Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Prayer space: Day 53/70 hosted by Sincerely_AO. In the 'Prayer space: Day 53/70' Twitter session, participants delved into the significance of daily prayer as a source of solace and strength. Centered around Psalms 46:1 and a deep-rooted faith in Jesus, the space emphasized the importance of maintaining a positive and dedicated approach. Discussions highlighted the community's role in offering support and encouragement, promoting the sharing of thoughts and prayers openly. Emphasizing the benefits of spiritual connections and inner peace, the session showcased the power of faith in fostering emotional well-being.

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Total Listeners: 60


Q: How does daily prayer impact emotional well-being?
A: Daily prayer can provide a sense of peace and strength, aiding emotional well-being.

Q: What role does Psalms 46:1 play in faith?
A: Psalms 46:1 is a source of comfort and reassurance for many, deepening faith connections.

Q: How can faith in Jesus influence personal devotion?
A: Faith in Jesus can be a central theme that guides personal devotion and spiritual practices.

Q: Why is maintaining a positive mindset important in prayer?
A: Having a zero-tolerance policy towards negativity helps maintain focus on positivity and faith.

Q: How can online communities support spiritual growth?
A: Engaging with online communities can provide spiritual support, fostering a sense of belonging and connection.

Q: Why is sharing thoughts and prayers encouraged?
A: Sharing thoughts and prayers openly can create a supportive and uplifting environment for all.

Q: What benefits can dedication to prayer bring?
A: Dedicating oneself to prayer can nurture emotional and spiritual well-being, offering strength in challenging times.

Q: How does faith contribute to inner peace?
A: Having strong faith can be a source of inner peace, resilience, and a positive outlook on life.

Q: Why is spreading positivity important on social media?
A: Using social media to spread positivity and faith can inspire others and create a ripple effect of encouragement and support.


Time: 02:15:40
Daily Commitment to Prayer The significance of daily prayer for maintaining spiritual connection and inner strength.

Time: 02:25:17
Faith in Jesus and Personal Devotion Exploring the role of faith in Jesus in guiding personal devotion and values.

Time: 02:35:40
Online Community Support for Spiritual Growth The importance of online communities in providing support and connection for spiritual well-being.

Key Takeaways

  • Daily commitment to prayer can provide solace and strength.
  • Engaging with Psalms 46:1 can offer comfort and reassurance.
  • Faith in Jesus as a central theme for personal devotion.
  • Zero tolerance for negativity and focus on positivity.
  • Connecting with the online community for spiritual support.
  • Encouragement to share thoughts and prayers openly.
  • Devotion to prayer for emotional and spiritual well-being.
  • Personal dedication to maintaining a prayerful life.
  • Strong faith can be a source of inner peace and resilience.
  • Using social media to spread positivity and faith.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and tech updates

Yay. What's poppin y'all? I'm about to send this out to some chats. We about to get started. We about to get started. Started. Okay, hold on. Y'all already know what to do. Send this out to your grandparents. Send this out to your. Send this out to your mom. Send this out to your friends, your neighbors. Send this out to everybody. Okay? We trying to get people to learn and just be updated about this tech, okay? Like, this is not something to sleep on. It already is all around us. We might as well learn and know about it. But what's Poppin Butoshi? I'm looking for a song right now. What's good? I'm fucking up breakfast right now. Find that song. Okay. Okay. Let's go. Yo, I got something. I was playing with some AI tools earlier this morning, and I was laughing by myself with AI. It was so funny.

AI tools and their capabilities

Oh, you got custom tunes? You got custom tunes or what? Can't say too much about too much or whatever, but, yeah, okay. Sorry, guys. I'm like, what song do I want? What's the vibe? Here we go. What's up? What's up, pop? What's up, bro? Now you feeling, bro? Oh, my God. It's gonna be a glorious run, bro. I don't look like a fucking idiot. Running up wonko Manco, like, oh, it's gonna be. Gonna be so good. Our pup. Our pup bags are going up, too. Oh, it's beautiful. Higher. So much higher. Storm, you have a puppy. I have a quick question about what. Do you think about a protocol of car 20? Are you talking about on fractal? Yeah. Frogs of the cat, protocol and fractal. I think it's interesting. It's something that's unique.

Discussion on crypto protocols

Since we don't have cat 20 on regular bitcoin, I've heard rumors of, oh, it's possible for it to be bridged to bitcoin, which I could see happening if kat ever runs up. I don't like fractal in general. I think it's dog shit. But I don't think dog shit matters anymore when we enter this bull run territory because there's about to be so much money flooding the market. It's probably a good play. I have a bag of cash. Probably. Yeah. Yeah, probably. Yeah. Yeah. I think I'm in a party. This is a party, baby. Yeah. The bull run is running. Let's go. Hello, sir.

AI voice and integration tools

NBA. I can. Comes up with such a. Co such a cold blooded love, such a cold eye. What is Hubbard actually hold on, hold on. I got something for you. I got something for you. For me? No, it's not for you. For me. You know, that laugh was highly concerning. Yeah, I had a dream about Damon last night. Okay, sorry. Hey everybody. How's it going? It's storm. No, weekly AI space and my wonderful co host Butoshi. What is, what the hell is that? Voice mode. That's what you did today's story. Guys. Why the fuck, why the fuck was that supposed to be a canadian guy? Yo, I saw you sound different. Wait, I don't get it.

Voice training models

Did she train your voice on a model or. Okay. Okay. I don't need to. This is so fun. I love this. Like I'm just going to be trolling people. Okay, so that was me dubbing my voice with AI. And basically dubbing your voice is just inserting your voice into AI. And basically you can translate your voice, your tone, or you can get different accents, different languages, over 130 plus languages that you can talk like to other people and communicate. So it's really, really cool because this is like, just tell them how much it costs. It's ridiculous. Actually, the one that, the one, that one that I just used right now is free. Is that not the most concerning thing you've ever heard?

Price of AI tools and voice isolation

The other 111 labs is a dollar a month. Like, oh, that one was eleven labs actually, so I didn't pay. You can upgrade then for a dollar a month and that should not be that cheap. I really think it's kind of concerning. If you're new to it, I highly recommend before you load in any audio, put it through the audio like isolation thing, which is also insane. It does an incredible. If you want to just isolate a voice, that isolation tool they have is like incredible. Absolutely. So I, I don't want to do the whole thing, but long story short, I had a bunch of people read me the Harry Potter series. That's when you isolate the voice so you only have like the clear voice before putting it through eleven labs or voice channel.

Using AI for isolated audio

So the way eleven labs works to train the model is you need to give it samples. The more samples you give it, the broader range, the better the output's going to be. And it's also a bit of kind of finagling the output of things as well in terms of tone and the way that you write. So when you write for eleven labs, you almost want to write a book. So the announcer said in a broad and strong voice in quotes. And then that's what you would use. Then you clip out the quote, when you were to edit it, but that's how you can indicate to it. But yeah, when you bring it in, you want to give it the best clips you can possibly get because it's using that as the basis and you can basically wash it with another tool they have.

Processing audio with AI

So, like, if there's any, like, music behind the person talking or like background chatter or whatever, it'll take it all out and just isolate the voice and it does a really good job. Okay. That's fire as fuck. That's good to know. Thank you. Like acapella storm. I got the storm now. Did you get it? I. There's lightning. There's, I lost my hat and I, it almost took my shirt off for, like, straight up. Almost like flipped the shirt completely. Storm is going on over there. It was like a wild gust of wind and I had to go run after my hat while putting the shirt back on. It was a storm. Storm.

Personal experiences during a storm

Just be ripping people's shirts off now. That's wild. Yeah. For free. Yeah, that's crazy. But yeah. So back to the w real quick. I just feel like this. Okay, so I went to Paris in February for NFT Paris. And when I was there, I pretty much was solo dolo by myself. And it was really just intimidating. And I didn't really feel comfortable in my environment. And it was really difficult for me to just, like, communicate and just find my, you know, maneuver my way around Paris, like by myself and stuff. And I just, like, remember being in this restaurant and I had my AI meta glasses on and I'm just, like, reading the menu and I'm like, damn, I can't even understand this menu.

AI tools for translation

So, like, you know, I take a picture and I have Google translate it. But I was just, I literally made a video about it in February. I'll see if I could find it. But I was basically just like, I cannot wait for the day that, like, these meta glasses will be able to translate different languages just off the back. So, like, if I'm like, you know, trying to talk to someone in a different language, like my meta glasses, I would just, you know, press whatever button, activate it, talk to the meta glasses, it will speak out and translate back. And this is just a game changer for networking many different businesses as well because, like, glass wears worldwide.

Future of technology

I mean, we haven't had glasses being sexy in years. And storm since the 1980s, they've been telling us, hey, we're gonna beam lasers into your eyes. You're going to have a whole screen. The people with classes, they're going to be the cool kids. The women are going to love them, right? It's never happened. It's never once happened. I love it. I hear you guys go again about my fire detector. You guys, like, need to get. Come on, focus on something else. Focus. I'm gonna go click it, press it into second, but before Nb interrupts me again and I lose my train of thought because I do have ADHD and it do be hard for me to, like, come back to what I was thinking about, but, yeah, I just feel like it's gonna be just a huge game changer.

Impacts on business and entrepreneurship

I feel like I said that for the fifth time, but just like, for businesses and networking, entrepreneurship, right? It's like you wanna, all these different businesses want to be able to expand, like, to different cultures around the world, and this is just gonna be a really easy, simple way to just reach a more broader and wider audience, like, and even, like, being a content creator, right? Like, now you're going to be able to have your content in so many different languages. So I thought that was really fire. Okay, let me go press this button. The whole, the whole announcement that I had was actually sick as hell.

Global content sharing through AI

Gone through everything. I think it's like the simplest one, but having the automatic dubbing across every single, just translation and language across the world, it's so massive. Like, it see, it was the smallest announcement that was there. Felt like, but in terms of just having content available worldwide just feels like it's an instant way to bring the entire world together on something. And that just completely changes media and how things are going to be pushing, like, going forward, I don't know. It's crazy, all this change happening. Live humans adapt super quick, so, like, we're not really going to have issues dealing with it, but just observing the effects of that over the next couple of months and just this year is gonna be fucking bonkers.

Looking ahead

It's gonna be crazy. It's gonna be stupid. Oh, my gosh. So what do you wanna dive into, Reina Butoshi? Like, that was like one of, oh, by the way, for the dove stepping, were mentioning that the site that I did use for that was Elevenlabs IO, but I know that a more advanced one is RASC AI. That's the language model. You can put over 130 plus languages, but I don't think that one's free. But eventually, that's the thing. Eventually these are all going to be worldwide free resources. It's getting there. You just want to go, you want to go.

AI tools in education

Band for Ban on AI tools and just like, talk about your favorite tool and like, what you like about it, like things we're using recently. So I'm really deep into research and just learning things from papers or learning in general or breaking down books, but with everything going on in the space, I'm like, Brad and I have time to sit down and read a book. But Google came out with their new AI creation called Notebook LM. So if you switch up notebook LM on Google, it'll be the first result. And it's a note taking and research assistant powered by AI. And my favorite feature about this is that you could input whether you're doing schoolwork or whether you're just learning something about how things work or you're learning from books, et cetera, whatever AI research papers.

The functionality of Notebook LM

You could just put in the PDF or put in the link or even put in a YouTube video and it'll transcript it. And what it does is it breaks down the entire source for you. You could talk with AI about it. It could help you make a study guide and notes and just summarize what's going on or even talk to you back and forth about it. My favorite feature that I've been using the fuck out of is it could generate a podcast between two AI's. And if I didn't know it was AI's generating that podcast and I just listened to it, I would think. I would think they were straight up humans because the way they interact, like their voice clips, the things they say, how they break down the paper is really interesting and very engaging to listen to.

Engagement through AI

They're also kind of funny, which trips me out. Like, I was laughing at some of the things they say, and I'm like, there's no way. An AI just made me laugh, bro. I'm so cooked. But it's a super engaging way to. It's a super engaging way to learn. And, yeah, it's just been speeding up. Specifically, I dive deep into new papers that come out and how things correlate with each other. So it's been helping me accelerate the learning of that also how businesses work and such. Yes. Professor Storm, you have your hand up.

Notebook LM details

I was like, here's adhd goes, oh, so wait, you said it was called what? It's called, like notebook lm. So, like notebook, the letter l as in llama and m as in meta. Stanford learning model. I don't think it's a Stanford learning model. It's just Google's new thing. They drop. I have no idea what the tech is in the AI voice. I think it's. I think it's stands for learning model notebook alum. Okay, so I actually have. I think you said stand for my bad.

Another AI Tool: Adafy

What's up? No, I think it does stand for that. So I actually have something kind of similar to that. So it's called. Oh, so wait, wait, wait. Okay. Yes. So it's called a tiffy. Adafy. Adafy app. Yeah, there we go. We got it. Adafy. Right. So it's. If you don't have time to watch an entire video, you can save time by taking a video, dropping it into the website, and just giving whatever commands you want into this website, saying, hey, can you give me keep takeaway points from this video?

Efficiency with AI tools

Can you summarize it down, et cetera. And, yeah, you'll be able to save, like, a lot more time when it comes to research. And that's just one example, like, one AI tool. Wait, what's it called? I'm gonna, like, find the Twitter thing and start pinning them to the top. I'm gonna say that. Yeah. Okay. I'm gonna text it eight to five. But I'm a text a. What's up, mb? Yeah, I want to share my AI thing. It's my new. So I been like, I play with all the AI, like, literally all of it from 20 a o, because when it first comes out, it's free because they want people to use it.

Exploring the latest AI technologies

So I try to get as many of the new shit as possible. You know why? Because you're the test subject. Yeah. But I'm going to wreak the benefits, so I love it. Anyways, I was super early on the chinese one, and I've been using the new model 1.5. It's called cling. I pinned up the. Of course, you can't see the video because this app sucks. But if you click the thing I pinned, you'll see the video. I made a mudang with their hoodie on it. And, yeah, you can put any photo in, and it does a really good job at animating it.

Creative uses of AI

I've been doing the cat gifs, so there's. Anytime there's, like, a cat that I think is real cute on the timeline, I throw it in. So I just pinned up.

Introduction to Cling and AI Models

You could see one of the cats smoking. But so long. It's called. It's. It's really good, bro. And, like, the. The normies, they don't. This is a level higher than. Than what they do. And it's also in Mandarin. So there's. There's levels to it. They all think you have sora. It goes wild in the comments sometimes. Not all times, but sometimes. Anyways, point is, it's like way cheaper than. Than any AI model I've used for text to image or text to video in the US. Like, fuck luma labs. Fuck all that other shit. It's called Cling. C c l I n g a. I k. It's kl. Yeah, kkling dot AI.com or I don't even know. Fuck. Just google it. Cling. It's cling.

Getting Started with Cling App

You have to get some kind of. Whatoshi is gonna get. Have to get that. So you have to get the Cailloux app and then you make an account on that. It's like some kind of weird, like, tick tock thing. And then you scan the QR code to sign in. You get a bunch of shit for free. But let's say you want to buy the stuff, right? You just get the Alipay and then you set up a bank account and it's really easy. I swear to God. It sounds really complicated, but, like, I was able. I thought. I thought. I thought they already had it available because I have an account on cling and they have, like, the whole UI on the website and I don't got to go through all that.

Access and Using Cling

Or do I got to go through all that for 1.5 access? Are you buying points? Yeah. And it lets you. I feel like whatever version of cling I'm using is, like, the version I should not be using because it's entirely in Mandarin. There's not a single part of it that's in English. And all my prompts have to be in Mandarin as well. And it. It's. I don't know. I have to use Alipay to do it and. And it's. It's how it is, but I feel like other people get it in English and it's different. I don't know. Oh, yeah. It sounds like you have the crack, like, actual gatekeep chinese version that they definitely would not give to us.

Experience with AI Tools

I was so early on it, the day it came out boot. I went through at least 45 to 50 minutes back and forth with Google Translate to sign up for the waitlist for this thing, and I forgot about it, and I came back to it about a month ago, and I've been fucking around with it, and it's. It's really fun. Yeah. Cling is insane. I didn't know it was cheaper. I wonder. I wonder if the version that you don't got to go through the tiniest avenue is the same. I like play with it. I know 1.5 came out and if you get pro, you have access to it. I paid $15 for 2000 inspiration points.

Pricing and Points for Cling AI

How much, how much points? How much is one gen? So for the 1.5 model, it minimum is 35 points per. 35 you have. That's insane. That's a lot. So it's really not that much money though, when you combine. And I'm not really using the 1.5, like the 1.5 maybe, but like I'm perfectly content using one. And with one it lets you do all these different commands. So I can tell what element, where I want it to go basically. And it'll do it and it's really fucking good at it and I really like it.

Content Creation using AI

And then the next thing they're going to add was one is the camera stuff. So like, I don't know. I really like it. I think for ten points a thing, you can get some really good outputs. And I was using it to make the. So what I did from a content thing, if you guys care about content, is I like to put out the art history stuff and I put out these old news articles. Nobody fucking reads them. I know you guys, nobody's opening this thing and reading it, but there's content there. So what do I do? I went to eleven labs.

Combining Tools for Unique Content

I took an old timey radio announcer from the 1940s and I made him an old british announcer. And what he does is he reads like a, basically the quote from the article. And then I have all the historical images that I use. Cling AI to animate and I got a 32nd little video and it's my own little short foreign content. And I didn't need to really do anything but bring it all together and like that can be applied. Wait for anything. Huh, what was that called? Which parts? Eleven labs. I used eleven and cling in tandem with premier.

AI Tools for Video Creation

Oh, tad. Oh. And then, so like I would do, I would find a, let's say an article about computer art, right? And I would post the article in a quote of. And that would do really well, but I wanted to switch it up a little because I feel like people don't actually read. So I got the eleven labs. I trained my own voice, basically. I found a voice that I really liked and I trained my model on that. So I used the isolation to take everything else out. And that's my man, my old timey radio announcer.

Creating Engaging Visuals with AI

And he reads the articles and then my visuals, instead of having the videos be like, what do you call it? Something effect where it just pans. Now I have the AI actually animate the historical photos. So whatever they're doing in the thing, I can have them. And it's like a very small kind of thing to do. But it's crazy when you think I did nothing but bring all these things together. I didn't write the article. I didn't do the research and film anything. I just found these things and was able to bring it all together.

AI for Content Creation at Scale

And I think that's very interesting from a content perspective. Terms of, like, how you can leverage AI to actually create shit. That's interesting. No, dude, that's really cool. I appreciate you sharing that with us. I was like, the fact that came in my head when you said you animate the historical pictures were literally the paintings from Harry Potter. It's like, holy shit, bro. We have Harry Potter painting tech now. That's so cool.

The Future of AI-generated Content

Yo, Peru. I wanted to ask, like, specific ways that you prompt up, because I know there's a couple of things you could do text to video, which is just like, you rely on a gen. You could also do image to. You do image to video gens with the text. So I was wondering if you had any, like, I only do that with clients. Okay, so you gent. You gen the image or put an image in and then bring it to life. So if you go through my media tab, which I'm not saying do it, I'm just saying if you have done it and you're curious what some of those other things were.

Utilizing Adobe for Creative Projects

I use to adobe generative fill. That's like my. My bread and butter because I'm really good at, like, I don't know. I learned a Photoshop. I grew up on Photoshop. I know how to fucking select shit. And, like, it's very nice being able to use layers. So, like, if I want to build up a composition, like, maybe I know storm will remember these. When I used to do the AI stuff at the influencers, I'm just selecting part of the image, and then I'm telling only put the. The prompt on it. I don't know.

Creative Use of Layers in AI

Oh, you could mask Adobe generative. You could mask the video prompt. It's all layers. So Adobe generative fill is every. It's basically AI text to image AI, but it's in layers. And, yes, you can mask it. So if it fucks up part of it, you can unmask part of that layer and then superimpose you can mask. Sometimes I blend things together with aihdem. I highly recommend fucking with it if you haven't, because it doesn't take any credits. Once you get the Adobe membership, you have generative fill, and then I call it digital doodling.

Speeding Up Content Creation

So if I'm like, on a call, I'll put in a thing and I'll just kind of add elements and fuck around with it and have fun, or I'll pull out the image beyond where it was cropped, and then I'll have it fill in something wild like a beach or a playhouse. I'll try to make it all fit, but it's fun and it's really easy, honestly. But as a result of it, I can put together these compositions freakishly fast. Being able to just because what you can do is you can bring in shit now, and all you have to do is select around.

Efficiency in Creative Processes

And as long as you know how to select around, you can generate a fill to blend. And that is like fucking gold because it would take you hours before to blend these things together. Yes, Storm. Yeah. Hey, everybody, how's it going? It's storm here with our weekly AI space and my wonderful co host, Butoshi. What is Poppin? Let's get started. Is that what you sound like if you're a boy? Yeah. Apparently that storm, as a canadian boy, I literally did not hear the canadian accent at all.

Community Interaction and Feedback

Like, at all. And it was giving very feminine. I'm not gonna lie, but it's okay. But yeah. What did you guys think? Did you guys like it? It's definitely a voice. Like, I can hear it like once or twice, like a day. If you dip, I'll bring you back up, bruh Mb. I'm like, going through your media. I'm traumatized with the people. Tucson grandma video. No. Be wary, be wary when you go on his media if you're gonna see people getting gang members.

Emerging Tools for AI Content Creation

Oh, no. So, so, nb, you were just talking about all these really dope tools and things that you do to create content with AI. So I have one that I wanted to throw in there as well. So I don't know if you guys ever heard of invideo IO. Basically, you can convert any idea into a video within minutes. It generates your script, creates scenes, add voiceovers, and tweaks everything at your command. So if you want, for an example, like, you want, like, it makes everything right.

Script and Scene Generation with AI

The scene, the video, whatever. But like, in one of the parts in the scene, like, you want your avatar eating an apple or holding a dog or some or sitting down, like, you'll be able to implement, you know, tell that command to the AI and then it will fix it for you. So I thought that was really cool because everyone, like, AI, we're going to be able to be everything. Literally. Like producers, like, you know, directors, writers, singers, like, everything that you can think of, you'll be able to do it, AI.

Excitement for AI in Content Creation

And the fact that we can now make our own videos with just an idea in our mind is freaking cool. I'm really excited. I don't like interrupting you. I feel like I do it too much. Go ahead. Go ahead and apologize. But also, what was I going to say? I have ad. You said you were going to disagree. You were going to disagree on something. Yeah, you were going to disagree, I guess. With what? Creating videos?

Concerns About Voice Cloning Technology

Oh, no. It scares the shit out of me, the eleven labs, because I feel like what's going to happen is my parents are going to get old, someone's going to take my voice and they're going to call asking for money, saying I need help and it's going to be hard to. Bro, that's the biggest thing I know. They do it all. The biggest thing I'd be warning people about, like when I went on eleven louds, it was about a year ago and they came out with a feature. We could just clone a voice in 30 seconds.

Perceptions of Reality and Cling Constraints

I was like, oh, guys, it's not actually real. And then I kind of like, that's the other thing. Wait, wait. That's the other thing about cling. I totally forgot to mention. It does not give a shit. It gives a shit about some things. No, no chinese presidents, no Kim Jong un. If you put any pictures of that in, it's gonna say no. Upload a different one. Elon Musk. Any other fucking celebrity balls to the wall does not give a shit. I made a mu dang. Absolutely maul fucking Elon Musk on a jet ski. Hit Elon Musk. And the mu dang, it went right through the mudang like it was a ghost. And hit Elon Musk, which is the story.

Generating Gore and AI Content Creation

Wait, can it do gore? Can it generate. Can it generate blood and shit? I'm just saying, bro, these pictures I'm using are like the first thing that comes up on Google images. Like, I am shocked that it lets me use it. No edits whatsoever. Like, just throw it in. But yeah, the more, you know. Okay, this is an interesting pipeline. I'm just, I'm just. I'm just going through the timeline looking for fun. Honestly, this is kind of sick. If we just go through the timeline and find, like, fun AI post that people do. I found this one about Hollywood grade lip syncing, and it does include clinging it, so it's like building off on that topic, but this one's super sick. So I'm a pin it to the top.

The AI Pipeline for Content Creation

And this basically talks about a pipeline where first you generate the image with like, mid journey, and then you upload the image to cling and create a video of the character talking. Then you could actually lip sync what they're saying to whatever audio you upload. So it goes down in the pipeline and says you could upload the video, you get to something called lip dub AI, and then you could create your voiceover in eleven labs, and the lip dub AI will lip sync that character to whatever they're saying. And that's when you started that realms like this, like being able to lip sync, that's when we actually get into the realm of being able to produce, like, really sick content or movies.

AI Technology Discussion

Did you use the new Alibaba one. Yet that came out. Bro, are you talking about the video to video? The Alibaba thing was where it was. The video they put out was, like, a man doing. Oh, yeah, I'm gonna. I'm gonna. I'm gonna. I'm gonna pin that, too. I don't think this is available yet, but, like, this is the realm of technology in terms of content that we're heading towards. And, yes, my media thought is, I'm using this for so much wanko, furry content if I get access to it. But you can see this is.

Exploring New Tools and Content Creation Innovations

It's kind of like vigil, where you could get a video, and then you put a picture of a character, and Viggle will redo the. The video with that new character you put in. But this one's insane. They go. Is, like, a little loud, a little buggy, whatever. First off, I didn't expect shit like this to come from Alibaba. That's like, I used Alibaba for drop shipping when I first started. And, like, getting into the realm of, like, selling shit. You know the crazier part, bro? You've seen the outputs from these things on chain, and you've never. Like, most of the artists, who they're. They're using to sample this stuff are the biggest AI artist.

Accessing and Utilizing AI Tools

Like, nice aunties has access to Sora, et cetera. Like, it's very interesting to kind of, like, see in real time, but, like, it's not as inaccessible as you might think. So is that available right now? Because I've been trying to look for how to access it. Dora is not Sora. Not Sora. But I'm talking about the alibaba one. No idea. Okay. Because I looked. I don't think. What's up, Professor Storm? Stop. Why is he calling you? This is literally our teacher. I'm just a ta. Oh, no.

AI Technology and Educational Implications

I was just looking at these, and this is so freaking cool. Like, the lip sync. Like, hold on. So just, like, looking at it and listening to you guys, I'm gonna be able to take a image of a selfie of butoshi, and then I'll be able to make him talk. So you can already. Yes. You. You can do that? It's possible. Now you can do it convincingly. Too. There's a tool called space that you can use on your own computer that's really good. You can do it for video or just audio, and you can face swap.

Experimentation with AI Tools

No, I did it with the hawk to a girl, and I put Greg's face as her. Yeah. Just to test it and it worked out pretty well. Who said that? That was a BB. Just take a note. He knows his shit. Yo. Although I need your knows playing with his pause. I need to know all the open source like tools is why I love open source too when it comes to AI, like the ability to run all of this just on your computer and not worry about any of the data and worry about any of that shit.

The Dual Nature of AI Technology

I think it's so important entering this future because my biggest thing is leveling the playing field. Like, yeah, AI tech is a double edged sword and it's really dangerous if only one side of people get it and go through it. But if everyone gets it, then we're kind of in the same stalemate that we've always been in. Going out through technology for more tools. Storm, you got another tool that you've been looking at? I do. Wait, you had your hand raised and then I just laughed and then said, oh no, you already said it. Sorry, that was my.

AI Image Generation Alternatives

So I continue. Yeah, look at you. Another tool that you can use, another alternative besides midjourney is getting AI. Basically, you can create AI powered images, generate original photos, expand picture borders, create custom AI models, etcetera. And it's really cool because if you go to the site, it has so many different options of like, what do you want exactly? Like, what are you trying to create? Like, realism anime. You can do background removal, headshots, architect blog images, interior.

Exploring New AI Design Capabilities

You can even do product shots of products that you don't even have yet. So. Yeah, thought that was really cool. It's called again getting aih. Sorry, I'm looking for inside. But, wow. Which was looking for that, yo. Oh my gosh. He sent me, this article yesterday, guys. And, the way that AI has been advancing and learning and evolving is way far from our comprehension. And. Oh, I sent you that. Okay, so really? I read that.

Debating the Rapid Advancement of AI

I read that. Really not what. I don't think it's really advancing as crazily as you guys think. It's been underlying the expert systems and all that shit. Like, I mean, a lot of the novelty that we perceive in AI and modernity is a lot of that. Like, just expert systems, just like really cookie cutter fucking shit. But like, when it comes to the text, to image and a lot of those, more like, there's parts of AI that are really fucking interesting, but there's parts of AI that just fucking suck.

Challenges in AI Content Creation

And like, from someone who would like to really make my art posts a lot easier, I can tell you right now, it is not do a fucking good job at writing, reading comprehension. I have not been able to find. A tool that you have to understand is that the you. We have, like, the early earning, like. Like, drops, right? This is like the first of its kind. This is like when the fucking Internet came out or like, you know, the first freaking computer.

Historical Context of AI Development

Like, it was so fucking, like, look at how much it can be. Look at how much it has events, you know, in history, right? So, like, motherfuckers came from riding horses to cars and stuff, you know, and now we have, like, electric cars. So it's just like, obviously it's gonna be shit right now, but it's gonna take time for it to, you know, get really good. But. And then on top of that, they're not gonna release that to us anytime soon because, like, that's a lot of power for people that could not even comprehend or understand.

Current Events and Leadership in AI

Unrelated, what's going on with OpenAI right now? I don't know, but I've seen on the timeline where some guy who works at OpenAI was calling the CTO who quit hot. And I thought that wasn't the most appropriate thing. But I'd also just kind of indicated that something else was going on. And I don't really know, but I haven't had time to figure it out. She's definitely hot. Can confirm if there's anything I can contribute. It's that.

Discussion About OpenAI

Right? I'm gonna go through the three things I wanted to say. I sent you that article last night. I read that article came out, like, a while ago. I sent it to you because it came from Ivanka Trump. Like, I didn't think Ivanka Trump would post something like that, which is super interesting. I'll, like, grab that and post it to the top. That's what I said to you. I was like, look who it's from.

Ivanka Trump and Politics in AI

So I'm up in that. Is that the daughter or the first? That's the daughter of Mister Trump. You mute me. I did not mute you. No, I was pinning this to the top of anything that was storm. I take no credit in the suppression of people. So it's like, all the credit. Storm is a dictator here on. The second thing I was gonna say is, AI has definitely been advancing fast as fucking fuck the last year and a half.

Personal Insights on AI Innovation

Like, I had dreams about all of this. Like, I fathom, bro. I, like, drooled at the mouth of the tech we have today a year and a half ago, and I did all my preparation for when we get this tech just over time research. Now, it's like, bro, a year ago, we didn't have really good AI that could just do text to image gens. We didn't have video models that came out.

Breakthroughs in AI Models

Bro, Sora came out like five months ago. Like, this is all really new tech. It's not enough, and it all came up, but, like, going through, it's like OpenAI drop iteration one of an AI model that could reason at the level of PhD students and actually reason and think. Like, that AI model actually taught itself how to reason and think to get the right answer. Like, shit like that is insane.

Data and Future of AI Technology

And it's like, when we talk about the underlying tech, it's like, yeah, we've had the underlying tech that's running everything, like diffusion models to transformer models that came out 2017, but it took humans, like, the last five years to gather the data, to scale it up, to learn how to scale it up, to get the hardware that scales it up. And now what we're experiencing is basically the accumulation of all the efforts, all the research, the advancements in hardware, the advancements in data cleaner data sets that have, like, that have been building up over time, and now we have it.

The Essence of AI Training

I think the thing that's most interesting to me about AI technology in terms of training the image models and the world models and chat GBT models and LLMs and all of that, is we got the data source. Like, the data source used in all of AI training, that's like the heart, that's the soul of AI. That's this. That's this rough crystal that powers the life source of everything we have, from the image models to the text models, to the video models.

Future Projections for AI Development

And over time, as humans start refining and purifying that crystal and making that dataset better, and the technology scales up more and we get better hardware, which is all happening over the next six months, especially in 2025, when Nvidia drops the Blackwell GPU's, which is supposed to be four times faster and stronger in training and 30 times faster interference when it comes to actually processing the models, that's when we start entering a realm of what the fuck is going on, and things start accelerating super fast.

The Exponential Growth of AI

Like, faster than, like, we've entered the exponential curve of AI. Like, there is no more top. People talk about, oh, like, AI stopping. There's a ceiling. It's just a hype cycle. Like, no, that ceiling doesn't fucking exist, bro. We've been beyond the house for such a long time. We're gonna keep going, and that's just the realm of territory we're entering in now.

The Leadership of OpenAI

Also, the thing with OpenAI is that she do be a baddie. I'm not gonna lie. She do be a baddie. She's super smart. But I don't know. The whole thing with OpenAI and Sam Altman going through, it's kind of like a reverse coup. They tried booting Sam from the company, like, about half a year ago or a little over half a year ago.

Navigating Power Dynamics at OpenAI

That didn't work. He came back. All the co founders started leaving one by one, and now he's kind of solo at the top. And then there was a new thing that came out where it's like, oh, OpenAI is no longer going from nonprofit. They're going for profit. Sam Altman's gonna have $150 billion in shares. Like, kind of sounds like a supervillain, but, like, he made this test.

The Complex Dynamics of OpenAI

I'm like, I don't know what's going on, but do you think. You think they made him the villain? Like, this is just his revenge tour? I don't know. Did he make. I don't know, bro. Like, it's literally that saying. It's like, you could die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain. Like, I think we're seeing that arc right now.

Sam Altman's Leadership and AI Future

Yeah, yeah, that's. That's what I'm saying. They try to kick him out, and. He was like, oh, really? Y'all want to play? Yeah. And then they got that contract with Microsoft where it's like, I don't know. I don't know. I don't know the details of the contract, but it was something about, like, they have this contractor partnership, and it lasts until OpenAI invents AGI.

Ongoing Developments with OpenAI

So there's just a lot of weird shit there going on. But, like, these people still exist. Like, Ilya, who is one of the co founders and made immense research in the just AI technology. When it comes to LLMs in general, bro, he started his own company, SSI, which is safe super intelligence, and he got funded.

Stock Market and AI Innovations

A billion dollars in a heartbeat. Like, all these people who are gonna go, like, Mira left to explore her own thing. Like, bro, she wanted a billion dollars. We'll get a billion dollars in a heartbeat. Like, now these people who did all the research dropped the tech with OpenAI.

The Future of AI Research and Technology

Now the whole world has that tech. The whole world has that research, and they're all going to do their own thing and explore their own thing. And they probably have God tier AI models that could help them explore their own thing. Like, this is the intelligence explosion, bro. This is the start of it.

Speculation on CTO Departure from OpenAI

Why do you think the CTO left? Thanks for not muting me. I don't know. To be. I really don't know. Just from her write up, it was, she wants to do her own thing. If I had to guess, from the amount of things that I've seen, just over time, it just feels like they accomplished their main goal, which was develop that model, put the research in that model.

Leadership Dynamics at OpenAI

They all have the information and knowledge of that model. And some Altman just seems like a really hard guy to work with. So they probably just didn't want to deal with his bullshit no more or just start their own thing. That's just my guess. I think it's a ruse.

Trust Issues in AI Development

A ruse for what? OpenAI. I don't think they're. I think that the practice they're using is more human assisted than. They give credit in certain aspects, maybe more than others. Like, it feels like they maybe faked it till they made it because it's. The model has definitely regressed from where it used to be in terms of its ability to understand certain things.

The Human Element in AI

And I'm just. My crackhead theory. I'm just assuming a lot of it was not actually 100% AI at the start. It was Filipino. It was Filipino? It was Filipino. Vas. The whole time? The whole time, bro. I found that out. It was an interesting part of the history I found of this shit where there is a whole part of, like, a whole era of our time where people would just come out with fake AI products and then pay basically, like, farms of people to operate it and like, just, you know, this operating business and just do great and just like.

Reflections on AI's Future

It's very interesting. Yeah, I mean, the only. That's. I think it was the Amazon. Like the Amazon store. I don't know if this was a meme or. No, I didn't look into it.

AI and Security Cameras

I think that. But it was the meme where, like, they didn't actually have AI tech going through with it. It was just Indian Vas looking at the security cameras that they hired, if, like. That's what you're talking about. That was funny. There's something like that. But there was also, like, a marketing campaign that had, like, leveraged the AI and it was all just being processed. That was. It kind of, like, had to do with the delay times and everything. But it's. Yeah, I mean, we've been doing it since what the chess guy, when they had the man in the chess machine and the machine was able to beat you at chess nobody knew how. And it was like it was a man in it. Now there's no man in it, but. We'Ve been doing it since the.

Moon Landing and History

The moon landing. Yeah. Real shit. Is that fake or. Nah. Yeah. Oh, my gosh. Wait till. Wait till the time where we get to where it's like, AI would just start telling us, like, the real history and it's like, yeah, like that was a green screen or some shit. I feel like our history is gonna be rewritten all over again by. Yeah. Unless you inscribe history on the blockchain on bitcoin. And, like, it could never be rewritten. Hint, hint, wink. Alpha. Alpha. Oh, by the way, you know, butoshi, I know that you have, you knowledge when it comes to AI assistance, so if you wanted to, like, you know, share with space, about that. AI assistants are a little tough.

Digital Adderall and its Features

Like, I have digital Adderall, which is the one that I used to, like. Are you talking about that one? Are you talking about. Oh, yeah. I just don't, I just don't know what to call it. But hey, call it. Call it daddy. The DS for digital. And then Addie, you know, I'm showing this. I actually have, I think there's about like 60 or 70 people using this now. I gave out hello codes and, like, I'll just check the users. And there's like 60, 70 people that sign up. That's really fucking cool. I didn't think, like, I made this for myself, but TlDr digital Adderall is a life self organizer I have that takes my brain dump of ADHD as thoughts and self organizes them for me in terms of, like, calendar, to do list, whatever.

AI Tools for Daily Use

I'm adding functionality for it to remind me of things and ping me just to make sure I stay on track. Like, hey, make sure you're doing this shit. That saved. Like, that helps me a lot. I made it mostly for myself. A lot of tools I have for myself. I made like, custom for me. But this was the first one that I talked to people about. They're like, oh, I need that. I was like, bet. So that's pinned to the top in terms of other AI tools and stuff you could use. I don't know, storm, what do you use, like, on a daily basis? I'm curious. Basics, chat, GPT. Yo, did you get access to voice mode yet? I don't think so. Voicemail? Yeah. If you check the app, there might be.

Accessing Voice Mode

If there might be an option for the new voice mode. It's for everyone, which IGBT bro, I have been waiting for this bitch for. Bro, they announced it and just blue balled us for half a year. But I've been waiting. I'm like 90% sure you have access to it. You just need to open the API. If you, if you open the app or like restart, you might have. I got it last night. No, not restarting the app, like opening the. You know how there's two versions of open of chat GPU app? There's the textual layer, and then there's the other layer, which is like the. The one where you're using tokens. Yeah, I know about the API, but I'm talking about the phone app.

User Experience with AI

Like, if you open the phone app, I don't know, but I got access to that last night. I've been waiting for it for a while. The only thing we don't. Yeah, well, it's fucking sick, bro. I was waiting for it for a long minute just having this AI that you could just talk to. I fell asleep talking to last night. I think I was talking to for like, at least like an hour or two or something. I don't know. It's not literally just Siri, though. No, it's not Siri. I can't for a. Because it's just such a different experience when you could talk to an AI with your voice and it just talks back, like at the latency of how a human being would do it, like us on a space right now, and you could talk to it about literally everything and, like, it has the enthusiasm or emotions in the voice and it's able to do things or make different sounds.

Concerns about AI and Identity

It's like I'm talking to a fucking alien, which is really cool and also really freaky. But I've been winning it. I've been waiting for it for a minute. The only thing that kind of sucks is that this was supposed to come with a video mode where it essentially had eyes as well as a live voice mode. So they're blue balling us from that. But at least we have a voice mode and it's fun to interact with. If you have chassis BT and you have the plus subscription, go check if you have access to voice mode and just yap to it, bro. It's so cool. float AI is basically a tool where you can integrate chat GPT into everything, like your socials and emails. So I thought that was really cool because I'm trying to.

AI and Personal Conversations

I'm trying to, like, just, you know, sound like a smarty person. How do you feel? How do you feel about AI? And services like that, having access to your socials and emails. I mean, we had this conversation yesterday, but I basically, I was telling Butoshi how you train AI, right? Like, you can train AI to talk like you think like you, or even talk like other people, or think like other people. All you need to do is just like, basically for an example, like, hey, can you review this specific youtuber and give me points on why they are where they are or what helped them with their growth, etcetera. And, yeah, so basically that's how you train your chat. GPT Butoshi doesn't really trust them.

Skepticism Towards AI

He rather trust his. I mean, I think that it, I think it's valid. I think it's very valid. But I'm at the point of my life where it is what it is, you know what I'm saying? Like, if you really want to know my conversations that bad, then fine, like, just fucking be a part of the fucking conversation. Honestly, honestly, it's not like I'm talking about world domination in this bitch. Like, you know, I'm not talking about nothing crazy. I'm just talking about what should I eat for the fucking week? Like, you know, like, if you want to know about that cool. Like, no, that's real. I get scared, bro.

Deepfake Concerns

I don't, I don't know. I, like, I want to do it. I've had the option to do it for so long, but I'm terrified to have an AI train on my voice and train on my, like, self and personality now that you can also have AI train on how you look at, like, look like, as a person and, like, video models, animated lip sync, I'm like, yeah, bro. If I make some AI agent that just kind of wants to take over my life, it totally could on a digital sense. The only thing that I have going for me, and when AI imagery gets good enough to replicate this, I'm so fucked. And everything is so good is when it could replicate my tattoos. Like, this is, like, my tattoo is actually, like, the only safeguard I have against getting deep fake since it's, like, too complex for an AI to reliably replicate it.

Identity and Safety Measures

So when an AI, like, actually, bro, it's fucking. No, I was thinking about this other day. I'm like, bro, like, biggest fears I have is, like, doing all this shit. Like, oh, what if someone, like, deep fakes me doing disgusting shit or deep fakes me doing fucked up shit? Like, I think at this point everyone's knowledgeable, or at least enough people are knowledgeable about what's capable with this technology. But then I was looking at my arm, and I was looking at training a model on myself. I was like, wait, I can't get my tattoo right for shit. Like, this is actually my only safeguard against getting deepfake that I have right now. It's hilarious.

The Complexity of Deepfakes

You're like a $100 bill. No, with the little, With the little. No, I got my own little, like, security tag on it. Like, I'm chilling for now. That's what I'm saying. Like, when I'm not chilling, that's when shit's like, okay. Not. Not you saying your fucking. Your tattoos, like, the barcode, like. Like, way too much work to try to deep fake him. Like, it would make more sense to go to the next person. Then they even try bothering with all those because you would have to, like, go tattoo by tattoo. Hey, that's actually hilarious. I didn't think. Yeah, okay.

Safety in Tattoos

I'm happy you guys also think it's, like, a safe idea because I was thinking about. I was like, is that valid? I think it is valid. But if you want to protect yourself, again, if you want to protect yourself against deepfakes, get some tattoos. AI hacks. We just brought Loca. What's up, loca? Crypto class of 17, y'all. We got a vet in this bitch. What's up? Hey, you get a free tattoos at rolling loud, by the way? Just a little heads up. Did you actually get a tattoo at rolling loud? Yeah, there's, like, a preset, like.

Tattoo Experience at Events

Like, pictures that you can choose from, but it's free. Okay, wait, that's actually. Dang. Did you get one? Oh, yeah. I got one of, like, a girl lifting her shirt, and it says, like, rolling loud on it. Wait, is it all, like, little look, like. Are they, like, pre planned little. Can. Can you get whatever you want, or is it like a. Like, a sheet of, like, five rolling loud logos? Yeah, it's a sheet of, like, maybe 30, but it's not. They're not, like, all rolling. It doesn't all say rolling loud.

Unique Tattoo Choices

That'd be crazy. I just happen to get the one that did say rolling loud. Did they take a picture of it? Are you on their instagram now? No, dude. There's like. Oh, my gosh. I'm sorry. Go ahead, Mass. Wow. I think that was the AI trying to take over there. but no. Yeah, it's like. It's like. It's like, 30. It's like 30 of them. Okay, I want to leave y'all with this. We are about to wrap up the space. so I'm gonna share this last little thought with you guys and send you on your ways with your AI companions.

Final Thoughts on AI

1 second. Let me find it. Okay. Let an ultra intelligent machine be defined as a machine that can far surpass all the intellectual activities of any man, however clever. Since the design of machines is one of these intellectual activities, an ultra intelligent machine could design even better machines. There would then unquestionably be an intelligence explosion, which was something Butoshi mentioned, which is happening now. And the intelligence of man would be left far behind. Thus, the first ultra intelligent machine is the last invention that man need ever make. This was something that was said in 1965.

Listeners' Engagement and Last Words

Wait, you forgot the last part. You forgot the last part of the quote, which is actually Loki, a fucking banger. He said, thus, the first intelligent machine is the last invention that man need ever make. Provided that the machine is docile enough to tell us how to keep it under control. Wait, you see, I don't. I didn't. I don't know. It's weird. I didn't see that. Okay. Appreciate you. Yeah, that's, like, my favorite. That's my favorite AI quote ever, to be honest. Sorry. Continue. So basically, you know, we're just not gonna have to work no more.

Transition to the Future

Woo hoo. Yo, storm. You're gonna have to fire this at TA. He's showing you up in your classroom. I'm sorry. Oh. Honestly, this is the actual professor. Like, I really just don't even know where to start. When it comes to Butoshi, he is literally AI maxi. Bitcoin out all the maxis. He's the maxis of tech. Okay? So if you guys are not following Butoshi and you want to learn about tech. Yeah. Ngmi. But I was saying, if y'all need some meme coin plays on bitcoin.

Meme Coin Discussions

I'm shouting out Wonko Marco ruins. We're finally catching a fucking bid. I think things are about to blow up extremely hard. Yeah, let me know if you want bitcoin outfit. So I got all of it. You heard it here first, y'all. Thanks for coming through. We do these every Thursday. 03:00 p.m. estimated shout out to all the speakers. Shout out to all the listeners. And we'll catch y'all when we catch y'all.

Closing Remarks

Bye. Oh, wait. 0000 my God. Oh, my God. He's not playing. Don't panic. Don't panic. Don't panic. Don't panic. I'm panicking. I'm panicking. oh, 1 second, guys. Hey, now you just got to run it for another 30 minutes at this point. Oh, I got word to do. I'm almost done with my. My other eyebrow. I don't know. Oh, is this why? Is this why? Oh, my goodness.

AI Challenges in Daily Life

This is why. Oh, no, that's not why. well, I guess no music. Bye, guys. Have a good rest of your day. Oh, yay. By the way, Butoshi, did you learn? You gathered all of the things we talked about, right? It was recorded. Oh, I was just. I was just looking.

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