Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Predictive Prophets hosted by SonnieJohnson. Explore the realm of Predictive Prophets, where political punditry and communication consulting intersect to unravel predictive techniques in the political landscape. Delve into the depth of discussions on SiriusXM Patriot 125, shaping public opinion through insightful analysis and strategic communication. Discover the Linktree provided for further resources, enhancing the understanding of political communication strategies and the influence of predictive prophets in today's political discourse.

For more spaces, visit the Alpha Group page.


Q: What is the primary focus of the Predictive Prophets space?
A: The space delves into political punditry, communication consulting, and predictive techniques.

Q: How does communication play a role in shaping public perception in politics?
A: Effective communication strategies greatly influence how political messages are received and understood by the public.

Q: What is the significance of SiriusXM Patriot 125 in the political landscape?
A: SiriusXM Patriot 125 serves as a platform for in-depth political discussions and analysis.

Q: Why is understanding predictive techniques important in the realm of political analysis?
A: Predictive techniques help anticipate trends, outcomes, and responses in the ever-evolving political landscape.

Q: How does the Linktree resource enhance the space experience?
A: The Linktree provides access to additional information and resources related to the discussions on the Predictive Prophets space.

Q: Why are political pundits crucial in shaping public opinion?
A: Political pundits have the expertise to analyze and interpret political events, influencing public perspectives and narratives.


Time: 00:15:47
Political Punditry Insights Exploring the world of political punditry and its impact on public discourse.

Time: 00:25:32
Communication Strategies Unveiled Delving into the intricacies of effective communication strategies in political contexts.

Time: 00:35:18
Predictive Techniques in Politics Understanding how predictive techniques shape political analyses and decision-making.

Time: 00:00:00
Importance of SiriusXM Patriot 125 Highlighting the role of SiriusXM Patriot 125 in hosting political discussions.

Time: 00:55:42
Linktree for Further Exploration Providing a resourceful Linktree for additional insights and resources.

Time: 01:05:29
Political Pundits' Influence Examining how political pundits influence public opinion and political narratives.

Key Takeaways

  • Political punditry and communication consulting are key themes discussed in the space.
  • Insights on communication strategies and their impact on public perception.
  • Exploration of predictive techniques in the political landscape.
  • Linktree provided for further information and resources.
  • Discussion on the role of political pundits in shaping public opinion.
  • Insights into the realm of predictive prophets and their influence.
  • The importance of effective communication in political discourse.
  • Understanding the nuances of political conversations and strategies.
  • Exploring the intersection of politics and media communication.
  • Insights on the significance of SiriusXM Patriot 125 in political discussions.

Behind the Mic

Labor Day Introduction

Okay, welcome to the Thunderdome, especially this Labor Day weekend. If y'all can't get us, miss our time. I appreciate it. I guess start off recognizing this is Labor Day, and because on my timeline, I see a lot of people telling you because it's Labor Day, that you should thank a labor union for having this holiday and having this day off. Right? So before we get into the intro, I want to start there with a little holiday greeting. Right?

Historical Context of Labor Movements

So they are constantly telling us, and by they, I mean Democrats are constantly telling us, right, that any policy or any historical political kind of movement or ending legislation, regulation, whatever, if it starts in white supremacy, then black people should not be voting for it, but we should not be supporting it, like, period. Right? If it has its initial fabric in white supremacy, it is not for black people. Yet you have these same black people running around telling everybody to. To support the labor movement. If you do not understand how the labor movement was integral into cutting black people out of the economic growth experienced under the new deal, then you don't know anything about history. And you need to start at zero. Right.

Racist Roots of the Labor Movement

But the truth is that they know this history, they know the racist roots, and they are willing to overlook it because they are doing it for the sake of their Democrat party. And the more of us that are aware of how this thing actually started, the more we can actually push back in terms of making sure that this knowledge becomes common. So the vast majority of the. Of the labor movement really gained traction and power under FDR. They got a bill passed called the Wagner act. And the Wagner act is where you get a lot of the things you currently see celebrated in the union squares today. Right? So the five-day workweek, the 40 hours workweek, like those kinds of things all came in this union came in this time period.

Labor Movement's Impact on Job Segregation

But it was designed from the very beginning to protect white jobs from black people. Where? Well, on the east coast, in the south and the midwest. But it was initiated in the south, in the north, in the west. No, in the south. In the north. In the midwest. It was initiated as an effort to protect white jobs from black workers coming from the west coast. It was there to protect it from Chinese workers because they were implementing a massive amount of Chinese workers on the west coast. So what you see in the labor. Union from its inception, and this is.

Critiques of the Modern Labor Movement

It ain't even a matter of whether or not you fucking agree with push with all of that. I'm going with the initial notice that they tell all of us that if it started in white supremacy, if it has its roots in white supremacy. If it was targeted towards black people, that it is not, it should not be acceptable. If those things are true, the modern labor movement in America should not be acceptable, because every instance of it has removed the rungs of entry for the poorest people. At the same time, they have helped to facilitate the expedition of jobs out of America overseas to other countries for decades now.

Effects of Job Outsourcing

And a lot of those jobs, they started in black communities with the outsourcing. So our steel jobs were the first jobs to be outported. Our car manufacturing, all of those things where were the heaviest in unionization, they became the first industries to flee America. And that is why when you look at a lot of our cities like Baltimore and Indianapolis and all of these areas, is why you see so many black communities hollowed out. Because that first initial spread the wealth, that first initial being a global citizen push, all of it was at the expense of our jobs, unionized jobs, and especially unionized jobs in black areas.

Consequences for Cities

It would be a decade, two decades later before you would start seeing heavily populated white areas lose their union jobs, right? So our shit was hollowed out first. Their shit eventually got hollowed out, but they still had 20 years on us before they had to experience what it looks like, right? So with that being said, having an understanding, functioning knowledge about these things will be. It will allow you to have better conversations. So on this Labor Day, I encourage everybody, if you haven't, to go and read the Wagner act, understand what the Wagner act did, understand how the Wagner act was used.

Labor Day Reflections

Understand why the Supreme Court repelled the Wagner act and why that are repelling of the Wagner act is why is. Is what you currently see in the current labor movement right now after you do all that, because this is a fun experiment. Go and search what labor unions think about black people. The labor union leaders, go search what they think. It's plenty of video out of them where they start talking about why it is not necessary for them to actually rally or organized black union workers. Because the black union workers are going to accept whatever is given to them.

Union Leadership Perspectives

It is the white union workers that will always push back and want more. So they, even in their own ranks, the labor movement ranks, they are still looking at black people differently than they look at the white people within their organizations. So just as a little bit of fun, this Labor Day weekend, you can go and do that and everything is chill. So I encourage you to brush up on it to have a clear understanding, because it goes a long way to understanding why so many of our cities, especially our northern cities, were gutted out when it comes to. When it comes to jobs and when it comes to those kinds of careers that got you, that, you know, lifetime wealth where you could buy a house, you could live comfortably, all of those things, they were gutted from our communities first.

Knowledge and Accountability

So don't let holidays like this pass by without actually learning something and then being able to have that knowledge and take that knowledge and apply it to some of the conversations we are having today. Because a lot of the conversations we are having today, if we make Democrats held accountable for their actions, they would have a hard time answering. And then if we also made them act on what they say with their own mouth, they could not sit before us and champion the labor movement without recognizing the white supremacy that it was born out of.

Closing Thoughts

So that's my Labor Day message for you. All right, so, with that being said, let's get to the intro. Welcome to the Thunderdome. First and foremost, we do the Thunderdome every single Monday here on x for black people who are considering the republican party as a political option. We do not do this in a disparaging way. We want you to take over. Right? We want you to infiltrate. We want you to dominate.

Empowerment and Strategy

If we are able to prevent you from hitting any of the roadblocks that we hit, then that's what we want to do. We do this in a myriad of ways. First and foremost, making sure that your armor is shining. Your armor is a reputation, right? Your armor is your character, your integrity, your consistency. Those things need to be shiny. They need to be consistent. Like, they need to be a clear representation of who and what you are.

Consistency and Arguments

If you make them a clear representation of who or what you are and back it up with consistency, it will prevent you from running into a lot of the fights that come along around here, because if somebody come and do something stupid and you consistently known for blocking stupid shit, it is what it is, right? So you want to make sure that you are having consistency with how you carry yourself and make sure that your armor is very shiny. Secondly, we look at your weaponry.

Strategic Conversation Skills

Your referee is your. Is your arguments. It is your. Your historical context, your pushback, your. Your ability to shape and command and dominate a conversation. So once you get these things put into place and you're not worrying about your armor, you're not worrying about defending.

Understanding Arguments

That gives you the ability to go straight into attack mode, right? It gives you the ability to go right into offense mode. So that's what we want to do here. We want to test your arguments. We're going to poke holes in them and see if they stand. It's going to be all good, but you got to come up here and actually get those arguments tested. Once your armor is shiny and your weapons are strong, you then will have better. Your tactics will be more effective and efficient. Once your tactics are more effective and efficient, you won't get so frustrated in politics, you'll kind of understand what's going on and you'll be able to maneuver a lot better.

Personal Life and Season Check

Please, please, as a part of your armor, check yourself for your season. First and foremost, do it in your personal life. Do it in your personal life. First and foremost, check your season. See if the people around you are giving you life or are they sucking life from you. If the situations are giving you life or they suck in life from you, is it gathering or is it scattering? You know what I'm saying? Like take a invested look at your season in your personal life. The reason is as important is if you let your personal life get out of the way, you will get your why when it comes to politics, if you forget your why, when it comes to politics, you won't be attaching it. You won't be able, you won't be as dogged, you won't be as opposed.

Understanding Your 'Why'

Your why is what makes you put your boo hood on somebody. Your why is what makes you refuse to back down. Your why is what gives you the audacity to enter, right? That why gives you immeasurable strength. So you always want to, first and foremost, before anything political, before anything red versus blue or anything anywhere in this political sphere. Check yourself first, check your family first. Check your immediate surroundings first, people you got around you. And make sure everybody is in season, right? Make sure everybody that's there is meant to be there.

Ensuring the Right People Are Around You

Everybody that's there deserves to be there. And everybody that is there is helping you to sow what you're going to read throughout your season, right? And making sure that very strong at home, personally, will go a long way to make sure overall, in the long run, you can be in politics without sacrificing the things that matter most, right? So if you're constantly doing that, you're not going to be breaking up your family about politics, right? Y'all not gonna be slitting up, you know, saying cousins and shit like that or no politics. But if you don't do your season check, then you allow people that are not committed to be there to get in and start fucking enough shit that you're doing.

Manifesting Your Values

So, on your personal life, make sure you take care of it. If you value that and put that in your personal life, it usually starts to manifest itself in every single aspect, every single area of your life, right? And that's when you know your armor is shining. When something that is applicable becomes applicable in every single lane and every avenue, in every question, in every position, you know you have something that's steadfast and immovable, right? When you are in a place where you find yourself steadfast and movable, that is even more proof that your armor is going to be cool, your armor is going to be attacked.

Technical Difficulties and Audio Issues

Oh, God. I. I'm sorry. When I was listening, for some reason, your audio was doubled up, and I was like, I just wanted to let you know your audience. Your audio was doubled up, but now it's. It seems fine that I'm on a stage audience. Throw your hands up if you hear her audio doubled up or thumbs down if it's not, thumbs up if she's good, thumbs down if she's not. I just want to make sure your audio is good. I'm sorry, son. Kicking me out. And they give me reconnect. So I wouldn't doubt something was, you know, saying wrong with it if it didn't, you know, it didn't kick me out three times.

Discussion on Black Conservatism

Let me bring you before the court, because when we was on your last week, I. Again, I told you, acting, like, real nasty to me. But when we was on you and… Go, see, I got kicked out, and Taylor came on after I got kicked. Out, so I wasn't able to jump in and picking back off of what Taylor said. So I got you back. So Taylor said that the hotel are the ones that would make the difference in how politics would swing. Like, if someone like you and your crew came in and like, look, this is what we doing. This is what it looks like. This is why we do it, so forth and so on, that would be a major catalyst towards changing this entire conversation.

Challenges in Black Conservatism

And I wanted to jump in and agree with Taylor actually said it and then roll you into it because, you know, I've been telling you from the very beginning, the problem with black conservatism is our men are hotels because of what the brand of conservatism has been labeled in a bag. You know what I'm saying? All of that, everything that has been attached to it, how evangelicals use it, that terminology. Our black men won't touch it. So you have a lot of our black men going to a temper state, right, where they could be like, yeah, we black service. That shit is so toxic at the moment.

Transforming the Conversation

They're like, yeah, we're not doing that. But I told you for the longest time, that's the problem, right? Y'all are men, but y'all refuse to fuck with the status as it stands. If that were to change, I think you see a completely different conversation. What does that look like? What do you mean, change to what? Like, to the political. To, y'all taking your theory and making it politically possible, right? So the way it's politics, which it shouldn't be, right. It's just a animal type of thing as it is. Right. But your ideology can be created into policy in terms of, we are. More like homeschooling.

Discussion on Education Policy and Healthcare

Charter schools, that kind of thing. So as an education policy, this is what that looks like when it comes to how you're looking at food. This is what we look at in terms of how we're going to handle the food, and that is going to translate into how we look at health care. But until we can start to look at food differently, it's really no use in doing something full throated, full heart towards healthcare, because you are nothing.

Policy Ideology and Its Transformation

Solving the initial problem that causes health issues, again, none of the policy conceptual idea of ownership going into digital currency as a way to escape some of the monetary things that are happening, all these things that you all have as an ideological understanding amongst your ranks can be translated into policy. If you go down each area and take ideology that is meant for individuals amongst strengths and actually be like, okay, if you were to create this policy, this is what that policy would look like. That's what I mean when I'm talking.

Engaging in Critical Discussion

Actually creating that, then you have that. And you know what y'all do now? You go to any of these people that y'all can get, because, you know, you got range. go to any of these people you can get and be like, tell me what's wrong with this. Tell. Tell me why this won't work. You know, tell me why this doesn't function. Tell me in an entirely different way. But it is. Everything that is valued in a hotel translated into practical policy.

Reflecting on Policy Creation

Interesting. Interesting. I see what you're saying. I see what you're saying. I'm gonna have to digest that. I just. I don't have any immediate thoughts. You know, it's. It's pretty, prolific concept. I hadn't given much thought to. And you don't have to attach it to anything, just make it. The thing is, I'm so communist. Fascist. That. But I know what you mean, though.

The Nature of Policy and Experience

But when I write policy, it's gonna be some strange policy. It's gonna be some really strict policy. You know, a lot of people ain't gonna be able to get behind it, but I get what you're saying. We could definitely. So if you were to write what you would look at as to be extreme policy, right? And you were to write it, and you took it to contestant and strong and ghosting to look at it, you know what I'm saying? And ranks look at it like, yeah, nigga, not a policy.

Functional vs. Idealistic Policy

And the kings are worked out. You get that policy. And not just idealistic policy, but functional policy. And here's the thing. And I was talking to this with some of my family members, right? For people on the outside, we cannot. Understand what certain people have been through, right? So I can't fully fathom why Goldstein looks the way he looks at politics, right? I can try. I have understanding.

Understanding Diverse Perspectives

We have dialogue and debate, but I will never be able to fully understand it because I don't have the experience that goes in that. So if I were to write policy that I think would benefit the golden world, my policy is going to be screwed because I want to think about what I think they need as opposed to them being able to say, no, that's stupid. That's a waste of money. You know what I'm saying? That shit's not going to work.

Impact of Policy Decisions

All you doing is wasting funds that we could use to do this, because this will work. This will actually help, you know what I'm saying? So if you don't take your initial. Idea and put it before the people that have had the experiences, they won't be able to pull the holes in to tell you why it's wrong or to show you why it needs to be tweaked or why it's a bad idea altogether or a different way of looking at it that makes the politics more palatable.

The Importance of Collective Input

That's what you've done with the group of people that you created. You don't have. So it's nothing that you're gonna lay down at the initial top that everybody is gonna say yes about, right? Everybody will hold back some shit because that's what you have built around. That is what you need to hammer. Out what looks like and real set of policies. Right. So it doesn't matter how authoritarian your initial policy is.

Reality of Policy Enactment

You live in before, and then you're gonna get what manifests itself as real policy dog. This is what I think tank is. I just heard. That's what it is. Yeah. Real quick, Sonny, your audio is still messed up. Do you want to make me co host drop and come back? Because you're audio still doubling? Yeah. Let me see.

Audio Issues Discussion

Dropping comments saying still double. And it's weird because when I come up to the stage, you sound perfectly fine. Yeah, you sound a little dumb to me. Really? Yeah. Yo, elon at be crazy. They said. For minutes, so I'm going back. All right. Sorry about that. Yeah, I didn't want to. She was going like, I hear refined in my headphones, but I know before I got on, it was double.

Final Thoughts on Audio

And then I just checked the comments just now, and I see g said, g tweet, said her audio was doubling up.

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