Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Pre-Debate Crypto Bingo: Trump vs. Kamala hosted by JakeGagain. In the Pre-Debate Crypto Bingo space, the host, a comedian and content creator, offers a delightful blend of unbiased news coverage and humor. Through engaging content mixing political discussions of Trump and Kamala with comedic elements, the space provides an entertaining and informative experience. By presenting news updates with a touch of humor, the space creates a unique and engaging atmosphere for audiences seeking a different approach to current affairs. This innovative combination of entertainment and serious topics showcases the potential of infusing humor into news reporting to make it more accessible and engaging.

For more spaces, visit the Lifestyle page.


Q: How is humor incorporated into the news updates in the space?
A: Humor is used to present serious topics like politics in an entertaining and engaging manner.

Q: What is the primary focus of the content in this space?
A: The space revolves around mixing informative news updates with comedy elements.

Q: In what way are news updates delivered in an unbiased manner?
A: The space emphasizes providing unbiased reporting on topics like Trump and Kamala.

Q: Why is the combination of entertainment and serious topics important in the space?
A: The mix of humor and serious topics offers a unique and engaging experience.

Q: How does the host create a unique content blend in the space?
A: By combining comedy with informative discussions, the host offers a one-of-a-kind content experience.


Time: 00:15:45
Humor in News Reporting Exploring how humor can enhance news delivery and engage audiences.

Time: 00:25:12
Unbiased Reporting on Trump and Kamala Discussing the importance of neutrality in news coverage of political figures.

Time: 00:35:28
Entertainment-Infused Updates How comedy elements can make news updates more entertaining and relatable.

Key Takeaways

  • Engaging content mixing informative news and comedy elements.
  • Focus on unbiased reporting and entertaining discussions.
  • Incorporating humor to make news updates more engaging.
  • Combining serious topics like politics with entertainment for a unique experience.
  • Showcasing how humor can be used to deliver news in an entertaining manner.

Behind the Mic


All right, all right. Hello, everyone. Soka will be a little late to the space today. He's got a few things to tend to at the moment. But in the meantime, I think we could pull a few folks up here, have a little conversation to get the show started, and Soko will join us shortly. So give me a minute here. I'll pull a few guests up onto the panel.

Filling the Room

All right. Letting the room fill up a bit. 1776, you were on Soco's meme coin millionaires this morning. Unfortunately, I had a few in real life things to tend to, which pulled me away, so I didn't get to enjoy that combo. But I'll let you say what's up to the listeners and maybe give a rundown on what the conversation was like this morning. 1776, you there? All right. Well, it looks like we've got an interesting show. Oh, there you are. 1776, you go for it.

Technical Interruptions

Oh, hold on. You dropped down. Are you there? 1776. I can hear you now. I couldn't hear you before, so I had to take a laugh, but we're good. What up? How was everybody? Great, man. Great. How are you? I'm good. Enjoying these political conversations about the election and all of the things going on right now.

Recent Conversations

The JSP in the morning space always says, what a time to be alive. And I think that I would definitely echo that. Yeah, no, and I totally, I had some in real life stuff happen this morning right in the middle of soca space, so I had to jet out, and I totally missed it. But it sounded like it was heading towards a great convo. What was, what was the, obviously, the main topic was the debate. But what was the overall sentiment there?

Discussion Topics

It was pretty good. I mean, the cool thing about those spaces is it's not, and we touched on this the other day when that dude came up and got, like, super, super upset that were talking about politics. But, like, the cool thing about these spaces is it's not one side yelling at the other, which is what happens in so many conversations that you see in the political world today. But it's sort of trying to understand everybody's viewpoint and getting takes on things that aren't one sided.

Campaign Strategies

Right. So we talked about, like, what Kamala needs to do to win, what Trump needs to do to win without saying one is good or bad, even though that's a fine conversation to have as long as you're respectful and back it up with evidence. But no, it's just, it was a good, solid discussion, sort of just like it always is. I mean, you're on there all the time as well, you know, and it was basically we sort of talked about, like I said, what Trump needs to do to win, what Kamala needs to do to win, what it's going to look like for crypto as a whole.

Trading Strategies

And also, we had a cool conversation about sort of people's trading strategies and how they're going to try to make a little bit of money off of the debate going on tonight. So it was all in all, just a really good combo. Yeah, I had to leave right about the point you were bringing up, watching for any unique language to be shared during the debate. So, like, if Kamala says something about the economy or if Trump says something about immigration, watching for a token to pop up based off of whatever was said and that being a way to generate some cash in the short term.

Market Predictions

So, yeah, there's so many different things and different angles that'll go. I'll just say right off the bat, I personally don't believe that either candidate is going to be good or bad for crypto. I mean, obviously, Kamala has some potential to bring in some regulators that might try to limit, but I think the cat is out of the bag to a degree. I mean, I think what bitcoin and the ETF's and Solana having an ETF and Ethereum having their ETF, I think the writing is on the wall.

Institutional Interest

Like the stock market, the hedge funds, the big players in the financial institutions want to tap into the crypto market. They want to realize the gains that have been realized by many of the crypto players that have been playing for the last decade plus. And so I can't see a reality where even a candidate who we all know Trump wants to be known as the crypto president is very pro crypto. But I just don't see a reality coming out of this where, a, the bull run doesn't kick into gear and kind of quiet all of that, and then, b, where the institutions that kind of govern, in my opinion, govern the political candidates and the politicians in general behind the scenes, I can't see a reality where they don't allow crypto to thrive in the coming years.

Initiating the Next Segment

So shout out to Sarah. I see she just jumped in the room. I see Brian, Chuck, quite a few. So can I touch on that? Definitely. I wanted to pass it over to you. Yeah, I was going to say, like, I think that, I think you're dead on, like crypto. If Kamala wins, bitcoin is not going to go to zero. You know, it's just not, crypto's not dead. She's not going to kill it. It.

Short-term Predictions

I think whatever happens in this election cycle, it's good for crypto in the short term. I do think that Trump would be much better in the long term. But to your point, the cat is out of the bag. Like, there's no, it's too, it's too ingrained. Again, good point. With the ETF's and all that stuff, that it's not going to just all of a sudden disappear and become a blip in our history in a thing of the past. Like, crypto is fucking here to stay.

Potential Regulatory Effects

And there are ramifications if there's, if it's over regulated and if some of the stuff that I'm sure Kamala and her team want to do go into place. But I think those won't be for a very long time. Because the libertarian side of me, like, I love small government, and if we're not going to have small government, the next best thing is slow government. And we've always had slow government. And I think if Kamala wins, you're still in a situation where, you know, the House of Representatives has to pass something, then it goes to the Senate, then it goes to the president to sign.

Legislative Process

And even if she wanted to do, like, the most devastating crypto regulation ever, it would take so long for that to go through that it's not going to affect us at all in the short term. And probably the time it happened, if it happened, we would have another administrator, a different administration about to be in office anyway. So I am not worried in the slightest bit for the short term and really the long term. I mean, I don't think there's anything at this point other than, like, some kind of apocalyptic event that could possibly make crypto go away.

Upcoming Market Trends

So I think the bull run is coming. It's not a matter of if, it's a matter of when. In my opinion, that when is probably going to be in the next year, even if we don't see the highest highs until a little over a year from now. But I don't think that one side of the election is going to instantly skyrocket bitcoin to $180,000, and the other side is going to send it to zero within three weeks of November 5. So I think that your point there is.

Soka Joins the Discussion

Yeah. And welcome, Soka, to the stage really quick. I want to say some thoughts regarding that, which would be, look, I fully agree with you. I think the biggest difference between. Between Trump and Kamala, which is just. This is my personal opinion on the topic. I believe that one operates with the institution's interest in mind, and the other will operate with the public's interest in mind.

Institutional Control

And the one that chooses to operate with the interest of the institutions will garner legislation, will garnere the environment and the narrative around the crypto space that's suiting for the institutions. And as we have already seen, a massive accumulation of bitcoin, particularly with the ETF's, I see a reality where my tinfoil hat comes on, and I think that they try to utilize a Kamala presidency to take a little bit more control over how the crypto market works and how much influence they have over it, but mostly to just benefit the existing establishment, if that makes sense to you.

Engaging in Debate Bingo

And I don't want to go too far down that road, because I know Soka has teed up a great show for us. It looks like we've got crypto bingo, pre debate. Crypto bingo. So I'm interested to hear where he's going with this, and I'll pass it over to him. How's it going, Soka? Soka, can you hear us, or are you there?

Technical Glitches

Looks like Soka might have to take a little bit of a lap, but the show will go on without him and, yeah, 1776, you know, to continue on that thought. I also don't think that this debate, nor do I think the actual election, I think the election has a potential for a Trump pump, but I just don't see a reality where either or have a massive effect on the overall market, even in the short term.

Future Market Trajectory

I just don't see, like, if Kamala wins in November, like, I just don't see a reason for the charts to tank, mainly because I see that the momentum will already be there. And I think with how the market's been for the last six months, especially in the last month and a half, I feel that the euphoria that we'll be potentially experiencing in October and early November will trump any negativity of a that might be foreseen from a Kamala presidency. You know what I'm saying?

Sentiment Going Forward

So I feel like people will be excited that the market's in the green and moving up, and even with the news of Kamala being elected, should she be elected, is not going to change the trajectory of the bull run itself. I agree with that. I think we're going to get a pump either way. That's the one thing that I do believe, because I think that if Trump wins, there's going to be so much more confidence in the people who already hold crypto, and I think it's going to lead to a quicker mass adoption.

Market Reactions

But conversely, I think that if Kamala wins because of such a sentiment that she's anti crypto, I think that we're going to see a pissed off half of the country who's never been in crypto before, who are worried about the stock market and traditional investments, and especially with rate cuts looming, I think that they're going to be looking for somewhere else to put their money that's not as regulated. So I think, short term, we win either way. Yeah, that's a great point.

Uncertainty with Soka

And, Soka, are you back? Still struggling to hear Soka. All right, so I got a little bit more of an update on the crypto. Bingo. So the pre debate. Bingo. So I think what we're looking at is when Soki gets up here, it'll be topics of conversation. Will Trump talk about this? Will Kamala talk about that? What will they talk about? Obviously, the elephant in the room.

Crypto in the Debate

Everybody wants them to talk about crypto. I think there's enough going on with the economy that crypto probably doesn't get mentioned, but I could be wrong on that. What are your thoughts, 1776. On crypto. Bingo. Like, what's going to happen during the debate. Yeah. On whether or not crypto even gets brought up in the debate.

Emotional vs Logical Perspectives

I mean, I don't think I can answer that from a logical perspective because, like, the emotional side of me really, really wants it to. Logically, what I would say is if, I think the only way it gets brought up is if Kamala doubles down on the taxes, on unrealized gains. And I think that is a huge opportunity for Trump to shout out the crypto community, because that would, first of all, there's a lot to it, right?

Impact of Taxation Talk

The bill is never going to pass. It's based on people who only have a net worth of, like, over $100 million, and there's so many people in Congress and the Senate who would absolutely not vote for it because they would lose their own constituents. So it's not going to pass. However, it is a talking point. And as a talking point, I think that it would be a great opportunity for Trump to talk to investors of all kinds, whether it's stock market or real estate or crypto.

Unifying Narrative

And it would be something that he could use as a unifying point, saying that this is something that's good for bitcoin, this is good for real estate investment, this is good for the stock market, if you vote for me, because this idea and this concept of taxing unrealized gains is so far fetched and out there that, again, it's never going to fucking happen. However, I think it's something where Trump could really find a unified moment because there's pieces on each platform that make sense to a lot of people.

Common Ground

Right. Whether there's parts of Kamala's platform that I would argue probably make sense to most Republicans, and there's stuff on Trump's platform that I would argue probably makes sense to most Democrats. The piece on taxing unrealized gains, there is not a sane person on the planet who would want that to happen. Nobody. Like, there's literally nobody. And I think that's a unifying point for Trump.

Final Predictions

And I think it's something that he could definitely throw crypto into the mix with real estate and stock market investors and really have an opportunity to mention that if that platform idea of Kamala's does not get brought up, I do not think we hear about crypto. So I think it's sort of a if then, right, so there's a trigger for it. And then once if she starts talking about that, I think there's an opportunity for Trump to say it.

Soka's Return

I don't think it's going to come up on his own without her saying something like that. Yeah. You're back, brother. You're back. I'll pass it over to you. Oh, geez. No, sorry, I didn't want to enter. I just have been spamming the mute and unmute, and I just swapped it to my phone.

Technical Glitches and Shenanigans

And as you know, it's not a spaces without some level of fun Twitter shenanigans. So I didn't want to interrupt your point, but I do have some thoughts. Of course. So go ahead, please. No, I'll pass it over to you, but really quickly, I did want to say, if you haven't already, please reshare the room, comment, and of course, follow all the speakers up here.

Continuing the Bingo Conversation

Sarasoka, 1776. And then, yes, oka, please tell us what's on your mind. Yeah, so I will say this bingo idea. I'm sure if many of you have played bingo, it's like a paper that has some things on it and it's, you know, it says bingo across the top and it says bingo, you know, down the side.

How Bingo Works

And oftentimes what will happen is you'll have, it's kind of like the old folks home where you spin the little thing and the ping pong balls fall out and they say, you know, here's this, you know, before whatever, you put your little stamp on it. And when you get an entire row or column filled up, then you shout bingo. And you win.

AI's Fun Contributions

So, of course, if you've probably not been in an old folks home, you may have played something like bingo, where it's if something happens. So I actually did put into, just for some fun, into our silicon overlord, AI, to see what they would think a Kamala Harris versus Donald Trump debate bingo would look like. And a few things really stick out to me. I'll kind of walk you through some of them.

Bingo Hallmarks

So here's an example. In, in row, column b, row one, it says, Harris mentions January 6, so Paris mentions January 6. You put your little stamp, and that's how you try and win. Now, the most fun about this, we can go over some of these things, which are, I think, are more funny than anything.

Fun Elements of Bingo

But the best part about this is that at the very end, it says you get a free space if both candidates talk over each other at the same time. Drink. If either candidate says the word corrupt or crooked. I didn't say make this a drinking game. I didn't even ask for that. AI just assumed.

Drinking Game Thoughts

Hey, if you're watching the debate tonight, you're going to need to have a drink or two. And not only did they give us the opportunity to have a drink or two, but if you played this game and you take a drink every time the candidate says the word corrupt or crooked, you will be dead four minutes into this thing, because that word is going to get thrown around left and right.

AI's Wild Comparisons

I don't know what our silicon overlords are on right now. I don't know what they're thinking. Maybe they're trying to kill us off so that they can just take over in a much easier way. But that is what debate bingo is. Chat TPT, they turned it into a drinking game, and a drinking game that you will not survive.

Final Thoughts on Bingo

The final funny point here is at the very end, it says, bonus points if either candidate brings up something wild, like UFO's or cryptocurrencies. Thank you, chat GPT, for throwing cryptocurrencies in the same sentence as something as far fetched as UFO's. I don't know how that happened. I don't know what's going on.

Reflections on AI

My chat TPT has been a little bit ornery lately because it's been giving us wrong answers. Now it's going to try to kill me with a drinking game and is insulting me right to my heart by saying cryptocurrencies are like UFO's. But that's what we're talking, when we're talking debate. Bingo.

Bingo Quickfire

There's a few things that we can go over and we could say, you know, do we think that this happens or not? And I think that, I mean, I think all these things are going to happen. I guess it's just a depending on what order they go in. So, definitely don't want to throw off the flow of what you had going.

Appreciation for Organization

Thank you, crypto the kid, for holding down the fort and doing a great job. If you guys aren't giving him a follow, Sarah, 1776, Jake, etcetera, make sure you're getting those follows in. But, but that's what I had to go over. I was just going to go left to right across the screen.

Next Steps

And we're just going to, like, very quickly touch on, because there's 25 things. Just very quickly touch on each one of them and say, yeah, that's probably going to happen, and here's how next. But we're not going to, like, belabor each point. What are, what are your thoughts there? Crypt of the kidney.

Sarah's Introduction

No, I think that's great. The only thing is Sarah got up roughly at the same time you did, and she might have had some technical difficulties as well. So I want to give her a chance to say hello to everybody and, yeah, just say hi.

Technical Issues Experience

Hi. I did have some technical difficulty. Spaces is, like, super ruggy today, so. Yeah. Hi, everybody. Thank you so much. I'm excited for tonight.

Soka's Turn

Awesome. Well, I think we'll pass it on over to Soka and let him start with the topics of conversation. I can't wait to hear some of these. Yeah, yeah, for sure. And spaces. Ruggy today. You could have left off today.

Rugged Spaces Experience

Just say spaces are ruggy. Always there is. Spaces are like, you get rugged by the same dev over and over again, and you somehow still keep coming back and putting money in the machine. That's how I feel every single day and every single time I roll up to a spaces, because that is how it goes.

Discussion Continuation

All right, well, let's talk about the first one here. It says the first one. Harris Mentzes, January 6. We're just going to go left to right. We'll go in order. Crypto the kid, Sarah, 1776. And then myself. Not each person is going to comment on each one. We'll just give it to someone.

January 6 Mention

So I think how it goes something like this. Maybe I'll go first. So Harris mentions January 6. Yeah, I think that's probably going to happen. I think that probably happens in her opening statement. So I think you're very comfortably going to get that one. And I'm just going to try to say kind of when it's going to happen, and if it happens, I would say yes.

Trump's Interruptions

Next one, we're going to go to you. Crypto the kid. Trump interrupts the moderator. Are we thinking that's going to happen here at some point? You know, I think he cleaned up his acts a little bit with Joe Biden, but at the same time, I think you're right. You're right. You rugged for me.

Frequency of Interruptions

Do you want to go again? Can everybody else hear me? I can hear you guys. Thumbs up. Yeah, I can hear. Cool. Yeah, I think, look, I'd say that there is a, a 40% chance that he interrupts the moderator. He could get heated in a moment and not want to allow a thought to go unfinished or more importantly, not allow a thought to be fully expressed without an interjection that Kamala has.

Likelihood of Interrupting

So, yes, I'd say probably about a 40% shot. 40%? Are you out of your mind? That is a 100% slam dunk. There is a guarantee there's no chance I will put any amount of money on it right now live. Here we go, everyone. You're seeing a between a crypto the kid and soca live.

Betting Odds

I will take those odds, and I will take it for however much money you want. We are putting this on the board. I'm taking notes. Hold on. You're not off the hook here. 40%. I'm not as convicted on it as you are, but I will go to soul.

Mocking Interruptions

I'll go to Seoul right now for you. Trump interrupts the moderator to Seoul at. That's, dude, that the sun is not going to come up tomorrow. I mean, you're betting that the sun is. Trump has 1000% of the time. Like, he's never been in a debate where he hasn't interrupted the moderator.

Historical Patterns

He's never been on an interview where he hasn't the interviewer. He interrupts himself. Crypto the kid. He'll, like, interrupt his own thought with a different thought. I think. I think you're, I think you're cruising for a bruising on this one, buddy. But you guys heard it here.

Recording Statements

We can clip it. I've got the note. Trump interrupts the mortar. God. Interrupts the moderator to Seoul at 60 40 in favor of SoCa. So, look, there's a big difference between interrupting the fellow debater versus, oh, are. You going to get into the mandate. Versus interrupting the moderator?

Discussions on Interruptions

So if the moderator hops in. Look, I saw a different Trump, a slightly more polished Trump, when I watched him debate Joe Biden.

Debating Strategies

And again, I think part of that strategy there was to just allow Joe to talk and bury himself. But the moderator interrupting is different when it comes down to will he interrupt Kamala hunter, don't. I'm not as convicted as you are. I'll just put it that way.

Upcoming Viewing

All right, well, we got our money. Where about this? We're about to see. So if you want to tune in tomorrow and watch, I'm going to be. Well, I'm sure many people are going to be watching this thing, so I don't want to do any shameless plugs or anything like that because I believe Jake is going to be live streaming this and maybe giving live reactions. So if he is, definitely jump in there and give him a watch, because it's going to be awesome. But I will shall be watching as well, and I will be keeping track. I'm going to record the clip, so just in case there's any, you know, any trying to wiggle out of this thing, but. Okay, Kurt, I like this.

Monetary Engagement

I didn't realize I was gonna make money on this show like this, you guys, I love this more than anything. Can we please get more bets? Maybe that's what it should be. We have to take a bet. But. But some of these are so obvious. So anyways, that was fun. Crypto the kid. Love it. Sarah, do you think Harris is gonna talk about abortion? That's. That's another one on here. 100%. That's for sure. Yeah. I don't know. Much more needs to be said there.

Discussion Points

This is going to become up. She's going to try to beat him over the brain with it, and his best course of action is to deflect to immigration as best as he can. That's what I think should happen. Let's see what's next. All right, 1776. Trump says the words fake news. I'm going to go. Yes, that's going to happen. I feel like that happens. I don't know if it's as slam dunky as the other ones we've had so far.

Speculative Opinions

Yeah, man. I wouldn't. I wouldn't put money on it, but I would say unless it was really good odds, but I do think that's going to happen. I still think it's better than 50 to be honest. But he's kind of dialed back his fake news. He's not, like, recycling that material as much as he used to be. I don't think, like, crypto the kid said he's reformed. He's a, he's a more chill person. So. So, yeah, I think that one is, I still would say it happens, but it's definitely not a slam dunk.

Media and Image Dynamics

It ties into the next one. Trump attacks the media. I think that those two are going to go hand in hand. If he's attacking the media, he's probably going to throw out the term fake news. That'll probably be the attack. You know, I don't know what he would attack the media on. There's been, like, a lot of favorable numbers coming out for him. So unless he's just going to go up there and say, like, you know, the fake news media treated me so badly when I was a president, which he might, I don't see that one coming up. But Trump attacks the media. Maybe, maybe not. I'm indifferent.

Criticism and Expectations

All right, crypto the kid, you're about ready to lose some more money. Trump criticizes Joe Biden. I think he has no choice but to. I mean, I think, obviously a lot of it comes down to who he's debating against and who's running against him, but he's, she's a product of his system, and there's no way that he gets through it without referencing him as sleepy Joe or something along those lines. Yeah, I think it's 100%. 95% to 100%. Yeah, I think that one is.

Tactical Approaches

That one's coming in, obviously. I mean, this is a debate tactic that makes a lot of sense. And like you said, he's going to try to connect. Look, Kamala's gonna try to distance herself. Hey, I'm different. It's not Joe Biden, it's me. And Trump is gonna try to tether her to him, to Joe Biden. So I think that makes sense. Oh, gosh, Sarah, I feel like you're getting the easy ones here.

Immigration Discussions

Trump talks about immigration. It's probably better that way for me. Yeah, for sure. 100%. There's no way around that one either. I feel like we're doing the we're on the kid ones, you know, the trivia, how sometimes it gets really easy. That's what they're becoming right now. I agree with you, actually. I'm going to type it in here. I'm going to say, can you make these bingo squares less likely? Because all those things you said seem like, they are locks to happen.

Bingo and Predictions

All right, let's see what they come up with. Now we're gonna continue on into the kitty. The kiddie pool, though. Harris smiles at Trump. What? What are these, bingos? Yes, 100%. She's the. And it's not like, the smile of, hey, how are you doing? It's the smile that comes right before that ridiculous laugh. She will absolutely smile at Trump in, like, the condescending way I know exactly.

Condescension and Gender Dynamics

The smile that's being spoken of. And I feel like it's something that happens, particularly with women. And I. And I hate it. Like, it's really weird, but they always catch them doing these, like, really womany, smuggy, like, snide, stupid smiles. Weird. So, wait, what. What are these smiles I gotta wanna know more about? Yeah, they're condescending. Like, sorry, 1776.

Observational Insights

This is your thing. No, no, you're good. I agree with you. I mean, it's. It's. Watch. Go back and rewatch the clip of her. I. When she feels like Pence is interrupting her in that. In that vice presidential debate where she's like, I am speaking. I am speaking, Mister vice president. No, no, it's my turn. I am speaking. And she's doing it with, like, that condescending smile the whole time.

Specific Smiles in Debate

You'll know exactly the look I'm talking about. I'll check it out. But, Sarah, what did I wanted to hear? Because it sounded like you had, like, a striking vision in your head. What does it, like, look like? Is it like a snare? Like, it's a very female thing. And that's why it's bothersome a little bit to me, because I don't know. I don't know how to explain it.

Perceptions and Gender

It just. It feels very female. It feels very, like, mean girl, snappy female, rather than, like. I don't know. Because now I'm thinking, do we see the men do that to one another? Like, do I see Trump, like, smirk like that? And it's just. It's just a different vibe. I don't know. It's a vibe.

Masculine Smiling Dynamics

Trump does, like, the half smile without opening his mouth. That's, like, his. Yeah. And I guess if a woman were to do that, there's just something. And it's so shitty to say, you know, I'm a woman, and so. Yeah, but I feel like if you're going to be president of the United States, then you really, as a female, have to watch that type of thing, because I hate to say it, but if you come off bitchy in any type of a way, then I don't.

Expectations of Female Leaders

Then I feel like people might not react well to that. Like, you'll come off emotional, something like that. And for the president, it just. It's not the best look, but a lot of females, I feel when they're debating and stuff, they come off like that. Well, we. We do have the future president of the United States down there in the listeners segment now with Enoch, who has never smiled in a bitchy way and has that.

Discussion of Future Leadership

That is something that you can definitely put is in the rose column for when he becomes president. I don't know. I don't know what kind of policies he'd have. I'm sure it'd be pretty wild. You know, you probably have to go to the gym every day to earn crypto, you know, bitcoin, maybe the. The US currency. I could vote for all these things.

Humor and Politics

This is great. So shout out. Shout out to Hinoc. Yeah, I understand what you're saying, sir. And I think that. I think he left unless he's coming up here to speak. I invited him up here, but I think that there's definitely going to be some gender dynamics on the stage at play, and we'll see how that kind of, you know, manifests itself.

Stage Dynamics

But, yeah, I agree with you, and I understand, like, what you're saying about this, like, kind of smile thing that's going. Going on. Let's see. Yeah, we're gonna go off the kiddie pool because these things are ridiculous. Like, Trump makes a wild claim. Okay, well, sure. We're going down here.

Predictions of Debate Behaviors

All right. We're just gonna go. Yes. This is what I'm talking about. Baby crypto the kid. We're going to. You. Trump answers a question concisely. I would say that is like a 30% chance. So I'm going to say no. I don't think either of them answer a question concisely. I don't think either of them are really capable of doing that.

Conciseness in Political Answers

I think they. Like Trump. Trump is his best version of himself, or is at least the most entertaining version of himself when he riffs. So I think the likelihood of him answering anything concisely is slim to none. I would have left it at, like, does either candidate answer a question? I feel like they never answer questions. It's like, deflect, bring it to something else and you could ask any question you want.

Question Redirecting

Hey, what's. What do you think the US should do about the border? And all of a sudden, randomly, they're talking about God knows what so much less answering a question concisely, man, I think that they're just going to get, have trouble answering some questions. Will Harris give a specific solution on immigration? Maybe we'll throw that one to 1776 because I know that he's hot on the immigration topic.

Response to Immigration Solutions

So 1776, is she going to give us a solution? She's going to make it happen. I don't think she will give a solution to anything. Her solution is elect me because Donald Trump's mean. And if you ask her a specific question, like, to give you an example, her website did not have a platform on there until yesterday.

Lack of Clarity in Political Plans

And I'm sure that was because all of the criticism they were hearing saying that she doesn't have a plan. So I don't think she gives a specific answer to anything other than elect me. If they say, like, what are you going to do about this? She's going to be like Donald Trump for the last four years, blah, blah. Like, to your point, neither of them are going to answer a question.

Anticipated Responses

They're just going to spit out ridiculous shit. But it's going to be entertaining. But no, she will not give specifics on anything. Go ahead, crypto the kid. Go ahead. Look, I think the left has taken a pretty stringent line. At least the more vocal and prominent members on the Democrat side have vocalized wanting to essentially fast track all of the current immigrants towards citizenship.

Immigration Policy Perspectives

So I don't know if she's brazen enough to take that party line or what the Schumers and whatnot are saying, but at the very least, I do think she, if, when it's brought up, I think she mentions one of her classic lines, which is along the lines of, you know, I believe that every human being, including immigrants, are not criminals and that they all deserve a right to health care and, you know, the opportunity to make a better lives for themselves.

Classical Rhetoric in Debate

And that whole talking point. So I don't know if that's specific enough of answer because that's not really a plan. But I think if she mentions a plan, the plan would be the Democrat party line talking point at the moment, which is fast tracking these individuals towards citizenship. And if she says that, I think that's more harmful to her case than helpful.

Debate Strategy Considerations

And therefore, I believe that she's not likely to bring that up during the debate. So that's my two cent on that. I'm wondering, this next one is interesting. Both candidates agree on something. I'm trying to think about what they agree. I'm going, I'm definitely going to use her. But I'm just trying to think about what they would agree on, because I could see it happening, but I'm trying to think about what it would be.

Discrepancies in Agreements

Go ahead. No, I think flat out, no, I don't think they agree on anything. But. But do you think that there's going to be a. Just like a. Not like even a question, just like a. In their talking points, I could easily see them saying, look, I agree that America is the number one country in the world, and we need to. Or I agree that we're lagging behind infrastructure.

Infrastructure Conversations

You know, I see. I feel. I see. So, like, I wonder if. I guess it's how, like, it gets judged in this. In this scenario, because if you're talking about infrastructure and the moderator says, hey, we have not invested enough infrastructure over the last decade, two decades, three decades, if the answer is, and I think that it could very easily be, I agree, we have not spent enough on infrastructure, and here's what we should do.

Potential for Agreement

Like, I could see them both saying something like that. I don't know if that counts as agreeing. Would that, like, qualify? I feel like that probably would qualify. My first thought was that they both hate each other so much that there's just no way. Like, even if they did agree, they would not say that or act that way.

Rivalry Dynamics

Well, and all, I mean, I really feel like they're very different. They're extremely different, you know? Yeah. So I don't know. That's a good point, because, like, to be honest, from, like, a policy perspective, they're gonna go opposite just because they need. They need to kind of like you're saying, the crazy thing is, these people don't even, like, hate each other.

Behind the Scenes Relations

They just act like they do. I mean, have you ever seen or heard any of, like, the phone calls between Joe Biden and Trump that are recorded or any of the conversations where they're actually just. Yeah, they. They're just like, it's. It's just like, normal people talking. It's like, Joe, did you see how they treated me in the media?

Normalizing Political Interactions

Oh, I know. I know. Well, you did a good job. Like, I don't know. I can't do the Trump voice like some people can. But the conversations are not like, you know, what you'd expect. You think that they, like, want to fight each other and get in there. There. It's kind of a lot.

Political Theater

A lot of show to try to get us thinking. So, like, I think that overall, your points well taken, that the answer is no. If it's like, do you guys agree on the economy? Do you agree on immigration? They're gonna say, no, no, because they have to be opposites of each other because that's how our electoral system works.

Systemic Opposition within Politics

So they can't really agree on anything. But if there is, like, a situation to agree on, it might be something like that, where it is a, hey, you know, we need to spend more on infrastructure. Oh, I agree. We need to spend more on infrastructure. That's why I. My administration spent way more than yours.

Comparative Policies

Oh, yeah. Well, my administration's built more bridges. Well, my admin. Right. So I could see, like, that kind of manifesting itself in that way a little bit. I'll bet you, too, soul on that it doesn't happen. Soka, if you want to. I mean, I almost want to do it just to give you chance, because your first bet was so egregious.

Engagement in Betting

I don't know what happened there. I don't know if you, like, were paying attention. I don't know if you just. It's one of those things where you get called on in class and you just go, oh, yeah, I agree with Soca and what he said. But Whatsoka said was so absolutely out there and incorrect.

Classroom Dynamics

Now you're kind of backed into a corner because the teacher knows. So I kind of. I'll give you. I'll take. I'll take a bad side of one of these. We'll pick one at the end. We'll pick one at the end. And I'll give you a bad side because you're going to lose the other way.

Opportunity to Recover

So I'll give you a chance to win it back. That might be a good one for you to choose.

Trump and Accountability

Trump admits to making a mistake. 1776. Do you think he's going to admit to a mistake? Does he take accountability? No. Does he say, I fucked up? Orlando, something along those lines in a. In a, you know, tv friendly way? I don't think he does that. I think there's a chance that he will say something that's the closest he comes to admitting a mistake, which is like, I would have done this differently. And I think the only issue he would say that on is if Covid comes up, which it probably won't. I think there are some things that he probably would have done differently during COVID But again, I don't think he admits to making a mistake. I think he just sort of uses different language that alludes to that point, but really says, maybe we should have done this differently or something like that.

Previous Admissions

Yeah, I would. I would say this is probably going to be a no just because he's never really admitted to a mistake. Even when he's admitted to a mistake, like you said, it's not. It's. I don't even think he's gonna say he does. Does things differently. I mean, there's been many opportunities to do that. I don't think he's done it, really. So I would say that was probably going to be a no. That would be my guess. And I know it's kind of where you're leading to. It doesn't help him. It doesn't benefit him or his brand to say that he made a mistake on something.

Debate Dynamics

Crypto the kid. Actually, I'm going to save this one for Sarah because I think this one, she's going, let's say Harris gives a surprising compliment to Trump. That's going to be you. Crypto the kidde. Harris gives us. No, not a chance. I mean, again, we don't have to go that far back in history to see, like, the Mitt Romney's debating Barack Obama, where they basically were hugging it out before and after and handshaking and saying how the other one's right here and they believe that this is great. And I agree with him. None of that exists anymore. Donald Trump did away with that. Not his fault. I think the fact that he was kind of skyrocketed in popularity in 2016 and got the nomination, I think the legacy media and the powers that be transitioned at that point, their minds broke a little bit. And now we live in an amplified, divisive world.

Celebrity Mentions

And it's not necessarily Trump's fault, although he does lean into it quite a bit. I just think that there's not a chance in hell that she says anything nice about him or vice versa. I'm wondering if, would you count when this is a surprising compliment? Would it be like, I really admire your ability to speak nonsense, like, you know what I mean? Does that count? Sarcasm. Yeah, exactly. So I'm like, wow, you're really skinny for the fattest person that I've ever seen in the world. Like, does that count as a surprising compliment? I'm not. I'm not sure, but if it does, yeah.

Debate Predictions

I mean, if you want to go down that road, I still think there's a zero chance it's not going to happen. Oh, all right, well, we're going to go to this one. Sarah, do you think Trump is going to mention a celebrity? That's a good one. I. I don't know. Does he usually name drop? Because that's ultimately what that would be doing, right? I'm not sure. Do I think Trump is going to mention a celebrity? I mean, I guess if she does, would she. I don't know. Do they do that at the debates to be. I don't think. Yeah, but, like, maybe if it's, like. Because if he was, like, I had a good conversation with Elon Musk.

Celebrity Talks

You know what I mean? Oh, my gosh. That would so count. He's a celebrity for sure. Yeah, it seems like it might work. That's a good point. So do we think that trouble. Okay, in that case, yeah. I'd say, like, 70% chance. No? Let's go 60% chance, no? Yeah, I think you're right. I think that's about right. That feels right. That feels right. let's see here. What's. What's the next one that we have on here? I'm skipping over the ones that are, like, lame. I don't even know what. Like, this one. Like, Harris talks about her favorite book.

Harris and Her Favorites

I don't think that's a gonna happen. Or, I mean, maybe it does, but, like, is that a thing? I guess I've been more out of the loop than I thought. Is she out there on the campaign trail being like, everyone vote for me. My favorite book is catcher in the Rye. Like, is that really what's happening here? I have no idea. Let's see here. I mean, some of these are. Man, some of these. Some of these are pretty lame. I will say we've kind of gotten some of the good ones. Do you think 17? Six. Kamala's gonna mention Mike Pence?

Pence's Role

I'm gonna go with no, unless she refers to him as part of the previous administration. I don't think that she mentions Pence specifically, but she might say, like, in the Trump Pence administration or something like that. So, like, he would be an afterthought. He wouldn't be a. A concrete target of whatever she says, if that makes sense. Yeah, that just makes sense. And real quick. Mike Pence is one of the weirdest people I've ever seen. It's like he was not birthed by a human. He was just, like, cloned out of some machine and given white hair. It's very odd. But anyways, Mike Pence goddess, he has no personality.

Policies on the Table

Get a personality. Your buddy Trump talks about a new policy, crypto the kid. Is he going to come up with a new policy? The bitcoin strategic reserve. Is it coming? I will say no. I don't think there's enough time for these individuals to go straight too far away from slinging shots at each other and hitting home on the bigger core issues, the identity politics on the side of. Of Kamala and the immigration and economic issues on the side of Trump, among other things. But, no. My answer is no. I'm a firm no on all mine. I'm a firm no or a firm yes.

Consistency in Bets

I want you guys to stop dilly dallying in the hypotheticals world, potentially. Sarcasm, or it maybe happens like this. Just be firm yes or no. And I'm a no. Dude, that. That's how you lose your money, though. All of a sudden, you say, absolutely not. And then we say, well, what about Elon Musk? And all of a sudden, you're like, wait a minute. That's true. It could come up in that context. I mean, I guess, again, you got to understand what is the. What is a celebrity?

Understanding Celebrity Context

Because is. Is Donald Trump a celebrity? Kind of. Right? Would you consider Kamala Harris a celebrity? So, if he mentions Kamala Harris, is that a celebrity? What if he mentions Joe Biden, is he a celebrity? How does this count? So you got to get into the nuance crypt of the kid. As an experienced gambler, I can tell you're not. But as an experienced gambler, that is the first thing that you learn. You need to click into those rules and understand exactly what you're betting on, because you do not want to wake up one day and realize that you made a bet that you thought was pretty solid, only to understand it wasn't as solid as you thought, because the rules, the terms and conditions are not in your favor.

Pre-Debate Setup

So I get you. I feel you. I like it, actually. I like the stance you're taking. We're either yes or no, black or white. That's my kind of guy. But in gambling, those kinds of. Those kinds of gray areas are where you either make the money or you lose the money. It's a tough place. All I know is I'm gonna be up at least four soul by the end of the debate. Hey, I will bet you for soul that you are not us. Oh, my God. I will happily take all of these bets as much as we can. Is there.

Friendly Bet

Are you guys taking side action? Because, like, I feel left out at this point. Oh, if you want to take, I'll cross book against anyone that wants to take whatever side crypto the kids on, and I'll cross book it. He's your. He was so nice to you yesterday, and now you're just, like, throwing shots at him all over the place. No, no. It's nothing against crypto the kid. I don't have anything. I love crypto the kid. I mean, he's the man, the myth, everything dude, all the flowers.

Gentle Banter

That's true. He did have, like, the nicest sentiment. And I am nicely giving him the opportunity that I will take the other side of a. I'll let him choose. Asked after we read these. And he'll say, soka, you're taking the other side of this one, because I got myself into a bit of a pickle here on the first one, so I am. I am being nice. 1736. Don't worry, don't worry. Be kind. All right, let's see here. I think we'll go through two or three more of these, and then maybe we'll recap some of it and let crypt of the kid pick which one he wants to go.

Pre-Debate Bingo

force me to take the other side on, and let's see the kid. Do you. Oh, you just did yours. do you think, Sarah, that Trump is going to mention draining the swamp? What a bad american I am? Because I'm not sure what that means. It's okay. It's a. It's a term that he used. Trump used a lot in 2016. He used it in 2020, as well. About, like, getting rid of the dirty politics in Washington. I haven't heard him say it as much lately. I will say that.

Swamp Draining

So I think it could go either way. I would say yes is my answer. I know the kid wants me to take a firm stance on it, so if my firm stance was forced, I would say yes. But that's probably a high. Well, I haven't heard it, and I don't know. I'll. I'll just say no. I think that's fair. I think. I think that's fair. That works. Trump talks about his family in depth. 1776.

Family Discussions

What do you think? Is hedgest gonna mention his family in? Better not with his recent son, scam rug. Oh, yeah, actually true. I I would. I'm gonna take the gambler stance on that one. I would have to hear more about what in depth means. Yeah, this is a bad question. Sorry. Sorry. Silicon overlords. Don't. Don't zap me through the. The computer. But that's a bad question. Like, in depth.

Family Relationships

First of all, I mean, he doesn't like Eric for sure. That's like the. The redheaded stepchild of the group. Absolutely. He does have kind of an odd infatuation with Ivanka or Ivana, whichever one it is. I forget which one it is. Ivana. Sorry, not Ivanka. I don't know, man. I don't think so. I would say no even if you took out in depth, like, does he mention his family? I don't think he talks about his family.

The Melania Factor

I will. I'll say one thing about that. I do think he mentions Melania. Dude, I think Melania might. I think. I think Melania might tank the debate just so she doesn't have to go to the White House. I think that she's, like, pissed. Have you ever seen her inauguration or when she's going to the White House? She's probably like, this thing is old. It was built a long time ago. I'm over this place. I don't think that she. I don't think she wants to win.

Conclusion and Moving Forward

She doesn't look very happy when it happens. Shout out to Jones on the stage. Jones, how are you? How are you doing? You have any thoughts so far with. With what we're talking about, what we're discussing? I just got in here, so I need to. I need to get caught up to speed a little bit on what you guys are talking about. Well, we're talking pre debate, but instead of making it, like, hyper focus on anything real, because we need a little bit of a break in the day for everyone, I think, to be honest, we're doing some bingo, some debate bingo that I asked chat GPT to make us.

Excitement for Gambling

I love, I love fucking gambling. It's fun. Let's do it.

Discussion on Bets

What, do you want to do one soul or you want to do two? You want to do the same thing they're doing? Let's do the same thing they're doing. They, they're doing two, right? Deal. So can I are about to double. All right, let's do it. I got a couple soul laying around. This is great.

Gambling Stories and Crypto Roots

Maybe we should, you know, I'm always sitting here trying to find a way to make money in crypto, and I have, you know, forgotten my roots, where I came from, where I grew up in the gambling world. My favorite story ever about gambling is when I bet on the 2020 election. And I woke up one morning and I had taken Biden and he won. And I looked at the odds or I looked for my payout and somehow, some way, there were still substantial money and contracts that you could buy at Trump to win the election at $0.07, which meant there were Trumps to be sold or, sorry, contracts to be sold at trump to not win the election at. He already lost. The game was over.

Reflections on the Election Bet

It was done. It wasn't even really that close when it all came to. They had to, like, win recounts in, like, multiple states and then have, like, someone overturn. And I shoveled money as much as I could, and I scraped 7% across the board, and I was still in shock. I, like, had to read the thing 30 times to confirm that I was betting on what I thought I was betting on, and I was like, wait a minute. Is this, like, trump to win the 2024 election? I don't understand. How could it be trump to win?

Analogy with Super Bowl Bets

That would be like saying, hey, who won hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe? The 2020 super bowl. Well, we know who won it. How could I make a bet on it? It was amazing. So, anyways, I keep on grinding super hard in crypto to try to make a little bit of money. A few shekels here or there. I get rugged. Well, you know, things go up, things go down. Devs lie. It's all. It's all a mess. Little did I know, I could just walk into his spaces and start offering bets to people and then get slam dunk 360 through the legs.

Offer of More Bets

Absolutely easy money. And it's crypto the kid money, which is a, which is some of the juicier money, some of the juiciest money out there. So crypto the kid. Thank you. Can't wait. And I'm gonna be eating so much crow if Trump is just so chill and, like, polite. Why, thank you, mister moderator. I apologize. Let me allow you to have the floor. I don't see it, but, you know, who knows? Might happen.

Debate Predictions

I feel. I feel like it's a true 50 toss up. I said it was, like, a 40% chance that he'd interrupt the moderator again. I think. I think Soca's off on this one. I think he's misreading the room. Doesn't mean that Soka or that Trump's going to be super polite and cross, you know, say all of his p's and Q's, just means that he's not going to interrupt the moderator. It's pretty simple. And I just won two soul, and he's doubling down because he thinks it's a such a bad bet that he's going to give me another easy layup and I'm going to be for soul, like, deep at the end of this.

Countdown to the Debate

This whole debate thing. I'm just going to be laughing and popping bottles for soul. And what was the other bet, Soca, on? Well, we haven't decided yet. We're going to go through them real quick and he's going to get to choose whatever side he wants on one of these because I do feel kind of bad that he backed himself into that really obviously winning bet for me. And I'm happy to, though crypto the kid, if you want to take a little more rope, if you want to bet for soul, that you will not be up for soul by the end of the night, I am also extremely happy to take that bet, and I'll cross book that against anyone because I believe so strongly in my first bet that I believe there's no possible way that you could be up for sold, regardless of which one of these other ones you pick.

Variety of Bets

So just throwing it out. You can dm me. Don't worry. I don't want to, you know, I don't want to put you on the spot in front of all these. All these folks. Well, here's the trick. Like, I'm not going to fall for it because you're all about nuance and, like, what the actual terms are. But if I win, because I'll be up four soul, then I'll actually be up eight soul. And in that case, you win because I won't be up four soul, I'll actually be up eight soul because I won that bet as well. And then you see how that works? And not in my favor.

Escalation of Bets

Oh, interesting. And then. And then it, like, never ends. Then it's like 16 sold and it's 32 pretty soon. You have my entire wallet at the end of the day. Yeah. So I, you know, I'm down for whatever, but we have to put in some safeguards. You know what I'm saying? Okay, well, we'll take that one offline. Let's. Let's let you pick. I've got to. I've got to get. Get some stuff out here as well. So I wanted to. Hold on. I was about to make a tweet. I was trying to figure this out, but let's take a look.

Finalizing Bets

Let's get your second bet here, and then we'll say our goodbyes. Well, we'll end it maybe a touch early because I also have to prepare to make sure that I know where to get this thing broadcasted and be able to show it and do all the fun stuff, which I know it's still later, but I'm on spaces, like many of you, all day, every day. So here, I'm gonna. I'm just gonna rattle some off, and you just tell me which one you like, all right? And you can take either side. I'll take the other side. I'll let 1776 or Sarah or both decide which one.

Options for Betting

Okay, you get. Listen to these ones, and you guys are gonna get the pick. Trump compliments Harris. Harris directly mentions Pence. Trump talks about a new policy. Harris interrupts Trump. Trump praises the Democrat. A democratic politician. Harris brings up a personal anecdote, not about politics. Trump calls for unity. Trump answers a question concisely. And if it's, like, two videos, like that one, I don't really know how we even answer that one. So we're just gonna say, probably not that one.

Evaluating Interests

Harris gives a specific solution on immigration. Both candidates agree on something. Trump shows humility. Are any of these piquing your guys interest? The only one that I think could be a toss up was. Fuck. What was it, like, the fourth one? What was like the fourth one? Harris interrupts Trump. Yes. No, next. Sorry. One after that. Trump praises a democratic politician.

Discussion on Responses

Yes. Trump praises democratic politician. I think is one that could be a toss up because he may mention RFK, he may not. That's true. Well, I'll keep going. If no one has a. If no one has a strong sense of one of these one way or the other. Harris talks about gun control. Trump mentions space exploration. Trump avoids talking about January 6. You can't really do that because how do you avoid talking about January 6? That could be like anything.

Final Thoughts on the Debate

Harris mentions bipartisanship. Harris asks Trump a direct question. Trump makes a self deprecating joke. All right, you guys gotta choose one of these. And crypto, the kid is on the hook. Wait, I'm sorry. Choose one of them for what? We've got to pick what they bet on. Sarah, you guys already had two going yourselves. You have. No. We only have one. Oh, but there was one that you. That you were like. I almost do want to give. Give you this. That is.

Reviewing Past Bets

That is true. And I think that one was. What was it? Was it. I'm looking. Because that one was natural. There was a natural one that I said, and I forget which one it was. I want to say was either the end of the kiddie pool or the middle of the other one. Let's see here. It was. I know I was eating already, and kiddie pool happened like, you were getting hot. You got harder questions right before I started.

Identifying Key Bets

Like, yeah, so it definitely. It was, like, somewhere. Let's. All right, crypto the kid. How about I'll pick one that I think has a pretty clear answer, and let's do this one's kind of fun. I don't know how it. I don't know which way it shakes out, to be honest. Trump questions Harris's race. That was a fun one. I don't know if that shakes out of that.

Risk and Predictions

Doesn't seem like a slam dunky as any of the other ones, but it might be a fun one just to be sitting there waiting for something to come. Is there any world where you want that one? That one's. I mean, that one's not as much of a slam dunk as some of the others, but I'll take it. I mean, I don't think that he mentions it, because I think that's a dangerous area or territory to tread into or, you know, whatever.

Expectations for Debate Behavior

Okay. Okay. Let's. Let's do the next. Trump makes a personal jab. Oh, he's for sure gonna do that. All right, perfect. So you take that side. So you say he's gonna make a personal take a personal jab, and I say he won't. He's gonna be nice, calm, xanaxed out Trump during this debate. He's not gonna say anything negative to her. It's not gonna be a personal jab. He's only gonna attack her track record of one way or another, and we're gonna see what happens for soul.

Conclusion and Closing Remarks

Now it's gonna bug me. The one. The second one, though. Like, now I want it. I'm gonna want to know which one that one is. I'll go back and listen. Oh, amen. Where? Yo, actually, this is recorded, right? Okay. We're gonna have to. We're gonna have to find it out, but for now. So here, I'm taking a note. It is a personal jab, and you are on the side of personal jabdat against Kamala. And we'll say too soul for kid, if yes.

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