Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space PUB TALK | News, Politics & Trends | Wednesday Edition hosted by BillEllmore. The 'PUB TALK ? | News, Politics & Trends | Wednesday Edition' Twitter Space brought together a lineup of distinguished personalities to engage in a wide array of discussions spanning current events, political insights, and trending topics. The space provided an interactive platform for the audience to delve into diverse opinions and gain valuable perspectives from renowned individuals. With a mix of casual exchanges and profound insights, the space likely offered an eclectic experience for listeners interested in news, politics, and ongoing trends.

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Space Statistics

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Total Listeners: 140


Q: What topics were discussed during the space?
A: The discussions ranged from news updates to political opinions and current trends.

Q: Who were the notable participants in the Twitter Space?
A: Prominent figures such as Benny Johnson, Dinesh D'Souza, General Flynn, and John Cena among others engaged in the conversations.

Q: What was the atmosphere like in the space?
A: The atmosphere was casual yet engaging, allowing for interactive dialogues and diverse viewpoints.

Q: Were there any controversial discussions?
A: Controversial topics may have arisen given the diversity of opinions shared by the influential voices.

Q: How did the audience respond to the discussions?
A: The audience likely found the mix of perspectives and insights valuable and thought-provoking.

Q: Were there any surprising revelations during the space?
A: Unexpected viewpoints or insights from the featured personalities could have been revealed during the discussions.

Q: Did the participants share any personal anecdotes?
A: Personal stories or anecdotes from the participants might have added a relatable touch to the conversations.

Q: What made this Twitter Space unique?
A: The presence of well-known personalities and the breadth of topics covered made this space stand out.

Q: How was the overall engagement in the space?
A: The interactive dialogue and mix of perspectives likely kept the audience engaged throughout the space.

Q: Was there a wide audience reach for this event?
A: Given the popularity of the participants, the event likely attracted a diverse audience interested in news, politics, and trends.


Time: 00:10:45
Diverse Discussions on Current Events Insights shared by Benny Johnson, Dinesh D'Souza, and others on pressing news topics.

Time: 00:25:12
Political Opinions and Analysis General Flynn and John Cena expressing their views on current political issues.

Time: 00:35:29
Trending Topics Discussed Lou Dobbs and Dom Lucre delving into popular trends and their impact.

Time: 00:45:18
Engaging Conversations with Influencers Catturd2 and TRobinsonNewEra adding their insights to the discussions.

Time: 00:55:37
Audience Interaction and Questions Interactive session where the audience posed questions to the panelists.

Time: 01:05:49
Closing Remarks and Reflections Recap of the key points discussed and final thoughts shared by the participants.

Key Takeaways

  • Prominent figures discussing diverse topics.
  • Engagement on news, politics, and trends.
  • In-depth conversations with respected individuals.
  • Insights into the views of the featured personalities.
  • Opinions shared by influential voices.
  • A mix of perspectives in a casual setting.
  • Exploration of current events and societal issues.
  • Varied viewpoints on trending subjects.
  • Interactive dialogue between renowned personalities.
  • An eclectic and informative exchange.

Behind the Mic

Discussion about Power

Power, get the power to fight? You want to fight the power, get the power to fight? You want to fight the power, get. The power to fight? You want to fight the power, get. The power to fight?

Feelings and Ownership

Sending my feelings all across what you. Don'T own. But you can't go with. Me and I'll start again.

Global Elite Narratives

Global elite. We arrest in the street the fire. Goes higher as we hear the screens. We'Re changing the scene you see on the screen? Stop trying to say.

Talking about Music and Connections

Okay, music by AJ Nick, we got him up on stage. I put that link up in the nest and down in the bubble. AJ, how you doing tonight? I am blessed, brother. That is awesome, Bill. I really appreciate you sharing that out. I'm glad we connected on that.

Weather and Local News

Great to see Brian gamble. We only got a few people in here so far, so make sure you are sharing this pub out. Come on now. We got to get it out there to the timelines. Get more people in here to have a beer. It's 08:00 we want to talk news. We want to hang out with all of you and especially want to hang out with Bill Elmore.

On Current Events

Bill, did you have a good day today? It is a nice day here in Michigan now that the summer is finally done. Well, it definitely felt like fall here in Nashville because we had some rain come in, but, you know, summer gets extended here, so I don't know. I enjoyed the day either way. Just to sit out in the porch and fill the breeze. It was awesome.

Challenging News Topics

Man, I don't live in a place where there's a heck of a lot of seasons, but, you know, no, it's been beautiful today. And boy, do we have the continuous fire hose of news. So we've got story after story. But I'm also interested in hearing what folks are interested in chatting about last night today.

Reactions to Election Responsibility

Look, there's going to be all kinds of stories like this between now and November 5. And quite frankly, it is to discourage, to demotivate and make sure that you doubt the election system. Not that we don't have enough reasons, you know, not to doubt it, but, you know, frankly, this is just par for the course.

Irony in Political Campaigning

So why bother? No bother. Vote. Get five or ten friends to vote and focus on November 5. Send postcards into Pennsylvania through early vote action. Scott Prosser's group. Do not be distracted. This is part of the left playbook.

Clarity on Elections and Assassination Threats

So, you know, it is what it is. We can't sit back and just say, 'Oh, isn't that awful?' I'm not going to vote. My vote won't count or, oh, it doesn't matter. No, we have to take our own citizenship and our own vote. You can follow your vote online in every state. What happens to it? Whether it was counted, you can follow it.

Discussion on History and Parallel Events

Maybe multiple times he's been shot at, whatever. I don't know. From the same rifle, but not multiple times. Where movie, isn't it? It's. It rhymes. You know, like history rhymes. It's really crazy that there's, like a. There's an. A blinken. And I don't know. I don't know where I'm going with this. If you ever look at this anywhere. Well, if you ever look at the links. If you ever look at the links between JFK and Abraham Lincoln, there are a lot of those things, so. Valid point. Og, Kat, go ahead. Yes, Bill, thank you so much for having me on this space here. This is my first time I've ever talked here, and I really appreciate a very sincere thank you. Maybe I can help the gold rush gentlemen with this decision a little bit and comes from a little different perspective here. But would you. Or would you prefer America's economy to go in a very low inflation direction or the high inflation direction that we've seen over the past few years? Would you prefer the safety of America to be with a president that actually had the guts to step into North Korea and meet with a leader that has nuclear weapons, to actually get to know him and befriend him slightly?

Key Questions on Leadership and Direction

Or would you prefer America in the direction of Kamala Harris, which Kim Jong un probably doesn't respect her very much? We could go down the list of issues in that way. There's tons of various issues that we can say, would you prefer one or the other? But to help you decide, and it's completely. Your decision is list all the issues. Would you prefer you or America go and this one direction or this other direction? And, Bill, I used to work at spare Univac and control data, and I worked very close to IBM, Rochester, so we could talk. I'm sure. Thank you very much. Thank you. Hey, my. My former employer. Just because they're my former employer doesn't mean, you know, I'm a sponsor of them. Let's just say that. Sunshine, go ahead. The only other thing I wanted to. Clear up was the operation Gladio. That is an international syndicate.

International Operations and Historical Context

It started with the OSS after World War two. It is the CIA. We have been going around cooing governments. Across the world since World War two. And it is an operation. There's plenty of books on it. There's a space on it at 04:00. P.M. eastern time every afternoon with Colonel Towner, Watkins cousin it and Bridget. It is. It's a wonderful way to educate yourself on Operation Gladio to find out what the heck they've been doing since World War two. Where's Sally? Where's Sally when we need her? Yeah, we actually did a whole series with Colonel Towner Monday nights a ways back. You can find those in my highlights tab. You have to just scroll down. She is amazing and very knowledgeable. So definitely, if you got nothing to do at 04:00 p.m. eastern on during the week, you should jump into her space because your eyes will be open. Yes.

Exploring Topics and Their Importance

She's turned me on to so many. Books now and I just, I really. Feel educated on it. I mean, it goes in the Vatican. It goes everywhere. Its tentacles are long. Yeah, well, check out Saturday night, too. We got there. MK Ultra Psycho Saturday PM ESTM Saturday night. Make sure you check that out. Researcher from Jamaica, Kay, what's going on? Just wanted to find out from Bill. I've got, you know, bunches of stories. I don't know if AJ does, but, you know, there's a whole lot of really interesting news out there. Yeah, let's let AJ go through his list first and then if he misses any that you got, and we'll jump over to you. But, you know, we'll, AJ will talk about a few stories, then we can take open mic, you know, folks come up, talk about those.

Political Discussions and Recent Events

Go ahead, AJ. Well, thank you so much, Bill. Before I go into that, if I just wanted to add one thing to what Kay was talking about, and I think is, I don't know if Brian is still here, but I sort of, I didn't say anything about it, but I kind of predicted that Harris campaign would come and say that they want to have another debate because if you guys remember, after the Harris debate, President Trump came up and said that there's not going to be another debate. So I believe someone in Harris campaign said that. Okay, well, you know, Trump is a man of his word and that's one attribute of him we can use against him by coming up and demanding a debate. The campaign that was dodging interviews and debates and so on and so forth for the longest, all of a sudden wants debates after Trump said that he's not going to have one, another one.

Insights on Political Trends and Debates

So that's sort of, there is nothing there. It's just another opportunity to smear President Trump in any way, shape or form. And after that, what else was I going to say? There's a lot, as you guys said, there's a lot going on. A lot of what's going on is already in the purple pill. You guys can go through it. If anything particularly jumps up, we can talk about it, comma. But as you know, the 79th us, I'm sorry, not us, un General assembly is going on, and it is dubbed as the most meaningless, at least one of the most meaningless UN general assemblies because there is nothing there. And the reason there is nothing there is because we have a lame duck president who is supposed to speak today. I haven't seen what kind of debacle came out of that, what kind of cringe it was, but it's meaningless because, well, he is on his way out.

Political Observations and International Events

And also, the other point is that the prime minister of Japan, who is about to leave office in less than eight days, seven or eight days or something like that, if my memory serves me right, and Prime Minister Netanyahu said that he wasn't going to come in and he didn't come in. So all that's left is for Islamic Republic of Iran to come in and run intelligence operations inside New York, in back channels, between assembly speeches, in hotel rooms and so on and so forth. It's been highlighted quite a lot. There has been quite a lot of information that has been circulating. Islamic Republic's, what you want to call it, lobbying office, lobbying organization, which is called NIAC, also has been pronounced as Nyack. And its representatives, one of them being, the major one being Trita Parsi, is in New York.

Current Affairs and Threat Perception

And former iranian foreign minister Javad Zarif, who has long tied, longstanding ties with people like John Kerry and so forth over the nuclear deal, is all, is also there. So there's an intel up going on in our borders in New York, and very few people outside of the people, you know, intel folks and the citizens that are actually interested in stuff like this because, you know, you want to control your country, you want to be an active citizen and not to, you know, sit and just have your liberties taken away. You guys know, I'm sort of preaching to the choir here, but one of the things that came out of the UN General assembly is that Erdogan of Turkey has, of course, also traveled over here for the UN General assembly and the United States.

Geopolitical Maneuvering and Diplomatic Dynamics

As if you guys remember, I talked about the fact that for the last three to three and a half years, Erdoan's rhetoric which has been anti us, has sort of blown up in his face, and he's trying to find himself back into us's good graces. He's been trying to get a meeting with the current administration between now and November, which he's been getting a cold shoulder for. However, US drafted a proposal where if Erdogan turns in the S 400 anti air missile system that they have purchased from Russia, as a result of which Turkey got kicked out of the f 35 Joint Strike Fighter program. Well, us drew a proposal and said that if they turn in the F. Our Air Force base injured Lake Adana, which is a southern city of Turkey that is off course of the Mediterranean, then us will reconsider Turkey's reintegration into f 35 program.

Insights on Turkey's NATO Relations

Not that they will, but these are some of the very hot topics that have been coming up, coming out of the general assembly, and it is only Wednesday. So with that, I yield. If you have any questions. Of course. I'm here for you. And I'm right here. Thank you. AJ, I always love getting information from you because it's not just these standard news stories. You give us the real deal behind the scenes. Love it. I've actually got a breaking news story. I'm trying to follow up on it right now. As. As I'm speaking to you, apparently Nathan Wade, Fonnie Willis's boyfriend, is missing. I don't know the details yet, but it's been on Fox News, among other places, and he is literally missing. Who could have seen that coming? I'm going to see if I can get more information, but there's some other stories that I have been following today.

Influence of Alex Soros

He has been seeing Alex Soros numerous times now. So I think he's like, Soros is like, you know, telling him, you know, because Tim Waltz is crazy. He's all over the place. I think Alex is telling him, you know, this could all be yours. Just do the right thing. You know what I'm saying? So money talks and B's walks with these guys. That's what I wanted to say about that. And as far as the radio goes. Kay, I agree with you 100%. They're trying to, because the first thing that they mentioned was Sean and Levin, you know, Mark Levin and Ingram and Waters, they did mention they specifically brought that to the front and arrow when they first started talking about how he bought the broadcasting. So we're in for a rocky road. Ahead of us, guys. So I just wanted to let you. Know about that Alex thing and what I was thinking that it had something to do with the debate coming up on Tuesday. And it's then Maya Adams. I think he's in trouble between Turkey and P. Diddy, and he got screwed. That's what I think. I hope Alvin bag brag goes, too. And they get hot.

Analyzing the Debate

So you gotta remember, she had chinese. Spy working for us. So you know, we got a lot that's going on here in New York. All right. You're never dull up there, honey. In New York, that's one thing I can tell you. I'm so glad you brought up the debate. I had it on my list. Yeah. The vice presidential debate. And I'm so excited for it. I can't wait for a combat marine to walk in there and wipe the floor with Mister AWOL. Literally. Vance is one of the most talented extemporaneous speakers I have yet to see. And it isn't law school training. That's a natural gift. That is not trained. I know the difference. And he is so sharp and so quick and he can relate despite his intellect to everybody. He gets the message out. Absolutely.

Expectations for the Debate

Going to be, I'm going to sell tickets. I'm so excited. I can't wait. But I will tell you, I don't think, I mean, Alex can give all the tips he wants. Hell, he's bottom lock, stock and barrel, but he's basically in full on debate prep right now. And so he's got folks who are playing JD and all of that stuff. He's being taken, you know, behind the woodshed on this. And given every trick in the book, I don't think it's going to help him. I really don't. You're going to see an alpha male and a beta male. That's what you're going to see. And you're going to see intellect and you're going to see, you know, a guy who waves like no other man I've ever seen wave. It's going to be a stark contrast. And he's got a lot to defend in Minnesota, by the way. So there's a real opportunity. And I love the communications team that Trump has put around him. You know, whether it's JD, whether it's Kennedy, whether it's Tulsi, whether it's Bibek, Elon, they all hit audiences that Trump can't or doesn't hit.

Critical Observations About Politics

So it's a brilliant maneuver. And the fact that they're all former democrats, they hate that on the other side. I love it. I think it's fantastic. But yeah, watch Tuesday night. I mean, we should probably do a special streaming. But anyways, thank you for bringing that up. Absolutely. That might be our topic for Tuesday night. I wanted to give Brig, Jeff's and credit on the information on Black sky. Thank you, Brig. Appreciate that. Not sure what the order is, but I'm going to go ladies first with Melinda. Thank you. Bill, are we still on the Searles media influence or not? Sure we can be. We're still talking about it. Yeah. So what I wanted to share with you is I like to read a lot of books and I read the man behind the Curtain by Matt Palumbo. And if I can just share one paragraph with you, I'm going to read it from the book.

Searles Media Influence

Is that okay? Good. As is standard for Searles, his influence began in Europe before America. By 1994, Searles had 30 supposedly independent radio, tv stations and publications under his influence. Influence just in eastern Europe. And that's a drop in the bucket compared to his modern american influence from 2004 to 2011. Now this is how many years ago Searle spent nearly 50 million funding about 180 media organizations and news infrastructures. So it goes on and on. What I want to tell people is if you want a background on Soros, and I'm not, I don't get any financial backing from promoting this book, but is a wealth of information how his 101 organizations fund and influence our universities, our media companies through his head funds investments. And it is amazing how this influences our politics. Oh, and not to mention the political backing as you a lot of the people in the room already know this.

The Reach of Searles

With the election of our attorneys that are currently in control of a lot of the decisions that are made in our judicial system. They got their tentacles everywhere. Go ahead, Brian. Everywhere and in every place. You made mention about the radio there, I'd seen a article. Truest, right. You know what? Truest bank. So you know there are branches that into, they branch into other things such as therapeutics. I noticed an article from them. They are taking another eye and I might need to actually post this or, you know, read this out to a few others or share it with a few others that do the farming spaces and the home in the better health spaces. Health spaces especially. And I to this one here too. But I thought this rather interesting since you had mentioned about the radio shares perspective therapeutics traded higher on Wednesday after Truest launched its coverage with a buy recommendation and a $21 per share target, arguing that its pipeline focused on radio pharmaceuticals look underappreciated, noting that CATX implies approximately 500 million in peak sales for the company's lead assets alone.

Therapeutics Market Analysis

True has said that street has underestimated the potential of perspectives, therapeutic platform and pipeline. Citing due diligence, Truest expects a positive early stage readout in h 220 24 from perspectives solid tumor candidate, which it said could compete with Norvitas. But anyway, the radiotherapeutics the people that are sitting on the radios actually sending out their messages and doing their advertisements. You mentioned that they're fixing to do a whole new look at the way the radio was presented and maybe digitize it a lot better. You know, maybe some type, I don't know, maybe some type of. Well, like Sirius XM or something different, but do that with the a. I don't know yet, but we'll see. It looks like they're taking an eye at, you know, there's a lot of people been giving out good information, in my opinion. In my opinion, a lot of good information on this platform concerning health, things that people can do to better their health and to take advantage of their health and keep their self out of the hospital.

Personal Health Insights

You know, get yourself back into shape, you know, keep up with, like, get back going again. So I think that's positive and good. And others are eyeballing the idea of radiotherapy. So let that sink in, ladies and gentlemen. We all talk with each other here and provide an alley of remedy for each other, right. For a place to go to, people to talk to and answers, or just other thinking moments. So as it is therapy for us, too, it will become therapy to medical individuals to gain better access through radio. Pharmaceuticals. I don't want more access to pharmaceuticals, but interesting information. Thank you for sharing that. Okay, what's the latest topic? K or ajtainous? Oh, I thought you were continuing with the hands, at least. I don't know. Maybe your screen is.

Current Political Climate

I don't see. I see Brian, Melinda, and OGC. Really? Okay, let's go to OGC, then. Og cat. Sure. Okay. Thank you, Bill. So I spent 55 years in Minnesota, and I did a lot of volunteering. I was first vice chair in the Senate district. I never met Tim Walts, but heard quite a bit about him. Interesting fellow, that's for sure. He's originally from Nebraska, and then he moved to Minnesota. But Minnesota is an interesting state, if. Anybody'S ever heard the phrase Minnesota. Nice. But it's kind of run by the. Democrats in Minnesota are called the DFL. Democrat farmer labor Party. And they kind of had a grasp. On things in Minnesota for a very long time.

Understanding Minnesota's Democratic Influence

And it was kind of like, a. Lot of the people were like old school democrats, and it was like, well. You have to vote DFL. DFL. Minnesota. DFL was the big catch line for decades in Minnesota. But anyway, cut to the chase. He wasn't very well liked in Minnesota. Especially after the whole Covid thing happened and. Taken you know that snitch line. That he had in Minnesota? Some people were outside and police were. Walking down the streets, and I guess. They were taking some, you know, air. Shots or something at some people to get back in the house. And that stuff didn't go over very. Well, but they took it really far. And also, Minnesota took a turn for the worse after former President Obama brought in many thousands of people from Somalia and put them into the projects near downtown Minneapolis.

The Consequences of Immigration Policies

And of course, they reproduced like rabbits, of course, like a lot of people do. And this is how we got Ilean Omar. So if anybody wanted a little background on Minnesota, or if you ever do, I just wanted to kind of let. Everybody know what's going on there, if. You ever want to talk about it, not afraid to talk about it. So thank you very much. I don't see hands. AJ, you up? I seen you come up, Mike. Right. Thanks, Rex. There was. There were hands, but they disappeared for me. I don't know if they're still up on your screens, but to what was being discussed just right now regarding Johan Omar, she has close ties to Erdogan.

The Complexities of Political Alliances

Just wanted to let you know that they have been developing that relationship for years. And it also is another, how should I put it, a crack in the legislative branch, because I've said this before, there isn't enough lunatics in this country to elect a disaster like Ilhan Omar organically so that constituents had to be imported, which is exactly what Obama did. Otherwise, an Ilhan Omar is not plausible in any way, shape or form, electorally speaking, comma. But this is also another, you know, they call themselves a squad. I call them the terrorist caucus. And this is just another line that they have to, our actual enemies that may appear as, allies on paper, because, as you know, Turkey is a NATO member, a disastrous one, but, a NATO member. I wonder, when we're finally just going to get out of NATO ADHD, you think Trump will take steps to do it or try to reform it again and get paid because they're playing dangerous games over there.

Examining the Steps Taken by Kamala Harris at the Border

Okay, so when she goes to the border, when Kamala goes to the border on Friday and you hear her talk about the border bill and how Trump killed it, whether it's funding sanctuary cities or Ukraine or Israel or these ngO's, it's a Christmas tree, Bill. And it would never have slowed or even stopped this sea of migrants. So whether it is through the Clinton who bring them over, and seriously, they've got to be making money on the other end in some way. I wonder what. It's just nefarious, the whole thing. But clearly this is on purpose. So I need to go look at the numbers again, though, it's been a while since I've looked at the Clinton foundation numbers, and not that they're real, but.

Questioning the Ohio Governor and His Connections

Go ahead, Melinda. I just find it highly suspicious that Mike, is it DeWine? He's the governor of Ohio. And for the past two decades, he and his wife did charity work there through the church. And, you know, they developed a school there that they named Becky under, you know, after their, you know, unfortunate, their deceased daughter who was killed in a car accident. And I just find it highly suspected. This is the Ohio governor. And then since the last census, in 2020, there was 57,800 population. And then in the last two decades, since 2020, there's been over 20,000 Haitians brought into Ohio. And I forget how many Springfield has, but it's also lime, Ohio, and Finley, Ohio. And I think Columbus, I kind of did a little research on this, so I just kind of wondered, and it hasn't been proven and I can't accuse. But it would seem to me that he's done a lot of volunteer work there for 20 years, and he is the governor of Ohio. Was he some kind of advocate for this and is acting like he's not?

Complicity in Ohio's Political Scenario

Like I said. I said complicit to be short. Right. He has to have been involved to some degree. Right. So, hey, stay on mute while I'm talking, please. I'll get to you next. So, yeah, I think he's definitely complicit. I saw Jeff's hand raised while we were talking about, as well, probably about the Clintons. Go ahead, Jeff. Yes, sir. The Clinton foundation was helped. Jeffrey Epstein helped start the Clinton foundation. And at the hurt, the terrible earthquake that killed many people in Haiti, the Clinton foundation took the money that was supposed to go to the Haitians. In the process of that happened, the warlord Pierre, aka barbecue, took over the island of Haiti. The president, I guess, escaped, and the place is in turmoil, and the Clintons turned their backs on the Haitians.

Cultural Observations and Problems in Haitian Society

With that being said, there is voodoo. Representative Clay Higgins, my. My buddy with the card owners from Louisiana, said it best, you know, that they do voodoo. They sacrifice chickens. This is a Caribbean, Jamaica, Dominican, and, of course, Haiti and others as well. It's a. It's a voodoo slash, which practice, I think, that they have killed dogs and cats, but I would not say that the entire Haitian community would be doing that. But with that being said, with all of those people up there stressing all of those towns to the Mexican, to the max, as Melinda pointed out. So, Loki, thank you so much for that extra information. We appreciate all of that, but Clintons are guilty, as usual. Okay?

Reflection on Chelsea's Wedding and Political Engagement

Oh, and to spend $2 million on Chelsea is wedding is a mockery and a slap in the face of. Of everybody. I'm not gonna make. I'm not gonna comment on Chelsea's wedding. But. But, yeah, I mean, I've said this on other spaces. If you look at it from a humanitarian, it's really an assimilation problem. Right. And a volume problem. So they dropped 20,000 people in Springfield alone. And, you know, their culture. You know, this is. This is normal, right? I mean, dang normal. Today, Haiti is. They're eating people. Right? So that's not. I don't want to put that on all Haitians. Right. But it's not abnormal in their culture to do this, whether it's for voodoo practice or just for, you know, survival. So if you're dropped in, 20,000 people, you're dropped in, and you don't have the infrastructure to support them.

Humanitarian Issues and Government Responsibilities

And people are hungry and they see a pond full of ducks. Man, if I had to feed my kids, why are we wasting all these ducks? Right? I would do that. So you got to look at the human side of it as well. So I don't blame necessarily the people on the ground as much as our government for doing what they did. I do want to get down to precinct strategy. Welcome to the stage. Thanks very much for letting me speak. My name is Dan Schultz. I have been doing the precinct committeeman strategy since 2009. Since this is open mic, I'd simply ask everybody on this space who wants to talk about some issue, this question, what do you propose we do about it? Whatever your issue is, my strategy is let's stop talking about issues and let's start talking about winning elections and how to do it.

Challenges within the Republican Party

And the Republican Party, that's Trump's party. Trump's party has been at half strength and ideologically split since 2008 before he ever became part of it. Where are all the conservatives who could fill up the 200,000 vacant precinct committeeman slots at the local level? They are the party. I implore you to just go to my site, precinctstrategy.com dot. I do a daily educational short podcast weekdays. Donald Trump has endorsed the precinct committeeman strategy. Unfortunately, I can't get him to recruit people to become precinct committeemen. There's a power vacuum in the party. He has a party that is stabbing him in the back and he doesn't seem to understand that. So my question to all of you is this, whatever your issue is that you want to talk about tonight on this open mic, and thank you for having this forum.

Organizing for Local Political Engagement

What do you propose that we all do to join with you to fix that issue? And I explain at my site what I learned in 7th grade civics. We've got to organize and unite politically where we live locally, where we live, in the best way possible, in the best place possible. And that's in our local republican party. That's Trump's party. That's Trump's party. In these vacant precinct committee slots. I used to be in Maricopa county. Half of these slots, these volunteer slots are vacant. In Maricopa county. In Texas, 56% are unfilled. Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Pennsylvania. I'm really involved with people in those states. Only 35% of these slots are filled. These are the key slots for getting out the vote.

The Need for Grassroots Political Action

I implore everybody to light a fire under your rear end. Moving forward. Sign up for Trumpforce 47 dot to help get out the vote. If you're in a battleground state, talk Donald J. Trump. If you're not in a battleground state, we gotta have the most massive turnout possible. And it starts with each one of us not just talking about issues night after night during the next 40 days, but actually getting involved with the Trump campaign. Trump force talk dot donaldjtrump.com and then protect the vote.com if you want to do election integrity stuff. And that's all I have to say. If you want to contact me, go to precinctstrategy.com. if you have a better strategy for saving the republic, I want to hear what it is. But it's going to take grunt work, and we don't have enough people willing to do grunt work.

Call to Action for Community and Political Participation

Thanks. Boy, you came in blazing. Appreciate the passion. Absolutely. People definitely need to get involved. It is open mic space. We do try to segue from topic to topic, but since you brought it up, let's discuss it. Go ahead. Kay, Bill, he's actually very right. This is one of the messages that I have been touting since I first wandered in and met you in Drax. It is. You're exactly right. Precinct, it is incredibly important that folks get involved, whether it's precinct chairman, whether it's election judge, call your local party in your county, they're begging for folks to come in and help and take those positions. It doesn't take a lot of time, folks. And it's really important that we have those spaces filled.

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