like, oh, recover. Your key recovery. You can recover me. So I'm like, Oh, if this can actually solve not just one pain point, but multiple at once, that's kind of the. Most alluring piece of honestly, kwai itself was. A dynamic answer to questions that haven't necessarily been tackled in a good manner prior. Kind of, like, the same way for me, at least, just when you're dealing with. This space, you get a lot, all the key recovery, uh, building the better tech stack. But more importantly is the scalability. How are you going to, you know, bridge the gaps between people just, you know, becoming scared and how do you onboard them as well? So key management as well as scalability together at once compliment each other really well in that regards. It's really interesting to hear your perspective as someone that joined the team more recently. And now I'd been in this space with Riley and Mike. So I'm going to change gears slightly and jump into the easily most requested topic to cover, which is the omni chain test. So for those of you who aren't aware, our omni chain testnet is live and. The blockchain is performing as expected. People have been minting NFTs, sending assets back and forth without issues. Activity has been awesome to see. Some are actually even pushing the transaction limits at times, which I love to see. The community should know that we anticipate the Omni chain to be running for another couple weeks, and then we plan to launch the omni chain bonus task. So be on the lookout for that. You'll want to be following us on Twitter, join our discord, get those announcements as soon as they drop. Make sure to follow up on those. And if you haven't already, don't forget to submit your usability tickets. Supposed to be the guinea pigs to test the blockchain and break it, right? So we reward everyone who bugs. Yeah, every everything y'all find, just keep in mind all of it helps improve, not just quality, but Omni chain. Every bug you find you submitted the more odds you have for our bug bounty. So, by all means. That's what you look out for us. You're supposed to try to break things, Have fun, try to break it, but doing it in a positive manner. Make sure you're not breaking just to break the right thing. Submit those usability tickets like Mike says. Some of the little bugs that were found in this reward pass are just meant to, you know, for us to get a better perspective of how to build and improve things from here. And, of course you do have to go to the. Kwai discord first, to make sure that you know the guidelines and what's actually looked for. Like we mentioned earlier. There's always going to be new things that are going to arise when we build out these events as the community builds and. Just like, you know, we need to learn from all of it and move on. But. Build bigger, build better. That's the motto. Just like that. Maybe we're still good time, though. The firm date is still like around a month for the omni chain bonus task to. You know, better plan ahead for myself. I guess the formal date will get announced in a couple of weeks from now so we can stay consistent. Okay, yeah. So just, I know everyone's been excited to claim rewards and try to get some participation stuff. It's they're working tirelessly for it behind the scenes. We're really glad to have the community be so active. And the previous bug bounties have definitely been a smashing success. Um, not too often we have that much success previously. You can probably guess what everyone knows, think. So. Gosh, I think you wrapped it up basically best I wanted to add. You know, keeping the. Just the beginning layers of our community more. Involved is seeing what we can look forward to about how exciting y'all are and. A couple other like partners on this project that really drew us in, but. Just to give back in the way of how. The team overall needed to be a part of koila and enjoy having to build out something new for everyone. Oh, by the way. Max, I have to make a quick exit here shortly. Really glad to be here. Thanks for hosting this again. This was really great to see everyone being interested. So take it easy. And yeah, feel free to just like hit me up on twitter. So that's a lot like I know you're super busy writing code and ideating as well all day. So thanks for taking the time out of your day man to jump on this. Definitely. Yeah, with that, the only other ask I was going to have from you all for a topic that comes up again is to get the behind the scenes action from our community. I'm sure some listeners are curious with their thoughts on the upcoming state of crypto recent insights that the community have discussed in general. It's not often that we get to talk and hang out with y'all. Yeah, so, um, I've been looking at one of these and getting a thought from the overall team of the broader crypto space is definitely a topic that needs to be discussed. Personally, for me, it's kind of hard to say. I'm definitely always keeping an eye on what's happening in the broader crypto space. A lot of my personal investments right now are just. Just due to personal ties to, like, a lot of different projects I had, like, obviously Polkadot would be more interesting than me, besides, like, personal tie. I just love the way they're approaching their unique partnership and expansion after, like, the latin american market and their emphasis on interoperability, on trying to push out for Polkadot. I'm not trying to show them. I just have personal ties to them, so I'd like to see them do well. It's funny because I keep trying to keep up with XRP because I'm stuck with a big bag. I'm sure you already know this, Max. It's kind of got a little bit of nowhere, but I do have a very soft spot for a lot of game fight projects like the sandbox, just because I'm a huge gamer, and I'd love to see how Gamefight, the gamefight space is going to grow. We did have, like, a talk about this, like, a couple weeks ago on, like, you know, where Game 5 may expand. Will it grow? Will it not grow? Is there even a benefit? Is, you know, are builders in like crypto are already bitter about this and see them be like, well game 'cause games or just games, you know, quote unquote are just games you don't need to be block chained for it, right? But I generally see like there's like, a path for GameFi industry to grow significantly bigger than ever before. Like, there was just an untapped market that the first cycle didn't really capitalize on. That's kind of where I stand on. Some of my personal convictions about just overall crypto space and Gamefight expansions, personally. As always, from time to time, I'm more excited about like real-time or more immersive kind of blockchain like VR, AR experiences, Mike, bill, do you all have any other like particular project of interest to you, seems worth building. So there's, there's, there's a lot of different things within the ecosystems. I'm like, a part of, and that I would love to see grow. Just having experience like working in game five overall. There's a lot of like, you know, chicken before the egg scenarios. People want to see something, but they don't want to be the ones to risk evolving it. So if there's like more collaboration from the community would overall build better than just having two small projects stay small and just competing instead of collaborating together. So if there's like, this intertwining, maybe of subnet and overall like NFTs, there's definitely something that can be built in there and just, you know, maintain empowering them together so there's something that greatly needs to be flushed out without like, yeah, that's it for me. Yeah, I definitely feel on that note game five has like, a niche aspect overall within crypto, it helps expand both like space and outlook especially for those who don't never want to just see things grow. So it's a lot to do that can be expanded on and hopefully, you know, with these new layers being built, it takes time among different players all over the world to just capitalize on opportunities and present them. And I think, we, I know we've had some weird insights and thoughts about how to expand on them, as we progress further down the line, I definitely want to just let everyone have the opportunity to hear you know, our prospect, on interactions that's been ongoing, and other thoughts on other upcoming events. If you all want the first inputs. Yeah, some of the, the most interesting aspects that you just presented while they're looking at projects and the actual broader crypto space. In general, is making some changes that haven't been done before. So looking at active. Participants in Web 3 games as a whole just how that can be flushed out adjunctly with overall like. The unique partnerships and the alliances we've experienced so far, just building onto those little by little, would definitely be worthwhile and. Make other like contributors more excited, especially from regulatory and compliance issues that so far came arise. Like, it's just one of the good things to touch on. Just not expanded on. Yeah, that's super firmly because it's novel to set up projects but overall what's being built has an opportunity to grow into more realistic functions for the game 5 projects. I think, yeah, there's nothing else to add beyond that. Upcoming projects within this team, y'all want to highlight before we close this out? First of all, just one more thing, mike, we've had like a great talk. Yeah, there's nothing else I think we wanted to touch on. Yeah, I feel everything. So good. At those complement each other really well. So, yeah, on that note, that's all I really have for today's space. I think this actually went amazing. I'm really glad that we had the opportunity to do this. I think that getting the community a chance to meet more members of the team, see that there are people behind the profile pictures and behind the code being written is always important. But, yeah, I want to take the time to thank you, Mike, Phil, and Riley, for coming on, and I'm sure the community appreciates it as well, hopefully we can hear more from you in the future, and then, yeah, the community. Thank you, guys for joining and listening to what everyone has to say. And, yeah, all these guys are working for dominant strategies, working to build Kwai and want to help you in any way. So if you're doing anything for Kwai or you have any questions, these four people on stage, including myself, we're all happy to be resources for you. So anything we can do to help, let us know. That's it for my monologue. Thanks for having us, Max. You're awesome. Appreciate it, guys. Thanks for showing up, everybody. I'll be on discord. I mean, people already roasted me for holding XRP, so feel free to come and discord and roast me if you want. It doesn't bother me. I love it. All right, well, yeah, thanks again, everyone, for joining. We'll be in the discord. We'll see you all around. But, yeah, stay cool, kawaii community. We'll catch you for the next Kawai Friday. Oh, wait, the key word. Max, did you give it yet? Oh, yeah, the key word. I forgot. The secret word for this gal, for the galaxy task is. Thank you for the reminder, by the way, phil. It's dominant. D o m I n A n t, as in dominant strategies. Again, I'll spell it out. The secret word is d o m I n a n t. Just the first half of dominance strategies, but, yeah, thanks for the reminder, Phil. I totally would have forgotten that. No problem. All right, on that note, we will close it out for real this time.

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