Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Prayer Space: Day 29/70 Prayer & Fasting hosted by Sincerely_AO. In the 'Prayer Space: Day 29/70 Prayer & Fasting' Twitter space, participants delved into the transformative power of prayer and fasting, highlighting how these practices serve as foundational elements in maintaining a strong spiritual connection. Discussions revolved around building a solid spiritual foundation rooted in faith, the benefits of solitude in prayer, and the role of gratitude in fostering spiritual rejuvenation. The event emphasized the importance of consistency, adherence to boundaries, and drawing strength from Christ as the cornerstone of unwavering belief. Participants explored ways to navigate life's challenges through prayer, promoting inner peace, mindfulness, and clarity of purpose.

For more spaces, visit the Lifestyle page.


Q: Why is prayer considered a pillar of spiritual practice?
A: Prayer is a means of seeking guidance, solace, and strength from a higher power, fostering a deeper connection to spirituality.

Q: How does fasting contribute to spiritual growth?
A: Fasting purifies the body, enhances self-discipline, and allows for a more focused and intensified spiritual experience.

Q: What role does faith play in the practice of prayer and fasting?
A: Faith serves as the cornerstone that sustains individuals during challenging times, reinforcing their commitment to spiritual practices.

Q: Why is building a spiritual foundation important?
A: A strong spiritual foundation provides a sense of grounding, direction, and purpose, guiding individuals through life's complexities.

Q: How does prayer aid in maintaining inner peace?
A: Prayer promotes introspection, mindfulness, and gratitude, contributing to a peaceful state of mind and a harmonious spiritual connection.

Q: What benefits come from establishing boundaries in spiritual practices?
A: Setting boundaries ensures a focused and disciplined approach to prayer and fasting, fostering spiritual growth and clarity.

Q: Why is consistency crucial in prayer and fasting?
A: Consistent practice leads to a deepening of faith, spiritual fulfillment, and a stronger connection to divine energies.

Q: In what ways does seeking solitude for prayer impact spiritual growth?
A: Solitude allows for introspection, self-discovery, and a more profound connection with God, enriching the spiritual journey.

Q: How does gratitude play a role in the practice of prayer?
A: Gratitude cultivates a positive mindset, enhances mindfulness, and fosters a sense of spiritual rejuvenation and thankfulness.

Q: Why is Christ often referred to as a firm foundation in prayer practices?
A: Christ symbolizes unwavering faith, strength, and guidance, serving as a solid rock on which believers build their spiritual lives.


Time: 00:14:35
The Power of Prayer in Daily Life Exploring how prayer transcends routine to become a transformative force in navigating everyday challenges.

Time: 00:28:17
Fasting: Purification of Body and Soul Understanding the dual benefits of fasting in purifying the physical body and enhancing spiritual clarity.

Time: 00:46:50
Strengthening Faith Amidst Adversity Reflecting on how hardships can be opportunities to fortify faith and reliance on spiritual practices.

Time: 01:02:11
Gratitude and Mindfulness in Prayer Embracing gratitude and mindfulness as essential components of prayer that lead to spiritual rejuvenation.

Time: 01:18:45
Establishing Spiritual Boundaries Discussing the importance of setting boundaries to maintain a focused and disciplined approach to prayer.

Time: 01:35:29
The Role of Christ as the Cornerstone Examining the significance of Christ as the solid foundation that anchors believers in their spiritual journey.

Time: 01:49:03
Consistency in Spiritual Practices Highlighting the transformative power of consistent prayer and fasting in deepening faith and spiritual fulfillment.

Key Takeaways

  • Prayer and fasting serve as foundational pillars in maintaining a close connection with spirituality and divine guidance.
  • Staying committed to faith during challenging times is essential for strengthening resolve and resilience.
  • The concept of aligning oneself with a higher purpose through prayer fosters inner peace and clarity of mind.
  • Building a strong spiritual foundation rooted in prayer cultivates discipline and a sense of grounding in one's beliefs.
  • Consistency in prayer practices contributes to a deepening of faith and a sense of spiritual fulfillment.
  • Fasting not only purifies the body but also purges negative energies, allowing for a heightened spiritual experience.
  • The act of seeking solitude for prayer aids in introspection, self-discovery, and a closer connection with God.
  • Drawing strength from Christ as a solid foundation reinforces the idea of unwavering belief and trust in divine guidance.
  • Establishing boundaries and being firm in spiritual convictions are vital elements in leading a purpose-driven life centered around faith.
  • Practicing gratitude and mindfulness through prayer and fasting leads to a state of spiritual rejuvenation and gratitude towards God.

Behind the Mic

Welcome and Introduction

Hi, everyone. Good afternoon. We're going to be starting very soon. I'm going to put up the prayer points up at the top, and I will put up the link to the space as well. If you guys could please just retweet both, I would very much appreciate it. Yeah, we're going to be starting soon. I just need to notify the community, but I hope you all are doing well. Happy. Is it Monday? I don't even know what day it is. Okay, Monday. And happy new month to everyone. I'm so, so, so excited. We are almost at day 30, which means we're almost at day 35, which means we're almost halfway through 70 days. I'm so, so happy and so excited. But, yeah, God bless you all. Thank you guys for joining. I am going to be starting very soon. I just need to notify the community and then we will start. If you are following along in your book, please just open up to page 13.

Preparation for Prayer Session

If you're following along with the screenshots, please open up to the third frame. You're going to see the third frame, and that's page 13. So, yeah, we'll be starting very soon, but God bless you all. Thank you guys for joining. All right. Okay, perfect. All right, so we're starting. If you guys are just joining, please don't forget to retweet both the prayers up at the top and retweet the space so that other people can join. And God bless you all. So we're gonna start. Let's do our opening prayer in Jesus name. Heavenly Father, we thank you. We glorify your name. We thank you, Father, for being with us. Thank you, Lord, for giving us strength. Thank you, Lord, for your grace, for your power, for your spirit, for your love, and for your understanding. Lord, we thank you for your safety and for your protection over our lives.

Prayers of Thanksgiving and Supplication

We cover our bodies, our spirits and our souls in the blood of Jesus. We cover this space in the blood of Jesus. Wherever we are, we cover our environment and our surroundings in the blood of Jesus. And, Lord, we ask and we pray, heavenly Father, that if there's any sin that we have committed, knowingly or unknowingly, Lord, that will hinder our prayers from being answered, then, Lord, we ask, we pray, Father, that you please forgive us and cleanse us of all unrighteousness. For in Jesus mighty name, we have prayed. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Thank you guys so much for bearing with me yesterday. I literally, like, I played back the recording. I couldn't even listen to myself. I was not feeling well at all. But thank you guys for just, you know, bearing with me. All right, let's start. If you are just joining, please retweet the two links up at the top.

Community and Prayer Details

We are on day 29 out of 70 days of prayer and fasting. If you are not a part of our community, please also join our community. To find the community you can go to my profile and then underneath my bio you will see 70 days of prayer and fasting. Mfm. Click on it and hit join. MFM stands for Mountain of fire and miracles ministries. For those who do not know, it is a church where the headquarters is based out of Nigeria, but it is a worldwide church. They're located everywhere. All right, let's start our prayers. So we are starting from frame three, or if you're following along up at the top, or we are starting from page 13. And we're starting with our thanksgiving prayers. Father, in the name of Jesus, we thank you for drawing us to prayer and power. Father, we thank you for the salvation of our soul.

Continued Thanksgiving Prayers

Father, we thank you for baptizing us with the Holy Spirit. Father, we thank you for producing spiritual gifts upon our lives. Father, we thank you for the fruit of the spirit working in us. Father, we thank you. Sorry. Excuse me, guys, I'm so tired. Father, we thank you for the wonderful gift of praise. Father, we thank you for all the ways that you have intervened in our affairs. Father, we thank you for your divine plan for our lives. Father, we thank you for you will never leave us nor forsake us. Father, we thank you for bringing us to a place of maturity and deeper life. Father, we thank you for lifting us up when we fall. Father, we thank you for keeping us in perfect peace. Father, we thank you for making all things work together for good for us.

Gratitude for Divine Protection

Father, we thank you for protecting us from the snares of the fowler and from the noise and pestilence. Father, we thank you for the wonder working power in your word and in the blood of the lamb. Father, we thank you for giving your angels charge over us. Father, we thank you for fighting for us against our adversaries. Father, we thank you for making us more than a conqueror. Father, we thank you for supplying all our needs according to your riches and glory. Father, we thank you for your healing power upon our body, soul and spirit. Father, we thank you for flooding our heart with the light of heaven. Father, we thank you for always causing us to triumph in Christ Jesus.

Asking for Spiritual Success

Father, we thank you for turning our curses into blessings. Father, we thank you for enabling us to dwell in safety. Father, we thank you for all the blessings of life. Father, we thank you for your greatness, power, glory, majesty, splendor, and righteousness. Father, we thank you for silencing the foe and the Avenger. If you are following along with the screenshots up at the top, please scroll over to the last frame, which is page 14. If you are following along with the book, we are now on page 14 and we are on thanksgiving prayer number 28. Father, we thank you for you are at our right hand and we shall not be moved. Father, we thank you for you are trustworthy and will help your own.

Pleading for Strength and Rescue

Father, we thank you for not allowing our enemies to rejoice over us. Father, we thank you for your wonderful love. Father, we thank you for you are great and greatly to be praised. Father, we thank you for delivering our soul from death and our feet from stumbling. Father, we thank you for you are our fortress and refuge in time of trouble. Father, we thank you for your faithfulness and marvelous deeds. Father, we thank you for your active power and surpassing greatness. Father, we thank you for dispersing spiritual blindness from our spirit. Father, we thank you for lifting us out of the depths. Father, we thank you for preserving us and keeping our feet from slipping.

Final Prayers and Transitions

Father, we thank you for your name. As a strong tower, the righteous runs into it and they are safe. For in Jesus mighty name we have prayed. Amen. Amen and amen. Hello, everyone. If you are just joining, please don't forget to retweet the two links up at the top. Or if you have already been here and you haven't retweeted, please retweet the two links up at the top. That's the link to the space and also the link to the prayer points. I know you may think it doesn't do anything, but it does. It pushes out the space to people that are on your timeline so that more people can join and more people can be blessed. And more people can also see the prayer points and follow along.

Prepping for Next Prayer Point

So if you are following along from the book, we are going to start on page 80. If you are following along with the prayer points from the screenshots up at the top, you can find the prayer points from either my media or it's really just simple and easier to just look at it up at the top. The prayer points are the second things is the second thing that I've posted. That's the first frame. So we are on section three, day nine, and we are 29 days in. I am so excited, y'all. We're almost 35 days in, which means we're going to be halfway through. So we're going to be starting on prayer point number 225. And this is section three, day nine.

Calling Out Prayer Points

All right, so we're going to be starting from prayer point 225. Please make sure you have the prayer points open. Please make sure that you are not just if. I mean, if you're driving and you can't hear me, that's perfectly fine. I completely understand. But please make sure that if you can pull up the prayer point, please do so you can read along. All right. Prayer point number 225. Spirit of my father's house, living in me, get out now. In the name of Jesus. Spirit of my father's house, living in me, my father, my mother, my siblings, get out now. In the name of Jesus. Please make sure that you guys are, like I always say, interceding for not only yourself, but also your family members.

Intercessory Prayer Instructions

Father, mother, siblings, loved ones, partners, spouses, whoever. Make sure that you're also praying for someone else. Spirit of my father's house, living in me, my father, my mother, my siblings, get out now. In the name of Jesus. For in Jesus mighty name, we have prayed. Amen. Prayer point 226 on page 80. The sufferings I suffered shall not be experienced by my children in the name of Jesus. The sufferings I suffered shall not be experienced by my children in the name of Jesus. The sufferings I suffered shall not be experienced by my children in the name of Jesus. The sufferings that I suffered shall not be experienced by my children in the name of Jesus. For in Jesus mighty name, we have prayed.

Prayers Against Past Sufferings

Amen. Prayer point 227. People calling meetings of ownership over my life, lose your authority over me in the name of Jesus. People calling meetings of ownership over my life, lose your authority over me in the name of Jesus. People calling meetings of ownership over my father's life, my mother's life, my siblings lives, lose your authority over me and my family members in the name of Jesus. People calling meetings of ownership over me and my family members' lives. Lose your authority over us in the name of Jesus. For in Jesus mighty name, we have prayed. Amen. Prayer point 228.

Authority and Disgrace of Foes

We are on page 80. If you are just joining us, the prayer points are up at the top, or you can go to my media. We're on day 29 out of 70. Prayer point 228. Power that disgraced Herod and Goliath pronounced the doom of any power, saying no to my life. In the name of Jesus. Power that disgraced Herod and Goliath pronounced the doom of any power, saying no to my life in the name of Jesus. The power that disgraced both Herod and Goliath pronounced the doom of any power saying no to my life in the name of Jesus. The power that disgraced Herod and Goliath pronounced the doom of any power saying no to me and my family members' lives in the name of Jesus.

Prayers for Personal and Family Liberation

For in Jesus mighty name we have prayed. Amen. Prayer point 229 Lord, let all multiple strong men operating against me be paralyzed in the name of Jesus. Lord, let all multiple strong men operating against me be paralyzed in the name of Jesus. Lord, let all multiple strong men operate again, operating against me. Please know that this sequence of prayers is not just ritual; it's a deep call to intercede for ourselves and our loved ones, ensuring layers of protection and deliverance are set in place as we navigate through everyday challenges. The fervor in our prayers today can have lasting impacts, not just in our lives but extending towards generations. With faith, all these declarations and prayers are lifted with the hope and assurance of change.

Paralysis of Spiritual Strongmen

My family members, my father, my mother, my siblings be paralyzed in the name of Jesus. Lord, let all multiple strong men operating against me and my family members be paralyzed in the name of Jesus. Lord, let all multiple strong men that are operating against me and my family members be paralyzed in the name of Jesus. Lord, let all multiple strong men operating against me and my family members be paralyzed in the name of Jesus. For in Jesus mighty name, we have prayed. Amen.

Welcome and Instructions

If you guys are just joining in, welcome. Please make sure that you guys either retweet or quote the space. I would really appreciate it because it helps for people to be able to join and for people to know that we've started. And also please retweet the prayer points up at the top. We are currently on the first frame. Also page 80 and we are on prayer point 230 I bind the strongman attached to my life and is keeping me from becoming what God has destined me to be.

Binding Strongmen

In the name of Jesus, I bind the strongman that is attached to my life. And I bind the strongman that is keeping me from becoming what God has destined me to be. In the name of Jesus, I bind every strongman that is attached to my life, my father's life, my siblings lives, and every strongman that is keeping me from me and my family members from becoming what God has destined us to be. In the name of Jesus, I bind the strongman that is attached to my life and is keeping me from becoming what God has destined me to be.

Prayer for the Family

In the name of Jesus, I bind the strongman attached to me and my family members lives and is keeping me from becoming what God has destined us to be. In the name of Jesus. For in Jesus mighty name, we have prayed. Amen. We are now on. So I know you guys see the confession there, but we're going to swipe over to the second frame, page 81, and then we'll come back to page 82.

Defeating Stubborn Strongmen

We are now on prayer point 231 page 81 Lord, let the stubborn strong man delegated against me and my family members fall down to the ground and become impotent in the name of Jesus. Lord, let the stubborn strong man delegated against me fall down to the ground and become impotent in the name of Jesus. Lord, let the stubborn strong man that has been delegated against me and my family members fall down to the ground and become impotent in the name of Jesus.

Call for Deliverance from Strongmen

Lord, let the stubborn strong man delegated against me and my family members fall down to the ground and become impotent in the name of Jesus. Lord, let the stubborn strong man delegated against me and my family members fall down to the ground and become impotent in the name of Jesus. For in Jesus mighty name we have prayed. Amen. We are on prayer.

Unseating Household Strongmen

Point 232 page 81 Lord, let the finger of God unseat my household strongman. In the name of Jesus. Lord, let the finger of God unseat me and my family members households strongman. In the name of Jesus. Lord, let the finger of God unseat my household, my father's household, my mother's household, my siblings household strongman in the name of Jesus, Lord, let the finger of God unseat my household.

Prayer Against Household Strongmen

My household strongman in Jesus name. Lord, let the finger of God unseat my household strongman in the name of Jesus. Lord, let the finger of God unseat me and my family members household strongman in the name of Jesus. For in Jesus mighty name we have prayed. Amen. Prayer point 233 I bind every strongman militating against my home.

Binding Strongmen in the Home

In the name of Jesus, I bind every strong man militating against my home. In the name of Jesus, I bind every strongman that is militating against my home. In the name of Jesus, I bind every strongman that is militating against my home, my father's home, my mother's home, my siblings home. In the name of Jesus I bind every strongman that is militating against me and my family members homes in the name of Jesus.

Crumbling Demonic Pillars

For in Jesus mighty name we have prayed. We are on prayer point 234 on page 81. Demonic pillars supporting every strong man assigned to my life crumble in the name of Jesus demonic pillars that are supporting every strongman assigned to my father's life, my mother's life, my siblings lives crumble in the name of Jesus. Again, guys, I always say when we are doing these prayer points, please make sure that you modify these prayer points to fit your current situation.

Personalizing Prayer Points

Of course, always pray for your life. You know, your siblings, your father, mother, siblings lives, of course. But you can always say, for example, demonic pillars that are supporting every strongman assigned to my career, right? Assigned to my marriage, assigned to my job, assigned to my academics, assigned to my promotion, assigned to my testimony, assigned to my children. If you have children, you can always make sure that you guys are modifying these prayer points to fit your specific situation.

Empower Your Prayers

Only you know what you are going through. Only you and God know what you guys are going through. So make sure that you modify the prayer points to fit whatever situation you are going through. Prayer point 234 demonic pillars supporting every strong man a assigned every strongman assigned to my life crumble in the name of Jesus demonic pillars supporting every strongman assigned to my career crumble in the name of Jesus demonic pillars supporting every strongman assigned to my prayer life crumble in the name of Jesus for in Jesus mighty name we have prayed.

Evil Associations and Their Dispersal

Amen. If you are just joining, we are on page 81. We are on prayer point 235. Both the link to the space and the prayer points are up to are up at the top. Please make sure that you retweet both so that more people can see it on your timeline and they can join in. Prayer point 235 every evil association working against me, O Lord, scatter it in the name of Jesus.

Breaking Evil Associations

Every evil association working against me, my family members, my father, my mother, my siblings, O Lord, scatter it in the name of Jesus. Every evil association that is working against me and my family members, O Lord, scatter it in the name of Jesus. Every evil association that is working against my career, every evil association that is working against my future marriage, every evil association that is working against my testimonies, every evil association that is working against my miracles, O Lord, scatter it in the name of Jesus.

Addressing Life's Storms

Every evil association that is working against my finances, O Lord, scatter it in the name of Jesus. For in Jesus mighty name we have prayed. Amen. Prayer point 236 every door opened for the storm of life to enter my home, thou mighty hand of God, shut it in the name of Jesus. Every door opened for the storm of life to enter my home, thou mighty hand of God, shut it in the name of Jesus. I'll explain this prayer point very quickly.

Shutting the Door to the Enemy

A lot of times, some people, you know, just as we say, oh Lord, open this door in my life. Right, open doors in my life. Sometimes we can also. Sometimes there may be doors that are open in our lives that have allowed the enemy to come in that have allowed the enemy to be able to have legal ground and leeway to be able to attack us and you know the Bible, and it's very clear, right? Like the Bible literally says, that God can open doors and God can shut doors.

Prayer for Divine Intervention

So this prayer point is focusing on any doors that have been opened that has allowed the storm of life, right, to enter your home. We're asking the mighty hand of God to shut it. It's a very prayerful, powerful prayer point. Please make sure that you pray for yourselves and your family members. Every door open for the storm of life to enter my home. Thou mighty hand of God, shut it in the name of Jesus.

Sealing Home Against Storms

Every door opened for the storm of life to enter my home. Thou mighty hand of God, shut it in the name of Jesus. Every door that has been opened for the storm of life to enter me and my family members homes, thou mighty hand of God, please shut it in the name of Jesus. For in Jesus mighty name, we have prayed. Amen.

Repentance from Self-Invited Storms

Prayer point 237. Every storm that I invited into my life by myself, blood of Jesus, separate us in the name of Jesus. What a powerful prayer point. And this goes along the same lines that I just explained sometimes, right? Maybe because of sin, maybe because of association with certain people, maybe because of certain habits or certain things that we've gotten ourselves involved in either knowingly or unknowingly, right, we may have invited certain things, maybe certain spirits, whatever, a storm into our lives that we may have opened a gate or window or door to the enemy that has allowed the enemy to be able to attack us.

Separation from Invited Storms

And what this prayer point is saying, every storm that we have invited into our lives by ourselves, right, because sometimes, of course, nobody wakes up and is like, I want a storm in my life. But what this prayer point is targeted against is if maybe there's something that's going on in our lives that we started ourselves knowingly or unknowingly, we're asking the blood of Jesus to separate us from that storm. And this is a very powerful prayer point. Please make sure you pray for yourself and your family members as well.

Proclaiming Authority Over Storms

Every storm that I invited into my life by myself, blood of Jesus, separate us in the name of Jesus. Every storm that me and my family members invited into our lives by ourselves, blood of Jesus, separate us from that storm in the name of Jesus. Every storm that I invited into my life by myself, blood of Jesus, separate us in the name of Jesus. For in Jesus mighty name, we have prayed. Amen.

Prayers Against Family Storms

We are on prayer point 238 on page 81. None of my family members shall go with the storm in the name of Jesus. None of my family members shall go with the storm in the name of Jesus none of my family members shall go with the storm in the name of Jesus none of my family members shall go with the storm in the name of Jesus. For in Jesus mighty name, we have prayed. Amen.

Fire Against Storms

Prayer point 239 storm in my family get out by fire in the name of Jesus every storm in my family get out by fire in the name of Jesus storm in my life and my father's life, in my mother's life, in my siblings life, get out by fire in the name of Jesus every storm in my family in me and my family members lives get out by fire in the name of Jesus every evil storm, every evil problem, every evil affliction in me and my family members lives get out by fire in the name of Jesus for in Jesus mighty name we have prayed.

Restraining Returning Evil

Amen. Prayer point 240 every storm driven out of my home shall not return in the name of Jesus, every storm driven out of my home shall not return in the name of Jesus, every storm driven out of me and my family members homes shall not return in the name of Jesus, every evil spirit, every evil problem, every evil affliction driven out of me and my family members homes shall not return by the power and the blood of Jesus in the name of Jesus friend, Jesus mighty name we have prayed.

Continuous Prayer for Protection

Amen. If you are just joining, we are on page 81. We are on prayer point 241. Please make sure that you retweet both the link for the space and the prayer points up at the top. It helps to get other people involved and other people to see that we have a prayer space going on. Thank you guys for all those that have retweeted. God bless you and I really appreciate you guys.

The Wall of Protection: Touch Not My Anointed

Prayer point 241 the wall of touch, not my anointed surround my life and home in the name of Jesus the wall of touch, not my anointed, surround my life and home in the name of Jesus the wall of touch, not my anointed, surround my life my father's life, my mother's life, my sibling's life, and me and my family members homes in the name of Jesus the wall of touch, not my anointed, surround me and my family members lives in the name of Jesus surround me and my family members homes in the name of Jesus for in Jesus mighty name, we have prayed.

Commanding the Storms

Amen. You storm. Prayer point 242. You storm hear the word of God, no matter how badly you rage against my family, you shall leave empty handed. In the name of Jesus, every evil storm, every evil affliction, every evil siege of the enemy, hear the word of God. No matter how madly you rage against me and my family members, you shall leave empty handed. In the name of Jesus, you, storm, hear the word of God.

Authority Over Rising Storms

No matter how madly you rage against me and my family members, you shall leave empty handed in the name of Jesus. For in Jesus mighty name, we have prayed. Amen. For anyone who is on this prayer line right now and is saying, this is weird, why are they praying to a storm? Like, how could you talk to a storm? The Bible literally says that if you talk to a mountain, if you speak to a mountain, move, it shall move.

Affirmation of Faith

You can speak to anything. You can speak to anything. Everything literally on this earth can like, literally, you can speak to it. Your problems, issues, storms, afflictions. If you speak to it with the authority of God and with the authority in the name of Jesus, it will listen. So we're going to take that prayer point one more time. Prayer point 242, you storm, hear the word of God.

Empowerment Against Stripping Storms

No matter how madly you rage against my family, you shall leave empty handed in the name of Jesus. For in Jesus mighty name, we have prayed. Amen. Prayer point 243 every storm raging to strip me naked, be arrested by fire in the name of Jesus. Every storm that is raging to strip me and my family members naked, be arrested by fire in the name of Jesus.

Binding Stripping Storms

Every storm that is raging to strip me and my family members naked be arrested by fire in the name of Jesus. Every storm that is raging to strip me and my family members naked be arrested by fire in the name of Jesus. Every storm raging to strip me naked be arrested by fire in Jesus name. For in Jesus mighty name, we have prayed.

Asking for Divine Control

Amen. Prayer point 244. My father, take the rulership of my life from demonic control in the name of Jesus. Heavenly Father, O God, arise and please take the rulership of me and my family members lives from demonic control in the name of Jesus. My father, take the rulership of my career, of my moving forward, of my future marriage, of my future children, of my peace, of my happiness, of my finances, of my joyous, from demonic control in the name of Jesus, O God, arise.

Restoring Rulership Over Lives

My father, please take the rulership of me and my family members lives from demonic control in the name of Jesus. My father, take the rulership of me and my family members hearts, bodies, spirits, souls and minds from demonic control in the name of Jesus. For in Jesus mighty name, we have prayed. Amen. We are now on prayer point number 245.

Calling Fire Upon Altars

Altars catching alt sorry altars afflicting my life catch fire in the name of Jesus evil altars that are afflicting me and my family members lives catch fire in the name of Jesus altars afflicting my life catch fire in the name of Jesus evil altars that are afflicting my life, my career, my promotion, my progress, my marital destiny, my body, my spirit, my soul, my mind, my heart, my prayer life catch fire in the name of Jesus altars afflicting my father's life, my mother's life, my siblings lives, me and my family members finances catch fire in the name of Jesus altars afflicting me and my family members lives catch fire in the name of Jesus for in Jesus mighty name we have prayed.

Demolishing Empowering Altars

Amen. Prayer point 246 alters empowering my stubborn problem I break you down in Jesus's name altars that are empowering me and my family members stubborn problems I break you down in the name of Jesus altars that are empowering me and my family members stubborn problems we break you down by the power and the blood of Jesus in the name of Jesus alters empowering my stubborn problem I break you down in the name of Jesus for in Jesus mighty name we have prayed.

Declaring Authority Over Dumbness

Amen. We are on prayer point 247 we are on page 81. If you are following along with the screenshots, we are on frame two. Prayer point 247 I command dumbness upon the evil altar speaking evil mystery against my life. In the name of Jesus, I command dumbness upon the evil altar that is speaking evil mysteries against me and my family members lives in the name of Jesus, I command dumbness upon the evil altar that is speaking evil mystery against my life, my father's life, my mother's life, my siblings lives in the name of Jesus, I command dumbness upon the evil altar speaking evil mystery against my finances, against my career, against my moving forward, against my marital destiny in the name of Jesus for in Jesus mighty name we have prayed.

Breaking Ties with Evil Altars

Amen. We are on prayer point 248 page 81 altar tying down my destiny scatter in the name of Jesus every altar that is tying down my marital destiny every altar that is tying down my promotion every altar that is tying down my career scatter in the name of Jesus every evil altar that is tying down my father's destiny, my mother's destiny, my siblings destiny destinies scattered by fire in the name of Jesus every altar that is tying down me and my family members destinies me and my family members finances me and my siblings marital destinies.

Dispersing Tying Altars

Scatter by fire in the name of Jesus. Every altar that is tying down my destiny, scatter in the name of Jesus. For in Jesus mighty name, we have prayed. Amen. We are on prayer point 249 on page 81. Altars demanding ancestral depths from me, scattered to pieces in the name of Jesus. Altars that are demanding ancestral depths from me and my family members, scattered to pieces in the name of Jesus.

Understanding Ancestral Depths

To explain what an idea of what this prayer point means sometimes, right? A lot of our, you know, grandparents, our great grandparents, our great great grandparents, a lot of them did not serve God.

Ancestral Worship and Sacrifices

I didn't say all. I'm not generalizing. I'm just saying a lot of them, right? Like, our great great grandparents, a lot of them, obviously, you know, like, we're devil worshippers, idol worshippers, all of that stuff. And a lot of them may have, they may possibly have made, you know, like, either evil covenants or evil promises, different things, possibly, or offered up, whatever, like, different, you know, what is it called? Offered, offered up sacrifices to idols and stuff like that, right? And sometimes those evil idols or those evil powers that our great grandparents or great great grandparents had worshipped, those idols, those powers may still be demanding that same sacrifice, those same sacrifices or those debts that our ancestors owe them, right? But that's, we now belong to Jesus. We're not idol worship. We're not devil worshippers. We're serving Jesus Christ.

Prayer Points on Ancestral Altars

So what this prayer point is saying is those altars, right? Those powers that are demanding depths from us that weren't involved in, they should scatter to pieces. Altars demanding ancestral depths from me and my family members, scattered to pieces in Jesus's name. Altars demanding ancestral depths from me and my family members, scattered to pieces in Jesus's name. Altars that are demanding ancestral depths from me and my family members, scattered to pieces in Jesus's name. For in Jesus mighty name, we have prayed. Amen. Shrines in my mother's and father's houses blocking my way scatter in the name of Jesus shrines in my mother's and father's houses blocking my way, scatter in the name of Jesus.

Cleansing Family Shrines

Again, this prayer point is, it's a broad prayer point, right? Like, of course, maybe you live with your mom and dad now, and, you know, your mother and your father, they serve Jesus, right? But for example, like, your mother's, maybe your mother's parents or your father's parents, their houses, or again, your grandparents or your great grandparents, they may have not served God, right? And there may still be shrines in those houses. So this prayer point covers all of that, right? Covers your generation, those houses where there are shrines, maybe in the villages, right? Or maybe back home if you're abroad, or even there are shrines here. I mean, even in the US or the UK, there are shrines still abroad. It's not like the devils are restricted to just one continent.

Breaking Shrines Blocking Our Paths

But the main point of this prayer point is those shrines, those evil shrines that have been built up that are blocking our ways, right? That we may not be aware of, that those shrines should scatter away. So, prayer point 250 shrines in my mother's and father's houses blocking my way. Scatter in the name of Jesus. Every shrine that is in my mother's house, my father's house, my great grandparents house, my grandparents house, that is blocking me and my family members ways scatter in the name of Jesus. For in Jesus mighty name we have prayed. Amen. If you're just joining, we are on prayer point number 251, and we are on page 81, which is also the second frame.

Altar and Sacrifices Prayer

Please retweet both of the links that I put up at the top, which are the prayers and the link to the space so that others can join. Prayer point 251 altars demanding and accepting sacrifices to trouble me and my family members scatter in the name of Jesus. Altars that are demanding and accepting sacrifices to trouble me and my family members scatter in the name of Jesus. Altars that are demanding and accepting sacrifices to trouble me and my family members scatter in the name of Jesus. Altars that are demanding and accepting sacrifices to trouble me and my family members scatter in the name of Jesus. For in Jesus mighty name we have prayed amen and amen.

Personal Prayer Points

Now we are going to go back to frame one, which is also page 82. We have one prayer point left. We'll pray two more prayer points for our personal selves. We'll do our daily confessions, we'll do announcements, we'll read psalm 91 and we'll be on our way. Prayer point 80 sorry. Prayer point 252 on page 82, we're back to the first frame for those who are following along with the screenshots. My life refused to become a demonic altar in the name of Jesus. My life refused to become a demonic altar in the name of Jesus. My father's life refused to become a demonic altar in the name of Jesus.

Prayers for Family Protection

My mother's life refused to become a demonic altar in the name of Jesus. My siblings lives refused to become a demonic altar. Altar in the name of Jesus. Me and my family members lives refuse to become a demonic altar in the name of Jesus. My home, my family members homes refuse to become a demonic altar in the name of Jesus. For in Jesus mighty name, we have prayed. Amen, amen, and amen. so now at this point, we are going to pray two personal prayer points for ourselves. The first one that I want you to pray, take about 30 seconds. Okay, I'll give you guys about a minute because we're gonna, it's gonna be two in one.

Asking God for Blessings

Take about 1 minute to ask God for two things. The first thing you're gonna ask God for is one thing you want the Lord to do for you. By the by or before the end of this month, make it specifically for the month of September. The second thing you're gonna pray for is you want to ask God for God to do one thing in your life by or before the end of this 70 days of prayer and fasting. So the first one is, by or before the end of September 2 is by or before the end of 70 days of prayer and fasting. Ask the Lord to do those two things for you. Take take a minute now and please make sure that you're asking God for something big, whatever it may be.

Closing Thoughts and Daily Confessions

Have faith. God can do the impossible. So take your minute and ask the Lord for those two things. Give you guys about 15 more seconds to wrap up. For in Jesus mighty name, we have prayed. Amen. All right, so now we are going to, So now we are going to pray, do our daily confession. And that, again, is on page 82. And that is in, on the first frame with the prayer point. Daily confessions. By the word of God, through which all things were created today, my life shall experience divine power in the name of Jesus.

Confessions and Challenges

By the word of God, through which all things were created today. Today, my life, me, and my family members lives shall experience divine power in the name of Jesus. Confession number two. Any dark power that has been given the assignment to destroy my health shall die today in the name of Jesus. We'll take it again. Any dark power that has been given the assignment to destroy me on my family members health shall die today in the name of Jesus. Prayer point number, confession number three. Every dark spirit assigned to hinder my perfect healing, I command you to fall down and die in the name of Jesus.

The Power of God's Name

Every dark spirit assigned to hinder me and my family members perfect healing, I command you to fall down and die in the name of Jesus and our last confession. By the power of the God of Elijah, uncommon breakthroughs shall manifest in me and my family members lives today in the name of Jesus. By the power of the God of Elijah, uncommon breakthrough shall manifest in me and my family members lives today in the name of Jesus. For in Jesus mighty name we have prayed. Amen. So all we have left to do is read psalms 91 and our ending prayers.

Announcements and Community Engagement

But I really want to, very quickly, I want to do a couple of announcements. So first, the first announcement I want to make is, if you are new here, welcome. If you are returning, welcome. We are on day 29 out of 70 days of prayer and fasting. Is it too late to join? Absolutely not. It is never too late to join in prayers. What we are doing is we fast every single day until 02:00 p.m. on Mondays and Fridays we fast until 05:00 p.m.

Fasting Guidelines and Community Growth

if you cannot fast until five, fast until two. If you can't fast until two, fast until twelve. If you cannot fast until twelve, then please, and maybe it's because of, you know, diet restrictions or health restrictions, whatever it may be, please put yourself first. But please make sure that at the very least you're doing the prayers. Now, one thing I wanted to say very quickly is we are doing our prayer spaces every single day. I know that a lot of people had reached out and, you know, had commented that it'd be nice if we just had one time so that everyone can dedicate.

Daily Prayer Space Information

So I am trying my best to keep it to this time. Except if I have a meeting, I may have to push it back or push it forward. So we are doing our prayer. You guys may have not heard me because I got a call. We are doing our prayer spaces every single day at 03:00 p.m. eastern time or 08:00 p.m. west african time. It is now standard. So now this is so that no one can come and say, hey, I missed the prayer space because this girl keeps changing the time. Now we're doing 03:00 p.m. eastern time or 08:00 p.m. west african time.

Community Engagement and Appreciation

Again, my schedule may change, so I will try my best to keep it around that time. In the meantime, the other thing I wanted to say is if you guys have not joined our community, we have a community of, now we are 2.4 thousand members. Praise God. I'm so happy. Glory to God. We are now at 2.4 thousand members and our community is a community of just people who are doing this prayer and fasting along with us. Please go to my page if you are not a part of this community.

Instructions for Community Participation

Underneath my bio, you will see 70 days prayer and fasting mfm. Click on it and click join. And join our community. I post the prayer spaces there every day. And I also post the prayer points there every single day. The last thing I wanted to say, oh, can you guys, if you guys can hear me, can you guys please put a thumbs up? Someone said that they can't hear anything, but I know it's because I got a call. Can you guys hear me? Can you guys hear me?

Thank You to Participants

Please put up a thumbs up if you guys can hear me. Okay, perfect. All right, perfect. The last thing I wanted to say very quickly, I just wanted to thank you all. Okay, perfect. I see the thumbs up. Thank you guys. I wanted to say thank you all so much. God bless you all for consistently retweeting and for consistently, you know, retweeting all the prayer points, retweeting the prayer spaces. I'm very grateful to you all. What I wanted to point out very quickly is, she's actually here.

Collaborations and Recommendations

Perfect. Missala of Jesus at Miss Allah of Jesus. Also, Miss Tywo, she has a bible plan that she always if you guys are not following her, please follow her and check out her media. You'll see a bunch of Bible plans and she's very consistent with it. I know that within the 70 days of prayer and fasting, there are a lot of chapters to read. If you are not able to, if you're not able to keep up with it, if you're not able to be consistent, I highly recommend that you guys follow Misala of Jesus.

Bible Study Plans and Community Support

Miss Taiwo, I have put her Bible study plan at the top. It is the first link. So September 2024, Bible study plan is out. Please make sure that you guys not only retweet it, like it, but also please bookmark it. Her Bible plans are very simple, very easy, straightforward, and every single day, she always does, like, I think, like pretty much on a daily basis, she does like, you know, like recaps and summaries and things like that. Please follow her.

Encouragement and Next Steps

Please go through her media. Please bookmark this post and please retweet this post as well for those who are struggling and they're like, I can't read my Bible. Or like, it's been difficult. Or they're like, I don't know where to start. Just start somewhere. And one of the best things to do is follow somebody, right, who is every single day guiding and talking about their current bible plan that they're doing. So I just wanted to point that out. And God bless you saw, for all the work that you're doing in the christian community.

Final Remarks and Prayer Points

All right, so we are now going to. Yeah, I think I've made all the announcements and also, yeah, if you're not following me, I post the prayer points and I also post the prayer spaces to my timeline every single day. So please feel free to follow me. And also please make sure that you join our community. Thank you guys so much. I cannot believe we are at 2.4k. That is insane. Glory to God. All right, let's do our closing prayers. We'll read psalms 91 and then we'll be on our way.

Introduction and Gratitude

Oh, last thing I forgot to mention. Sorry. Yapper today. Apologies. I record all of our prayer spaces. If you miss any of the spaces, you can either go to my timeline or easily go to the community and you'll see the prayer spaces posted there. You can always relisten if you're ever late or if you ever join late, you can always go to the prayer spaces again and relisten. God bless you all. And I am so grateful to God for all of you, for you guys joining us. Thank you, guys. It's really, really, like, been absolutely amazing.

Community Engagement and Encouragement

And please make sure that you guys follow Miss Allah of Jesus follow her bible study plan because she is doing great work over there with all her Bible study plans and it's very easy to follow. I also want to give a big shout out to everyone really quickly. Sorry for the from the community. Omalomo, I see. Funny Ava's delight. I'm not sure where she is, but a couple other people. Thank you guys for always retweeting, for always being so active in the community. I'm very grateful to God for you all.

Closing Prayer Preparation

All right, no more yapping. Let's do our closing prayer in psalm 91 and we'll be on our way in Jesus name. Heavenly Father, we thank you, Lord, for another time in your presence. Lord. We are so grateful, Father, for you watching over us, for your protection over us. Thank you for everything, Lord, that you did for us in the month of August. Thank you, Lord, for protecting us. Thank you, Lord, for guiding us. Thank you, Lord, for shielding us. Thank you, Lord, for helping us.

Prayer for the New Month

Thank you, Father, Lord, for watching over us in the month of August, Lord, as we have entered into this new month of September, Father, we ask and we pray, Jesus, may your grace, may your strength, may your power, may your peace, may your love be upon us. In the mighty name of Jesus. In this new month of September, Lord, we ask and we pray, Father, for your protection, Lord, we ask and we pray heavily, Father, that you will send your guardian angels, Lord, to bear us up in their hands lest we dash our foot against the stone. We pray and we ask, Father Lord, that they will protect us.

Aspirations for Increase and Prosperity

They will watch over us. Holy spirit, please guide us. Please lead us in the mighty name of Jesus. Lord, in this new month, may this month be a month of supernatural increase and fruitfulness over our lives, over our family members lives, over our businesses, over our academics, in the mighty over our finances. In the mighty name of Jesus, we pray and we ask, Lord, that we will experience your divine favor, divine grace, divine power, divine strength, Lord, divine joy, divine happiness, divine prosperity, divine wealth, divine increase.

Further Prayers of Strength and Protection

In the mighty name of Jesus, in this month of September, Lord, may it be a month of September to remember, in the mighty name of Jesus, Lord, I also ask and I pray, Father Lord, for your mercy and for your strength to continue running this race that you have set before us. In the mighty name of Jesus. And I pray and I ask, Father Lord, that heavenly Father, for all of the students that are listening or that will listen, I pray, for divine wisdom, knowledge and understanding over their lives. May they continue to be the head and never the tails in the mighty name of Jesus, may they continue to be the first and never the last.

Prayers for Employment and Succession

In the mighty name of Jesus. Lord, I also pray and Father, I also ask, for all of those who are working whatever jobs they're doing, I pray for increase and fruitfulness in their jobs. I pray for promotions in their jobs. In the mighty name of Jesus, may they be the head and never the tail, and may they rise and shine above all their contemporaries in the mighty name of Jesus. For those who are looking to you, Father, for school admissions, for job offers, for an offer of some sort, for a contract, for a business, Lord, whatever they're looking to you for, I ask and I pray, Father, that you will answer their prayers according to your will, according to your plan, for their lives.

Battling Mental Struggles and Illnesses

In the mighty name of Jesus. For those, Father, that are battling the spirit of suicide, Lord, for those, Father, that are battling every single day, they keep saying that they want to give up, that they want to leave this earth. Lord, we ask and we pray, Father Lord, that those evil spirits will depart from their bodies, their spirits, their souls. In the mighty name of Jesus, we ask and we pray, heavenly Father Lord, that your divine peace, your divine love, your divine strength, your divine joy will be upon them. In the mighty name of Jesus, we pray and we also ask, Father Lord, for all those that are dealing or battling with one type of illness or the other, physical illnesses, mental illnesses, emotional illnesses, psychological illnesses.

Healing and Restoration Requests

Lord, your word says that by your stripes we are healed. So, Father, we ask and we pray, heavenly Father, for both us and our loved ones, whatever type of healing we need, Father, we ask and we pray that you will heal us completely and wholly in the mighty name of Jesus. Lord, we also pray and we ask for everyone that is on here, Lord, as I forgot, sorry. To pray, as we all have that one thing in mind, Lord, that we want you to do for us, Father, before the end of this month and also by or before the month of September. We ask and we pray, Father, that you will hear our prayers, Lord, from our hearts, Father Lord, to your ears.

Wait and Maintain Faith

We ask and we pray, Lord, that you will answer our prayers according to your will and according to your plan and timing for our lives. In the mighty name of Jesus, Lord, help us, Father Lord, all of us are in currently in the waiting room and we are waiting on you, Lord, help us, strengthen us. Help us, Lord, to not lose our faith. Help us, Lord, to not lose our hope in you, Lord. We thank you, Father, because you are all we have. We thank you, Father Lord, for all that you are doing. And Lord, we pray and we ask that anybody, Father Lord, that has been sent into our lives to send us to the pilots, to the pits of hell and anything that is in our lives, any habits, any routines, Lord, that is in our lives that is sent, that will send us to hell.

Deliverance and Guidance

We ask and we pray, Lord, that you will uproot it in the mighty name of Jesus. We thank you, Father, for we know, Lord, that we will end up in heaven with you. And we ask and we pray that you help us to stay on the path of righteousness, Lord, in the mighty name of Jesus, thank you, Father, for all that you have done and all that you will still do. For in Jesus mighty name we have prayed. Amen, amen and amen.

Spiritual Growth and Reflection

I forgot to also say one thing very quickly. I'm sorry. Can we please just take 30 seconds? We're supposed to take 30 seconds and pray for one thing, for spiritual growth. So let's just take this prayer point very quickly. We'll pray it for just 30 seconds. Let's just ask the Lord to increase his strength in us. We're going to pray that just for 30 seconds, O Lord, increase your strength, oh Lord, empower me and increase your strength in me, Lord, O Lord, empower me and increase your strength in me, Lord, to continue to do the things that you want me to do.

Final Prayer and Blessings

In the mighty name of Jesus. Lord, we ask and we pray, Father Lord, that you will increase your strength in us and empower us, Lord, to do the things you want us to do. In the mighty name of Jesus friend, Jesus mighty name, we have prayed. Amen. I'm sorry that I was a yapper today. My apologies. All right, let's open up psalms 91. The last thing we're going to do, I promise. Psalms 91. If you don't have your physical bible, you can use your virtual Bible on your phone. If you don't have either, just Google psalms 91. KJV.

Reading Psalms 91

We're going to be reading psalms 91 before we go to bed, and I'll give you all 10 seconds to find that. Psalms 91. Please make sure that you personalize it. Let's. Let's go. Me and my family that dwelleth in the secret place of the most high shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. We will say of the Lord, he's our refuge and our fortress, our God. In him will we trust. Surely God shall deliver us from the snare of the fowler and from the noise and pestilence.

Conclusion of Prayer Session

God shall cover us with his feathers and under his wing shall we trust. God's truth shall be our shield and buckler. We shall not be afraid for the terror by night, nor for the arrow that fly by day, nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness, nor for the destruction that waste it at noonday. Psalm 91, verse seven. A thousand shall fall at me and my family members side and 10,000 at our right hand. But it shall not come near us. Only with our eyes shall we behold and see the reward of the wicked.

Affirmation of Protection

Because God has. Because we have made the Lord, which is our refuge, even the most high, our habitation. There shall no evil befall us, neither shall any plague come near our dwelling. For God shall give his angels charge over us to keep us in all our ways. They shall bear us up in their hands, lest we dash our foot against a stone. We shall tread upon the lion, and adder the young lion, and the dragon. Shall we trample under feet.

Commitment to Faith

Because we have set our love upon God, therefore God will deliver us. God will set us on high. Because we have known God's name. We shall call upon God, and God will answer us. God will be with us in trouble and will deliver us and honor us with long life will God satisfy us and show us his salvation. For in Jesus mighty name we have prayed for. Jesus mighty name we have read. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Community Involvement Reminder

Again, if you are not following our community, please join our community. Go to my profile. Underneath my bio, you'll see the community. I post the prayers and prayer points there every single day. If you miss any prayer space, they're all recorded so you can come back to it. And if you are not following me, please follow me. I do follow. It's up to you, obviously, but I do post the prayer points and the spaces to my timeline every single day.

Final Blessings

So feel free to follow me and join our community. God bless you all. Thank you guys so much. I'm so grateful to God for all of you for joining. May God continue to shine his face upon you. May God continue to protect you. May God continue to wrap you up in his arms. May God continue to lift you. May God continue to help you. May God continue to move you forward.

Focus on God

May God continue to spread his favor over your life. And I pray that God will continue to strengthen us. I want everyone to remember, I know you know, some people may call this a controversial topic. This is, again, my belief. I truly do believe that we are in the last days. So please, please make sure that you guys are just focusing on God. Don't let anything take your distraction or your focus off of God. Jesus is literally all that matters.

Final Thoughts on Relationship with God

When your focus is on God, when your heart, when your mind is with God, when your heart is with goddess, it is going to be so hard for the enemy to take your focus. The enemy will try, and the enemy may try, but it is so important for us to put our focus on God. If your mind, your heart, your soul, everything is on Jesus. Everything is on God. Day in, day out, right? You will begin to build that relationship.

Call for Spiritual Attention

You will begin to see that intimacy in relationship with the father. It is so important for us to make sure that we don't let social media distract us, that we're not letting, you know, other things distract us. And for all of those who feel like I am so far gone, God doesn't love me anymore. I am so far gone. There's nothing that, there's nothing that will bring me back to God, or God doesn't want me back.

Love and Acceptance from God

I want you to know that Jesus loves you, even with your sins, even with your imperfections. The Lord loves you so much and only wants a relationship with you and wants to know you deeper and wants for you to know him deeper. So please make sure that your focus is completely on God. I know that things are not easy. I know that there's. There's so much going on in the world with politics, with climate changes, even in our families, in our lives.

Final Blessings and Farewell

But I just want you to know that the Lord is with you, and the Lord loves you, and the Lord will never forsake you. Thank you, guys. God bless you all. Thank you guys for joining. Have a great day. And please, please make sure you join our community. And feel free to follow me. Someone asked, what Bible version did we read from? That was from Kings James version, and that was psalms 91. Make sure you guys pray before you sleep as well. Good night. Bye, everyone. Thank you.

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