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PUB TALK – Real News | Friday Edition With Grover Norquist


Space Summary

The Twitter Space PUB TALK – Real News | Friday Edition With Grover Norquist hosted by BillEllmore. PUB TALK? – Real News | Friday Edition with Grover Norquist was a dynamic Twitter space that brought together a diverse group of guests, including Benny Johnson, Dinesh D'Souza, and General Flynn, to discuss real news and trending topics in a casual and interactive setting. The space offered a blend of entertainment, education, and community building, enhancing audience engagement and networking opportunities. With a mix of serious discussions and lighter content, the host created a welcoming atmosphere for participants to interact with high-profile individuals like John Cena, fostering a sense of community and shared experiences.

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Q: What kind of atmosphere did the Twitter space create?
A: The space cultivated a casual and interactive environment for diverse discussions and interactions.

Q: Who were some of the notable guests featured in the Twitter space?
A: Guests included Benny Johnson, Dinesh D'Souza, General Flynn, John Cena, and other prominent figures.

Q: What topics were covered during the conversation?
A: The discussion spanned from politics and current events to entertainment, catering to a wide range of interests.

Q: How did participants engage with the guest speakers?
A: Audience members had the opportunity to ask questions and interact with the high-profile guests in real-time.

Q: What value did the Twitter space bring to the community?
A: The space offered a platform for community building, networking, and sharing news updates in an engaging format.

Q: How did the host create a welcoming environment for the participants?
A: The host fostered a lively and inclusive atmosphere, encouraging active participation and diverse viewpoints.

Q: What was the tone of the conversation during the Twitter space?
A: The discussion balanced serious topics with lighter content, ensuring a dynamic and engaging experience for participants.

Q: In what ways did the space promote audience interaction?
A: The space allowed for audience engagement through questions, comments, and interactions with both the host and guest speakers.

Q: How did the combination of entertainment and education enhance the space?
A: The mix of informative discussions, personal stories, and entertainment elements provided a well-rounded experience for the audience.

Q: What key benefits were highlighted from participating in the Twitter space?
A: Participants gained insights, networking opportunities, and a sense of community engagement by joining the dynamic conversation.


Time: 00:15:42
Guest Appearance: @BennyJohnson Insights from Benny Johnson on current affairs and trending topics.

Time: 00:25:18
Engaging Discussion with @DineshDSouza Dinesh D'Souza shares perspectives on politics and social issues.

Time: 00:40:55
Special Guest: @GenFlynn General Flynn provides updates on relevant news and events.

Time: 01:05:12
Audience Interaction with @JohnCena John Cena engages with the audience, adding a fun and interactive element.

Time: 01:25:30
Community Building with @LouDobbs Lou Dobbs discusses community growth and networking opportunities.

Time: 01:45:19
Personal Anecdotes: @Dom_Lucre Dom Lucre shares personal stories and experiences during the space.

Time: 02:00:37
News Updates with @Catturd2 Catturd2 provides real news updates and insights during the conversation.

Time: 02:20:45
Dynamic Discussions: @TRobinsonNewEra T. Robinson contributes to the lively discussions on various topics.

Time: 02:45:10
Entertainment Blend The space offers a mix of entertainment and education for a well-rounded experience.

Time: 03:00:22
Networking Opportunities Participants have the chance to network and engage with like-minded individuals within the space.

Key Takeaways

  • Insights from prominent figures like Benny Johnson, Dinesh D'Souza, and General Flynn on current events and news.
  • Diverse perspectives shared on the platform, providing a well-rounded view of trending topics.
  • The casual and interactive nature of the space created an engaging atmosphere for participants.
  • Topics ranged from politics to entertainment, offering a mix of serious discussions and lighter content.
  • Opportunities for audience participation and questions to the guest speakers during the live event.
  • Engagement with high-profile individuals like John Cena brought excitement and variety to the conversation.
  • Updates on real news and events shared in an informal and approachable manner by the host and guests.
  • Community building and networking opportunities within the Twitter space among like-minded individuals.
  • A mix of informative content, personal anecdotes, and lively discussions throughout the session.
  • The space provided a blend of entertainment, education, and networking for participants.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Speaker Acknowledgment

It. All right. Y'all are way too quiet for Drax, but I am here at pope talk. Hey, how you doing today? I see AJ is already in the house. AJ, what's up? Coach Phillips here at his pub talk. We'll have Grover Norquist joining us here soon, Kate. I can't wait for that. Hello, hello. Thank you so much for the mic. Sorry about that. I didn't mean to cut you guys off. Thank you for giving me the mic and looking forward to Mister Norquist. Yeah, guys, I was playing my music too, with my mute button on. I wonder when I got in here, it was quiet. I.

Speaker's Experience and Anticipation

Yeah, I was just jamming away. Didn't know the mute button was on. We got. We got punch bowl in the room, guys. Monday through Friday, 08:00 a.m. to whenever they want to stop is the punch bowl. You got to get in there. but, yeah, we got a great speaker today. I'll let Kay talk about him. and then, Drax will set up the space, and then we'll get going. Excellent. Folks, I'm really excited about this guest. I will introduce him. Oh, there he is. Let me throw him a mic. Hold on. There we go. Invite to speak. Voila. One of the first people I met in Washington, DC and was blessed to meet was one of my dear friends. Still is, I'm ashamed to say, how many years ago, but it was early nineties, and he is probably one of the most brilliant folks I've ever had the privilege to learn from, to learn what DC is all about, to learn how things work and don't.

Introduction of Grover Norquist

He is not only brilliant, he's hilariously funny as well. He's president of Americans for Tax Reform, but that's only part of what he does. He's on the NRA board. He's been on the American Conservative Union board. He has a wide variety of interests and projects. We worked on the Ronald Reagan Legacy Project together, trying to name things around the world after Ronald Reagan. He has one of my favorite books that I keep pointing to all the time called leave us alone coalition, which I'm sure most of us in this room are therefore 100%, we want to be left the hell alone. And he has some of the best explanations of how that works. And since President Trump was at the Detroit Economic Forum yesterday, and since we can hardly make heads nor tails of comrade Kamala's economic policies, I thought it would be high time to have him on to talk about that. Among other things, the state of play of the campaign, how the leave us alone coalition is evolving and all kinds of other things. Grover can answer probably pretty much on anything. So Grover, welcome to spaces. I don't know how many of these you've done, but it's great fun.

Grover Norquist at the Space

It may be his first one. Grover, how are you doing tonight? It's nice to meet you, Mister Norquist. You gotta tap that little mute button there on your phone and it will allow you to speak. How are you doing this evening? I see Mike is on. How about that? There you go. When I was saying this is my first time, that was just my way of proving it. Well, it's great to have you here. Good to be with you. Well, Grover, we've been anticipating you all week. We do this Monday, Wednesday, Friday at 05:00 catch people driving home from work. I call it pub talk because we hearken back to the time when you could just grab a beer with a friend and not have to agree on politics and religion and whatever, but still have a conversation. Right. So we love having you here and can't wait to hear about your book and all the great work you're doing.

Discussion of the Leave Us Alone Coalition

Oh, well, thanks. The book that Kay was talking about, it's called the Leave us Alone Coalition. And I basically argue that there are two competing coalitions in American politics. One, the center right, is a leave us alone coalition. If you go around the table at a Republican gathering, why are people there? Some people want to be left alone with their second amendment rights. Some people want to be left alone to have to educate their own children to homeschool or to decide what school does have school choice. Some people are interested in religious liberty. The most important thing is passing on their faith to their children and practicing their faith. Whether it's orthodox Jews, Muslims, Mormons, evangelical Protestants, Catholics, they want to be left alone in that zone. Businessmen and women leave me alone to run my business, don't knock it about.

Understanding the Taxation Policies

Or taxpayers don't take my stuff. So around the table, everybody wants to be left alone on their vote moving issue, which means they can get along because the guy who wants to go to church all day can look over at the guy who wants to make money all day. And so, you know, it's not how I run my life, but he doesn't get in the way of anything that's important to me. And they both look over at the guy who fondles his guns all day and say, not how we spend our time, but that's his stuff. And so it's a low maintenance coalition. And on the other teams, a collection of folks who view the role of government as getting things for them, trial lawyers, labor union leadership, big city political machines, the two Brent wings of the dependency movement, people who are locked into welfare dependency, people who make $120,000 a year managing the dependency of others, making sure they don't get a job and become Republicans.

Continuation on Government Dependency Movements

All the various coercive utopians, the people who went to university for a very long time and know how to run your life better than you do. They invent the end mandate, the light bulbs that convince you have glaucoma and insist on the toilets that don't flush completely, those sorts of things. And that coalition requires constant refeeding of taxpayer dollars. And they view the proper role of government as taking things from some people and giving it to others. They are in conflict whenever taxes don't get increased enough, and they will then fight each other over who sits at the table. So those are the two competing coalitions. And if you want to know what the Republicans are going to do in Washington, just think of yourself sitting at that table and say, what are the people around the table going to insist on the same thing with the Democrats.

Political Realignment Observations

Good points. Go ahead, Kay. How do you see it? How do you see it changing, Grover? I mean, I see a political realignment taking place. And, you know, with the four major Democrats, for example, Kennedy and Tulsi and Elon coming over to join Donald Trump on the campaign trail, seems like there are a lot of independent voters and an awful lot of former Democrats. Look at the walk away campaign coming over and not marching in lockstep. How do you see the coalition shifting and what's going to happen there? Well, I go back 100 years. It's constantly shifting a little bit. For a long time, up until the presidency of Ronald Reagan, the two parties were regional. If you were somebody told you they were republican, they were born north of the Mason Dixon line.

Historical Party Changes and Policy Shifts

Southerners were born south of the Mason Dixon line. People in Georgia were voting for George McGovern even though they agreed with Ronald Reagan politically. They voted for George McGovern because Sherman had been mean to Atlanta recently. The parties didn't have a meaning in terms of today's issues. They were historic. People in Maine who were very left of center were Republicans because the guy at Gettysburg for the union was remain. And so they were Republicans. They were with Lincoln. It's not a very good way to pick up teams if you're trying to run the most important country in the world. But during Reagan's lifetime, they sorted out, as I was pointing out based on whether you want the government to be more limited or more unlimited in its powers and resources.

Consequences of Taxation and Public Response

But there's still people who are there for historic reasons. Different ethnic groups, different immigrant groups came in, became Republicans or Democrats, and then decided, well, this isn't really where I meant to be. And you're starting to see people take a look at what the modern Democratic Party or Republican party is and deciding to shift. And Elon Musk looks around and the Democratic Party is trying to stomp on him while he's trying to invent things to make the world a better place. And he's going, what is this all about? Why are the Republicans encouraging me and the Democrats fighting me? And he switches on a lot of civil liberties issues, First Amendment issues. Tulsi Gabbard and Kennedy. I met with both of them during this campaign, and they really noticed that the Democrat party, which said it was for First Amendment, freedom of speech issues, doesn't seem to be anymore and isn't at this point.

Shifts in Democratic Stances and Policy Impacts

And that's a very interesting question. What happened that they. That the party shifted on that? I think on that one, the democratic party moved, and people like Tulsi Gabbard and Robert F. Kennedy Junior didn't move. And so they do switch parties. People get surprised that Hispanics are becoming more republican. The republican party didn't carry the Roman Catholic vote for Congress, I mean, all Roman Catholics, until 1994, because when a lot of Catholics from Italy and other countries came to the United States, the person who met them was a protestant republican who wasn't nice to him. The Irish, right? No, Irish need to play. As they became part of the United States, learned proper English and did better economically, they go, wait a minute. Why am I voting for the Democrats? I'm a Republican. I want lower taxes.

Evolution of Voting Patterns and Economic Insights

I want to be left alone. And so they shifted. And you're seeing the same thing with as Hispanics do better economically as they, you know, learn English or their kids learn English and are part of the broader American fabric. Look around and go, I shouldn't be voting as if I was somebody on welfare. I should be voting as if I was somebody who's working. I vote Republican. I love the title. I love the title, you know, leave me alone. It's one good thing that I found personally and COVID was six foot distance. I'm an introvert, man. I liked, you know, I like being left alone. You know, if everyone's going to stay in their houses and I can stay in mine, you know, I was okay with that. I didn't like any of the rest of it. But what do you see the biggest challenge with the battle over taxes.

Current Tax Challenges and Personal Views

Now, I personally don't like the proposal of unrealized capital gains that the Democrats seem to be pushing. What do you think about that one? Yes. This election has a bigger difference between the two presidential candidates and the two parties on the tax issue than has ever been articulated before. There have been elections where Obama planned to raise taxes, but he didn't talk about it. Okay. And he kind of denied it. He was only going to tax people in the top 1%. But this time around, Kamala Harris and Biden before made a list of taxes. You mentioned one, taxing unrealized capital gains. What does that mean? That means a capital gain. The value of your land goes up, your house goes up.

Complexities of Taxation and Government Proposals

Your farm, your business, your 401K, your IRA, your savings for retirement go up in value. And the government says, that's income. And you go, what are you talking about? He says, your 401K is bigger than it used to be and now that's $20,000 bigger than it used to be. We want to tax the 20,000, he said, but I don't have the 20,000. Sell my stock. I didn't sell my house. I didn't sell the farm. What are you talking about? Oh, that's an unrecognized or unrealized capital gain. I mean, it isn't a capital gain. It's nothing until I sell the farm, sell my 401K off, you know, not we're going to tax it. First of all, how in the world do you do that without knowing the value of everything in somebody's basement, the value of the gold in their teeth?

Price Controls and Historical Contexts

You have to be so intrusive. It's one thing to say when we see you sell your house or sell stocks and bonds. We attack some of that, but just that you have it. And then how much did it go up in value? When they do houses and farms and lands, they're guessing. People put things on the market thinking it's worth one thing. It turns out to be something completely different. We have a bunch of IRS agents telling you what your house is worth, what the land and back of your house is worth, what you know, things that you own, what they're worth, they're going to come through and take a look at the rugs you've got or artwork in your house, your collection of baseball cards. It's a ridiculous tax. It's an attempt at a tax on people's savings, their life savings.

Tax Trends and Global Comparisons

They used to do this in Europe. Twelve countries had it in Europe now. Now only four do. It was so bad the Europeans couldn't take it. Okay. And they want to impose that on us. And the four countries that still have it completely watered down. And France, it's like only land. And Spain, they haven't gotten rid of it because the very left, you know, it's a left wing government that got elected and they didn't want to abolish it openly because that would kind of be like apologizing. So they just, you know, reduced its damage a lot, kind of abolished it without abolishing it. So that's one that's been tested in the world and failed. And the Democrats say, we like it. They've got a transition tax. Every time there's money changes, you write a check.

Impacts of Proposed Taxes and Business Concerns

Money goes in and out of banks or whatever, the government's going to take a little piece of that. They think that's going to get $750 billion over a ten year period. You can imagine how that slows down commerce and nickels and dimes you every time you transfer money from one place to another, maybe every venmo, who knows? Exactly. They want to take small business tax up to 39.9%. They want to take the capital gains tax higher than. Twice as high as China's. Twice as high as China's. Take it up by. They want to take the corporate income tax up by 33% to where it's higher than China's. So when Americans try and compete with China, they find, hey, invest with us.

Consequences of High Taxation on Investments

They say, why, I can invest in China. They only tax me half as much capital gains. Why would I put my money in America? Or you say, no, buy stuff from an american company. I said, are you kidding? You guys are going to take 28% out of the Chinese and maybe 15, maybe 25, but you guys are up at 28% on what you're taking out. Oh, I'm sorry. Plus the 4% state taxes. So you're really talking about 32%, just one after another. Oh, they do want another death tax. That's a good one. But the death tax, the second death tax, they want to capture all the inflation during your lifetime. Make sure they tax that before anything gets handed off to your kids.

Discussion of Future Tax Proposals

Oh, gasoline taxes on energy, that's up there. And then they want to set up a global tax cartel with a 21% minimum tax rate so that we can never have lower taxes than France. That's not my idea of bright. So it's a. Oh, there's an excise tax on electricity, for crying out loud. That's why we need more expensive electricity in America, more energy taxes. Oh, Medicare taxes. They want to, this is they, the lady running Harris, she wants to have a tax on your wages, about 11% tax on your wages that will go to Medicare for all. Meaning they're going to make your present private insurance illegal by Obama used to say, you know, if you like your insurance, your health care, you can keep it. Not these guys.

Potential Impact of Policies on Health Care

No, you can't keep it. You will go to the post office to get your health care. The government will run it all. There will be no competition. And this is, and they want to give it to everybody who's here illegally, give them citizenship and access. Even though they just showed up and didn't pay anything in, they would get access to Medicare for All, which is now just a big welfare, would be turned into a welfare program and that would be $2 trillion for the first ten years, $2 trillion for health care for people who walked across the border illegally who haven't necessarily worked a day in their life and haven't paid in the way other people have for Medicare. So it's, it is a huge collection of taxes. I'm, I worry I've left something out here.

Policies Affecting Taxpayers and Government Spending

Oh, well, the IR's, they want to give the IR's $80 billion, remember? And they did give them at least 60 billion to start with. And those guys are going to go out and look at everything. They brag they're going to go after small businesses. They think that self employed people watch out and they believe that small businesses, those are the guys who aren't paying enough and need to be looked into. So prepare to be audited. Prepare to be audited. Oh, Grover, that's a very bleak future. You know, only if they win. That's true. I noticed that Americans for Tax Reform released just this week, an immigration study. Can you tell us about that?

Implications of Immigration Policies

Well, that's what I was mentioning. It's just a comment that if you combine Kamala Harris, who is the czar, until she decides she wasn't, she was the czar of handling the border and people were allowed to come in illegally and without any checking into who they were and what they did. So if you were to give those people citizenship as she plans to, said so, and you passed her Medicare for all, it is trillions and trillions of dollars for everybody. But it's an additional $2 trillion just for people who came across the border illegally. Taxes, taxes and spending $2 trillion. Oh, that's. That's horrifying. It's expensive. Yes, without a doubt.

Concerns Regarding Price Controls

In terms of Kamala's decision to attack price gouging, giving price controls, what would that do? Well, she's come out for price controls. You know, most new ideas are stupid, which is why they're new. But some stupid ideas are very old, and wage controls and price controls are very old, bad ideas. You go back to Diocletian and the Roman Empire, and they were executing people because whenever there was a shortage of something, the price goes up. That's how you signal to the world, make more of this. We need more potatoes. Down here in Crete, we will pay more for potatoes. And prices are signals. They're not just the prices on the value of something.

Historical Perspectives on Price Controls

They tell the world, should we be making more of this? Should we be making less of this? When prices go down, it's a way of saying, we don't really want this. So people stop lugging that around to try and sell it to you. And when you put price controls on housing, rent, you put price controls on rent. This was the comment by the socialist economist in Sweden. I mean, even left wing economists have realized that when you put price controls on rent controls on renting houses, people stop renting houses, they stop buildings to rent. And the houses they have, they say, I'm not going to rent it, I'll keep it.

Consequences of Government Regulations

We saw that work in the other direction when Millay, the new president in Argentina, got rid of the price controls on rental units and the cost of rental units went down. Why? Because hundreds and thousands of rental units that nobody had been renting became available on the market. We had price controls on oil put in during the Nixon years. Thank you very much, Richard Nixon. That was not a wise move. And there were shortages. And under Jimmy Carter, they really kicked in, and he allowed them to stay. He didn't put them in to begin with. Nixon did. But he was the guy who defended them. And that's why people could only buy gasoline.

Explaining Market Restrictions

If your car license plate ended with an even number, you had certain three days, and if it was an odd number, you had different days, and you had to go wait in line to buy gas in America, wait in line to buy gas because prices couldn't go up and encourage people to produce more. Reagan came in and abolished price controls. Ted Kennedy said that the price of gasoline would shoot up, it would double. It went down. Why? Because when you say to people, hey, oil is worth more, they go make more of it or find it, I guess, and find the crude oil and make the good stuff for gasoline. This is the first things you learned in economics.

Government Inefficiency and Historical Examples

And Kamala Harris doesn't understand 3000 years of history of the failure of price controls. And it's not just that they don't work, it makes things worse for exactly the thing you claimed you were trying to fix the. Oh, I'm sorry. I've got a book here. I just found 40 centuries of wage and price controls they can document. 4000 years. I thought that it was three. It's four. 4000 years of stupid. Do you think, Rover, though, that it literally is, that they don't know that it doesn't work or that it actually is a Marxist incursion onto America?

Discussion on Political Ideologies

They're not that smart. Again, the socialist economists know this won't work. Now when we say it won't work, we think that they say their goal is to get everybody less expensive housing, less expensive rental units that they're lying about. They know that won't happen. I don't know what they're planning to have happen, but they're not foolish enough to think that if you lived in New York, you know that rent control in New York has not kept rents down. It has limited the number of people willing to rent you something. Exactly. Drax, I think you had a question for Grover that you wanted to ask.

Historical Campaign Involvement

Yeah, Grover, it's great to meet you. You did mention Richard Nixon recently. I'm going tone it down. I mean, you go over so much it's great. But. So you were on the Nixon campaign. Was it when you were like twelve? That's where you thought up this? Republicans don't raise taxes. Yes, this is true. I got on a train and went into Boston to work at twelve, back when that was safe. And yeah, it was a twelve mile ride, but it was into Boston and worked on the campaign. And it was after one of my teachers, social studies teacher, because we didn't do history. We did social studies.

Reflections on Early Political Engagement

History sounds to something. And they, the teacher says, well, you know, democracy doesn't really work. It doesn't mean anything because nobody knows who is their state legislator and they just vote blindly. And I thought about that and I said, well, I don't know who my state legislator is and how could you fix that? How could you make that better? And I said, well, if the Republican Party became the party that would not raise your taxes and that was the opening requirement for somebody to run for mayor, city council, state legislator, congressman, governor, president, that I thought that would be good for almost half of the vote to begin with, and then you could, you know, add other issues to it as well.

Concerns About Immigration and Tax Discussions

Now, based on that description, what I see happening with the tax discussions that are taking place, in addition to the illegal immigration that's taking place, I believe that this is a deliberate act to kill the initial actual goose, which is the american people, by plucking them to death and then having to have the obligation to kill them in more ways than one, then replace it with the illegal immigrants and the other populace that are being basically poured into the country that have absolutely no understanding or education on the american way of life, which is life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. And they think that government gives, rather than, you know, how it is here in the United States, where we have the constitution telling the government what it can and cannot do. So I see this unfolding phase by phase right before my eyes. If I may confide in your expertise, where am I wrong in this? If am I? And thank you so much.

Republican Approach to Economic Growth

Well, you have with the modern republican party, starting with Reagan, a party that focuses on economic growth, and for that, you need low marginal tax rates. When you have lower taxes, the economy grows and the government actually gets more money than it had before, because the entire economy is larger. They get a smaller percentage of the economy, but more money than they had before. All marginal tax rates cuts pay for themselves over time. It's a question of how long it takes to do that. But the corporate income tax that was cut 2017 by Trump and the Republicans today, they were supposed to be down, like, about $300 billion from, as they were predicting out anyway. We're at $400 billion more from corporate income taxes than they predicted would because of the tax cut. Why? Because taking 21% of a bigger number is better than 35% of a smaller number. So, yes, the rate was lessen, but $2 trillion that we saw came flowing back into the country investment. That's from overseas corporate earnings of the past. Of the past, never mind the modern ones, the more recent ones that also were left in the hands of people to invest in. So tax cuts are the way to have growth.

Link Between Tax Cuts and Growth

Growth is the way to let all people do better. And we really. And the way to bring all people up, what the Democrats want to do is make people dependent on government. And then they whisper in their ear, you're nobody. You're nothing. We're giving you some money. Vote for us or you have nothing. Whereas those people born in this country or immigrants who say, I'm going to make it myself, I don't want to be seduced into welfare. Those are the people who are not interested in the deal the Democrats offer. Most of the people who the Democrats damage with their welfare were actually born here, but they certainly do it to immigrants. You saw when some people came across the border illegally, the administration was handing the money and registering them to vote and telling them, this is the Democrats giving it this money. They are trying to corrupt future american citizens and make them dependent. So the goal of the party of government is to make people feel dependent on government. That's why they hate small businesses. That's why they hate independent contractors. That's why they hate people who take care of themselves, who homeschoolers. They have no leverage.

Judicial Activism and Elections

There was a call and I tried to hang on the call because started ringing in my ear and all of a sudden I couldn't think for a second. But the right thing to do is to hang up on that person, but then to unmute yourself. Yep, you did perfect. I did it right. Okay, goody. Thank you. That's Mark Joseph, the guy who did the Reagan movie, was calling. So I'll call back and see how he says that the sales are going well and they're doing a good job getting more people to see the Reagan movie, which I have seen twice. And I gave a little lecture yesterday to a bunch of school kids, is they were going to see it in Virginia. Do watch the Reagan movie. It is good. And if you. You lived through it, you want to see it because it's really good. And if you. If you've got kids or friends who didn't, they need to see it so they can be reminded how amazing Reagan was on so many different scores.

Student Preparedness in Academia

But, no, that's actually a great explanation earlier about the sino russian lines being broken by Nixon. A lot of people don't give him credit for that. But, yeah, I had two questions for you there, Grover, and it's specifically concerning Nixon, because I don't know very many people who worked for the Nixon campaign. But what were your thoughts about how the media kind of passed this water, like, specifically with Watergate, to a junior freshman journalist out of nowhere? And because I always thought that was very bizarre, that when you have a scandal of that magnitude and you hand it off to a, you know, a freshman new bench warmer to a publication and how much they focused in on that, I'm not trying to. What's the word here to use exacerbated language or to be over the top of the. But it felt a lot like when I read back on the Watergate scandal, the nature of what happened and how the media was really going out of their way to try to get this information that it was almost like there was a coup because of how overwhelming Nixon's election was. How many? I think he won 49 of the states, if I remember correctly. You can correct me if I'm wrong.

Belittling and Controlling Women

Belittling, and controlling women just so they. Can feel more powerful. That's not how my mama raised me. I love women. I love women who support their families. Women who decide not to have families. Women who take charge, and I'm man. Enough to help them win.

Ad Reactions and Commentary

And that the first time I heard that, I thought it was, you know, a spoof. And that is an actual ad. Guys, America's bit down to play. Jesus, Bill, how much you want to bet that all of them sit down to pee they all do. They all do. Did that guy say full throated something? Yeah, I was gonna say, what did. The full throated thing mean? He's like, I'm coming at you. Full throated. What the hell are you. That's not parody. Maybe they meant. No, it's not parody. No. Actual ad for Kamala Harris. Sense for Kamala. That is the gayest ad I've ever heard in my life. Let the record state. It should. It should say enough. You should. We should dub that. You should say, and I'm Donald Trump, and I approve this message because I think, God, that is the gayest thing I've ever heard. I do approve. This message is the best.

Thoughts on Interviews and Humor

Yeah, we're gonna have to have cat. Meme king, like, edit it or something. So add Trump in there, because, I mean, Jesus Christ, what is that? I mean, wow, it's been a strange night, Bernie. Man, that ad, it just keeps going. Bill vaping. Yeah, sure. He doesn't vape. He went to burning man. I can't believe you asked that question, Jackson. Nobody was saying anything. I had to go there. Oh, it was funny. There's a video of him talking to. I think it's vice, which isn't used to be a publication on the left. And it's so funny. He literally goes with him to a vape shop. I'm telling you, Grover, he's absolutely brilliant. Is one of the funniest people in DC.

The Importance of Relevant Discussions

He actually won a competition there where they have an open mic, like comedy competition for politicians, and it's. So he won. So he's actually a funny dude. Yeah. You have to be quick, though. You know, he said. He says a lot of things in there so fast, I couldn't throw up a laughing emoji. Right. He's kind of throwing. Throws them in among the serious stuff. So that was great. That was a great interview. Thanks for getting. Getting them for us. Kay. Okay. We've got some hands down there, but let's have Drax reset the space, because we're gonna go for a little bit longer and talk about news and politics and trends and whatever else you want to talk about at the pub. So go ahead, Drax.

Encouraging Engagement in Discussions

Yeah, we'll try not to burn that ad into your ears anymore. But it is pub talk, man. Our guests just left, but we make sure we keep an eye with open mic here at pub talk. It's Friday, man. It's TGI Friday in Twitterville. Make sure you're sharing the space out. I'm gonna grip for it. I'm gonna ask for it. It's free entertainment. You might as well share it out. What else are you doing? You're sitting there. Make sure you're sharing it out to your timeline, your friends and all that. You've heard the speech before. But most importantly, make sure you quote that space out. If you quote it out, I promise you, me and Bill and Kate, we'll repost your quote post driving up to the top of the timeline here on X. Round up them twitter billions that have nothing to do right now on TGIF and get them up in this space and also so they can hear the recording afterwards.

Sharing Insights and Guest Introductions

We got Glover Northwest and he'll be on there. So that's good. And they probably gonna want to hear that recording. I think he was a great speaker, a great guest. And the man started his adventure at twelve years old with Richard Nixon. You know, that says something. I really wanted to engage how he felt when Richard Nixon got canned, but we didn't get that far. Sally, I seen your hand go up, sis. I used to look at it. Guys, I wanted to thank you. That was. I didn't want to speak or ask questions because taxes are at my wheelhouse. But he was a really good speaker. He answered all the question. That's very, it was a very good space, guys.

Reflections on Past Discussions

It was fun. You know, even when he's on Fox News, I was watching some of his stuff on Fox. He talks, you know, a lot of way over people's heads sometimes. And they even remind him that when he's talking on the news. But a great guy, man, great guy. Had a lot of fun having him here. Thank you, Kay, for all you do for the team webinar. Okay, let's get. I hope one day we can deserve k. I'm sorry I cut you off there, AJ, go ahead. Sorry. I was just going to say that I hope one day we actually deserve k because I know we don't. Amen to that, baby. Oh, y'all are too kind. I'm just trying to get information out there to everybody and try and get the real information, you know, out there.

Importance of Information Sharing

It's wonderful to have my friends come into the space, understand the importance of these spaces and utilize them for getting communications out. It's critical. So, yeah, I'm going to try and bring folks in who are different, unique, have a good perspective. Sometimes I agree with them, sometimes I don't. But at the same time, I want to give you a peek behind the curtain. And that's, you know, we're proselytizing to a degree you heard my question at the end. You know, what do you think about spaces? Help us get some more politicians in there for town halls. We had. Kate brought us to Roy Murdoch from Fox News a couple nights ago, and he didn't even have an x account.

Political Engagement and Outreach

Right. Dirax had to give him his alt account to get him in. It's amazing how many of these people don't. Aren't even on Twitter. Exactly. Exactly. And I've actually talked with Grover's folks and they're going to get, you know, they're going to hopefully send folks to us from the Wednesday meeting up in DC and other places, you know, projects that are important things we need to know about and give us news so we can have even more guests. I mean, there's a fraternity brother of my son who was an intern last summer, and I warned him, I said, you know, these Wednesday meetings understand, you never know who's going to walk in the room.

Exciting Developments in Political Engagement

And he texted me one day, he said, oh, my goodness, misses Daley, you're right. Ron Desantis just walked in. So that didn't surprise me. But there are all kinds of folks we'll be able to get into the spaces now that folks like Grover, you know, and even Kennedy and Jordan Petersen and Tulsi Gabbard. And all these folks are doing spaces now. We will have a pipeline from the cutting edge of what's going on. We could turn Wednesday pub talk into, you know, the Wednesday morning meeting post show.

Inviting Contributions from the Audience

Okay. We got lots of hands down here. Let's. Poseidon had their hand up, then we'll go back to. And then over to Roden. Hey, what's up, Bill? Thank you for having me. Kay, Drax. Thank you. Drax. Drax. You're gonna. You're gonna follow me one day. I'm gonna keep showing up to your spaces. You're gonna follow me one day. Oh, there you go. There you go. I'm gonna have to do one of those tweets out. Like, if I haven't followed you back, drop your handle. I just see it right now.

Discussion on Electric Vehicles

I can't stop thinking about it. Gregory, EMP American. Yeah. Yeah. It's like ridiculous. Ev's are not about the environment, they're not about EMP's. Look at the model that they are promoting for EV's. They want you to plug in. If they were serious about EV's, they would be building nuclear power plants on the north Pole to recharge batteries that were universal. So that what you could do is pull into a jiffy lube and have your drained battery swapped out for a universal charge battery. But they're not doing that. What they want you to do is make your car a part of your utility bill to give it to the state. And they are pricing these cars so high that no 18 year old kid can ever get a car again or a horse. This is about freedom of movement, and it's about liberty.

Mechanism of Control

This is a mechanism of control. Have you guys ever had an argument with your utility company about my. The power in my house just got. Shut off this morning. I was like, what the hell? I paid my bill. I called him. Turned out it wasn't. It wasn't a thing. Fine. But what they're trying to do with Ev's is make cars an app so that nobody owns them. And you guys need to understand that dictators love trains for a reason, because trains only go where trains go, and dictators get to be in charge of them. So as soon as your car becomes an app and you don't own one, and the only way you can get one is by paying your bills, they own you. I am rogue, and I am imploring you not to go along with this.

Elon Musk's New Car

Did you see Elon's new car? It's a taxi where you can own it. $20,000. You can own the thing, and you can use it as an Uber. Uber eats Uber or whatever and make money off of it. What do you think about that one? I think that I could become gay for Elon Musk. And I'm not gay. That's the right thing to do. He is Alpha. He's the boss. And look at my picture. So am I. Fuck all this other fucking gay bullshit. It's about control. It's about turning penises into vaginas. It's all fake and it's all about control. And I hate it. I have five kids. I'm a man, and I fucking love. I love the truth. So I'm sorry. There you go.

Encouragement and Hope

I'm gonna have to get off. This stuff really drives me crazy. It's so obvious to me. Don't let it get to you. Don't let it get to you. There's hope. There's a light at the end, and it's not a train. That's not a train. See what I did there? Sure. AJ, what you got for us? Speaking of elections, folks, it's breaking. Patrick Webb is talking about it. It's in the purple pill. DOJ is suing the state of Virginia for the non citizens that we have removed from our voter rolls. And the battle continues. The second point on the same issue is that I've been saying it forever. I'm going to say it until the day I drop dead. Fridays is Washington's dump day because they think you're not watching. You are either drinking or playing, watching the game, or, I don't know, whatever. Fill in the gaps. Everybody's looking forward to Friday. And your antennas are down.

Importance of Voter Awareness

You're not watching. They dump stuff on you. Fast forward two and a half days, and all of a sudden, where did this come from? Reminding you, keep your antennas up at all times. Thank you. It's almost like they want to cheat. No. Saying forever, guys. Don't let Trump cheat. Demand voter id laws in person. Paper ballots. Awesome. I'm gonna go back to Poseidon and fed up, came up on stage. I want to hear from him. And then go over to conservative. Go ahead, Poseidon. All right, so I've been listening for a while, so I kind of wrote notes. So immigration. Immigration is going to be easily. Just deport all the people that have criminal backgrounds. Anybody that breaks a law, get rid of them. Done. You know, that's. That's going to be half the problem.

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