Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Product AMA: Shipping Week Recap hosted by zetablockchain. The Product AMA: Shipping Week Recap delves into ZetaChain's Universal EVM, emphasizing chain abstraction for omnichain app development. ZetaChain's L1 blockchain simplifies cross-chain interactions, highlighting the importance of interoperability in decentralized ecosystems. The session explores the potential of ZetaChain's technology in fostering connectivity between diverse blockchain networks, driving innovation in the blockchain space. Participants gain insights into the benefits of omnichain apps and the role of ZetaChain in shaping the future of decentralized finance through enhanced interoperability and security measures.

For more spaces, visit the Infrastructure page.


Q: What is the key innovation behind ZetaChain's Universal EVM?
A: ZetaChain's Universal EVM enables chain abstraction, allowing developers to build omnichain applications across various blockchains.

Q: How does ZetaChain's technology facilitate interoperability between different blockchain networks?
A: By providing a unified platform, ZetaChain simplifies cross-chain operations, enhancing connectivity and flexibility.

Q: Why is cross-chain compatibility crucial for decentralized app development?
A: Cross-chain compatibility expands the reach of applications by enabling seamless interactions across multiple blockchain networks.

Q: What advantages do omnichain apps offer compared to single-chain applications?
A: Omnichain apps provide greater flexibility and scalability by harnessing the capabilities of diverse blockchain networks.

Q: How does ZetaChain contribute to the evolution of blockchain technology?
A: ZetaChain's approach bridges gaps between blockchains, fostering innovation and efficiency in decentralized app development.

Q: In what ways can ZetaChain's Universal EVM benefit the blockchain ecosystem?
A: ZetaChain's Universal EVM opens up new possibilities for developers to create interconnected applications that transcend individual blockchains.

Q: What role does ZetaChain play in shaping the future of decentralized finance?
A: ZetaChain's technology paves the way for enhanced interoperability in DeFi, offering new opportunities for seamless cross-chain transactions.

Q: How does ZetaChain ensure security and reliability in cross-chain interactions?
A: ZetaChain prioritizes security protocols to safeguard cross-chain transactions, ensuring trust and integrity in decentralized applications.

Q: What potential challenges may arise with the implementation of omnichain apps?
A: Challenges such as scalability and network congestion may need to be addressed to fully realize the benefits of omnichain applications.

Q: How does ZetaChain differentiate itself from other blockchain platforms in terms of interoperability?
A: ZetaChain's focus on chain abstraction sets it apart by offering a comprehensive solution for seamless interaction across diverse blockchain networks.


Time: 00:09:23
Introduction of ZetaChain's Universal EVM Exploring the innovative technology behind ZetaChain's Universal EVM for chain abstraction and interoperability.

Time: 00:18:45
Benefits of Omnichain App Development Understanding how developers can leverage ZetaChain's technology to create applications that transcend individual blockchains.

Time: 00:26:10
Enhancing Cross-Chain Operations Delving into the ways ZetaChain simplifies cross-chain interactions for seamless decentralized app development.

Time: 00:34:55
ZetaChain's Impact on Decentralized Finance Exploring the implications of ZetaChain's technology on the future of DeFi and cross-chain transactions.

Time: 00:42:18
Security Measures in Cross-Chain Transactions Understanding how ZetaChain ensures the security and reliability of cross-chain operations.

Time: 00:51:30
Addressing Challenges in Omnichain App Development Examining potential hurdles and solutions in implementing omnichain applications across multiple blockchains.

Time: 00:58:40
ZetaChain's Unique Approach to Interoperability Highlighting ZetaChain's distinctive features that set it apart in enabling seamless interaction between diverse blockchain networks.

Time: 01:02:15
Future Prospects with ZetaChain's Technology Discussing the future possibilities and advancements that ZetaChain's Universal EVM could bring to the blockchain ecosystem.

Time: 01:10:05
Innovation in Cross-Chain Connectivity Exploring how ZetaChain's innovations reshape the landscape of interconnected blockchain applications.

Time: 01:18:30
ZetaChain's Role in Advancing Blockchain Technology Examining ZetaChain's contributions to the evolution and progress of decentralized applications and blockchain interoperability.

Key Takeaways

  • ZetaChain introduces the Universal EVM, offering chain abstraction for seamless interoperability between different blockchains.
  • Developers can now build omnichain applications that transcend specific blockchains, expanding the possibilities for decentralized app development.
  • The discussion highlights the potential of ZetaChain's technology in bridging gaps between different blockchain networks, fostering a more connected ecosystem.
  • ZetaChain's L1 blockchain aims to simplify cross-chain operations by providing a unified platform for interacting with multiple blockchain networks.
  • The Shipping Week Recap underscores the importance of interoperability in the blockchain space for enhanced flexibility and scalability of decentralized applications.
  • Participants gain insights into the advancements in blockchain technology and how ZetaChain's approach can revolutionize decentralized app development.
  • The AMA session showcases ZetaChain's commitment to driving innovation in the blockchain industry through its Universal EVM solution.
  • Audience members learn about the potential of omnichain apps in streamlining operations across different blockchain environments for improved efficiency.
  • The conversation delves into the significance of cross-chain compatibility and how it can unlock new opportunities for developers and users alike.
  • ZetaChain's approach opens up new horizons for developers to create robust decentralized applications that transcend the limitations of individual blockchains.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Opening Remarks

you better not kill the girl. Good morning. Let me get our speakers up here. Hey, Slim. Hey, Paul. Sadeena cannot. As much as I love x, it is difficult to get speakers on the stage. I must say. Try requesting Joseph and true. All right, enough murder on the dance floor. As much as we love that song, I'll try sending another invite. Oh, there you go, Joseph. Hey. Hey. All right, we can get started and I'm sure we'll have Brandon join momentarily. Okay? Yeah. Welcome everyone to product AMA. This is an exciting one coming off of shipping week last week, so pushed a lot of stuff. If you checked the pin tweet on the zeta chain feed, I think you have a sense of what this riddle, this emoji riddle means.

Product Updates and Developments

So first we shipped fuel, which will, and we'll cover all of these developments. Fuel and then the first iteration of Zeta AI. New staking page in hub. Then of course the polygon mainnet announcement, which a lot of people guessed beforehand, as well as the meme tokens. So Pepe and Shibdeh are now ZRC 20 tokens on Zeta chain. So yeah, let's talk about it. We have Brandon and Joseph both leading product for Zeta chain. And also a reminder, you can share your product questions in the comments here as well as your EVM address. And we'll send out some rewards for very good, relevant product questions. So let's kick it off. Last week we announced fuel. What exactly is this feature? How has it been in production the past week?

Discussion on Fuel Feature

Yeah, Joseph, you want to take that one? Yeah, you can start, Alfred. And after you. Sure. So we launched fuel last week towards the beginning of the week. And this is basically the first iteration of what we are considering, instant rewards. You can also view it as the first actual perk for status holders in our hub XP program. So the way the program works is by having a certain type of status or even for new users, you have access to fuel, which is this perk where you can every day of the week go in to Zeta Hub and claim some zeta. And the zeta can be used for anything, but at least the primary use case is so that you can basically refuel your wallet and have the gas zeta to continue transacting as you need to. Whether it's XP activities or just using the chain.

User Engagement and Rewards

A lot of people are continually doing XP activities or trading or, you know, buying keys on some app and that costs gas at the end of the day. And this is a way for you by also, you know, helping the XP program grow and its like data set and all of that get rewarded instantly and having the gas to do what you need to do on the chain. Again, this is a first instant reward. We're working on designing this system where you, by holding status, have access to this whole slew of perks, if you will. And yeah, so we launched last week. I think we've hit around 80 or 90,000 and that might have updated since the last time I looked at the data. Unique users engaging with fuel. And the number of users who can access the program is limited by the amount of zeta in the fuel tank right now, which is about 1000 zeta a day.

Green User Engagement Metrics

Green users have access to the majority of rewards or they have at least claimed the majority of rewards so far because they have access to a higher drip as well as the drip for lower tier users like the gold rose gold silver black status users. So if you're green, you have access to 0.05 zeta drips every 30 minutes with the current parameters and that can add up pretty quickly if you're going in and claiming every day. As we kind of understand the data more, we'll work on scaling this, also adding new types of rewards. And that's something Joseph is also looking into, like how we morph this program and mechanism around even doing XP activities. Not just an open drip for status holders and a bunch of cool mechanisms to make XP and the whole program in general on hub more fun.

Challenges and Adjustments

Very nice. Yeah, and most of the tank is going to existing status holders. The numbers are on the lower side for new xPath enrollments. Interesting fact. And I think you just touched on this. So the feature of fuel is going to be extended to subsidize specific XP activities. Like it's going to be a more robust feature than just a basic drip. Is that right? Yeah, exactly. Nice. And anything else that we're learning so far, one week in production, like we know from Testnet days and just web three in general, there's quite a lot of bot activity. And so how Zeta Hub is trying to mitigate that and make sure that the drip goes in the right hands.

Mitigating Bot Activity

Yeah, I'll take this one. So. So like since we launched, the tank is getting, let's say emptied the first few days. The tank, we're getting empty in like 2 hours. And then we realized that now is getting emptied in 1 hour. And the first question we ask ourselves, like why? You know, like it went from 2 hours to 1 hour. Of course, like one of the easiest way to think about it is gonna be like, yeah, things has gotten automated. People are like claiming the rewards in the tank in an automated way. And that was also like in a sense a good portion of why it accelerated. But at the same time we saw like an increase in number of unique addresses claiming.

Security Measures and User Engagement

So maybe the world has spread out and like more users now are claiming because they realized that they could claim and at the same time, like some subcut automated. So on our side, like one of the things we're doing is we are working with like our security and DevOps team to set out like some kind of like challenges for the bots, like Cloudflare style, etcetera, that put a certain throttle on the number of requests a certain ip could make. So in these type of scenarios, like if someone is making a lot of requests from the same ips or like cloud fair turn style kind of like thing that this requests are coming from a bot and they have like a really good, let's say scoring mechanism, these are going to sub the requests.

Performance Overview and Future Prospects

So like we're doing our best to turn to keep like at least these rewards for our users. And looking at the data, it's going great. So we launched exactly one week ago, like last Tuesday, and we already have 155,000 claims. And this is like a very big number in six days already. So yeah, I think on the number side, on the data side, it's looking good, it's looking promising. The number of drips is increasing and the number of unique users is increasing. So as long as the number of unique users is increasing, I think we're doing a good job at minimizing the impact of bots. Yep.

Daily Reward Pool and XP Member Utility

And this daily reward pool is separate from the 10 million zeta prize pool as part of XP, which we're going to update on the in the next session in discord following this. So yeah, it's a way to increase utility of being an XP member and drive more frequent continuous rewards. So that's the goal. There are a couple questions here. Plans to bring in meme coins. When will we start something like pump fund fun on a zeta chain which anyone can build.

Meme Token Whitelisting

So let's just jump to news. At the end of last week, the meme token whitelisting Pepe Shib some other stables are now whitelisted ZRC 20 assets on zeta chain. What's the significance here? What does that mean? Sure. Yeah, so you guys might have seen on governance and then also posting the product updates end of last week. So at a high level, zeta chain as a network has enabled support for four new assets. So three on Ethereum, dai Shiba Inu and Pepe, and for Shib and Pepe in particular for this question and meme tokens, it's kind of a nod to what zeta chain enables.

Liquidity and Trading Mechanics

Like a lot of the holders of Pepe or Shiba Inu are primarily trading on CeX's. And by enabling these meme coins to be traded on zeta chain or adapts on zeta chain, now holders of these tokens have liquidity against bitcoin. They can trade across any chain that we support. And that just enables a lot of things. You could even build games that use Pepe or Shib Inu as a payment or reward for your users and a bunch of fun things like that. And, you know, on top of, I guess, more serious, if you would call them that, tokens like dai, which is a stable coin or polygon, like Pol or matic or whatever you want to call it at this point.

Unified Liquidity Goal

This just adds to the unified liquidity. Zeta chain is working towards where you can have any asset and you can use it with any app or, you know, trade it against any other asset, lend it, borrow it, anything like that. So this is really just the beginning. And yeah, I think meme coins are ultimately a pretty important part of the ecosystem. They're very accessible just from a perception standpoint. And by making it more accessible in general or bringing access to it, that just goes in line with Zeta transmission to bring crypto to more people in general.

Governance and Whitelisting Guidelines

Yes. And in the governance forum, there are guidelines for whitelisting new ZRC 20 assets and what the ecosystem looks for not opening the floodgates at this point in data chain's life. And then actually two weeks ago, we raised liquidity caps on ZRC twenties. And over time, we'll continue to raise those as apps need more liquidity. Okay.

AI's Role in Crypto

Zeta AI was the second shipment last week, I guess even before talking about what is Zeta AI, how do you guys think about AI's role in crypto and user experience? What's kind of hype versus like real utility and impact on crypto that you're seeing? Yeah, I can take this. And maybe you guys also have opinions, I think, for in general AI. I mean, it obviously brings a lot of interesting use cases to products in general. And I mean, that's why you're seeing so much investment in AI products for crypto specifically.

Balancing AI and Crypto

And you can see this in the launch and I goals of zeta AI. But at least how I see it, AI or crypto kind of balances AI. AI is this often, or like at least how it is now, very centralized data sets products kind of a black box for most users. And crypto is like a fully transparent ledger, verifiable. Like when you, when you're able to put especially like identity or some sort of verification on chain, you can do things that are not contestable. So at least how I see AI in crypto playing out is they sort of balance each other out in a sense.

Use Cases for AI on Chain

But for use cases like putting data for AI models on chain, I haven't really seen a compelling iteration of that, like having LLMs on chain. But for zeta AI, the thinking is AI can be used as an agent on behalf of a user to do things on chain. This is more of like a UX improvement, but you can see also it evolving into agents acting on their own, or at least acting on the intents of a user. So you see a lot of these intent protocols basically saying, give me what you want to do on chain and we will do them.

Future of AI and Zeta Chain

Now you can have a LLM powered solution that can do that in a way. And with zeta chain giving access to all chains, that agent can do anything across any chain. So you can see things like robo investors, portfolio managers doing very well with some sort of AI powered agent. And that's where Zeta AI wants to go for now. The initial version and docs is trained on zeta chain and knowledge around Zeta chain in general.

Embedding AI in Zeta Hub

So it can give that power to developers, especially to learn about zeta chain and develop things. But the next evolution will be something like the agents I described to me. That's one of the more compelling approaches. But of course it's very broad. It's hard to really say what will succeed unless people are trying things and failing and seeing what succeeds. Yeah, it's hard to make sense of.

AI Implementation Insights

But I agree. For my research, it's like the case for AI on chain doesn't really resonate more. So user puts an input into an LLM and the actual transactions happen on chain. And that's where an omnichain l one becomes pretty interesting. Joseph, any insights here on what was implemented last week with Zeta AI? So the first iteration is available in Zeta docs.

User-Centered Development

And I think what's more interesting is what the article talks about with respect to Zeta Hub and being able to talk to an agent to do all sorts of omni chain stuff and execute XP activities. Yeah, and things to share. Yeah, yeah, of course. So yeah, as you said, the first thing we did with Zai is to start at least implementing it in docs.

Iterative Development Process

And it's still experimental. It's still the first version, beta version, and we're learning a lot about it. So if users like developers, they want to try it, you can go ahead to zeta chain docs and then you could find it in the search box. And we've implemented it in a similar way to a lot of the best developer products out there embedded directly in the search functionality.

Interactive Learning with Zeta AI

And the first version of this is simply as like everyone is using the language interfaces where you ask a question and the AI is going to respond with a text. And so it's an interactive in a sense that you could use it to learn about Ztech chain, you could use it to learn about the different complex concept of like, you know, like universal apps, etcetera. And so this is kind of like the first iteration embedded in dogs.

Flexibility and Security in Zeta AI

Now we also wanted want to iterate on the dog's version to make it more flexible for us. The first, like in the first implementation, we made sure that the model is really restrained to zeta chain. Like if you ask it why the moon is white, it's not going to respond. So we kind of train the AI to specifically answer questions related to zeta chain. And that has put a little bit of limitation on the interactivity between the user and model.

Feedback from Developers

So we heard this a little bit from the first developers that they are using it that in certain places is a little bit limiting. And this is because we are trying to limit the answers to just like the zeta chain. So we over limited the model if you want. So now we're going to iterate on this, we're going to make it more flexible.

Maintaining Focus on Relevance and Security

But at the same time, the most important thing is to keep it just relevant to Zata chain and like in a secure way that we don't reveal. We don't want to reveal like information that, you know, might cause problems to developers or users down the road. After the docs, we are embedding the AI model in zeta hub.

Future Opportunities with AI and Zeta Hub

This is where it starts to get really interesting. Of course it's going to take time because the security, let's say measurement at this point could be a little bit higher. But when we embed it in Zeta hub, the really interesting thing is that the first question we can ask is how can the AI start teaching users how to use the hub?

Training the AI Model

So if that's a first question, then we're going to train the model on the different things you could do on the hub. And of course the model should understand that and then it help users like do it. Then the second question could be, can the user ask the AI to do something for them, or at least generate, of course, the wallet signature transaction. So like can I send a message to the AI and say stake five zeta tokens with figment validator. And then the AI is going to go to the stake page, you know, like imagine the flow doesn't have to do this flow, but imagine the AI is like going to the stake page, selecting the validator, inputting five zeta tokens and then generating the transaction.

Executing Transactions with AI

And then the users will look at that transaction and sign it in their wallet. And so if we can do this like one simple task, let's say, then we can start building on top of it to the users, like telling the model, go swap, I don't know, go send from polygon semantic to zeta chain. Go transfer PayPal from Ethereum to zeta chain, go swap up on this application, you know, some like dai to USDC. And this is like where we start like adding like a little bit more, let's say different tasks or like different functionalities that the model could do.

Future Functionalities of the Model

And if we could do that within the hub, then you could start imagining that the user using this model, the functionality. So like the stuff that they could do is like unlimited. Every time that the chain, you know, like supports a new chain, let's say like in the future, Solana, then this model could now unlock more stuff that they could do on Solana. Send tokens from Solana to Zeta chain, or from Zette chain to Solana, and then use this token to stake, to add it to NLP, to swap, to do all sorts of different things.

Long-term Vision for AI and Automation

And once we have those, this is where the long term vision comes in, which is a little bit far. But the moment we have those things being kind of like these models are, let's say, not controlled but initiated. The word is initiated. So imagine these models are initiated by users. Like the user is telling them, go do this at this time, swap this token to that token. The moment we have this, then you can move towards more automated stuff where as a trader, as an investor, like I'm, as a real professional trader, I can write like a script that controls these models that execute trades, execute swaps across all different chains, like at any time.

Complexity of AI Integration

And this is where it starts getting more and more interesting, where we have this all chain universal agent. And I'll stop here. Yep. Claim by staking rewards at this time during the day, swap it into bitcoin, all sorts of stuff that you could create. This is like the chain abstraction vision to me. And I think education becomes really important because you actually have to look at what you're signing, always. And, yeah, in fact, for phase one, just this simple AI in zeta docs, you'll notice it's kind of like, not as smart as chat GPT for.

Importance of Understanding Transactions

Because it's designed to be more straightforward. If you're developing an app and you need a contract address, need to make sure that you get the right information. Yeah. And one thing, just based on what you just said, you need to understand what you're signing. Also, there could be a way, I think, if users can copy paste sometimes what they need to sign, and, like, the AI model could, like, explain what that means. That also, like is sometimes good.

User Comprehension and AI Assistance

Like, a lot of times we don't really understand all the, like, the abstract letters and signs and transactions. Like, a lot of users, like, don't really understand what it means. So also, it could be like something important, like if you could copy paste and the model is explaining to you that. That exactly what it means signing this transaction. Yeah. In fact, someone the other week proposed building a really simple zeta scan explorer, because Etherscan, all of these explorers could be quite technical.

Exploration of Layer Two Technologies

So I think there's an opportunity for someone to build that. Joseph, you mentioned layer twos, and Richard, I see your question here, or this is more about the prospect of a layer two on top of zeta chain. That's interesting. What's the question? Are there plans to participate in the development of new blockchain technologies like scalable l two protocols? My quick reaction is something like this wouldn't really make sense right now.

The Nature of Layer Two Solutions

Dennis, I know we've talked about this, and I'm not sure if you could speak. You had a dental procedure today, but if you can speak. Any thoughts about l two s, l three s on top of zeta chain in the long term future? Yeah. So, I mean, to me, l two s and l three s are all blockchains, right? Like, I. I know there is a distinction, but at the end of the day, it's either a blockchain or not.

Distinction between Layer Two Solutions

Right? It's either distributed ledger state machine, right. Virtual machine that runs contract, or it's not. So like, building new l two s on top of zeta chain doesn't sound like a particularly exciting idea to me personally, just because I think there are other solutions out there that are built specifically for this. I think. I still think that, like, building tools that do one thing well, or at least like a handful of things very well, is better than, like, being everything for everyone, right?

Zeta Chain's Role as an Interoperability Hub

So Zeta chain is this interoperability hub. It's the platform for perhaps that can talk to anything and send tokens and receive messages and mint nfts and like do all these things on all the chains. But it's not necessarily the best platform for building other l two s or three s on top of. I mean, just my opinion. I don't know if that answers the question.

Future Potential of Zeta Chain

Yeah, helpful. And what makes more sense and what Zeta chain's mission is connecting all the blockchains, including l two s. And that's what we did with Polygon end of last week. So you can now see in Hub the tokens that you hold on Polygon under wallet holdings, you can send assets, you can build apps that orchestrate matic with bitcoin and other assets from other chains.

Developer Opportunities with Polygon Support

And that's pretty exciting. So Brandon Joseph, what's the news here? What does Polygon support mean for developers and users? Yeah, I mean, for Polygon users it's bringing access to the entire connectivity layer that Jain already has provided since launch. So, you know, converting your Polygon assets to bitcoin and vice versa, as new chains are added, this only multiplies or compounds like there are more connections you can make, more liquidity, more access to things.

Broadening Access for Developers and Users

And then on the flip side, for non polygon users now you also have an easy route to use those or use Polygon. And then as zeta chain adds support for new chains, again, the possibilities kind of compound. And then for a developer, the cool thing is, again, you still just need to deploy in one place and your app can have access to or can be accessed by users on any chain.

Reducing Complexity for Developers

So it's not increasing complexity like it might for some other interoperability protocols. For a developer, you're still implementing the same sort of hook or, you know, handler for cross chain deposits or actions. But your app is basically future proof in a way where Polygon is added. Your app basically does not need to change at all.

Enhancing User Accessibility

You don't need to deploy a new contract on polygon per se. It's all just kind of built in. So it's lowering the barriers for users to access all of the chains and apps in general. And then also for developers, it's basically adding no more friction. But giving you access to Polygon has eight plus million users now you have access to them and can start building community and users and retaining users or bringing them utility with that entire new set.

Excitement Around Zeta Chain

So yeah, it's very exciting. It is the first new mainnet chain to be added support for since the launch of Zeta chain's mainnet. So that's a huge milestone. But you can also see really active development in GitHub, like on the node software to explore support for Solana Tan IBC, to name a few of the key ones. Yes. And GitHub issue for base, I believe. So more is coming.

Polygon Mainnet Launch and Staking Page Update

And if you're OG, you might remember Polygon was actually turned on Testnet and now we got it on Mainnet. Joseph, new staking page I what's, what's new? Is this more of a design overhaul or any new features to talk about? Yeah, like the most exciting thing about this new staking page is like the new design, that Ui Ux, I think it's looking super clean. It's like super simple. A lot of times like a lot of the staking pages are you know like overloaded with information and complicated and like it's hard to like just navigate through it. And I think with this like new thinking page is like really looking very shiny, very new, very cool about new features. I don't think there's a lot of new features. You know, like staking is pretty much straightforward. You have some tokens, you want to delegate them to a certain validator and you want to claim your rewards.

Staking Mechanics and User Interface Improvements

And maybe you want to redelegate from one validator to another. And at some point you might even want to undelegate some of your tokens. So, you know, like these are kind of like the main things you could do with staking. So, and that's like we kept it simple and stupid, but like we really improved the UI. And I think there's some kind of like questions from the community that you got, Jonathan right about like some kind of like iterations on the second page. Yeah, a lot of feedback on everything. Always one on the staking page was about randomization of the order of validators. Yeah. So for now, this is like not something implemented yet. And the user who suggested that they're pretty on spot, I would say so, yeah, that's something we could like iterate on in the next iterations where we add like some kind of ability for users to even sort the table.

User Feedback and Future Iterations

And like however they want, maybe they want to sort it. And I, validators that they have the most stake, or the validators that they have the last stake or like by commission or by uptime. So we could give this ability to the users to really like order the list in however they see fit. Maybe they want to filter out validators who are jailed. But yeah, for now, like it's going to take a couple of days at least before we iterate on this. Nice and speaking of feedback, there is a new XP activity rating feature which is actually like a big deal because there's feedback in Discord and Twitter and to the projects directly about app experiences. But this is an effort for Zeta Hub to collect in a more standard way. So what does that look like now? And where are these ratings going?

XP Activity Rating Feature Overview

Yeah, so the idea behind it is really that it's twofolds, one from the user perspective and the second one is from the team perspective. So we have teams who are launching these XP activities on the hub. Like for example, I don't know, like id finance, let's say. So idefine is to have an XP activity to swap from this token to the other token, right? So that's the team who is creating the activity. And then on the other side you have the users, our community members who are completing these activities. And so like the rating of these activities is kind of like the bridge between the user and the team. You can think about it in this way. So now when users are completing the activities, they could rate the activity itself and only the user who completed the activity could rate it.

Protecting Activity Ratings and Gathering Feedback

And so this could protect us and the teams from being rated by random users. Like anyone who just signed up to XP could go on and just like attack any activity or rated. So in kind of like a soft protection you can think about is that only the users who completed this activity could rate this activity. Then what's happening is that these users, they are rating these activities in a way to let us know what they like and what they don't like. That's one way for the users to share quantitative feedback with us that would let us understand their preferences and use that in the future to take it in the direction where it's bringing them more value for the users.

Data Significance for Teams and Developers

At the same time, this data is really important to the teams because like, it's really hard sometimes to get direct data about, you know, like how users are liking your product. And so we take this data, we go to the teams and we show them that, you know, you are a Dex and you have like a Dex activity. So you are Dex number one, but you also have Dex number two. And Dex number two has like a very similar activity to yours. But you are rated three over five. Dex two is rated 4.5 over five. And this is something that you might want to take a look into to see where in your product you have these problems.

Improving User Experience and Product Features

What can you improve? How can you resonate more with the community members? And this is where it really starts adding a lot of value to the developers and you can think about it in a way as well is I am let's say also a Dex. Usually I have 4.5 stars rating over five stars and then I launch a new feature and then I create a new XP activity for this specific feature and now suddenly my rating is dropping to four. So I know that this specific feature that I launched, it didn't really, you know, like resonate well or didn't work well. So I know I got direct feedback, quantitative feedback from the community member about this feature or the opposite could happen.

Community Engagement and Ratings Volume

Like I had 4.5 and now suddenly my average is like 4.6. And so I know that this feature was a killer feature and it's working well. And so in a sense it's going to help really the teams a lot in like building and you know, getting this insight. It's going to give the users ability to really shape the future. And as of today we already, I think have around 70,000 ratings which is also amazing. Like about one week we have launched this and like already 70,000 ratings is happening and we have ratings on all the XP activities features right now and we could see like a rich data set already building in front of us.

Plans for Public Data Sharing

Any plans to make that public? Are we still in kind of a data gathering phase? Yeah, like the vision for XP is like all the data at some point is like public on chain. So you know, like the universal data layer. Of course. Like before we share the data like make them public, we really need to understand, we really need to test their integrity, their, you know like accuracy, etcetera. So like when we are launching these like new features there's gonna be always like a certain period at the beginning where we are learning from a testing iteration and then when we feel confident like we really know that this data is robust, it's accurate, et cetera, we move to the next phase and XP where it's becoming open on chain datasets.

Impact on Reward Distribution

Yeah. And then people, this can help inform the reward distributions for something like the RFP process. So if users really like one particular app then it's in all of our interest as participants at Zeta chain to allocate a higher reward and invest in that app for the longer term. So. Wow. Yeah, very exciting. I think we covered everything with shipping week and we're coming to the end here. So reminder, we're going to jump to discord and review updates on the XP program and reward distribution. Yeah. Tell us what you thought of shipping week last week.

Gathering Community Feedback

If it was fun and any feedback on the ways that we deliver content. Like we wrote a bunch of blogs last week, but maybe you want to see more short clips and demos of stuff. Yeah, let us know your feedback in the comments. And discord and really pumped to keep building. I know the market has been kind of crazy. The thesis for crypto industry, from my perspective, and I think a lot of you share this, is that thesis is the same. And certainly at Zeta chain omnichain platform, building the universal blockchain is still the long term goal.

Closing Remarks

So thanks for being a part of it. And yeah, let's jump to discord. Thanks guys. Thank you.

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