Prayer space for fasting: Day 56/70


Space Summary

The Twitter Space Prayer space for fasting: Day 56/70 hosted by Sincerely_AO. Day 56/70 in the fasting journey provides spiritual seekers with a dedicated prayer space guided by Psalms 46:1 and a profound love for Jesus. The space, marked by its strict adherence policy, encourages participants to embrace discipline and consistency in their spiritual practices. Through a supportive community, individuals engage in prayer, reflection, and community building, fostering a deeper connection with their faith. Participants are urged to stay committed to the 70-day fasting challenge, seeking personal growth and spiritual renewal. Join @AOspeaks_ for enriching discussions and guidance on this transformative journey of faith.

For more spaces, visit the Lifestyle page.

Space Statistics

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Total Listeners: 61


Q: How does Psalms 46:1 influence the fasting journey?
A: Psalms 46:1 provides strength, comfort, and guidance during the fasting process.

Q: Why is strict adherence important in the space?
A: Maintaining strict rules fosters a focused and respectful environment for prayer.

Q: Who can participate in the fasting journey?
A: Anyone with a love for Jesus and a commitment to spiritual growth is welcome to join.

Q: What role does community play in the space?
A: Community support enhances the fasting experience and strengthens spiritual connections.

Q: How does fasting contribute to personal development?
A: Fasting promotes discipline, self-reflection, and spiritual renewal.

Q: What is the significance of day 56/70 in the fasting cycle?
A: Day 56 marks a significant milestone towards the completion of the 70-day fasting journey.

Q: How can participants stay motivated during the fasting period?
A: Setting spiritual goals, seeking inspiration, and engaging in prayer help maintain motivation.

Q: What is the purpose of the zero tolerance policy in the space?
A: The policy ensures a distraction-free environment for deep prayer and spiritual focus.

Q: How can new participants connect with @AOspeaks_?
A: Engaging with @AOspeaks_ on Twitter allows for further guidance, discussions, and support.

Q: How is Psalms 46:1 interpreted within the space?
A: Psalms 46:1 is central to invoking divine protection, strength, and peace during fasting and prayer.


Time: 00:12:30
Guidance from Psalms 46:1 Exploring the comforting words of Psalms 46:1 for spiritual strength.

Time: 00:22:45
Importance of Devotion to Jesus Discussing the transformative power of faith and devotion in the fasting journey.

Time: 00:35:20
Community Support and Engagement Building a supportive community for shared spiritual experiences during fasting.

Time: 00:40:15
Significance of Consistency in Prayer Encouraging consistency and dedication in prayer practices.

Time: 00:48:10
Deep Reflection and Discipline Emphasizing introspection and discipline for personal growth.

Time: 00:55:25
Creating Sacred Spaces for Prayer Establishing serene environments conducive to spiritual reflection.

Time: 01:05:30
70-Day Fasting Commitment Highlighting the dedication required for the full 70-day fasting journey.

Time: 01:15:55
Encouraging Spiritual Goals Motivating participants to set meaningful spiritual goals during fasting.

Time: 01:25:40
Zero Tolerance Policy Implementation Explaining the rationale behind the zero tolerance policy for a focused prayer atmosphere.

Time: 01:35:10
Engagement with @AOspeaks_ Encouraging participants to connect with @AOspeaks_ for discussions and guidance.

Key Takeaways

  • Deep dive into Psalms 46:1 for spiritual guidance during fasting.
  • Emphasis on devotion and faith in Jesus as a central theme.
  • Importance of adherence to rules and rigorous standards in the space.
  • Engaging with @AOspeaks_ for further discussions and details.
  • Inspirational practice of fasting and prayer for personal growth.
  • Encouragement towards consistency and discipline during fasting.
  • Creating a sacred and serene atmosphere for prayer and reflection.
  • Community building through shared spiritual experiences.
  • Commitment to the 70-day fasting journey with dedication.
  • Promotion of devoutness and religious practices in the space.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Notification

Hi, everyone. We're gonna be starting. 2 seconds. I just want to notify the community and I am putting up the link to the space up at the top, so please kindly retweet it. Please retweet also the prayer points so other people have it and we will start shortly. But happy Sunday. I hope everyone is doing good. Welcome to day 56. Day 56, which is so, so crazy of prayer and fasting. Let me just notify the community and then we'll start. Also, y'all, tomorrow is the last day of September, which is insane, but October is my birth month, so I am excited. I'm so excited for October. All right, let me notify the community and once I do, we will start. And I hope you guys are all doing well. Sorry, 1 second. Let me tag Omolomo because he's always like, oh, my gosh, I missed the space. And then he's not here. Okay, let's go ahead and start.

Prayer Points and Opening Prayers

If you guys are, if you guys don't have the book, the prayer points are listed up at the top. So just open up to the third screenshot or the third frame. Also the third picture, which is page 13. And let's start our opening prayers in Jesus name. Heavenly Father, Lord, we thank you. We glorify your name. Thank you, Lord, for a new week. Thank you, Lord, for the fact that we are almost at the end of September. Thank you, Lord, for a new day. Thank you, Jesus, for always being with us and always helping us. Lord, we are so grateful, Father, we commit our bodies, our spirits and our souls into your hands, and we ask and we pray, Lord, that you have mercy upon us. And please, Lord, forgive us for any sins that we have committed knowingly or knowingly that will hinder our prayers from being answered. Thank you, Jesus, for all that you do. We are so grateful to have a caring and loving father. For in Jesus mighty name we have prayed. Amen.

Continuation of Prayers and Thanksgiving

All right, so at this point, let's open up our prayers. Please just go to the first frame. Sorry, the third frame. Third picture. Third screenshot also page 13. All right. Father, in the name of Jesus, we thank you for drawing us to prayer and power. Father, we thank you for the salvation of our soul. Father, we thank you for baptizing us with the Holy Spirit. Father, we thank you for producing spiritual gifts upon our lives. Father, we thank you for the fruit of the spirit working in us. Father, we thank you for the wonderful gift of praise. Father, we thank you for all the ways that you've intervened in our affairs. Father, we thank you for your divine plan for our lives. Father, we thank you for you will never leave us nor forsake us. Father, we thank you for bringing us to a place of maturity and deeper life. Father, we thank you for lifting us up when we fall. Father, we thank you for keeping us in perfect peace. Father, we thank you for making all things work together for good for us.

Further Thanksgiving and Praise

Father, we thank you for protecting us from the snares of the fowler and from the noise and pestilence. Father, we thank you for the wonder working power in your word and in the blood of the lambda. Father, we thank you for giving your angels charge over us. Father, we thank you for fighting for us against our adversaries. Father, we thank you for making us more than a conqueror. Father, we thank you for supplying all our needs according to your riches and glory. Father, we thank you for your healing power upon our body, soul and spirit. Father, we thank you for flooding our heart with the light of heaven. Father, we thank you for always causing us to triumph in Christ Jesus. Father, we thank you for turning our curses into blessings. Father, we thank you for enabling us to dwell in safety. Father, we thank you for all the blessings of life.

Concluding Prayers and Moving to Next Section

Father, we thank you for your greatness, power, glory, majesty, splendor, and righteousness. Father, we thank you for silencing the foe and the Avenger. So let's move on to page 14, which is now the fourth screenshot, fourth frame, fourth picture, and as you are joining, please kindly retweet both of the links up at the top so the link to the space and the link to the prayer point so that other people on your timeline can get it. So we're on Thanksgiving prayer number 28. Father, we thank you for you are at our right hand and we shall not be moved. Father, we thank you for you are trustworthy and will help your own. Father, we thank you for not allowing our enemies to rejoice over us. Father, we thank you for your wonderful love. Father, we thank you for you are great and greatly to be praised. Father, we thank you for delivering our soul from death and our feet from stumbling.

Prayer for Strength and Safety

Father, we thank you for you are our fortress and refuge in time of. In times of trouble. Father, we thank you for your faithfulness and marvelous deeds. Father, we thank you for your act of power and surpassing greatness. Father, we thank you for dispersing spiritual blindness from our spirit. Father, we thank you for lifting us out of the depths. Father, we thank you for preserving us and keeping our feet from slipping. Father, we thank you for. Your name is a strong tower, the righteous runs into it, and they are safe. For in Jesus mighty name, we have prayed. Amen. So at this point, what we're going to do is we're going to start our prayers. So please move to the first screenshot, first page, first frame. We are on section six, day six, which is also day 56 out of 70 days of prayer and fasting. We're going to be starting on. As you can see, it says page 139.

Starting Prayer Points

So let's start on prayer point number 141. As I always tell you guys, make sure that you are interceding for your loved ones and your family. To make sure that I don't forget, I say the prayer points twice. First time I say it for myself. Second time I say it for my loved ones and family members so you can do the same.

Prayer Points 141 to 145

All right, prayer point number 141. O God, arise and fight against them that fight against me. In the name of Jesus, O God, arise and fight against them that fight against me and my family members. In Jesus name. Number 142. O God, arise and avenge me of all my adversaries. In the name of Jesus, O God, arise and avenge me and my family members of all our adversaries. In the name of Jesus. Prayer point number 143. O God, arise and let every wickedness of the wicked perish at your presence. In the name of Jesus, O God, arise and let every wickedness of the wicked perish at your presence. In the name of Jesus. Prayer point 144. O God, arise and save me and my family members from those hunting for our lives. In Jesus name, O God, arise and save me and my family members from those that are hunting for me and my family members lives. In Jesus name. Prayer point 145. O God, arise and send your rain of fire into the camp of my enemies.

Prayer Points 145 to 150

In the name of Jesus, O God, arise and send your rain of fire into the camp of me and my family members enemies. In the name of Jesus. Prayer point 146. Thou reign of confusion, fall upon the heads of my enemies in Jesus name. Thou reign of confusion, fall upon the heads of me and my family members enemies. In Jesus name. For in Jesus mighty name, we have prayed. Amen. If you're just joining and you're not sure where we are on the first frame, first picture, we're on page 139, and we're now on prayer point 147. Lord, let the spirit of the vengeance of the Lord arise in opposition and deal with the powers threatening my peace. In the name of Jesus, O Lord, let the spirit of the vengeance of the Lord arise in opposition and deal with the powers threatening me and my family members' peace. In the name of Jesus, O God, arise and cut off the tongue of the wicked that is waging war against me.

Prayer Points 150 to 157

In the name of Jesus O God, arise and cut off the tongue of the wicked that is waging war against me and my family members. In the name of Jesus prayer point 149 power of the Lord, flow into every area of my life and let the vengeance of the Lord fight for me. In the name of Jesus, power of the Lord flow into every area of my life and let the vengeance of the Lord fight for me. In the name of Jesus prayer point 150 O God, arise and scatter the witchcraft coven that is raising battles against my destiny. In the name of Jesus, O God, arise and scatter the witchcraft coven that is raising battles against me and my family members' destinies in the name of Jesus. In Jesus mighty name we have prayed. Amen. Prayer point 151 on page 139 O God, arise and scatter the host of darkness surrounding me in the name of Jesus, O God, arise and scatter the hosts of darkness surrounding me and my family members.

Prayer Points 157 to 162

In the name of Jesus prayer point 152 O God, arise and scatter the shadow of darkness that the enemy has cast over me. In the name of Jesus, O God, arise and scatter the shadow of darkness that the enemy has cast over me. In the name of Jesus. For in Jesus mighty name we have prayed. Amen. So what we're doing now is we are going to move to the second picture, second frame, second screenshot. We're going to move to page 140 and we are now on prayer point number 153. We'll go back to the first frame to complete our daily confessions, but we're on prayer point 153 powers attacking my hands so that I will not prosper. O God, arise and destroy them in the name of Jesus powers that are attacking me and my family members' hands so that we will not prosper.

Prayer Points 162 to 167

O God, arise and destroy them in the name of Jesus. Prayer point 154 enemies walking up and down to destroy me o Lord, arise and terminate them in the name of Jesus enemies that are walking up and down to destroy me and my family members. O Lord, arise and terminate them in the name of Jesus. Prayer point 155 O God, arise and consume every enemy that is pretending to be my friend. In the name of Jesus. O God, arise and consume every enemy that is pretending to be me and my family members' friends. In the name of Jesus prayer point 156 confusion and noise of weeping begin to reign in the camps of my enemies in the name of Jesus confusion and noise of weeping begin to reign in the camps of me and my family members enemies in the name of Jesus.

Closing Prayer Points

For in Jesus mighty name we have prayed. Amen. Prayer point 157 O God, arise and turn the blood of my enemies to poison in their bodies. In the name of Jesus. O God, arise and turn the blood of my enemies to poisonous poison in their bodies. In the name of Jesus. Prayer point 158 O God, arise and throw all my unrepentant enemies into confusion. In the name of Jesus. O God, arise and throw all my unrepentant enemies into confusion. In the name of Jesus. Prayer point 159 O God, arise and let all my stubborn enemies suffer everlasting shame. In the name of Jesus. O God, arise and let all my stubborn enemies suffer everlasting shame. In the name of Jesus.

Prayer for Family and Protection

O God, arise and let the enemies gathered against me and my family members fight themselves in the name of Jesus. And our last prayer point for today. From the prayer points, prayer point 168. Every agent of darkness hanging around me, O God, arise, expose, disgrace, and waste him or her in the name of Jesus. Every agent of darkness that is hanging around me, O God hanging around me or my family members. O God, arise, expose, disgrace, and waste him or her in the name of Jesus. For in Jesus mighty name we have prayed. Amen.

Daily Confessions and Additional Prayers

So let's do, let's go straight to our daily confessions. Then we'll do the two extra prayers that we always do. Every concluded work of the enemy against my destiny. For the remainder of it, please move back to the first page or first screenshot you'll see at the bottom it says, page 141, every concluded work of the enemy against my destiny. O God, arise and terminate it today in the name of Jesus. Every concluded work of darkness upon the earth and in the heavenlies against me and my family members, stars. O heavens, arise and terminate it today in the name of Jesus, my father. My father. My father, touch me and my family members with your hand of favor today. In the name of Jesus, my father. Let the eyes to see my glory and me and my family members glory be given to us in the name of Jesus. Any power that has sold me or my family members off, o God, arise today and cage it in the name of Jesus. For in Jesus mighty name we have prayed. Amen.

Setting Intentions and Spiritual Growth

So at this point, what we're going to do is we're going to page, we're going to pray two extra prayer points. So the first prayer point that I want us to pray is actually, it's going to be technically three, but the first prayer point is going to be two and one. So first, ask the Lord for one thing that you want the Lord to do for you by or before the end of the 70 days of prayer and fasting. And as this month is approaching, ask the Lord for start. Ask the Lord for one thing that you want the Lord. Ask the Lord for one thing that you want God to do for you in the new month. Sorry, sorry. Y'all don't mind me, but yeah, take about 45 seconds and pray those two prayers in one. So the first one is what you want the Lord to do for you by or before the end of 70 days of prayer and fasting. And this second is what you want the Lord to do for you in this new month that we're coming into for in Jesus mighty name, we have prayed. Amen.

Prayer for Personal and Spiritual Growth

So our second prayer point is going to be a prayer for personal and spiritual growth, as always. And this prayer is not, will not be found in the prayers listed up. So you can just repeat after me. Let me get the prayers. Okay, so I'm going to say it once and then I'll say a second time slowly, and then we can go from there. So here's the prayer point. I run into the name of the Lord, which is a strong tower, and I am safe in the name of Jesus. So I'm going to say it slower now, so please repeat after me. I run into the name of the Lord, which is a strong tower, and I am safe in the name of Jesus. So let's pray that prayer point. I run into the name of the Lord, which is a strong tower, and I am safe in the name of Jesus. Father, we run into your name, Lord, which is a strong tower, and lord, we are safe in the name of Jesus. We run into the name of the Lord, which is a strong tower, and we are safe in the name of Jesus friend, Jesus mighty name, we have prayed. Amen.

Announcements and Community Engagement

So I'm going to do announcements very quickly, and then after announcements, we'll do our closing prayers. And then we're going to read psalms 91 to close out our space. So if this is your first time joining, God, bless and welcome. If you are returning. Thank you very much for coming back. And thank you so much for joining me to do our 70 days of prayer and fasting. So we are on day 56 out of 70 days. And as I've told everyone, the rules are also posted in the chat. But we fast every single day until 02:00 p.m. mondays and Fridays until 05:00 p.m. and you can modify, you know, you're fasting to fit whatever needs if you have dietary restrictions or health issues. As I've told everyone, after the 70 days is over, we will still continue the prayer spaces, but I want us to start thinking about what we'd like to do in terms of what direction.

Future Plans and Personal Growth Focus

So I'm, me personally, I'm proposing that we do about like 20 minutes, 20 to 30 minutes, and we split it half and half with Bible study and the other half with prayers. And prayers specifically focused on our personal growth. So I want, you know, for the remainder of the year for us to really focus on building our relationship with God and building intimacy. And the two best things that you can do to build your relationship with God is one, reading his word, because that's how God will be able to speak to you and talk to you. And then number two, also prayer. So please start thinking about what you, what direction you guys would like to do because I really want to make sure that we are able to carry that out. You know, just having, even if it's 20 minutes, we can spend ten minutes reading the Bible, discussing it, and then ten minutes praying.

Gathering Feedback and Recording Prayers

So yeah, if you have any other questions, reach out to me, but please start thinking about it. Probably when we get into the days of like 60, 65, I'll start collecting opinions and then we'll decide as a group. Also, all of our prayer spaces are recorded, so if you ever miss it or if you're ever late or come at the end, you can always replay it. And please make sure that you join our community. If you have not joined, go to my profile. Underneath my bio, you will see 70 days prayer and fasting. Click on that. Click join. You'll be notified when we start the prayer spaces and you'll be notified when I post the prayers.

Closing Prayers and Gratitude

And yeah, if you don't follow me, feel free to follow me because I post the prayers and the prayer spaces to my timeline. All right, let's do our closing prayers in Jesus name. Heavenly Father, Lord, we thank you for another day in your presence. We thank you, Lord, for being in our midst. And we are so grateful. We are so thankful, Lord, for all that you do for us. Father, we want to say, thank you, Jesus, for watching over us. We want to say, Father, thank you for protecting us. We want to say, Father, thank you for watching over us. And thank you, Lord, for always being by our side.

Acknowledging Protection and Strength

Lord, your word says in Exodus 1414 that the Lord shall fight for you, and you just have to hold your peace. And lord, we thank you for always fighting for us. We thank you, Lord, for fighting both seen and unseen battles, both seen and unseen forces. We are so grateful. Father, your word says, lord in Isaiah 40 29. It says, Lord, that you give power to the weak and to those who have no might, you increase their strength. And so, Father, we are praying, and we are asking, Lord, for all those who feel weak, for all those who have no might. We are asking, Lord, that you will give us power and that you will increase our strength in the name of Jesus.

Prayer for Deliverance from Negative Spirits

Lord, for those who are battling the spirit of depression, spirit of anxiety, spirit of heaviness, spirit of suicide, spirit of sadness. Lord, we ask and we pray, Father Lord, that you will uproot those evil spirits.

Prayer for Strength and Healing

And as your word says in two Timothy, Father Lord, that you have not given us the spirit of fear, but the spirit of love, power and of a sound mind. We claim that for ourselves. In the mighty name of Jesus, Lord, for those, Father Lord, that are consistently and still waiting on you, Father Lord, for answered prayers, we ask and we pray, Lord, that you will answer all their prayer points according to your plan and your will for their lives. In the mighty name of Jesus. Lord, your word says in Isaiah 40 31 that those who wait on the Lord, they shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with wings like eagles. They shall run and not be wary. They shall walk and not faint. So, Father, we ask and we pray, Lord, that you will continue to give us the strength and the patience to wait on you as we wait for our prayers to be answered, Lord, in the name of Jesus. And Lord, even as we wait on you, please help us to focus on you.

Focus on God's Will

Please help us to keep our mind and our hearts, our bodies, our spirit and our soul focus solely on you, Lord. We thank you, Jesus Father, because you are the everlasting God. You are the creator, Lord of the heavens and the earth, and we are so grateful for all that you do, Lord, we pray for all those, Father, who are also battling infirmities or sicknesses, whether it be physical, mental, emotional or psychological illnesses. Your word says in Isaiah 53, Father Lord, you said, heavenly Father, that by your stripes, Lord, we are healed. And so, Father, we ask and we pray, Jesus, that by your stripes, each and every one of us will be healed. Lord, in the mighty name of Jesus, we pray and we ask, heavenly Father, Lord, against all sicknesses and illnesses that are also battling and that are also taking the life and joy out of people's lives and our loved ones lives as well.

Healing Prayer

Lord, please heal us. Please help us, Lord, just as you healed the woman in the Bible who touched your hem, Lord, please heal us as well. For in Jesus mighty name we have prayed. Amen. Okay, so please open up your bibles to psalms 91. We are going to read psalms 91, and we're going to close out the prayer space. And I just want to remind you guys, as I always say, please make sure that you personalize psalms as you're reading it. Make sure that you personalize it. I'm going to be reading the King James Version, KJV, if you don't have your physical or virtual Bible, that is. Okay, just google psalms 91, KJV. I'll give you guys about ten more seconds to open up your bibles.

Reciting Psalms 91

I know some people can recite it off the top of their heads, but I'll give you guys ten more seconds to open up your bibles to psalms 91. All right, let's go. I and my family that dwelleth in the secret place of the most high shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. Me and my family members will say of the Lord, God is our refuge and our fortress. Our God in him will be trust. Surely God shall deliver us from the snares of the fowler and from the noise and pestilence. God shall cover us with his feathers and under his wing shall we trust. God's truth shall be our shield and buckler. Me and my family members will not be afraid for the terror by night, nor for the arrow that fly by day, nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness, nor for the destruction that waste it.

Protection Promised

At noonday, a thousand shall fall at me and my family members side and 10,000 at our right hand. But it shall not come near us. Only with our eyes shall we behold and see the reward of the wicked. Because me and my family members have made the Lord, which is our refuge, even the most high, our habitation, there shall no evil befall us, neither shall any plague come near our dwelling. For God shall give his angels charge over us to keep us in all our ways. They shall bear us up in their hands, lest we dash our foot against a stone. We shall tread upon the lion and adder the young lion and the dragon. Shall we trample under feet. Because me and my family members have set our love upon God, therefore God will deliver us.

Faith and Empowerment

God will set us on high. Because we have known God's name. We shall call upon God, and God will answer us. God will be with us in trouble. God will deliver us and honor us with long life. Will God satisfy us and show us his salvation? For in Jesus mighty name we have prayed. Amen. God bless you all. Thank you guys so much for joining. I'm very grateful, and I thank you guys so much for your encouragement. I'm grateful to God for all of your encouragement. I do not take it for granted that you guys join. I do not take it for granted that you guys retweet and you guys like and quote. I'm very, very grateful.

Plans for Future Gatherings

So thank you so much. I think someone asked a question. Yes, it's psalms 90. We are reading psalms 91. But, we will meet again tomorrow at 03:00 p.m. let me just double check my calendar very quickly because I'm not sure if tomorrow I'm. Tomorrow. I may have to modify the date. Let me just make sure. Tomorrow. Yeah, tomorrow we'll be meeting at 03:00 p.m. again. And 03:00 p.m. eastern time. 08:00 p.m. west african time. God bless you all. And last thing I wanted to say, please be more active in the community.

Encouragement for Community Engagement

So before you sleep, if you can post a bible verse, a devotional, a sermon, anything in the. In the community, please post it. If you're not in there yet. As I said, you can go to my profile and you can hit join. And then, as I always tell you guys, when you wake up and before you go to bed, pray the bible verses that you should read or can read. I encourage you. Psalms 23, psalms 121, psalms 19, and psalms 51, please. Those four, make sure that you're reading them as you wake up and as you go to bed. All right? Before you go to bed, sorry.

Closing Remarks and Blessing

I. Have a great day, everyone. God bless you. May the Lord continue to shine his face upon you. May God continue to favor you all. May the Lord continue to protect you and keep you all. Thank you, guys.

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