Prayer space: Day 57/70 prayer and fasting


Space Summary

The Twitter Space Prayer space: Day 57/70 prayer and fasting hosted by Sincerely_AO. The Twitter space on Day 57/70 of prayer and fasting delved into the profound spiritual journey embarked on by participants. It highlighted the significance of commitment, the influence of Isaiah 40:29 for strength and renewal, the importance of strict adherence for discipline, and the guidance offered by @AOspeaks_. Participants shared insights, encouraging one another in their spiritual pursuits.

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Space Statistics

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Total Listeners: 25


Q: Why is Day 57/70 significant in the prayer and fasting journey?
A: Day 57/70 marks a crucial stage indicating perseverance and nearing the completion of the spiritual commitment.

Q: How does embracing Isaiah 40:29 influence the fasting experience?
A: Isaiah 40:29 serves as a source of strength and hope, providing encouragement during the fasting period.

Q: What role does strict adherence play in the effectiveness of prayer and fasting?
A: Strict adherence instills discipline, focus, and enhances the spiritual connection during the fasting process.

Q: How does guidance from @AOspeaks_ impact individuals' spiritual journeys?
A: Guidance from @AOspeaks_ offers wisdom, support, and direction, aiding individuals in their spiritual growth and understanding.


Time: 08:12:45
Commitment to Day 57/70 Discussing the significance of commitment and perseverance in the prayer and fasting journey.

Time: 09:25:18
Strength in Isaiah 40:29 Exploring the empowering message of Isaiah 40:29 and its impact on the community.

Time: 10:40:59
Importance of Discipline Highlighting the role of discipline and strict adherence in enhancing the spiritual experience.

Time: 11:55:30
Guidance from @AOspeaks_ Insights and support provided by @AOspeaks_ for individuals seeking spiritual growth and direction.

Key Takeaways

  • Day 57/70 of prayer and fasting signifies commitment and spiritual growth.
  • Embracing Isaiah 40:29 brings strength and renewal during the fasting period.
  • Maintaining strict adherence to the fasting routine fosters discipline and purpose.
  • Guidance from @AOspeaks_ offers insights and support for individuals on their spiritual journey.

Behind the Mic

Opening Remarks

Hi, everyone. Good afternoon. We're going to be starting soon. I just need to notify the community. give me 1 second. As you guys are joining, if you guys could kindly please retweet the links as usual, I would very much appreciate it. I'm putting up the links to the prayer space, and for the prayer points, I make sure everything's perfect. Okay, perfect. But if you guys can. It would be good if you guys could open up to page 13 as usual, and then we'll start. Give me about like 1 minute. I just need to like 30 seconds. I just need to notify the community.

Initiating the Prayer Space

All right, we are going to be starting. Thank you guys for. Let me make sure that. All right, perfect. So if you guys could please open up to page 13. That is the fourth, no, third page, third screenshot. You'll see on the prayers that I posted up at the top. And just give me 30 seconds and I promise you we'll start. Give me 30 more seconds, please. Okay, perfect. Let's go ahead and get started. You guys feel free to send this space to anyone, tag anyone. Let them know that they can join. All right, let's start our opening prayers in Jesus name.

Opening Prayer

Heavenly Father, Lord, we thank you. We glorify your name, Father, we thank you, Lord, because you're worthy to be praised, you're worthy to be lifted high, you're worthy to be magnified, and you're worthy to be glorified. Eternal rock of ages, we commit this prayer space into your hands. We cover this space in the blood of Jesus. We cover our bodies, our spirits and our souls in the blood of Jesus, in the fire of the Holy Ghost. We cover our environment in the blood of Jesus, in the fire of the Holy Ghost. And Lord, we ask and we pray, Father, if there's any sin that will hinder our prayers from being answered that we have committed, please, Lord, forgive us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

Thanksgiving and Acknowledgment

For in Jesus mighty name we have prayed. Amen. Okay, so let's start with the thanksgiving prayers. So we're on page 13. And that's also the third screenshot. Father, in the name of Jesus, we thank you for drawing us to prayer and power. Father, we thank you for the salvation of our soul. Father, we thank you for baptizing us with the Holy Spirit. Father, we thank you for producing spiritual gifts from our lives. Father, we thank you for the fruit of the spirit working in us.

Expressing Gratitude

Father, we thank you for the wonderful gift of praise. Father, we thank you for all the ways that you have intervened in our affairs. Father, we thank you for your divine plan for our lives. Father, we thank you for you will never leave us nor forsake us. Father, we thank you for bringing us to a place of maturity and deeper life. Father, we thank you for lifting us up when we fall. Father, we thank you for keeping us in perfect peace. Father, we thank you for making all things work together for good for us.

Further Acknowledgment

Father, we thank you for protecting us from the snares of the fowler and from the noise and pestilence. Father, we thank you for the wonder working power in your word and in the blood of the lamb. Father, we thank you for giving your angels charge over us. Lord, we thank you for fighting for us against our adversaries. Lord, we thank you for supplying all our needs according to your riches and glory. Father, we thank you for your healing power upon our body, soul and spirit.

Continued Praise

Lord, we thank you for flooding our heart with the light of heaven. Father, we thank you for always causing us to triumph in Christ Jesus. Lord, we thank you for turning our curses into blessings. Father, we thank you for enabling us to dwell in safety. Lord, we thank you for all the blessings of life. Lord, we thank you for your greatness, power, glory, Majesty, splendor and righteousness. Father, we thank you for silencing the foe and the Avenger.

Transitioning to Prayer Points

So let's move on to page 14. And that's the second page. And we are on prayer point number 28. And as you guys are joining, please don't forget to retweet the spaces and the prayer points. Father, we thank you for you are at our right hand and we shall not be moved. Father, we thank you for you are trustworthy and will help your own. Father, we thank you for not allowing our enemies to rejoice over us.

Concluding the Thanksgiving Segment

Father, we thank you for your wonderful love. Father, we thank you for you are great and greatly to be praised. Father, we thank you for delivering our soul from death and our feet from stumbling. Father, we thank you for you are our fortress and refuge in time of trouble. Father, we thank you for your faithfulness and marvelous deeds. Father, we thank for your act of power and surpassing greatness.

Final Prayers Begin

Father, we thank you for dispersing spiritual blindness from our spirit. Father, we thank you for lifting us out of the depths. Father, we thank you for preserving us and keeping our feet from slipping. Father, we thank you for. Your name is a strong tower. The righteous runs into it and they are safe. For in Jesus mighty name, we have prayed. Amen. So at this point, we are going to now go to the first page and we're going to start the prayers.

Beginning the Specific Prayer Points

So we are on section six, day 57. Seven. We're on day 57. Sorry, section six, day seven. We're on day 57 out of 70 days. And we're on page 141. So we are going to be starting from page one. Sorry, prayer point number 169. Oh, God, arise and confuse all my oppressors. In the name of Jesus. O God, arise and confuse all of me and my family members. Oppressors. In the name of Jesus.

Instructions for the Prayer Session

Please don't forget to pray for your family members. I say all prayer points twice. You can follow my method or do what you want, but I do. The first time I say it, I pray for myself.

Prayer for Family and Deliverance from Enemies

Second time, I pray for my family members. Prayer point number 170. As the enemies join forces against me, O God, arise and scatter their counsel against me. In the name of Jesus. As the enemies join forces against me and my family members, O God, arise and scatter their counsel against me and my family members. In the name of Jesus, O God, arise and scatter by thunder every gathering of darkness on assignment to curse me. In the name of Jesus, O God, arise and scatter by thunder every gathering of darkness on assignment to curse me and my family members. In the name of Jesus, O God, arise and destroy any long time arrow in me and my family members lives. In Jesus name, O God, arise and set the altars of the wicked on fire. In the name of Jesus, O God, arise, rain, fire, and brimstone upon all witches and wizards gathered against me and my family members.

Continued Call for Divine Intervention

In the name of Jesus, O God, arise and release coals of fire to consume the gathering of the wicked. Wasted. Sorry, let me start that again. Prayer point number 175. O God, arise and release coals of fire to consume the gathering of the wicked assigned to waste my destiny. In the name of Jesus, O God, arise and release coals of fire to consume the gathering of the wicked assigned to waste me and my family members destinies. In the name of Jesus. Prayer point 176. O God, arise by your mighty hand and break the evil chains placed upon my neck. In the name of Jesus, O God, arise by your mighty hand and break the evil chains placed upon my neck, my head, my body, my spirit, my soul, and my mind. In the name of Jesus, O God, arise and by your mighty hand and break the evil chains placed upon me and my family members necks, our heads, our bodies, our spirits, our souls, and our finances.

Supplication for Deliverance from Wickedness

In the name of Jesus. For in Jesus mighty name we have prayed. Amen. Prayer point 177. O God, arise and break the backbone of wicked powers gathered to displace the glory of God in my life. In the name of Jesus, O God, arise and break the backbone of wicked powers that are gathered to displace the glory of God in me and my family members lives. In the name of Jesus prayer point 178 O God, arise and scatter the gathering of wicked elders planning against me with your divine judgment. In the name of Jesus, O God, arise and scatter the gathering of wicked elders planning against me with your divine judgment. In the name of Jesus. O God, arise and consume the evil gathering of evil bird assigned against me. In the name of Jesus. Oh God, arise and consume the evil gathering of evil birds assigned against me and my family members.

Preparation for Further Prayer Points

In the name of Jesus. For in Jesus mighty name we have prayed. Amen. So we are now on the second. We're going to go to the second page and we'll come back to the first. We're on page 142. We are on prayer point 180. If you have not retweeted the link to the space up at the top, or if you have not retweeted the prayer points, please do so that people on your timeline can get it. Prayer point 180 o God, arise and swallow every evil conspiracy against me and my family members. In the name of Jesus, O God, arise and swallow every evil conspiracy against me and my family members. In the name of Jesus, O God, arise and scatter every evil trap set for me and my family members.

Prayers Against Evil Traps and Demonic Mandates

In the name of Jesus, O God, arise and scatter. Every evil trap set for me and my family members. In the name of Jesus, O God, arise and scatter. Any demonic mandate issued against me on my family members lives. In the name of Jesus, O God, arise and O God, arise and scatter. Any demonic mandate issued against me and my family members lives in the name of Jesus. Prayer point number 183 O God, arise and scatter the gathering of wicked elders enforcing disappointment against my life. In the name of Jesus, O God, arise and scatter. The gathering of wicked elders enforcing disappointment against me and my family members lives in the name of Jesus.

Prayers for Destruction of Enemies and Contracts

Prayer point 184 O God, arise and let bitter destruction rain on the enemies assigned to turn my celebration to reproach. In the name of Jesus, O God, arise and let bitter destruction rain on the enemies assigned to turn me and my family members celebrations to reproach. In the name of Jesus. Prayer point 185 O God, arise and scatter. Every evil contract that has been assigned against me and my family members lives in the name of Jesus, O God, arise and scatter. Every evil contract signed against my life in the name of Jesus. For in Jesus mighty name we have prayed. Amen.

Transition to Confessions and Last Prayer Points

For those who are unsure where we are, if you're just joining, we are on page 142 2nd screenshot second frame. We are now on page prayer point number 186 and please retweet the prayer points and the link to the space at the top so that other people can get it. And if you can't find the prayer points, they're up at the top. It's the second link. Or you can just go to my media and you'll see the prayer points there. Prayer point number 186 O Lord, arise in your wrath and let all evil hands pursuing my blessings burn to ashes.

Divine Wrath and Prayer for Protection

In the name of Jesus. O Lord, arise in your wrath and let all evil hands pursuing me and my family members blessings burn to ashes. In the name of Jesus, O God, arise and send stones of fire to destroy any room of darkness existing for me and my family members sake. In the name of Jesus, O God, arise and send stones of fire to destroy any room of darkness existing for me and my family members sake. In the name of Jesus, O God, arise and kill every killer of my testimonies. In the name of Jesus.

Addressing Spiritual Enemies

Oh God, arise and kill every killer of my testimonies. In the name of Jesus, O God, arise and frustrate every evil prophet on assignment to destroy me. In the name of Jesus, O God, arise and oh God, arise and kill oh, sorry. Prayer point number 189 apologies O God, arise and frustrate every evil prophet on assignment to destroy me and my family members in the name of Jesus. For in Jesus mighty name we have prayed. Amen.

Glorifying God in Lives

We are now on prayer point number 190 O God, arise and let my life advertise your glory in the name of Jesus, O God, arise and let my life advertise your glory in the name of Jesus, O God, arise and let me and my family members lives advertise your glory in the name of Jesus friend Jesus mighty name we have prayed. Amen. I prayer point 191 O God, arise and let your glory rest upon me and my family members and let my and let our heads be lifted up in the name of Jesus, O God, arise and let your glory rest upon me, and let my head be lifted up in the name of Jesus. For in Jesus mighty name we have prayed.

Final Prayers and Confessions

Amen. Prayer point number 192 whoever is making evil consultation with my name, fall down and die in the name of Jesus. Whoever is making evil consultations with my name, fall down and die in the name of Jesus. Whoever is making evil consultations with me and my family members names fall down and die in the name of Jesus. For in Jesus mighty name we have prayed. Amen. Prayer point 193 oh God, arise and silence every noise my adversaries are making against me in the name of Jesus, O God, arise and silence every noise that my adversaries are making against me and my family members in the name of Jesus.

Concluding the Prayers

For in Jesus mighty name we have prayed. Amen. Prayer point 194 O God, arise and let my pharaoh like enemies be wasted in Jesus name, O God, arise and let my pharaoh like enemies be wasted in Jesus name, O God, arise and let me and my family members, pharaoh like enemies be wasted in Jesus name. For in Jesus mighty name we have prayed. Amen. Prayer point number 195. O God, arise and let not the wicked prevail over me and my family members. In the name of Jesus, O God, arise and let not the wicked prevail over me and my family members in the name of Jesus.

Prayer for Joy

Arise O God, and release your judgment upon every enemy of my joy in the name of Jesus. Arise O God, and release your judgment upon every enemy of me and my family members joy in the name of Jesus. For in Jesus mighty name we have prayed. Amen.

Daily Confessions and Prayer Requests

So let's do our daily confessions. Make sure that you please make sure that you swipe to the first page like I said before and pray for yourself and your family members. Arrowhead of the battles of me and my family members lives. By the power of God, you shall be exposed and be disgraced in the name of Jesus, O God, that troubled pharaoh, arise and trouble me and my family members enemies today. In the name of Jesus powers, planning my nakedness, you shall die by fire today in the name of Jesus.

Rebuking and Curses

Any power that wants my life to be a disgrace to God, the Lord rebukes you today. Die by fire in the name of Jesus. Any curse assigned to waste me on my family members lives, go back to your sender sevenfold in the name of Jesus. For in Jesus mighty name we have prayed. Amen.

Additional Prayer Points

So at this point we are going to pray two additional prayer points. Both of them will take about 1 minute. So the first one is, Let's pray. And let's ask God. It's a two in one prayer for the first one. So they take about 30 seconds to ask the Lord for one thing that you want the Lord to do for you by or before the end of the 70 days of prayer and fasting.

Second Prayer Request

And for the second one, ask the Lord for one thing that you want the Lord to do for you in this new month that we are about to enter. So take about 30 seconds and ask the Lord. And as I always say, have faith. About ten more seconds to wrap up your prayers. For in Jesus mighty name we have prayed. Amen.

Thanksgiving for September

So for our second prayer point, I know normally, you know, we always do the one prayer point for personal growth. What I want us to do as a switch up for our second prayer point, I want us to take about 1 minute to thank the Lord for the month of September. We have literally made it to see the last day of this month, which is definitely a big deal.

Expressing Gratitude

Just for the gift of life, we thank God. So take 1 minute and express your gratitude. Thank God for everything that he did for you in September, for everything that he's done for you in this year. Don't ask the Lord for anything, just express gratitude.

Reflections on Prayer

Just start thinking about the things that you asked that you've asked the Lord for. Think about the answer. Testimonies, answered prayers, the answered miracles, whatever, anything at all. Just start expressing gratitude to God and do not ask God for anything. It's important that sometimes we just literally come to God to say thank you.

Wrap Up of Gratitude

So take about 1 minute and I'll start the timer now. About 30 more seconds. Please continue praying and express gratitude from God. Do not ask the Lord for anything, just thank the Lord. Take 30 more seconds to really focus and thank God for everything in September.

Closing Prayers and Announcements

And also from the beginning of the year until now, friend Jesus mighty name, we have prayed. Amen. All right, so at this point, I'm going to do announcements very quickly, and then we will do our closing prayers. While I do announcements, please open up your bibles to. Hold on 1 second.

Bible Reading and Resources

I'm pretty sure it's this one. Sorry, I forgot to confirm it. Yes. Okay. Please. While I'm doing announcements, please open up your bibles to psalm 118, psalms 118. Please open up your bible to psalms 118. I am going to be reading the NKJV version.

Community Engagement

You can read whichever version you want. NLT, Niv, KJV, whichever one. But please open up your bibles to psalms 118. That is going to be our closing bible reading for today. And I'll do announcements very quickly so we can get into our closing prayers and bible reading.

Prayer and Fasting Information

So thank you guys so much for joining. If this is your first time, welcome or if you are returning, thank you so much for joining. We are doing 70 days of prayer and fasting. We're on day 57 out of 70. We fast every single day until 02:00 p.m.

Community Updates

Mondays and Fridays until 05:00 p.m. i post the prayer points every single day to both my timeline and also to the community. So if you are not following me, feel free to follow me. You'll see it on your timeline when I post it.

Additional Community Information

And if you are not a part of our community, please join. We have over 2800 members now. Glory to God to join our community. Go to my profile. After going to my profile, go to my bio.

Joining Instructions

Underneath my bio you'll see 70 days prayer and fasting. Click on that and click join and you'll be notified when I post the prayer spaces. You'll also be notified when I post the prayer points. And God bless you all.

Closing Gratitude

Thank you guys so much. I am very grateful to each and every one of you. Thank you for retweeting. Thank you for liking, thank you for quoting. Thank you for sharing, bookmarking all of the above.

Impact of the Community

I do not take it for granted. I'm very, very grateful. Thank you guys for getting the word out there and for sharing it to people who need prayers. Because a lot of people, again, even know that prayer spaces happen.

Final Closing Prayers

But because you guys are retweeting and sharing, people see it. So I'm very grateful and thank you so much. All right, let's do our closing prayers in Jesus name. Heavenly Father Lord, we thank you.

Gratitude for God's Blessings

We are so grateful, Lord, for your grace, for your mercy, for your strength, for your love, and for your peace. Thank you Father Lord, for that. We are at the last day of this month. Thank you Lord, that you have brought us and you have kept us.

Prayer for Preservation

You have preserved our bodies, our spirits and our souls until the last day of this month. Lord, we thank you, Jesus, Father Lord, for your grace, for your strength, for your unfailing love, for your mercies. We thank you Lord, because your mercies endures forever.

Continuous Protection

Lord, we ask and we pray, Father, for your continued protection throughout the remainder of the month and sorry, throughout the remainder of the year. And Lord, we thank you Father Lord, for always keeping us safe.

Guidance and Direction

Thank you Lord, for always ordering our steps, leading our steps, helping us and guiding us even when we don't see it and when we don't hear it. Lord, we are so grateful.

Gratitude for Blessings and Protection

Thank you Father Lord, for fighting both seen and unseen battles. Thank you, Lord, for all the healings. Thank you, Father, Lord, for all the jobs, for all the babies, for all the marriages. Lord, we are so grateful. For all the contract offers, whatever prayers have been answered, Lord, we are so grateful. And we know, Father, that even our prayers that have yet to be answered, we know, Lord, according to your timing and according to your plan, you will answer them. And so, Lord, we will continue to wait on you. Thank you, Jesus Father, for every single thing that you have done for us in this month of July, in this month of September, and also in this year 2024, up until now. We are so grateful, Lord, we ask and we pray, Lord, that you will continue to preserve our bodies, our spirits and our souls.

Focused on the Heavenly Race

Lord, we ask and we pray, Father, that you will continue to help us, Lord, to keep our mind focused on our heavenly race. Because, Lord, we know, Father, that your second coming is coming sooner than we think. And so, Father, we ask and we pray that anything that is in our lives, in our bodies, our spirits, our souls, any mindset, any habits, any people, Lord, that's even in our lives, Lord, that will send us down the wrong path. We ask and we pray, Lord, that you uproot it and help us and replace it, Lord, with good patterns, with good habits, with good mindsets, with good routines. In the mighty name of Jesus, thank you, Father, for all that you have done.

Appreciation for Life and Salvation

We are so, so grateful to see September 30, 2024. And we do not take the gift of life for granted. We do not take the gift of salvation for granted. We are so grateful, Lord, for in Jesus mighty name we have prayed. Amen. So let's please you guys, you people should have already opened your bibles, though, because I gave you people time. I gave you people time. So we're going to go straight into psalm 118. I know it is a little bit longer than 91 and 121, but psalms 118 is a very good and very great psalms to read as well. So let's dive into it.

Reading from Psalm 118

Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his mercies, for his mercy endures forever. Let Israel now say his mercy endures forever. Let the house of Aaron now say his mercy endures forever. Let those who fear the Lord now say his mercy endures forever. I called on the Lord in distress. The Lord answered me and set me in a broad place. The Lord is on our side. We will not fear. What can man do to us? The Lord is for us among those who help us. Therefore, we shall see our desires on those who hate us.

Trust in the Lord

It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man. It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in princes. All nations surrounded us, but in the name of the Lord, we will destroy them. They surrounded us. Yes, they surrounded us, but in the name of the Lord, we will destroy them. They surrounded us like bees. They were quenched like a fire of thorns. For in the name of the Lord, we will destroy them. You pushed us violently that we might fall, but the Lord helped us.

Strength and Salvation

The Lord is our strength and song, and God has become our salvation. The voice of rejoicing and salvation is in the tents of the righteous. The right hand of the Lord does valiantly. The right hand of the Lord is exalted. The right hand of the Lord does valiantly. Me and my family members shall not die, but we shall live and declare the works of the Lord. The Lord has chastened us severely, but he has not given us over to death. Open to us the gates of righteousness, and we will go through them and we will praise the Lord.

The Chief Cornerstone

This is the gate of the Lord through which the righteous shall enter. We will praise you, for you have answered us and become our salvation. The stone which the builders rejected has become the chief cornerstone. This was the Lord's doing. It is marvelous in our eyes. This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. Save now, I pray, o Lord. O Lord, I pray. Send now prosperity.

Blessings and Praise

Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. We have blessed you from the house of the Lord. We have blessed you from the house of the Lord. God is the Lord, and he has given us light. Bind the sacrifice with cords to the horns of the altar. You are our God and we will praise you. You are our God and we will exalt you. O, give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his mercies endures forever. For in Jesus mighty name we have prayed.

Closing Thoughts

Amen. Thank you guys so much for sticking with me. I know psalms 118 is a little bit long, but I do think it's a very special psalms, and it's a very beautifully written psalms. And me, for me personally, the first time I really sat down to think about it, I almost started crying and tearing up. Honestly, like, if you really look through it and if you really read through it, like, it literally says, like, God has been with me, God is on my side. We will not fear. What can man do to us, right? Like, these are all things that we sometimes need to remind ourselves during hard times that God is on our side.

God's Everlasting Presence

The Lord is with us. The Lord is not going to hand us over to death. He's. God is not going to hand us over to sickness. Right? God is always with us. So thank you guys so much for staying with me until the end. I really appreciate you all. And I will end the space now because my mom always says I yap too much on the spaces. So I'm going to end it. But God bless you all, and I will see you guys tomorrow. Same time, 03:00 p.m. eastern time.

Parting Message

08:00 p.m. west african time. God bless you all, and thank you guys so much for joining. May God continue to shine his face upon you and may he continue to lift you up. And as a reminder, if you ever come to the spaces late, you can always. They're all recorded, so you can always go to our, the community, or you can go to my timeline and you can see the recorded spaces. Okay, enough yapping. I will stop talking. Oh, yeah, you people have come. You people have made me talk too much. So let me end the space.

Final Blessing

God blessed.

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